#variable laser focus
ospreyeamon · 1 year
playing politics
It’s been said before, but there is a clear disparity in the way the Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight are treated when it comes to their promotion prospects. While both are knighted at the end of their prologues, the Consular is given the rank of Master at the start of Act 2 while the Knight is only maybe promoted again at the close of Act 3.
The Consular’s promotion to Master is political. They are being given the rank because the Jedi Council thinks it will be necessary for the Rift Alliance to take them seriously, not because of anything the Consular has achieved up to this point Hence why they are given the rank upon being given a mission rather than completing one. Which makes sense as the Consular’s achievements during Act 1 are pretty variable.
A Consular who has LS-choiced their way through Act 1’s achievements are very impressive, even if the stint on Alderaan is their only prior diplomatic experience that we know of. A Consular who – despite being asked to shield the afflicted Jedi – chooses to kill them at varying points before accidentally (or “accidentally”) causing the deaths of hundreds more Jedi offscreen by killing Lord Vivicar, I think, probably wouldn’t have been trusted with a sensitive diplomatic post if the Council thought they had a better option. Unfortunately, in this scenario, the better options were probably numbered among the now dead Jedi Masters.
Conversely, the Jedi Knight definitely succeeded in their overall mission in Act 1. They might have been a jerk, they might have passed up opportunities to save or spare people, they might have delayed rescuing Nasan Godera for a loot acquisition detour, but they still did (eventually) retrieve Dr Godera, stop the power-guard project, save Master Kiwiiks and Tatooine, help destroy the death-mark laser, and prevent Darth Angral from torching Tython. The Knight also helps (or “helps”) guide Kira Carsen to Knighthood; successfully training a Padawan is traditionally one of the main gauges the Council uses to determine who is ready to become a Master.
A DS!Knight proves considerably more effective in Act 1 than a DS!Consular, but the Consular is still the one promoted. The promotion isn’t given in recognition of their skills or as reward for their achievements. It isn’t withheld because of any action or shift in alignment. The Consular is promoted at the start of Act 2 because their new mission is to make nice with the politicians; the Knight isn’t because they are assisting other Jedi. If the Consular’s promotion truly was a matter of merit the Knight would have been promoted too.
The end of Act 3 has incredibly stark differences in how a Dark-aligned Consular and Knight are treated by the Jedi Council. Neither of them receives the promotion they would have if they had been Light-aligned, but of the behaviour of the Council towards them is markedly different. The Consular is publicly rewarded. The Knight is publicly snubbed.
“Your relentless pursuit of the First Son merits a unique position. We would like to make you our special military advisor. You will rank alongside us, but work with the Republic, to capture the remaining Children and prepare for any future threat from the Sith.” Jaric Kaedan “Rank alongside? So I would not be a member of the Jedi Council.” Jedi Consular, Option 3 “We would prefer you to focus on assisting the Republic, rather than on Council duties. But this is only a small reward beside the great service you have done, for all of us.” Jaric Kaedan
The post of the Jedi Council’s special military advisor is a promotion, even if it might not be the promotion the Consular wanted. Jaric Kaedan doesn’t say anything to suggest that a Council Seat could have been on the table under other circumstances; the idea is only brought up if the Consular brings it up.
The Consular has experienced a meteoric rise through the ranks; their class story takes place over about three years and they go from Padawan to Knight to Master to senior Master advising the Jedi Council. Going from Padawan to Master in the span of two years is (I think) the fastest turn around we are shown for any Jedi, and most members of the Order never sit on the High Council. Being promoted to Master without having trained a Padawan in any capacity is also highly unusual. The Consular has nothing to complain about.
Even if they do complain, Jaric’s justification is that they don’t want the Consular’s attention split between their work with the Republic and the duties of a Council Member. He is quick to praise the Consular again. No mention of their turn to the Dark Side is made.
“And then there is you. How do we even begin to account for the turns your life has taken since you first arrived on Tython? The dark side has cast its shadow over you. I sense your anger and ambition growing. I can no longer ignore it. I wanted so much for you to become a Jedi Master, but you are not ready.” Satele Shan “What have I done to deserve being passed over? I've saved trillions of people.” Jedi Knight, Option 1 “Your battles on Corellia cost us Master Kiwiiks and dozens of brave Jedi. Your leadership there was questionable, at best. You struck a great blow against the Sith, but the war goes on. There will be other opportunities for you to prove yourself worthy.” or “How much have you sacrificed on your path to victory? What emotions drove these decisions? These are the questions we must answer. You struck a great blow against the Sith, but the war goes on. There will be other opportunities for you to prove yourself worthy.” Satele Shan “Master Satele, this Jedi is one of the greatest war heroes I’ve ever met. He/she deserves recognition for his/her victories. By the authority of the Supreme Chancellor, I hereby grant you the honorary rank of Republic general.” Admiral Dabrin
In contrast, in a Dark-aligned Knight’s class story ending Satele Shan tells them that they are wrathful, power-hungry, under the influence of the Dark-Side of the Force, and not being promoted to Jedi Master. It’s a public humiliation at a ceremony intended to honour the Knight’s achievements. Small wonder Admiral Dabrin tries to patch things over by naming the Knight an honorary general.
Satele Shan did not have to manage the situation with the Knight this way. She could have quietly led the Knight off into a side room before the ceremony and asked them if they knew they were clouded by the Dark Side. She could have had the kind of talk with them that Orgus Din does on Rishi. Making a public spectacle was taking the nuclear option.
Satele can claim that the Knight isn’t being promoted because of their poor leadership on Corellia, but Satele was the one to put the Knight in charge of the Jedi forces on Corellia, possibly over the Knight’s objections. Besides, we the audience know it isn’t the truth. The Jedi Council’s refusal to grant them the rank of Master isn’t tied to any decision they could have taken on Corellia – it is solely determined by their alignment.
The denunciation being so public makes me feel that its motivation was either highly political or deeply personal. Did Satele feel betrayed by the Knight? Did the rest of the Jedi Council even know she was planning on going off script in front of the Republic brass? Was she convinced the Knight’s Dark-alignment was evidence they had done terrible things she would never be able to find proof of?
Was the decision to try to crack down hard on the Knight made because the Consular had also turned but couldn’t be reprimanded without insulting the Rift Alliance? Were Council concerned that members of the Order like Unaw Aharo were admiring a Dark Jedi? Was Satele under pressure to make a statement against Jedi drawing on the Dark-Side while fighting in the war?
But if a DS-choicing Knight got Jedi unnecessarily killed, then a DS-choicing Consular got more Jedi killed; hundreds compared to dozens. If it’s dangerous to have impressionable Jedi looking up to a Dark-aligned Hero of Tython, then it’s no less dangerous to have them admiring a Dark-aligned Barsen’thor. If a Dark Jedi shouldn’t be permitted to become a Master, then a Dark Consular should be demoted rather than set to advise the Council.
There is an incredible double-standard in how the Consular is treated in comparison to the Knight – and a double-standard in how the Consular is treated compared to the norms of the Order. This is surely something people in-universe have opinions about.
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legobiwan · 1 year
I find it interesting that king boo and dimentio see luigi as the bigger threat or nuisance in king boos case seems like the most dangerous villains tend to focus more on luigi than mario also what are your thoughts on antasma?
I think King Boo in particular is interesting as he went from having no particular opinion about Luigi (you get the feeling that he would have captured whichever brother had entered the mansion first in LM1) to holding a festering hatred of Luigi by the time we hit the third LM game. You almost get the sense King Boo regarded Luigi as a someone laughable until he actually fought through the entire mansion and beat King Boo. And I think at that point, King Boo just fixated on Luigi as this seemingly cowardly, anxiety-prone, far less famous of the Mario brothers who brought down his ambitions Three Whole Times. By the time we hit LM3 (and I haven't played Dark Moon yet, have only watched some cut scenes for writing purposes), it strikes me that King Boo doesn't give a damn about Mario or Peach or the Toads, only their value in luring Luigi through what I would contend is a drawn-out, premeditated gauntlet of 15-ish levels of ghoulish battle. It's almost like he wants to watch Luigi beat these ghosts who he obviously holds zero regard for, only so he can finally top this nemesis of his and assert his dominance over the ghostly population. Wild stuff.
On the other hand, we have Dimentio, our favorite bastard magic man. Unlike King Boo, the minute Luigi came into his orbit, you get the feeling Dimentio was gunning for him. (Whether or not Dimentio had scouted out Luigi and the gang prior to the Chaos Heart's arrival is up for debate, but it does raise the interesting question of why Luigi was marked to be brainwashed while Peach and Bowser and Mario were left to their own devices. Now, was this the Count's own idea due to what was written in the Dark Prognosticus or was DImentio whispering in his ear? I'm not entirely certain, but by the time Luigi/Mr. L came to Castle Bleck, Dimentio would have been tracking him, to phrase it as Dimentio would, like a bloodhound denied his nightly dinner).
All this is to say, Dimentio was laser-focused on Luigi and worse yet, because Dimentio is a cunning, manipulative asshole, he read all of Luigi's insecurities that got blasted about in his Mr. L form like a child's picture book. For Dimentio, I think, he sees not only a tool but someone who could ultimately be swayed to his side, had he the time. A man of a terrible potential he doesn't even realize, anxiety masking a hundred and one other emotions Luigi either can't or won't recognize. (I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I am 100% convinced Luigi's anxiety is, to a degree, a coping mechanism so he doesn't have to deal with the more complicated, sometimes darker emotions and thoughts whirling around his head).
I have yet to play M&L: Dream Team, but I have seen some takes on Antasma and his relationship with Luigi, who seems play a pivotal role in this game. I'm excited to get to this one (it's one of the next on my list after I finish Thousand Year Door! That and Dark Moon!) so I'll have to report back once I've gotten into it.
But I would say to your assertion that the more dangerous villains are drawn to Luigi -
Let's think about it this way. Mario is a known variable. He's a hero, he's incorruptible, at least according to the stories. His role is to beat the bad guys, to stand in their way, to protect and be the guardian of the moral high ground. The villains want to defeat him.
Luigi, however, is a little more complicated. He shares the same desire to protect as Mario, to be the hero and stand on the moral high ground but...we see the way he acts in the Paper Mario series, the overblown language, the way he wants to be included, the way the Toads treat him, the way he's referred to so often as number two, the way his anxiety is out in the open. Luigi presents as someone a lot more malleable than Mario is, as someone who could not only be defeated, but exploited. And, of course, each time Luigi defies those expectations because he's a lot stronger and braver than he presents (although he's always complicated). And it's the type of thing where I imagine it's partially that the villains feel their egos are bruised by their defeat coming from the "other brother," on one hand, and on the other, there's that promise they see in Luigi, whether or not he'd actually betray his brother, but they see those shades of grey in him, see something they could use and it has to be alluring to them.
(Not to mention Luigi's penchant for magic - the Thunderhand, his weird negative dimension thing in the Smash Brothers series, his dream capabilities - unlike Mario, Luigi's abilities tend to fall into the more fantastical and in tandem with his engineering skills, have the potential to make him so, so powerful. If He Ever Tapped Into That Side of Himself.)
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ashpkat · 6 months
ash dump ideas u never completed or just had on me
idk what fandom. and idc
feel high but also dead rn so j need some brain juice.... please, dickmaster ash the smash.....
oh boy i can do you one worse better. here’s an unfinished first chapter of a cassidy blake fusion au idea i had for magisterium. (u don’t need to know what cassidy blake is to understand but it’s by v.e. schwab)
Call had always been able to see ghosts. Somewhat. He could feel ghosts than he could see on a regular basis, it required a little work to actually see the ghosts. There were some rules. The Veil rule, for instance. How ghosts could only be seen in the Veil. With one exception of course.
Some people think ghosts only come out on Halloween, or during the night. That was not true, not by a long shot. Just because people couldn’t see them doesn’t mean they weren’t there. They could be anywhere, in some poor old lady’s garden, the bread aisle of the supermarket, the front seat of a bus, anywhere. 
Call could feel when a ghost is near. It was something reminiscent of the pitter patter of rain on a window, or maybe someone lightly tapping him on the shoulder. In other more severe cases, sometimes it was like a pulsing headache or someone digging their nails into his brain. 
It happened at random. And this certainly wasn’t the first time he felt it, and it wouldn’t be the last, either. Call was sitting in his desk during Algebra when it began, the tap tap tap. Like always, he tried to ignore it. Key word was tried. It chiseled away at his focus, and there was only one way Call knew that would make it go away. If he went and saw for himself.
Which more often than naught, he doesn’t want to go do. He can tell Aaron doesn’t either, because across the room when Call met his eye, met the intense glare he’s giving him from his seat. Very intense, like terminator laser death intense (Calls never seen the Terminator, so he doesn’t know if they actually shoot lasers but he thinks they probably should because that would be cool). 
Aaron couldn’t feel the tapping, but he knew his best friend well enough to realize when Call does. 
Call shifted in his seat, bouncing his leg absentmindedly. It had gotten stiff and painful from sitting down all day. The teacher just kept droning on. 
“When you get the variable X in this scenario isolated then you’ll have to…” Mr. Graves wheezed out as if he’d been smoking for thirty years. Knowing the amount of stress his students cause him, he probably had.
People around the room were getting antsy with their boredom. No one could even stay still. Rafe wqs sleeping with his eyes open, Kai doodles on their shoes, Kylie and Lacy were giggling and passing notes to each other. 
It was nothing good, Call assumed, because nothing good comes out of popular kids. That’s what Kylie and Lacy were, popular. He could tell because of their bleach blonde hair and perfectly painted nails and how they all looked like carbon copies of eachother. 
They’re usually all had similar personalities too — being general assholes. Kylie has once told Call not to get too close because she thought his bum leg might be contagious. Call fumed for at least 2 weeks after that (and still, 7 years later, he still was).
Maybe he should’ve wanted to be popular, but that was never his style (both literally and figuratively). There were just too many rules, like laugh at jokes but don’t laugh too loud. Smile but not too wide. Wear the right clothes. Play the right sports. Care, but don’t care too much. Etcetera, etcetera.
Call had rules he lived by, like rules with Aaron, but those were different.
 Kylie flicked the note in front of her, over to Lacy’s desk, but she missed and it floated to the floor like a leaf in the wind. From his seat, Call can see Aaron strike a rare, impish grin. 
“I know just what will get your mind off this ghost tap,” said Aaron. Call looked over at him, cocking an eyebrow with mild surprise.
The thing about Aaron was this: he could be popular. He could be the star quarterback. He could be the teenage heartthrob of the school. But he couldn’t.
Because Aaron was dead. He’s a ghost.
Aaron got out of his seat and sauntered over to Lacy’s desk, she’s retrieved the note and is stifling a giggle as she scribbled a reply.
He read aloud over her shoulder, but Call was the only one who can hear him, “Top ten cutest boys in the school,” Aaron feigned surprise, “not to spoil anything but.. number one is Ryan.”
Call rolled his eyes. He could see as Lacy turned around and placed her response on Kylie’s desk, her arm went straight through Aarons torso. Aaron shivered. Then, he turned his body to face Kylie's desk, gingerly putting his fingers on one of the many multi-colored pens that lined it. He focused all his attention on it, scrunching up his semi-transparent tan face. It doesn't move.
In movies, poltergeists could throw TV's and slide beds across the floor. But in reality, it took a lot of ghost energy to cross the Veil -- which is what Call dubbed the little curtain that separated the living and the dead. And the ghosts who do have that energy are typically super old and not very pleasant. Luckily they've never had to deal with one of those. Call was secretly glad that Aarons wasn’t made of all that stuff.
Aaron caught Call staring at his pen escapade and sheepishly smiles, as if he knew he's probably not supposed to be doing that. Then he gracefully clipped himself through the floor and reappeared next to Call. 
He perched himself on Calls desk, effectively hindering what little attention Call was paying. 
“I’d say that didn’t get your mind off it, hm?” Aaron cracked a half smile.
Yeah, actually maybe a little, but now all I can think about are Ryan’s chiseled abs, Call thought to himself, careful not to speak aloud. That was one major perk of having a ghost best friend, he never even had to open your mouth to have a conversation, with the mind link and all. He doesn't quite understand why their minds are linked, however.
“Better than thinking about ghosts right?” Aaron said, but as he does Call could feel the tapping getting stronger. Like an itch at the edge of his vision, pulling and begging for him to look that way. Aaron sighed and shot him a sympathetic look as he hopped down from his desk.
It really only made Call think more about ghosts, and not just the one pestering him, somewhere far in the school, but also Aaron. Call doesn’t know how long it’s been since.. the incident. He tried not to think about it too loud, since Aaron typically gets a little upset when Call mentioned it�� how he got stuck actually being a ghost.
He couldn’t have been dead for too long, since there’s not anything retro about him with his floppy blonde hair, Nikes, and Marvel T-shirt. And also because he’s only showed up as of lately, and lately being the last 2 years. It was when Call was 12, and his dad had gotten some weird antique with some weird ghost boy seemingly attached to it. 
“I prefer the term corporally challenged.” Aaron rolled his eyes at Call.
Quit reading my thoughts you freak, Call shot back at him, can’t I get any privacy? 
“It’s not my fault you’re a loud thinker,” he retorted. “Also for the record, I wasn’t attached to the antique! I was following the pull back to you. Things aren’t haunted like that. You know that’s not how it works.”
Thats not what my dad says, Call hid his laugh with a swift cough into his hand. A few people turn and look at him anyway. He sunk lower into his seat and eyes the clock. The tapping was getting worse.  
Calls dad, Alastair, had always been a little obsessed with antiques and the history behind them. Lately, he had been inching towards supernatural territory. Actually no, not just inching, it was a full on sprint into spectral space.
It was like a switch being flipped in his brain, and all Alastair wanted to buy now are creepy old dolls that looked like they would be haunted but weren’t. Call would’ve known if they are. And it wasn’t like Call could ever tell his dad that, because he’d go crazy and try to interrogate him. Alastair had even been talking to some medium that claims he can see ghosts, but Call doubted. He’d met the guy and he couldn’t even see Aaron, so that was enough evidence for a faker for him. 
Maybe he’s going through a midlife crisis, Call thinks to Aaron. He just crinkled his nose at Call and shook his head.
”I don’t think Alastair believes the medium can actually see ghosts,” Aaron said slowly. “Maybe he just likes the company. If you’re catching my drift.”
Call tried hard to not let his face twist up and make it look like he was constipated. No? Whats the drift i’m missing here?
”You know,” he sighed, “that they’re not just chatting about ghosts? They’re getting… romantical?” At Call’s blank face, he gave up the ghost (ha) and soldiered on. “Is the tapping still there?” Aaron asked, even though Call was pretty sure he already knew the answer.
Sure is, he replied and rubbed the back of his neck. Like a knock, knock, knocking on the base of his skull. It was telling him that there’s some serious paranormal activity going on. Call sighed. He could certainly do without all this spectral nonsense, he couldn’t wait for Summer. Because in Summer, Call could get full nights rests without hearing the tap of the Veil and rather the sounds of Alastair tinkering with cars in the garage. There's something odd about the Hunts house, because Call found that it’s strangely quieter than the rest of the town, especially in Summer. Six weeks of quiet, six weeks of Summer sun and reading comic books with Aaron, six weeks of almost feeling normal with his best friend. All Call has to do was make it through these final days.
Call raised his hand like the dutiful student he was. Mr. Graves saw him and gave him a stern look, already knowing Calls question wouldnt be about math.
“Yes, Callum?” He exhaled, sick of him even though he hadn’t even spoken yet.
”Can I use the bathroom?” Call shuffled in his seat and rolled his shoulders, trying to shake off the feeling, but the tapping was persistent. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Aaron sigh and frown. It didn’t take a genius to understand where Call planned to go with this.
”Can’t it wait?” Mr. Graves sighed wearily, “I’m in the middle of very detailed instructions. You’ll miss them.”
Call scowled, ”You know I’ll miss them anyway, even if I was in the room, now c’mon I really gotta go!”
Mr. Graves looked considering, eyeing Call like he was some disease-ridden freak. Then he sighed again and pinched the bridge of his nose with his pointed and his thumb.
"Fine. But make it quick, do not dawdle," he waved him off and turned back to the board.
Call was already out of his seat and snatching the hall pall before Mr. Graves could even think about finishing his sentence. He shuffled out of that stuffy classroom as fast as his leg would allow. In the hallway, Aarons slightly transparent head popped out of a wall, and he didn't look too pleased. Call hardly spared him a glance as he limped down the staircase, his footsteps audible in the nearly silent hallway
"Can we just be normal for once?" Aaron asked, sounding a bit sad. He’d floated down the steps instead of walking, which Call was jealous of. If he was undead, he’d sure love to go without the constant pain in his left leg.
"You're a ghost. And I can see you. That's not normal, so I doubt normal is something we could even achieve." Call hissed at him, the tapping was pulling him somewhere weird.
Call back tracked. It pulled him like a rope attached to his gut right down into a completely seperate hallway.
A locker door swung open and hit Aaron in the face. Call instinctively flinches, but he passed through it like it was nothing. He appeared to be sulky.
"Well you could at least try and be normal," he muttered.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Call stopped dead in his tracks and glared in the other boys direction. Aaron held his hands up in surrender. He looked apologetic enough for making Call mad, which irked him a little because Aaron was just too nice.
The thing was, they both knew that Call wasn’t a normal boy and Aarons not a normal ghost. There was an accident, snow and ice, cars screeching, and slipping into darkness. And then Call was whole again, flash forward 13 years, and a ghost soon-to-be best friend showed up in Calls house. (a/n: fix/ ??? dunno if i want this to be canon)
Call turned away, skulking off and letting the tapping pull him away. He doesn't even have to think about where he had to go. He ducked into the library, the librarian was somewhere in the backroom, therefore, she couldn't and wouldn't bother Call. Call slunk in between the rows of books. By now, the tapping was more a thudding. This was probably, no, definitely where he needed to be. Aaron appeared in front of him, bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
“I mean this: have you ever tried to ignore the tapping? Just wait it out?” Aaron crossed his arms, “I know, I know..”
“Do you though?” Call exclaimed, but quickly lowered his voice when he realized where he was, “We’ll be quick, in and out.”
Aaron frowned, “But…”
“In and out.” He repeated.
After contemplating silence, the tension in Aarons body eased and he sighed, “fine. Rule number 9 of friendship, friends don’t leave friends in the Veil.”
“Bingo.” Call shot him quick finger guns.
Behind him, Call reached for light airy fabric. It’s wasn’t actual physical fabric, but it was the only tangible way to describe crossing over into the Veil. He pulled it away and let himself fall. Then it was all black and Call felt sharp cold air pierce his lungs, his fingers turning icy, and his whole body becoming overwhelmingly cold.
And then it was again, Calls was back to his normal self. Except, he wasn’t. Not in the veil. He was slightly more translucent than before, and there’s a glowing blue, almost grey, light inside his chest. Beside him is Aaron, looking more solid than not— however he lacked the glowing light inside, telling Call he is indeed still a—
“Ghost?” Aaron sighed, “You’re thinking a lot today? What’s up?”
“Now is not the time for our therapy sessions,” Call snapped back.
(the ghost is jennifer? idk? canon book was that ghost died in a fire but maybe the bookshelves crushed her / someone pushed the shelves?)
(call goes home. uhhh. oh yeah the medium is constantine this is another alastine au. alastair is like surprise we’re going on vacation to salem and call is Fuck)
the only other notes i had for this was
Salem, Massachusetts
(3 locations minimum:
Burying Point Cemetary,
The Witch House,
Protectors Ledge,
House of the seven Gables,
The Salem Inn,
Wicked Good Books(Tam), Gallows Hill)
- Ghost boy!Aaron
- Ghost Hunter!Call
- Ghost Hunter!Tamara
- Regular boy!Jasper deWinter that gets dragged along w/ Tamara
- Big bad!Maugris, steals Souls in hopes to get a body because he’s a fucking idiot and doesn’t know that’s Not How It Works LMAOOOO
- one sided calron :( but call doesn’t end up with any one in the end
- this is future ash i don’t remember how aaron died but i think he got murdered? idk it was really really weird. in cassidy blake, jacob (the ghost best friend) drowned to death trying to get smthing for his sibling but. eh. aaron has no siblings)
- deadass remember nothing abt this au. btw don’t remember what the funny idea was for rockafellas im so sad i remember losing it at SOMETHINg
YO reblog this shit if you want me to share more of my unfinished ideas / chapters
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mjohnso · 6 months
Quarterly Debut Review: Q1 2024
Quarterly Debut Reviews are a supplementary series to my biannual Periodic Rookie Group Reports, which are published quarterly. Each installment covers three rookie groups that debuted over the past three months. For the fifth installment, I covered ALL(H)OURS (January), YDS (February), and Heimish (March).
As always, a full list of rookie groups that have debuted thus far in 2024 is available here: 2024 Rookie Groups Debuts
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January / ALL(H)OURS Debut: January 10, 2024 Debut Song: “GOTCHA”
Although I have been tracking rookie groups for over a decade, I am no soothsayer. I cannot predict with any accuracy the number of new groups that will debut in 2024 or if more groups will disband this year than last year. Nor can I tell if the recent reversal of a multi-year decline in the number of boy groups I covered in Periodic Rookie Groups Report No. 22 is permanent or a temporary deviation. At best, what the numbers tell me is. 2024 is not off to a bad start, especially regarding boy groups. The four boy groups that debuted this year in January mirrors the previous year's total. While this may not crack 2019’s record of nine boy groups in January, it is better than 2018's where boy groups' poor performance was foreshadowed by a single debut at the start of the year.
No matter how this year shakes out for boy groups, it cannot be said that boy groups did not try like ALL(H)OURS who was one of the four boy groups to debut. Their name externalizes their ambition signaling, according to Korea JoongAng Daily, their intention to “pour everything it has at all times.” Their debut song doubles down on this message with the chorus, punctuated by a deep bass sound, emphasizing their laser focus on their goal.
Of course, it takes more than focus and hard work for idols to achieve their dreams—or stardom —in the industry. Those are only parts of an equation with multiple variables, many of which idols have no control over, including their image, musical director, or whether a group gets to come back and try again or build on the momentum. But at least ALL(H)OURS are committed to doing what they can do and working with what they have control over.
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February / YDS (YeoDongSaeng) Debut: February 21, 2024 Debut Song: “A Fluttering Love”
YDS’s debut single “A Fluttering Love” can claim more so-called ‘firsts’ than your average debut single. The song is the group’s first release under a proper label, as well as, their official debut and first single. Contrarily, it is also the first song in the industry's history to qualify as both a debut and a comeback single, a fact that the marketing has not hidden but highlighted. On a teaser image released to promote the song’s release, above the two members seated back-to-back on a white table, it reads “YDS 7TH DIGITAL SINGLE ALBUM.”
This discrepancy in qualification is a byproduct of YDS’ unorthodox career trajectory. The duo began their career uploading covers of k-pop songs to their YouTube channel, before pivoting to producing their original songs in 2022. They released six singles and built up a small following before according to their December 2023 Instagram post, signing with HO Entertainment. Then as established above, in February they released their seventh single that doubled as their major label debut. In other words, unlike most k-pop groups who debut after being assembled through the industry’s traditional top-down method, YDS debuted in reverse.
While there are tradeoffs for both YDS and HO Entertainment for bypassing this usual path, I see the appeal. For HO Entertainment, in particular, it is a cost-saving measure. A group with a pre-determined lineup eliminates the need to recruit and train future members of a group, a process so expensive that according to the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)’s 2023 Pop Culture & Arts Industry Survey, most agencies do not even maintain a pool of trainees. They also come with a pre-defined image and sound, which although certainly adjustable, HO Entertainment has left unchanged. Indeed “A Fluttering Love”, features their signature sweet acoustic sound and lyrics about a love confession. This is consistent with their previous releases, only this time it comes with a name attached to it and an accompanying promotional rollout, typical of your average group.
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March / Heimish Debut: March 15, 2024 Debut Song: “Golden Hour”
So far, this year has gone according to Rainbow E&M’s plan. That plan, laid out across their 2023 year-end Instagram posts, indicated that they aimed to debut one group per month – a feat they have pulled off. Three months into 2024, they debuted at least one group under the Future Idol Asia banner every month: Flora in January, Bluebell in February, and now Heimish and Pearlys in March.
Practically speaking, these are all new groups in the sense that Future Idol Asia has never debuted a group under these names or with these lineups. Of the four groups that debuted, Flora and Heimish’s lineups are partly a patchwork of members from prior Future Idol Asia groups. In the case of Flora, of the group’s six members, four previously debuted under Redplum and Closer, respectively. As for Heimish, their group is comprised of one new member, two members of Blossom, and one member of Winsome. This is a byproduct of the nature of the project. As I have written before Future Idol Asia groups are not intended to be permanent homes for aspiring idols but a temporary waypoint on their journey. Ideally, a member who debuts as part of a Future Idol Asia group would catch the attention of an entertainment agency scout at a showcase who invites them for further auditioning before inviting them to join their agency. In reality, though not every member gets picked. For example, in the case of Closer, two of whose members re-debuted this year as part of Flora, only one of the ten members in the group was chosen for additional auditions with other agencies.
This poses a conundrum for the Future Idol Asia project, as they are left with groups with gaps in their lineup, although groups like Flora and Heimish point to their solution. Since last year they have been repackaging members from their previous groups into these new groups. That allows the project to pad its numbers, giving the illusion that the project has more recruits than it actually does, especially if recruitment does not meet expectations. More importantly, it also gives those not picked the first time another chance. With a new group, concept, song, choreography, and opportunity to perform at the showcase this time might be the charm.
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kissycat · 7 months
Was feeling unusually depressed even though all of the usual explanatory variables are in order (social contacts, food, sleep) and nothing in particular happened. But I think it's really that this class is super draining. Like 1-1.5 commute and then having to laser focus on listening to lectures etc the entire time (more draining than doing Work Tasks), and then still more work and studying at home. But i had cinnamon rolls and I feel a bit better now so it's ok
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nursingscience · 1 year
The list of lab equipment needed for the psychology lab.
1. Computers and software for data analysis and experiment design
2. Psychophysiological equipment such as EEG, ECG, and GSR sensors
3. Eye-tracking equipment for measuring eye movements
4. Stereotaxic instrument for precise animal brain surgery
5. Skinner boxes for operant conditioning experiments
6. Virtual Reality headsets for immersive experience and behavioral testing
7. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for non-invasive brain stimulation
8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for brain imaging
9. Polygraph machines for lie detection
10. Sound-proof rooms for auditory experiments
11. Video recording equipment for observational research
12. Reaction time devices to measure response times
13. Stimulus presentation software and hardware, including monitors and speakers
14. Questionnaires and survey tools for self-report research. 
15. Digital voice recorders for recording interviews or focus groups
16. Psychometric tests for assessing cognitive or personality traits
17. Tactile equipment for haptic experiments
18. Olfactometers for investigating sense of smell
19. Weight scales and height measurements for anthropometric assessments
20. Blood pressure monitors for physiological measurements
21. Heat/cold pain stimulation devices for pain threshold experiments
22. Sleep monitoring equipment such as actigraphy watches and polysomnography machines
23. Specialized software for analyzing and visualizing data, such as SPSS or R
Climatic chambers for environmental manipulation in behavioral studies
24. Microscopes for examining cellular and tissue samples in behavioral neuroscience research
25. Mobile EEG devices for field research or studying participants in naturalistic environments
26. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for measuring brain activity in real-time
27. Motion capture systems for tracking movement and gestures in experiments or simulations
28. Biometric devices such as heart rate monitors, respiration sensors, or skin temperature sensors for physiological measurements
29. Experiment control software for designing, running, and analyzing experiments
30. Virtual assistants or chatbots for social psychology or human-computer interaction research
31. Social robots for studying human-robot interaction and social cognition
32. Biomarker assay kits for measuring stress hormones, neurotransmitters, or immune markers
33. Magnetic bead separation systems for isolating cells or proteins from biological samples
34. Chemical analysis equipment such as gas chromatography or mass spectrometry for analyzing biological fluids or tissues.
35. Eye-safe lasers and retinal imaging systems for visual neuroscience studies
36. Microdialysis probes for measuring extracellular neurotransmitter levels in vivo
37. Microfabrication and microfluidics equipment for designing and building micro-scale devices for neuroscience or behavioral studies
38. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for analyzing brain chemistry
39. Automated behavioral testing systems for high-throughput phenotyping of animal models
40. High-speed cameras for studying rapid movements or reactions in experiments
41. Autonomic monitoring systems for measuring heart rate variability and other physiological signals
42. Neurofeedback systems for training participants to regulate their brain activity
Infrared thermal imaging for measuring temperature changes on the skin or body surface
43. Environmental monitoring equipment for measuring air quality, temperature, humidity, or lighting in experimental settings.
44. Animal behavior tracking systems for automated behavioral analysis of animal models
45. Optogenetics equipment for genetically modifying neurons and controlling their activity with light
46. Microscopy equipment such as confocal microscopes or two-photon microscopes for imaging neurons or brain tissue
47. High-density EEG or MEG systems for recording brain activity with high spatial and temporal resolution
48. Ultrafast laser systems for optoacoustic or photothermal imaging of the brain or other tissues
49. Microscale thermometry systems for measuring temperature changes at the cellular level
50. Animal housing and care equipment such as cages, bedding, and feeding systems
51. Laboratory safety equipment such as fume hoods, eye protection, and fire suppression systems
52. High-performance computing resources for large-scale data analysis, simulations, or modeling.
The specific equipment needs of a psychology lab will depend on the research questions and methods being used, as well as the available resources and funding. 
It's also important to note that some of the equipment listed here may require specialized training or certification to use safely and effectively.
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creativeera · 1 month
Variable Data Printing Labels Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth
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Variable data printing (VDP) labels are adhesive labels customized for individualized use. These digitally-printed labels change their visual properties such as text, graphics or images based on the item or transaction. They offer various benefits such as reduced shipping time, improved flexibility in design, and enhanced brand visibility. The e-commerce industry has been adopting VDP labels widely due to their ability to print a unique label for each product. This reduces costs associated with pre-printing large label rolls and allows customization for different product variations. The Global Variable Data Printing Labels Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 18.89 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 13.% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players: Key players operating in the Variable Data Printing Labels are Mondi Plc, HP Inc., R.R. Donnelley ; Sons Company, Xerox Corporation, Canon Inc., 3M Company, Quad/Graphics Inc., Avery Dennison Corporation, WS Packaging Group, Inc. Key opportunities: The growth of the e-commerce industry and focus on enhanced customer experience are expected to offer numerous opportunities for VDP label manufacturers. The technology is finding increasing usage in diverse industries such as food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, consumer durables and logistics. Moreover, integration of digital technologies such as IoT and AI is likely to open up new application areas. Global expansion: North America currently dominates the Variable Data Printing Labels market Demand  due to high demand from verticals such as food and beverage. However, Asia Pacific is anticipated to witness the fastest growth on account of rising e-commerce activities, growing middle-class population and improving economic conditions. Key players are expanding their footprint in developing economies to tap the potential offered by emerging markets. Market drivers: The robust growth of the e-commerce industry has been a key driver for VDP labels. As e-retailers deal with huge volumes of shipments on a daily basis, VDP labels help in creating a customized unboxing experience for customers. This improves brand stickiness and repeat purchases. Moreover, they enable inclusion of vital shipment details reduce errors and eliminate extra costs associated with pre-printing large label rolls.
PEST Analysis Political: Increasing regulations regarding labeling of products is creating opportunities for variable data printing labels market. Many countries have made it mandatory to mention country of origin, ingredients used, expiry date etc clearly on packaging. This is positively impacting demand. Economic: Growth in e-commerce industry is Variable Data Printing Labels Market Size and Trends growth. Rising number of online shoppers is increasing need for customized labels with shipping details. Growth in retail industry where products need to clearly showcase pricing is another major driver. Social: Changing consumer preference towards more personalized products is a key trend. Customers want products showcasing their name, events etc. rising demand for this is benefiting market. Awareness about ingredient listing and nutrition facts is also supporting market growth. Technological: Advances in digital printing technology like inkjet, laser etc allow for on demand printing of labels with variable data. Integration of design software with printers enable real time customizations. IoT technology is enabling connectivity of devices for remote monitoring and control. The market is concentrated in North America and Europe owing to presence of major end use industries like food and beverages, personal care, pharmaceuticals etc and established retail sectors. The US holds largest share for variable data printing labels market in terms of value. The Asia Pacific region is witnessing fastest growth and emerging as lucrative market. Rapid growth of economies, expanding middle class population and rising packaging and labeling demand from industries like consumer goods are driving APAC market. China contributes largest revenue share in the region supported by wide manufacturing base and growing domestic consumption.
Get more insights on Variable Data Printing Labels Market
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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massivecowboytragedy · 3 months
Achieving Your Audience: Advertising Procedures for Laser Hair Elimination
In present day natural beauty-mindful environment, laser hair removing has grown to be a preferred selection for individuals trying to find a lengthy-term Answer to undesirable hair. On the other hand, Using the growing variety of clinics and treatment method options out there, it can be critical for businesses in the laser hair removing industry to successfully achieve their audience through strategic advertising. In this article, We'll check out a variety of advertising strategies that will help laser hair removing clinics correctly link with their viewers and drive business expansion.
Reaching Your Audience: Advertising Procedures for Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removing Usefulness: A Recreation-Changer from the Magnificence Industry
Laser hair elimination's efficiency being a lasting hair reduction Option sets it apart from regular solutions like waxing or shaving. By highlighting this essential advantage in ads, clinics can capture the attention of people who are tired of short-term alternatives and so are trying to find a more very long-time period approach to hair removal.
Laser Hair Removing Efficiency: Save Time and Effort
One of the principle advantages of laser hair elimination is its effectiveness. Not like other procedures that have to have frequent maintenance, laser treatments supply significant time savings. By emphasizing this component in advertising and marketing campaigns, clinics can attract hectic individuals who benefit their time and are seeking a hassle-no cost Option.
Laser Hair Removing Longevity: Bid Farewell to Continual Maintenance
Another advantage of laser hair removing is its longevity. Though common procedures involve common maintenance, laser treatment plans provide for a longer time-Long lasting effects. By highlighting this edge, clinics can concentrate on people who want to reduce their grooming regime and revel in the freedom of easy skin for an extended interval.
Laser Hair Elimination Expectations: Placing Realistic Goals
Managing customer expectations is vital for almost any effective business enterprise. In the case of laser hair removing, it is important to teach probable customers about what they can realistically expect in the remedy. By addressing prevalent misconceptions and offering exact data in ads, clinics can Construct believe in and appeal to shoppers who are very well-educated about the method.
Laser Hair Removing Clinics Close by: Convenience Matters
When promotion laser hair removing products and services, it is vital to focus on the convenience variable. Advertising and marketing the existence of close by clinics could make prospective customers think that the treatment method is definitely available, encouraging them to just take Hair Removal Service the next stage and agenda a session.
Laser Hair Elimination Consultation: Totally free Specialist Advice
To entice possible shoppers to choose the initial step in direction of laser hair removal, clinics can provide cost-free consultations. By emphasizing this in ads, clinics can appeal to individuals who can be hesitant with regards to the remedy and supply them with skilled suggestions without any economic determination.
Laser Hair Elimination Initially Session: A Phase Toward Easy Skin
The 1st s
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tonymattblog · 4 months
Unleashing the Dominance of CFR's F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit
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The CFR® F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit revolutionizes fuel testing, setting benchmarks for precision, dependability, and simplicity. Since the first CFR octane rating engines in 1929, this standard has become vital for the automotive and petroleum sectors. Explore the features and benefits that position CFR's Octane Rating Unit as a leader in fuel testing.
Setting the Standard: CFR F1/F2 Octane Rating Engines
CFR F1/F2 octane rating engines serve as benchmarks for testing fuels according to ASTM D2699, D2700, IP 236, and IP 237. These engines have delivered reliable data for research octane number and motor octane number assessments for decades.
Confidence in a Fully Integrated Fuel Testing System
A complete CFR octane fuel testing system includes the Engine Air Control System, the F1/F2 octane rating engine, XCP™ Technology, and a CFR® exhaust surge tank. This system ensures control over critical parameters, allowing users to focus on their work without system distractions.
Data Integrity with XCP Technology
XCP Technology enhances data integrity by automatically capturing essential information for each rating. The XCP Digital Control Panel generates user-friendly Excel-based reports, reducing manual recording errors. These reports include KI values, Octane Numbers, environmental data, and KI vs. fuel level curves. The XCP integrates seamlessly into a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), ensuring accurate data capture and processing.
Reliability of Proven Design
Since 1929, CFR Engines Inc. products have proven reliable for thousands of users. Continuous upgrades, like the robust engine crankcase and cylinder/head, ensure long operating life. With routine maintenance, CFR octane rating engines meet the rigorous demands of modern fuel testing.
Precision through Modern Instrument Control
The CFR F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit, equipped with XCP Technology, uses digital instrumentation to record and process critical aspects of operation and performance. On-board barometric pressure adjustments, increased automation, a broad octane meter range, and precise control of engine intake air enhance overall precision.
Cost Savings with One System Flexibility
The CFR F1/F2 Octane Rating System offers unmatched flexibility and cost savings. Users can switch between any of the four test procedures in ASTM Methods D2699 or D2700 with simple component changes and push-button control. This versatility optimizes resources, speeds test transitions, reduces operator training, and enhances repeatability.
Other Important Features that Set CFR Apart
XCP integrated safety monitoring system: Provides shutdown protection in case of power loss, low oil pressure, overheating, or electrical overload.
User-friendly touch-screen HMI panel: Simplifies unit operation and octane rating tests.
Built-in prompts: Guide operators through test procedures, ensuring consistency.
Thermal siphon cooling condenser: Maintains constant cylinder jacket water temperature.
Digital knock meter: Displays actual knock intensity value, eliminating visual interpretation.
Electronic maintenance log: Documents vital maintenance information.
Non-contact laser sensor: Accurately measures cylinder height.
Synchronous/reluctance motor: Provides power for starting and absorbs engine output.
Electronic on-board barometer: Automatically corrects cylinder height for barometric pressure changes.
Environmentally friendly RTDs: Manage critical temperature variables.
Built-in diagnostic feature: Allows troubleshooting of the octane rating unit.
On-screen operations and maintenance manuals: Ensure easy access to essential information.
Experience the Future of Fuel Testing
CFR commits to innovation and excellence in fuel testing and development. Ongoing research and development ensure our products evolve to meet the changing needs of the automotive and petroleum industries.
Unmatched Support and Service
Choosing CFR means accessing a world-class support and service network. Our team of experts assists with installation, training, maintenance, and technical inquiries, ensuring your success.
Join the CFR Revolution
Join industry leaders who trust CFR for their octane rating needs. The F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit with XCP Technology is a game-changer. Experience precision, reliability, and ease of use like never before.
Contact CFR Today
Elevate your fuel testing capabilities. Contact CFR to learn more about our products, request a demonstration, or get a quote. Together, we drive the future of automotive excellence.
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bhushans · 5 months
A Market on the Move: Exploring Investment Opportunities in Global Refractive surgery device Market
The global refractive surgery devices market is anticipated to have significant growth and achieve a valuation of USD 213.0 million by 2024. Between 2024 and 2034, the market is expected to grow at a steady compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.90%, with an absolute dollar potential of USD 312.3 million by the end of that year. Two variables account for this growth: the increase in screen time brought on by Covid-19 restrictions and the burgeoning senior population.
Tools for refractive surgery are required to correct visual impairments such myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Patients benefit from improved vision and a decrease in the need for corrective glasses. As the scope and accessibility of vision correction treatments improve due to advancements in techniques and technologies for the operation, the market for equipment connected to refractive surgery is likely to grow steadily.
Enhance Research With a Sample Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-780
Key Takeaways:
Rising Demand for Vision Correction Solutions: The growing prevalence of vision disorders, coupled with the desire for freedom from eyeglasses and contact lenses, is fueling the demand for refractive surgery procedures. Refractive surgery devices enable ophthalmic surgeons to perform precise and effective vision correction surgeries, enhancing visual outcomes and improving patients’ quality of life.
Technological Advancements Driving Market Growth: Ongoing advancements in refractive surgery devices, including laser systems, diagnostic tools, and implantable lenses, are driving market growth and innovation. Innovations such as wavefront-guided treatments, femtosecond laser technology, and customizable intraocular lenses are expanding the scope and efficacy of refractive surgery procedures, catering to a diverse range of patient needs and preferences.
Growing Patient Awareness and Accessibility: Increasing patient awareness about the safety, efficacy, and benefits of refractive surgery procedures is contributing to market growth. Moreover, improvements in healthcare infrastructure, expanded access to specialized eye care services, and rising disposable incomes are making refractive surgery more accessible to a broader segment of the population, driving demand for refractive surgery devices.
Focus on Safety, Precision, and Patient Satisfaction: With a growing emphasis on safety, precision, and patient satisfaction, refractive surgery device manufacturers are investing in research and development to enhance product performance, reliability, and ease of use. Patient-centric approaches, customized treatment options, and comprehensive pre- and post-operative care protocols are essential for ensuring optimal surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Competitive Landscape:
Owing to its extended existence, the market for equipment used in refractive surgery is crowded with businesses that have established a solid presence abroad. The devices needed for refractive procedures are supplied by these firms to hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and emergency clinics.
Alcon Inc., Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Bausch + Lomb, NIDEK Co., Ltd., and Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG are a few of the leading businesses in the industry. These businesses spend billions of dollars developing innovative technology to streamline, expedite, and improve the quality of surgery.
Recent Developments
In June 2023, Eye-Q introduced an Advanced Customised LASIK machine at its Rewari eye-care facility, revolutionizing laser vision correction and eliminating the need for patients to travel to Gurugram. The hospital aimed to enhance the quality of life for individuals, particularly youth aged 18-35, by offering world-class eye-care treatments.
In September 2023, Alcon unveiled its largest-ever scientific program at the 41st Congress of the ESCRS in Vienna, Austria. The event showcased over 75 abstracts, presenting new data and innovations supporting ophthalmic surgical teams across cataract, refractive, visualization, and ocular health fields.
Key Companies in the Market:
Alcon Inc.
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG
Johnson & Johnson Vision
Bausch + Lomb
NIDEK Co., Ltd.
Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG
STAAR Surgical Company
Abbott Medical Optics
Topcon Corporation
Essilor International
Lumenis Ltd.
HOYA Corporation
Haag-Streit AG
Schwind eye-tech-solutions GmbH
iVIS Technologies
Oculentis GmbH
NIDEK Technologies Srl
Optovue, Inc.
OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH
Rayner Intraocular Lenses Limited
Refractive Surgery Device Market Segmentation:
By Product Type:
Other Product Types
By Application:
Dry Eyes
By End-use:
Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Ophthalmology Clinics
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
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jamierobinson · 5 months
Pursuit Development Post
Before development it was important to figure out what the challenges for the player would be. I ended up choosing 2 obstacles for the player to evade. A projectile that will come at the player from the top of the screen, similar to the work done in the workshop, and a laser that will instantly cover an entire lane. These will give enough variety for the player to remain focused on the game, additionally increasing the speed of the projectiles and time for the lasers to come out will introduce stress, in addition with the intrinsic skill required to dodge the obstacles will result in a difficult experience for the player. This was all covered in Week 7's lecture.
Additionally, the time slow ability the player has will remove this timed element for a short while allowing for the cycle of fast and difficult and slow and easy during the moment to moment gameplay, hopefully captivating the player in the game and inciting fiero within them.
Now with the core moment to moment gameplay figured out, I started with the scaffold of the workshops content as it already had player movement and the projectiles for my idea. I then stripped back the assets and replaced them with simpler and easier to replicate ones. This was done as it is easier to produce a cleaner look with simpler graphics and it will result in the player being able to focus on what is important (the player themselves being a coloured square, the laser indicator being flashing red and the time bar turning red when the player is using it too much)
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The next step was to make the next obstacle, lasers. This was a relatively simple feature to add as it was simply a long white rectangle that shrank in size from a tween. The warning was made a bright red that would blink rapidly in the column the laser would strike. The player was given 1 second to get out of the way which I though was a generous amount as the average human reaction speed was 300ms additionally the player would have access to time slowing meaning they would have plenty time to get out of the way.
Now it was time to add time slow. This was the most important as it was the main feature that made this game different to others. And so I wanted to make it as realistic as possible to further envelope the player in the world (The magic circle) as stated in the Week 3 lecture and in the textbook. This meant the projectiles had to move slower, the lasers had to fire slower and come out later and the spawn rates of both needed to adjust for when the player slowed time. This was partially made easier through Gdevelops built in time scale feature that slowed down everything in the scene however since timers were not a physical object in the scene they were not slowed down. This was an issue because timers were used for spawn rates of obstacles. Resulting in more obstacles spawning closer together when time was slowed. This was mitigated by changing each timer into a variable and a separate timer that would add to them every second and changing the check for this new timer to 5x what it would be normally if the player is slowing time.
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Finally, I introduced a simple hidden scaling system that after certain milestones in score would increase the speed and tempo of the game, this allows for exact scaling for certain points, the speed of the bullets still slowly ramp up as the max speed is changed however it means I can keep players at certain difficulties for certain amounts of time allowing me to introduce them to new features or get the used to faster speeds. After 120 score or 2 minutes of gameplay I set everything to the max if anyone wished to keep going, however this prototype is not intended to be progressed past 120, it is essentially winning the game as there is not enough time to create more in depth scaling.
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The final game should look something like the gif below (I altered the hiddenplayerscore variable to 60 to showcase the full game)
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(The game does start to bug out when there are two lasers however) https://necromancer00.itch.io/pursuit this is the link to the game if you wish to play it :)
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silvery-bluish · 6 months
14 and 25 for ars and bb if you're still playing!!
Yeah of course! Questions are from here.
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Ars - Correctly. No they will not elaborate. They tend to define themself by Exclusion, and they hate being perceived Incorrectly. They'd rather Not Be Seen At All than perceived Wrong, so they spend a lot of time trying. Not to be seen. Safer that way, too. They put-- filters, shells, translation layers? around themself, to make it harder for others to see them and make themself more comprehensible, more palatable.
BB - He's a cool laid back guy who's just hanging out. A Fun Guy. Reliable (but you don't want to ask him to do something for you, you know he's got a lot of stuff going on--) If he's got his own problems, he's handling them and it's none of your business. Retired, but not someone who needs to be protected. As Outlaw, well he's just your run-of-the-mill villain out here to kick the shit out of some heroes who honestly aren't very good at their job, and they should get on that. Nothing else going on there!!
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
Ars - I think their laser-focus empathy is. Very fun. If you're in with them, you're in, no takebacks, loyalty forever. If you're not in with them they are fully disregarding your existence except as a variable in whatever they're trying to get done. It doesn't end when they're gone (Anathema) so it still. Drives them. And then there's the edgecases of when they snap decision someone wrong, and have to deal with the fallout of that (Daniel).
BB - Okay. I made BB bc i'm a damn sucker for platonic telepathic intimacy (in arsinoe's 'verse he's their teammate from the first farm days, and a touch telepath only) but I ran him as a Sidestep and he. Got so spiteful. Simmering Annoyance lad for the Funniest reasons. herald rival (platonic) (maldin about it) (had his bomb stolen) (made the guy take the stairs) (failed to herald_weaken) (still doesnt know his name)
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shristisahu · 7 months
#Revamped Trends in Automotive Material Handling | #SpendEdgeInsights
Originally Published on: SpendEdge|Top Material Handling Trends in Automotive | SpendEdge
Evolution of the Industry and Soaring Production The automotive sector has witnessed substantial transformations in material handling, propelling production levels nearly tenfold in the last three decades. Advanced R&D programs are reshaping the vision for next-gen automobile manufacturing, emphasizing connectivity, data-driven processes, and rapid production systems.
Challenges in the Automotive Landscape The automotive industry grapples with challenges such as market saturation, international competition, shorter time-to-market demands leading to increased model variability, and evolving regulatory environments. Stepping into the era of "smart" factories necessitates a paradigm shift in material handling for the industry's future.
Material Handling Trends in the Automotive Industry
Adaptive Manufacturing Modern assembly lines often rely on rigid, single-purpose machines based on modular or linear production. The dynamic and fluctuating demand in the automotive industry necessitates a transition to flexible material handling equipment. This shift includes achieving faster time-to-market for new concepts, a responsive production floor, and 24/7 production capabilities.
Comprehensive Connectivity The automotive industry's highly automated material handling is advancing with increased connectivity and decentralized solutions. Full connectivity ensures standardized technical support across vendors, transparent production system analysis, and easy optimization. This enables more flexible machine parameters, with servicing accessible through communication networks or mobile devices.
Holistic Process Simulation Simulation plays a pivotal role in new manufacturing or assembly design projects. Material handling components are crucial for simulating everything from complete factories to individual processes. Total process simulation, while data-intensive, requires suppliers capable of integrating information into simulation tools. This approach offers benefits like accurate planning, improved ROI, and flexibility in adapting and modifying designs before implementation.
Resource Efficiency Cost reduction and efficiency enhancement are paramount in the automotive industry's future. The ongoing focus on energy efficiency in material handling involves various methods, including energy calculations, optimized logistics, and the use of energy-efficient components. This drive toward resource efficiency provides advantages such as reduced energy consumption and associated costs, carbon-neutral production promotion, and accurate project planning by defining energy consumption.
Types of Automotive Material Handling
Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) AGVs, autonomous and battery-powered, equipped with guidance systems like lasers or magnetic tape, play a crucial role in material movement within manufacturing facilities. They efficiently transport components, sub-assemblies, and finished products, contributing to increased efficiency and reduced manual handling in production processes.
Conveyor Systems Widely utilized in the automotive industry, conveyor systems facilitate continuous and automated material movement along a fixed path. Employed in various manufacturing stages, including assembly lines, paint shops, and final inspection areas, these systems handle components of different sizes and weights, improving production flow and minimizing the need for manual handling.
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) AS/RS involves computer-controlled mechanisms for placing and retrieving items in automated storage systems. In the automotive industry, it optimizes the storage of parts and components in warehouses or distribution centers, automatically locating and retrieving items. This reduces time and labor for manual handling, contributing to optimized inventory management and streamlined order fulfillment processes in the automotive supply chain.
Embracing Innovations for Future-Ready Automotive Manufacturing!
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anjaliprabhakar · 10 months
Can Light Therapy Truly Reduce Body Weight? Separating Myth from Fact
In the ever-evolving quest for a slimmer physique, we've embraced countless trends, from acai bowls to intermittent fasting. But amidst the fad diets and fitness fads, a curious contender emerges: light therapy for weight loss.
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Promising fat-melting magic with red and infrared rays, light therapy has captured attention and sparked debate. But before you invest in a home light therapy device or schedule a pricey spa session, let's delve deeper into the science – separating fact from fiction and understanding if light therapy can truly be your weight-loss ally.
Shedding Light on the Science:
Light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), involves exposing the body to specific wavelengths of light, typically red or near-infrared. Proponents claim this exposure triggers various physiological changes that can lead to weight loss, including:
Increased fat metabolism: Some studies suggest that light therapy can stimulate the activity of mitochondria, the "powerhouses" of cells, potentially leading to increased calorie burning and fat breakdown.
Improved circulation: Light therapy may dilate blood vessels, enhancing blood flow and potentially aiding in the transport of fat from cells to be burned as fuel.
Reduced inflammation: Chronic inflammation is linked to weight gain and metabolic dysfunction. Light therapy's anti-inflammatory properties could potentially contribute to weight management.
Enhanced cellular repair: Light therapy may stimulate the production of collagen, a protein crucial for skin health and possibly impacting fat storage and metabolism.
However, it's essential to remember that the evidence supporting these claims is mixed. While some studies have shown promising results, others have yielded inconclusive or even negative findings. Additionally, most existing research is limited in scope, involving small sample sizes or short durations.
Shining a Light on the Limitations:
Before you envision yourself basking in red light and watching the pounds melt away, consider these limitations:
Small and inconclusive studies: The majority of research on light therapy and weight loss is based on small-scale studies, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about its effectiveness.
Individual variability: Like any treatment, responses to light therapy can vary significantly from person to person. Factors like age, gender, and overall health can influence its effectiveness.
Lack of long-term data: Most studies on light therapy for weight loss have been conducted over short periods, making it unclear whether the effects are sustainable in the long term.
The "synergy factor": While light therapy may offer some benefits, it's unlikely to be a magic bullet for weight loss. Achieving lasting results requires a holistic approach that combines healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
Beyond the Hype: A Balanced Approach:
While light therapy holds potential as a complementary tool for weight management, it's crucial to approach it with realistic expectations:
Don't expect miracles: Light therapy is not a quick fix for weight loss. It's best seen as a potential supporting tool to be used alongside a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.
Consult a healthcare professional: Before embarking on any new treatment, including light therapy, discuss it with your doctor or a registered dietitian. This is especially important if you have any underlying health conditions.
Do your research: Choose reputable clinics or devices that offer safe and effective light therapy treatments. Be wary of exaggerated claims and unrealistic promises.
Focus on sustainability: Ultimately, sustainable weight loss comes from adopting healthy habits that you can maintain over the long term. Light therapy, if used responsibly, can be a part of that journey, but not the sole driver.
The Takeaway:
Can light therapy truly reduce body weight? The answer, like most things in life, is not a simple yes or no. While promising research exists, the evidence remains inconclusive and limited. Light therapy may offer some potential benefits, but it should be approached with caution and realistic expectations. If you're considering it, consult a healthcare professional and remember that sustainable weight loss requires a holistic approach that prioritizes healthy habits and lifestyle changes.
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tonymattblog · 4 months
Unleashing the Dominance of CFR's F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit
In the ever-evolving field of fuel testing, the CFR® F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit emerges as an unrivaled powerhouse, shaping benchmarks for precision, dependability, and user simplicity. A beacon of excellence since the debut of the first CFR octane rating engines in 1929, this global standard has progressed into an indispensable tool for the automotive and petroleum sectors. Let's explore the key features and advantages that position CFR's Octane Rating Unit as a transformative force in fuel testing.
Setting the Standard: CFR F1/F2 Octane Rating Engines
At the heart of CFR's dominance in fuel testing are the CFR F1/F2 octane rating engines. These engines serve as renowned benchmarks for testing fuels according to international standards like ASTM D2699 and D2700, along with IP 236 and IP 237. For decades, these engines have been pivotal in delivering invaluable data for research octane number (RON) and motor octane number (MON) assessments.
Confidence in a Fully Integrated Fuel Testing System
A complete CFR Engines Inc. octane fuel testing system comprises four meticulously designed components:
The Engine Air Control System
The F1/F2 octane rating engine
XCP™ Technology
A CFR® exhaust surge tank
This integrated system ensures control over critical parameters, allowing users to focus on broader objectives without being encumbered by system mechanics.
Data Integrity with XCP Technology
XCP Technology elevates data integrity by automatically capturing crucial information for each rating. The XCP Digital Control Panel generates user-friendly Excel-based reports, significantly reducing manual recording errors. These comprehensive reports include KI values, Octane Numbers, environmental data, and KI vs. fuel level curves. Additionally, XCP can seamlessly integrate into a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), ensuring test data is captured and processed without question.
Reliability of Proven Design
Since 1929, CFR Engines Inc.'s products have established themselves as reliable tools for thousands of users worldwide. Continuous upgrades—like enhanced engine crankcase and cylinder/head designs—ensure unparalleled operating life. With routine maintenance, CFR octane rating engines meet today's rigorous demands head-on.
Precision through Modern Instrument Control
Equipped with XCP Technology, the CFR F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit uses digital instrumentation to record and process critical aspects of system operation and performance accurately. On-board barometric pressure adjustments, increased automation capabilities, a broad octane meter range, and precise control over engine intake air collectively enhance overall measurement precision.
Cost Savings with One System Flexibility
One standout feature is its unmatched flexibility and cost savings. Users can effortlessly switch between any four test procedures outlined in ASTM Methods D2699 or D2700 using simple component changes and push-button controls. This versatility optimizes resources by enabling faster test transitions while reducing operator training time—all from a single system.
Other Important Features That Set CFR Apart:
XCP Integrated Safety Monitoring System: Provides shutdown protection during power loss or low oil pressure.
User-Friendly Touch-Screen HMI Panel: Simplifies unit operation.
Built-In Prompts: Guide operators through procedures ensuring consistency.
Thermal Siphon Cooling Condenser: Maintains stable cylinder jacket water temperature.
Digital Knock Meter: Displays actual knock intensity value.
Electronic Maintenance Log: Documents vital maintenance details.
Non-contact Laser Sensor: Measures cylinder height accurately.
Synchronous/Reluctance Motor: Ensures constant speed by absorbing engine output.
Electronic On-board Barometer: Automatically corrects cylinder height based on barometric pressure changes.
Environmentally Friendly RTDs: Manages critical temperature variables with precision.
Built-in Diagnostic Feature: Facilitates troubleshooting when maintenance is needed.
On-screen Operations & Maintenance Manuals: Offer easy access to essential information.
In the realm of octane rating units, CFR's F1/F2 Octane Rating Unit stands tall as the gold standard for accuracy, reliability, and user-friendliness. With a legacy spanning over nine decades, it continues to be a trusted partner at the forefront of fuel testing innovation.
Experience the Future of Fuel Testing
Looking toward future advancements in fuel testing and development? Rest assured that CFR remains committed to ongoing innovation and excellence through dedicated research efforts—ensuring our products evolve alongside industry needs.
Unmatched Support & Service
Choosing CFR means gaining access not only to cutting-edge technology but also a world-class support network ready to assist you at every step—from installation through technical inquiries—because your success mirrors our mission!
Join countless industry leaders who trust us implicitly; experience precision reliability first-hand by contacting us today! Discover how we can elevate your capabilities together toward automotive excellence!
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anabundanceofblue · 11 months
on data mining and not letting your emotions be used against you
as any other creative, our greatest gift (our passion and emotions) can easily be exploited and used against us such that they become an obstacle rather than a useful complementary in helping us achieve our goals / dreams.
many creatives attempt to commodify or try sell their talents without first understanding the other side or more specifically your competition (the people who are designed to be capital focused or money focused -- please be aware they are very good at making money and have no inhibitions stopping them whereas creatives will have downtime for introspection, emotional recharge, spontaneity and so forth)
the ways they may target and use your emotion, with one important one being feeling already accomplished without having done the work ie. in nurturing your feeling of accomplishment while you are still sat in one place. this is done with praises, and trying to arose the feeling for when you have attained something or achieved a goal prior to its completion. we often will need to write down a goal to remind us and propel us forward, if good feelings are stimulated before goal completion your motivation and desire for goal will reduce dramatically.
depending on personal preferences (this is gathered through unwanted spying and cataloguing) they can target specific emotions, because they do not feel emotions (the best ones often do but much lower capacity and can tune in / out so that their emotions are mastered and can be used rather than be controled by your emotions), for e.g. for someone with a perfectionist personality type, your desire to do good work combined with an aversion to making a mistake will be used against you, at various stages of your development / on your journey, there will be reminders of every flaw and mistake you have ever made to arose these negative feelings / black holes essentially that rob you of your emotions / energy (a large component of our working capacity) and your time. your intrinsic value is then reduced when your focus is directed at negativity and your inadequacies while your true talents / gifts become unhoned and left to sit.
another one would be feelings of goodwill and love. for example the red light green light game, essentially green light to backstabbing you is when you feel the greatest amount of love, tranquility, forgiveness and softness for another person. this is the perfect time to strike depending on what their interests are, whether to evoke pity (they broke your face but it's because you were rude to them at the time), guilt etc.
another difference between normal people and the other people are our focus. their difference is a laser sharp focus on capital and only capital, all other variables can be excused and made light relative to capital acquisition. we spend maybe 2 hours doing creative work, take a break to receive inspiration from nature, exercising our bodies, socialising with friends watching tv and other creatives, this creative process involves observing, down time, absorbing other peoples work and then distilling into a new product, because they lack the skill to create something new, they are equipped with a laser focus on destroying. or identifying weaknesses and targeting the other. this is where the 'boringness' comes in as a part of their personalities, they dont have any passions but capital, depending on current market situations, they made target various groups.
at all times there is a constant theme of 'observation', detection of emotional changes (from anger to pity) and your various emotional / climatic states and how to best capitalise on that -- the system is very timing based and less long term, big picture based, so a lot of mistakes can happen which is where the gaslighting or editing comes in handy.
theres also a theme of overlaying your emotions or insecurities on top of important messages. so that your emotional triggers can essentially cause a blindspot. if you have watched the gorilla walking across the basketball court without being noticed, this is similar in a way where heightened/strong emotional responses (recorded from previous 'testing') can hide valuable clues to your next goal post. the strongest emotions evoked will contain the most valuable thing.
all in all as a creative your first step is mastering your emotions, this requires time experience discipline. do not attempt anything beyond this as all the other things like capital knowledge and business information can quickly be learned (this is something like fluid intelligence vs crystallised intelligence), everything that can be possessed from the other side is freely acquirable whereas emotions and our natural creative gift is not.
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