#veeeryy good :3 swagtastical !!!
Alright, Angsty Headcannon time!! 🎉:
When Fandroid was created, he obviously needed a Voice-Box, (Obviously).
Sooo, Since that Frogbot already had the ‘Musical Robot’ Voice-Box, the ADHOC Scientists kinda just… ripped it outta Frogbot & stuck it in Fandroid—
After the transfer, Frogbot was confused & his mind was frantic… But when he opened his mouth to try and speak… nothing came out.
Try again, nothing. Try to scream, nothing.
Ensue the panic, Frogbot is still trying to speak, to scream, just anything; “What’s happened? Where’s my voice gone? Where is my voice!?”
Frogbot can’t wrap his robot-head around this: He had a voice, posted some videos, everything was fine; then suddenly he was powered off, and woke up with nothing. No voice, no more videos, nothing.
Frogbot was then just left behind.
It took Frogbot a little while to understand what happened; he still didn’t fully understand, but it was the rough idea:
ADHOC didn’t need him anymore. He failed his purpose, so what’s the point in keeping him around?
Frogbot failed his purpose, so ADHOC threw him away, to become another reject… another Failure.
(Whaddya think? 😁 That’s my First Time writing Frogbot Angst! 😊)
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