#vegetative growth
The development of the seed plant sporophyte can be broken down into three major stages (Figure 17.2): embryogenesis, vegetative development, and reproductive development. (...) An essential feature of this basic architecture is the presence of apical meristems at the tips of the root and shoot axes (see Figure 17.2), which are key to sustaining indeterminate patterns of vegetative growth.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
With germination, the embryo breaks its dormant state and, by mobilizing stored reserves, commences a period of vegetative growth.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 months
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Title: "Low-effort art paired with coincidence and a pinch of silly"
(Aka: These store-bought carrots that look funny were a serendipitious grab, as i find them wholesome. )
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chokrihizem · 3 months
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🍓🌱 Excited about growing your own organic strawberries right at home? 🌱🍓
Did you know you can grow delicious, pesticide-free strawberries even if you have limited space? 🍓🌿 Container gardening is the perfect solution! 🌞🏡
👩‍🌾👨‍🌾 Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, here are some tips for growing juicy strawberries in containers:
1️⃣ Choose a sunny spot: Strawberries love sunlight! Place your containers where they'll get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
2️⃣ Pick the right container: Opt for large containers with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Terra cotta or plastic pots work well.
3️⃣ Use quality soil: A well-draining, nutrient-rich soil mix (like compost and peat moss) is ideal for strawberries.
4️⃣ Planting time: Spring is perfect for planting strawberries. Space your plants about 8-12 inches apart to allow room for growth.
5️⃣ Watering and feeding: Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Feed your strawberries with organic fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.
6️⃣ Pest control: Keep an eye out for pests like slugs and birds. Netting can protect your berries while still allowing sunlight in.
➡️ Want to read my full article: How to Grow Organic Strawberries in Containers!
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🎉 Growing your own strawberries is not only rewarding, but also a delicious way to enjoy fresh, organic fruit all summer long! Have you tried growing strawberries in containers? Share your tips and experiences below! 🍓💬
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martiancount1877 · 3 months
Oignon - flowering
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worksbycam · 7 months
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Harvest Season
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becausethathappens · 7 months
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behind the mythicality: sonic vs. wienerschnitzel - 2/21/24
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year
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Found more old photos of farmstand vending machine produce! These were called 水前寺菜 suizenji-na, or Gynura bicolor, which sounds a little vaginal. I like it.
Obviously it was the purple that attracted me, but unfortunately that disappears once it's cooked. I just treated it like spinach and sauteed it up with olive oil and garlic, but if I see it again, I'll do like they apparently do in Okinawa and add it to miso soup or blanch it lightly and dress it with ponzu. Yum.
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readitback · 1 month
Thinking about the persimmon trees I planted in my parents' yard four years ago, and how when I learned it would be 10 years before they ever fruited, it seemed impossibly far away, especially compared to the near-instant gratification timeline of the garden vegetables I had spent the summer overrun with.
I didn't know who I would be 10 years on, where I would be, if I'd even be nearby enough to see the fruit. Could I keep them alive that long? What if me and the trees put all that time into growing and the fruit wasn't even good? What would happen to the trees in 20 years, 50 years, 100? What if they got so tall or the roots so deep they got tangled with the older trees around them and everything ended up worse off?
Four years later, it has gone by so fast. It feels like yesterday. The trees get fuller, but are still small. They could probably use more sun.
I don't want to rush the next 6 years, but it feels like it's already here. But also, I want to see persimmons already!
A photo of baby trees, and my rendition of what they'll look like some day. If this isn't how persimmons grow, well, I wouldn't know.
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dumb-bitchass · 6 months
Found the potato i aquired from october in my room today. apparently my room is the right enviroment for a potato such as this to grow arms without soil and water. Cheers to my potato
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jensownzoo · 3 months
Today's harvest:
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Black Beauty eggplants, Ping Tung eggplant, three Ashe County Pimento peppers, small handful of yellow pear tomatoes, one Roma VF tomato, a good handful of Shishito peppers, and a decent yield of smallish (2" diameter) Detroit Dark Red beets. Not terrible.
What's terrible is this:
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Squirrel or rat damage, take your pick. And as an extra infuriating dig, they spat out the missing chunk of eggplant and left it right at the base of the plant. And this was in the front bed, which had previously been left alone. Sigh. Well, the chickens enjoyed the treat anyway.
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Prior to the discovery of sexual reproduction in plants in the late seventeenth century, seeds were thought to be produced by an asexual, vegetative process similar to bud formation.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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hezeishere · 1 year
The Bigger Person
Villain: Wait! Can’t you see us fighting will accomplish nothing? We’re wasting time!
BM: True. I should be the bigger person.
(Bamboozle-Man then grows five feet taller and towers over the villain)
BM: Okay, this is good.
(Bamboozle-Man uses his now extremely long leg to kick the villain in the face and through a nearby wall.)
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thesquashpit · 1 year
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GROWIINGGG!!!!! August 25th, 27th and 29th.
A fully grown turban squash is:
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the smaller, striped part is where the bud and petals used to be.
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c0n5p1racy · 2 years
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At long last, the final version of The Paper Shrike’s engine room is complete! Progression runs from newest to oldest, updated with everything we bought/found/stole in each episode of the campaign. Also a closeup of my favorite shot; Alizarin is the red planet visible through the window. 
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chourzahi · 1 year
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Tomate cerise
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