#vectra schmee
sunshine-apprentice · 2 years
First Love
(Azul belongs to @azulsartdump and Marsella is @faehistorian)
"Nation, you ready for finals?" The redhead asked to her friend across from the table where they were all eating breakfast at. The question broke the lantern shark out of their daze as they were fiddling with a small velvet bag attached to a cord.
"Oh, yeah. I have my lucky charm after all," Carnation smiled with a glance to the bag they tie around their neck.
"A lucky charm? Can I see it?" The fae beside the merfolk leaned over out of curiosity earning her a kick under the table from the knight.
"I don't mind." They laughed slightly at Vectra's protective nature as they untied the holder from their neck. Opening the black baggy and pulled out a small conch like shell that's color was a similar shade of pink to the first year's hair.
"How cute!" Marsella cooed as Carnation delicately showed the table the idem, "is there a story behind it?"
"Yea, actually." The shark placed the shell back in the velvet bag and ties it back around their neck. "The first person I think I ever loved gave it to me." They looked up to see the eager eyes of Azul and Marsella begging them to continue.
"It was a bit after I was abandoned and I was looking for a way to make money. No one would really hire a thirteen year old, but I would occasionally find a place that would pay me under the table in return for clean. It was around then that I saw some big jerk bullying some kids on the street. Honestly I acted before I could think to help out. And by help, I tried to tackle the guy, fail, got thrown off, yelled at the guy, I think scared him off, and then went to check on those he was being mean to." The shark paused to take a drink of their juice.
"There were three and I think they were all related, they were all hurt so I took them all back to the apartment that I was still barely managing to live in to bandage them all up. I think they were a couple years younger than me but it's hard to tell when it comes to merfolk. They were all very polite and scared from everything that had happened. But honestly I loved having people back in my house, it had felt so lonely since my mom had left. The three of them were the first people I ever had there even before she left because she never liked having people over. They were also the first people I thought and care about since she left other than myself. Those three lives meant so much to me, but sadly, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't let them stay with me. I was barely able to survive by myself, and adding three more people to feed and shelter..."
"They understood my plight and they left once they were all healed and I thought I would never see them again. A couple week later however that jerk found me, upset about interrupting him and how I would pay. I wasn't expecting one of the three boys to show up out of nowhere to help save me. After that bully was taken away, the boy gave me this shell as a 'thanks from last time' even though he had just saved me. He looked healthier compared to when I had last seen him, cleaner as well. I like to think him and his brothers are living better lives now. I doubt any of them really remember me. Time and the mind are fickle things, but I could never forget the warmth I felt."
"I call this my lucky charm because I had it with me when everything good happened to me. Getting this scholarship, getting the transformation potion, meeting you guys. I owe everything lucky to me to this shell and thus that boy. I truly hope they are all happy now, just like I get to be." Carnation gently caressed the make shift necklace that held the charm, smiling fondly causing the four at the table to gush in their own ways. Shortly after the first period bell rung and the group left to go to their classes. None noticed, or at least no one voiced that they noticed a small group sitting nearby or that three of them had over heard the lantern shark's story.
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azulsartdump · 2 years
Perun SSR Union Birthday
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~ Happy Birthday (Part 1) ~
Perun: Awww, Donar’s lucky he got Yunya as his interviewer. I was hoping I’d get a cutie like that...
Vectra: I... honestly don’t know whether to be relieved or offended.
Perun: Oh, Miss Schmee, you’re a real beauty, don’t get me wrong! Nobles just tend to have a lot of baggage, and I’m not really well equipped to deal with that.
Vectra: You know what? That’s fair. Good to know you’re at least self aware enough to admit that. Putting that aside, I’ll be your interviewer today, Perun. 
Perun: Thank you very much, Miss Schmee! I’ll be in your care.
Vectra: Well, first of all, I’d like to wish you a Happy Birthday! Here’s your present.
Perun: Son of a turkeyfish! This is the limited edition nail polish Maury and I were talking about! How’d you even get this? It’s been sold out on every beauty site for weeks!
Vectra: We nobles have our connections. I’m not giving up any more trade secrets for free, though. 
Perun: It’s even in the specific color I was hoping to get! I don’t ever remember telling Maury I wanted this shade. 
Vectra: It was a pretty easy guess. You tend to wear a lot of pinks when you’re not in uniform, so I assumed you’d want something within that color range. Pretty lucky I happened to get the exact shade you wanted though, huh?
Perun: I’d like to retract my statement about Donar being lucky from earlier. Miss Schmee, I’ll follow you to the ends of Twisted Wonderland!
~ Happy Birthday (Part 2) ~
Vectra: We should probably go ahead and start the interview now.
Perun: Sure thing! Go ahead, ask me anything.
Vectra: “If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?” Can’t choose anyone from our dorm, though.
Perun: Oooh, that’s a though question. Hmmmm, how ever am I going to choose? My brothers are so amazing already how could I- Kalim.
Vectra: Ah there you go again with the theatrics. Any reason why you chose Kalim though? I honestly thought you were gonna choose Cater. I always see you two hanging out and posting on Magicam together.
Perun: I mean, everyone in the Light Music Club is fair game. Kalim and I get along pretty well, though, and he already has a whole bunch of brothers and sisters. He’d definitely treat me, Donar, and Perun well. I mean, his family is loaded and all, but he really does love his siblings a lot, so I think he’s already an amazing brother!
Vectra: You know, you make a fair point. Considering you and your brothers are a package deal with the whole brother thing, Kalim is probably a pretty obvious choice.
Perun: Oh, but if we could pick from our dorm, you’d definitely be one of my top choices, Miss Schmee!
Vectra: Oh, really? Now that’s really unexpected.
Perun: I mean, I know I said nobles usually have a lot of baggage, but you seem like a really good sibling. You have some brothers if I remember correctly, and you really seem like you care about them a lot. 
Vectra: Aw, that’s real sweet of you, Perun. I hope you know, though, flattery won’t get you another bottle of that nail polish.
Perun: Tsk, worth a shot.
~ Happy Birthday (Part 3) ~
Vectra: Here’s the next question. “If you could join any dorm other than Octavinelle, which dorm would you choose?”
Perun: Geeze, that’s actually a tough question. Octavinelle is such a nice dorm, it’s really hard to imagine being in any other. If I really had to choose, though... Maybe Pomefiore? 
Vectra: Honestly, that makes a lot of sense. I could totally see you in Pomefiore.
Perun: Right? A cutie patootie like me would fit right in! Schoenheit-senpai seems like a pretty great dorm leader, too. He can be kind of strict with all the Pomefiore members, but I know I’d come out a more capable individual after all of his lessons.
Vectra: Huh, I didn’t think you were the type to think about stuff like that, Perun.
Perun: I mean, we all have things we can improve on, you know? No one’s really a 10/10 since there’s always something to work on with yourself. I like to think I’m always improving myself in some way, but it’d be nice to have someone as honest as Schoenheit-senpai to help point me in the right direction.
Vectra: You must really look up to Vil, huh?
Perun: What can I say? He’s someone who’s easy to admire. That being said, I really don’t think I’d transfer out of Octavinelle unless I was really forced to. Ashengrotto-senpai can be shady sometimes, but he’s a capable dorm leader. He really does do his best to make it a comfortable dorm to be in. I’m happy with my place in Octavinelle and I’m glad my brothers and I all got sorted into the same dorm.
Vectra: Well, that wraps up our interview! Thanks for being patient, Perun.
Perun: Of course! Thank you for your time, Miss Schmee!
Vectra: You know what comes up next, though, right?
Perun: Yeah its the “Gift of Good Wishes” if I remember correctly. Please go easy on me, Miss Schmee. I’m a very delicate eel!
Vectra: You’re not getting any mercy from me, so clench your teeth! Happy Birthday, Perun!
(Vectra is the wonderful @sunshine-apprentice​ ‘s OC)
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sunshine-apprentice · 2 years
Sorry I've been inactive lately, but here's some scenarios I think would happen but don't think I could write into stories.
Ace and Deuce teaching Carnation to skateboard.
Vectra placing in top ten of the school's unofficial arm wrestling contest.
Erik definitely doing that fake hand gag to the first years that don't know he has a prosthetic arm.
Grim and Sol's bird friends being in a turf war because Grim keeps stealing from the birds.
Carnation and Vectra throwing all the Octavinelle students out of the dorm kitchen when they cook because the other students will keep trying to eat their food.
Erik will occasionally help the two cook, but most the time is also kicked out of the dorm kitchen.
When Carnation first learned to knit stuffed animals, they were so excited and ended up making themself a giant knit teddy bear, it's in their dorm room.
Carnation has made so many things for their friends.
Sol and Ortho hang out a lot. Ortho likes to help feed the birds. They also go around bringing students back anything the birds found.
Idia geeked out when he heard Erik made his own arm. The two of them talk robotics pretty often.
Rook constantly brings Vectra gifts from Vil, even after Vil won the fight. Vectra would try to actually fight Vil if he was the one to bring her the gifts. Both Vil and Rook know this.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Updating my character sheets since characters have been introduced and a lot of changes are to be made for Carnation
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Home Bound: Vectra
"Sis is here?" a voice exclaimed from the entrance of the house before two sets of racing steps could be heard, rushing to find Vectra. The knight in question was peacefully walking through the small garden behind the house. She hummed quietly seemingly in tune with the wind itself when the two boys spotted her.
"Big sister," the oldest of the two boys breathed out upon seeing their older sibling.
"Hey Ben. Hey Dev-" her greeting was interrupted by the youngest nearly tackling her. He sniffled quietly, trying to hide that he was crying. "I missed you too," her voice was soft as she enveloped Devoss in a hug. Bernard made his way over, he head better control of his emotions than his little brother, but his joy was starting to get the better of him when he joined the hug.
Time with Vectra was hard for them to come by especially with her enrolled in a school so far away. She was busy with her knightly and noble duties, but she was usually there for meal times. The role of head of the house was put on her five years ago when their parents passed away. They didn't have any other relatives to watch after them until she reached adulthood, but she was dedicated to keeping her brothers safe and her family afloat. They were lesser nobility, so most the other nobles could care less if they sunk or swam, but she did it.
"How's everyone been treating you two? Any staff I need to fire? Any kids at school I need to beat up? Do you two need new clothes? You both have grown so much since I last saw you. I'm sure you have, but you're both been eating well, right?" She frantically asked question after question fretting over their well being while she was away at school. Both boys laughed and pulled their sister into a tight embrace once more.
"We're fine," Bernard smiled sleepily.
"Yea, Ben beat up the kids that were bullying be in school already so you don't have to!"
"Dev! You weren't supposed to tell her!"
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Since they will be in the next part I write.
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This is Bernard, the sleepy looking one with a ponytail. He's the oldest of the two at 13.
The other is Devoss, with the hair pins and heterochromia. He's the baby of the family at 10.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Taking a brief break from "Home Bound" series to show my TWST ocs in Genshin Impact based on this picrew.
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Sol is a Geo bow user.
Vectra is a Pyro sword user.
Erik is a Hydro polearm user.
Carnation is an Electro catalyst user.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Home Bound: Prologue
Final exams for the semester came and went for the students of Night Raven Academy. With the end of the first part of the year the students were allowed to head back to their homes for a couple weeks before classes started back up. Many students buzzed excitedly as they gathered their belongings for their returns home.
Octavinelle was very similar to the rest of the campus beside two students. One was quietly packing his things, occasionally taking a deep breath as he mentally prepares himself for his return home. The other paced the hall in front of their room anxiously. The merfolk was unsure what they should be doing for the next two weeks for the break. They were certain the cheap of an apartment they had back in Deep Sea was more than likely no longer theirs, so they didn't truly have a place to return to.
Most their money went to things for school, so maybe they could ask Crowley if they could stay at the school for the break. The idea seemed lonely, but better than not having a place to sleep. 'Why not come stay with my family next break before making a decision,' their talk with the dragonfly faery echoed in their mind as a reminder that they could have a place to stay.
Carnation finally made a choice and began to move in a direction instead of pacing when they heard a commotion from a room farther down the hallway. The lantern shark made their way towards the noise to see their friends arguing. Vectra was making hand gestures as she spoke to Erik. They weren't as close to the prince as they were to the knight, but they were on friendly terms.
"I know you don't want to see your brother, but you can't just decide that you're coming back to my house," the red head sighed.
"C'mon Vex. You know Ben and Dev would love it if I came with you," he purred, red eyes half lidded to convince the other.
"Erik, we live a couple miles away, so you could come visit and I know that our house is not prepared for guests right now."
"Come on, I'm not just a guest, we're friends~"
Carnation laughed as the girl glared at her friend. The two looked over at the merfolk that had made their presence known. Vectra's eyes softened seeing the pink haired student.
"Hey Nation, figure out what to do for what you were pacing about?"
"Yea," they smile at the tall woman who smiles back at them.
Over in Ignihyde things were quieter, but there was still excitement in the air. Sol peacefully was packing his bag when there was a polite knock at his door.
"Hey, Sol," the soft voice of the young robotic boy calls out from the other side of the door. The beastman stood up and walked towards the door, the two smiled at each other once the door was open.
"Hello Ortho, how can I help you?"
"I heard your heading to Isle of Lamentation, since we're going there too, I wanted to know if you would like to head there with us?" The fiery boy smiled brightly at the blond.
"If it's okay with the dorm head, it sounds like it would be fun," the lion gave the boy a soft look, reminiscing about his younger siblings that he hasn't seen in a while.
"I'm certain Idia won't mind you tagging along!"
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Vil x Vectra
(Vaguely inspired by This December
Azul is of course the lovely @azulsartdump
CW for a npc not taking losing for an answer)
The third year put his hair up tightly as he stared at himself in his vanity. He didn't feel completely prepared for this fight, but he knew he was graduating this year. 'I need to do it before I leave and before anyone else wins against her,' he thought to himself as he gently set the brush back in the drawer under the mirror. With a huff the blond stood upright and went to the training grounds where he met that damned faery for the past months to learn to fight.
"Oh, it's snowing, I should head back to the dorm soon," the red head muttered, looking out the window of the enclosed training area, a practice sword pointing at a first-year's neck. The younger male was panting and swore. Vectra walked over to his discarded weapon, just out of his range from the ground.
"Good try, but you los-!" her words were cut off as he tackled her, hellbent on winning against her and making her 'his woman.' Then boy had her arms pinned to her sides causing her to drop both blades.
"I won't go down this time,' he snarled and moved his foot before she could stomp on it.
"Get off me, you lost!"
"Who said we'd just be fighting with swords~" he purred and his gripped tightened around her middle.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" A voice shouted and both looked over to see Vil fuming. The second year's eyes sparkled with relief, despite not knowing the blond's exact abilities she knew who was training him and he caused a distraction. She quickly bashed the back of her head into the male's nose and scurried away from his arms. Rubbing the back of her head, she turned to thank the senior to see him grabbing a sword from the rack of training weapons.
"Oh, so the bitch needs a princess to rescue her," the first year cooed, picking up both swords beside him. He tossed one aside, not quite arrogant enough to try dual wielding long swords.
"I'll accept the princess comment, but I will never accept anyone calling that lady a bitch." The dorm head snarled and the two clashed swords. The young noble was so taken aback by the appearance and words of Vil that she momentarily forgot that the fight was hers to finish.
"Ah ah," a voice spoke quietly next to the red head. Vectra turned to see blue-haired friend with her arms crossed as she studied the fight before her.
"I know you're a knight with pride and all Vec-chan, but this is a guy thing, let them handle it." The dragonfly faery turned to smile at her junior before turning her attention back to the men. Red eyes glimmered with pride towards and the second-year couldn't tell if it was pride as a teacher, pride for him coming to fight, or a bit of both, but she knew from that look why Azul was training Vil and that caused her face to flush.
This match was not as face paced as when it would be if the two women were practicing. Nonetheless, like most sword fights it was over when someone lose their weapon. The two clashed multiple times but the victory was clear to the trained eyes of the onlookers. They were right as the sword of the younger went flying towards a wall. The smaller male didn't expect the 'princess' to be so tough, but he wasn't ready to surrender, even with a sword at his neck once more.
Irritated by the arrogance of the loser, the blond still overwhelmed with emotion, punch the other, farther breaking his nose. With a cry of pain he threw one hand around his nose and the other up in the air in surrender.
"I suggest the kid leave and we calm Vil down before he overblots again." Azul speaks up and the first year nods before running away. The woman pushes the other towards the slightly trembling male. Vectra sighs, but walks to where he could see her and gently places a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey," her voice was softly and he looked over. Amythist eyes meeting chestnut ones for the second time that day and he visibly calmed down.
"Sorry about that," he spoke after clearing his throat and fixing his hair. On instinct the red head scanned over his face and arms for any injury before giving him a hug. The two third years were surprised by her actions, even she was caught off guard, but she stayed nonetheless.
"Thank you," now barely above a whisper, "I've never had someone fight for me like that before..." her voice trailed off as she blinked rapidly for a moment before letting him go. Vil smiled very softly down at her, he knew that this whole thing must have been difficult on her. He opted for placing a feather light kiss on her head instead of saying anything.
"Does that mean they are finally together now?" A new voice chimed in causing the second year to blush brightly and push away from the blond.
"Shut it Erik!"
"That wasn't a no, Vec-chan." Erik and Azul, two of her close friends, started to laugh embarrassing the knight further. She was about to storm off when she felt a finger hook around her own.
"I hope it's a yes," the proud dorm head seemed almost bashful as he whispered to her.
"We'll see," she tried to say calmly, but the stutter gave her away.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Masked: Aftermath
(Azul and Nanami belong to @azulsartdump and Marsella is @/sthikaru)
A week went by after the identity of the dancer from the masquerade was revealed as Carnation. It was the evening of the rushed talent show when anything happened again. The duet was sitting backstage waiting in between rehearsal and the actual performance in front of the student body when they were approached.
"Luciole, Reine da Son Cœur," Rook cooed as he came to a stop, "I have been requested to deliver these to you both." He handed each a bundle of flowers. To the red head a bouquet of red camellias and gardenias bound together with a purple silk ribbon. For the lantern shark white tulips and purple hyacinths tied together with a simple white ribbon with a small apple charm. Two sets of brown eyes look at the flowers with scrutiny.
"Who sent these?" Vectra quirked an eyebrow at the deliverer.
"I'm not to disclose that, but the answer is there," the blond smiled, bowed, and walked away. The pink haired student gently sniffed one of the flowers with a slight smile.
"Like 'em?" They nodded at their friend's question. "Do you know what flower language is?"
"Flowers have a language?"
"Sort of. Each type and color of flower has different meanings and different ways of getting them mean something. Like if you receive a flower of bouquet upside down it means the opposite of what the flowers mean."
"Oh, that's interesting! Do you know what these ones mean?"
"For mine, it's from someone in love. Yours is more interesting, it's an apology. I imagine it's from one of those guys involved in that stupid race."
Slender fingers delicately traced the soft petals of the flowers, a conflicted look on their face. 'An apology,' they thought and looked at the two bouquets 'probably that guy from Pomefiore.'
"Where should we keep these during the show?"
"I mean there's the dressing rooms, we could keep them in there with our stuff for now," she explained after a moment of thinking. They nodded to her and they both walked back to the dressing room to put their bouquets with their bags while waiting for the show to start.
Several acts went on before two and the smaller was shaking as their turn got closer and closer. They put their mask on as their time to get on stage approached. The taller of the two reached out and put her hand on their shoulder to reassure them.
"We got this Nation," she smiled confidently. The shark took a deep breath and nodded at their companion. The performer before them left the stage and they could hear the crowd clapping. Once the students calmed down the duet was called onto the stage.
The two stood some distance apart and both looked down. Everyone was quiet before the background music came on for them. Vectra started to sing the first couple lines before being joined by Carnation. As the music began to pick up the two began to dance with each other which caused some cheers from the crowd. The two continued to perform happily singing, dancing, and occasionally doing flips.
Everyone in the crowd seemed to throughly enjoy their act and soon they were finished. The students all cheered loudly as the two bowed, breathing heavily. They saw their group of friends standing as they clapped and whistled. It took a good minute before things began to calm down and they both left the stage. They returned to the dressing room their bags were in to rest and get something to drink.
When they walked in there were more gifts around their things, most were flowers. Bouquets for the red head were mostly red and pink roses in tissue paper wraps. There were some little notes in her flowers, but she didn't bother looking at them after reading the first and getting annoyed. She also got a narrow box that contained a thin silver necklace with a dove pendent lined with a type of clear stone. The merfolk got a small bouquet of white camellias and white tulips being held by a plushie dog as well as a beaded bracelet with a fang shaped pendent.
"I bet these are also apology gifts," Carnation muttered with a sigh and looked at the pile of flowers that their friend got. Vectra put her hand on their shoulder and gave a soft smile.
"You don't need to forgive them just because of the gifts. It's your life you do what you want, and if that is helping me throw this necklace into the ocean later then you do that, but make sure it's what you choose." The speech made them smile and laugh slightly. She continued to try to help them feel better as the show went on.
The talent show finished with the duet getting second place as favorite. The two met up with their friends, gifts in hand, only to see more flowers from each. A single orange rose and yellow rose from Marsella and Nanami to each. Erik handed Vectra a bouquet of chrysanthemums and sunflowers before tucking a white carnation behind the lantern shark's ear.
"You both did great." He smiled with affection to both.
"Thanks Erik," the knight said giving him a weird look. The prince mouthed 'good luck' to his childhood friend causing her to nod. The merfolk was then enveloped in a hug, they look up to see Azul beaming at them.
"You did great I'm so proud of you both. Now, I'm treating us all to dinner, should we drop off all your stuff first?" the fae asked before pulling away from the embrace. The two nodded and the group of six headed off towards Octavinelle.
"Hey Carnation, I would like to talk to you about something kinda important soon, okay. We don't need to talk right this second, but before the next school break." The Diasomnia student pulled the first year aside to talk to them before the two start walking with the rest of the group.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Masked: Before the Storm
The days following the mask being found were very nice to Carnation. They had their accessory back, no one came up to them about the race, and they were helping Vectra make confections in the kitchen of Mostro Lounge. They love sweets and making them with a friend made baking even more fun. The two were happily singing back and forth, harmonizing better than one would think.
A certain blond man was spotted sitting near the kitchen door listening to his dorm leader's crush and her friend singing some pop song. He thought a talent show of sorts would be a fun way for others to hear her sing, especially Roi du Poison, so he decided he would bring it up to the head master, ready to convince him that it would be better than the VDC.
"I can't believe we're going to have a talent show," the red head mumbled seeing the posters up around the campus.
"Dean Crowley, probably wants to make the school seem fun despite all the overblots, so if a student suggests something he'll more than likely agree," Erik pondered as he looked at sign up times. "You should sign up Vex, sing a sea shanty for the school."
"Maybe," she chuckles, "maybe I'll ask Carnation to sign up with me, they always like to sing when we bake together."
"Actually," a small voice called from behind the two childhood friends. The two turned to see the lantern shark.
"Hey Nation, wanna sign up with me?"
"I was coming to find you to ask. I have a disguise." Their brown eyes sparkled with determination causing the other two Octavinelle students to laugh.
"There's quite the line here, I wonder what everyone is doing," Carnation pondered to Vectra. They were both near the front of the line so no one noticed when the merfolk put their masquerade mask on. The two planned to sing together and have fun whether or not they made it to the main show.
The two watched a couple of students auditioning before they were called up under a group name. They put on a small performance as they sang together, unaware that they were being recorded by different students in the crowd. They sang and twirled, at one point the taller lifted the other who did a flip in the air.
Everyone cheered at the end of their song and they both bowed. One camera stayed focused on the two as they left the stage. It stayed on them even when the pink haired student took off their mask.
"Oh, I think I found La Petite Enchanteresse Monsieur Cherry Apple was talking about~" Rook cooed as he ended his recording and left to return to Pomefiore. His personal assignment to get the video was over and he got more than he needed.
"That was fun." Carnation smiled widely as they tucked their mask into their school bag. Vectra smiled and nodded.
"You seem more confident in that mask."
"No one can see how creepy I am with it on- ow!" The lantern shark explained before getting flicked in the forehead by the noble. They gently rubbed the area of impact as they pouted.
"Don't call yourself that."
"What, I am- ow!" This time they got flicked on their hand over their forehead.
The next day those that auditioned for the talent show that would be performing for the school were posted. The duet made it and they were both very excited, however someone posted their audition video online. People were super excited by their performance, but then a white haired boy recognized the mask of one of the singers and only one student had short pink hair like that. Soon he wasn't the only student to realize who the owner of the mask was.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Masked: The Heist
(Azul and Nanami are @azulsartdump and Marsella is @/faehistorian)
The group wanted to discuss a plan, but they needed to decide if they were going to tell Carnation about it or not. They needed to figure it out soon, but they knew the shark would hate the attention brought by the race, but the group needed to explain the contest to explain where the mask was at. They made their choice and waited for the pink haired student to return. They came back from the dorm kitchen shortly afterwards to feel the energies of their friends had changed.
"Carnation, sweetie, please sit down again," Azul kindly spoke. They sat back in the chair they were in and looked around worriedly.
"We just received news, but we need to tell you something first." Vectra explained while placing a caring hand on their shoulder.
"What news?" Brown eyes shifted between faces under furrowed eyebrows.
"Someone has your mask."
"Why would someone take my mask?"
"Do you remember everyone you danced with that night?" the dragonfly faery asked and the lantern shark shook their head.
"I only know Jade, Silver and recently Donar as well."
"I see. Well someone you danced with found your mask that night and is trying to find you..." the blue-haired woman trailed off.
"And he told others that are also looking for you about it and it became something of a contest to see who could find you first," Marsella spoke up this time cautiously. Carnation's eyes went extremely wide and they began to tremble slightly. They hated being the center of attention and now there were people searching the school to find them because they lost their mask. They wanted to hide, to disappear. Maybe go back to their rundown apartment so no one would ever find them again, but they wanted their mask back.
"Who?" their voice cracked but it held strength nonetheless.
"Leona, Silver, and Epel are all looking for you. We don't know if Jade and Donar are taking part, but Jade has been taunting the others occasionally," the other Octavinelle student explained.
"Leona is the one that has your mask," the brunette said.
"Leona, Leona," they mumbled and closed their eyes trying to remember before suddenly standing up. "Uncle Leona!?" The rest started to laugh at their outburst.
"Uncle?" Nanami asked with a quirked eyebrow.
"Yesterday, I met a little lion beastman named Cheka. He was apparently Leona's nephew and like 5 just walking around by himself. So I sorta became him playmate and babysitter at the same time because he thought I was a kid. And we were playing knights and Leona was a sleeping dragon that we beat up with sticks. He tried to yell at us, but I yelled at him first for abandoning Cheka." They explained seriously before starting to glow, flustered by what they had done now that they said it outloud. Everyone started laughing at the image of the normally sweet and timid Carnation not just hitting Leona with a stick but also yelling at him.
"Fuck it up," Vectra laughed.
"Did you land a hit?" Azul asked.
"Good, he deserves it." Nanami said seriously.
"Whoa," was all Marsella added with a laugh.
"I got at least two decent hits," they explained with a sheepish smile. The story instantly lightened everyone's mood. They all chatted and laughed afterwards for a bit before the black haired woman cleared her throat.
"I'm happy everyone is feeling better, but we still need to discuss how we're going to get their mask back." They all nodded and got to work.
It was a while after midnight when five figure stealthed their way through campus towards the Savanaclaw dormitory. One member stationed herself outside the entrance as lookout and the others made their way inside. Most students were in their rooms studying or getting ready for bed. Once inside the smallest of them staggered to stay behind the group.
They made it through the dorm quietly and anyone that saw them either didn't say anything or they fell asleep thanks to the smallest's unique magic. They made their way to the dorm leader's room the two knights stood on either side of the door. One opened the door and the shortest located a laying figure. They focused their magic on the individual to keep him asleep.
The fourth member slinked into the room to search for the mask. She knew she had to be quick because the unique magic of the other not lasting long. It was in an obvious place. It was set on the pillow next to the sleeping man. The woman scowled under the cloth mask covering her face. She pondered using her own unique magic on the beastman, but opted for just grabbing the mask. Maybe she'd come back another time to make things worse. For now the group needed to leave before getting in trouble.
The woman that entered the room left just as quietly, shutting the door behind her. The merfolk dropped their unique magic and the four left the dorm to regroup with their lookout. Taking a twisting path in case, but they were all certain they weren't being followed. The group returned to Octavinelle with their loot. They all rid themselves of their disguises and bid each other a good night's rest, leaving the rest of the campus none the wiser.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Masked: Planning
(Azul, Nanami and the Strand triplets are @azulsartdump and Marsella is @/faehistorian)
(CW: abandonment)
The two knights went to talk to the Ignihyde first year that ran the lost and found club. His crows were known to 'find' things are return them to him so they went to check with him. The two Pomefiore students were looking around the courtyard that the shark last remembered having the mask at. Meanwhile the small merfolk was looking around their dormitory. The five promised to meet up in about an hour at the pink haired student's room regardless of news.
"You are looking for a shiny metal mask, correct?" the young beastman asked politely as he looked through a box which seemed to hold many fragile items.
"It had a curled pattern and was pinkish in color," the dragonfly faery explained with a nod. Her arms were crossed and eyebrows knit in concern. The lion continued to look in silence before shaking his head.
"Beanie," he called extending his arm. Swiftly a large black bird landed on his outstretched arm, it sqwacked in a way that sounded like it said its own name. "Have you found anything large and not given it to me?"
"Beanie," it repeated before ruffling its feathers as if shaking its head no. The first year sighed and gave the two before him an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry, it hasn't been reported in, but I could send Felix out to help look. He and Beanie are the most trusted of my friends."
"That would be great, thank you," the redhead nodded this time.
"Good girl Beanie," he let the raven fly off his arm before calling out again. "Felix." This time a different bird landed on his arm, this one appeared to be a falcon. He cooed happily as the boy stroked his head.
"You are going to be helping these two in search for something." The bird bobbed its head in understanding. "Do you have a picture?" The two knights thought for a second.
"Carnation sent one to the group chat I think." The second-year said before scrolling through her phone. After a moment she turned the phone towards the male and his bird.
"That's what you're looking for." The bird nodded again before flying off. "He'll caw twice when he finds something. Whistle sharply to call him to you." The two knights nodded before heading off.
The two large eels watched in mild entertainment as the shark paced through the halls. They checked under tables, chairs, couches, anything that could be hiding their mask.
"Didn't you dance with Cuttlefish? Why aren't you part of that contest?" The taller turned to his brother.
"Because this is far more interesting." The other said with a well placed smile and his twin smiled.
"Can't argue with that." The two turned away from the struggling merfolk with chuckles. About half an hour later the searched all they could of Octavinelle so they approached one of the triplets.
"Hey Donar, have you seen my mask?" The oldest of the Strand brothers turned towards the lantern shark quizzically. "The one I wore at the masquerade, it was somewhat pink with a curly design." Donar blinked a few times before give a slight smile.
"Sorry, I can't say I have, but it's a pleasure to know I danced with someone I know at the ball." His response had them glowing slightly, but it was short lived since he hadn't seen it. "I'll let you know if I see it."
"I see, alright, thank you." Their face dropped sadly and they walked away. That expression made the sting of the lie worse, so he came up with a plan.
The hour was almost up for the Pomefiore roommates. They looked under benches and in flower beds looking for something some would call meaningless, but the item meant a lot to their friend so they weren't going to judge. Both looked up when hearing fast footsteps approaching.
"Mama, Miss Nanami!" the youngest of the triplets halted his run once he was a few feet away from the two. "I have a message Donar wanted me to get to you right away," he clear his throat and changed his posture to be similar to his brother's.
"I know where the mask is," he spoke as if trying to impersonate his brother. The electric eel then handed a letter to the brunette, saluted, and marched off causing the roommates to laugh. Marsella, who was handed the letter, opened it and read the contents.
"I think we need a plan to get it back." Green eyes narrowed as she folded the note and put it in her bag. "First we should get back to the others and discuss what we found."
When the four ladies arrived at Octavinelle they spotted the shark with what looked like a bowl of mashed potatoes. The dormitory was quiet which explained why they were in the common area with such a sad expression. The group took seats near their friend.
"Hey Carnation, any luck?" The redhead was to speak, none of them grasped why the mask was so important to Carnation, but they were ready to comfort their friend no matter what. They also knew that the merfolk was so busy looking that they didn't know about the race to find them.
The first-year shook their head, pink locks staying in their face. No one moved to fix their hair nor did they wait for them to talk.
"No luck with Sol, but we have helping eyes in the sky now." Azul hoped that the extra help would cheer up her young friend, but they just ate more of what was in their bowl.
"No luck with us either," the brunette spoke up before her roommate, not saying anything about the letter. A curious look was shared between the Pomefiore students that the fae noticed.
"Thank you for looking," the first-year finally said after a moment of silence, "Sorry for causing so much trouble." They didn't look up, especially when they felt tears starting to form.
"Not to be rude, but why is it so important, couldn't you just get another?" Marsella asked a little curious. The shark took a deep breath before looking up, but away from the group.
"Well a couple reasons. It's a precious memory involving you guys. And well..." They took another breath. "Life in Deep Sea isn't good, it's not awful, but not an ideal living place, especially when you're abandoned at a young age. All money went to surviving. Just to get the potion that let me come here I basically didn't eat for a couple months. And that mask was one of the few things I ever really got for myself, so I got attached."
The story made them all realize something new about the merfolk and the dragonfly faery ran over to hug them without any hesitation. The two quietly cried as they embraced. Green eyes were cast down, feeling bad for lying. After a while of mostly silence the shark excused themself, wanting to clean up the mess in the dorm's kitchen. Once out of earshot the brunette spoke again.
"I lied," Marsella explained, "I got a letter from Donar explaining that someone has the mask and that it was the reason that weird contest was started."
"Where is it?" The three spoke in near perfect unison.
"We'll need to get into Savanaclaw."
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Masked: Looking
("A" and "N" are @azulsartdump and "M" is @/faehistorian)
Carnation had been looking in their room for days, trying to remember where they misplaced their mask at. They were sadden by the idea that they had lost it. The curled metal covering was one of the nicest things they owned and wanted to keep it for as long as they could. The thought of losing it made they more frantic. A sharp knock on their door startled them from their spiral of panic.
"Hey Cuttlefish, Azul wants you to quiet down," Floyd's nonchalant voice called out from the other side of the door. The shark shrank at the sound of his voice not normally having its friendly tone.
"Sorry, I was looking for something. I'll quiet down."
"Good, and good luck looking for whatever it is."
They waited until the could no longer hear the eel's footsteps before going over to the door. Checking that the cost was clear of the obviously upset Floyd they scurried to their friend's room in the dorm.
"Hey Vectra, can I come in?" they asked as they knocked.
The pink haired merfolk quickly shuffled into the room, closed the door behind them and slid to the floor. The knight closed her textbook upon seeing her friend and walked over.
"Hey, what's up?" She knelt down in front of the smaller being and placed a hand on their shoulder.
"I lost my mask..."
"It's okay, these things happen."
"I just... it's the nicest thing I ever got for myself and I wanted to keep it," they admitted trying not to cry. The second year stiffened at the confession. 'Nicest... ever' she thought in surprise, 'we need to get it back for them.'
With this she stood and pulled out her phone to message the group chat of the five the went shopping together.
V: Nation lost their mask and is super upset about it. We should help look for it.
M: where did they last see it?
V: They said when they left early thay stopped to sit on a bench. They took it off to massage their nose. They thought they grabbed it when they began walking again.
V: They want me to add they searched their whole room and nothing.
N: We should check in that area.
A: There's also that Lost and Found Club we could ask.
V: We'll come help look once I calm Carnation down
The redhead locked her phone before turning back to her friend that she convinced to moved to the bed instead of being on the floor. She covered them in a blanket and gave them a side hug.
"We'll find it, don't worry."
Walking passed the door shortly after the shark entered, one of the twins heard the spoken exchange with a fake smile. 'Oh, so I was right,' he thought, 'those fools with their race to find them are so obvious.' He chuckled before continuing his rounds through the hallways.
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Staff Interactions with my OCs:
Sam was originally annoyed by Sol, mostly because of his bird friends, but that changed after a week. Multiple times had the lion showed up to the store to return something small or shiny. At first the shopkeep thought that the first-year was stealing, but he noticed that the items he thought were being taken were laying where it should have been. Noticing a trend the owner decided to approach the beastman and the boy instantly bowed and apologized. He babbled nonstop about what the crows had done and how he was just trying to return things they had stolen. The black and purple haired man just started to laugh at the confession. That was the beginning of a very interesting relationship between the two.
The shark had a hard time sleeping the night before because of some fighting in their dorm and the classroom was warmer than usual. The lecture by the potions teacher was hard to follow in their sleep deprived state. Carnation tried their best to pay attention to the monochrome professor. A crash made them jump and Divus started scolding the 'pups' that caused a disturbance. Without a thought beforehand, the Octavinelle student barked when the teacher yelled. Everyone was so distracted by the students that no one saw them, but the class heard something or someone bark. They didn't even realize they did it until someone asked if others heard that out loud and they started to glow when what they did dawned on them.
P.E. was never the favorite of the prince. Sure he could fly and sword fight, but those weren't his passions so he didn't put any real effort into the class. The coach didn't really help, he was vain, brash, and once almost took the student's prosthetic off. Well, that may be going too far. During flying one day Vargas startled a student that was on his broom. That student lose control and ran into Erik, both nearly falling to the ground. Quickly he was able to grab ahold of his broom with his robotic arm and the other student was barely caught by the black haired male's legs. He loudly swore at everything and everyone when he felt the arm release pressure. The coach managed to get the two down in time, before the wooden and metal arm lose connection with his real arm. In the nurse's office where the second year was fixing his arm after class, the instructor arrived to apologize for the incident.
The fiery knight was known to be the cause of some fights at the school, not that she wanted to be. These fights are the reason she was approached by the history teacher. He was a stern and didn't like that there were fights on the school grounds, so he thought he'd go to the source. She sighed hearing why the professor wanted to talk to her, knowing he'd probably take anything she says as an excuse. The redhead mumbled how she wished that there wasn't these fights, but that she wasn't just going to let anyone win. The graying man cooked an eyebrow at her, somewhat reminded by his eldest child that would get into fight protect his younger siblings. Running his hand down the black and white cat in his arms, he walked a half circle around her. "If you don't wish to fight, find someone worth losing to."
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Here are all my TWST OCs in the same art style (courtesy of this picrew)
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