#vancha march x reader
tetsunabouquet · 2 months
Hello, I stumbled across your page while searching (in vain) for Vancha March x reader fanfics. Your NSFW alphabet was so detailed and I really enjoyed it.
Please feel free to say no, but I was wondering if you’d be happy to take a request for some more Vancha content? Fics/headcanons/blurbs… anything really! I’d love a Vanchaxreader fluff/smut fix if possible?
Have a great day ☺️
A/N: Of course I'll write more for Vancha! To be honest, I am kind of taken aback by all the Vancha requests, in a positive way. I've never met a Darren Shan Saga fan in the wild, so I am pretty happy there are multiple Vancha fans interesting in my blog! I'll be writing a fluff fic set in the new timeline Darren created when he travelled back in time, with the reader being the bonus mom to Vancha and Evanna's kid because to be honest I need daddy Vancha too. I hope you like it too!
Today was a sunny one, so you expected Vancha to be outside. Despite the fact Vancha was perfectly okay if you slept during the hours of day, you stopped doing so for the past few months. Little Eleri was growing up so fast and like her father, she wanted to go out in the sun and train herself like he did. She was proving to be a tough as nails little girl and you had a tough time keeping her in line. You didn't wanted to risk her training like her father whilst she was still a developping, small child. Much to her chagrin. Vancha understood your intentions and surprisingly had agreed, telling Eleri that "in the wild, cubs stay with their moms until they are old enough for the hunt". She had pouted at your green haired lover, but neither of you could be swayed. Eleri was at her usual spot, her big blueish green eyes glued to the door, waiting for her father to come back with a slightly sulking expression. You sighed. "Sweetie, why don't you go to bed? It's important for growing children to get their sleepy time." She looked at you before she shook her head. "Nope. I want papa to tell me a bedtime story." She said and whilst you knew it was an excuse, you could not deny that Vancha had a lot of interesting stories to tell whenever you tucked the little sprite into bed. Honestly, you were glad that she didn't went as far as to copy her father's sleeping habits as sleeping on the ground next to Vancha wasn't always comfortable. The two of you had made sure she got everything she needed, including a top notch cabin in the woods to live considering her twin wasn't allowed to enter the mountain. Gannen, Evanna and their son were frequent guests at the cabin. It was for more reasons then just promoting peace between the races and making sure the future was one of pacifism. As a small child, Eleri would have been the only kid at the mountain and honestly it broke your heart a little to imagine her having no friends to play with. This way, she could at least play with her brother and you honestly felt grateful she had a friend. Almost as if he sensed Eleri waiting impatiently in front of the door, it opened and Vancha stood in the doorway with his red skin. He grinned as he saw his daughter jump up like an overtly excited puppy. "I see my little sprout is fighting her bedtime like a warrior." He complimented her as he hoisted her up. You shook your head with a loving epression on your face as you closed the door. "She wanted to wait for you to tell her a bedtime story," you explained. "Please papa? I want you to tell me that story about the bear again!" She pleaded excitedly and Vancha threw her in the air before catching her. "Of course my little one." He winked at you as he carried Eleri to her small room, which aside of a bed was filled to the brim with presents from vampires all around the world. When she was born, the vampire race rejoiced at her birth and she probably had the largest and most expensivve baby shower in history with pretty much everyone wanting to give a gift to the daughter of the vampire prince. Some of them turnt out to have some darker intentions with her, but Vancha would get rid of those with a swiftly delivered death sentence. Another reason to live far away in the wild where only his brother and Evanna could find him. Vancha placed her on the bed with a careful tenderness that fatherhood has bestowed upon him and your heart melted as he stroke the hair from her face. Eleri grabbed her favorite stuffed animal, a tiger gifted to her by Larten Cresley that wore a beautiful ribbon which once had decorated the hat of her uncle Hibernius. Vancha cleared his throat and began his story, "This happened over a century ago, when I was training deep in the Carpathian mountains…"
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