#vaxleth prompt
ogdoadfates · 2 years
Aight here we go Vaxleth modern AU prompts/plot like points? idk but here they are!
Vax is a mortician and Keyleth is a florist, you can also put percy x Vex in here as well, could start with Vax having to find a new florist to get flowers for his work (I have barely any sense of what they do, probs do more research into what that line of work fully entails I know the main bits and bobbles of it but not the extras) this could work as a slow burn with all of them slowly getting to know each other (can of course add some angst in here too~ like vax having to prepair a body that looks like keyleth at some point? idk) so this prompt works for either long fics or a one shot
Rockstar AU Vex, Vax, Pike, Grog, and scanlan all are a band (manager is Gilmore because yes~) and when done with touring for a bit Gilmore reunites with his old friend Allura who is also attempting the same job but with Kyleth and Percy but tho they are good they haven’t had great exposure (Keyleth and Percys duo/band name could be The SunTree or Beneath the SunTree) so this leads to them meeting up causing a slow burn between both Vax an Keyleth and Vex an Percy, with the end leading into the creation of the band Vox Machina (bonus points if Keyleth, percy and Allura play D&D and Allura is the DM)
Finding orphaned fanfics and either finishing them or if they are complete writing them from the other background couples perspective! (if your able to ask for permission first!)
This is just an angst idea but could make  very good long fanfic story, due to this being modern AU so no magic ect Keyleth wouldn’t have the druid lifespan of like 1000+years so one idea could be her having cancer (please please do research if you do this and treat it with the respect it needs. or you can make up some disease/illness) maybe Vex is her head doctor and majority of the rest of Vox machina is her team helping her? Percy just being her best friend keeping her company and helping her through it (or if you want to add more angst and slower burn, Keyleth never told anyone but Pery about her illness and had been in a different hospital for help but has to get transfered which is how everyone else finds out causing sad angst while the gang tries to help Keyleth)
College chatfic or normal fic, or mix! slow burn all live in the same dorm like thing, treat rashan like a bad ex of keyleths and thats why she is hesitent to date or get romanticly involved with Vax and the closer the two get the more angry Rashan gets lowkey staking keyleth? god majority of these are dark sorry about that XD 
Anything with Keyleth having a bad previous ex could give her reason to get a tattoo across her collar bone that of antlers that on them in firery text says ‘I have passed through fire’
Strong Keyleth like this can work with any fic just strong keyleth, who likes to go rock climbing and such.
Feel free to mix match or pick apart and put together ideas! Like this is for y’all to mash and mix or just use as inspiration and do your own idea/prompt I just want to read more modern au vaxleth fanfic pls link me them when ya get one posted ;-; (might post more critical role fanfic prompts at some point we’ll see)
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ravendruid · 13 days
Because I'm still waiting for that "rain check" to be cashed in the future, how about "slow dance" with Vax and Kiki?
Hello! Thank you for the prompt!! This fic was inspired by the trailer for Season 3 of The Legend of Vox Machina. Spoilers for anyone who has watched/is watching TLOVM but has not watched Campaign One!
If I could hold you for a minute
(Read on AO3)
Vax leans over the rail on the high balcony that overlooks the scintillating lights of Whitestone, far down below him. The light of Catha shines brightly in the new leaves of the Sun Tree in the center of town, a sign of hope and prosperity for the newly rebuilt city. With two dragons down, Vax allows himself to feel that slight burn of hope, too, even though he is not entirely confident about their alliance with Raishan. The day will come when Vax will enact his revenge on the creature who murdered his mother, but for now, he will enjoy the warm feeling of hope and the respite after an arduous battle.
It’s funny, though, how Vax sees the light go off two rooms down and the corner of his mouth immediately curls up into a smile. He exits the balcony and waits by the door of his bedroom, listening to the not-so-quiet footsteps of his favorite druid, and, right on cue, she knocks at his door.
Vax opens the door, not entirely surprised to see Keyleth still in her battle gear—he is still in his armor, after all—with a tight smile on her face. “Can I stay with you tonight?” She asks. Gods know how much Vax wants her to stay, but instead of opening his mouth and accidentally saying something shitty as he is prone to do sometimes, he simply takes a step back and invites her in with a smile.
“Were you outside?” Keyleth asks, noticing the open glass door. Vax nods, still too scared to speak. He holds out his hand to her, which she takes, then leads them both out into the chill of the night. “Today was hard,” Keyleth whispers as if she is afraid the city will hear her vacillate. “I was afraid I was going to lose you for a moment, there.”
“I’m sorry,” Vax manages with a hoarse voice. 
“You know, I’ve been afraid for so long that I would lose you–all of you, but you specifically,” Keyleth turns her back on the city and looks up at the stone walls of the castle above her. Vax glaces sideways at her and waits for her to continue as he knows she is not done yet. “And I guess it’s a valid fear considering…”
“Considering what?” Vax persuades her when Keyleth takes too long to continue.
“I don’t think I’ve told you this but, if by some crazy chance we all somehow make it through this alive—with the Chroma Conclave, I mean—and I go on to complete my Aramente, I will still watch you all die.”
Vax shifts uncomfortably, looking at Keyleth more seriously now. She is still so young and she already bears a heavy burden, but then again, don’t they all? Doesn’t Vax, too, now that he thinks about it? Doesn’t the weight of the armor press on him in a permanent reminder of his bond to the God of Death?
“By becoming headmaster of the Air Ashari, I will enter a bit of a realm of immortality of sorts, where I could live for a very, very long time. And I’ve been afraid every time I look at one of your faces that it’s going to be the last, and, deep down, I know that day is coming.”
Vax turns sideways to look at her, noticing the downwards curl of Keyleth’s lips, and says, “I know that with everything that has happened, between my new patron and killing dragons, we haven’t had the time to talk properly, but I need you to know, through everything, nothing has changed about how I feel about you. I know death is unavoidable,” Vax snickers at that seeing that he now works for the God of Death herself—whatever that means—then continues, “even if you go on to live a long time, if you are willing to spend some of that time, any time, with me, then I will simply count myself lucky to have it. You’re very dear to me.”
Vax is shocked at the tremble in his voice. In his head, his speech sounded more confident, but hearing his words be spoken in the cold air of Whitestone makes them sound less solid.
“I’ve… had an interesting talk with Vex’ahlia recently, and then with Pike. They have helped me see the other side of the coin.” Keyleth says, then she pulls away from the rail and re-enters Vax’s bedroom. He observes her through the open door and sees the half-elf light the fireplace with her magic—a sight that makes Vax warm and fuzzy inside—and stand by the fire. He follows her then, closing the doors to make sure the heat doesn’t escape, and joins her.
“You know… I’ve been thinking and I think I realized something,” Keyleth approaches Vax and grabs one of his hands by the side of his torso. The touch is warm and comforting, but her hopeful smile is even more. “I realized this whole time that I was afraid of losing you to a future that ultimately has not yet been written, which I know it’s stupid, and I realized that it’s okay to be scared. We still have a lot of demons to face, but we can face anything if we’re together, and I know I, personally, would rather face them at your side.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you, Vax. I have for a long time, and I’m sorry it took me this long to say it.” Keyleth finishes, placing a hand on Vax’s chest. The touch burns through the thick leather of his armor, through his skin and muscles until it reaches his heart and encloses itself around the organ. If the sight of the moonlight on the Sun Tree’s leaves and the flickering of life in the city of Whitestone were already hopeful boons, Keyleth’s words and touch practically make Vax float with hope.
“I–I love you,” Vax smiles brighter than he’s ever done recently. Keyleth sniffles and chuckles lightly, then says, “I love you, too,” and, for a moment, Vax thinks she raises her hand to ask for a high-five, but then thinks better of it and wraps her arms around his neck. 
“May I kiss you?” He asks, knowing full well Keyleth is not as experienced as he is and not wanting to scare her. She nods bashfully, so Vax leans down and kisses her softly. Her lips are warm like fire and sweet like the berry wine they had for dinner. Vax could easily get lost in the softness of Keyleth’s touch, of her lips responding to him, of the tip of her tongue timidly searching for his. Vax indulges his curious druid and slips his tongue inside her mouth. Gods, if he already wanted to leave it all behind for her, now truly feeling the buzzing in his stomach at the contact and the love he has for this woman, he wants to disappear with her from the face of Exandria and live a secluded life, just the two of them.
“Oh, wow,” Keyleth pants. Even though their foreheads are touching and they are too close, Vax can still see the deep red blush on her cheeks, which he finds adorable.
“That was pretty fucking great,” He says, short of breath, too.
“That was pretty great, yeah,” And this time, Vax doesn’t imagine it. Keyleth does raise her hand in a high-five motion, which he awkwardly and giggly replies.
“I–I owe you a dance, don’t I?” Vax remembers all those nights ago in a lost tavern in the ruins of Westruun. Gods, has it really been that long?
“We don’t have music,” Keyleth points out, but Vax shrugs, “We don’t need music.”
Vax places Keyleth’s arms around his shoulders again, then wraps his own arms around her waist and leans foreheads with her one more time. He starts swinging them, side to side, with only the flames of the fireplace and the stray rays of moonlight lighting the room as he murmurs an old son his mother used to sing when she worked on her clothes. Keyleth sighs as she allows herself to relax and leans into Vax, following his lead, which he savors, not knowing if this is the last time they get to do this.
With two dragons to fight, and who knows what’s going to happen next, Vax can’t still fully relax, but right now, in Keyleth’s warm embrace, he tries his best to leave his fears at the door. It’s the least he can do for for the woman he loves.
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blorbologist · 1 year
37 feeblemind vax and your choice
37. Feeblemind
You blast the mind of a creature that you can see within range, attempting to shatter its intellect and personality. The target takes 4d6 psychic damage and must make an Intelligence saving throw.
On a failed save, the creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores become 1. The creature can't cast spells, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.
[Oh y’all are gonna hate me for this]
It’s been a while since Keyleth has felt like a natural disaster. Do asteroid impacts count? Because she makes the ground buckle and splinter so hard she hopes that damn moon feels it.
She shouldn’t take any pleasure in it. This is work. But this is also saving the world, this is what she was born to do - this is what she hasn’t gotten to do, in a long while, and it feels good to let loose and roar with the fury of the world itself. 
As an Earth Elemental, most of her understanding of the world comes down to vibrations - she feels more than hears the metal screaming in protest as its foundations are ruined. Instinctively, she can see the movements of all the very, very squishy people around her, though it takes a moment to differentiate the Ruby Vanguard from her people. Best of all, the boulders of bulk make pain only a slight sandpaper scrape -
Keyleth can’t see Ludinus turn to look at her. Intuit it, from the heavy unease that quiets her thoughts. Birds stop singing when a predator is about - it’s a lot like that, being looked at by a wizard. 
It’s familiar, is what she means, and she knows how to react to it. 
She can’t. Is the problem.
She can’t, because she - 
She can’t.
He did something. Something - something terrible, something just as familiar. With his mouth - words. Couldn’t hear it, not with the roaring end of the world. But he did and this is - she knows but she doesn’t and it’s terrifying.
She sees familiar faces. Another mage, a pretty mage, a safe mage. A dragon, and the mere memory makes her earth arch into scared spines. Too many teeth, too many, and with no order to them, just predator and scared and furious and she feels the same and she -
This shouldn’t hurt. But this thing is prying her apart, stone by stone and sending grit flying and it’s worse than blood because it’s part of her, and she’s smaller with each strike until she’s - she’s not. 
She’s not, and that’s shocking, to be herself again, and she’s not - she can get a lot more hacked off her like this, she realizes, as the blade smiles with mud that looks red under the moon and the woman lifts it.
Move. Move. She can move - but it’s a stumble back on her elbows, and that’s not what should move, it’s her mouth. Move in the right way, she knows the sounds she needs to make, so why can she only scream - 
(It is better, that she knows what’s coming? Even like this, even when she knows nothing, nothing of what she should. She knows the darkness. She met it in foam and beachrocks, once. It’s not that bad. It might even be better than this terror, this everything wrong, because he might be there.)
(If she were a dragon, at least she could tear them apart. The dragon tore apart her friends. At least she knows what a dragon is - primeval, the fear for great reptiles that dig you out of your nest to eat you even as you wake.)
(All this time before it comes and she can’t - she can’t - she can’t use it for anything but trying, and trying, and not -)
She isn’t scared of birds. Maybe she should be, in the same way scales and teeth send her heart running. 
Her world is black feathers. Feathers are downy nests and hair and comfort. A dark night, many dark nights, where she sheds her skin and finds his warm. Wings beat, heavy, and her heart tries to slow to match them. 
Feathers mean him mean her world is whole, even when she isn’t.
She hadn’t - they shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t be here.
He is.
There’s something on his lips. It should mean the world to her, she knows. It should mean she’s safe. 
She can move. They haven’t robbed her of this. She could reach out and touch him.
Frozen not by terrors beyond her, but by confusion, by her own confusion. Her own fear, that she doesn’t know who he is, even when she should, she should, better than her own - it’s on her mind every night, every night, and she can’t think it now and can’t say it to him and the shame mingles with the fear with the easing in her tense muscles and she can’t.
And then she couldn’t if she wants to, because he’s gone, and she doesn’t understand. 
Not sure she wants to - maybe, maybe like this, it hurts less.
[Send me a spell and I'll write a ficlet/snippet to go with it!]
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Kiki and Vex for Trust #19
19. opening up about their own struggles when they see the other's problems s2 tlovm for this one
Vax sighs, his head cracking back against the stone outcropping he's ducked behind. Half an hour he's been tugging at this damn armor, and it won't budge, like it's been glued onto his skin. He's not entirely sure what deal he made with the Matron of Ravens back in that fucking temple, but he's pretty sure it didn't involve a permanent fashion statement.
He sighs again. Fact of the matter is, he has no clue what that deal was. He knows what he meant to bargain, what he thought he was giving up when he pled for his sister's life. Maybe it would've been easier if he'd gotten his wish, instead of...whatever the hell this is.
He feels the eyes on him before he sees her; she's never been the most stealthy among them. "Hey, Keyleth."
She slides into view, cheeks reddening as she grips her staff nervously. "Uh, hey there. Just...thought I'd check in. You...kinda disappeared on us." Again, he hears in the silence that follows.
"Sorry about that." He doesn't have the energy to muster a smile. "Just...needed a minute."
"Yeah, I get that." To his surprise, she comes around to sit on the ground beside him. She pulls gently on one of the feathers of the Deathwalker's Ward. "Kind of on the nose, isn't it? Your new burden literally being on your shoulders?"
Vax snorts. "You know, I hadn't really thought about that."
With a half-shrug, she says, "I think about burdens a lot." She tucks her knees into her chest, wraps her arms around them. "I'm not gonna pretend I know...anything about anything that happened back there." Vax blinks; the last thing he expected was for her to bring that up. "I'm not the most devout or anything like that. But..." She eyes his armor. "I do know what responsibility feels like. Expectation. Especially when you didn't ask for it."
But I did, Vax thinks. Even if I didn't mean to.
Instead he says, "Yeah, I know you do."
"I'm not trying to compare—it's different, I know it is. But...even though I know on paper what I'm supposed to be doing out here, what my people sent me out to accomplish, it's hard not to feel like I've been left to the wind sometimes. Like I'm just supposed to float around until I eventually end up where I'm meant to be."
"Like you're waiting for fate to catch up to you."
She smiles at him, a sad smile of shared understanding. "Yeah. Like that."
He closes his eyes. "So what do you do? During the waiting?"
"Well, I think we're doing it. Helping people. Saving the world." She laughs, and the sound is such a tiny joy, precious and bright. "I mean we're fuck-ups, don't get me wrong, but...I don't know. The wind blew us here. Let's see what we can do with it."
He opens his eyes, and she's smiling again, but it's less sad this time, more hopeful. For the first time, Vax thinks that maybe fate might actually be on his side. "Yeah," he breathes, "let's see what we can do with it."
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everystephoftheway · 2 years
Is #31 taken? If so, that one.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts 31. Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
“No…No, no, stop!” 
Vax is pulled out of his sleep by Keyleth’s strained shouts, her body faced away from him in the bed. He’s quick to sit up and turn, any drowsiness quickly overruled by worry. 
Leaning over her, he finds her eyes scrunched closed, forehead damp with sweat. She is curled into a ball, the blanket held tight in her fists.
“Keyleth, wake up. It’s just a dream; wake up, please.” He gently brushes a hand over her hair, and Keyleth suddenly shoots up with a scream, frantically wide eyed and pale.
Vax leans back, avoiding a nice collision with her head, and immediately moves in front of her, sitting on his knees. The room is dark, only the dull light from the moon in a cloudy sky peeking in through the window.
"Kiki, look at me." He reaches for her hands, but makes sure to keep his movements slow and gentle.
Her eyes find him quickly, but it takes her a second to really see him. The fear in her expression starts to fade as he simply sits there, an unmovable presence; she starts watching him breathe, and slowly but surely matches his rhythm. Looking down, she notices their hands intertwined--how did she not feel it?
"It's okay. It was just a dream."
She looks up at him again. "A dream...Just--" Her lips curl in as her eyes suddenly become glassy, and she starts to unravel. Vax scoots in immediately, letting go of her hands so he can wrap himself around her, her head against his chest.
"Shhh, it's alright. I'm here, it's alright."
He starts to brush through her hair with his fingers, the other arm strong against her back, willing to hold her up if she feels the need to fully let go. Her arms tuck in between them, rising up to take his face in her hands, and she brings him down to kiss her.
Her lips are salty from tears, but Vax pays no mind. He kisses back, and keeps doing so until she pulls away just enough to speak.
"I love you so much," she whispers. "Promise me you won't leave me."
Vax's heart breaks in his chest, and, at first, all he can think to do is kiss her again before he says, voice strong and clear, "I promise."
"Say the whole thing."
"I promise I won't ever leave you."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
They sit like this a little while longer, whispering I love you's back and forth, until Keyleth finally lets out a yawn, and Vax manages to convince her to lay down again, this time in his arms. They sleep like that the rest of the night, neither moving, neither leaving, the dream fading into the night like a distant memory.
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crispysnake · 1 year
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cateyesinlove · 1 year
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꧁“𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞/ 𝐈𝐦 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤“꧂
Art by @leticiavazlart
Commissioned by me
I have been dying to post this commission 😭 Vaxleth and Elriel are some of my absolute OTP’s. So of course for the last prompt of @elriel-month AU I had to commisison them! The don’t you even dare scene and I’m getting her back have the same energy! this two men willing to do anything for their girls, breaking rules/ not caring about what other have to said and not giving shit about the consequences 😭There are so many parallels between them.
Thank you Leti so much for bringing this idea to life! I love it so much!♥️
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Vaxleth + 48 for the prompts?
“It's natural. It's part of you. Of course I don't hate it.” (reincarnated au)
Keyleth sits on their bed, one leg curled underneath her as she brushes out her hair. It's gotten longer now, she hasn't really had the time to think about cutting it. There's been...a lot on her mind.
Speaking of things on her mind, Keyleth's eyes are pulled from her small room to the shed out back, the lights on inside. Percy will probably kill her for going to see Vax right now, but before she can think too much about that, Keyleth pulls on boots and a coat.
When she gets to the shed, she pushes open the door slowly. Just inside the door, Pike sits pouring over divine text. She's spent countless hours and days searching for something to help Vax. When Keyleth enters, she looks up, "I don't think you should be here."
Keyleth shakes her head, "I don't care. I'm going to see him."
She doesn't wait for Pike's permission before entering fully. On the opposite wall, Vax sits curled in on himself. His wrists are chained together, his feet chained to the floor. His long hair is greasy and tangled, his face pale.
He doesn't look at her. She doesn't know if that is good or bad.
Gingerly, Keyleth approaches, sinking to sit on the floor about ten feet away from him. As much as it pains her, she knows it isn't safe to get any closer.
"Vax, I couldn't sleep tonight," she begins softly. At the sound of his name, he lifts his head to look at her. In his eyes, there is nothing but deep, deep sorrow. His hands shake slightly. "Do you remember the night before Winter's Crest?" There is no response. "I was freaking out because the next day I had to give a big speech in front of all of Zephrah. You had to talk me down from a panic attack."
"Do you remember what you said to me after?" She asks him. Vax presses his lips together. "I asked you if you hated that I was so anxious, that I can't do anything without being nervous. And you took my hands and you told me-"
"It's natural," Vax cuts her off, his voice slightly hoarse. "It's part of you. Of course I don't hate it."
Keyleth gasps softly, "That's right."
Vax swallows thickly, seeming to have to fight for every word as he says, "Do you hate me?"
Keyleth immediately shakes her head, "I never could. We're trying to figure out how to help you and when we do, everything will go back to normal. I don't hate you, Vax."
That answer doesn't seem to soothe him, but he curls back in on himself, dropping his head onto his knees. Keyleth just sits there for a long time, not saying anything more, just being with him, making sure he knows that she isn't going anywhere.
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warriorbard2012 · 1 year
Heey! Have you done 26. "Helping them build their confidence before an important meeting"? If not, may I request Vaxleth? Thank you :D
Hi Raven! Thank you very much for the prompt! I hope I did it justice! These two cuties are becoming one of my favorite ships to write for!
(A/N: This story is part of an AU I'm calling the Vax Lives verse, where Scanlan manages to use his wish spell to prevent the RQ from taking Vax at the end of C1. He and Keyleth are now happily married and are living in Zephrah.
Also, There is a trigger warning on this one for a mention of a miscarriage. No graphic detail is given, but it is mentioned. Feel free to skip this one if you need to.) 
“Breathe,” Vax gently took Keyleth’s hand. “Breathe with me.” She squeezed it heavily, which hurt a little, but he didn’t care. “Everything’s okay.” He gently casts Lay on Hands to try and get rid of the sick feeling in her gut.
It must have worked because Keyleth finally took a breath, and then she leaned forward and rested her forehead against his shoulder. “Ugh. This sucks.”
He let go of her hand to rub her back, ignoring the smell of sickness in the air. He hated this too. He hated when she was sick. But this… this was something that she couldn’t avoid. She just had to endure it, and he vowed to be right there with her doing whatever he could to help her feel better. 
“I know, love. Just a few more months, and hopefully, things will settle.” He kissed her hair and continued to rub her back.
“We are late. I hope Dad isn’t going to be too upset.” Keyleth said, her words still muffled into his shoulder.
Vax chuckled. “Considering the whole point of us having dinner is to tell him you are pregnant, I hope not.”
Keyleth signed and pulled away. “Is it too soon? I don’t want to get his hopes up.”
Vax’s smile faded and he gently pulled her with him into the window seat of their bedroom and sat her in his lap to hold her close. He put his hand on her belly. He could barely feel the bump where their child was slowly growing. Everything seemed fine so far, but so had the other pregnancy.  His memories went to the child they had lost before, and he said a prayer for them. He knew that miscarriages happen sometimes, but that knowledge didn’t take away the pain.
“That’s up to you, Kiki. I support you, and if you don't want to tell him yet then we won't.”
Keyleth sighed. “It seems stupid, but I’m worried that he’s going to be disappointed.”
“Why?” Vax asked softly, gently running his fingers through her short red hair.”Disappointed that we lost a child, or disappointed that we tried again so soon?” He was a bit confused.
“I don’t know,” Keyleth replied softly. She hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts, and then continued. “Maybe it’s just me, and I’m projecting.” She sighed. “I’m just excited, worried, hopeful, and scared all at the same time and I don’t know how to feel.
Vax nodded his head, understanding all of that as well. He gently kissed the back of her neck and held her just a little bit tighter.
“Well, the only way to find out is to tell him and see what he says. And for the record, I feel the same way, love. I’m worried about you and the baby, but yet I’m so excited that I could shout. I don’t want this one to end in disappointment and sadness, but some things are out of our control or understanding. No matter what I will be right here by your side, loving you through it all for as long as I can.”
Keyleth turned slightly to kiss him on the lips; then, she hugged him. “I love you. How do always know what to say to make me feel better?”
He grinned and gently teased her bottom lip between his before letting go. “Because I know you and I love you. I’ve devoted the rest of my days to making you happy. It’s my one goal in life.”
Keyleth found herself blushing even after the years they had shared. “Such a poet, my love. Careful, you will make Scanlan jealous.”
They shared a laugh, and then, after a few moments of resting, Keyleth stood up. She turned and held out her hand to Vax. “Well, I’m ready. Thank you.”
Vax allowed her to help him up, and then he squeezed her hand before letting go. “No thanks needed, Kiki.” He nudged her hip gently with hers. “It’s my honor, truly.”
She nudged him back. She bent down to reach for her bag, but Vax grabbed it first.
“This is my honor too. It’s part of my duties as a husband. I’m the official bag carrier.”
Keyleth snorted. “Dork.” Then she put her arm in his, and together they made their way towards her father’s cottage.
Edit: 6/2/23 This has now been posted on AO3! You can find the link here!
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
Fluff prompt: Kissing the other awake. Vaxleth please.
Keyleth wakes up to a bird singing heartily outside her window. She gives a lazy yawn as she rolls onto her other side.
Vax's face is bathed in the soft morning light. He looks so peaceful and carefree. It makes her happy.
"You're staring, Kiki."
"I thought you were still asleep," she admits with a laugh.
Vax slowly opens his eyes, and though he's still a little out of it, they still twinkle. She's unsure how he manages it, but it warms her heart.
She cups his cheek with her hand and pulls him into a soft kiss. It's rather fleeting because morning breath is a thing. But once it ends, she rests her forehead against his.
She knows they will need to leave this bed eventually, but for now, they can remain in their sweet slice of serenity.
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ogdoadfates · 2 years
Hello & This is my pin post
Thought I’d make a pin post that contains my AUs, prompts and other ideas an such!
I LOVE making prompt list for Vox Machina or just non fandom specific ones! I also like making AUs for Vox Machina as well! Looking for prompt ideas for writing or for Vox Machina AUs? Feel free to request me to make some! Feel free to also ask me about my headcannons and things about my AUs!
Feel more then free to write anything based off of my prompts or AUs! I’d love to see it! If you write for my AUs I’d loved to be credited with either my tumblr or my AO3 account for the AU idea! (but at the same time I won’t hound you about it)
I am now taking ask prompts! aka send me a character(s)/Ship (platonic or romantic) and I’ll write a little something for them! (Prompts can be from lists I made or ones I’ve rebloged!) PS: Feel free to ask for it to take place in one of my AUs!
I prefer to stay within cannon relationships with mainly only two exceptions, Vexleth and Vaxilmore.
General non fandom specific prompt lists: Best friends #1 , Bittersweet #1 OTP #1 Enemies/Angst , Relationship angst/comfort #1 , Relationship angst/comfort #2 , Different ways of escape , Figuring out you found the one , Bittersweet #2
Vox Machina AUs: Trials Forgotten AU , Bones AU (yes the crime show) Godling AU , Superheros AU , College AU
Vaxleth prompts: Modern AU 
Vexleth prompts: Modern AU
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ravendruid · 18 days
Hi 👋 I would love to see Vaxleth in number 27 kissing in the rain 💛 I love your writing so much btw
Hii!!! Thank you so much for sending a prompt! :D I hope you like it as much as I do ^_^ (And thank you for the compliment :D :D :D)
A Kiss In The Rain
(Read on AO3)
Rain is fun until it isn’t and, at this point, Vax’ildan is getting fed up of the second day of pouring outside. He wants to get out of this stuffy, snobby, much-too-large castle where he feels like he’s being watched at every moment of the day, which he probably is, considering his stomach can’t growl without a servant immediately coming over with a tray of food.
It doesn’t help that everyone he wants to hang out with is locked in the workshop with Percival, going over sketches, doing calculations, and planning things that are far more complicated than what Vax’s brain can comprehend. It sucks that both his sister and his girlfriend instantly bury themselves with work whenever they visit. 
“Mr. Vax’ildan?” A young maid calls his attention. Vax rolls his eyes at the title and looks over his shoulder, decided to give her a word or two about calling him that, but then he sees she is holding a piece of folded parchment and nods instead. “This is for you,” She says, handing the paper.
“From whom?” Vax asks, politely as he takes hold of it. He recognizes the feel of the parchment from the same in Percival’s sketch book. If this is a summons to that stuffy, smoldering workshop… 
“Miss Keyleth, sir,” The maid replies. The title, again, makes Vax’s stomach roil. Why would Keyleth send him a written note through a maid when she can just call him on the earring?
“Thank you,” Vax nods, then leaves the maid behind. 
The note is simple and effective—Meet me at the Widow’s Garden, right now—but it doesn’t answer any more of Vax’s questions. Nonetheless, Vax still obeys because that’s his super-powerful druid girlfriend who can call lightning, and he’s not sure she won’t do just that if he fails to show up when she summons him.
“Keyleth?” Vax calls as he transposes the unlocked iron gate. The garden has had better days, but Vax knows Keyleth has been working with Percy to fix it. “Is there a reason why you called me to meet you out here? It’s fucking pouring, love.” He calls again, to no response.
Vax wanders around for a minute or two, looking in every nook and cranny for the familiar flaming red hair of his girlfriend or for any out-of-place animals, but he doesn’t see anything. He’s almost determined to head back to the castle when he hears a twig snapping behind him.
“Who’s there?” He holds two daggers out in front of him, ready to face the threat.
“Relax, Vax. You know I could snap you in two before you even flung that thing at me,” Keyleth mocks him. She’s not totally wrong. 
“Hey,” Vax greets her. He allows his shoulders to sag with relief and stores the daggers back in their belt. He sees her now, so beautiful and soaked to the bone, just like he is. Her beautiful teal dress sticks to her skin, hugging all her curves, which makes Vax smirk as he lets his gaze wander to her chest.
“My eyes are up here,” Keyleth hooks her finger under Vax’s jaw to bring his face back up. She’s smiling knowingly, a smile she always gives him when she catches him adoring her—which happens way too often.
“Not my fault you wanted to meet in the rain,” Vax shrugs. He wraps his arms around her waist and laces his fingers at her back. Keyleth does the same around his neck. “Why, though? I’m soaked and miserable, and I’m gonna smell like a wet dog.”
“I’ll dry you up, don’t worry,” She smiles. Vax could get lost in her smile. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen—correction, Keyleth is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. “I figured you were bored up there and you needed to get some air.”
“In the rain?”
Keyleth nods. Vax holds his breath when she leans her forehead down to his and closes her eyes. He feels her breath in deeply, as if she’s trying to commit the scent of him in the rain to memory, then exhale. “I–I wanted to do something,” She mumbles, allowing Vax to hear the sound of insecurity in her voice. It’s only with him that Keyleth lets down the mask and allows herself to feel and talk about her insecurities, which Vax appreciates. He believes in her more than he has ever believed in anyone, so he knows she can be confident and strong, but Keyleth still needs reassurance once in a while, and he’s glad he’s there to give her that when she needs it the most.
“In the Widow’s Garden, in pouring rain?” Vax teases her by wiggling his eyebrows. 
“W–what? No! Vax!” Keyleth scolds him playfully. “It’s not t–that!”
“Alright, then, what is it, love? Should I be worried you’re attempting to kill me, then?” Vax keeps teasing his girlfriend until she gives him a shaky smile. 
“I wanted to do this,” Keyleth ends up saying, more confident, and then she places her hands on the back of Vax’s head and brings him in for a kiss. 
When the shock at the intensity of the kiss passes, Vax fully embraces his half-elf druid girlfriend, raising a hand to steady her back as he responds by deepening the kiss. His blood feels like fire at the feel of Keyleth’s body pressed against him, but not the kind of fire that usually makes them end up tangled in bed. No, this fire is different. This is a fire that makes Vax think about the future with Keyleth, to imagine the days of following her on her work trips; of her coming home to a hot, homemade meal and a nice, relaxing bath; of the tiny freckled, red-haired babies Vax would love to have with her one day. It’s a fire that makes him want to get on his knees and ask Keyleth to be truly, wholly his forever, to take him to be truly, wholly hers forever.
But the kiss ends and Vax regrets having to come back from his reverie. Yet, there is a different shine to Keyleth’s beautiful green eyes, a shine that lights a flame of hope inside of Vax that maybe, just maybe, Keyleth felt the same way he did just now, that one day she will take him by the hand and ask him to stay, because they both know that it is her step to take, not his. 
“Are you still angry at me for making you come out here in the rain?” Keyleth asks, fondly caressing his face.
“I could never be angry at you, Kiki. Never.”
Vax kisses her again, and again, and again. They stand kissing in the pouring rain until the clouds part and Vex’ahlia and Percival find them soaked but happy, with blushing faces, and once Keyleth dries them off with a touch of her magic and they join the other couple in the dining room, Vax thinks that, maybe after all, this castle isn’t that bad. As long as Vax has Keyleth at his side and his twin is happy in the arms of the man she loves, Vax knows they will be alright.
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blorbologist · 2 years
Heyyy I'm single and bored on this Val of Tines Day, so:
Send me an AU/WIP (see my pinned post) + a ship and I'll give you a lil romantic moment for them set in that universe! Either a whole complicated HC or a lil snippet <3
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Prom with Vaxleth?
26. Prom setting this in grow with the flow! buckle the FUCK UP
It starts with a social media post—Vex's, to be specific. Vax groans, his phone hovering just a few inches above his face, and Keyleth turns her head away from the business email she's been writing and rewriting for the last half hour to ask, "What is it?"
"Look." And then the phone is shoved in her face, and she's looking at—
"Is that you?"
All limbs and sharp angles, a teenage Vax in an ill-fitting tuxedo, his hair slicked back with what must be an entire container of hair gel, gives a sultry look to the camera. He's back to back with his sister, who's wearing a shimmering blue strapless gown that makes her legs look a million miles long. They each wear a snowdrop, him on his boutonniere and her on her corsage.
"Is this your prom photo?" Keyleth snatches the phone, grinning from ear to ear, to look even closer. "You two look so good!"
"We look so dorky." Vax tries to grab the phone back, but Keyleth keeps it deftly out of reach. "Apparently, today's the tenth anniversary, and Vex decided to air our dirty laundry on social media."
Keyleth scrolls down to read the comments, and since Vax is tagged, the Grow with the Flow audience is having a field day. "Oh yeah, this is fun. It's half bullying you, half asking to have a threesome with you and Vex."
Keyleth finally returns the phone. "Did you guys at least have fun?"
"Well, I hooked up with both the prom queen and the theatre teacher, so...yes."
Keyleth's jaw drops. "At the same time?"
"No." That prompts more questions than it answers, but then Vax asks, "What about you? I wanna see sexy prom photos."
She snorts. "Good luck. I didn't have a prom."
Vax sits up in bed. "For real? Why not?"
"I wasn't kidding when I said Zephrah is small. My graduating class had eleven kids in it. We just had a bonfire instead. That was the first time I successfully shotgunned a beer. There may be pictures of that somewhere!"
Vax pouts, hooking his chin on your shoulder. "So you've never gotten to dress up all pretty, make all the boys and girls go oooooh?"
"Um, well, I got a pretty nice dress for my mom's funeral."
"Oh fucking hell." Vax swings his legs out of bed and snags up his phone. He paces a line in the kitchen, dialing someone and pressing the phone to his ear.
"Who are you calling?"
"My sister. We are fixing this."
Honestly, Keyleth forgets about it. The podcast is really taking off, and pretty much any time not spent researching and scripting and recording and editing is spent coordinating sponsorships and doing the annoying paperwork that comes with owning a business. Vax has some project that he's working on, but he won't tell her what it is, which is fine, because she has more than enough projects on her own plate right now.
She doesn't think to question it when Vex tells her they're going shopping one weekend. Vex likes to shop—well, no. Vex likes to window-shop. Vex rarely spends actual money. Except this time, they go to a little corner boutique, one that sells gowns for weddings and galas. She doesn't know why, but Vex is insistent that she get this long-sleeved emerald green dress that hugs her curves. She tries to argue that it's a ridiculous expense, but Vex promises her they'll do a photoshoot with it for the podcast, and hey, they've been making some pretty good ad revenue these days, so she caves. It's especially hard to say no when Vex buys a dress herself, a slinky black number that makes her look like danger.
She definitely doesn't connect the dots when Vex and Pike burst in unannounced one afternoon when Vax is out, each laden with bags of makeup and hair products. Keyleth's tugged away from her editing to get dolled up, for fun, they insist. The next thing she knows, they're all dressed up, each in their own beautiful gown—Pike's poofy golden dress makes her look like the sun incarnate—and Keyleth's being shoved out the door.
She probably should have figured it out before Vex pulled her car up in front of the botanical garden, where a red carpet lined with silver and gold balloons leads inside the building, but no, it takes Vax, dressed in a sharp black suit that fits like a glove with a slim green tie that matches her dress perfectly, stepping out holding a homemade sign that reads Will you go to prom with me? that she finally fucking gets it.
Crying, she throws her arms around his neck, chastising him for keeping such a momentous secret from her, but Vex is there to scold her for ruining her hair and makeup. Her friends lead her inside, where she's shocked to find the gardens filled with people, most of whom she does not know. Vax explains that he put the call out for anyone in the city who missed out on their high school prom and wants a second chance, with all profits from ticket sales being donated to Keyleth's favorite conservation organization. Keyleth dissolves into a mess again, but Vex and Pike get her cleaned up enough for the evening to begin.
And oh, what an evening. Scanlan's band plays them through a night of dancing, drinking, and all around fun. Keyleth has never spent so much time on a dance floor in her life, but even though she takes plenty of spins with Percy and Grog and the girls, she is happy to have so many with Vax, who can go from an elegant waltz to a shockingly gymnastic twerk with a simple key change.
Some of the other prom attendees are podcast listeners, and Keyleth is so grateful to get to put faces to the numbers she spends more time than she likes to admit obsessing over. Everyone takes thousands of pictures, and she is so excited to see the #growwiththeflow hashtag come morning. The gardens are filled to the brim with people just loving life and enjoying each other's company, and Keyleth, who had never put much thought into what it meant to miss out on such an adolescent right of passage, is beyond grateful to experience this night with these people.
When the evening is winding down, and most of the revelers have either gone home or gone to another location to continue the party, Vax tugs her by the hand deeper into the gardens, far from the area set aside for the event. He boldly strides past a sign forbidding entry, saying "This is not even in the top ten most interesting places I've trespassed" when she stutters in protest.
He stops when they're surrounded by the most beautiful blossoming cherry trees Keyleth has seen since she left Zephrah. The glass ceilings of the botanical gardens let in the light of the stars above, and the entire scene is so fragrant and beautiful. "Vax...this is lovely."
"So are you." She wrinkles her nose at him, and he kisses it. "Did you have fun?"
"I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life. I can't believe you kept this a surprise from me for so long."
"I can't believe you didn't catch on. I mean honestly, Keyleth, don't tell me I have to be the brains in this relationship, because if that's the case, we're screwed."
She punches his arm. "Jerk."
"Yeah, well, this jerk has one more surprise for you. Look over there." He points over her shoulder and she turns. She squints in the low light, but she sees nothing beyond the cherry trees except more plants.
"I don't understand, is there supposed to be—" She cuts herself off as she turns around to see Vax on one knee, a small box in hand. Her hands fly to her mouth, her eyes instantly watery.
"Keyleth, I am not a man of the gods." His voice is cracked, strained, like he's choking back tears of his own. "There is little that I have ever had faith in in this life. Until you. Until I fell in love with a girl I'd follow to the ends of the earth. Until I learned that fate did not mean that my life was a cart on a track, hurtling toward an uncertain future I couldn't avoid, but rather a certainty, a knowing that in this life, in any life, I am yours until I die and long after. And now my faith is in how much I love you, in how much I know you love me. And I may be a lovesick fool, but I have every faith that love will carry us through whatever the gods have in store for us." Keyleth is openly weeping, her breaths coming fast and sharp. "So, then, Keyleth..." He opens the ring box, revealing a pair of rings, one with a gorgeous smokey gray stone. "Will you marry me?"
She doesn't answer him, choosing instead to tackle him into a kiss that knocks him pack onto the stone pathway of the gardens. She kisses him until she can't breath, until the crying and the laughing and the hyperventilating has him sitting her upright before she passes out. Her hand trembles as he slides the rings onto her finger, and it isn't until he closes the ring box again that he pauses and asks, "Uh, wait, was that a yes?"
"Oh, you are definitely not the brains in this relationship." And she kisses her fiancé again, beneath the stars and the cherry blossoms and the eyes of the gods.
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everystephoftheway · 1 year
#12 for vaxleth!!!!!!!!
~ TRUST-BUILDING ~ FOUND FAMILY PROMPTS 12. What that be okay with you?
“Would you be okay with that?” 
The question rings in Vax’s ears, Keyleth’s gently breaking, nervous voice reverberating like he had just been knocked in the head. They both stand in the center square of Whitestone, surrounded by a busy town clearing the dust of the revolution, and yet it feels like they’re alone the way their eyes stay locked on each other. 
“I meant what I said the other day.” Just a minute prior, Vax let his heart slip off his tongue. He can see their future in his mind- the two of them hand in hand, traveling the realm with Vox Machina, in love. Happy. She completes her Aramente and their traveling transitions into stability in Zephra. He remains in lockstep at her side as she flourishes into the woman he can already see blooming, a leader, and, if he’s ever so lucky, his wife. The mother of their children. His heart briefly lands in her hands before it is dropped onto the ground.
“But we have responsibilities. To the realm, to my Aramente. I…I just can’t. I’m sorry.”
Vax’s expression remains as neutral as he can force it, only a hint of a twitch in his brow. He offers her a soft smile, but the selfish part of himself wants to tell her to forget everything she just said. They just nearly died, several times over in fact, fighting a vampire and his crazy wizard wife, winning a freaking revolution; the least she could take for herself–truly, the least–was him. 
“No,” he finds himself saying, doing his best to keep his voice confident, like he believes what he is saying. As much as his heart is hurting, beating lonely on the ground at her feet, he is not willing to strike her back. “No, you’re right. I…am…going to walk away.” 
The turn is slow, shoes crunching against the cobblestone underneath them as he starts to leave her, his heart.
“I don’t want to stop being friends!” Her voice rings out, a certain sharpness of nerves behind it. 
Vax looks back at her, and her arm is extended out toward him, reaching. He can see his heart in her palm, dusty and bruised, still beating. “You know, just because I can’t…we’re not…I don’t want to stop being friends with you. Would you be okay with that?” 
Vax shakes his head to get the repetition to stop, and he swallows a ball of spit into his unbelievably dry throat. Again he offers her a soft smile, and he takes his heart from her hand. “Of course I’d be okay with that.” 
And, in truth, he is. He will be okay with whatever keeps her close. If she is not ready, he will wait. He will be her friend. He will be her teammate. And if she is never ready he will still be those things, because, despite what just happened, his heart will never return to his chest. It remains outstretched, hoping, waiting for her to take it.
Her smile is a salve and a gut punch, and she nods. “Okay.”
He nods back. “Okay…I’m going to actually walk away now.
“Okay. Yeah. Go…Okay.” 
Vax does as he says, turning and walking toward something to do, something to distract himself, but what he can’t see is how she watches him walk away, her heart outstretched, hoping, waiting for the right time to go to him.
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crispysnake · 1 year
"is this okay" "it's more than okay" absolutely screamssssd vaxleth to meeee
it is PERFECT for them and there are so many amazing things I could've done with this prompt but this came to mind first and I thought it was cute IM SORRY😭I just <3 my girl being awkward ok?
Something Keyleth learned early on with Vax, is that she did not know how to makeout.
Well that isn't entirely true, she's getting the hang of it, she knows it's just kissing a lot, and she likes kissing Vax, a lot. Her issue lies with never knowing where to put her hands. Her first two kisses came at a complete surprise to her, she didn't have time to think about what she was doing in the moment, and for the first little while after her and Vax got together, it stayed mostly soft pecks, a kiss to the back of her head or shoulder as he passes by, pressing a long one to her temple after some of their more dangerous battles, Keyleth really likes kissing him goodnight when he's already half asleep, he smiles so warmly against her lips it makes her stomach do flips and her heart beat loudly in her ears.
But then that brings her to now when she and Vax have indeed been kissing for a while, which she so smartly initiated the second he walked into her bedroom, pressing him against the door. The wood of the keep creaking gently beneath their feet, only the glow of a couple candles, only the smell of greenery, light rain, and a midnight breeze pushing through her window.
It seemed like second nature the way one of his hands found her lower back, pulling her closer, and the other gently holding her face, tilting her head slightly to press his lips to hers. She doesn't understand how he can be so effortlessly hot every waking moment of the day. Keyleths fingers stayed loosely laced behind her back, letting him lead her where she needs to be, but it doesn't take long before she becomes entirely too concentrated on the fact that her hands aren't on him. Keyleth unlinks her fingers, slowly bringing them around and hesitantly raising them, hovering awkwardly between their bodies, it only takes a moment for Vax to sense her distraction and pull away, sometimes it feels like magic, how easily he's able to read her. His eyes flicker down to her hands, back up to her lips, then to her eyes with a slight smile.
"Are you alright?" he asks quietly into the very little space between them, Keyleth feels herself nod a little too quick "yeah no of course" she lies, ok maybe Vax being able to read her easily isn't in her favor all the time. He feels Keyleth shift her weight nervously from side to side and is about disengage before "Can I uhm.." Keyleth brings her hands up and rests them on his shoulders, her fingers anxiously twitching and shifting against his shirt. The way Vax watches her curiously, all while smiling gently, makes her feel rather ridiculous about this whole ordeal. "Is this okay?" She whispers, searching his face, studying every shadow for any signs of discomfort.
Vax does not know what he did in his past life to ever deserve someone as gentle as she is. He puts his forehead to hers, "It's more than okay" He whispers in return, he removes his own hands only for a moment to put them on her forearms, leading them up and around his neck.
Keyleth smiles breathlessly, and timidly pulls him closer, his hands sliding down to her waist. She likes to think that the longer they're together, the more used to being this close to him she'll get, but standing here, in the most comfortable silence, watching the firelight dance across his features, simply smiling at eachother, she knows no matter how long its been, the butterflies in her stomach will never cease.
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