#veigue lundberg
toc-battlequotes · 2 years
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[Midsummer Siesta]
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[Virile Swordsman]
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
Continue from this link below. Not only Sync in Tales of series. Saleh too from Tales of Rebirth. "Someone who was born and exists in this world but because he's not real human he was rejected by this world even by people around him. That's why he wants to be tough or act to be tough making him want to curse and irony for a life that was born unfairly."
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Even in Tales of Series franchise didn't show Saleh's past life but you can see that He is a twisted Huma who takes delight in the suffering of other people. But when come to this scene. For someone who plays Tales of Rebirth. You did see that Saleh took an interest in Veigue Lundberg. The relationship between Saleh and Veigue is the same as Envy and Edward in Fullmetal Alchemist 2003. The same is they want themself to be killed. Envy wants Edward to kill him just like Saleh wants Veigue to kill him that's why they show how bad and evil they are but you don't how sad and lonely they are too.
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Saleh had the same feelings as Envy, hate and jealousy. The reason Japanese people like Envy, Saleh and Sync is because even though they hate this world even they hate themself to be born but they still have the will to fight and walk on. Just like Velvet Crowe, Japanese people love Velvet because she still has the will to fight and walk on even because of hate and revenge. You should know that Japanese people fight against hopelessness to move forward, whether it be through disasters that must be encountered regularly and family problems. In the past, many Japanese people were stressed and committed suicide. Japanese people saw Saleh and Sync could keep moving forward that's what gave Japanese people hope to keep moving on.(This is why Japanese people like AOT 進撃の巨人 too.) And the same reason why Japanese people like Shadow the Hedgehog. Even the Sonic Franchise is not very boom-like in America but American people should know that even American people like characters the same as Japanese people but the reason behind never being the same. That's why Tales of Series is another Franchise to be an example to analyse.
Note: If you notice that Tales of Arise had a similar story to Tales of Rebirth. That is, it doesn't matter where you're Huma or Gajuma, Dahna or Renans, we're the same. We are equal
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Rebirth SSRs!
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ruination-fangs · 3 years
Tales of Asteria, Chapter 4 Raven’s Scenario: Strands of the Truth Stages 7-8
i’ll probably continue on to colette... eventually
Stage 7: True Self
Scene 1: 
The mood is somber. Norma asks what happened, because somehow Elize is different, and Raven answers that it seems she's become one of the criminals. Norma doesn't believe him.
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Veigue explains that Elize has regained her true memories. By their definition, that does make her a "criminal," but there's nothing sinful about it. In disbelief, Norma asks what these "original" memories even are, and begs Elize to tell her it's not true. Elize apologizes, but says this is the real version of herself, which further upsets Norma.
Raven tells her to calm down so they can hear from Elize. Norma wants to - she wants someone to tell her why this happened and what she can do about it - but she knows she's not supposed to listen to the delusions the criminals spout. She doesn't know how Raven can be so calm when the three of them were all supposed to be friends, and she runs off crying about how she doesn't understand any of it.
Elize calls for her to come back, but Raven tells her not to bother. No one will listen to her now. Veigue asks why he's still there then, and Raven cryptically replies that he has his reasons. Elize does seem to have become a criminal... and thanks to that, he's decided what to do.
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Someone calls out to Raven, and Veigue and Elize stare as the White Lions appear. Claw tells Elize that she's suspected of criminal activity and has to go with them. Raven seems surprised to see Claw, too; from the timing, it can't have been Norma who brought them. Claw explains that he followed after Raven, because he received a report that he left the city with a person of interest. He's impressed with how Raven has not just collected info, but even kept an eye on the suspect, and thinks he deserves a bigger reward than he was promised.
Elize questions what they mean; why is Raven friends with a White Lion? It seems the game is up, so Raven sighs and explains that he's actually a "special aide" who works with the White Lions. His business is real too, but the aide work is his "other life." Norma doesn't know about this side job.
Elize starts to understand that Raven came with her just to monitor her. Raven doesn't deny it, but Elize still doesn't want to believe it. Once again, Claw is impressed with how good a job Raven did keeping them fooled. The rest is the White Lions' jurisdiction, so he prepares to take Elize into custody, only for Raven to stop him.
Claw asks incredulously if he's sympathizing with the criminals now, but Raven reveals that Elize is his own target. His real duty as a special aide is to protect Lazarus's "rite of salvation." The ritual that Lazarus performs in the basement of the palace to save the criminals is sacred, and even within the palace few people know the particulars. Other than him, there's Lazarus of course, and maybe the Chancellor. But an incident occurred, and a trespasser stumbled onto the rite. Raven was tasked with finding the trespasser - who turned out to be Elize. He managed to get her to confess, but he never suspected that she was also the suspect Claw was looking for.
Claw is a little skeptical because he's never heard of Raven doing that kind of work, but Raven points out that with a job like that, there's a lot he can't talk about. Claw accepts that and agrees to leave the arrest of the criminals to Raven. No matter who catches them, they'll end up in the dungeons just the same.
Elize is still in disbelief that Raven was deceiving her the whole time. She begs him to tell her it's not true and he'll still come with her, but he apologetically cuts her off and says he's already made his choice. He was just doing his job, and now he's completed it. He encourages her not to resist, and draws his bow.
In response Veigue draws his sword and pushes Elize behind him. Teepo asks one last time why Raven is attacking them when he said they were friends, and Raven says that was all a lie.
Scene 2: 
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Elize is still disappointed in Raven. Veigue tells her they need to run, but Elize refuses to go. She thinks that Raven must have memories of his true self too, and they need to draw them back out, like Veigue did for her. Though Veigue is sympathetic, he points out that Raven is their enemy right now, but Elize insists that he's still her friend. It's the empress that's making him do this; she doesn't believe the real Raven would hurt her.
Raven scoffs at her "belief." It's got nothing to do with Lazarus; he was the one deceiving her. All that "friend" stuff was just a lie.
Still, Elize won't believe him. Sometimes she didn't understand him, but he and Norma helped her, and took her to the festival. She thought then that deep down he was a nice person, the kind of person she could trust, and that feeling hasn't changed, even now that she knows who she really is. Even if he's forgotten everything, he's still Raven. She doesn't think even the empress could have changed who he is inside. So she doesn't want to leave until he remembers, too.
Raven isn't convinced, and Claw simply sighs at the pitiful display. He reminds Raven that distracting people with nonsense is the criminals' specialty and he doesn't have to pay any mind, but Elize begs him to keep listening. She knew the real Raven, before he forgot everything, and she asks if he remembers Estelle, Arche, or Rita. The world had fallen into chaos because the great spirits were running wild, and he was travelling with Rita to investigate the cause of the disasters. That's when Elize met him.
Raven repeats the names, but they don't ring a bell. Elize becomes more desperately insistent that he remember. Rita and the others were his friends, and they might be worried and looking for him, like Veigue was for her. Raven again insists that he doesn't know a "little Rita," and then pauses. The world seems to blur.
Teepo and Elize get excited, thinking Raven has remembered something. Raven is confused about what just happened. Elize encourages him on; he's close to coming back to reality. The way he's forgotten his friends, his loyalty to the empress who stole their world - those are all fabrications.
Her words cause another reaction. Raven remembers Rita telling him to shut up, and Arche telling him about her explosive abilities. He still doesn't understand what he's hearing.
Annoyed, Claw gets his attention, but his voice only stirs another hazy memory. He's reminded of the voice in his dream that told him he's "making that troubled face again." While Raven is puzzled, Claw tries to snap him out of it, telling him not to be taken in by anything a criminal says. Lying is their MO. He and Claw are doing the right thing according to the Empress's orders, and he shouldn't waver.
The words "right thing" trigger another strange sensation and memory. The nameless man stands silent in a palace hallway while his higher-up speaks.
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Authority: ...This is the right thing to do. The kidnapping of an important figure may be tough to stomach, but it's necessary in order to preserve the peace. Nameless Man: ...I know. Authority: Then you understand what you have to do? Your target is Her Highness, the Princess of Windor. Nameless Man: ...As you command. ...
Before Raven can process what he just saw, the world spins again and he's looking at a forest.
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???: Damn it, why?! Why would you need to do something like that?! Nameless Man: I'm doing the "right thing," according to my orders. I'm still basically a knight. The well-being of my country always comes first. Besides... this is my last--
Claw snaps him out of it. Raven tries to tell him he's only doing what's right, but his head feels all messed up. Elize begs him again not to turn away, to confront his true self, while Claw scoffs at how these punks just say whatever nonsense they like. But Raven knows now that he's seeing his memories of his old life, and as everyone calls out to him, he feels a zapping sensation and remembers everything.
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He tells "Claw" that his words saved him again, but next time it'll be his turn. Claw doesn't know what he means, but he understands that something really did happen. Now Raven has all his memories back, though he doesn't get what manipulated them away in the first place. Elize is sure that Van and the Empress are involved.
Veigue cuts in to suggest they save the discussion for after they escape. He wants Raven to come too, which Raven was already planning on doing. He thinks it might be better to wait for an opportunity to help “Claw,” and sighs about how the hunter has become the hunted.
Of course, Claw isn't about to let them leave, and a knight steps forward to help, but Raven shoots first. Claw is surprised, and then disappointed that Raven really has become one of them. Raven isn't certain about that yet, but he knows he can't get caught. He tells Claw that it's really for his own sake, and wants to continue the discussion, but Claw stops him. Now that this has happened, he can't speak a word to Raven anymore.
Reluctantly, Claw orders his units to capture all three of them. The knights charge, alarming Elize and Teepo, but Veigue promises to protect them. Claw warns Raven that this is his last chance to go quietly; Raven thanks him for his concern, but he still doesn't intend to get captured. In that case, Claw says, he better not complain when he gets hurt. He gives the knights the order to attack. Raven sighs that it's come to this.
Scene 3:
Raven and Claw are both impressed at each others' skill, but Claw eventually outmaneuvers him on the wet road. When Claw moves to strike Raven while he's down, Veigue stops him just in time. Raven thanks him admiringly, and Veigue stiffly tells him to get up before they're attacked again, earning a complaint from Raven about how kids these days need to lighten up.
Claw remains silent. Raven muses that in truth, he can't imagine Claw talking about "doing the right thing." But it is thanks to that that he remembered everything, and there's no going back now. He encourages Claw to "wake up" too, and says he'll teach him his own true identity, but Claw tells him to shut up and attacks him again. He's determined not to listen anymore.
More knights rush to the scene. Before the criminals can be surrounded, someone nearby tells them to run and casts Ground Dasher, creating an opening. Veigue escapes with Elize and Teepo, but Raven pauses, recognizing the arte.
Claw tells Raven one last time to stop. Before he leaves, Raven promises that he'll be back to return the favor someday.
Stage 8: Someday the Skies Will Clear
Scene 1: 
Veigue and Elize come to a stop on the road outside town, out of breath but okay.
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When Raven catches up a moment later, he reports with relief that the knights don't seem to be following them anymore. Veigue says they would have been in big trouble if not for that arte, but he has no idea who cast it. Elize and Raven, however, recognized the voice, and Raven is pleased that "she" came back to help. All's well that ends well, as far as he's concerned, though it's too early to relax quite yet.
Elize agrees, and also welcomes Raven back. Raven confesses that his head feels all messed up, with memories of first meeting Elize and memories of traveling with her here. Elize feels the same way, but she's glad he has both now. Touched, Raven exclaims that Elize is a real angel of salvation, which Elize doesn't really understand. Raven says it's just his way of thanking her.
He then asks what's going on here, because Elize said something about Van and the Empress being involved. Veigue wonders if what Van was talking about at the “throne” has come to pass. They explain to Raven off-screen, and Raven summarizes - they fought against Van to stop the crystallization, but it turned out the crystallization was the work of Lazarus's power. Van said he was going to create a new world and start everything over, and now they're in this world, full of towns and landscapes they've never seen before. Veigue thinks it's quite likely that this world is what Van meant, and the empress made it happen.
Raven shudders to think he served under someone like that. Elize tells him that she and Veigue are going to travel around and look for their companions. They still don't understand what's going on with their memories, but the others must be out there somewhere. They need to find them, and then they can stop Van and restore their world.
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She asks Raven if he'll come with them, but right as Raven says yes, Norma appears. Elize is glad to see her, and Raven thanks her for casting the arte that allowed them to escape. It's true, the best thing to have in life is a reliable companion.
Norma is happy to hear that, but more importantly, she wants to hurry up and leave with Raven. When Elize tries to talk to her, she says miserably that she can't listen to her anymore. To Raven, she apologizes and explains that she ran because she was scared, but in the end she couldn't just leave him. They're partners, after all. She doesn't know what he was thinking, fighting with the White Lions like that, but she promises to listen to the whole story later if he'll just go home with her.
Raven admits that if he could he would, but he can't. He's already decided that he's going with Elize.
Scene 2:
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Norma is shocked that Raven would want to travel with criminals. She doesn't want to believe what happened to Elize; she wanted to talk more about her joining them at their business. She wants things to be different so badly it hurts. But Raven himself was the one who said Elize is a criminal, and aiding a criminal is an unforgivable offense. She asks if Raven is really turning his back on Lady Lazarus, and tells him not to forget his duty.
Raven stays silent. Elize starts to speak, but Veigue stops her, saying they should leave this to Raven.
Finally, Raven tells Norma she's right. He was wrong, and they should hurry up and go home. Norma is relieved that he understands, but before she can go on, Raven apologizes and knocks her unconscious.
Elize is unsettled. Veigue asks if Raven is really okay with this, when Norma trusted him so much she came back to help him. Raven wishes he didn't have to do it, but right now they have no choice - getting away from the White Lions has to be their first priority. He reassures Elize that when Claw comes after them, he's sure to find Norma and take care of her. After all, they can't get Norma involved until she remembers too, and they can't do that if they get caught. Elize finally agrees, and then Raven points out that, anyway, they first have to find a way to restore people's memories.
Elize thinks they could try talking to Norma the way she talked to Raven, but Raven isn't so sure. It was fortunate they both remembered just by discussing it, but they can't say for sure that that will work on everyone else. There may be people who just won't listen, or there could be other complications. Plus, they don't really know what's going on in this world. Elize is disappointed about leaving Norma behind, but Raven assures her that if even he remembered, there must be a way to make Norma remember too.
Veigue agrees, and then suggests they head to a nearby village to start searching for their companions. There's sure to be a commotion anywhere that people are starting to regain their memories. Elize does want to search for her friends, but she also wants to find a clear method to help people remember - for Norma's sake, and for everyone else who has forgotten.
Raven also wants to find out more about this world. Come to think of it, he wonders if it might be worth it to get in touch with Velvet again, and explains to Veigue and Elize that she's the one who attacked the Empress at the founding festival. After that, she was imprisoned in the dungeons, until Raven deliberately let her out, on direct orders from the Empress.
Elize asks why, but Raven doesn't know; he was just following instructions. He's sure there was some reason, but at this point he can't guess what it was. More importantly, Velvet is also a criminal, and downright hostile to the empress, so maybe she would cooperate with them.
Elize suggests that they look for Velvet while they look for Sorey and the others, and Veigue has no objections. They can't have enough allies, and it would be reassuring to have someone on their side who's clearly ready to fight the empress. With that decided, Raven encourages them not to waste any more time, and mutters that he made a pretty big promise when he said he would help him. Elize asks who he means, but Raven says he was just talking to himself.
They're all set to move on when suddenly Elize points at the sky and tells them to look. The rain has stopped, and the sun is becoming visible through the clouds. Teepo says it feels like it's been forever.
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Elize is reminded of what Raven said before, that all good times eventually come to an end. But she thinks the reverse is true, too: it can't rain forever. The sun will come back someday, like it has now. There's always a reason to hope.
Raven compliments her on her maturity and poetic words, but trails off. Elize asks him what's wrong. Once again he says it's nothing, and they set off.
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gnarlycuga · 4 years
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Tales of Crestoria and a wet beachbod Veigue.
I love this gacha.
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mit-riko · 5 years
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Veigue as Gbf Six
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themisteriousdrb · 9 years
Decus & Alice VS Viegue? Well...
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I don’t need to be a genious to know how this will end:
Claire: ///// 
Alice: O_o WTF!?
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Summer SSRs!
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ruination-fangs · 3 years
Tales of Asteria, Chapter 4 Raven’s Scenario: Strands of the Truth Stages 4-6
there is no good place to cut this between 5 and 8... these scenes are loooong
Stage 4: Faint Tremors
Scene 1:
Rain continues to pour on the road to Almeria. Norma thought the weather might be better outside the city, but there's been no letup, so they take shelter to see if they can possibly wait it out.
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As they wait, Elize hesitantly asks about Norma and Raven's business. Norma explains that they take all sorts of requests, from detective work to helping people move. Teepo thinks it sounds cool, and Norma agrees; they get to put all their skills to the test to solve difficult problems. Raven points out, though, that in reality that's not really how it works, and Norma admits that actually most of their jobs are things like cleaning houses or walking dogs. It's no dream job; it's dreary work. Life is tough and reality is cruel. But it puts food on the table, so she can't complain too much. She just wishes there were more big flashy cases for them to solve.
Raven is more skeptical about big flashy events, and notes that there's none of that because Schongreiss is at peace. Norma praises Lady Lazarus for that, though Raven maintains that even Lady Lazarus isn't omnipotent. There are cases like Elize's, after all. Norma gets a little upset at him talking like that, but cuts off when Elize mutters Lazarus's name. When Norma questions her, both she and Raven go quiet.
Norma then asks what Elize wants to do when she finishes school. That's so far off that Elize has never really thought about it. Norma suggests that she could come join their company, if she wants. The more the merrier, and with extra hands they can take on more work. Raven thinks they're managing fine with just the two of them, but Norma insists that they could get more done with more members - plus Elize is cute, so she'll attract more customers. Raven doesn't disagree. Elize isn't sure, but Norma reassures her (to Raven's dismay) that they'll have Raven handle all the hard stuff, and they can do the rest. Elize says she'll think about it.
Then Elize asks why they started the business. Raven doesn't seem to remember - it just kind of happened. Elize points out that the two of them get along well, and Norma quips that it's more like they can't get away from each other. According to Raven, that's how relationships usually work; Norma says it's also natural, then, that they would become friends with Elize.
Elize is surprised to hear them call her a friend. Norma says of course they're friends, all four of them, and gets Raven to agree that they're "something like that."
Raven starts to ask Elize something, but then changes his mind, saying it can wait until the next opportunity. In any case, it doesn't seem like the rain is going to stop anytime soon, and it might draw out things they wouldn't normally encounter. Monsters aren't all that uncommon on the highroads.
Teepo hates monsters, but Norma tells them not to worry; if they do come across any, Raven will take care of them. She reassures him that she might help, if she feels like it, which Raven doesn't appreciate.
His muttering is interrupted by a sound nearby, which frightens Elize. Norma hopes it's a person and not monsters, but when Raven goes to investigate, he comes up with nothing. He decides it was probably just an animal, and they finally continue on their way. But after Norma and Elize head off, relieved, Raven murmurs that he hopes it was an animal; something certainly seems to be out of the ordinary.
Behind them, a voice wonders if it's “still too early.”
Scene 2:
Night has fallen, and the rain has finally died down. The group sits around a campfire in the woods. Norma hopes they're in for some sun soon, but right now it's still too cloudy to see the stars or moon.
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Elize has been sound asleep in Norma's lap ever since they finished eating. Norma contemplates what in the world happened to her. She seems to be a shy person, but even beyond that, she acts like she's scared of something; when they met, she was shaking like a leaf, and not from the weather. Norma wonders if she ran away because someone was chasing her or something.
Raven listens in silence, and then suggests maybe it's the White Lions she's running from. They do seem to be on a manhunt in the city. Norma is indignant at the implication that Elize might be a criminal, but Raven doesn't truly think that's the case. She seems like a normal girl.
Norma agrees, but still, something definitely happened to her. Unfortunately, it seems she doesn't want to tell them about it. Raven muses that everyone has things they don't want to talk about.
He gets up then, claiming he's going to gather more firewood. By himself in the woods, he sighs and mutters that he could just ask her, but for some reason he's uneasy. There should be no reason for him to think so hard.
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Back in the city, Claw notes that the rain has stopped, though they're still facing the threat of another downpour. A knight approaches to tell him they've obtained an eyewitness report concerning the whereabouts of a suspect. They're finally on the trail.
Stage 5: Elize’s Confession
Scene 1:
As they continue down the road, the rain finally seems to have stopped.
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Norma says a prayer for the weather to hold out until they get to their destination, and Teepo repeats it. She tries to get Raven and Elize to join in too, but Raven says no god would want prayers from an old man like him.
In the midst of complaining about how much of a downer Raven is, Norma stops because she hears something in the distance. Elize hears it too, and thinks it sounds like drums. Raven says there's a town called Namza in that direction. He was thinking that they should make a pit stop in town anyway to restock their supplies, so he suggests they go check it out.
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When they get to the town, they find a festival in full swing. Norma asks Elize if she wants to look around, but Elize is concerned that they don't have time to waste. Raven insists that, even aside from the festival, it might be best for them to stay the night and replenish their food. He reassures her that they'll leave again tomorrow. She'll get home soon, so she can spare one day to have some fun, right? Norma joins in, saying that the day will pass in a flash while they're enjoying the festival. Elize relents and agrees to go, just for a little while, and Teepo dashes off.
Norma dances away to the music. She’s good at it, and the villagers cheer her on. Raven comments that she seems to have really won over the townsfolk, but then notices how quiet Elize has been. When he asks if she's not enjoying herself, she stutters that she is. She likes seeing everyone bright and smiling, but it makes her a little nostalgic. Scenes like this used to be common, but now she's not sure if she'll ever be able to go home and spend time laughing with her friends like this. Raven reassures her that she'll get back to her town and they'll welcome her home with open arms, but Elize isn't convinced. She's afraid she already might not have a home anymore.
Norma pops up, surprising both of them. She only heard the last part, but she says Elize is just at that age when the worrying starts. It was the same for her when she was young. Raven argues that she's still young though, and Norma chides him for derailing the conversation. She tells Elize she's always welcome to ask either of them for advice if she wants, and Raven agrees.
Elize is still unsure, but Norma insists there's no need to hold back. The world is full of different people, and even old men like Rayray can find their way as long as they doggedly keep living. Raven thinks her choice of example is weird, but he agrees that most problems have solutions. If Elize ends up with no place to go, they'll create a place for her. Norma assures her that if she needs anything, she can come to them. She's absolutely welcome to come join their business.
Elize thanks them for always encouraging her, though Raven shrugs it off. He suggests they pull themselves together and get back to the festival, and Elize and Norma are eager to follow. This time Raven dances too, and they urge Elize to join them.
Norma pulls Raven aside to point out that Elize is finally smiling, and that Raven looks like he's having fun too. He doesn't usually get involved in other people's problems, but he's actually very kind to Elize. Raven is a little surprised, but Norma thinks it's true, even if he didn't realize it. Teepo tells them to come back so he and Elize aren't dancing alone, and Norma goes, but Raven stays behind to consider what Norma said. Then he's struck by "that strange feeling again." Whoever is following them keeps getting away, and Raven is getting concerned.
Scene 2:
That night, Raven remarks that for a relatively small festival, it was fun. Elize thanks Raven and Norma for that, but notices that it's getting cloudy again. Despite Norma's prayers, Raven suspects it will rain again tomorrow. Norma herself is already at the inn, having gone to rest as soon as the excitement ended, to Raven's chagrin.
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The village is a lot quieter now that the festival is over, which makes Elize a little lonely. Raven isn't bothered; all good things have to end, after all. Elize goes quiet then, and Raven asks what's wrong. Hesitantly, Elize asks why Raven helped her when they first met. Raven claims it's a man's duty to help a pretty girl who's stuck in the rain; he's a gentleman, despite his looks. The remark falls flat, and Raven laments not having Norma to play the "straight man" role for him. More seriously, he suggests that if Elize is bothered by something, she could always talk to him about it.
Teepo encourages Elize to tell him what's wrong, and Elize relents. She haltingly explains that she was too afraid to tell them before, but the White Lions are chasing her because they suspect her of being a criminal. Raven mutters to himself that she really might be the person Claw was talking about. To Elize, he remarks that she's a pretty mild person for a criminal. Elize insists that she didn't do anything, and Raven reassures her that he and Norma believe her.
He would like to know why they're chasing her, though, and Elize says it's because she knows something she shouldn't. On the day of the founding festival, she accidentally wandered into the palace. Of course she tried to leave right away, but she thought she'd be in trouble if she got caught, and she got lost while she was trying to avoid being seen. She ended up in a dim basement, where she found Lady Lazarus.
She was relieved to see the empress, but suddenly there was a scream and a weird noise. Then Lady Lazarus said, "You foolish criminals... But do not worry. I will save you." After that Elize heard no more screaming, just terrifying silence. She admits that she doesn't want to have doubts about Lady Lazarus, but she's scared. She's convinced that Lazarus did something horrible to the criminals.
Raven doesn't understand how this makes Elize a criminal. Elize explains that she ran from the palace, but she couldn't get what she saw there out of her head. She was scared, and didn't know what to do because she couldn't tell anybody what happened. Then she heard that her teachers and friends were being informed about suspicion of a criminal in their midst. That's why she decided to go back to her hometown.
Elize doesn't know what or who to believe anymore. She finds it strange not to trust the empress, but she wonders if what Lady Lazarus is doing is right. Raven is a little alarmed by the question and doesn't have an answer, but he says he can empathize a little. Elize thanks him again for helping her; if he and Norma hadn't been there, she never would have made it this far. Plus, she's had fun, and she's happy they think of her as a friend.
She starts to ask if they'll come with her, but Raven cuts her off and says that's enough for today. It's time for her to go to the inn and rest. Elize doesn't understand why she suddenly has to leave, but Raven says it's adult time now, and tells her to run along and get some sleep. Reluctantly, Elize and Teepo go back to the inn.
Alone now, Raven notes with frustration that Elize has seen Lazarus use her power. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this.
Stage 6: Outstretched Hands
Scene 1:
Norma wakes up feeling refreshed after having fun at the festival, and wants to be enthusiastic about setting out for Almeria... except that it's raining again. She's upset that her prayers yesterday didn't work, and blames Raven for not joining them, although she relents when Teepo defends him. Still, she hates the rain. Elize offers to let them wait out the bad weather at the inn, since she's already caused them so much trouble, but Norma reassures her that she's done nothing wrong. (If it's anyone's fault, it's still Raven's.)
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Raven is with them, but he's been staring into space all morning. Norma yelling in his ear finally gets his attention, and she asks if he's ready to go. He says yes, but he hasn't been paying attention to the conversation. Exasperated, Norma asks Elize if she knows what's wrong with him. Elize starts to say that he abruptly started acting strange last night, but is cut off by a scream from outside. Villagers are yelling that there are monsters in town. Norma and Raven leave to go help, telling Elize to stay put.
Scene 2:
Everything goes quiet, and Elize and Teepo wonder if the monsters are gone. Elize is worried about Raven and Norma. She could help if anyone needs healing, so they decide to go check on them.
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Outside, it's still raining, but Raven and Norma are nowhere to be seen. Before Elize can find them, a monster charges at her, and a stranger cuts it down just in time.
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He asks if she's hurt. Elize says she's fine, and Teepo thanks the man, but he continues to stare at her. When she asks who he is, he mutters about how "your memory is also..."
???: ...I want to ask you a few things. Do you... Do the names Tear and Sorey sound familiar to you? Elize: Tear... Sorey...? I'm not sure, but... I don't think I've ever heard them. ???: Well then... Do you have any memory of a world covered in crystals? Elize: Crystals...? What do you-
Norma and Raven return then. Elize apologizes for leaving the inn; Teepo explains that she was just worried. When they see the stranger, Elize tells them he saved her from a monster. Norma begins to fuss over Elize's well-being, and when she tries to thank the stranger, he finally introduces himself as Veigue Lundberg. He's glad he happened to be passing by, though Raven raises an eyebrow at the "coincidental" timing.
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Now that Elize is in safe hands, Veigue starts to leave, but Elize asks him to wait. She thinks that if he's looking for these Tear and Sorey people, they might be able to help, though she's less sure about the crystal landscape. Veigue tells her to forget about it, even when Elize worries that this is something important to him and suggests he ask Raven and Norma too. Raven is intrigued and pressures him to stay and talk, especially about the crystals. But Veigue insists that it's nothing, so Raven changes tack and instead asks him how he knew Elize's name.
Veigue goes silent. Raven is right; Norma calls her Lil E, and Teepo calls her Elly, but no one has called her Elize except Veigue himself. Norma is confused. Veigue insists there's no point in explaining any further, and tries to leave again, but Raven attacks him first. Norma and Elize are shocked, and Raven explains that this man is a criminal. Confusing people with lies, telling this ridiculous story about crystal worlds, knowing Elize's name without being told - plus, Raven is sure someone has been following them.
Elize puts together that the noises they heard on the highroad must have been him, but doesn't understand why. Raven suspects he's after Elize. He doesn't know what Veigue wants, but it doesn't matter; Lady Lazarus's orders were to stay away from the criminals.
Veigue isn't surprised at their reaction. He pleads once again with Elize to remember, but she doesn't know what he's talking about. Raven promises to protect her, and tells Veigue that if he leaves quietly, they might be persuaded to overlook this incident. Norma disagrees; they're supposed to capture him, or at least report it to the White Lions. Either way, they won't let him near Elize, and a fight ensues.
Scene 3:
Norma and Raven are surprised at how strong Veigue is. It's too bad, Raven thinks, that that skill is wasted on a criminal.
Veigue asks again if Elize really doesn't recognize him, or remember anything. She's confused and upset by his desperation, and Norma instructs her not to listen to him. Raven tells him to give it up; she can't remember what she doesn't know.
Veigue relents and puts his sword away. When Raven asks if he's done, he says he simply wants to return Elize's memories to her. He's sorry that he scared her, but he has no intention of hurting or deceiving anyone. He only wanted to find a good time to have a conversation.
Norma reminds Elize again to ignore him, but Veigue goes on. He understands that she's forgotten him, but he could never forget her - her strength, or her courage to confront her fears for someone else's sake. He asks, even if she doesn't remember him, can she remember his vow? He told her she wasn't alone; as a person facing the same crystallization crisis as her, he would walk beside her. Just as she thinks fondly of Milla, there's certainly someone out there who's thinking of her.
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As he recites the words, Elize seems to recognize them, and her vision blurs. Norma and Raven are frustrated at how Veigue insists on continuing to make things up, but Elize latches onto Milla's name. For some reason, her head is filled with images of things she's never seen. Everything continues to blur. Raven is concerned, while Veigue tells her not to be frightened - it's just her dormant real memories. The blurring stops, and suddenly Elize remembers that Milla was crystallized. Veigue reminds her that she was on a journey to save someone important to her, and that's how she met everyone, himself included.
Norma begs her one last time not to listen, but Elize remembers her own words: "...I've decided. I won't be scared anymore. I'm going forward with Veigue and the others." Veigue is pleased she remembered, but suddenly Elize tells him not to come any closer. She knows she's heard his words somewhere before, and this Milla person was important to her... but she doesn't understand it. She's confused about what's real and who she is, and she feels like she's lost herself. Veigue reassures her that she's still the same person, but she pleads with him to let her go. She doesn't want to be a criminal.
Veigue says again that he understands her confusion, and he knows that his words hurt her. But there are people she wanted to save, too. The real Elize wouldn't want to live like this. Norma and Teepo yell at him to stop tormenting Elize, but Veigue refuses. He made a promise, and even if she doesn't remember it, he won't break it. He can't just let one of his precious comrades go.
He offers Elize his hand, and reminds her of something else he said once: "Don't carry this by yourself. When you're paralyzed with fear, just take my hand." Elize starts to repeat the words, and is struck by a zapping sensation. 
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Suddenly she remembers how Milla treated her like a little sister, and how Milla wasn't there because she was crystallized. Norma and Raven don't understand what she's talking about, but Elize is certain now. She remembers vowing that she would get Milla and everyone back. She and Teepo both remember who they are and what they're supposed to be doing.
Raven is silent. Norma frantically questions him about what just happened; all Raven says is that things just got bad.
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