Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 2
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ー The scene starts on the Carnival’s venue
Yui: Come to think of it...You said you don’t know what the ‘Queen of the Carnival’ is about either, right?
Ruki: Yes. I was aware of the existence of the Carnival itself, but never had I heard of there being a Queen.
Yui: You knew about the Carnival already? But you’ve never come here, right?
Ruki: It’s my first time visiting. However, I read about it in Eden in the past.
Yui: Eden?
Ruki: It’s the castle us siblings lived at during the time we had just been turned into Vampires. It is what we would call the place.
Amongst the literary collection at the castle, I found a book which had information on the Carnival and read it.
I believe the book mentioned that the Demon World’s Carnival is set up to resemble similar festivities in the human world. 
Back then, I never even fathomed I would one day be able to enjoy it myself, of course...
I suppose you can never predict the future.
However, thinking back to it now, I am fairly certain nothing was written about a Queen.
That bothers me.
Yui: ( ...I’ve gotten a little anxious. I wonder what the Queen’s duty is? )
( I just hope I don’t get myself involved in anything strange or scary... )
Ruki: ...
Oi, Livestock. We’re gonna take a small break. I’m sure you’re exhausted too?
Yui: Eh? Why would you suddenly bring that up...?
Ruki: There’s a perfect shop over there. Let’s go.
ー Ruki walks away
Yui: Eh? Uhm, Ruki-kun!?
ー The scene shifts to Cafe ‘Tarte Tatin’
Waiter A: Welcome!
Yui: ( This is...a cafe? It looks normal from the outside... )
( But all the customers here are Vampires, right? It’s honestly kind of amazing... )
Ruki: Do you have any spare tables?
Waiter A: Yes, for two, right? Please wait one secーー Ah...
...Pardon my rudeness, dear customer. However, does that lady over there happen to be a human...?
Yui: ( He noticed...My scent should be suppressed by the drug though... )
Uhm, I...
Ruki: If I say yes, would that pose a problem?
Waiter A: I-I never claimed as much but...
Ruki: Then why ask that question?
Waiter A: U-Uhm...
Manager: ーー Pardon me, customer.
Is my waiter causing any trouble?
Ruki: Yes, he made a statement as if this place picks its customers, you see...I was hoping to inquire him about his true intentions.
Manager: ...Is the lady over there a human?
Yui: ( So they really do notice. I wonder if the medicine hasn’t taken full effect yet...? )
( Ruki-kun was so kind to tell me to enjoy myself too, but like this... )
Ruki: Let me tell you, she is no ordinary human.
She is special. One chosen by Karlheinz-sama, that is.
Waiter A: By Karlheinz-sama...!?
Manager: This human is...?
Ruki: If you reject her entrance, you are basically going against that man’s wishes too.
Manager: ...
...Prepare a table on the terrace.
Waiter A: Eh? ...Are you sure?
Manager: I shall permit it. ...They are very important customers after all.
Please excuse our rudeness, dear customers. We shall prepare everything right away, so please wait one second.
Ruki: Sure.
Yui: ( You know... )
Ruki: Why are you looking at me like that? If there’s something on your mind, tell me.
Yui: N-No...
( Ruki-kun is very reliable, it’s at times like these that I realize how lucky I am to have him on my side... )
Ruki: ...Yui. You should learn to be a little more assertive.
Yui: Assertive?
Ruki: You need to learn to voice your own opinion.
Nothing good comes from being too timid.
You are the chosen Eve. Have more confidence. Be proud.
If you stand there cowering, (1) it has a negative impact on me, the person by your side, as well.
Yui: ...Right. I’m sorry, Ruki-kun. 
Ruki: Of course, I know that is simply who you are. Therefore, I’m not exactly blaming you or anything.
I do like that side of you too after all.
Yui: Eh...?
Waiter A: My apologies for the wait. I shall escort you to your seats.
Ruki: Let’s go.
The terrace is a VIP seat. Try and keep your head up high, so you seem fitting of sitting there. Understood?
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Waiter A: Here’s your coffee, cafe au lait and tarte tatin.
Yui: Wah...Looks delicious!  Take a look, Ruki-kun!
Ruki: Oi, don’t make too much of a fuss. Did I not tell you these seats are special? You’re embarrassing us.
Yui: Ah...Sorry.
Ruki: Remain calm when eating. Right now you are reminding me of Kou or Yuma.
Yui: Yes...Well then, I’ll have a bite.
Yui: Nn...Delicious!
Ruki: I see.
Yui: You won’t eat anything?
Ruki: No. Watching you eat something so sugary sweet is more than enough for me.
Yui: However, it actually isn’t too overly sweet, so won’t you try some as well?
We’re here together now anyway, so just one bite, okay?
Ruki: ...If you insist, I suppose I will. Give me some.
Yui: Yes! I’ll ask the waiter for a fork...
Ruki: No need. You are already holding one in your hand, no?
You can use that one.
Yui: B-But, then I’ll have to...
Ruki: What? You can’t...?
Yui: It’s not impossible but...
Ruki: ...You won’t claim it’s embarrassing, right?
You’ve already directly accepted my fangs with your body, yet this much is enough to make you feel shame?
If you don’t like the idea, you don’t have to share with me. I’m not that interested after all.
Yui: I do think it’s embarrassing, but I want you to be able to have a taste as well.
Ruki: Hmph...In that case...You know what to do, right?
Yui: ( Uu...I guess having him on your side can still cause trouble at times... )
ー They leave the cafe
Waiter A: Thank you very much for your visit!
Yui: That was so good! I’m glad we came.
Ruki: Yeah.
Yui: Say, Ruki-kun. Where are we headed next? 
Ruki: Wherever you want. We are just killing time until it’s time after all.
*Clap clap clap*
Clown A: Gather around, everyone! A spectacular show is about to begin!
Everyone interested should head to Saint Nore Park right away! A fun time awaits ahead!
Yui: Saint Nore Park...? I wonder what kind of show they’re talking about?
Ruki: Want to go take a look if you’re curious? We still have time.
Yui: Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to Saint Nore Park’s venue
Yui: What a crowd...I guess the show will take place around here?
Ruki: Oi, Livestock, don’tーー
Yui: Ah...!
Female Vampire D: Watch your step! Be careful!
Yui: S-Sorry...
Ruki: ...Haah.
Ruki: Don’t wander around without permission from your Master. Who do you think has to go through trouble if you were to get yourself lost?
Yui: Sorry...
Ruki: If you truly feel guilty, make sure to stick by my side from here on out. I don’t want to get into trouble either.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( However, aren’t we a little too close right now...? )
ー The crowd cheers
Magician A: This concludes our marionette act. 
We had some close calls with the threads getting entangled, but those kind of ‘small’ incidents are part of the act’s charm!
Yui: ( That’s not a laughing matter...! )
Magician A: Well then, let’s move to the next show time!
I need an assistant for this next act...So could I ask for a volunteer?
Yui: Fufu, this kind of stuff often happens, huh?
Ruki: Usually the assistant is decided upon beforehand though.
Yui: Oh come on...
Magician A: Hm...Let’s see...Ah!
Yui: ( ...Eh? Did our eyes meet just now? )
Magician A: The young lady over there. Would you be willing to help me out?
Yui: ( I knew it...! )
Ruki: ...Are you referring to her?
Magician A: Why of course! I just felt like this is fate.
I feel like my act will definitely succeed if she helps me out. Unlike the one from before.
Ruki: ...I’m sorry, but I can’t hand her over.
Magician A: Eeh? Please don’t say that...Say, young lady? How do you feel about this?
Yui: Me? I...
→ I want to give it a try
Yui: I guess I kind of want to...give it a shot.
Magician A: See? Did you hear that?
Ruki: ...You fool.
Yui: Eh...!?
( Is he upset...!? )
→ Ask Ruki-kun (☾)
Yui: Ruki-kun...What should I do?
Ruki: ...If you want to try it, you should.
Yui: Thenーー
Ruki: Which is what I’d love to say. But I cannot give you permission this time.
Yui: ( He seems really insistent about it... )
Is there a specific reason, Ruki-kun?
Ruki: ...You know very well that you’re surrounded by Vampires right now, don’t you?
Vampires don’t die so easily. Therefore, even if they make a small blunder, they can just cover it up as being part of the show.
If anything, I heard that sometimes they will mess up on purpose to get a stronger reaction from the audience. I assume that was the case in the previous act as well.
Even if it is something which could usually cost a person their life, for a Vampire who doesn’t die very easily, they can simply laugh it off.
However...You are different. If a mistake were to occur, you’d die.
How could I let you go through with this...knowing very well that is the case?
Yui: ( Come to think of it...Earlier everyone laughed when he said there was a close call as well. )
( If an incident were to happen again while I’m helping out... )
Ruki: Do you still want to give it a try after hearing all of this?
Yui: ...I don’t...
Ruki: Figured as much.
Magician A: Hello? Have you made up your mind?
Ruki: It was obvious from the very start. She can’t help. If you need someone to assist you, you’ll have to try your luck somewhere else.
Magician A: Not even a little? All she has to do is stand there.
Ruki: The answer is no.
Magician A: ...I suppose you leave me with no other choice then.
ー The magician pulls Yui his way
Yui: Ow...!
Ruki: ...Oi!
Magician A: Oh come on, it’ll be over in the blink of an eye.
Yui: ( This person is incredibly strong...! )
P-Please stop...!
Magician A: Don’t be scared. Even if a mishap occurs, we don’t die, do we?
Yui: ( He’s mistaking me for a Vampire!? Because my scent has faded due to the drug...!? )
Ruki: Oi! Let go of her right noーー!
Ruki: ...!? What are you two doing!?
Clown A: No, no...You shouldn’t interfere with the show!
Clown B: We know that you’re worried about her, but this is all for the sake of the Carnival, okay? Can’t you work with us for a bit?
Ruki: Cut the crap!! Kuh...!
Magician A: Well then, everyone! Please behold! What I would like to demonstrate on this lovely little lady isーー
A knife-throwing show!!
Yui: ( Knives...!? )
Magician A: There are three numbers written on the target behind her. I shall throw the knives towards those in order.
If I manage to hit all three without messing up...I would very much appreciate a grand applause from you all!
Yui: ( No way...The number behind me? They’re near the face...!? )
No! Ruki-kun...!
Ruki: Kuh...! Let me go...!
Clown A: Ah~ Yeah, yeah, stop moving!
Clown B: Don’t worry, it’ll only sting a little at worst.
Ruki: ...Only sting a little, you say...?
...Don’t be ridiculous!!
Magician A: Well thenーー Starting with the first one!
Yui: ...!!
ー She closes her eyes
Yui: ( Ruki-kun...! )
Ruki: ...Yui!!
ー She opens her eyes again
Magician A: ...Oh dear?
Clown A: Oh my! Such strength!
Clown B: There were two of us, but he still escaped our grip.
Ruki: ...Are you okay, Yui?
Yui: Ruki-kun...
( I had my eyes closed so I didn’t see what happened but...Ruki-kun saved me...? )
( ...The knife hit exactly the place I was standing up till now...!? )
( If Ruki-kun hadn’t come to my rescue, right now, I would have been...! )
...! Ow...!?
Ruki: Oi, what’s wrong? Don’t tell me, did the knife...!?
Yui: I’m okay...Seems like it only scraped my arm...But, it’s bleeding...
Spectator A: ...Hm? This scent...
Spectator B: A human! There’s a human here! But, this is...!
Spectator C: What a delicious fragrance! It’s coming from that young lady...!
Ruki: Che...Oi, press down onto your arm! We have to run!
ー The two of them run away
Translation notes
(1) Literally he says that she is ‘making her back round’, implying that she is standing somewhat leaning forward as if you are trying to make yourself small, with your head bowed downwards.
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