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nimahrelish · 4 years ago
Global Cloud Unified Communications System Market Size, Share, Global Future Trend, Segmentation, Business Growth, Top Key Players, Opportunities and Forecast to 2027
Cloud Unified Communications System | Market Detailed Study 2020-2027 How The  Cloud Unified Communications System Market Will Behave? A research report on the “Cloud Unified Communications System Market 2020 Industry Research Report” is being published by Research Allied. This is a key document as far as the clients and industries are concerned to not only understand the competitive market status that exists currently but also what future holds for it in the upcoming period, i.e., between 2020 and 2027. It has taken the previous market status of 2015 – 2020 to project the future status. The report has categorized in terms of region, type, key industries, and application. Major Geographical Regions The study report on Global Cloud Unified Communications System Market 2020 would cover every big geographical, as well as, sub-regions throughout the world. The report has focused on market size, value, product sales and opportunities for growth in these regions. The market study has analyzed the competitive trend apart from offering valuable insights to clients and industries. These data will undoubtedly help them to plan their strategy so that they could not only expand but also penetrate into a market.  A sample of report copy could be downloaded by visiting the site: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/1435-cloud-unified-communications-system-market
North America is expected to hold dominant position in the global Cloud Unified Communications System market, owing to increasing collaboration activities by key players over the forecast period.
The researchers have analyzed the competitive advantages of those involved in the industries or in the Cloud Unified Communications System industry. While historical years were taken as 2013 – 2018, the base year for the study was 2018. Similarly, the report has given its projection for the year 2020 apart from the outlook for years 2020 – 2027. Top Leading Companies and Type Like any other research material, the report has covered key geographical regions such as Europe, Japan, United States, India, Southeast Asia and Europe. Researchers have given their opinion or insights of value, product sales, and industry share besides availability opportunities to expand in those regions. As far as the sub-regions, North America, Canada, Medico, Australia, Asia-Pacific, India, South Korea, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe, Russia, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa are included. Major players in the report included are AT&T, Bell Canada, Broadview Networks, Comcast, Fonality, Fuze, Jive Communications, MegaPath, Mitel, Nextiva, NWN IT, RingCentral, ShoreTel, Star2Star, TDS Telecom, Verizon. Types covered in the Cloud Unified Communications System industry are Telephony, Unified Messaging, Conferencing, Collaboration Platforms and Applications. Applications covered in the report are Enterprises, Education, Government, Healthcare. Geographical Scope of this report includes: Report Aims The objective of the researchers is to find out the sales, value, and status of the Cloud Unified Communications System industry at the international levels. While the status covers the years of 2013 – 2018, the forecast is for the period 2020 – 2027 that will enable market players to not only plan but also execute strategies based on the market needs. Have some queries? Get Free Sample PDF Copy of Latest Research on Cloud Unified Communications System Market: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/1435-cloud-unified-communications-system-market
Cloud Unified Communications System Market
We are currently offering Quarter-end Discount to all our high potential clients and would really like you to avail the benefits and leverage your analysis based on our report.
The study wanted to focus on key manufacturers, competitive landscape, and SWOT analysis for the Cloud Unified Communications System industry. Apart from looking into the geographical regions, the report concentrated on key trends and segments that are either driving or preventing the growth of the industry. Researchers have also focused on individual growth trends besides their contribution to the overall market. Target Audience of the Global Cloud Unified Communications System Market in Market Study: Key Consulting Companies & Advisers Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Re-sellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors More details, inquiry about report and table of content visit our website: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/1435-cloud-unified-communications-system-market In the end, Cloud Unified Communications System Market Report delivers a conclusion that includes Breakdown and Data Triangulation, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change, Research Findings, Market Size Estimation, Data Source. These factors will increase the business overall. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like Asia, United States, Europe. About Us We are a market research and consulting service provider which is supported by numerous groups of people having extensive experience in their respective domains. We have collaboration with the industry’s leading research providers who works continuously to meet the ever-growing demand for market research throughout the year. Having people from various industries in our team and extensive experience in market research enables our people to address, understand, and offer exact solutions to our clients and satisfy their needs and demands. We understand the value of data and authenticity and how any business needs to grow, thus we have collaborated with several brands and outsourcing companies who are a click ready to identify the gaps between any solution which is offered to you and lacks any insight. Contact: Research Allied Mangalam Chamber, Office No – 16, Paud Road Sankalp Society, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra 411038 Phone: +1 650-646-3808 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.researchallied.com
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krigsmaskinen · 7 years ago
Krigsmaskinen 2012-2018
Den hĂ€r bloggen pĂ„börjades 25 augusti 2012 med en intention att utforska krisen, dess verkningar och möjligheterna till uppror. Jag minns fortfarande nĂ€r jag varje vaken stund följde utvecklingen i Tunisien och Egypten, pĂ„ tv (hade vid den tiden överdrivet mĂ„nga kanaler, bland annat flera nyhetskanaler som sĂ€nde dygnet runt), pĂ„ dĂ„ fortfarande existerande socialism.nu och inte minst det dĂ„ för mig relativt nya twitter. Det var en period som i mĂ„ngt och mycket vĂ€ckte mig frĂ„n hopplöshet och depression. Åren som följde kom inte bara med nya uppror pĂ„ nĂ€stan dominoartat vis utan ocksĂ„ en hyfsat intensiv teoretisk analys och diskussion pĂ„ global nivĂ„. FrĂ„n och till lĂ€ste och skrev jag ner mina egna anteckningar och reflektioner. Det Ă€r inte helt klart nĂ€r upprorsvĂ„gen egentligen nĂ„dde sin höjdpunkt (2013 i Taksim?) men att den dels fick fler och kanske övervĂ€gande reaktionĂ€ra uttryck och dels svalnade av och/eller sögs upp av systemkonforma apparater mĂ„ste idag sĂ€gas vara definitift. ReaktionĂ€rerna har alltid varit dĂ€r, sĂ„klart, men att de pĂ„ senare tid (men igen Ă€r grĂ€nsdragningarna diffusa och svĂ„ra) fĂ„tt överhanden, om Ă€n pĂ„ ett annat vis (inte sĂ„ mycket pĂ„ torgen som pĂ„ skĂ€rmarna, i "media", etc) Ă€r förmodligen uppenbart för var och en.
Jag har fortfarande vÀldigt svÄrt för alla de som ser tillbaka pÄ upprorsvÄgen och pÄstÄr att den var ett misslyckande. Det var den inte. Att pÄstÄ nÄgot sÄdant Àr att fundamentalt missförstÄ bÄde orsak och verkan av uppror, och inte minst att missförstÄ hur den hÀr VÀrlden (eller om du sÄ vill; det kapitalistiska produktionssÀttet, moderniteten, civilisationen, etc..) fungerar. Upproren uppstod ur olösliga sprickor i den ekonomiska ordningen och fick de uttryck och former som fanns tillgÀngliga. De var varken otillrÀckliga försök av smÄ politiska grupperingar eller en fÀrdig modell för framtiden. De var, som alla tidigare och kommande uppror, begrÀnsade brytningar med en totalitet, men ocksÄ, som alla tidigare och kommande uppror, lÀmnar de rester för oss att plocka upp. Och viktigast av allt, ingenstans har orsakerna, de underliggande rörelserna, sjÀlva krisen, överhuvudtaget fÄtt nÄgot som kan liknas vid en "lösning", oavsett om vi med det ordet avser ekonomisk, politisk eller social stabilitet. Alla de som talar om upprorens misslyckande anvÀnder vÄgens nedgÄng som en ursÀkt för att ÄtervÀnda till sina förlegade politiska projekt. De Àr blinda för allt före och efter en femÄrsperiod (och ofta Àr Àven det en generös tidsram). De Àr alltid nÀr upproren bryter ut alldeles för distanserade, först avstÄndstagande och sedan, nÀr de inser att de stÄr utanför, ivriga att försöka övertala de upproriska om Partiets förtrÀffliga program, och efterÄt med en upplÀxande attityd, med avstÄndstaganden och en förutsÀgbar upprepning av gamla dogmer. Och med "de" menar jag inte bara de gamla patetiska bokstavsvÀnsteristerna utan ocksÄ de nuvarande och liberalerna ocksÄ.
Vi har fortfarande mycket att lÀra av upprorsvÄgen. Vi har fortfarande mycket att förstÄ och reda ut gÀllande krisen. Vi mÄste ocksÄ förstÄ vÄgorna, de lÄnga rörelserna, historiska konjunkturer, allt det lÄngsamma nÀr det kommer till ekonomin, politiken och det sociala. Varje sÄ kallad "intellektuell" som kastar sig pÄ senaste mediefenomenet för att ge sin sÄ kallade "analys" Àr distraktioner frÄn de materiella analyser vi behöver för att fÄ en adekvat förstÄelse. Man kan fortfarande dra en relativt konsekvent linje mellan de som söker en radikal (i ordets etymologiskt ursprungliga mening) förstÄelse och de som Àr kvar i en typiskt vÀnsteristisk fÄlla. För oss som fÀrgats av Marx, Bakunin och efterföljande radikaler Àr det ofta svÄrt att riktigt slÀppa taget och pÄ allvar vÀnda kritiken mot vÄra kamrater. Men om vi vill hÄlla oss i takt med den verkliga rörelsen mÄste de uttryck och strukturella formationer som krisen och rörelsen ger vara vÄra ledstjÀrnor. Vi mÄste överge traditioner som vÀger pÄ vÄra axlar och vi mÄste slakta heliga kor. SÄ lÀnge (sub)kulturella markörer och attribut hÀmmar vÄra band mellan vÀnner, vÄr nyfikenhet pÄ bekanta och nÀra, vÄr vilja att nÀrma oss andra, kommer de att begrÀnsa oss i en miljö som gör liten skillnad och kommer ha högst marginellt inflytande pÄ kommande uppror.
VÄr trohet mÄste vara till upproren och den verkliga rörelsen. Vi mÄste förkasta varje tradition och ideologi.
FrÄn kris till krig
KÀnslan av brÄdska och nÀra förestÄende konflikt har alltsÄ dött ut. Eller, den har förÀndrats och tagit en eller flera reaktionÀra former. Fokuset har dÀrför av uppenbara skÀl hamnat pÄ den del av reaktionen som vi i allmÀnhet fortfarande kallar "fascismen." Det Àr förstÄeligt. Fascismen Àr pÄtaglig pÄ flera sÀtt. Den Àr vÄldsam pÄ ett mycket konkret och direkt sÀtt. Den Àr giftig, infekterande, trÀnger sig pÄ pÄ subtila och orovÀckande sÀtt, i det vardagliga samtalet, i medias bilder och fraser, och makten fÀrgas allt mer av den. Det Àr inte bara de vi kÀnner igen sedan tidigare som fascister som tar sig in i borgerlighetens parlament utan ocksÄ de gamla borgarna och deras vÀnner som blir bruna och sprider sin stank överallt de rör sig. Men gatufascisternas vÄld Àr bara en del, en i sammanhanget försvinnande liten del, av det vardagliga och globala krig vi befinner oss i. Krig Àr verkligen rÀtt ord. Och det Àr knappast en ny företeelse. Bland de, som jag, som hade uppkomsten av det sÄ kallade "kriget mot terrorn" som en formativ del av sin politiska fostran har krigets logik blivit VÀrldens logik. Den genomsyrar allting, frÄn fikarasterna pÄ jobbet (med skitsnacket om "skÀggbarnen" och fantasin om den invaderande Andra) till politikernas triangulering och Imperiets polisinsatser i sÄ kallade "oroshÀrdar". Om vi hÀr i kalla norden fortfarande har skonats frÄn en överdrivet militariserad polis sÄ vet vi att det mest bara beror pÄ att den oundvikliga, underliggande konflikten Ànnu inte har eskalerat sÄ lÄngt som pÄ andra platser. Vi vet var vi Àr pÄ vÀg. Konflikt, konfrontation, krig; Àven om det för det mesta Àr stilla och odramatiskt vet vi, förstÄr vi, att det genomsyrar allt; en polarisering och positionering breder ut sig. MÄnga fruktar den som en högerns övertagande av politiken och det offentliga samtalet. Och de försöker i det fÀltet. Vi har lÀmnat den skiten. Vi har accepterat kriget. Det Àr det enda som kan göras nu.
PĂ„ sĂ€tt och vis Ă€r det hĂ€r fokuset pĂ„ EN DEL AV reaktionen en kvarhĂ€ngande fetisch hos vĂ€nstern och dess besatthet av nuet. Det Ă€r en besatthet av det omedelbara och konkreta — anabola- och/eller rohypnoltuggande skinnskallar som gĂ„r bĂ€rsĂ€rk pĂ„ gatan — och en blott teoretisk, abstrakt, förstĂ„else av reaktionen i bredare betydelse, i statens, polisens, företagens, organisationernas, mentalitetens sfĂ€rer, i alla de vardagliga, subtila, smĂ„ yttringar som gradvis implementeras av ytligt sett moderata, neutrala agenter, som ibland gĂ€rna sjĂ€lva pĂ„talar sin ideologiska distans frĂ„n de bruna. Kort sagt; reaktionen har mĂ„nga uttryck och fronter, och vi mĂ„ste skĂ€rpa blicken. De har övertaget. Kanske inte gatufascisterna, Ă€nnu, men reaktionen har definitivt övertaget. Inbilla dig inget annat bara för att pressen, undantagsvis, skriver om och ömkligt fördömer dem. Som jag flera gĂ„nger nĂ€mnt i mina tafatta försök: det hĂ€r Ă€r inte tillfĂ€llet att agera offensivt. Vi lever under reaktion. En slags kontrarevolution. Motreaktionen mot vĂ„gen som började 2011.
Min intuition har varit och Ă€r fortfarande att desertera, att fly den öppna konflikten, att gĂ„ under jorden — jag rĂ€ds bĂ„de kriget sjĂ€lvt och den machoistiska retoriken om kriget, vĂ„ldet, blodet, hela den hĂ€r konfrontativa mentaliteten som vill dra in oss i extas och död. Jo, jag vill förstĂ„ det, ta del av den (förmedlade) erfarenheten sĂ„ som till exempel Bataille eller Fanon gett oss, men jag önskar den inte, jag ser den varken som mĂ„l eller medel. Jag tror att det Ă€r en Ă„tervĂ€ndsgrĂ€nd. Det jag vill poĂ€ngtera Ă€r att mentalitet och förstĂ„else Ă€r skilda saker. Att verklighet och strategi Ă€r olika. Vi befinner oss i kriget och mĂ„ste förstĂ„ det, inte bejaka det eller Ă„terskapa det. Trots att de tyvĂ€rr underbygger just retoriken och mentaliteten anser jag Ă€ndĂ„ att Osynliga kommittĂ©n har rĂ€tt i sin diagnos och att "Vi behöver en strategi som inte siktar in sig pĂ„ motstĂ„ndaren, utan pĂ„ dess strategi, som vĂ€nder den mot motstĂ„ndaren. Som gör sĂ„ att ju mer motstĂ„ndaren tror att strategin för honom mot segern, desto mer rör han sig mot sitt nederlag."  Ingen hĂ„llning eller strategi som antar "symmetrins förbannelse" duger för att bryta sig ur motstĂ„ndarens logik.
Krisen har pÄgÄtt i över ett decennium, om vi rÀknar snÀllt. Det Àr ingen tillfÀllighet eller en övergÄende period. Krisen Àr en del av kriget. Kriget Àr vÄrt normala tillstÄnd. Det som kan förstÄs i termer av ekonomisk kris Àr naturligtvis fortfarande relevant, i allra högsta grad, men nÀr vi talar om det rÄdande tillstÄndet, det normala, VÀrlden idag, sÄ Àr det inget annat Àn krig. Att tala om kriget snarare Àn krisen Àr en förskjutning av instÀllning och en nödvÀndig utgÄngspunkt för att förstÄ och formulera en utgÄng.
(Nya) format - (nya) försök
Det var inte av nĂ„gon annan anledning Ă€n att tumblr verkade simpelt och lĂ€mpligt för situationen som det blev plattformen för den hĂ€r bloggen. Först och frĂ€mst verkade plattformen pĂ„bjuda och underlĂ€tta en viss snabbhet och viralitet; enkel och snabb delning, framhĂ€vning av det korta och visuella, fragmentariska. Dels lĂ„g det i tiden, dels var det, som jag dĂ„ sĂ„g det, adekvat för mina korthuggna och i stundens hetta nedtecknade tankar. Men om det Ă€r oundvikligt som plattform/format idag behöver det Ă€ndĂ„ nĂ„got extra som kan ta det hela vidare. Flera gĂ„nger skrev jag om frustrationen med det fragmentariska och jag försökte pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt bejaka det för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt sĂ„ att sĂ€ga "slĂ€ppa taget" och lĂ„ta flödets hastighet fĂ„nga upp fragmenten frĂ„n min lĂ€sning och mina tankar. Efter en dag i skolbĂ€nken eller pĂ„ det löpande bandet funkar det inte sĂ„. DĂ„ Ă€r du trött, pressad pĂ„ tid, har tappat trĂ„den, och definitift förmĂ„gan att formulera nĂ„got sammanhĂ€ngande, Ă€ven om det skulle vara fragmentariskt. (Eller sĂ„ ser du inte lĂ€ngre skillnaden och tvekar dĂ€rför att du inte orkar eller hinner dubbelkolla). I sjĂ€lva verket Ă€r vardagen och det digitala flödet tvĂ„ helt skilda, tvĂ„ pĂ„tagligt — smĂ€rtsamt pĂ„tagligt — skilda flöden. De kan inte utan vidare sammankopplas. (Den hĂ€r skillnaden Ă€r för övrigt ett tydligt exempel pĂ„ det förljugna och alienerade i samtiden.) Diskrepansen kan alltsĂ„ inte helt eller ens frĂ€mst förklaras av plattformen eller formatet, men de hjĂ€lper Ă„tminstone inte. I efterhand mĂ„ste jag konstatera att det var ett misstag Ă€ven om det var ett misstag som var allt för lĂ€tt att göra och allt för mĂ„nga gjorde. Det var en av svagheterna med vĂ„gen, vill jag tro. Upptagenheten med nuet, att för lĂ€ttvindigt svepas med av situationen. Uppror krĂ€ver visserligen villigheten och förmĂ„gan att ta tillfĂ€llet i akt, men inte utan att behĂ„lla en koppling till den historiska linje av uppror som bildar en kontinuitet, de uppror som strĂ€cker efter en gemensam och mĂ€nsklig gemenskap.
Ett nytt försök, och ett nytt format, Àr ÀndÄ vad jag kÀnner mig tvingad att göra. LÀmna det gamla, förklara det misslyckat, och gÄ vidare. Det finns ingenting som talar för att det skulle gÄ bÀttre nu. AlltsÄ, det finns ingenting som talar för att skrivandet skulle vara mindre frustrerat och begrÀnsat, att försöken att samla tankar skulle organiseras bÀttre eller att nya plattformar eller format skulle förlösa nÄgot. Ingenting. Men att fortsÀtta funkar inte heller. Jag mÄste bara försöka. Det Àr min nya intention att försöken och frustrationen ska kunna samlas upp i fragmentariska rÄ:material. Fortfarande fragment alltsÄ, men material att bearbeta till nÄgot mer. Jag Äterkommer hÀr till de lÄnga perspektiven, vÄgorna, konjunkturerna. Vad vi behöver nÀr vi befinner oss i nedgÄngen, mörkret, Àr de genomarbetade, nyktra, och lÄngsiktiga analyserna, försöken att se förbi bruset och flimret direkt framför oss, att i nÄgon mening lÀgga en tÀt och stabil grund för kommande uppror. Inspirationer Àr Endnotes, Chuang, Sic och andra liknande försök. De Àr inspirationer inte ideal. Det finns en önskan och förhoppning om att rÄ:materialet ska bearbetas till trycksaker, som pamfletter eller eventuellt som en tidskrift, men slutprodukten Àr inte bestÀmd. Tidsramen kommer att vara lÄng, och tÄlamodet förhoppningsvis likadan.
Om rÄ:material i en mening och dimension (och flöde) Àr ett fortsatt lika fragmentariskt flöde sÄ Àr alltsÄ intentionen mer att fÄ det att fungera som ett arkiv och en plats för bearbetning, förÀdling, ett plan för större formationer. PÄ ett ytligt och direkt sÀtt har jag tÀnkt att startsidan endast presenterar dessa bearbetade materialen medan grundflödet fÄngar fragmenten.
Kalla saker och ting vad de verkligen Àr
Jag kommer pĂ„ mig sjĂ€lv med att föregĂ„ allt för mĂ„nga termer och fraser med "sĂ„ kallad(e)". Det Ă€r inte bara en stilistisk blunder, inbillar jag mig. Vi vet inte lĂ€ngre vad som Ă€r vad och Ă€n mindre vad de bör benĂ€mnas med. Det Ă€r hyperverkligheten. Förvirringen sprider sig in i allting, osĂ€kerhet och tvekan i varje stund, allt som allt en spendering av energier, en uttröttning, utmattning, en hopplöshet och passivitet vi inte tror oss kunna lĂ€mna eller vakna upp frĂ„n, en nĂ€rmast kosmisk entropi, men som nĂ€r vi grĂ€ver ser komma underifrĂ„n eller frĂ„n sidan — VÅR ISOLATION ÄR DELAD, KOLLEKTIV; TILLHÖR DEN HÄR VÄRLDEN, VI MÅSTE ÖVERGE DEN — om vi inte lĂ€ngre vill tala om "(klass)medvetande" bör vi Ă€ndĂ„ lĂ€mna utrymme för nĂ„gon slags nĂ€rvaro av förstĂ„else ... det kan Ă€ndĂ„ vara nĂ„got som binder mellan oss trötta, ord som vĂ€ger mer Ă€n bilderna som flashas framför oss pĂ„ skĂ€rmar, och fraserna som upprepas tills vi krĂ€ks pĂ„ dem. — En tweet vĂ€ger lĂ€tt. Även om den Ă€r vĂ€lformulerad och trĂ€ffsĂ€ker. Det Ă€r inget att Ă„tervĂ€nda till. Det Ă€r inget att grunda sig pĂ„. Det finns ingen stabilitet eller sĂ€kerhet dĂ€r. Om innehĂ„llet Ă€r "sant" Ă€r det Ă€ndĂ„ flytligt. Om det finns nĂ„gon Sanning ligger den under flödena, lĂ„ngt lĂ„ngt under. — vi grĂ€ver vĂ„ra egna gĂ„ngar och kanaler, ritar upp en egen ny karta, ett virtuellt plan för kontakter, digitalt till en början men bara som början för att etablera ett nĂ€tverk som breder ut sig konkret genom kapillĂ€rer till vardagen, alltsĂ„ de smĂ„ kanaler som de kopplade-isolerade skapar nĂ€r de postar, skickar, bygger ut planet dĂ€r vi kan mötas och lĂ€ra kĂ€nna, konspirera, om det Ă€r för en fortsĂ€ttning pĂ„ samtalet eller för nya försök att konkretisera en gemensam önskan, att förverkliga nĂ„got Ă„terhĂ„llet eller en ny möjlighet, —  hĂ„ll andan för en explosion av vilja, supermassiva instabila kĂ€rnor — förklara orden, svara pĂ„ meddelanden och fortsĂ€tt, vi Ă€r Ă€ndĂ„ tillsammans trots fördröjningen vĂ€ntan mellan rader — vĂ€nner, av ett slag; som kan reda ut vad som verkligen gĂ€ller, som undersöker, redogör, förklarar, försöker, kommunicerar, och, Ă„terknyta, Ă„terkomma, upprepa, kontakter, spridning, utbredning, utvĂ€xt, utgĂ„ng, upptagning, uppgĂ„ende, upp över och in i, en plan eller redogörelse, en förklaring, förmedling av det verkliga, underliggande krafter, kanske drifter, eller mer, som medvetna, projekt, program, nĂ„got mer Ă€n det vardagligt grĂ„a och tomma — försök hursomhelst, som krĂ€ver Ă€rliga samtal, en ren kommunikation mellan oss under det offentliga, i de former som situationerna krĂ€ver — att tala direkt, oförmedlat, sĂ„ direkt som du förmĂ„r, med vĂ€nner och grannar; den typen av kontakt, den typen av Ă€rlighet, verklighet, dĂ€rifrĂ„n mĂ„ste vi börja igen, kalla saker och ting vad de verkligen Ă€r, i dialog med varandra, utifrĂ„n situation och verkan och affekt och sĂ„ nĂ€ra omedelbarhet som vi förmĂ„r för att nĂ„ en bundenhet förtrogenhet mellan vĂ€nner i rörelse mot och ut frĂ„n pĂ„ de sĂ€tt vi kan förestĂ€lla oss och drömma förmedla mer eller mindre men med uppsĂ„t fullt av avbrott naturligtvis men avbrott sĂ„ ofta och normalt att de blivit ett med flödet och den kunskapen och insikten hjĂ€lper oss att hĂ„lla kvar hĂ„lla huvudet över ytan fortsĂ€tta trots allt pĂ„ instinkt envishet dogmatism för att du inte har nĂ„got att förlora nĂ€r du konfronteras med fienden polisen rĂ€dslan vaknar upp med Ă„ngern tomheten en förtryckt vilja att explodera trycka ut med tryckvĂ„g som bomb som uttryck som.. saknar.. mer.. en utstrĂ€ckt hand, en vilja, önskan, - den Andra, hur Ă€n den Ă€r, hur Ă€n annorlunda, hur Ă€n en utgĂ„ngspunkt, om du förstĂ„r, ett samtal och försök, att tala Ă€rligt, kalla saker och ting vad de verkligen Ă€r
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reports24-blog · 5 years ago
Machine Learning Chip Market opportunities estimated to grow at a significant rate throughout the forecast period 2026
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Worldwide Machine Learning Chip Market Research Report 2020: The research presents vital information and data associated with this Machine Learning Chip industry in a meticulous and easily understandable way. It provides figures and Machine Learning Chip forecast which were calculated with the application of primary and secondary research techniques. It includes an in-depth segmental analysis of this worldwide Machine Learning Chip market where the main focus is on segments by product and application. It also supplies a detailed analysis of leading regional growth, taking into consideration significant Machine Learning Chip market opportunities available around the globe. The Machine Learning Chip landscape is highly focused upon the comprehensive profiling of leading companies operating in the market.
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Moreover, the Machine Learning Chip market research report offers CAGR value fluctuations during the forecast period of 2020-2026 for the market. The report takes into consideration all the opportunities, challenges, drivers, market structures, and competitive landscape for the clients. With this Machine Learning Chip report, it has been assured that a piece of absolute knowledge and insights about the new regulatory environment which suits their organization are provided. The report puts a light on prospective and key opportunities in a new geographical market. Likewise, the trends in consumer and supply chain dynamics are also acknowledged and then accordingly strategies about marketing, promotion and sales are interpreted for extreme success.
Major market player included in this report are:
Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 

Market Segmentation:
On the basis of types, the Machine Learning Chip market is primarily split into: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
On the basis of applications, the market covers: Application 1 Application 2 Application 3
Geographically Regions covered in this report:
North America
Middle East & Africa
South America
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Target Audience of the Global Machine Learning Chip Market in Market Study:
Key Consulting Companies & Advisors Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Resellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors
Data Triangulation:
For accurate conclusions of the Machine Learning Chip market, our analysts employed statistics triangulation procedures and market breakdowns. Data triangulation was utilized to demonstrate the numbers of sub-segments and Machine Learning Chip sections of the report. When preparing the accounts, numerous Machine Learning Chip factors and tendencies were taken into consideration out of the demand and supply sides of the market with proved studied to triangulate the info.
Research Goals:
To analyze and study the global Machine Learning Chip market size, information, application and product types and forecast to 2026;
By pinpointing its Machine Learning Chip subsegments to comprehend the arrangement of the market;
Targets the primary players, to specify, clarify and analyze rivalry landscape, Machine Learning Chip market share, the value analysis, and development plans in the following couple decades;
To evaluate the connected to prospects, Machine Learning Chip growth trends, and also their participation;
To analyze in-depth info concerning the crucial Machine Learning Chip elements impacting the growth of the market (increased potential, chances, drivers, and industry-specific challenges and risks);
To project the exact dimensions of Machine Learning Chip sub-markets, depending on key regions;
To analyze Machine Learning Chip improvements including new product launches, arrangements, expansions, and acquisitions;
To profile the Machine Learning Chip players and examine their growth plans;
Machine Learning Chip analysis provides a unique tool for evaluating the market, highlighting opportunities, and supporting strategic and tactical decision-making. This Machine Learning Chip report recognizes a rapidly-evolving and competitive environment with significant CAGR during the forecast, up-to-date marketing Machine Learning Chip information is essential to monitor performance and make critical decisions for growth and profitability. It provides global Machine Learning Chip market trends and developments, and targets on capacities and also on the changing arrangements.
Read More News: https://melaniannews.net/2020/01/27/ready-to-drink-green-tea-market-2020-in-depth-analysis-by-leading-players-unilever-coca-cola-wahaha/
Source: https://melaniannews.net/
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snehalt · 5 years ago
Latest TMR Report Explores Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Quinoa Seed Extract Market
Market Outlook of Quinoa Seed Extract:
Personal care are the consumer products which are mainly used in beautification and personal hygiene. Personal care is further classified as cosmetics and personal hygiene. There different products which come under the personal care such as cotton swabs, colognes, cleansing pads, deodorant, makeup products, facial cleanser, body butter, shaving cream, razors, toothpaste, wet wipes, shampoos, soaps, creams, moisturizers and other personal care products. There are two types of personal care products organic and conventional. The organic conventional products comprises of natural extracts from plants, grains, and others. Quinoa seed extract is a type of natural extract decreases sebum production and helps to treat acne. Quinoa seed extract can also help to reduce spots and pigmentation.
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The Benefits of Quinoa Seed Extract:
Quinoa seeds are emerging as the ultimate source of protein for vegans due to their easy digestibility. Protein content in quinoa stands at around 14% to 18%, which is higher than that of rice, maize, wheat, and oats. Therefore, quinoa seeds have emerged as effective alternative to rice for vegetarians. Rise in demand for alternative sources of protein is expected to drive the demand for quinoa seeds during the forecast period. Additionally, quinoa seeds can be a good substitutes for animal based protein. Quinoa seed extract is predominantly used in the cosmetics and personal care products. Quinoa seed extract possess emollient and conditioning properties when applied to the skin. Quinoa seed extract is particularly recommended for the treatment of irritated or sensitive skin conditions.
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Quinoa seed extract possess as a conditioning agent, nourishing agent, restructuring replenishing agents, tensing effect agents, anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing agent, antioxidant, hair growth promoters,  anti-hair loss agent and other properties. Quinoa seed extract is used as an effective skincare and hair care agent. Quinoa seed extract is non-reactive to the skin as it lacks gluten, which does not cause any irritation to the skin unlike other grains. In the upcoming years, the potential of the quinoa seed extract market will increase for its various properties.
Global Quinoa Seed Extract Market: Market Segmentation
On the basis of nature, the global quinoa seed extract market has been segmented as:
Organic quinoa seed extract
Conventional quinoa seed extract
On the basis of source, the global quinoa seed extract market has been segmented as:
chenopodium quinoa fo. Purpureum
chenopodium quinoa
chenopodium hircinum var.
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Global Quinoa Seed Extract Market: Market Participants
Some of the market participants operating in the global quinoa seed extract market identified across the value chain includes Alter Eco, COMRURAL XXI, Irupana Andean Organic Food, The British Quinoa Company, Northern Quinoa, Ancient Harvest, Highland Farm Foods, Andean Valley, Andean Naturals, Quinoa Foods Company, Industrial and Technological Complex Yanapasiñani SRL (CITY SRL), Big Oz, Arrowhead Mills, Temple Spa, The Environmental Working Group, The Good Scents Company, Centerchem Inc., SpecialChem, Quinoabol among other quinoa seed extract players.
Opportunities for Participants in the Quinoa seed extract Market:
The market potential for the quinoa seed extract market is expected to grow, owing to the health benefits of the quinoa seed extract. The existing consumer awareness of quinoa seed extract serves as an opportunity for the market participants of quinoa seed extract. The new market participants of quinoa seed extract can catch hold of the strategies used by the existing market participants in order to produce quinoa seed extract.
Brief Approach to Research
The company follows a modeling-based approach and triangulation methodology to estimate data covered in this report. A detailed market understanding and assessment of the types, forms, ingredients, and end uses of the product segments covered in the study is followed by carrying out a demand-side approach to estimate the sales of target product segments, which is then cross-referenced with a supply-side assessment of value generated over a pre-defined period. The statistics and data are collected at a regional level and consolidated and synthesized at a global level to estimate overall market sizes.
About Us :
Transparency Market Research is a global market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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rdagade · 5 years ago
Global Transportation Management System Market
Global Transportation Management System Market is expected to reach USD 315.25 Billion by 2024 from USD 77.92 Billion in 2017 at a CAGR of 22.1%.
This is a comprehensive global report focused on the current and future prospects of the Global Transportation Management System Market. This report is a consolidation of primary and secondary research, which provides market size, share, dynamics, and forecast for various segments and sub-segments considering the macro and micro environmental factors.
An in-depth analysis of past trends, future trends, demographics, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements for the Global Transportation Management System Market has been done in order to calculate the growth rates for each segments and sub-segments.
The key driving factor for this market include the population explosion, growing adoption revolutionization of industries due to digitalization, and rising congestion in the metro cities
The hosted deployment mode among the deployment mode segment is expected to the largest Global Transportation Management System Market share over the forecast period. The growth of hosted deployment model is attributed due to the benefits such as hosted deployments are less expensive in terms of infrastructure cost and implementation cost and the requirement for the maintenance is very low.
Geographically, the Global Transportation Management System Market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. The swift growth of the market in the APAC region is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the Global Transportation Management System Market . The growth in the region is attributed to the growing digitalization. Therefore, the APAC region is positioning itself as an attractive market for transportation management vendors.
Global Transportation Management System Market
Key Highlights:
‱ Complete analysis with respect to individual growth trends are incorporated within the scope of our study.
‱ Assessment of Global Transportation Management System Market definition along with the identification of key drivers, restraints opportunities for this market
‱ Comprehensive analysis of factors that are instrumental in changing the market scenario, prospective opportunities, market shares, growth strategies along with identification of key companies are profiled.
‱ Detailed quantitative analysis of the current and future trends for the forecast period has been profiled.
‱ Global Transportation Management System Market analysis and segmentation with respect to transportation mode, component, application, deployment mode and geography.
‱ Global Transportation Management System Market analysis and forecast for five major geographies- North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America along with their key regions
The years that have been considered for the study are:
‱ Base year – 2016
‱ Estimated year – 2017
‱ Forecast period – 2017 to 2024
Research Methodology:
The market is estimated by triangulation of data points obtained from various sources and feeding them into a simulation model created individually for each market. The data points are obtained from paid and unpaid sources along with paid primary interviews with key opinion leaders (KOLs) in the market. KOLs from both, demand and supply side were considered while conducting interviews to get unbiased idea of the market. This exercise was done at country level to get fair idea of the market in countries considered for this study. Later this country specific data was accumulated to come up with regional numbers and then arrive at global market value for Global Transportation Management System Market.
Global Transportation Management System Market
Key players of the Global Transportation Management System Market:
‱ Oracle Corporation
‱ Descartes
‱ CTSI-Global
‱ Blujay Solutions
‱ Efkon AG
‱ TMW Systems, Inc.
‱ Manhattan Associates
‱ JDA Software, Inc.
‱ Intel-Logistics GmbH
‱ Mercurygate International, Inc.
‱ Metro Infrasys Private Limited
Key Target Audience:
‱ Government agencies
‱ NGFW vendors
‱ Cybersecurity vendors
‱ Network Component providers
‱ Consulting firms
‱ Independent software vendors
‱ System integrators
‱ Information Technology (IT) security agencies
‱ Value-Added Resellers (VARs)
‱ Managed Security Service Providers
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The Scope of the Global Transportation Management System Market
Research report categorizes the Global Transportation Management System Market based on transportation mode, component, application, deployment mode and geography (region wise). Market size by value is estimated and forecasted with the revenues of leading companies operating in the Global Transportation Management System Market with key developments in companies and market trends
Global Transportation Management System Market, by Transportation Mode:
‱ Roadways
‱ Railways
Global Transportation Management System Market, by Component:
‱ Solution Type
‱ Hardware
‱ Services
Global Transportation Management System Market, by Applications:
‱ Consumer goods and retail
‱ Fire station
‱ Parcel and package
‱ Hospital
‱ Mining
‱ Travel and tourism
‱ Others
Global Transportation Management System Market, by Deployment Mode
‱ On-Premises
‱ Hosted
Global Transportation Management System Market, by Geographies:
‱ North America
‱ Europe
‱ Asia Pacific
‱ Middle East & Africa
‱ Latin America
Geographic Analysis:
‱ Breakdown of North America Transportation Management System Market
‱ Breakdown of Europe Transportation Management System Market
‱ Breakdown of Asia Pacific Transportation Management System Market
‱ Breakdown of Middle East & Africa Transportation Management System Market
‱ Breakdown of Latin America Transportation Management System Market
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thearnoldtully · 6 years ago
Africa: Resource Flows and Technology Adoption in Tamale, Ghana: Implications for Urban and Peri-Urban Vegetable Growers
Women who traditionally could not access land except through a male member of kin now have not only access but rights to land in irrigation sites.
By Eileen Bogweh Nchanji Georg-August University of Göttingen 2018
Vegetable farming in Ghana`s urban areas is mostly a sustainable livelihood strategy. Alt- hough it is considered a means of survival for the poor, vegetable farming is practiced by urban dwellers across the income spectrum. As poverty and urban population increase, so is the need to supplement income with privately cultivated foodstuff.
In Ghana’s Northern Regional capital of Tamale, vegetable farming is constrained by a number of factors including land availability, land tenure security, and access to water. As a result, many vegetable farmers have resorted to cultivating lands along streams and canals, dugouts, wells, broken sewers, and reservoirs.
The scarcity of land for vegetable farming in the urban and peri-urban areas of Ghana is as the result of competition. Farming competes with other land use forms such as industry and housing, both of which attract higher economic rents. The most serious threat to farmers posed by urbanization is the changing land use pattern. Changes in land use have resulted in less availability of prime agricultural land for farming which has lowered agricultural produc- tion, food security, and standard of living. Such is the situation in the Tamale metropolitan area and its surroundings in Ghana’s Northern Region.
This study analyzes the socio-political process by which resource flows are directed towards the production and selling of vegetables in Ghana`s urban areas. It examines how this process is managed by farmers through different governance systems in diverse socioec- onomic environments which prompt them to value the different technologies differently.
I employed a mixed-method approach for this study after a general random sampled survey, and a participatory appraisal was conducted to characterize the urban and peri-urban agricultural system. I collected quantitative spatial data by measuring all open space cultivated areas with a Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Aerial maps were obtained with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and mapped with ArcGIS software. Images from Google Earth maps triangulated farmers’ recollection.
Qualitative data were collected using focus group discus- sions, participatory photography, interviews and participant observation. This study was car- ried out between October 2013 and February 2015. Results reveal that the area of cultivated farmlands has decreased by 8.3% between 2008 and 2014, even as new vegetable sites emerged in the peri-urban fringes. Even though these farming areas are reducing, vegetable farming is not a temporary phenomenon. It has shown a remarkable resistance against various constraints and maintains a niche without ex- ternal initiative or support as it takes advantage of market proximity, the high demand for per- ishable cash crops and the typical lack of refrigerated transport. Although farmers change their location over time, other open areas – usually those unsuited for construction – have been under continuous cropping for the past century.
This study found that conflict between traditional and government institutions over land ownership and management has inadvertently led to innovative provisioning in vegetable pro- duction in the city, even though it has simultaneously threatened its contribution to food and nutritional security. Innovative strategies for continual vegetable production have emerged as a result of cordial relationships and networks that have developed between farmers and other actors. For example, farmers cultivate public green zones and floodplains which cannot legally be sold by chiefs nor used to construct government buildings. Farmers are also building alli- ances with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) that see urban agriculture as a viable activity and survival strategy for urban and peri-urban dwellers to maintain agricultural activity.
Furthermore, the lack of a legal framework for urban farming in the Tamale area has led to conflicts between traditional and state institutions with implications for land tenure manage- ment systems. The conflict is often between the various chieftaincy institutions, the Lands Commission, the Administrative Office of Stool Lands, and the Town and Country Planning Department. Claim to land and other resources is made through historical recollections, public discourses, and technology. For example, farmers use stories from past events to legitimize their claims over land or restructure development discourses while chiefs rely on public dis- cussions and discourses which support their rights as customary landowners to lay claim to lands. Chiefs also make use of the statutory laws and the 1992 Constitution which empowers the chieftaincy institution and puts within its jurisdiction lands not claimed by the government.
To circumvent boundaries created by chiefs and others, farmers employ technologies such as fencing and pipe-borne water connections systems. Their efforts are supplemented by non-governmental organizations who furnish them with equipment such as solar-powered irrigation facilities, greenhouses, and improved seeds in order to boost their production.
Moreover, women’s access to farmland has always been hampered by the reconstruc- tion of traditions that support male dominance in land affairs. However, some recent policy developments have renegotiated the condition of access to farmlands in favor of women. For instance, the introduction of gender-sensitive agricultural practices on government irrigation sites has resulted in the allocation of plots of land directly to women as opposed to through their male relatives as it was previously done. This has revolutionised the traditional gender roles in agriculture and has empowered women through primary land ownership. Women’s ownership of land on irrigation sites is a novel finding that contributes to the broader literature on gender and resource access in Ghana and Africa.
The theoretical implication of this study is that farmers’ choice of, or relationship to, var- ious local, national, and international actors is not foreordained but is instead based, to a large extent, on pragmatism. For example, by shifting alliances between non-governmental organizations and the government or supreme chiefs, they facilitate cooperation and possible nego- tiation for access and control over resources in their interests. Farmers also use multiple fo- rums like meetings and courts to be able to gain legitimacy and challenge existing governance systems. Actors sometimes ignore or employ distinct strands of governance or undermine them to achieve their aims. These challenges are often used to gain legitimacy for the gov- ernance systems they are allied with. In the process of choosing one governance system over another, a new governance system comes into being. In other cases, combinations of different governance systems are forced to construct new hybrid systems tailored to an actor’s interest.
To conclude, the interplay between the various actors (farmers, traditional chiefs, gov- ernment and non-governmental agencies) is not always a simple case of cooperation or con- flict. Instead, it is a malleable process of mutual reshaping and co-construction of the govern- ance systems which reconfigure gender roles, improve access to scarce lands, and increase food security.
It is my strong recommendation that urban planning policy makers integrate agriculture into the larger discourse about poverty reduction and the alleviation of food insecurity. Green zones and flood-prone government lands in the urban areas which are currently been wasted should be allocated to farmers for food cultivation. This, however, must come with clearly de- fined mandates and guidelines that err on the side of transparency in land allocation and own- ership. Innovative methods such as the farming of vegetables in sacks and other locally suit- able means of maximizing production should be introduced alongside the strengthening of farmers’ capacity to adopt those means.
Read the complete article here.
from Gardening http://cityfarmer.info/africa-resource-flows-and-technology-adoption-in-tamale-ghana-implications-for-urban-and-peri-urban-vegetable-growers/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months ago
finished benedict's route and man that was not satisfying at all esp after doing the golden route
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nimahrelish · 4 years ago
Global Dental Gypsum Sales Market Key Players Insights, Business Growth Statistics, Trends and Forecast 2027
Dental Gypsum Sales | Market Detailed Study 2020-2027 How The  Dental Gypsum Sales Market Will Behave? A research report on the “Dental Gypsum Sales Market 2020 Industry Research Report” is being published by Research Allied. This is a key document as far as the clients and industries are concerned to not only understand the competitive market status that exists currently but also what future holds for it in the upcoming period, i.e., between 2020 and 2027. It has taken the previous market status of 2015 – 2020 to project the future status. The report has categorized in terms of region, type, key industries, and application. Major Geographical Regions The study report on Global Dental Gypsum Sales Market 2020 would cover every big geographical, as well as, sub-regions throughout the world. The report has focused on market size, value, product sales and opportunities for growth in these regions. The market study has analyzed the competitive trend apart from offering valuable insights to clients and industries. These data will undoubtedly help them to plan their strategy so that they could not only expand but also penetrate into a market.  A sample of report copy could be downloaded by visiting the site: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/5185-dental-gypsum-sales-market
North America held dominant position in the global Dental Gypsum Sales market in 2020, accounting for XX% share in terms of value, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific, respectively.
The researchers have analyzed the competitive advantages of those involved in the industries or in the Dental Gypsum Sales industry. While historical years were taken as 2013 – 2018, the base year for the study was 2018. Similarly, the report has given its projection for the year 2020 apart from the outlook for years 2020 – 2027. Top Leading Companies and Type Like any other research material, the report has covered key geographical regions such as Europe, Japan, United States, India, Southeast Asia and Europe. Researchers have given their opinion or insights of value, product sales, and industry share besides availability opportunities to expand in those regions. As far as the sub-regions, North America, Canada, Medico, Australia, Asia-Pacific, India, South Korea, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe, Russia, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa are included. Major players in the report included are USG, Heraeus Kulzer, Whip-Mix, YOSHINO GYPSUM, Formula (Saint-Gobain), SDMF, Kerr Dental, Nobilium, Dentona AG, ETI EMPIRE DIRECT, Gyprock, GP Building Product, Saurabh Minechem. Types covered in the Dental Gypsum Sales industry are Dental Plaster, Model Dental Stone, Die Dental Stone. Applications covered in the report are Hospital, Clinic, Other. Geographical Scope of this report includes: Report Aims The objective of the researchers is to find out the sales, value, and status of the Dental Gypsum Sales industry at the international levels. While the status covers the years of 2013 – 2018, the forecast is for the period 2020 – 2027 that will enable market players to not only plan but also execute strategies based on the market needs. Have some queries? Get Free Sample PDF Copy of Latest Research on Dental Gypsum Sales Market: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/5185-dental-gypsum-sales-market
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Dental Gypsum Sales Market
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The study wanted to focus on key manufacturers, competitive landscape, and SWOT analysis for the Dental Gypsum Sales industry. Apart from looking into the geographical regions, the report concentrated on key trends and segments that are either driving or preventing the growth of the industry. Researchers have also focused on individual growth trends besides their contribution to the overall market. Target Audience of the Global Dental Gypsum Sales Market in Market Study: Key Consulting Companies & Advisers Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Re-sellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors More details, inquiry about report and table of content visit our website: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/5185-dental-gypsum-sales-market In the end, Dental Gypsum Sales Market Report delivers a conclusion that includes Breakdown and Data Triangulation, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change, Research Findings, Market Size Estimation, Data Source. These factors will increase the business overall. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like Asia, United States, Europe. About Us We are a market research and consulting service provider which is supported by numerous groups of people having extensive experience in their respective domains. We have collaboration with the industry’s leading research providers who works continuously to meet the ever-growing demand for market research throughout the year. Having people from various industries in our team and extensive experience in market research enables our people to address, understand, and offer exact solutions to our clients and satisfy their needs and demands. We understand the value of data and authenticity and how any business needs to grow, thus we have collaborated with several brands and outsourcing companies who are a click ready to identify the gaps between any solution which is offered to you and lacks any insight. Contact: Research Allied Mangalam Chamber, Office No – 16, Paud Road Sankalp Society, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra 411038 Phone: +1 650-646-3808 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.researchallied.com
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nimahrelish · 4 years ago
New Trends of Sorbitan Monostearate Market increasing demand with key Players – Hangzhou Fuchun Food Additive, Henan Honest Food, Guangzhou Runhua Food Additive and more
Sorbitan Monostearate | Market Detailed Study 2020-2027 How The  Sorbitan Monostearate Market Will Behave? A research report on the “Sorbitan Monostearate Market 2020 Industry Research Report” is being published by Research Allied. This is a key document as far as the clients and industries are concerned to not only understand the competitive market status that exists currently but also what future holds for it in the upcoming period, i.e., between 2020 and 2027. It has taken the previous market status of 2015 – 2020 to project the future status. The report has categorized in terms of region, type, key industries, and application. Major Geographical Regions The study report on Global Sorbitan Monostearate Market 2020 would cover every big geographical, as well as, sub-regions throughout the world. The report has focused on market size, value, product sales and opportunities for growth in these regions. The market study has analyzed the competitive trend apart from offering valuable insights to clients and industries. These data will undoubtedly help them to plan their strategy so that they could not only expand but also penetrate into a market.  A sample of report copy could be downloaded by visiting the site: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/636-sorbitan-monostearate-market
Asia Pacific and Europe are projected to be Sorbitan Monostearate markets during the forecast period. This is primarily due to the presence of prominent industry in China, Germany, Japan, and India.
The researchers have analyzed the competitive advantages of those involved in the industries or in the Sorbitan Monostearate industry. While historical years were taken as 2013 – 2018, the base year for the study was 2018. Similarly, the report has given its projection for the year 2020 apart from the outlook for years 2020 – 2027. Top Leading Companies and Type Like any other research material, the report has covered key geographical regions such as Europe, Japan, United States, India, Southeast Asia and Europe. Researchers have given their opinion or insights of value, product sales, and industry share besides availability opportunities to expand in those regions. As far as the sub-regions, North America, Canada, Medico, Australia, Asia-Pacific, India, South Korea, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe, Russia, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa are included. Major players in the report included are Hangzhou Fuchun Food Additive, Henan Honest Food, Guangzhou Runhua Food Additive, Triveni Chemicals, Runhua Chemistry, Jeevika Yugchem, Kao Chemicals, Estelle Surfactants & Food Additivesand, Croda. Types covered in the Sorbitan Monostearate industry are Food Grade Sorbitan Monostearate, Industrial Grade Sorbitan Monostearate, Medicine Grade Sorbitan Monostearate. Applications covered in the report are Cosmetic, Pharmaceuticals, Bakery And Confectionary, Coating & Plastic. Geographical Scope of this report includes: Report Aims The objective of the researchers is to find out the sales, value, and status of the Sorbitan Monostearate industry at the international levels. While the status covers the years of 2013 – 2018, the forecast is for the period 2020 – 2027 that will enable market players to not only plan but also execute strategies based on the market needs. Have some queries? Get Free Sample PDF Copy of Latest Research on Sorbitan Monostearate Market: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/636-sorbitan-monostearate-market
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Sorbitan Monostearate Market
We are currently offering Quarter-end Discount to all our high potential clients and would really like you to avail the benefits and leverage your analysis based on our report.
The study wanted to focus on key manufacturers, competitive landscape, and SWOT analysis for the Sorbitan Monostearate industry. Apart from looking into the geographical regions, the report concentrated on key trends and segments that are either driving or preventing the growth of the industry. Researchers have also focused on individual growth trends besides their contribution to the overall market. Target Audience of the Global Sorbitan Monostearate Market in Market Study: Key Consulting Companies & Advisers Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Re-sellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors More details, inquiry about report and table of content visit our website: https://www.researchallied.com/request-sample/636-sorbitan-monostearate-market In the end, Sorbitan Monostearate Market Report delivers a conclusion that includes Breakdown and Data Triangulation, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change, Research Findings, Market Size Estimation, Data Source. These factors will increase the business overall. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like Asia, United States, Europe. About Us We are a market research and consulting service provider which is supported by numerous groups of people having extensive experience in their respective domains. We have collaboration with the industry’s leading research providers who works continuously to meet the ever-growing demand for market research throughout the year. Having people from various industries in our team and extensive experience in market research enables our people to address, understand, and offer exact solutions to our clients and satisfy their needs and demands. We understand the value of data and authenticity and how any business needs to grow, thus we have collaborated with several brands and outsourcing companies who are a click ready to identify the gaps between any solution which is offered to you and lacks any insight. Contact: Research Allied Mangalam Chamber, Office No – 16, Paud Road Sankalp Society, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra 411038 Phone: +1 650-646-3808 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.researchallied.com
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reports24-blog · 5 years ago
Cognitive Computing Market 2020 SWOT Analysis By Players: Google, IBM, Microsoft Corporation, Palantir
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Worldwide Cognitive Computing Market Research Report 2020: The research presents vital information and data associated with this Cognitive Computing industry in a meticulous and easily understandable way. It provides figures and Cognitive Computing forecast which were calculated with the application of primary and secondary research techniques. It includes an in-depth segmental analysis of this worldwide Cognitive Computing market where the main focus is on segments by product and application. It also supplies a detailed analysis of leading regional growth, taking into consideration significant Cognitive Computing market opportunities available around the globe. The Cognitive Computing landscape is highly focused upon the comprehensive profiling of leading companies operating in the market.
Cognitive Computing Market is valued approximately at USD 9.16073 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 37% over the forecast period 2019-2026. Cognitive Computing is different from computer programming. It is a system that uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to sense, predict and conclude a situation from the digital data available in the form of human voice, videos, pictures, etc. This system can process unstructured data and learn from experiences much like humans. The use of Cognitive computing in making decisions in industries like health care, customer services, and finance and its expansion to education, research and defense industries are the few factors responsible for the high CAGR of the market over the forecast period.
The regional analysis of the global Cognitive Computing Market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the leading/significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to the growing demand for Cognitive Computing applications in healthcare, BFSI, consumer goods, and retail, aerospace and defense, telecom and IT, energy and power, travel and tourism, media and entertainment and education and research. However, Asia-Pacific is anticipated to exhibit the highest growth rate / CAGR over the forecast period 2019-2026.
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Major market player included in this report are: Google IBM Microsoft Corporation Palantir Saffron Technology Cold Light Cognitive Scale Enterra Solutions Numenta Vicarious
Moreover, the Cognitive Computing market research report offers CAGR value fluctuations during the forecast period of 2020-2026 for the market. The report takes into consideration all the opportunities, challenges, drivers, market structures, and competitive landscape for the clients. With this Cognitive Computing report, it has been assured that a piece of absolute knowledge and insights about the new regulatory environment which suits their organization are provided. The report puts a light on prospective and key opportunities in a new geographical market. Likewise, the trends in consumer and supply chain dynamics are also acknowledged and then accordingly strategies about marketing, promotion and sales are interpreted for extreme success.
Market Segmentation:
By Technology: Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) Machine Learning Automated Reasoning Other Technologies
By End-User: Introduction Small and Medium Businesses (SMBS) Large Enterprises By Deployment Model Introduction Cloud On-Premises
By Vertical: Introduction BFSI Consumer Goods and Retail Aerospace and Defense Telecom and It Energy and Power Travel and Tourism Media and Entertainment Education and Research
Geographically Regions covered in this report:
North America
Middle East & Africa
South America
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Target Audience of the Global Cognitive Computing Market in Market Study:
Key Consulting Companies & Advisors Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Resellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors
Data Triangulation:
For accurate conclusions of the Cognitive Computing market, our analysts employed statistics triangulation procedures and market breakdowns. Data triangulation was utilized to demonstrate the numbers of sub-segments and Cognitive Computing sections of the report. When preparing the accounts, numerous Cognitive Computing factors and tendencies were taken into consideration out of the demand and supply sides of the market with proved studied to triangulate the info.
Research Goals:
To analyze and study the global Cognitive Computing market size, information, application and product types and forecast to 2026;
By pinpointing its Cognitive Computing subsegments to comprehend the arrangement of the market;
Targets the primary players, to specify, clarify and analyze rivalry landscape, Cognitive Computing market share, the value analysis, and development plans in the following couple decades;
To evaluate the connected to prospects, Cognitive Computing growth trends, and also their participation;
To analyze in-depth info concerning the crucial Cognitive Computing elements impacting the growth of the market (increased potential, chances, drivers, and industry-specific challenges and risks);
To project the exact dimensions of Cognitive Computing sub-markets, depending on key regions;
To analyze Cognitive Computing improvements including new product launches, arrangements, expansions, and acquisitions;
To profile the Cognitive Computing players and examine their growth plans;
Cognitive Computing analysis provides a unique tool for evaluating the market, highlighting opportunities, and supporting strategic and tactical decision-making. This Cognitive Computing report recognizes a rapidly-evolving and competitive environment with significant CAGR during the forecast, up-to-date marketing Cognitive Computing information is essential to monitor performance and make critical decisions for growth and profitability. It provides global Cognitive Computing market trends and developments, and targets on capacities and also on the changing arrangements.
Read More News: https://melaniannews.net/2020/01/27/floating-house-market-insight-and-professional-survey-report-2020-batiflo-farea-fdn-group-hansen/
Source: https://melaniannews.net/
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rdagade · 6 years ago
Global Transportation Management System Market
Global Transportation Management System Market
is expected to reach USD 315.25 Billion by 2024 from USD 77.92 Billion in 2017 at a CAGR of 22.1%.
This is a comprehensive global report focused on the current and future prospects of the Global Transportation Management System Market. This report is a consolidation of primary and secondary research, which provides market size, share, dynamics, and forecast for various segments and sub-segments considering the macro and micro environmental factors.
An in-depth analysis of past trends, future trends, demographics, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements for the Global Transportation Management System Market has been done in order to calculate the growth rates for each segments and sub-segments. The key driving factor for this market include the population explosion, growing adoption revolutionization of industries due to digitalization, and rising congestion in the metro cities The hosted deployment mode among the deployment mode segment is expected to the largest Global Transportation Management System Market share over the forecast period. The growth of hosted deployment model is attributed due to the benefits such as hosted deployments are less expensive in terms of infrastructure cost and implementation cost and the requirement for the maintenance is very low. Geographically, the Global Transportation Management System Market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. The swift growth of the market in the APAC region is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the Global Transportation Management System Market . The growth in the region is attributed to the growing digitalization. Therefore, the APAC region is positioning itself as an attractive market for transportation management vendors.
Key Highlights: ‱ Complete analysis with respect to individual growth trends are incorporated within the scope of our study. ‱ Assessment of Global Transportation Management System Market definition along with the identification of key drivers, restraints opportunities for this market ‱ Comprehensive analysis of factors that are instrumental in changing the market scenario, prospective opportunities, market shares, growth strategies along with identification of key companies are profiled. ‱ Detailed quantitative analysis of the current and future trends for the forecast period has been profiled. ‱ Global Transportation Management System Market analysis and segmentation with respect to transportation mode, component, application, deployment mode and geography. ‱ Global Transportation Management System Market analysis and forecast for five major geographies- North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America along with their key regions The years that have been considered for the study are: ‱ Base year – 2016 ‱ Estimated year – 2017 ‱ Forecast period – 2017 to 2024 Research Methodology: The market is estimated by triangulation of data points obtained from various sources and feeding them into a simulation model created individually for each market. The data points are obtained from paid and unpaid sources along with paid primary interviews with key opinion leaders (KOLs) in the market. KOLs from both, demand and supply side were considered while conducting interviews to get unbiased idea of the market. This exercise was done at country level to get fair idea of the market in countries considered for this study. Later this country specific data was accumulated to come up with regional numbers and then arrive at global market value for Global Transportation Management System Market.
Key players of the Global Transportation Management System Market:
‱ Oracle Corporation ‱ Descartes ‱ CTSI-Global ‱ Blujay Solutions ‱ Efkon AG ‱ TMW Systems, Inc. ‱ SAP SE ‱ Manhattan Associates ‱ JDA Software, Inc. ‱ Intel-Logistics GmbH ‱ Mercurygate International, Inc. ‱ Metro Infrasys Private Limited Key Target Audience: ‱ Government agencies ‱ NGFW vendors ‱ Cybersecurity vendors ‱ Network Component providers ‱ Consulting firms ‱ Independent software vendors ‱ System integrators ‱ Information Technology (IT) security agencies ‱ Value-Added Resellers (VARs) ‱ Managed Security Service Providers
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The Scope of the Global Transportation Management System Market Research report categorizes the Global Transportation Management System Market based on transportation mode, component, application, deployment mode and geography (region wise). Market size by value is estimated and forecasted with the revenues of leading companies operating in the Global Transportation Management System Market with key developments in companies and market trends Global Transportation Management System Market, by Transportation Mode: ‱ Roadways ‱ Railways Global Transportation Management System Market, by Component: ‱ Solution Type ‱ Hardware ‱ Services Global Transportation Management System Market, by Applications: ‱ Consumer goods and retail ‱ Fire station ‱ Parcel and package ‱ Hospital ‱ Mining ‱ Travel and tourism ‱ Others Global Transportation Management System Market, by Deployment Mode ‱ On-Premises ‱ Hosted Global Transportation Management System Market, by Geographies: ‱ North America ‱ Europe ‱ Asia Pacific ‱ Middle East & Africa ‱ Latin America Geographic Analysis: ‱ Breakdown of North America Transportation Management System Market ‱ Breakdown of Europe Transportation Management System Market ‱ Breakdown of Asia Pacific Transportation Management System Market ‱ Breakdown of Middle East & Africa Transportation Management System Market ‱ Breakdown of Latin America Transportation Management System Market Available Customization: Maximize Market Research offers customization of the report and scope of the report according to specific requirement of our clients.
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months ago
if triangle strategy had an mvp for each battle mine would be maxwell every single time that guy is incredible
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months ago
i always forget narve's name bc in my head i always just call him "the kid" lol
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sevarix-blogs · 8 months ago
ok it turns out i missed at least 3 recruitable characters in triangle strategy bc my convictions were not high enough for some. i think utility specifically. so I'm gonna try ng+ for a bit and see if i can get them!
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sevarix-blogs · 8 months ago
overall, would you recommend triangle strategy? 👀 (asking as someone who enjoys strategy rpgs like fire emblem and octopath, but also in terms of story, characters, problematic aspects, etc?)
hmm it'd say i'd only recommend it if you are itching for a strategy rpg and it's on sale.
pretty blunt review below, i dont' recommend reading if you are a big fan already. i'll keep it spoiler free
first off, the story. it was lackluster. the beginning is soooooo boring bc they just dump all this lore on you. and listen, i enjoy a game with lore! but the way they do it is just so much 'telling' and not enough 'showing' that it becomes boring. like in one cutscene (albeit an optional one, but one meant to establish the lore) they just have the pixel 2d characters march onto the screen and then explain who they are. it's so boring. all the optional cutscenes are just to show added story bits, but the ones at the beginning are especially boring. anyway basically there are 3 nations, one has a monopoly on salt, and it's causing problems for everyone. that's it.
the battles at the beginning are also few and far between bc of all the lore dump cutscenes. it actually gets more interesting by like ch 10. i don't know how far the demo lets you go, but i'd say it gets much more interesting after the demo ends.
the characters are a bit bland. the main character is just Some Guy. Frederica (another main character) was the most interesting character in the game for me bc she actually has an arc. roland has the opposite of development, then a tiny slight bit of development in the golden route. benedict is just. there. the rest of the main 8 are forgettable. my liking of the characters depended mostly on how good of a unit they were LOL (shout out to ezana and hughette)
there aren't really many ways for us to get to know the characters. there aren't supports like FE, just like, a couple cutscenes for each character. most are boring or cheesy. i should mention at this point that a lot of the dialogue is pretty bad. the voice acting is fine, but the direction of it is a bit poor. like some characters who are clearly meant to have accents don't actually have any voice acting in the appropriate accent. it's a bit jarring at times. the way the VAs deliver some of the lines is baffling. like it's just the voice direction that is questionable, the actors themselves did their best with it given the poor direction they were getting.
the character designs themselves are actually quite good. the women have real actual practical armor!!!!!! and they look badass for it!!!!!! but also. there is a bit of orientalism in some of the designs of the hyzante characters... overall though the character designs are nice. if only the characters had more development... in the end i only cared about like 1 character but even then like. none is blorbo-able for me.
i will also say this regarding the story and characters - all the endings aside from the golden route sound so frustrating. like not the battles but like 'this is a stupid choice why are they making me do this' kind of frustrating. like the stupid trolley meme choice. i had to use a guide to get the golden ending bc it is not easy to figure out on your own. in fact i'd be shocked if anyone got it without using a guide.
the gameplay itself is all right. the battles can be pretty fun! but there are usually lots of cutscenes between each battle. and if you want to level up between battles, it gets pretty repetitive... all you can do is replay the same couple stages over and over until you're leveled up.
there are some interesting differences from fire emblem in terms of the battle. the direction the units face is important and can be decided when it's that unit's turn. and instead of moving all your units in one turn and then the enemy doing the same, it's more like octopath where the order of each character's turn is mixed in with the enemy's turns. so only one character is up at a time, instead of your whole army like in FE.
mages are fun and do lots of damage but they can also be frustrating bc they run out of spells (TP) in like 2 turns and then have to wait to do anything basically. unless you use julio or w/e to give them more TP (this is what i did usually). there's really only 1 good healer. you can't change anyone's class, either, or their weapons. you can only upgrade what they already have. upgrades are a little confusing and frustrating at times but once you get the hang of it it's not too bad. you can't upgrade everyone, so you have to choose wisely (i learned this the hard way). i played on easy mode (which was actually pretty difficult at one point in the golden route) but you can change the difficulty at any time.
the characters you are able to recruit depend on the values of your 'convictions'. there are 3 convictions, and they get added to by taking different actions, from dialogue choices to using items in battle to finishing battles, etc. unless you play on NG+, you can't see what the value is for each conviction. i'm actually kind of curious about playing on NG+ next so i can see if i missed recruiting anyone.
the soundtrack was nice! i have nothing much else to say about the music other than that.
one comment about the controls - during battles, you can turn the screen 360 degrees horizontally and about 90 degrees vertically. this might seem like a boon but it made the controls extremely difficult at times. like the direction you press on the D-pad changes based on how you angle the screen and at times it gets really confusing about which way is 'left' or w/e. i got frustrated with it at times.
anyway. like i said, if you are itching for a strategy game and it's on sale, i'd say might as well try it. i wouldn't buy it at full price. also i highly recommend doing the golden route, and avoiding the other endings.
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sevarix-blogs · 8 months ago
golden route finale art
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