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thaidakar-is-hot · 1 year ago
What would each of your pairings consider the perfect date?
Ok *cracks knuckles* I haven't written for Varian and Kayleigh in awhile, nor Khadgar and Alison, but lets go. Varian and Kayleigh have this little meadow they walk too when they off times in their schedule. Varian skives off work when he can to spend time with her; he's never really enjoyed the administrative work of being King so ya know...sometimes he just puts it off :) Khadgar and Alison have been together for...so long dudes. Alison was 15 and Khadgar was 16 when they started dating in Dalaran and they've been together ever since. Ups and downs but they have regular dates. Life has been a bit...odd for them of late because 1) They have a daughter entering her childhood years and 2) They left Dalaran, lived in Karazhan for awhile and now live in Stormwind. But their favorite date spaces are cozy cafes. After so many years together, it's just nice to spend time. Alright WrathiKale... They two are insane. Sometimes they like cozy cafe dates in their lil cafe in Boralus. Sometimes they enjoy murdering Troggs or annoying pirates. Their dates range from scholarship and reading to delving deep into unexplored regions and poking at the locals. Wrathion has cooled down in more recent years but Kale has never really lost his hard edge he was raised on.
You guys these two love to dress up and pretend to be of the lower classes and go to divey areas and wreak havoc and then fuck each other senseless while laughing at all the trouble they caused.
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askvoidster · 5 years ago
Voidster tossed and turned, trying without success to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Varikai had left him to return to Hell, presumably. He wasn't sure where she had actually gone. His bed was massive and luxurious, but at times it seemed almost too big. Times like these reminded him of sleeping beside his mate, or between Bird and G. 
Ever since leaving the void, he had found it difficult to sleep alone, or even to be alone, ever. Stillness and silence agitated him beyond reason, drawing his thoughts to dark places that he preferred not to visit. Painful echoes of insanity, alone in the frigid and endlessly dark and empty void. Eventually shutting down entirely, until that unfortunate human girl had woken him from his eternal slumber.
Nobody had ever invited him to sleep beside them, which was understandable. Such activities required trust, and he rarely fostered this feeling in others. The human girl had quickly crumpled beneath him, her fragile gray soul fracturing even further every time he touched her. She had deeply loathed him, and he had gained nothing but slight predatory satisfaction from sleeping beside her.
Eventually his mate had come to expect his presence, but only because he had so often forced his way into the bed. Even then, he was only accepted because his mate’s preferred human had finally died. Despite his superior strength, intellect, and sexual prowess, he had always been his mate’s second option. Better than nothing, and eventually not even that.
After his mate, neither Bird nor G had seemed to desire him as a sleeping companion. He was expected to perform his duty as G’s Master, which had only ever been hurting him, even when Voidster hadn’t wanted to. Even to depths that had caused him such internal anguish that his wretched horns had sprouted as a reflection of his own self hatred. Constantly torn between the desires of the two males, he had only now begun to realize how deeply unhappy he had become while involved with them. The grieving had passed, and now that he looked upon the relationship with a critical eye, he knew that they had not deserved his devotion. G had valued only his violence, and when he dared show any sign of tender affection, he was rejected.
His feelings toward his own child, Nineveh, had cooled considerably as time went on. He held no malice for his daughter, but she had become nothing but a reminder of undeserved intimacy with a male who had eventually betrayed him, as every male he had ever cared for had. He spent less and less time with her, leaving her care to whatever female was available and at hand.
Now there was Varikai. The tantalizing, fascinating, frustrating hybrid who had initially caught his attention while he was still attached to G. Everything from her half-human soul to her surprising ingenuity and resourcefulness intrigued him. He had gravely underestimated her when they had first met, and she had passed into the hands of multiple others before they had finally crossed paths again. Now she belonged to Lucifer, whose power he could not hope to rival. 
She had convinced him to receive the mark of her master, who he had disliked on sight, despite the strange fascination he felt for the other male. His mistrust only grew after the violent, violating night of intimacy he had spent with the two of them. Still, Varikai had done nothing to betray his trust in her. If anything, she continued to embrace him, to entice him closer, to soothe him with affection and validation he had rarely ever known from others, and always lost eventually.
The moment she had created her game to tempt him, her flight through the forest while he had hunted her, he had realized that she understood him on a level he had assumed no female ever could. She catered to his ferality, delighted in his violence, and made no attempt to control or tame him. If anything, she seemed to prefer fanning the flames within him until they grew to a roaring, insatiable hunger, despite the consequences. No...because of the consequences. She embraced his sadism with no complaint, no feigned distaste, no petty game in which he was the villain. She wanted it, and did not pretend at anything else.
Restlessly, he rolled from the tangled sheets, pacing over to the windows that showed him whatever scenery he might desire. He usually kept them set to display a sparkling cityscape far below him, feeling content at the heart of humanity, unseen by most, knowing that he could descend among them and hunt whenever he wished. Tonight, the lights of the city brought no comfort. The bar below was quiet, most patrons either asleep or back in their own realms at such a late hour. This wasn’t where he wanted to be.
He went to his bedside table, opening the drawer and rummaging for something. It wasn’t long before he drew out the small vial of virgin’s blood that Varikai had given him so that he might also access the realm of Hell. He remembered the sigil he needed to draw, dipping his claws in the blood and drawing it with a deft surgeon’s touch on the floor of his room. Within moments the blood began to crackle with magic, the portal opening before him.
He had not done this alone, yet. The first time, Varikai had gone first, drawing him in after her. It was eerily similar to stepping into the void, and he instinctively rebelled against such a notion. But Varikai was on the other side. She must be. His aversion at this point was unneeded. He would not be trapped in the void ever again. Keeping his eyes open, he stepped into the portal and disappeared.
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skellylicious · 5 years ago
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@askvoidster and @sweetest-phoenix
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askvoidster · 5 years ago
Varikai, perhaps willfully, did not notice the way she began to subtly glow brighter when she heard him draw near.
Voidster had hardly left her side the past few weeks. The thought of such a thing would have made her stomach churn before… but it had become something she tolerated, yet felt odd in his absence. She told herself it was merely like getting used to a stray cat coming around. One would not concern themselves with its whereabouts unless they didn’t re-emerge every so often to be fed.
The hybrid smirked at his inquiry. Always a contest.
Her bright gaze raised to his reflection on the glass.
《I am window shopping.》 She signed.
He frowned when she signed her response to him, the gestures awkward but terribly familiar. He couldn’t remember the last time he had spoken in hands with someone, although he assumed it had been with G. He knew that Varikai knew the language, but had no idea why she would be using it now.
[Practicing other languages as well?] he asked mildly, disguising his unease. [Your skills are rusty, you need tutoring. “Window shopping” doesn’t make any sense.]
He drew nearer, hovering over her shoulder to look at the demon. Females rarely made sense to him, but Varikai tended to be an exception to that rule. Her behavior now was far different from what he had come to expect, and he didn’t like it.
Varikai watched her subject intently through the glass pane. The demon paced in it's tiny cell, growling low with a smoldering gaze. It would scratch the walls, licking them occasionally as it huffed and snuffed; desperate to find some sort of escape.
The hybrid took note of the formation of it's teeth. It's gait was rather bestial. How would she look with haunches...?
She had never felt insecure over her appearence before. Perhaps insecure over her heritage, but never her aesthetic. Many humans were envious of her body, despite the sublte monster features. Any alerations she dares to dream of were purely based on survival. This was different.
Lucifer's Queen would reprisent he and his realm. She would need to look the part. Varikai, while lovely, was not what one would call 'demonic'. Fire was the only infernal quality she possessed. Ultimately, the qualities she chose would merely be suggestions when Lucifer used her as a canvas for creation. But she couldn't help but feel this odd anxiety about how this would turn out. Why...?
Varikai coughed, touching her throat with a small grimace. It wasn't the first time she had had her tongue removed for speaking out of turn. What was considered 'out of turn' changed with her Master's mood. Especially lately. It was uncomfortable, but nothing too terribly distracting.
Sighing, she realized how difficult it was to find any of this beast's features appealing for herself. Alas, she needed to bring something to the table. She continued to watch, observing the stability of the demon's spine.
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trashy-tieflings · 2 years ago
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So after months of not being able to complete any art, I finally managed to sit down and draw. This took me a good 20+ hours, but I'm happy with the result! Learnt lots in the process, and pushed myself to do things differently.
Dain and his beast Egg are mine, Varikai belongs to @sweetest-phoenix ♥️
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thaidakar-is-hot · 1 year ago
Send me Valentines Day asks because I'm bored and lonely. They can be Warcraft or Cosmere related.
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your-toxic-tea · 4 years ago
Paper Faces
It was still within the duties of the favored of the Prince of Lies to collect his debts. While she had plenty to do in the midst of preparing for war, he accepted no excuses for dips in performance.  Varikai stood on a small balcony, overlooking a lavish courtyard where the lower class danced in their drunken kaleidoscope. Her crimson eyes scanned the crowd for those precious details: Couples forming to run off in places only slightly more remote to fuck. Men liberating themselves in drag. Courtiers sneaking amongst the people to negotiate with lords of the underworld. In an odd twist, this realm was one where humans and monsters had become well acquainted. It was quite interesting to her how successfully this timeline had integrated.  It was generations ago the monsters were liberated, so no one in this setting would remotely resemble anyone she might recognize from those distant memories in the underground from whence she came. One of the local Dons had made a pact with Lucifer in their youth. Now was the time when he would call in what was owed. A new generation of demons would be necessary for their plans, and that required the darkness of corrupt souls. The human in question was somewhere in the private party she was attending. Fireworks startled her lightly, claiming her attention while she sipped her second glass of wine.  It was hard to focus on the task at hand. The Don would need a few more drinks before she would be able to strike. Normally, the hybrid would feel thankful for some time to kill, but she had been running from having to face her thoughts as of late.  He consumed them... The silence only brought back flashes of those shattering moments. His hand sliding up her back to cradle her against him.  The way he moaned against her.  The look in his eyes before he disappeared.  Every time she began to dwell, it caused her heart to race while her stomach churned with pure terror. It was cruel how somehow she found it invigorating; the same primal satisfaction one gets when deliberately touching a hot surface. She was truly a masochist to her core, and this was new pain. A breeze from the sea soothed her further into her painful little thoughts as she leaned against the bannister. Her scarlet gown flowed; a rather traditional piece as to blend into the tourism of the occasion. This gathering was for the prominent crime families in the city. The residents would see her as foreign and or disposable company, and other tourists might find her demeanor off-putting and avoid such a damper on their vacation. A jeweled, obsidian mask adorned her face, enough to draw from her identity but highlight her features. Her hair was neatly pinned into curls that strained to remain so as she continued to ponder. All sort of breeds of creature were here. But, oddly enough, no one like her. She wondered if Voidster would be able to resist disappearing into the crowd and casually taking victims here and there. A smirk curled her lips as she imagined watching him from this very spot, putting on a show for her. She imagined them laughing over how many he could discreetly kill before someone would notice... Glowing a little brighter, she laughed to herself, lost in thought. @askvoidster
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askvoidster · 4 years ago
The silence was deafening, as Voidster lay stunned and grievously wounded in the rubble. It took long moments before he was able to rouse himself enough to take stock of the situation.
Varikai was gone. The counterpart had taken her as easily as Voidster had ever taken anything or anyone he wanted. He had halted Voidster’s attack, decimated the ribbons of magic Voidster had wrapped around Varikai’s soul, and had broken Voidster’s spine with hardly any effort at all. 
He had dislocated Voidster’s arm so slowly that it was clear it was a message. Pursue me and die. Slowly. Painfully. Voidster was no match for him. Not alone.
It was obvious that the injuries had been intended to cripple, not kill him. If he had been killed again, he could have simply regenerated into a fresh body. Instead, he was left alone, in agony, to decipher how his fire magic could be used to heal himself, at least enough that he could walk. It took several tries before he understood what was needed.
Sensation rushed back into his fingers and toes as fire cauterized the ruptured discs in his neck, searing the nerve endings as well. Afterward, he managed to maneuver his shoulder back into the socket, amidst grunts of pain that even he could not stifle. He bound it to his side as best he could with scraps of cloth. The fire would heal it, but also cause further stiffness. He couldn’t afford to be caught a second time, too stiff and pained to fight back.
The moment he was able, he crawled through the ashes, sifting for one small but utterly significant treasure in the dust. Finally, when he had almost given up searching, his hand closed around a small, smooth stone. He almost wept in relief. He had found Varikai’s body. Lifting the stone to his lips, he pressed a tender kiss against the cool surface. He couldn’t sense her. This was only her shell. When he pulled back, he was surprised to see wet streaks on the surface. He had wept, after all.
He didn’t know where to go, who to tell what had happened. Well, he did have one poor idea. He knew that going to Lucifer’s realm was an invitation for further pain. He did not trust Lucifer in the slightest, especially after the night he had learned firsthand how much stronger the other male was than he. Still, that was the point. Lucifer was stronger. Perhaps even more powerful than the counterpart. And Lucifer would want Varikai back.
It was a hope that carried great risk, but it was the best chance he had. He would never forgive himself if he didn’t at least try. But first, he needed to return to the bar. He would at least be wearing clothes when he approached the Lord of Hell.
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askvoidster · 5 years ago
Muse Update
Voidster is currently being written exclusively on discord. Right now he is involved in a plot in which he has been seduced (by Varikai) into allowing her master (Lucifer) to brand his soul. He will then be assisting with some particular soul work being done to allow Lucifer to invade/destroy Heaven. 
In exchange for this commitment, he has been offered power, access to incredible scientific resources, protection for him and his daughter, as well as a succubus concubine.
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askvoidster · 6 years ago
[Varikai is a highly irritating female that needs to be brought to heel. Her former and current Masters have all been too indulgent, but she’ll never be an acceptable pet until she is broken down and stripped of her flippant attitude and unstable nature. And she wants to be a pet- or at least be dominated- that much is obvious. I am intrigued by the challenge she presents. And perhaps I will do her the personal favor of destroying her will, so that she can properly serve.]
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askvoidster · 5 years ago
He found himself seeking her out more and more often. At first he had convinced himself that it was merely boredom. Then lust. Then simply an amusing game seeing how intensely he could toy with another’s property. At this point, he was beginning to realize that these reasons, these excuses, were falling flat. He just wanted to be near her.
Her presence brought him comfort- a warmth more than just physical, the kind he could feel on his soul. Her intelligence intrigued him, and the plans she had made on Lucifer’s behalf were impressive. The other male didn’t deserve the kind of devotion, the kind of service she offered. He was far too often absent, dismissive, or downright cruel to Varikai. And it was not the kind of loving cruelty offered by a master to a beloved pet, but the kind that stems of disinterest. Lucifer wanted to own her, but he did not want her for her own sake. It was wasteful of him to continue clutching her leash like a child with a toy that no longer interested them, simply wanting to prevent others from having it.
Finding Varikai with her back turned, observing a demon in a glass cage, he frowned.
[Doing research for your own reasons, or for the benefit of your master?]
He kept his tone as neutral as possible, knowing that Lucifer was fully able to listen to them while they were in Hell.
Varikai watched her subject intently through the glass pane. The demon paced in it's tiny cell, growling low with a smoldering gaze. It would scratch the walls, licking them occasionally as it huffed and snuffed; desperate to find some sort of escape.
The hybrid took note of the formation of it's teeth. It's gait was rather bestial. How would she look with haunches...?
She had never felt insecure over her appearence before. Perhaps insecure over her heritage, but never her aesthetic. Many humans were envious of her body, despite the sublte monster features. Any alerations she dares to dream of were purely based on survival. This was different.
Lucifer's Queen would reprisent he and his realm. She would need to look the part. Varikai, while lovely, was not what one would call 'demonic'. Fire was the only infernal quality she possessed. Ultimately, the qualities she chose would merely be suggestions when Lucifer used her as a canvas for creation. But she couldn't help but feel this odd anxiety about how this would turn out. Why...?
Varikai coughed, touching her throat with a small grimace. It wasn't the first time she had had her tongue removed for speaking out of turn. What was considered 'out of turn' changed with her Master's mood. Especially lately. It was uncomfortable, but nothing too terribly distracting.
Sighing, she realized how difficult it was to find any of this beast's features appealing for herself. Alas, she needed to bring something to the table. She continued to watch, observing the stability of the demon's spine.
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your-toxic-tea · 5 years ago
Varikai watched her subject intently through the glass pane. The demon paced in it's tiny cell, growling low with a smoldering gaze. It would scratch the walls, licking them occasionally as it huffed and snuffed; desperate to find some sort of escape.
The hybrid took note of the formation of it's teeth. It's gait was rather bestial. How would she look with haunches...?
She had never felt insecure over her appearence before. Perhaps insecure over her heritage, but never her aesthetic. Many humans were envious of her body, despite the sublte monster features. Any alerations she dares to dream of were purely based on survival. This was different.
Lucifer's Queen would reprisent he and his realm. She would need to look the part. Varikai, while lovely, was not what one would call 'demonic'. Fire was the only infernal quality she possessed. Ultimately, the qualities she chose would merely be suggestions when Lucifer used her as a canvas for creation. But she couldn't help but feel this odd anxiety about how this would turn out. Why...?
Varikai coughed, touching her throat with a small grimace. It wasn't the first time she had had her tongue removed for speaking out of turn. What was considered 'out of turn' changed with her Master's mood. Especially lately. It was uncomfortable, but nothing too terribly distracting.
Sighing, she realized how difficult it was to find any of this beast's features appealing for herself. Alas, she needed to bring something to the table. She continued to watch, observing the stability of the demon's spine.
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your-toxic-tea · 5 years ago
Varikai's breath hastened as he mentioned the night he snuck into her bed.
Ever since that incident, she had only had disturbing dreams and restless discomfort in her solitude.
The only reason she spoke out of turn to her Master in the first place was because of this sudden inability to rest. It was making her body ache with irritating need for... something.
She desperately avoided eye-contact, suspicious that that was somehow the way he knew her secrets. Admittedly, she felt something when he looked at her for too long. Perhaps some sort of spell. Another growl softly rumbled in her chest as he caressed her. Her light dimmed further as she continued using all her strength to keep her expression stoic in her horror.
It was uncanny how quickly Voidster settled into the upper hand; as if he weren’t just screaming at her like a rebellious teenage brat. Whatever effect he had that made her act so rashly seemed to be mutual. Perhaps it was hatred… It must be. His irritating observations only served to make her angrier, her core glowing a brighter red. His insults had returned to the regularly scheduled sexism, indicating he was no longer upset. Something about the way he smirked made her uneasy.  Oh, the things she wanted to say. How she wished she could claw the smirk off of his face. Cursing her rash stupidity, she hoped that he would be satisfied simply using her, then going about his merry way, leaving her to die and deal with the fallout.  Why was he drawing this out? She felt her strength waning… It would still be nearly half an hour before she died naturally. Ten minutes before she lost the majority of her motor function.  Varikai took advantage of these last moments, swinging her shoulder to allow her hand to swipe at his face.  @askvoidster
He left his fingers on her pulse as he continued to speak, watching her face.
[It seems you’ve lost the ability to speak even my language, poorly as you did. How frustrating for you.]
His other hand gripped her wrist, bringing her limp hand up to his face, then nuzzling against her palm as he spoke.
[I know that you enjoy the things I do to you when you are so helpless. I know that you enjoy being forced. Strangely, at this time, you seem genuinely disturbed. Much like you did when I joined you in bed some time ago. Almost as if a gentle touch is what you hate most of all.]
Keeping her hand against his cheek, he removed his fingers from her pulse, which was beginning to weaken. Instead, he carefully brushed his knuckles against her face, brushing her hair back and caressing her jaw. Though the movements came to him naturally, from his own desire for intimacy, he kept his keen gaze on her face, not wanting to miss even the most minute response.
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your-toxic-tea · 5 years ago
She could feel the consequences crawling on her back as she heard him approach. Here she was. Mute, paralyzed, and on her way toward an unauthorized resurrection. Lucifer would not like this. Her brief flash of rage overwhelmed her senses once again. He brought that out in her. Why? Why did he make her behave so recklessly? Days would pass where strategy and patience flowed from her effortlessly, pulling Voidster's strings in the right direction. Then he would throw her for a loop, causing her to completely reset. At first it was an entertaining challenge... but she was discovering how little by little she was losing control.
Her breathing became labored as he drew closer. Bracing her arms against the floor, she pushed and shifted to try and prop herself up. He was supposed to leave! A low growl rumbled in her chest. She wanted to scream at him not to come near her.
As he scooped her up, she grunted and squirmed in his grip, until she realized he was trying to save her garden...
That little fact began the spiral. He hardly cared about preserving the projects she did for Lucifer. But her garden was her life's work. Surely this was merely a coincidence. He probably just wanted to move her to a place where he could take advantage of her more easily. The rows between the hydroponics were narrow, making it hard for him to do as he pleased without collateral.
No matter how she justified it, she could feel the futility of denying the truth of her first assessment.
If he was so angry with her, shouldn't he want her prized possessions destroyed? She didn't understand.
Once he crossed the threshold back into the lab, she began to squirm. Her core burned a deep red, highlighting her eyes and the edges of her features. She refused to look at him, gritting her teeth.
She was hoping he would just storm off and find some victim to bother. He had no trouble finding a goddess to fuck last time he was upset with her. Her temper began to boil. 
Growling low, Varikai tried to restrain herself. If she got carried away, it would damage the specimens around her. Fine. If he was leaving, so was she. 
Looking up at him through the clouded roof of the greenhouse, she knew he would be able to register her movements well enough. 
Taking one of the flowers from the vibrant, poisonous succulent beside her, she angrily began to chew it. 
It was a rare hallucinogen that would paralyze her until she eventually suffocated. 
Her mouth began to foam, followed by an intense wave of nausea. The hybrid doubled over, vomiting all over the floor. She tried to balance against the pipes, but the vertigo hit hard and fast. She fell backward, collapsing.
The colors in the room began to blend and warp. Mmm, the sweet beckoning of imminent death. 
He squinted as she seemed to take part of a brightly-colored plant and begin chewing it. That was where she kept her poisons. When he saw her collapse, he realized what she had done. He scoffed. How dramatic.
Still, he was curious if she had died, or if she was simply incapacitated. He began climbing down the stairs, moving rapidly lest he miss the brief moment she was still conscious. There were things he would like to do to her, especially now that she had aggravated him like this. In a sense, she owed him whatever fun he might end up having. And they would both be happier once he had been fairly paid for the suffering he had endured.
He opened the door to the greenhouse, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. Then he crouched over her body. He realized that if left in here, there would be an explosion when she died, which would damage the valuable plants. Sighing, he scooped up her limp body. She didn’t deserve someone like him.
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your-toxic-tea · 5 years ago
She turned with his pull, meeting his gaze with the smirk only he could summon when she could sense concern behind his anger.
《No game. Would you like I speak French? I thought you prefer my silence?》 she asked with an innocent batting of her lashes.
She was rather rusty with this mode of communication. The hybrid had become accustomed to speaking with a more floral vocabulary. It was something she didn't think much of, but knowing it irritated Voidster tempted her with the promise of violence. She could use a distraction.
She chuckled hoarsely, shaking her head in endearment.
Ever the flatterer.
《My baptism will be soon. I must choose features. I not human anymore. Just monster and demon.》
Tilting her head, thoughtfully touching her chin as she found herself fond of the creature’s claws. They sheathed, which seemed useful…
It occurred to her that Voidster didn’t know about the ceremony she had agreed to. The marriage, yes, but not the depth of the bond she and Lucifer would now share. She couldn’t imagine him understanding such a thing; someone as chaotic as he.
Still, she was curious.
《If you could change me, what would you change?》
He grimaced at her attempts to continue speaking in hands. While coherent enough to understand, it was bad enough to be irritating.
[I would remove your attachment to him. Your desire to rid yourself of your humanity is admirable, but unnecessary. At least currently it explains your atrocious accent. Without it, you will have no excuse for such rudimentary flaws. Speak normally. I tire of this game.]
He gripped her shoulder, turning her to face him. He suspected why she wasn’t speaking, and it only made him angrier. For some reason, seeing Lucifer do to Varikai what Voidster himself would do in his position was infuriating. Knowing that such cruel punishments were joylessly enacted, without any passion or pleasure behind them was an insult. He felt possessive of her suffering, and hated to see it wasted on someone like him.
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askvoidster · 5 years ago
She chuckled hoarsely, shaking her head in endearment.
Ever the flatterer.
《My baptism will be soon. I must choose features. I not human anymore. Just monster and demon.》
Tilting her head, thoughtfully touching her chin as she found herself fond of the creature’s claws. They sheathed, which seemed useful…
It occurred to her that Voidster didn’t know about the ceremony she had agreed to. The marriage, yes, but not the depth of the bond she and Lucifer would now share. She couldn’t imagine him understanding such a thing; someone as chaotic as he.
Still, she was curious.
《If you could change me, what would you change?》
He grimaced at her attempts to continue speaking in hands. While coherent enough to understand, it was bad enough to be irritating.
[I would remove your attachment to him. Your desire to rid yourself of your humanity is admirable, but unnecessary. At least currently it explains your atrocious accent. Without it, you will have no excuse for such rudimentary flaws. Speak normally. I tire of this game.]
He gripped her shoulder, turning her to face him. He suspected why she wasn’t speaking, and it only made him angrier. For some reason, seeing Lucifer do to Varikai what Voidster himself would do in his position was infuriating. Knowing that such cruel punishments were joylessly enacted, without any passion or pleasure behind them was an insult. He felt possessive of her suffering, and hated to see it wasted on someone like him.
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