#vbps/nsb part 1
skeletonsfortea · 7 months
VBPS/NSB: Part One: Swapped
(Takes place between chapters nine and ten of VBPS- and after the events of NSB.)
You wake up...not in bed. Actually, you don't recognize any of your surroundings. You're in a living room, that much you know, but...you realize that whatever you're leaning on is alive. Slowly, you look up, heart starting to pound. It's Papyrus. But...not? He doesn't have sharp teeth. Instead, they're only chipped. He has both eye sockets too.
"Wh-wha-" you begin, and he looks down at you. To your utter shock, he smiles. Not a slight, passing smile- not one he's forcing down- a genuine smile, warm and bright. You throw yourself off of the couch and hit the ground with a thud.
"Y/N!" He shouts, getting up, hands outstretched. Y/N? Y/N? Papyrus doesn't call you by name! You struggle to your feet, stumbling away from him, just when Sans appears. Oh fuck, you're really screwed now.
"I-I'm sorry," you begin. "I didn't mean to..." fuck, he didn't ask you to speak, what are you doing? Your mouth snaps shut. Sans, at least, looks like himself. Mostly. His eye seems bigger- though perhaps that's a trick of the mind- and his teeth are blunt. His attire is different, too, muted, most of it being in shades of gray and white with the only black being his shorts. You can't read his expression as he takes in the situation, and you realize you've been staring directly into his face. Immediately, you drop your gaze, a slight tremor running up your aching spine.
"What the fuck happened?" He asks, finally.
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skeletonsfortea · 7 months
VBPS/NSB: Part Three
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In the Horrortale Universe...
Sans stares at you as he tries to figure out what’s going on. You…seem thinner than before. Is he imagining that? Did you stop eating? An spike of fear shoots through his soul at the thought.
“Buddy?" He asks when you don't answer.
“I-I just…jumped, I’m sorry.” You say.
Why are you apologizing? And almost more importantly, why aren't you meeting his eye?
“What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing’s wrong.” You assure him, but clearly something is. His eye sockets narrow, and he realizes he can't see your soul. How- why? Are you hiding it? He notices you shift and looks back up at your face. You look so afraid. His soul hurts.
“Can I see your soul?" He asks after a moment.
Papyrus looks over at him, "what? Why would-”
“Y-yes, Sans,” you say before he can finish, and both he and Sans tense. Why are you talking like that? What’s going on?
He has the sudden feeling that this isn't you. Even though you look exactly the same, even though you know his name. Even though there’s no explanation for why you wouldn't be you.
“Y-Y/N? What’s going on?" Papyrus asks nervously.
“Wait, Paps," Sans says, drawing his attention, “I don't think…this isn't the Y/N we know."
“What do you mean?"
“Look.” He’d prefer to leave your soul alone, especially with the state you’re in, but he has to know, so he makes the gesture. Your eyes squeeze shut and your hands go flat at your sides. Your soul comes into view and Sans’s eye sockets widen.
HP 20/25
LV 1
It’s not your stats that have him confused and enraged. It’s that your soul…it’s…covered in scars- and so dim. It looks muted. You’re breathing fast- so quietly that it's almost unnoticeable- but your chest is rising and falling at a rate far too quick. You have your face slightly turned away and you’re shaking like a leaf in a storm. Sans quickly flicks your soul back into your chest. You don't relax immediately, just stop shaking quite as violently. Papyrus looks horrified, his face gray.
“So…where are you from?" Sans asks.
“I…I don't understand." You say.
“How did you get here?"
“You don't recognize us, do you? Not exactly?"
You briefly look up at him, “I- I guess not.”
“But you…you know people like us?”
He feels sick. Some of his memories on alternate timelines come to the forefront of his mind. “And these…alternate versions of us. They didn't treat you well?" He notices your hands form fists. There’s a struggle in your expression. “You could say that.”
“T-they hurt you?” Papyrus asks, his expression taunt with fear and empathy.
Your mouth opens and closes for a moment before you say, "...yes.”
“We’re not going to.” Sans assures you. "We’re not them. We won't hurt you. You can speak freely.”
You slowly look up, meeting his eye. There’s tension in your posture. Sans does his best to train his expression into something softer than usual. You look at Papyrus, who doesn't have to put any effort into looking well meaning. Some of the suspicion in your expression fades.
“Yes!” Papyrus says, and you flinch. He immediately looks guilty. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”
Sans sighs a little. “So. How did you get here?"
“I…don’t know. I was in bed one moment, and the next…" you glance sidelong at Papyrus. If you just appeared here, though, where is his Y/N?
…he has the feeling he knows.
His soul starts humming.
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