#vella loren
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Last Line Meme
Tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo, thank you! 💖
This is from the unnamed part three of my smutty one-shot series 😁
“I’m suddenly not very hungry,” Vella muttered, blowing out a breath as she shifted her position to lean against him. She hadn’t put down the plate, and she didn’t look up as he kissed the side of her head.
“Come on, now,” he teased as a soft smile curved his mouth, “no food, no more fun. Them’s the rules.”
“Rules are stupid,” Vella pouted, sticking out her bottom lip slightly as she looked up at him. “And I’m fine, really.”
“Eat, sweetheart,” he said, laying a hand on her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb. Vella stared at him with narrowed eyes, and he let his hand drop as she lifted her fork and shoved a bite into her mouth.
“Happy?” she growled as she swallowed, not taking her eyes off him. Mitch cocked an eyebrow at her, and she rolled her eyes, slowly taking another bite. He was right; the food did taste delicious, and she hadn’t realized until that moment how hungry she was. Vella started to eat faster, glaring at Mitch as he chuckled softly.
“See?” he said, shaking his head. “Told you so.”
“Fuck off,” Vella muttered, frowning at him. “You don’t know everything, y’know.”
Mitch shrugged one shoulder and kissed the side of her head again, a smile hidden in the corners of his mouth as he watched Vella devour the rest of her plate. “Maybe not everything, but I know when my sweetheart needs food.”
Not going to tag anyone directly but if you want to play have fun 💙
#vella loren#mitch anderson#i just love them so much#me @ me: stop#also me: i was enabled!!#wanderingaldecaldo#you’ve created a monster 😅#last line meme#unedited#little bit more than just the last line#oopsies#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk fanfic
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Sophia Loren, nascuda al barri de Nomentana: “Tot el que veieu, ho dec als linguine”.
L’autobús de Ciampino a Termini segueix la Via Appia Antica. Fragments del vell aqüeducte, escampats a banda i banda de l’autopista, marquen el camí cap a Roma. Creuem un hipòdrom, Cinecittà, les Catacumbes i San Giovanni.
El primer gelat és a Giovanni Fassi, prop de Vittorio Emmanuele, monumental i decadent plaça porxada. Filipins amb mocadors negres al cap juguen a bàsquet. El florista del parc escapça les tiges de les roses. Els locals de la zona, magatzems xinesos de sabates i roba, blanquegen diners nit i dia. Abans d’arribar a Santa Maria Maggiore ja m’he acabat el gelat.
Camino ràpid fins al balcó de Roma, al Campidoglio, encalçant el sol. Pujo les escales del Palatino de tres en tres, però faig tard. Quan sóc dalt, el sol ja s’ha post. El cel és malva i blau marí, granulat, com en una pel·lícula.
El Teatro di Marcello ha fet tots els papers de l’auca: teatre romà, presó medieval i palau renaixentista. Avui són pisos de luxe. Als seus peus, les roselles creixen entre les columnes trencades.
La llibreria del Governo Vecchio on comprava les millors postals de Roma ja no hi és. Ara es diu Otherwise i venen llibres en anglès. Els propietaris han pintat el local de blanc, però segueixen sent simpàtics.
Em refaig del disgust a la llibreria Fahrenheit 451 de Campo de’ Fiori, on compro una col·lecció sencera de postals. Paisatges d’hivern sobre el Tevere. Arbres sense fulles, cels grisos i corbs negres sobre les ruïnes.
La fotògrafa Tina Modotti al seu amant Edward Weston: “Accepto el tràgic conflicte entre la vida que canvia contínuament i la forma que la fixa immutable”.
Set anys després, torno a San Lorenzo, el nostre barri. Partisà, obrer, ferroviari, supervivent. Passo per davant les cases on vaig viure. D’una, me’n van fer fora. L’altra, la vaig inundar. Hi vaig aprendre a cuinar risotto i a vigilar la rentadora.
Mentre faig temps per sopar, pregunto a la cambrera de La Piazzetta a quina hora tanquen. ‘Boh’, la clàssica resposta romana, és tot el que en trec. Acabem menjant quatre talls de matinada a les escales de l’església.
Esmorzem al Bar dei Belli. Cambrers professionals i simpàtics. Preus del segle passat. Cafè i croissant, 1,50€.
Les ciutats es defineixen pel verd. Londres té boscos i parcs. París té jardins. Roma té pins. Barcelona té plataners.
Agafem el 71 fins al Tritone. Durant el trajecte se’ns enganxa un nostàlgic de Mussolini que es declara fan de la monarquia espanyola. No està gaire ben informat: porta una gorra groga. Abans que l’engeguem a fer punyetes ens recomana que pugem al Gianicolo a veure les vistes. A Roma fins i tot els fatxes tenen bon gust.
Baixem a Campo Marzio. Tots estem d’acord que compraríem una casa a la Piazza delle Copelle, encara que al mercat els enciams vagin a 2,50€.
Vermut Spritz al Bar del Fico. Observatori ideal de la romanitat. Imitadors professionals de Jep Gambardella mengen un arròs amb verdures a la terrassa - pantalons blancs, camisa marinera, americana fosca, mocador a la solapa, ulleres de sol, gomina, pell morena.
A Da Tonino només hem d’esperar deu minuts. Trattoria familiar, cuina del país, servei amable i sense pretensions, plats generosos. Seiem a la millor taula, oberta al carrer. No hi ha en tot Roma una carbonara com aquesta, encara que el cacio e pepe, amb pasta fresca d’ou, també és extraordinari.
Com sempre, la gelateria Giolitti sembla les rebaixes, però estaria disposat a fer treballs forçats per aconseguir-hi un gelat. Porto set anys esperant aquest moment. Per esquivar les masses enfervorides, ens refugiem al Vicolo della Guardiola. Les cases semblen pintades amb sang.
Els excessos gastronòmics exigeixen un llarg passeig per compensar tants pecats. El pati del Vicolo degli Acetari, amb les façanes ocres i vinoses, les plantes salvatges i la roba estesa, és un món a part, un oasi improbable a tocar de Campo. Em segueix semblant tan bonic com el primer dia.
Fa tanta calor, que si pogués triar un desig, m’agradaria nedar a les banyeres gegants de Piazza Farnese, igual que l’emperador Caracalla. Furgons blindats de la policia protegeixen l’ambaixada francesa, que presideix la plaça.
Entrem al Trastevere creuant l’Isola Tiberina. El pati de la basílica de Santa Cecilia sembla l’entrada del paradís. A dins, la jove màrtir degollada reposa convertida en marbre. Mai no s’han esculpit unes mans tan perfectes.
Segon Spritz al San Calisto, bar de bars. Podríem discutir sobre els mil barris de Roma, però el Trastevere sempre ha tingut alguna cosa especial. El San Calisto és un bon lloc per comprovar-ho, mentre els romans joves festegen i els romans vells s’ho miren. Nosaltres som joves però també ens ho mirem.
Homenatge d’Apollinaire al Trastevere: “Joventut, adéu gessamí del temps / He respirat el teu fresc perfum / a Roma sobre les carrosses florides / carregades de màscares i de garlandes / i dels cascavells del Carnaval.”
Per saber si una dona és romana o no, cal observar-la mentre camina per l’empedrat amb tacons d’agulla. Només les autèntiques capitalines s’aguanten dretes sobre els sampietrini, les traïdores llambordes quadrades de la vella fàbrica de San Pietro.
Fem temps a les escales de la Piazza Trilussa, a la vora del riu. A cada plaça hi ha un músic, tots mediocres. Fa anys, al Pantheon un persa cantava Turandot i altres hits operístics amb música enllaunada, però ja ho hi és. Ara hi ha cavalls i carrosses i centurions panxuts fent-se selfies amb japoneses.
Sopem a La Casetta quan tothom ja ha acabat. Les pizzes segueixen sent tan senzilles com bones, i el vi tan dolent com sempre. Els cuiners devoren un plat de pasta a la taula de l’entrada mentre l’amo compta calés a la caixa.
De nit, la Piazza dell’Immacolata és plena de gent. Estudiants de La Sapienza vinguts d’arreu d’Itàlia, romans i Erasmus. Avui ens hi afegim nosaltres, que tornem a casa.
Al forn de Via Tiburtina on compro pizza rossa per esmorzar, presideix la paret un tiffo romanista dedicat als veïns de la Lazio: “Che Dio vi furmini”. Déu és de la Juve, però els giallorossi no perden l’esperança.
Crec que no tornaria a viure a Roma, però si ho fes, m’agradaria viure a Monti. Incomprensiblement, els turistes encara no hi han posat els peus. Prego a la Madonna perquè segueixi sent així. Des de les cruïlles anguloses dels seus carrers, es veuen escorços màgics del Coliseu, del Mercat de Trajà i de Santa Maria Maggiore. Els desnivells afavoreixen les terrasses amb vistes de somni i els enquadraments impossibles.
La pujada a San Pietro in Vincoli sota el sol inclement de migdia ens deixa sense al·lè. Ens hi esperà el Moisès de Miquel Àngel. Una escultura que seria perfecta si no fos per una esquerda al genoll: la hi va fer el propi Miquel Àngel per comprovar que l’estàtua no fos viva.
Tot el Ghetto fa olor de carxofes fregides. Durant segles, generacions de jueus hi van viure atrapats en unes maresmes infectes. La nit del 16 d’octubre de 1943, els nazis hi van entrar i se’n van endur milers. Només en van tornar disset. Un sol nen.
El cambrer de la Montecarlo ens renya perquè demanem plats massa diferents i es nega a portar-nos una carbonara extra que volem compartir. Després d’insistir molt, ens la serveix pràcticament crua, però li ho perdonem perquè l’amatriciana és excel·lent.
Segona ronda de Giolitti. Contra tot sentit comú, però les temptacions, com deia Oscar Wilde, existeixen perquè hi caiguem.
La litúrgia exigeix acabar-se el gelat asseguts a les escales de la font de la Piazza della Rotonda. Som davant del Pantheon, l’edifici més perfecte del món, segons Stendhal. La impressió de la cúpula és indescriptible. Durant dos mil anys ningú no la va poder superar. Tampoc Miquel Àngel, que per curar-se en salut va dir que era obra dels àngels, i no dels humans.
A dins, descansa en pau el pintor Rafael Sanzio, protegit per un epitafi insuperable: “Aquí reposa Rafael, en vida del qual la Natura va témer ser superada, i ara que és mort, té por de morir”.
Estem tan cansats i acalorats que el barroquisme de Sant’Andrea al Quirinale ens deixa atordits. Migdiada celestial sota la daurada cúpula ovalada de Bernini. Que els déus ens perdonin.
Quan arribem a Spagna la ciutat comença a transformar-se sota l’influx del vespre. ¿Hi ha carrers més elegants que la Via Margutta? Segurament no. Per això hi van viure Fellini i Giulietta Massina. No m’importaria arruïnar-me sopant a la terrassa de l’Osteria Margutta.
A Piazza del Popolo tot és soroll i gent pesada que ens vol convertir a religions estranyes i que ens obliga a escoltar música espantosa. És hora de pujar corrents cap a Villa Borghese, que no és Hampstead, però s’hi està prou bé. Descalços al parc. De tornada al Pincio, el sol muta a un taronja nuclear mentre s’esmuny a l’oest del Vaticà. És la llum de Roma. La llum que fa somniar en imperis perduts i en la glòria eterna.
Urgències terrenals -tenim gana- ens porten cap al Pignetto, pura perifèria romana. Nucli de gentrificació. De Bellvitge a Gràcia en set anys. Mentre mengen i bevem, una banda municipal de trompetes i timbals aficionats perfora els timpans dels veïns. Escena neorealista en temps de presses i mòbils.
No hi ha temps per a gaire més. Ens acomiadem de Roma (fins quan?) des del balcó del Campidoglio. Legions de turistes fotografien cada bloc de marbre des del turó veí de l’Aventino. Dues dones morenes, vestides de vermell corall i amb tatuatges als braços es fan fotos després de casar-se.
Cada cop que sóc a Roma penso quants cops més hi tornaré. Com un compte enrere contra el temps i contra la mort. Quatre, cinc, sis vegades? Deu? És una batalla perduda però em fa viure la ciutat amb una lucidesa particular i un gran sentit de responsabilitat. Conec aquesta sensació: també em passa amb Menorca.
Han passat set anys, un quart de vida, i és evident que han passat moltes coses. Roma ens precedeix, ens va definir, i ens sobreviurà. Roma va ser nostra per un moment i ara torna a volar, lluny, fora del nostre control. Queden rastres d’èpica i un fil d’innocència. Em sorprenc a mi mateix d’aquesta retrobada sense dramatismes ni ensucrades. Està bé que sigui així. Tan de bo fos sempre així.
Londres m’ha ensenyat qui sóc. París, qui podria haver estat. Roma és la meva millor versió.
Una estàtua eqüestre de Marc Aureli presideix el centre del Campidoglio. Originàriament recoberta d’or, avui gairebé desaparegut, la llegenda diu que el dia que no en quedi ni un bri, una òliba blanca volarà fins a l’emperador, posarà els peus al cap del cavall, i anunciarà la caiguda definitiva de Roma.
Des de la pista de l’aeroport es veuen els turons ancestrals del Lazio i els primers arcs de l’aqüeducte. De cop el cel es torna gris, gairebé negre. En qualsevol moment començarà a ploure.
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @wanderingaldecaldo ! I don’t usually share on tumblr but why not? This is part of my unnamed enemies to lovers AU that’s set during the Unification War. It’s been driving me up the wall even as I should be writing my reverse bang fic 😵💫
“Since all of us deltajocks can pilot circles around you barely functioning morons,” Vella sneered, glaring up into a pair of angry blue eyes as she moved to stand toe-to-toe with him, despite being several inches shorter. “If it weren’t for us, none of you assholes would ever come back from an op alive.”
“Yes, the world’s best and brightest—yet you can’t seem to get your people back alive consistently,” he retorted, returning Vella’s glare with fire in his eyes and a smug curve to his mouth. “Wisp, Merc, Mav—do I need to go through the whole list? Are you sure your call sign should be Vixen? Reaper seems more appropriate.”
Auri groaned from behind Vella, scrubbing a hand down his face and watching his sister vibrate with barely restrained fury. Here we go, he thought.
Vella drew back her fist to punch Mitch, but he caught her fist in mid-swing, squeezing it to the point of pain as others in the bar gathered around them, divided unevenly between panzerboys and deltajocks. Mitch leaned his face down closer to Vella’s, and Auri closed his eyes. He knew his sister too well, and what was coming next would not be pretty.
“Did you think that would actually work on me?” Mitch growled, almost crushing her flesh fist inside his cybernetic one as he bared his teeth in a feral grin. “You’re so predictable it hurts.”
Vella titled her head slightly, a wicked smile curving her mouth. “I’ll show you predictable, bitch,” she snarled, snapping her head back and driving her forehead into Mitch’s nose. He let out a string of curses as he released his grip on her hand and took several steps back. He wiped the back of his hand across his gushing nose, shifting his glare between the crimson smear and the woman who had caused it. Something snapped in his mind, and he charged Vella, hitting her center mass with one shoulder. He heard the air whoosh from her lungs as he drove them onto a wooden table, and they tumbled to the floor among splintered wood and broken chairs.
A half-second later, the bar erupted in chaos. Tables and chairs went flying, the cacophony of splintering wood and breaking glass drowning out the music blaring from the ceiling speakers. Vella didn’t have time to notice or care about anything else as she fought to keep sucking air. Mitch swung at her face, and she barely had time to move before his fist collided with the floor where her head had been. She took that opportunity to jab the side of her hand up under his arm in a quick strike that left it temporarily numb. He howled in surprise and pain, and she wriggled out from beneath him and clumsily got to her feet, unsteady from lack of oxygen and too much whiskey.
She held out a hand, beckoning him with a curve of her fingers. “C’mon, don’t hold back now. Fight me like you mean it, Ghost,” she taunted him with a feral grin. “Or are you afraid of me?”
“Nah,” he growled, “I just want to savor teaching you a lesson in manners.” He regarded her with a frigid scowl as they circled each other like predators. Broken glass and splintered wood crunched beneath their boots as they stared each other down, and Mitch was almost certain Vella was enjoying this.
“Ooh, kinky,” Vella said, her eyes glinting with amusement as she tilted her head, “but sorry teach, so far, I’m not impressed. My grandma has better moves, and she’s fuckin’ dead.”
Mitch charged her again, driving them backward and pinning her against the wall, their faces so close he could feel her breath on his lips, and it sent a shiver of something he didn’t care to think about through his body. Okay, so maybe Vella wasn’t the only one enjoying this. “Says the bitch who couldn’t find her ass with both hands, a map, and a fuckin’ tour guide.”
Vella drove her knee into Mitch’s ribs, baring her teeth in a snarl. “Ohh, good one,” she growled, shoving him back as the pain in his side forced him to release her. “Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Didn’t think you had enough brain cells for that—wait, how are you still breathing?” She threw a left hook, sending a shockwave up the length of her arm when it connected and sent him sprawling across one of the few upright tables left. As Mitch righted himself, Vella threw a right jab that he easily caught, twisting her fist until she winced in pain as he pinned her with an icy glare, his mouth contorted in a sneering grin.
#Vella Loren#Mitch Anderson#unnamed enemies to lovers au#fight scene#wip stuff#wip wednesday#unedited#cyberpunk 2077 fanfic#tag meme#wanderingaldecaldo
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What Color Character Are You?
Was tagged by @noirapocalypto to do this uquiz for my OC's. I went with Vella! (but I might make seperate posts for each because this is fun 👀) Thank you!
Dark Blue character
*bolding what applies to her especially, crossing out what doesn't.
Dark Blue characters are kindhearted and responsible, driven to care for others around them. They are good at strategizing in the heat of the moment, but are also quite impulsive and rush into things without a plan when they are fired up.
While calm people and patient teachers, they are quite hotheaded and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Their sense of morality guides them, both into battle, and into healing. They get along with a wide range of people, but do have a temper that causes them to get into short-lived disagreements. They don’t like to be seen as inferior, as much of their strength comes from the softness inside of them. They like being needed and helpful, and want people to agree that they know what’s best for them, although others can get annoyed at what they perceive as nagging.
They take turns being the voice of reason and the reason for the voice. They can hold their own, and believe in respecting everyone as long as everyone is respectful in turn. They often had to grow up fast and mature early, which they both take pride in and resent. They are likely to join a just cause on a whim, and do what it takes to develop the skillset they need to best help the cause, although they prefer to be at the center of the action. If they feel no one is doing anything and it needs to be done, they’ll step in.
They are often close to prodigies, having some sort of incredible skill that they can expertly hone. They are inspirational and have a lot of emotional maturity. They can both maneuver people through their hardships and inspire them to rise up. They can often ignore their own feelings and needs in the process of being a sort of martyr for others, however, and can grow resentful when no one pays attention to them like they do for others.
Dark blue characters need people in their lives who will encourage and uplift them in whatever cause they choose to support, as well as give them space to talk out their feelings. They also need others who will recognize when they are taking too much responsibility on, and take some time to give them care and support and affirm their willingness to care.
Tagging (with no pressure): @itsstillnunyabizu , @wanderingaldecaldo , @a-pirate , @breezypunk , @mistymymoon and anyone else that wants to play!
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Vella 😍 — Happy Fem V Friday chooms 💋
#hello gorgeous#i just love her so much#this my girl right here#aaaa she's so pretty 😍😍#I might have to fight Mitch for her myself lmaoo#OC: Vella Loren#female v friday#fem v friday#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk2077#cyberpunk#g: cyberpunk 2077#fem v#female v
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Fem V Friday—Vella Loren 🌹💋🌹💋
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Happy Fem V Friday from Vella 💋
#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#hello gorgeous#fem v friday#cyberpunk2077#cyberpunk#g: cyberpunk 2077#fem!v#OC: Vella Loren
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Happy Fem V Friday Chooms 💋🌹
#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk2077#cyberpunk#fem v friday#g: cyberpunk 2077#fem v#OC: Vella Loren#hello gorgeous
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Happy Fem V Friday - Love, Vella 💋
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Vella Loren 💋
PSD Template: Here
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#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk2077#fem v friday#OC: Vella Loren#mitch anderson#mitch anderson cyberpunk#g: cyberpunk 2077
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Happy Fem V Friday ~ Vella 💕
#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk2077#fem v friday#cyberpunk#OC: Vella Loren#g: cyberpunk 2077#might post more#she got a haircut#hello gorgeous
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#OC: Aurelius Loren#tweaked his face a little more#now he looks more like Vella#twins#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#cyberpunk2077#cyberpunk#hello gorgeous#male v
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#cyberpunk 2077#cp2077#hello gorgeous#g: cyberpunk 2077#fem!v#oc: Vella Loren#cyberpunk 2077 photomode#cp2077 photomode
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It's so good! 😭😭😭
Chapters: 6/8 Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Mitch Anderson/V (Cyberpunk 2077), Panam Palmer & V, Scorpion & V Characters: V (Cyberpunk 2077), Mitch Anderson (Cyberpunk 2077), Jackie Welles, Panam Palmer, Scorpion (Cyberpunk 2077), Other Cyberpunk 2077 Characters Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, slow burn — sort of, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, The Author Regrets Nothing, Fixer!Jackie, Merc!V, This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, no beta we die like my hopes and dreams, Nightmares, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, Eventual Relationships, Drunken Flirting, V Being a Gonk (Cyberpunk 2077), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Complicated Relationships, Codependency, Canon-Typical Violence, Anxiety Attacks Chapter Summary:
Vella and the others get the last of what they need for the gig and she apologizes to Mitch in the best way she knows how. (NSFW)
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