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vedansh23 · 1 year ago
The Allure of Cricket: A Worldwide Sporting Phenomenon
Cricket is a team sport that originated in England and has gained immense global popularity. It involves two teams, each consisting of eleven players, taking turns to bat and field. The team batting tries to score runs by hitting the ball and running between wickets, while the team fielding aims to dismiss the batsmen and limit their runs.
The game is typically played between two teams, each consisting of 11 players. The objective is for one team to score more runs than the other. Runs are earned by the batsmen, who try to hit the ball bowled by the opposing team's bowler and run between wickets. The fielding team's goal is to dismiss the batsmen by getting them out in various ways, such as catching the ball or hitting the stumps with the ball. Cricket matches can last from a few hours to five days, depending on the format.
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Cricket is played in various formats, including Test matches, One Day Internationals (ODIs), and Twenty20 (T20) matches. Test matches are played over several days, emphasizing endurance and strategy. ODIs are limited to 50 overs per side, and T20 matches are even shorter, with each team facing just 20 overs.
Cricket's popularity spans across continents, with strong followings in countries like India, Australia, England, Pakistan, South Africa, and the West Indies, among others. Major tournaments like the Cricket World Cup, held for both ODIs and T20s, capture global attention. The sport has a massive fan base, and international matches draw large audiences both at stadiums and through broadcasting. Cricket players become iconic figures, and the sport holds a significant place in the cultural fabric of many nations.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 years ago
Ok I didn’t even finish reading the first sentence and had to reblog WELL DONE! and this is my favorite part 
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Sorry if this gets kind of long
I (382M)recently started seeing someone (96M) but he was already sort of in a relationship. He said he wasn’t and that she (67F) was “just his daughter” but I called bullshit. Right around this time the guy (102M) that I repeatedly tried to hookup with ages ago showed up asking about my new beau. It turns out they just split up! I didn’t want to get more involved in their drama than I already was so I told him that I hadn’t seen his ex, but he wouldn’t let up on it so I pushed him out the window (he had it coming, he already did that to me plus he ruined my life). This guy apparently does. not. quit. He then showed up at my friends house and told them all about my new man and the multiple murder attempts they pulled on each other. At this point I had enough so I said fine, and let my friends roll up to the hotel where my man and his lady and this new girl they picked up were staying. My friends did what our laws said to do and they burnt the two girls alive, but I made sure my man was only buried alive (for the record I had no idea he was claustrophobic). The next night I got him out, and he didn’t even seem greatful! All he cared about was his girl, which means I was right that there was something going on between those two. Then he saw his ex there and that did not go over well. He then took off for a week before going over to my friends’ house and burning it down. Now we’re truly dating and travelling around together but I feel like he’s becoming more distant and he seems to blame me for his daughter’s death??? I didn’t kill her, nor did I invite his ex over, and I feel like he’s overreacting.
TLDR; My new boyfriend blames me for the death of his daughter and his ex’s return
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monstersinthecosmos · 4 years ago
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@rosedxst: I mean not only that, but also there may not be many black characters, but they still exist. Akasha? She wasn't white. Neither were any of the Egyptians. David was black too- like people need to understand there is more races than just black and white, and this book series provides "other" characters. Benji? Sybelle? David? Akasha? Fareed? Like-
I wanted to give this some space to breathe so here's a new post.
I think this is a really great point, and like, I'm trying really hard not to speculate too much about what went on behind the scenes because we simply & truly do not know, but this is one of the reasons why I'm really disappointed that they changed the approach and decided to start with IWTV instead of TVL like they'd originally been saying.
And again, as much as I wish I could divorce myself from the leaks and not let it play into my cynicism about the news we ARE getting, I admit that I'm a fallible human and it's really difficult to do that. So to ~circle back~ on this, it's not just immediate cynicism about the casting choice, it's actually that this has come from a long series of other very strange creative decisions and I'm having a hard time separating them instead of letting it snowball into one giant CONSPIRACY MELTDOWN!!!!! Because okay, if they'd started with TVL I think they could've avoided some of this. Lestat is goofy and TVL brings a lot of levity to the universe. I don't think I need to remind everyone that we've made this comparison several hundred times:
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@just-another-vcblog so sorry i can't find this link LMAO FORGIVEME [JK I FOUND IT!]
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Even with the movie, Neil Jordan was very adamant that Lestat scenes had to add comic relief because he knew that the movie would be liek WAY too depressing. That's also why they changed the ending, so that everyone didn't walk out of the theatre just dying of the morbs. So like EIGHT HOURS OF THIS??? are going to be challenging, and this might have been avoided if we started on TVL.
Plus we could've had a more diverse cast instead of LEAPING IMMEDIATELY INTO PLANTATION TERRITORY. It could've done a lot of the heavy lifting of establishing the universe and fanbase and taking the temperature before confronting tough conversations like this.
So I have to ask, why change it?
I am the first person to tell you that this series is very fucking weird and the quality is all over the place and maybe it's not easy to translate to screen, but I do think the original trilogy is a pretty solid story that would be fun and make sense. TVL would've adapted really easily, I think!
But why don't they want to risk it?
- Too niche?
- Too queer?
- Too historical?
- All of the above?
But what is it about those obstacles that ISNT present in IWTV?
Really the only thing I can think is that because it's a gamble, they'd rather take their chances and cash in on the NAME of IWTV because it's still fairly relevant and remembered in today's pop culture. And that's a huge red flag to me, and maybe I'm being conspiratorial, judgmental, cynical, pessimistic, blah blah blah, but to me that says: We are making a lazy creative decision because we don't have confidence in our work.
Like listen, I'm not on the inside, I don't know what the fuck else logistic disasters could be leading into this, it could be part of a bigger story arc and investment into the series as a whole, it could be a budget thing, it could be MAYBE THEY FOUND SOMEONE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT FOR GABRIELLE WHO ISN'T AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW AND THEY'RE GOING TO COMPROMISE THE WHOLE PROJECT TIMELINE FOR HER, look, it could legitimately be anything. But yknow. I just wonder if it's a lack of confidence that they can draw a large audience to a niche story and if they're willing to piggyback off the IWTV name to get that boost.
(Also, now that we know they're also prioritizing the Mayfair series, they could be fucking the vampires around as a way to lead into the witch stories? Those stories are a whole other can of worms I don't want to get into now but people have been asking for a Witching Hour series for like 20 years and I do think it would translate to screen pretty well, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're going to be a putting a lot of effort into that and using IWTV as a building block for it.)
So that has absolutely been framing my opinion and I apologize if anyone hasn't been as obsessive as I am LMAO it might have removed some context to the way I've been talking about it. I say all this to say that I really, deeply, truly despise how insular and self-obsessed Hollywood Elite & art academia are and I've been viewing a lot of the updates as a series of red flags that there is BAD WRITING AFOOT! But I'm just like, some asshole HAHA I could be wrong. I'm still really excited to watch it and I HOPE I'm wrong.
It really is very suspicious to me though that this whole time for the past 5 years we've been told "We're starting with TVL, A&C are writing it, we're very adamant about creative control" etc and suddenly it's IWTV and they've been kicked out of the writing room. And so their radio silence for the last 2 months since this has been announced is really alarming, like how badly did they just get fucked over? lol
Studios keep shit like this under wraps for this entire fucking reason, because people online get all sleuthy and annoying and fandoms the last few years have gotten increasingly militant and toxic about moral purity and it really sucks. So like, as tempting as it is to sit here and gossip and make assumptions about who's difficult to work with and why changes were made and blah blah blah like literally, as fun as it is to speculate, there's no information to base this off of. So. I mean. I KNOW I JUST DID THAT ANYWAY but what I'm saying is, don't take nonsense and wank as gospel haha.
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martian-martian-martian · 5 years ago
I saw there were no timestamps for LESTAT: THE MUSICAL online so I bit the bullet and watched it for the first time and recorded this iconic bullshit myself in a play-by-play P.1
(WARNING: this is all bullshit that I found funny or interesting, apologies if not all the stamps are helpful.) I spent two hours on this so please reblog or like it. Part TWO will come soon.  (I also commented the stamps ON the youtube comments for the video so you can use them there for convenience.) 
Tagging all the vampire chronicles (??? related) people I know: @cara--corvaia , @lestatthebiprince @i-want-my-iwtv @vamp-prince-mikhael @tomorrow--mourning @moasfuck @hotvampiregoss @fuckinglovemanga @theweightwecarry @just-another-vcblog @thevampirelesthot @her-golden-hair Sorry to bother you if you dont know me, this is just a blatant ploy to befriend you all, and also, did I mention, you’re cool by the way. 
2:57 - Lestat can’t get his knife back in its fucking sheathe 3:22 - Lestat’s dad looks like Geralt of Rivia and you can’t change my mind. 4:00 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.1 5:00 - Nicholas?!?! *scooby-doo “AROOO?” noise*   5:50 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.2 SHE can BELT, y’all 6:10 - Lestat literally left 2 seconds ago and Gabi sings about how he’s gone. 
8:33 - First clap of the night, thank god, it was way too quiet so far 
8:52 - the stupidest fucking hats ive ever seen 
9:08 - Lestat is called a “country boy” and NICHOLAS!!!! 
9:40 - titties joke 
9:50 - this dude in a BERET is sending me, what ERA is he FROM what the FUCKKK 
10:00 -  someone’s head blocks the gay agenda 
10:38 - “yo dawg i heard you liked bad acting so i put some bad acting in your bad acting so you could badly act while you badly act” 
11:50- the audience laughs at obvious ‘only one bed trope’ that is obvious 
12:20 - Nicholas possibly fucked himself with a violin? 
12:33 - pig noises 
13:05 - the audience laughs at obvious Top Nicholas 
13:50 - catholicism 
14:05 - thats GAYYYYYYY p.1 
14:40 - JUMPSCARE 
14:50 - Lestat is bitten by this rando and cums instantly 
15:00 - thirsty boi om nom nom 
16:43 - Lestat can have a little kiss, as a treat. 
16:55 - “Well, I’m out” *creates fire out of nowhere, walks through it, and dies* 
20:10 - every time he says ‘thirst’ take a shot no just kidding dont haha unless… 
22:19 - one guy in the audience tries to clap then stops 
25:00 - tender ass love ballad is a tender ass love ballad 
29:00 - coming out to your mom as dead 
30:00 - Gabrielle’s voice gives me literal chills 
32:20 - do NOT laugh do NOT laugh this is NOT funny at all this is serious 
33:30 - Mulan 
33:55 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.3 she really out here 
34:50 - Moooo-ooom, you’re embarrassing me. 
35:50 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.4 
37:00 - antonio banderas the 300 year old EDGY BOY 
40:26 - armand has a teen voice crack (“thousands of yEaRs”) 
42:20 - this random person shoots their shot at armand and gets nerfed 
43:19 - “you would be beautiful if someone held you under a waterfall for several hours” HGHJGGHGHGHJGJH why would you say that?! 
43:35 - humans pretending to be vampires tell vampires to pretend to be humans pretending to be vampires. 
44:29 - armand drops nicholas like a sack of potatoes and made me laugh 
46:00 - that moment when suck your boyfriend too hard ladies amirite no wait  never mind he’s dying this is bad actually 46:40 thru 
50:00 -  vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires BUT MAKE IT A HIGHSCHOOL MODERN DANCE SHOWCASE 
50:50 - armand said: nice theater. shame if i were to….steal it hundreds of years later. 
51:45 - they literally said “Nick was so pure his brain exploded rip” 
53:12 - get PWN’D armand you slut 
56:12 - if you listen closely you can hear my heart breaking 
57:00 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.5 this whole song is bamf material 
58:55 - long-ass head kiss 
1:00:30 - Gabrielle is That Bitch P.6 INCREDIBLE BELT 
1:00:50 - everyone is clapping! Clapping! Oh god, wait! Oh god they’re kissing! He’s kissing his mom! Clapping...peters out… you hear people go ‘oh’.... he is… kissing his mom...clapping...ends… 
1:01:00 - “I love you my son.” people laugh because incest 
1:04:19 - world’s saddest cookout 
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eliestela · 7 years ago
The only thing I can add to this is:
The Furby Organ, everyone.
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This is the most Armand & Daniel thing ever
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good-evening-kiss · 7 years ago
The Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by: @just-another-vcblog ​ @xlilvamp​
All I Want // The Cure 
Heaven Tonight // HIM 
Death Is In Love With Us // HIM 
Bad Girl(Feat. Marilyn Manson) // Avril Lavigne 
3つ数えろ(3 tsu Kazoero; Count To 3) // Yapoos
Friday I’m In Love // The Cure 
Fool Girl // Yapoos 
Razorblade Kiss // HIM 
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mortabelum · 7 years ago
We’re snooping on your playlist. set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by both @just-another-vcblog (on the side blog) and @mntyaggrssn (on my main blog, @princelesthottie, ofc; posting here bc it’s more personal than VC c:)! thanks, ya’ll 💕
Paper Wings by Rise Against
Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance
Seventeen by Marina & the Diamonds
Four Seasons, Op. 8, Summer: Presto by Antonio Vivaldi (i’m so sry lol) 
Lithium by Evanescence 
Let Me In by Eyes Set To Kill
The Trail by Pink Floyd 
Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears
Bathwater by No Doubt
Liar (It Takes One To Know One) by Taking Back Sunday 
i'm still an edgy teenager o k 
tagging — oh jeez, ok, imma tag some of my VC peeps, so sorry that it’s coming from the side blog, es only me lmao — @deancallsmedaddy, @aaliyah-draws, @ashleysanxiety, @pour-some-aspartame-on-me, @wicked-felina, @nostradamvs, @auburnandamberangel, @bisexual-watermelons, @terryfphanatics, and @lesinnocentsblog. ik this has been circulating, so excuse me if you’ve already been tagged/have done it already. 
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xlilvamp · 7 years ago
The Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by: @just-another-vcblog
Born to die — Lana del Rey.
Mistery of Love — Sufjan Stevens.
At last — Etta James.
Cola — Lana del Rey.
Summertime sadness — Lana del Rey.
Steve McQueen — M83
The enemy — Kita Klane.
Honeymoon — Lana del Rey.
Miss you — Foster the People.
Get free — Lana del Rey.
Tagging: @monstersinthecosmos @good-evening-kiss @sunjawlow @nightfreaks @i-want-my-iwtv @princelesthottie @lepetitbratprince @malisvaart @the-shitpost-chronicles
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vedansh23 · 1 year ago
The Allure of Cricket: A Worldwide Sporting Phenomenon
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i-want-my-iwtv · 8 years ago
reblogged your photo and added:
It says they’ve optioned the rights to 11 of them, but, including Pandora, there’s 13 books. So which books are not included?
I think it’s IWTV*, Blackwood Farm, and Blood Canticle, maybe Merrick, bc AR has said her Mayfair/VC hybrid novels “haven’t worn well over time.” She’s even told ppl to ignore them when reading PL and PLROA. I bet she’ll at least touch on IWTV in flashbacks, but we know she loved movie!IWTV, and probably doesn’t want to try to reinvent the wheel on that one.
It could be that she’s not including PL and PLROA for now.
Does anyone have a statement from her re: which books aren’t included?
*Anne Rice previously noted that the series likely will not touch on the events of “Interview with a Vampire,” but will instead pick up with its sequel “The Vampire Lestat.” [X]
Full list:
The Vampire Chronicles  Interview with the Vampire (1976) The Vampire Lestat (1985) The Queen of the Damned (1988) The Tale of the Body Thief (1992) Memnoch the Devil (1995) The Vampire Armand (1998) Merrick (2000) - arguably a Hybrid Mayfair/VC since one of the main characters is a Mayfair. Blood and Gold (2001) Blackwood Farm (2002) - Hybrid Mayfair/VC Blood Canticle (2003) - Hybrid Mayfair/VC Prince Lestat (2014) Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis (2016)
New Tales of the Vampires Pandora (1998) Vittorio the Vampire (1999) - he’s never been included as a VC vampire. 
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vampyredelanuit · 7 years ago
the rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
@just-another-vcblog tagged me (thank you!)
1. burning bright (field on fire) by nine inch nails
2. closer by nine inch nails
3. uncertain smile by the the
4. street of dreams by the damned
5. everyday is halloween by ministry (an excellent bop)
6. a dying god coming into human flesh by celtic frost
7. social enemies by orgy
8. slipping away - remix version by nine inch nails
9. the background world by nine inch nails
10. opticon by orgy
i tag @thevampirelestat @stardustschild @hellothisisyourlocalchair @vampearlgrey @tomorrowillmissyou and anyone else who wants to do this
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programming · 7 years ago
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sofipitch · 4 years ago
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@just-another-vcblog You are right, I think he likes the movie and songs just doesn't get why people gather to yell obscenities all the way through it.
Louis is like, "can ya'll please be quiet I'm trying to enjoy this"
I think Lestat would really enjoy the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I can picture him going to midnight showings saying callbacks the audience has never heard before and when they are like "cool where did you hear that one" he'd be like "oh I heard it back in the 80s ;)" and ppl are just looking bewildered at this man who is obviously in his twenties
Louis is not a fan but goes along with Lestat (bc that's what couples do) and knows the movies and songs beat for beat
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vedansh23 · 1 year ago
The Allure of Cricket: A Worldwide Sporting Phenomenon
Empowering Women's Cricket
Women's cricket has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the years, transcending boundaries and rewriting the narrative of female participation in sports. This blog post delves into the exciting journey of women's cricket and its promising future.
Women's cricket dates back to the late 18th century when the first recorded match was played in England. However, it wasn't until the late 20th century that the sport gained significant recognition. The inaugural Women's World Cup in 1973 marked a pivotal moment, showcasing the potential and talent of female cricketers worldwide.
Women's cricket faced numerous challenges, including gender bias and limited opportunities. However, resilient athletes shattered stereotypes and paved the way for future generations. Icons like Belinda Clark, Mithali Raj, and Meg Lanning became role models, inspiring countless girls to pursue their cricketing dreams.
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The expansion of women's cricket is evident through the growing number of teams participating in international tournaments. The ICC Women's T20 World Cup has become a marquee event, drawing global attention and fostering competitiveness among teams. Emerging nations like Thailand and Ireland are making their presence felt, indicating a more inclusive cricketing landscape.
One significant stride has been the push for equal pay and recognition in women's cricket. Several cricket boards now offer central contracts, sponsorships, and prize money on par with their male counterparts. This financial support not only encourages talented players but also ensures a sustainable career in the sport.
The advent of T20 cricket revolutionized the game, making it more accessible and exciting. Women's cricket embraced this format, leading to increased viewership and fan engagement. Leagues like the Women's Big Bash League (WBBL) and the Women's Indian Premier League (WIPL) have gained popularity, providing a platform for players to showcase their skills on a global stage.
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The future of women's cricket looks bright. Initiatives like grassroots development programs, increased media coverage, and investment in infrastructure are paving the way for sustained growth. The ICC's commitment to promoting women's cricket ensures that the sport continues to thrive on a global scale.
In conclusion, women's cricket has come a long way, challenging stereotypes, and achieving remarkable milestones. With increasing support, investment, and talent, the sport is set to reach new heights. As fans, let's celebrate and champion the incredible journey of women's cricket as it continues to inspire and empower generations to come.
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 years ago
the rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. set your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by @auberginejeans
FULL DISCLOSURE, my music library is on an external that I’m too lazy to plug in right now, so as an alternative you get my DANIEL MOLLOY PLAYLIST from Spotify on shuffle cause it’s like 11 hours long LOL.  E N J O Y
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01. Dance With the Dead - There’s a Storm Coming
02. Maxthor - Don’t Fear the Sun
03. Violent Femmes - Color Me Once
04. Deine Lakaien - Farewell
05. Rainbowdragoneyes - The Rift
06. Linea Aspera - Eviction
07. Magic Sword - Only Way In
08. Nightstop - Synthax Terror
09. Scratch Massive - Closer
10. Puscifer - Momma Sed
 I’m a tool and these songs all gave me intense vampire pain so I’m gonna continue and share a few more because now I’m really excited to pay the pain forward LOL
Depeche Mode - I Feel You
Foo Fighters - Let it Die
Ugress - Your Monster Is Me
The Veils - Vicious Traditions
SaharA - F.O.O.L.
Tagging @tatara-to-eto @krisqueeracle @covenofthearticulate @dianysus @hedonisttrash @just-another-vcblog @pandoras-crocs @remarried @the-shitpost-chronicles @yureiyume @ineffablelexicon @finnishdoomster @that-one-anxious-black-girl @fairytalesgoneawry @mntyaggrssn
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sofipitch · 4 years ago
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Hey @just-another-vcblog who gave you the right to rip out my heart like this?
If the VC tv show doesn’t include a scene with 80s Lestat blasting „It’s a kind of magic“ while driving his convertible at top speed, then what are they even doing?
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