#vaul keeper
thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Tales from the crypt (Cuentos de la cripta) 
Volumen 2 Castellano
#23 Reflejo mortal (Reflection of death)
EC comics
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tw6464sloreblog · 7 years
The Eldar Gods
*The Aeldari Pantheon is made up of around many deities, many of which are utterly incomprehensible to the average human mind. Each group of the Aeldari, from the noble Asuryani, the malicious Drukhari, the oppurtunistic Mathlanni, the secretive Ishari and the mysterious Harlequins all have their own interpretations of each of the Gods, so it would be impossible to get every single perspective on every single god. However, there are a few that are known to the tongues of Mon’Keigh. This entry will detail those that are the most understood (if one can call comprehending such ancient beings as “Understanding”) of these “Gods”:
-Asuryan, The Phoenix King: the King of the Eldar Pantheon, Asuryan was a fair and just ruler, and represents the innate leadership that all eldar are capable of. All Asuryani consult his teachings, which resulted in the Creation of the Aspect Temples and the Paths of the Craftworld. His Symbol is the Noble Phoenix, a creature that is assumed by many to be extinct, but which many Exodites have said exists upon Worlds of Burning Fire and Searing Heat (which many have automatically assumed means planets such as Nocturne, homeworld of the Primarch Vulkan).
-Khaine, the Bloody-Handed: the War God and often the God most seen by the other Races, he can imbue an Eldar Warrior with so much power that they become an Avatar, provided that they are willing to give up everything to do so. His blood is like burning magma, and the Sword of Khaine is like the Axe of Khorne which can sweep aside entire systems of planets.
-Kurnous, the Hunter: He is the Patriarch of the Exodites, and it was he who protected them from the Birth of She Who Thirsts. When they settled the Maiden Worlds, Kurnous taught them how to tame the Dragons and Drakes of the worlds they inhabited, and also how to hunt, how to build their cities amongst the trees, etc. Every century, Kurnous gives his power to a single King amongst the Ishari, transforming them into an Avatar of Kurnous, known as the Orion. The coming of this great warrior and hunter brings about the Wild Hunt, which is a great military campaign against those who would dare threaten the Ishari.
-Isha, the Mother: The Matriarch of the Eldar and the Mistress of Life itself, she is the mother of the Ishari, the Exodites. Despite the fact that she is currently imprisoned in the Garden of Nurgle, she is still able to channel her power into one of the Worldseers, transforming them into the Avatar of Isha, known as the Ariel.
-Vaul, the Maker: He is the Master of the Forge, who assists in the creation of the great engines of the Eldar Warhosts. He forged the 99 Blades of Khaine, and he also provided the knowledge through which all the Aeldari can create their weapons
-Lileath, the Maiden: She is the Goddess of Innocence, Dream and Fortune, and serves as a beacon and provider of hope to the Eldar people. It was from her that the Prophecy of Hidden Paths was found and it is she who provides the Seers with visions of a bright future, even if said future may never come to pass.
-Cegorach, the Laughing God: Lord and master of the Harlequins, and the god who turned the tide during the War in Heaven. His deceit and trickery knows no bounds, even extending to the other members of the Aeldari Pantheon. When Slaanesh came, he was the only God to escape relatively unscathed. Now he leads the Harlequins in the Dance that Does Not End, which will only be broken during the coming of the Rhana Dandra.
-Morai Heg, the Crone, Goddess of the Fate: It is she who gives the Aeldari the power of Prophecy; however, as with many bargains, it comes at a price. The prophecies are almost always difficult to understand, even for the highly advanced minds of the eldar. It was she who taught the eldar how to bind a soul to a Soul Stone.
-Loec, the Shadow Dancer: Asuryan’s spymaster, and Patron of the Eldar Rangers. God of Shadows and night, it was he who provided the Eldar with their Lithe and nimble musculature, which they use to maneuver across the battlefield like dancers across the stage. It has been theorized by certain inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos that Cegorach and Loec are in fact the same being; however, no one can agree who is the copy of the other, and the Eldar could never even consider that a possibility.
-Hoeth, Lord of Wisdom: the Vizier of Asuryan, and he who assists in those seeking knowledge. He is the giver of understanding, and the provider of factual, logical truth. His teachings provided the basis for all Aeldari knowledge, and it was he who gave the Eldar their immense intellect. He is the patron of scholars, teachers and philosophers.
-Mathlann, Lord of the Deeps: Mathlann is the Patron of the Mathlanni, or the Eldar Corsairs, for their allegiance and their place amongst the Aeldari ebbs and flows like the tides of the Waves. He guides them through the oceans of the Void, and protects them from warp storms and other cosmic disasters. However, while his disposition is normally like the calm of the ocean surface, his anger and wrath can be swift and vengeful, striking like a hurricane leaving just as quickly as it came. Mathnlann is also the patron of the Asuryani who follow the Path of the Mariner.
-Ereth Khial, The Pale Queen: She is the Goddess of the Underworld; it is she who guards the souls of the Eldar and who gives the Soul Stones their protective power. After the fall of the Eldar Empire, her power was severely weakened during the slaughter coming from the Birth of Slaanesh and like her sister Atharti, chose to repurpose herself: She now protects and guides the souls of the dead to the Infinity Circuits of the Asuryani, and protects the souls of those not in possession of Soul Stones as best she can.
-Ladrielle, Lady of Mists: She protects things which are hidden or lost, and the protectors of those who travel through the Webway. Not much else is known about Ladrielle, although some amongst the Ordo Xenos have noted a striking similarity in artwork depicting her and Lileath...
-Hekarti, Mistress of Magic: It was she who gave the Aeldari their natural talent with the warp and the ease with which they wield it. She taught the ancient Aeldari the art of shaping the Runes with which they channel their immense psychic power.
-Anath Raema, the Savage Huntress: One of the two patron gods of the Wych Cults, she instilled the hunter’s instinct into the Wyches, and thrives off the thrill of the hunt. The Drukhari who worship her bring her the heads of great beasts and warriors they have successfully hunted, as well as the heads of those who failed or were too cowardly to accomplish their kill.
-Eldrazor, Lord of Blades: The other Patron God of the Wych Cults, Eldrazor also serves as the Patron of the Incubi. Eldrazor revels in honorable combat, and as such, loaths underhanded or deceitful tactics... in a duel. In the Arenas of Commoragh, where there are often more than two combatants from a dozen different races at a time, there is little time from such things as honor. When a warrior from any race shows extreme prowess 
-Ellinill, Lord of Destruction: Ellinill is a god on par with Khaine in terms of raw power, if he hasn’t surpassed him already. It is good then that he is unable to channel this power directly, for it is said that if he were able to do so, the end of life as we know it would begin: the End Times would commence. How did he lose his power? He once had many hundreds of children, each embodying a facet of destrution... however, when their destructive power threatened his own, he set about consuming each and every one of them, failing to realize that this consumption was weakening him.
-Atharti, Lady of Desire: When the Eldar Empire was at the height of its decadence, Atharti was one of the most powerful Gods of the Aeldari Pantheon. When the fall came, she was severely weakened as Slaanesh gobbled up the souls of those who gave in to their desires and twisted them into the Crone Eldar. Now, Atharti serves another purpose: to assist in the courtship and mating rituals of the Eldar, becoming a Goddess of Fertility amongst the Asuryani of the Craftworlds and the Ishari of the Exodites.
-Nethu, Keeper of the Dead: He is Guardian of the Underworld, who guards the Entrance to the Underworld; never moving, never resting. He only opens the door when his mother, Ereth Khial, the Pale Queen, brings the souls trapped in the Soul Stones into the Underworld. Only when the prophesized God of the Dead, Ynnead, is born will Nethu move, allowing the newborn deity to gorge on the souls of the dead.
-Addaioth, Bringer of Wrath and Fire: one of the elder sons of Ellinill, he is a prideful and arrogant being. Rather than hide like his siblings did when their father was consumed by madness, Addaioth chose to face him head on, which was ultimately his doom. Now, he is an apprentice of Vaul, creating more and more destructive weaponry which will help him kill his father.
-Drakira, Queen of Vengeance: The youngest daughter of Ellinill, she damned her siblings to be consumed by their mad sire. Her realm of destruction is the subtle art of self-destruction; to be consumed by the hatred and anger one feels when retribution fills their every thought and action. She lends her power to those who deserve it most, but said power will cost the recipient a greater amount than they could ever hope to pay back.
-Hukon, the Sunderer: a son of Ellinill, it is said that he is the bringer of great calamities to the Aeldari, whether they be natural disasters or from outside forces. Not much else is known about Hukon.
-Estreuth, Lord of Hunger: while Estreuth is not as widely worshipped amongst the Asuryani, Drukhari or Mathlanni, his place amongst the Ishari cannot be understated. He is the provider of the harvest, who taught the Ishari how to grow crops and raise livestock, and how to live off the lands they now called home. To say that the teachings of Estreuth were integral to the survival of the Exodites would be a severe understatement; while the knowledge of the Hunt and the Forest has assisted the Ishari greatly, without the understanding of the Harvest... there would be no Ishari. If any Aeldari fails to give proper thanks to Estreuth during a bountiful harvest, then the Lord of Hunger will curse them with famine and drought.
-Ynnead, God of the Dead: It is prophesied that a new God will be born in the coming years... One who could challenge the power of She Who Thirsts and who will give the Aeldari a chance to be reborn; however, it is unknown whether Ynnead will be a benevolent protecter, or something far, far worse than even Slaanesh could ever hope to be. Only time will tell what sort of God Ynnead will become.
the Prophecy of Ynnead, also known as the Prophecy of the Hidden Paths, details the coming of the God of the Dead. It states thusly:
Like Ghouls in the Dark, the wicked ones gather, drawn to a Tragedy Unfolding.
Warning twice-given across the span of time, Stifled by pride and Hatred.
The strands of fate shall grow taut at the dawn of the Rhana Dandra.
The death of all Eldar looms large, but fate can be twisted, even broken.
One shall walk the forked path, a threefold truth to weave the skein:
Nemesis of She Who Thirsts, Opener of the Seventh Way.
Long Dead souls gather behind
The rebirth of Ancient Days, Drinking, but not consuming;
Taking in, but giving new life.
In the heat of Khaine’s Wrath, our sorrow will be reforged.
Our destiny becomes a weapon fit to slay a goddess.
The pallid moon of unremembered voices shall turn into a sun
Lit by the flames of unjust wars, a crucible of souls and dreams.
The Stolen Seers, Amassed, Gather unto them the Dead.
Legion, they drift within the sands, Their voices raised as one.
Lambent glow becomes shining beacon, Death knell rises to the herald’s cry.
The blackened shield becomes the sword, The yawning void becomes the path.
The God of the Dead Calls out.
A Whisper so fierce and strong it shall hush the stars forever.
Author’s note: well, this took longer than it conceivably should have.
I hope everyone likes the names i've given to the Exodites and the Corsairs; I think, all things considered, they're pretty good! let me know what you think about all of this!
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Tales from the crypt (Cuentos de la cripta)
Volumen 2 Castellano
#23 Muerte Vudú (Voodoo Death)
EC comics
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