fictionkinfessions · 10 months
Movies were about the same for me and 'Rese, but as for Xmas items, I don't really know what I'd get for her, or what I'd want, but I know 'Rese is getting me Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire the Masquerade, so I need to think of something for her that's just as good hehe - Jeanette Voerman
(Also, MPC, would it be a lot of hassle if I started changing my sign-off to my chosen name after I started transitioning? I don't want to cause a lot of work for you ^^; )
Oh no hassle at all! You can use whatever name you'd like to at any given point!
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cxttlefishcxller · 5 years
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Digging deeper into obscure kintypes, this one is Heather Delain, a Toreador vampire from the game Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Semi-related note, I’m incredibly hyped that this game is getting a sequel??? I genuinely can’t wait.
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Hhhnhnhnhn things make sense but not but it's fine like I thought I was gay guess I'm bi. Wish I could find other Vampire: The Masquerade people bc jggnhfhgdhfj people don't get what Malkavian means lol rip I just wanna rave and play my violin y'all. ~A lonely Malkavian
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
I can remember a Tremere who helped me with some tasks early on in the events of Bloodlines, and I remember having to fight her and ultimately end her because she was Camarilla and we were aiding the Anarchs. I just...wish I could remember her name. I want to be able to honor her and thank her for all she did for me and Jeanette. - Therese V.
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
For the stealth canons, I'd say Jeanette Voerman could definitely pass, since the whole purpose of the Masquerade was to allow vampires to exist among their human prey without detection lol. I'd just have to be entirely nocturnal as World of Darkness vampires cannot live in sunlight, but I prefer the night anyway lol
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
As for fond canons, my sister Therese was the biggest part of my life as Jeanette. She was my everything. When no one else was willing to understand me, she was there. And I don't know how I could ever repay that, but fate chose to give her back to me again and she tells me every day that all I have to do is live and be happy, so I guess that's what I'll do 💕
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Gonna just do a handful of my strongest (currently) kins for the pride ask game
Jinx (Arcane/LoL) - I was pretty much agender (neogendered in timelines that was a recognized thing) and panromantic and asexual
Gaige (Borderlands) - I was trans (most timelines a transgirl but one a dfab transboy) and I'm pretty sure I was pan just with a high preference for enbies and women
Jeanette Voerman (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines) - I was somewhere between nonbinary and a transboy though in my main timelines it was more of a "man idk I just know I'm not a girl" and I was saphic and ace
Miu Iruma (Danganronpa V3) - transboy and pretty much pan romantically and sexually
Julie Kostenko (Dead by Daylight) - I think if anything I was just gender meh but I was definitely sapphic and me and Susie were a thing lol
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) - mostly gender meh but some of my (many) timelines I was either transgirl or a transboy. Pretty sure I was pan because I'd take attention from pretty much anybody but I probably had a higher preference for girls and enbies if my older years were any indication
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
i think... i kin a nonbinary toreador named alex. i also think i took the place of the fledgling in vtm: coteries of new york. i don't think the events leading up to my embrace were the same as the playable toreador in the game. ill see if i get any more memories, i suppose!
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Update provided by being reminded by seeing my own kinfession. I am. In fact. A whole Malkavian. 100% kinfirmed. And my God I am tested every day since because They sure do love to cause trouble. Mischief being. I love them and I am (at least right at the moment) feeling incredibly blessed that we inhabit the same body like we once did.
… However, this time I am not starting a cult. I am not. For legal reasons. As much as I wish to share Their wonder, I cannot.
… I suppose to be just a little selfish about sharing Them this time has benefits that outweigh the cons.
Anyway. Have a good conscious window everyone. Stay hydrated, eat something good and take your meds. Shower and such if you need to. Especially you, Miss Party Cat, I know how hard you work.
Sincerely, a Malkavian vampire named Charlemagne Matthews
(#⚰️💜, source is Vampire the Masquerade!)
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You know, I might not know much about the Kuei-jin, being just an "inferior Kindred" but I'm pretty sure that you're at least supposed to ask to experiment on people. But a guess a bitch like you doesn't care, Ming Xiao. I never liked you. (1/2)
It's why I walked out during our first conversation. But it didn't give you the right to kidnap me and Selena, and it served you right having to face the wrath of my sister. - Jeanette (2/2)            
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I see a Zach Heloise around at the moment. I'm not kin with anyone from that amazing vampire the masquerade game, you and the rest of your coterie are incredibly valid. I hope life is easier for you all now. And that your solutions to problems aren't quite as... messy.
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I wish people would quit hating on my girlfriend. She saved my life, gave me a place to live so I wasn't homeless anymore, paid for my grandma's funeral and helped take down the terrorist organization that killed me. Just because she was a vampire doesn't mean our relationship was abusive. - Heather Poe from Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, who loves her girlfriend and will fight you behind a Denny's for her honor
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I wish the realvampire and vampyre subcultures weren't so hostile to vampirekin and vampire fictionkin. I'm kin with the protag from Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines and it's my only kintype, so over the years I've figured out a lot of memories and things about myself, but the hostility those groups have for 'kin makes me hesitant to make a tumblr for this facet of myself. ~ Matteo, your local sugary, salty Toreador who misses his boyfriend Nines
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I don't know why the Sabbat hated us so much. They hated all Camarilla and Anarchs, sure, but it seemed like they had a particular hatred of us. Leaving an eternal child in our domain, kidnapping me... They even attacked Carn, my hyena ghoul. Sometimes it really sucks being considered the strongest member of your clan, because it really just put so much stress on my family. But here I am now, weak and useless. Ironic. - Jeanette Voerman
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Hey, Isaac? I've never met you in this life, but maybe one day you can explain why it was okay for Ash and VV to do those kind of things but you didn't like me for doing it. I don't really...hate you, I guess. Everyone is free to like and dislike who they want. God knows I hated LaCroix. But it kind of hurts to know you just put up with me because my sister was the Baron of Santa Monica. - Jeanette Voerman
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I miss my daughter so much. She only really existed because our "father" did all those bad things and my sister couldn't stop him in time but we both loved her so so much. I don't know if she's out there now, but if so, I hope she knows that I still love her.
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