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sageofthewest · 5 years ago
Was “Vape-Illness” COVID?
    Last year ICU Physicians and the CDC indicated the suspicoun of a mysterious "Vaping Illness", and in response to the suspicion legislation to ban flavored vape pens was adopted and people were discouraged from using vape products (especially black market vapes with suspect additives and impurities). This year the CDC is warning us all of the Coronavirus epidemic and dealing with the crisis we now all face; and the two illnesses have the exact same symptoms and m-o.
  Throughout history whenever there is an epidemic: Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, SARS etc.; there exists a timeline to the discovery of the disease itself and that timeline goes something like this; “Mystery Diagnoses which cluster”, collaboration or communication between physicians about what they are seeing, and identification of the new pathogen or cause. We are in stage 3 with the current Pandemic. We have identified the pathogen as the microbe Sars-CoV2; the official name of the Coronavirus strain that can lead to the deadly COVID-19 disease. Physicians described the very deadly and aggressive nature of the “vaping illness” with characteristics virtually identical to COVID. Radiologist describe a type of lung opacity on x-rays of "Vape illness" patients (bilateral and peripheral glass) that is also identical to x-rays of the most tell tale, and fatal element of COVID-19 patients; Pneumonia. The actual cause of death for COVID-19 patients is a total body hypoxia brought on by sever Pneumonia in the late stages of the disease, since it is the symptom which leads to ARDS. But before you consider this relation, or question the details, let us pause for a moment:
   The CDC also reported last year; “a record increase in the number of Pneumonia deaths resulting from Flu-like symptoms”, many of them in the later part of the year towards our seasonal spikes which exceeded the threshold for "epidemic" status of that disease group for the first time in years. The spike actually began in 2018. Death caused by Pneumonia, especially in patients with comorbidities or who are elderly are expected, although tragic. It is something physicians expect to see occasionally, but easy to see how a new pathogen might slip by unexpected and misidentified prior to the protocol to test for such an illness. The "mystery vaping illness" attributed to unexplained cases of Pneumonia (especially amongst young patients), and the rise in the death toll of "pneumonia" cases in the year past, would seem to indicate that the initial stage of a new infectious pathogen (identification) was grossly miscalculated.
   Not only should the families of those who unexpectedly succumbed to pneumonia-like illnesses last year (especially those given the possible scapegoat explanaition of vaping) reconsider the epidemic we now face and seek to explore a connection of the two for the sake of their own personal solace in clear understanding of what truly happened to their loved one, but the truth needs to be scientifically and accurately presented to the public and most importantly the scientific community. The Surgeon General even commented on a possible connection between vaping and COVID so I figured; of course I’ve been scooped by the top doctor of the land none the less! But on air, Surgeon General Jerome Adams only suggested (as a mere conjecture, and with no data) that the high number of deaths in the US and Italy may have been related for those countries’ citizens predilection for vaping (hooey I tell you). He made no mention of the mysterious “vape-illness” media outlets warned us about months before noticing the Coronavirus Outbreak that presented with the same symptomology or; how likely misidentification of such an illness may have occurred prior to testing and awareness of the Sars-Cov2 and COVID-19.
    It is incubment upon any medical professional who dealt with such cases, and who has dealt with covid patients or will be soon to make a careful and earnest re-examination of the vape-death illnsess phenomenon we all heard about on the news last year. Other pneumonia deaths should also be examined as the number of cases would suggest misidentification of this new illness being clumped in with our legitimite average number of flu-pneumonia deaths per year(~50,000). In all likelyhood, the number of Coronavirus deaths in the United States alone has been grossly underestimated. The outbreak of vaping illnesses which killed hundereds, if not thousands of patients last year was noted by the medical communitty as early as June of last year with almost 100 patients in Wisconsin alone between June and August of 2018. This means that thousands of North Americans were likely infected with COVID-19 last summer already and the disease got to work taking the lives of Americans as early as June of 2019. Only after an unknown but very large outbreak in Wuhan, China did we begin to notice and examine the possibility of a new illness here in America and auhorities are still not putting two and two together. The incubation period, and its dormancy, as well as the pervasiveness of Coronaviruses' infection upon the human race, may all be completely askew with this missing data. Thousands of Americans likely died last year of COVID-19, before we knew what to look for. 
   Either news outlets and the CDC (who still list information on the “vape illness” with nearly congruent descriptions and statements it now posts regarding COVID) along with other government agencies have some directive to mislead us about the truth here or no one else has noticed this yet. But the reality is clear when examining the data at a glance or in depth. The real number of Coronavirus deaths in the US should reflect the hundreds or thousands who were likely misdiagnosed last year for accurate examination and a more clear understanding of what really happened, and what is happening now.    
   As journalists, scientists or Medically Trained Professionals; we owe a duty to the truth and its dissmeination for the sake of the greater good. In this case inaccurate information may be misleading enough to turn what is already a tradgedy, into a disaster. I believe we can now clearly identify the patients killed by the mysterious vaping illness, along with many of the Pneumonia deaths of last year as the USA's first Coronavirus victims, who were taken before we understood what happened to them. There has been NO empiricle evidence to suggest vaping causes any such illness, and every indication that Coronavirus deaths were misidentified as such an illness. It is not only time to give truth to the families of the vaping death illness for closure (or should we now say; the initial and unidentified Coronavirus victims) but this information resets the data curve, actual death toll and initial cases spotted throughout the US and pehaps the world. It is time to re-evaluate the scacpegoating of e-cigarettes and vaping as a cause of death from a sudden illness and recognize that the vape illness phenomenon of last year which was all over the news, is the same phenomenon we see all over the news today, now given its proper designation.
   PLEASE! Keep your social distance, don't go out unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary, take precations to not contract or transmit the elusive Coronavirus (Sars-Cov2). Take care of yorselves, those who love and your fellow humans, even the ones you don’t necessarily like. As wise Governor Cuomo of the great state of New York recently encouraged us: “When this is all over, we can go back to having differences.” until then; keep calm and vape away.
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