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French aviator Jules Charles Toussaint Védrines on a Morane monoplane
French vintage postcard
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Aviator Jules Védrines flying over Narbonne, Languedoc region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed to Barcelona, Spain
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Aviator Jules Védrines and his Blériot XLIII aeroplane, nicknamed "La Vache"
French vintage postcard
#vache#historic#photography#postal#aeroplane#ansichtskarte#photo#sepia#xliii#nicknamed#vintage#postcard#blériot#vdrines#blriot#briefkaart#la vache#aviator#postkarte#tarjeta#carte postale#ephemera#postkaart#jules#aviator jules védrines#french
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French aviator Jules Védrines on a Morin aeroplane
French vintage postcard
#sepia#photography#vintage#postkaart#ansichtskarte#ephemera#carte postale#postcard#jules védrines#jules#aviator#postal#briefkaart#morin#photo#aeroplane#tarjeta#historic#french#vdrines#postkarte
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Aviator Jules Védrines on a Deperdussin monoplane
French vintage postcard
#tarjeta#vdrines#postkaart#sepia#historic#aviator#photo#jules#postal#briefkaart#photography#deperdussin#vintage#ephemera#ansichtskarte#old#postcard#french#monoplane#postkarte#carte postale#aviator jules védrines
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Aviator Védrines in Limoux, Languedoc region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1910
#vintage#tarjeta#france#briefkaart#limoux#1910#vdrines#postcard#photography#aviator védrines#region#postal#languedoc#carte postale#sepia#ephemera#historic#french#ansichtskarte#aviator#postkarte#postkaart#mailed#photo
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Aviator Jules Védrines on a Deperdussin monoplane
French vintage postcard
#monoplane#historic#briefkaart#postkaart#carte postale#ephemera#tarjeta#photo#aviator#vdrines#postcard#postal#jules#deperdussin#aviator jules védrines#postkarte#ansichtskarte#french#sepia#photography#vintage
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French aviator Jules Védrines on a vintage postcard
#vintage#tarjeta#jules#briefkaart#vdrines#postcard#photography#postal#carte postale#sepia#ephemera#historic#french#ansichtskarte#aviator#postkarte#jules védrines#postkaart#photo
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House in Védrines-Saint-Loup, Auvergne region of France
French vintage postcard
#vintage#tarjeta#france#loup#briefkaart#vdrines#postcard#photography#region#védrines#postal#carte postale#sepia#saint#ephemera#historic#french#ansichtskarte#auvergne#postkarte#house#postkaart#photo
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