entelexcheia · 5 years
vampirevocalistyuli replied to your post: Whaaaat? Do we have to round up all your kids and...
Yuli peeks in. “Is anything the matter, Wil?”
Cue dismissive waving and a curt response.
      “ No, nothing at all. Carry on. ”
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edgyearring · 6 years
"What if you need to feed on their blood, hmm?" Yuli, that's not the same at all.
“Uhh... I guess that’s fine??”
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
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Naoto looked surprisingly at the new face at Cerulean City. She hadn’t expected this male to stay here for longer than a week since most people came here to challenge the Water Gym leader, possibly ask directions for Mt. Moon or Saffron City and then take off elsewhere. She personally had stayed in this a bit small city to complete her distance studies for Trainers’ Academy so people couldn’t say that she was too inexperienced in what she was doing and was now taking a break from her video lecture.
“Excuse me, sir - do you mind me asking if you’re looking for anything specific? You have been wandering at this route for some minutes.”
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rockinxbeauty · 6 years
@vampirevocalistyuli Cont. 
“What’s it matter to you how I get attention,” Opera growled, “I have to keep her like this because she’s feisty and will kick me if I don’t.”
“Opera, for the love of god, just stop,” Lotte wished she could hide her face. The snarky god made a bigger mushroom grow up from the ground so he could sit on it. 
“As for not believin’ I’m MZD, you’re half-correct. I’m him, yet I ain’t him.”
“What he means is he’s a part of MZD,” Lotte sighed again, “And there’s plenty more ‘parts’ of him running around right now.”
“Oi, oi, quit spoilin’, dammit,” Opera shot Lotte a look, “I want him to stay confused!”
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🏪 - Our muses want to buy the same product and there’s only one left in stock - with Yuli
(First Time) Meeting Interaction Scenarios 
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[Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ] 『Huh?』Just as Maki was about to reach for the box of sweet pocky, she noticed in the corner of her eye that someone else was trying to go for it as well. A rather handsome someone at that, Maki wondered if this was fate. She did really want a sweet snack, but at the same time she thought pocky was too good not to be shared.『Do you want that pocky too? How about we share it together?』
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starryxtears-blog · 6 years
At first, he questioned whether he should even bother to try talking to this person or not. The child peeked out from behind a tree, then disappeared behind it again. There was something about this particular man that made him a bit cautious to go right over and start a conversation.
A thought nagged in the back of his head: The blue-haired man wasn’t exactly human, was he? Could he be another abnormality? One that wasn’t caught by the facility yet? But what if the guy was an abnormality that was sent by that place to find him...?
The child poked his head out again, but this time leaned over too far and messed up his footing. He let out a yelp as he hit the ground, keeping still for a few moments before trying to get himself back up.
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ojamaxhell · 6 years
💛 💜 💚 🖤 - Agent to Mr. KK, I guess. 💛 💚 🖤 - Yuli could try to be friends with Yushaaaaa, but be disappointed that there wouldn't be any special deals or freebies on snacks. *brick'd*
Agent and Mr. KK - 💛 platonic 💜 mentor/mentee 💚 rivals 🖤 enemies 
Ooo, there’s a lot that can be worked with here! I don’t know too much about Agent, but looking at him, I like the idea of a friendly rivalry thing going on between him and KK? Of course, if you have more ideas or anything else concerning these two, feel free to pop into my IMs! I always love plotting things!
Yusha and Yuli - 💛 platonic 💚 rivals 🖤 enemies
Yusha would be highly wary of Yuli due to Yuli being a vampire. It’ll get even worse if Yusha finds out if Yuli’s connected to Wilhelm. Being a hero who’s supposed to go after demons and, well, evil in general, it could lead to a fight between these two someday, if the tension’s high enough.
However, if things take a direction where Yusha can stop and think for a second, he might see that not everyone who’s considered ‘evil’ will try to attack him right off the bat and that most, if not all people have other sides to them.
I’m interested in going either direction, really!
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fistsona · 7 years
“Yuli-kun!” Makoto approached the vampire with the widest smile she’d ever forced. What she was about to ask wasn’t exactly something she wanted to, but... She had to. “We’re looking for some extra entertainment at the cultural festival this year!”
She swallowed hard, trying to fight off the guilt of what she was about to ask. She never wanted to force someone to do something like this, but... She needed more than Goro’s appearance to make sure this all went smoothly. “Would you happen to be willing to perform or something...?”
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popn-academy · 7 years
"I am avoiding you now." - Yuli to Michel
“Is that so? This library will miss you very much then, as will I. It’s heartbreaking to hear that another pleasant face will never be able to appreciate the literature all of the books here wish to tell. Although, it is your choice. Perhaps you found another library with an even more romantic atmosphere.. I would like to visit such a library.”
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“But even if you avoid me, I will not be avoiding you. Shall we play a game of tag?”
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"Happy Day of Hearts, Shishamo~!" Yuli greets the cat, of all people, before giving him his favorite tuna. As for Satou-san, he gets a bar of chocolate anyway.
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“Nya~☆” The little feline was very pleased to see his favorite vampire again and chowed down on the tuna. He didn’t quite understand the significance of this tuna but as long as he’s getting food he is more than content!
As for his owner on the other hand, he is befuddled by his sudden gift. Satou-san was used to people fawning over his cat but why did he receive a chocolate bar? He was under the impression Yuli wasn’t very interested in him. He could only reply with an awkward “Thank you..”
Wait, what was the date today?
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entelexcheia · 6 years
👫 - Gerhard and Yuli?
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship. ( x ) | @vampirevocalistyuli
1. Their first ‘ meeting ’ was actually Gerhard attempting to pull a prank on Yuli, though with emphasis on ‘ attempting ’ because Gerhard’s prank involved magic, which didn’t go unnoticed by Yuli and Gerhard was almost immediately found out and hightailed it out of there shortly afterwards. The kid really isn’t as smart as he thinks he is, but he’s still bitter about this, to this day, and is looking forward to the day where he’ll finally be able to outsmart Yuli… if that day ever comes, anyway. For the time being, he’ll settle for just bothering Yuli… until Yuli’s breaking point, that is.
2. This is obviously a foregone conclusion but their first ‘ meeting ’ certainly wouldn’t be their last, as they would eventually found out that they shared a mutual connection with Wilhelm (somehow, don’t really have any idea as to how exactly, lol). It would be then that there would be some underlying resentment through misunderstanding. For Gerhard in particular, he resented Yuli because he was jealous of Yuli’s ‘ freedom ’, though he didn’t understand the actual circumstances behind it. Hell, even after he learns of the actual context between Wil and Yuli’s relationship, he’d still be bitter, because he’s just that petty.   
3. Despite the tension between them, ranging from petty, almost childish squabbling to more serious animosity, I can imagine that they do eventually come to tolerate each other, in some way. I can imagine Wilhelm and/or Ash playing a part in this as well, since I honestly kind of doubt that those two could really come to a mutual understanding between themselves alone. It’s not to say it’s impossible, just a little more difficult without maybe someone else helping to facilitate it. Neither Wilhelm nor Ash can force Gerhard and Yuli to get along, but at least steer them in the right direction so that they’re not outright hating each other for no reason. In Gerhard’s case, he’s still a child, so he still has a lot to learn.
4. Given time, I feel like their relationship can improve, though I still don’t see them getting along very well, haha. If anything, it can be something akin to a sibling-like relationship, with a dose of sibling rivalry. They’ll be like brothers who constantly fight but deep down, actually do care about each other to an extent, especially once they realize that they really aren’t that different, in a way, and they share more in common than they think. I’m sure it’ll be difficult for them to admit to that, but if it’s true, they can’t really deny it for very long, can they? 
Oh well, if anything, they can share a dessert or something and call it a day.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
Send “💎💎💎” and My Muse will say three things that comes to their mind when Your Muse’s name is mentioned
"Intriguing, paranormal and similar to Rise-san."
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rockinxbeauty · 6 years
“Care to share how you wound up in this situation?”
Lotte groaned as she shifted in place, trying to break herself free. Vines kept her in place at the base of a tree. The fact that Yuli had stumbled across her made things ten times worse. 
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“Look above you,” she sighed as the higher branches of the tree began shaking. A purple MZD with a mushroom on his beanie jumped down from his spot, landing on his feet. He eyed Yuli as he adjusted his shades, not too happy that there was someone uninvited in the area. 
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“Oi. What’s with the vampire,” Opera asked, “What are you lookin’ at? Go on and get.”
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coffcedad-blog · 7 years
"I do not have a date, but I am not sad about it~ A drink certainly sounds nice however!" A pause. "Also, Happy Day of Hearts~!" Yuli hands over a red box containing a dozen bite-sized chocolates. They don't look handmade, or do they?
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This is pretty fucking weird, since he’s never gotten chocolates from a patron before. Last time he got some, it was high school...
“...Thanks? I mean... What do you want I guess.” He’s still gonna have to pay for drinks, but...
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ojamaxhell · 6 years
(( 📂 for Mr. KK?
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
KK’s always wanted to try working in a haunted house, during Halloween. It’d give him a chance to see if he could pull off the “insane killer” act off well.        
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fistsona · 7 years
vampirevocalistyuli replied to your post “vampirevocalistyuli replied to your post “Wanting to write something...”
(( Then, as if it's not bad enough, there's that anxious feeling of whether it's a good idea or not, but you really want it. ><;;
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