#vander imaigne
band--psycho · 1 year
Vander x Reader-A Surpise On Valentines Day
For the lvoely @conretewings 💛 who requested the prompt Valentines Day on a budget
I know my Valentines Day Drabbles are running a little late -I'm sorry- this last week has just been super hectic! But I am hoping all of the stories will be posted at the end of this month!
Word count:500
I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
“Vander?” Y/n called out, knocking on the door of the usually bustling bar, that tonight was unusually quiet. 
It was silent. Earilly so.
Especially for a night that should’ve been full of people seeing as it was Valentine’s Day. 
“Y/n,” four familiar voices said in harmony, making Y/n almost jump out of her skin, as they opened the door to the Last Drop.
Vi, her little sister Powder, Mylo and Claggor all shared a very suspicious look on their faces. 
“Did we scare you?” Vi smirked.
“We totally did,” Mylo teased, nudging Claggor slightly.
“Where’s Vander?” Y/n asked; glancing at the four children.
“He’s uh-he’s busy,” Mylo stated,his tone completely different to a few moments ago. 
“Busy doing?”
“He’s making-” Powder began very excitedly before Vi carefully placed a hand over her sister's mouth,  only adding to both Y/n's confusion and curiosity. 
“Way to nearly ruin the surprise,” Mylo muttered, earning a death glare from both Vi and Powder.
It wasn’t meant to be loud enough for Y/n to hear; yet she did.
“A surprise?”
“Congrats, Mylo,” Vi hissed, before turning her attention to Y/n.
“Go in,” she said simply; opening the door behind her.
Cautiously, Y/n did so, expecting it to be a prank they were pulling on her. 
But when she was inside, she saw a table that was at the center of the room with a singular lit candle flickered in the middle of the table. A white tablecloth with hand drawn love hearts covered the table that two plates and matching cutlery were on.
It made her heart melt.
“You’re early,” Vander said, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts, making her look up at him and the trays of food he was carrying. 
He seemed stressed. 
Very stressed.
“Do you need a hand?” She asked softly; trying to hold back her smile.
“No,” he answered simply, setting the trays down on the bar before walking over to Y/n. 
“What I need you to do is sit down,” he continued, pulling out her chair so that she could sit down in it; she did and he pushed the chair back in. 
“What’s all this for?” 
“Valentines Day,” he cooed, placing a kiss on the top of her head before taking the plate in front of her away and heading back to the trays of food on the bar.
Money was tight for both of them most weeks; she didn’t exactly earn a lot and although Vander had a good income, most of it went on the children and keeping the bar open. So they’d both agreed to not do anything for Valentine’s Day. 
And here he was, with a closed bar, treating her to a homemade meal.
“Vander, you didn’t have-”
“I wanted to, darl,” he continued, as he placed down a plate of food in front of her. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he smiled, leaning down to place a delicate kiss on Y/ns lips. 
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