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Names generated from Homestuck troll names, 6 letters long
Acores Actira Adalot Adarad Adiera Adyati Aeferm Ajepis Alyaga Alyete Amarra Amarus Ammekh Andoze Anidal Antesi Aretat Arimen Arimes Arstri Arvuss Arzela Asiafe Atokux Atuxla Atyama Aylkor Azdani Azdann Azdara Bamaya Barann Barata Barezi Barmod Barvus Bayzet Bixiro Bohnam Boleil Bolkyl Bollek Bomamb Bonama Briard Brojib Byazes Byxost Caiata Cakkni Caloke Captoh Capton Cardea Carigi Carvus Carzum Chafos Charya Chatam Chiron Chisia Chixes Chixmr Cirakk Cirann Cireka Cirido Cirope Cishot Codaja Crdera Crequf Crezda Criunh Crizli Crmama Crojib Cronie Cronya Cropet Crsuha Crzekk Cteera Ctokuh Daleil Dalekh Damzee Daneta Danque Darund Darvus Datava Datuli Davias Demmes Diemek Dirask Dirido Dodima Eimels Elwaya Elwurs Elynea Entyzi Eranea Eremee Erezya Erkeen Erketa Ersome Etrype Eummis...
Fefrot Fegame Ferama Ferdat Feride Ferkee Ferket Fermod Fetoda Fitier Folata Foleil Folyes Foraar Fozzah Fozzee Gaatra Gahora Galbur Gammen Garixe Garoek Gatyls Gieras Gixleb Gixoni Goezia Goezya Gongva Gonyri Gonyyl Gosoza Gvelya Gvuerv Henelw Herava Hereya Herkee Herket Hermia Hnjeix Horann Horsti Horund Jefoda Jekora Jerdea Jeride Jerkee Jijeem Joneev Joneka Jongva Jonhor Jonjen Jonuss Jonyyl Jorala Joryas Kaleil Kamada Karaax Karana Katito Kawura Kaxmpe Kazerd Kebuma Kequis Keropa Keruia Kimaen Kimara Kkenss Kkonya Knelek Knelsa Kneros Kollad Koluso Kongva Konjee Kontia Konuss Konyaf Korava Koraya Korjee Korjek Kosoul Kronus Kronya Kropet Kruhia Kupruh Kuprus Kurlol Kursti Laeisa Lahhak Lakora Lamaaq Lammen Lanepe Latira Latuli Laxlot Ldatrs Leagoi Leixmr Liadam Lonaia Lopoll Loragi Lotrok Lwarme Lwutri Lynele Lypose Madask Maeiaw Maenam Malbur Maleil Manera Manque Manqul Maquma Marani Marann Maraya Mardam Mardea Mareya Maride Maryaf Marzum Maxlot Maxlov Maxloz Mbanen Mbrusa Meenad Meevik Meezda Megisi Mekkax Meleil Melwur Meulam Meulan Meulax Meyani Mezera Miagor Mibrun Midane Mirato Misias Mitris Mitund Modako Momera Moolek Moolla Moolot Moolov Moskaa Mpeeka Mzagod Narusk Negaka Nelsam Nelyes Nerakn Netins Ngarda Nhimis Nierak Nigith Nihket Nitrsk Nitund Njoraw Nqunen Nquxor Ntrzlk Numima Onjeta Ozzdok Peamar Peixmr Peprek Piemee Piemek Pierak Pitiri Polahi Poldia Polkyl Porafo Poraya Porjek Porris Pridef Pyalam Pyaran Ravenq Rerufe Reyata Rezear Rimona Ritakk Rongva Ronyaf Ronyyl Rsidan Ruiena Runeni Rutont Saherk Seraya Seride Sermod Serope Sezyaf Siarje Skalek Skalot Skarya Skasun Skelok Skylle Soldir Solkyl Solyes Solypa Souleq Stelek Stelut Stidia Stirad Stitek Strann Strisi Sulesh Sumone Tallye Tatond Tavegi Tavrot Tegido Telwur Telynd Teriun Terone Tesaha Tidaka Tidoje Tijeev Tikhis Titors Tituli Tonyyl Torido Touisk Tranea Trarma Treyat Trezia Trezya Trimax Trisia Trizli Trizze Trorak Trruhh Trumit Tufize Tuhone Tuhost Tupens Tyakrd Ufenix Urdama Urdehn Urulis Usuekn Utrave Vakapa Valena Varoun Vaxlax Velann Velata Velekh Veleyl Velkhh Velypa Veromi Vesima Vestek Vestia Vidada Vraral Vreume Vridat Vrizli Vrojib Vuroma Vuruna Vutiri Wanito Wanque Xefron Xestre Xeyame Xiemek Xigido Xisora Xoldir Xozuek Zamaci Zdieka Zeevik Zegana Zeimor Zerkee Zerona Zlolwa Zzemet
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Oso Varoun Ta Sidera - Domna Samiou
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Tumblr Crushes:
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i found this funny video of you copy and paste or type http://wa9.la/12wk into your browser to see it
I think you've been hacked hun=(
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@anghraine tagged me in a meme: shuffle your โon repeatโ playlist and post the first ten tracks.
I don't listen to music on spotify consistently (I didn't even know what an "on repeat" playlist was or how to find it, I had to ask Ju) so this is just a list of songs i've noticed myself playing over and over lately (mostly taken from the recent play history on my phone).
Life on Land - Dessa
Katifes - Roza Eskenazi
Passat Deman - Cocanha
Mantissa - Marina Satti
Solid - MUNA
Alaniara - Roza Eskenazi
La sovenenรงa - Cocanha
Gadak El Ghayth - Fairuz
Lifeline - Imogen Heap
Oso Varoun Ta Sidera - Domna Samiou
idk who follows me and hasn't been tagged and also uses spotify, so please consider yourself tagged if you would like to be!
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