#vampire heeseung
hellokittywrites · 2 months
segunda parte.
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¿se sellará la indescriptible atracción que sentías hacia Park Sunghoon con el pinchazo de un colmillo?
pair: vampire! park sunghoon x f!reader x (sightly?) vampire! park jay
summary: sunghoon ya no puede resistirse más a ti, especialmente después de que descubrieras su verdadera identidad y de que park jay se comportase de una manera demasiado amistosa contigo para su gusto
warnings of part 2: menciones de dios y del cristianismo (nada de lo escrito se aplica a la religión referida, es sólo ficción basada en ella), sangre, mordiscos y puede que un poco subida de tono en algunas partes (???) no nsfw tho, lenguaje malsonante
words: 3004 (im sorry)
quick note: resulta que no sólo van a ser dos partes... esta historia está volviéndose más interesante de lo que pensaba y puede que se vuelva una miniserie <3
primera parte tercera parte
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Sunghoon conectó sus ojos con los tuyos y las palmas de sus manos guardadas en los bolsillos de su pantalón de traje podrían haber empezado a sangrar en cualquier momento de la fuerza con la que estaba clavando sus uñas en ellas, buscando con el dolor, distraerse a sí mismo de quién tenía en frente, de tenerte cara a cara. 
Dios, había olido tu sangre desde mucho antes de que llegaras a la azotea y, pese a haberse apartado de la fiesta para ir a la zona más alejada y solitaria con la intención de no estar en tu radar, su instinto depredador consiguió igualmente atraerte hacia él.
Tu respiración agitada prueba de un corazón también agitado provocó la rebelión de sus colmillos. Dolían, y la fachada de indiferencia de Sunghoon cayó tras tres segundos de contacto visual, debido a cómo se encontraban pinchando su rojizo labio, buscando ser liberados de la presión que Sunghoon estaba ejerciendo, queriendo contenerse a sí mismo.
Porque si de ellos fuera, te mordería. Oh, si te mordería.
Aquella chispa de incomodidad, te hizo salir del estado de alucinación en el que te encontrabas. ¿Cómo que Sunghoon era tu sueño, o todo lo que necesitabas? No había ninguna prueba racional que explicase aquella premisa y no ibas a ponerte a buscarla próximamente. Así, fue ese ligero frunce de sus negras cejas lo que te hizo despertar. Tu respiración se empezó a calmar de la carrera que acababas de hacer, además de que ya empezabas a sentirte un poco mareada.
Recuperaste un poco la compostura dentro de lo posible ante la presencia de aquel hombre.
Sunghoon notó tu cambio y nunca creyó en dios, teniendo en cuenta su condición -aquella figura divina le parecía una simple invención a la que a veces se dirigía por desesperación-, pero le agradeció esa relajación por tu parte. Si seguías presa de lo que su interior más salvaje te hacia sentir, esa necesidad de satisfacción última por su persona, entonces él no podría hacer nada para contenerse. No tendría las fuerzas, ni siquiera la oportunidad, de reprimir aquel demonio interno que se encontraba babeando por probar tu sangre, por morderte, por marcarte, por sellarte como de su propiedad con sus colmillos.
Había oído hablar de conexiones similares: el regalo de Dios hacia los vampiros, el mayor acto de misericordia. Un vampiro destinado a un humano y un humano destinado a un vampiro. La satisfacción de su deseo asesino con un humano al que amará de por vida y que lo volverá bueno, correcto, humano.
Sunghoon nunca creyó estas patrañas pues jamás existió un vampiro cuyos colmillos fueran de la propiedad de un sólo humano, sólo pudiendo morderle a él y, cuando lo hiciera, no querer probar otra sangre nunca más.
Claro que éstas eran las palabras de la leyenda y el entorno de Sunghoon, lleno de vampiros casados con otros vampiros pero con numerosos mordiscos hacia múltiples humanos distintos, no le era el mejor contexto para creer en algo así como "tu salvación destinada".
Jake y Heeseung, además del resto de sus compañeros, solían encajar en las actividades de un vampiro adulto. La sangre humana es tentadora, pero no tanto como para perder el control, como muchas de las novelas vampíricas quieren probar. Uno puede saciar su hambre con su plato favorito conscientemente, disfrutando del sabor pero sin pasar los límites. En el caso de los humanos, son límites de quién come, cuánto su estómago puede aguantar; en el caso de los vampiros, el límite está en la persona de que se alimentan.
Esto ayudaba a que pudiesen convivir, pero Sunghoon, cuyo padre era un hombre sin prudencia, creció acostumbrándose a ver cuerpos totalmente secos saliendo de las puertas de su casa cada mañana.
Cuando vio el rostro sin vida de su niñera a la que en secreto llamaba madre, juró que él no iba a ser un asesino, no iba a dejarse llevar. No iba a alimentarse de sangre humana.
Pero tu cuerpo abrazado por ese vestido, tus ojos deseosos que le miran sin vergüenza alguna, tus labios brillantes y tentadores bajo la luz de la luna... Sunghoon sentía que iba a romper aquel juramento y lo peor es que lo haría sin remordimientos.
¿Creía Sunghoon que eras su salvación destinada? Lo único que Sunghoon sabía era que te detestaba por convertirle en la bestia que estaba destinada a ser, arrodillándose ante ti, ahogado en tu sangre.
Y estaba enfadado, verdaderamente molesto.
Sí, tras percibir cómo volvías a mantener la calma -dentro de lo que cabía-, Sunghoon, gran observador, se molestó más al darse cuenta de un factor y no pudo evitar mantener su silencio por más tiempo.
—Vengo más tarde, intentando evitarte y mírate... Los protegidos tendrían que haberse ido hace una hora y media— Ladeó la cabeza mientras levantaba unos centímetros su barbilla, suavemente. Sunghoon era absolutamente majestuoso con la luz de la Luna acariciando sus rasgos faciales. Entrecerró los ojos y temiste volverte transparente ante él. —Seguro que ya has visto por qué... ¿verdad?—
Sí, lo habías visto pero, ¿tu esperada hora de partida? No, no lo sabías. Ni Aerin ni Sunoo te habían comentado nada por el estilo. Pero antes de hacer esta reflexión, sentiste estar a punto de volver a caer en el abismo de pérdida de conciencia que Park Sunghoon te suponía. Después de tres intensos meses de un anhelo secreto, te había hablado por primera vez. Esa voz que siempre te despertó de un sueño desconocido, haciéndote consciente de algo que todavía no sabías denominar, se había dirigido a ti, mirándote, examinándote, prestándote toda su atención, tal y como en tus más oscuros sueños siempre habías sucedido.
Tu cuello volvió a palpitar y Sunghoon, como si lo hubiera notado, dio un paso atrás, casi chocando con el muro de cristal de la azotea, mientras giraba la cabeza hacia el otro lado, bajando la mirada y lamiéndose los labios con frustración. Notaste su nuez moviéndose tras tragar. Inconscientemente, tú también tragaste.
Sunghoon te estaba distrayendo demasiado del por qué tus supuestos amigos, tu supuesta mejor amiga, habían decidido omitir un detalle tan importante como la necesidad de irte hace media hora para evitar encontrarte con supuestos vampiros o, mejor dicho, evitar estar en un lugar en el que sus colmillos eran absoluta y legalmente libres, sin necesidad de ser retenidos, sin ser nombrados armas asesinas.
Evitar unos como los de Sunghoon. No, tanto tú como él lo sabían, no había otra opción, otros colmillos para ti. Evitar los colmillos de Sunghoon pues sólo podían ser ellos los únicos cuyo dueño podía llamarte proclamándote de esa forma.
Evitar que sucediera lo que estaba a punto de suceder si ninguno de los dos frenaba, si ni tú ni él deteníais este terremoto descontrolado. Y tú deberías ser quién lo hiciera. Tú, la presa, deberías escapar de tu depredador y, sin embargo, ahí iba un paso, dos pasos, tres pasos hacia un vampiro, hacia Park Sunghoon.
— Quieta, por favor. No — Sunghoon se pegó lo máximo posible a aquel muro, susurrando aquella negación casi con derrota en su voz, sacando sus pálidas manos llenas de marcas de frustración de sus bolsillos, tensándose con cada paso que dabas.
La azotea no era muy ancha de largo y ahora os encontrabais a cuatro pasos el uno del otro. Sunghoon nunca tuvo la necesidad de respirar y, pese a eso, ahora sus pulmones lo estaban haciendo.
Estabas a punto de caer y rendirte ante tu propia libertad pero, como él, la racionalidad todavía seguía de pie en la batalla. Y, buscando distraerte de su expresión frustrada que te producía una calidez placentera en tu vientre, la música que parecía hasta el momento sonar de fondo, incrementó en volumen, junto con los gritos de júbilo de los participantes de aquel ahora terrorífico evento.
Así, recordaste todo. Sunoo mordiendo a Aerin, los colmillos de Jake, la sangre de aquella chica que estaba con Heeseung, lo que de verdad servían en la cocina... ¿Realmente existían los vampiros? ¿Realmente todo lo que había sucedido eran pruebas claves para probar tu teoría? ¿Realmente estabas a punto de creer en la existencia de los vampiros? Sunghoon sólo te había dado una indirecta que podía hacer referencia a otra cosa.
Pero, si realmente era así y ellos eran eso, el enfado era lo que te encontrarías sintiendo. ¿Cuánto te habían manipulado exactamente?
Te dirigiste a él con una mirada que sin que fueras consciente de ello, era desafiante. Sunghoon, al ver la chispa encendida en tus ojos, tuvo que volver a controlarse mientras, sin poder evitarlo, sonreía ladinamente. Le gustabas, Dios, le volvías absolutamente loco.
—¿Tú también haces eso?— Preguntaste mientras sentiste tus rodillas temblar por un momento. El frío que acariciaba tus desnudas piernas fue al que culpaste, no queriendo pensar en los efectos de la sonrisa del hombre que tenías enfrente tuya.
Esa misma sonrisa que pretendías ignorar sólo se agrandó más, dejando, ahora sí, ver una chispa de aquellos colmillos, todavía no en su estado total de liberación pues Sunghoon seguía reteniéndolos. Pero tu voz le gustaba demasiado, como tus piernas desnudas. Le estabas provocando sed... Mucha sed.
—Vas a tener que ser más específica— Sunghoon contuvo su lengua antes de pronunciar tu nombre o entonces tendría la gran necesidad de conocer el sabor de tu sangre.
Le miraste entrecerrando los ojos. Habías visto las pruebas por ti misma, negar o intentar ser racional no servía de nada por mucho que supusiese afirmar la existencia de aquellos seres. Suspiraste y te lamiste el labio inferior antes de preguntar— ¿Muerdes a la gente inferior a ti?—.
Sunghoon alzó una ceja y se mantuvo en un extraño en silencio. Aquel gesto como respuesta despertó en ti un nerviosismo que sonó más brusco de lo que pretendías —¿Qué? ¿Acaso me equivoco? Vampiro—.
Oh, Sunghoon podría mirar tu expresión de enfado por toda la eternidad, temió. Pero en el fondo, intentaba distraerse del asco con el que expresaste aquella palabra, su verdadera identidad. Tu tono había rasguñado un poco su estático corazón.
Esta vez fuiste tú la observadora perspicaz y lo notaste. ¿Existía un punto débil en su gran armadura? Diste un paso y Sunghoon no pudo más.
—Corre— Su voz ahora gélida, sus colmillos ahora en su estado libre y natural, su hambre descontrolada.
Dudaste un segundo. ¡Aquellos colmillos parecieron a simple vista hechos para tu cuello!. Ese era tu lugar, tu sueño. Por un momento ibas a quedarte por iniciativa propia pero, antes de cumplir ese deseo, notaste el dolor en sus capas de desgrado, el alma en su intento de incendio y tus piernas se alejaron rápidamente al volver a recordar que él era un vampiro, un asesino. Park Sunghoon.
Corriste escaleras abajo, temiendo que te atrapara, pero Sunghoon en ningún momento te persiguió o hizo ademán de hacerlo. Desde el primer momento sólo quiso que escaparas, siendo un depredador con el castigo de necesitar a una presa no deseada. ¿Lo hacía por ti? Sunghoon nunca era honesto consigo mismo, así que claramente lo hizo por él, para no volverse quién más odia, para no ser su padre.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Fue un milagro que no te hubieras tropezado con las escaleras mientras, con la respiración entrecortada, te hacías paso entre alumnos SSR que ahora eran percibidos por tus ojos con temor. La música te hacía pitar los oídos y acostumbrarse a la oscuridad nunca fue tan difícil pero ahí estaba, la puerta de salida.
Miraste hacia atrás por un segundo tras escuchar un ruido demasiado cerca y no proveniente de la piscina. Ahí, en plena gloria, los colmillos de Sunoo volvían a penetrar el cuello de Aerin. Sentiste lágrimas acudir a tus ojos y, sin pensarlo más, atravesaste la puerta, saliendo de aquella casa.
Caminaste un tanto apurada por la acera de la desierta carretera y al momento te diste cuenta de que no sabías dónde estabas. Giraste la cabeza hacia la casa, buscando señales de un Sunghoon persiguiéndote, pero nada.
Una idea cruzó tu mente y decidiste caminar en el sentido contrario, retrocediendo en tus pasos, buscando desde la carretera ver la azotea. Escondiéndote un poco entre una moto y un arbusto, levantaste dirigiste tu atenta mirada hacia el lugar donde minutos antes casi sucumbías a tus deseos. Deseaste por un momento que no estuviese desierta, significando en la cercanía de Sunghoon, fruto de aquella parte irracional que seguía y, después de tu primera conversación con él, más que nunca necesitada de él.
Para tu decepción, Park Sunghoon no se había movido ni un milímetro del borde de la azotea, pero esta vez miraba las vistas, dándote la espalda. Aliviada, pero a la vez tremendamente avergonzada al haber caído en lo que no pareció minutos antes un engaño, soltaste un suspiro mientras tus mejillas se incendiaban.
—No te recomendaría mear ahí— Una voz grave y un poco raspada te sorprendió, haciéndote saltar y, de no ser por el arbusto, estarías en el suelo con uno de tus bonitos tacones rotos.
Tu cabeza se apartó de Sunghoon rápidamente dirigiendo la mirada hacia aquella voz.
Park Jay, con su característica ceja cortada, frente descubierta y ojos negros rasgados te recibió, dirigiéndote una mirada cansada. Al momento, te apartaste tanto de la moto como del arbusto, volviendo a la acera. Estabais frente a frente. —No estaba intentando mear —Tu voz sonó un poco más elevado de lo que pretendías y te hizo sentirte más avergonzada.
—Ya— Soltó Jay elevando una de sus cejas mientras encogía los hombros. En verdad, no le importaba mucho la respuesta, mientras su moto siguiera intacta. Porque así era Park Jay, el alumno de las SSR y del grupo de Sunghoon que menos destacaba salvo por ser el capitán de béisbol de la academia Bram Stoker, más concretamente, el primero en la historia del equipo en ser elegido en primer curso.
Como con el resto de SSR que no fuesen Sunoo o Aerin (salvo en esta fiesta en la que intentaste pasártelo en grande), mantenías tus distancias con Jay Park. Siendo del mismo curso que Sunghoon, ésta era también vuestra primera conversación.
Y así siguió Jay, mirando la moto. Todavía no habíais hecho contacto visual desde su inesperada aparición mientras mirabas tus tacones, buscando distraerte. Jay, una vez comprobado que su roja moto estaba en perfecto estado, se dirigió a ti.
La sorpresa fue evidente en la ampliación de sus orbes negros tras hacer contacto visual con el jugador de béisbol. Frunciste el ceño por un momento, no entendiendo muy bien su reacción. ¿Tenías algo en la cara..? Hasta que recordaste las palabras de Sunghoon. Hace tiempo que tendrías que haberte ido porque...
Diste un paso hacia atrás y tus brazos se tensaron a cada lado de tu cuerpo, ahora no tropezándote con tus tacones. Te mordiste el interior de la mejilla mientras rápidamente echaste una ojeada hacia tus alrededores, buscando una posible vía de escape si las circunstancias la requerían.
No sabías muy bien exactamente lo que había pasado en la fiesta, pero sí que había vampiros. ¿Cuántos? ¿Quiénes eran y quiénes no? El corto tiempo que había transcurrido desde esa revelación al presente de Park Jay hicieron que no tuvieras el puzzle completo, pero sí lo suficiente para saber dónde colocar la siguiente pieza. Y Jay premió tu inteligencia en su cabeza con un imperceptible asentimiento.
Se quitó la piruleta roja que desde el principio tenía en la boca y, acercando su brazo al casco de moto negro como el carbón situado sobre su moto, similar a sus ojos, casi soltó una carcajada.
—Así que ya sabes quiénes somos o, mejor dicho, lo que somos— Jay subió la mirada hacia tu figura, escaneando tu cuerpo. Gesto que no te ayudó a bajar la guardia ante su persona.
Tu ceño fruncido le pareció divertido y se apoyó en su moto, observándote con una chispa de interés en sus ojos. Pero no era el interés de Sunghoon, ni tampoco indicaba sed o lujuria. Tú tampoco te sentías de la misma manera cuando le mirabas a los ojos. Era como estar con Sunoo antes de saber que era... que era...
—¿Tú también eres un vampiro?— Preguntaste con un tono de voz un tanto grave, pero no titubeante.
Una sonrisa nostálgica fue lo que te respondió y tu confusión te hizo prestar más atención a la vez que él se volvía a llevar el caramelo a la boca. Ahí, entre su lengua y el resto de sus dientes, había un colmillo roto, partido.
La sorpresa fue evidente en tu cara y ahora si, Park Jay se rio abiertamente. Mientras sus carcajadas se mezclaban con el sonido lejano de la música, no sabías qué hacer.
— Para. Por favor, para— Dijiste intentando aguantar una sonrisa que se te moría por escapar ante toda esta locura que acababas de vivir. Jay hizo caso omiso a tus palabras y tardó varios segundos en recomponerse.
Te sonrió ladinamente y, tirándote el casco, dijo —Supongo que necesitas que alguien te lleve a los dormitorios. Sube— Jay, sin casco, detalle que no te sorprendió al entender más o menos la razón, se subió a la moto, esperándote.
Lo correcto y racional era negarse. Pero morder técnicamente no te podría morder y, pese a ser alumno SSR, su sonrisa llegaba a sus ojos, o por lo menos las que te había dedicado en el corto período de aquella conversación. No, conducir una moto era muy peligroso. Pero quedarte ahí suponía más peligros con un Sunghoon acechando y unos amigos que pueden que no sean tan amigos. Además de los vampiros. No, Jay también era un vampiro. Decidiste negarte obviamente-
—Está bien, pero debes responder a todas mis preguntas— Te acercaste y te colocaste detrás de un sorprendido Jay, el cual tras verte correctamente situada en su moto, sonrió caninamente.
—Eso ya lo veremos— Jay encendió la moto y os alejasteis de la casa.
Todo bajo la atenta mirada de un Park Sunghoon que juró en ese mismo instante hacerte suya y a la mierda su propio juicio.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
tercera parte
taglist: @strxwbloody @baaamkyu (open!)
notes: omg!! segunda parte lista. siento que sea un poco corta comparada con la anterior pero estas escenas me salieron más largas de lo que pensaba y no quería haceros esperar mucho. ¿qué tal la dinámica entre sunghoon y la prota? prometo que ellos dos son endgame!!! la aparición de jay es cosa mía jusjus <3333
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purinkiss · 21 days
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 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⎺⎻⎼⎽ㅤㅤ🩸🗡ㅤㅤ𝘰𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖺 𝗏𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝗋𝖾 𝖈𝖺𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋ㅤ​⣠⡴
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ❀ノ.  ᶻz₊ ♰ ⠀ུ⠳⣄⌚
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483 notes · View notes
ily-sunghoon · 23 days
The Omen of Sterling | ENHYPEN
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Pairing : vampire!enhypen x fem!oc
Genre : vampire, kingdom, reverse harem <3, fluff, angst, smut on some chapters
Summary : The name Sterling hits like thunder for the royal bloodlines. Sterling is the most dangerous vampire family throughout the ages. After they left Krashoviel due to their sweet human daughter, twenty-one years later the same daughter came back for help... or the omen that Cairneyes warned the others about.
WARNINGS : mdni, heavy content, deep world building (i went kinda crazy), blood, murder, manipulation, gaslighting, toxic behavior, curses, religious theme mentioned sometimes, obsessive, (more to add later). DO NOT PROCEED if uncomfortable
Note : hi, guys. i finally contribute to the enhablr community by publishing this old draft that i wrote years ago. it was inspired by one of my loooong dream that i had on christmas eve night back then in 2020. i decided to stick on the original names that i have for them. all the fem characters doesn't have any face claims, i leave them to your imaginations. some random male idols might appear in the future as relatives/enemy/friends. without further do, meet the characters and i hope you guys enjoy!
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Introduction to our vampires:
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Jestel Sinflame
/jé-ssel/ 299 years old — The rightful crown prince of Krashoviel. Choosing peace over war right now (living under the same roof as his brother-like best friends rather than in the sucking dry and toxic castle). A little bit classist like his family, Sinflame, except towards Ricardo, who he saw the potential of that kid himself. His parents died during the Red War and now he’s trying his hardest to contact his brother, Holstein, who also got lost in the war.
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Sarco Phelanflame
/sár-ko/ 288 years old — Phelanflame has always been the first row at wars. They’re the leader of the soldiers. Very strong since birth with a little sadistic tendency. Their personality is cold, much colder than the other vampires around Krashoviel. If not cold, they’re always a little bit of an oddball. All the elders in his family were deceased during the last war. Now, Phelanflame only has three members, including Sarco and his two other cousins.
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Ricardo Nikolai
/ree-kár-do/ 20 years old — Came from an orphanage, Ricardo is a third-class vampire in Krashoviel. He got lucky because Jestel and Sarco saw his potential while visiting his orphanage, they took him home and gave him all the facilities he needed. Ricardo likes to play fight with almost everybody, but his favorite activity to do is disturbing Jusarlie’s peace.
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/jæs-per/ approximately 23 years old — A new vamp who was found in the woods during their monthly patrolling. No one knows about his background, he lost his memory, so they named him Jasper.
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Saine Cairneye
/sāin/ 201 years old — Grandson of the current Queen on the throne. His mother died during the war. The Cairneye bloodline is in charge of magick, witchcraft, astrology, omen, and so on. Their current job is reading people intentions and possible-futures with their crazy personality tests. They are blessed with good physical appearance, and all of them look like elves. They have a silly little hobby, which is accidentally having a vision that scares the royal family a.k.a Sinflame!
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Jusarlie Grieffang
/jou-sār-lee/ 297 years old — Grieffang, the fang of Krashoviel. They are the greatest strategists and professors, Grieffang is one of the keys of Krashoviel’s endless winning of wars. They’re still relatives with Sinflame. Jusarlie is Jestel’s distant nephew, though their age gap is not far. Rival kingdoms tried to kidnap and use Grieffangs against Krashoviel during their wars, but it was no use, Grieffangs are loyal and far smarter than them. Plenty of them are still alive after the wars along with Sinflames.
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Hiael Von Ruden
/heeæl/ 314 years old — His original nation is Slevado, Hiael was a crown prince. He turned his back after the Red War, and it creates a huge controversy. He is now working under Jestel’s command and is currently busy training Jasper. He’s reserved, calm, to the point where it becomes scary rather than comforting for his surroundings. No one knows what is on his mind, but for Jestel, as long as he has made a blood pact then he’s good.
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versocanibal · 2 months
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▍ ‘   💲 #𝟣͞𝟫͞𝟫͞𝟧 月下酷刑 𓍚 疼痛. ㅤ ι𝀍ܢܓ𝒻 ҄ 👊🏻
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sugarushwriting · 8 days
ot7 vampire enhypen (part three). you are their personal (human) blood bank
ni-ki is out of his damn mind (sigh)
jungwon feeds on a human (you) for the first time
sfw with some nsfw innuendos and interactions (groping, making out)
please reblog, comment and like! but please do not repost or translate! not proof read.
next two parts may have some nsfw scenes
thank u for the love and support!
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
you, jungwon, and jay arrived at the hotel a little while ago to set your stuff in the rooms, then went straight to dinner in the hotel’s restaurant.
that’s when you learned jays father owned the hotel (and many others). and that him (his father) was rich. and that his father was still alive as an even older vampire.
“order whatever you want.” jay said to you and jungwon.
neither you or jungwon knew jungwon was feeding tonight. jay didn’t want either one of you nervous during dinner, making the conversation awkward.
you and jungwon only knew that ni-ki was out of his mind (your words not jays) and it wasn’t safe for you to be in the home. sunoo stayed back at the house, with jake and heeseung taking turns on watch to make sure he behaves (which they know he will, but they have to be safe). sunghoon had to stay back as an elder to keep an eye on ni-ki, but also, they were upping the antics used on him to quickly get the human lust out of his system. they didn’t want you there just in case you heard anything.
after dinner, you felt you could combust at any moment with how much you ate. jay made sure you ate.
the three of you took the elevator back up to the suite you were in. it had 2 separate bedrooms with an en-suite each, a huge balcony overlooking the city, a kitchen, and a living room. you looked up the price of the room on the hotels website and glad you were close with the CEO’s son. ($5,000 a night).
“i need you both to sit on the couch. i need to discuss something important with you two.” jay announced and it worried you and jungwon.
“what’s wrong?” you asked sitting on the big couch, and jungwon sat close to you. again, jay opted to sit on the coffee table in front of you both loosening his tie. oh fuck he looked good doing that.
“jungwon is going to feed on you tonight.” jay ripped the bandage off.
you and jungwon gasped. “jay, i—,”
“you’re ready.” jay cut off jungwon.
then you added with humor, “is that why you fattened me up?”
jay smiled. “i just made sure you ate well.”
you huffed. “why are you just now telling us? do the other boys know?”
“only sunghoon. we didn’t want you both nervous. and jake can’t keep his mouth shut so we decided against to tell any of the others until afterwards.”
“can i at least shower first?”
after your shower, you dressed in another one of jays oversized shirts you took from his dresser. you opted out of boxers or pants, and kept it classy with a thong.
you walked out from jays room to the living room, both boys in a hushed conversation, but when they saw you, their attention turned to you.
“where do you want to be? living room or jungwon’s?” jay asked. “i was also thinking after your feed, you sleep in jungwon’s bed tonight. it’ll test his confidence in his ability to control himself.”
jungwon was shaking his head as if he had disagreed with the plan.
“i can do that.” you stated and looked at jungwon who looked at you surprised. you smiled. you trusted him.
“good. you’ll keep the door unlocked. if anything goes wrong i will be able to sense and hear it and i’ll be by your side in a flash.”
you nodded. “okay.”
all three of you went to jungwon’s room, and you laid down.
“how—how do the other guys typically do it?” jungwon asked.
you smiled, sitting up on your arms trying to ease his mind. “well first, where do you want to feed? jays favorite place is classic, my neck. heeseung prefers my hip or waist, or my sides. sunghoon and jake prefer my upper thighs.” you explained.
you lifted your shirt to show the upper part of your thighs. “sunghoon is pretty possessive over my right thigh, but you can share the left with jake if you want.”
“are you sure jake won’t get possessive?” jay snorted.
“i can handle jake.” you said. “so where do you want to feed jungwon?”
“why do you chose the neck?” jungwon asked and looked to jay.
jay blushed and scratched the back of his head. “uh—it’s more intimate.”
“he does it while we’re having sex.” you said, not embarrassed at all.
here’s the thing, you are their blood bank, you are okay with that. but you’re not their sex toy, and jay made sure to get that through your head. if you wanted to have sex with them, fine, but you didn’t have to.
jay was the only one you’ve had full sex with, as you figured out he likes to feed after your orgasm cause it lessens the pain.
jake and sunghoon have both been between your legs, and it wasn’t just to feed.
jungwon swallowed. “i’ll take the left thigh.”
you smiled, “good choice.”
you laid back down, as jay assisted jungwon in making sure to find a thick part of your thigh. jungwon gave a kiss to your inner thigh, but not as close as jake and sunghoon like to be.
“her body will tell you when you’re done. you need to listen to her, not yourself.” jay stated. “if you get out of control, which i doubt you will, i will force you off of her. you may get upset as you’ll be driven by lust.”
jungwon nodded listening attentively.
“hold my hand.” you said to jungwon and he did. “i’ll let you know.”
jungwon was excited but nervous. his first human feed as a newbie. your blood always smelt so fresh, so sweet, so good to him. he couldn’t explain it. it was a different smell, and as the olders explained, you were a different and better taste too.
jungwon kissed your thigh once more, you squeezed his hand in reassurance, and jungwon’s eyes changed and his fangs dropped. his teeth grazed your skin before it broke through.
you immediately groaned in pain, but soon it felt pleasurable as usual. since jungwon was new, he fed a little harsher, through his lips and teeth.
after a few minutes, jungwon felt your body feel different. it’s done. but his mind was telling him not to stop. to drain you of all your blood. or to turn you into what he was.
“jungwon.” jay warned, but jungwon’s ears weren’t listening.
his body and mind wasn’t either. until he heard you.
“wonie, that’s enough.” you sighed through pleasure and squeezed his hand.
he stopped. he reluctantly removed his teeth, instinctively licking where his teeth once were, and kissed it softly. his forehead soon rested against your thigh.
you ran your hand through his hair. “you did good, jungwon.” you praised. jungwon smiled and chuckled.
he looked up at you. then he looked at jay who looked like a proud dad.
that night you slept in jungwon’s bed with him comfortably. that was until you woke up to him hovering over you, his eyes had turned red. however, the fangs weren’t out.
“jungwon?” you questioned, and he groaned. he groaned like he was in pain and leaned in closer to inhale your scent from your neck. he kissed your neck then sank his human teeth as he nibbled.
it startled you and you yelped. he leaned up eyes staring right at you, his tongue peeking out to lick his lips.
his hand gripped your thigh—hard. “ouch, jungwon.” you groaned and he smiled.
before you knew it, he pulled your shirt up, and ripped your thong off, his nose going straight to your inner thigh where he last fed.
jay came through the door, but you held out a hand to stop him, and jay listened.
“wonie, look at me.” you pleaded. jungwon looked at you with his red eyes, before his nose ran up your body has he inhaled you.
jay went to move, but you stopped him again. jungwon’s attention turned to jay, and he literally snarled.
“wonie, look at me!” you repeated and took his head in your hands to make eye contact once again. “wonie, are you hungry or do you just miss my taste?”
jungwon closed his eyes, internally battling with himself. “taste—i miss your taste.” he cried through his teeth. he was fighting himself, literally.
“then taste me.” you said, and brought jungwon’s lips to your own.
the kiss was anything but romantic. jungwon was craving you, craving your taste. he was animalistic with the kisses, dominate, often taking your bottom lip in between his teeth.
all while, he was grinding his lower half into you. well, his hard lower half.
you moaned into the kiss, and jungwon took the opportunity to stick his tongue inside your mouth searching for your own tongue. you whimpered just as he used his hands to grab all over your body. he was harshly gripping your thighs, stomach, hips, ass, breasts, anywhere and everywhere as he grinded against your lower half with his. he had a barrier, you didn’t.
the messy make out session didn’t last much longer, as jungwon started to whimper himself, and he stopped grinding as his mouth moved to your neck, stopping the kissing altogether as he took deep breaths.
“it’s ok wonie.” you patted his back and rubbed it. he shook his head.
“im sorry, im sorry, im sorry.” he kept repeating and sniffled. he was still hard as a rock but didn’t move.
“it’s okay—,” you began but again he shook his head.
“jungwon.” jay stated using his authoritative tone.
jungwon got up, “i’ll go shower.” and he immediately ran to his en suite bathroom.
jay quickly came to your side, checking you out. “why did you stop me? it could’ve gone really south.”
“but it didn’t.” you challenged. “you trusted him for a reason and so did i, jay. he stopped. he didn’t feed further, okay?”
“do you want to come sleep with me?”
you shook your head no. “i’m fine jay, i promise.” you told truthfully. you also didn’t want to hurt jungwon, thinking you didn’t trust him anymore.
jay left, and you turned your back to the bathroom, shutting your eyes once more. jungwon’s shower was quick, redressing in nothing more than pajama pants. he smiled at your sleeping figure still in his bed. he got in behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissed the back of your neck.
“thank you.” he whispered and you turned to face him, giving him a quick peck on his cheek.
“didn’t know you were so dominating in bed.” you teased and jungwon laughed with a flush to his cheeks.
he rubbed his hand up and down your arm in a soothing gesture. “i’m sorry about that.”
“what matters is that you stopped.” you moved a fringe of his hair. your hand rested on his cheek as you moved your thumb back and forth. you finally took note of his naked chest and smiled. “nice shoulders.” you complimented.
“sorry about your thong.”
the next afternoon you three returned to the house. earlier that morning, the university released a statement stating that the incident with the student was an isolated incident and no further danger was present. classes would resume after the weekend.
“what if ni-ki isn’t better?”
“then we kill him.” sunghoon stated with a straight face. you didn’t find him funny.
“he’ll go to a boarding school for newbies who don’t listen.” jay offered as a solution instead.
“that exist?” you and sunoo both asked at the same time.
jay nodded. “yes, in switzerland. my father is on the board of trustees.”
“wait, if you all are up here,”
“he’s fine by himself for now. we knocked him out with something to shut his ass up while his body detoxes.”
“sunghoon!” you scolded.
“any way,” jake changes the subject, “how was the night away at the fancy hotel?”
“it was good.” you and jungwon both said together, then looked at each other and smiled.
“jungwon fed on her.” jay said. “he did good controlling himself. and she did good keeping him grounded.”
“no way!” jakes thick accent came out as he clapped jungwon on the shoulder. “how was it? where did you feed?”
“her thigh.”
“better not be the right thigh.” sunghoon stated, eyes narrowed.
“and the left is better?” jake questioned. “how come you get a thigh to yourself?”
“i’m an elder.”
“alright old man.” jake teased.
“was it scary” sunoo asked jungwon.
jungwon shook his head. “not like i thought.”
you patted jungwon’s head, “he did good and didn’t hurt me.” you smiled.
then jungwon suddenly remembered, “did yall know jay only feeds when he’s being intimate with her?”
you snorted at jungwon saying intimate like he was scared to say the word sex.
jay and heeseung look surprised. sunoo looked disgusted like it was way tmi. sunghoon wasn’t fazed.
“sadly i did.”
you looked at sunghoon confused. you were never loud.
“baby doll, vampire hearing.”
“well shit.”
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
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luouarr · 1 year
✶ the type of boyfriend ── enhypen
🗯️ : pair ot7 x fem!reader genre fluff , blurb cw not proofread , gf!reader , the type of boyfriends enhypen are
© luouarr 2O23 ♬
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heeseung is the type of boyfriend against toxic masculinity, always carrying your purse or bag through the airport while you pass paparazzi with no worry about judgmental stares.
heeseung is the type of boyfriend to ask you to put chapstick on his lips, pulling you into his lap to let you do it and then kissing you right after you put it on for him.
heeseung is the type of boyfriend to watch you cook something for dinner and comes to hug you from behind, arms around your waist and chin on your shoulder ( he pouts if he’s extra hungry and you aren’t close to done )
jay is the type of boyfriend to bring you to fancy restaurants and museum dates, pointing out everything he recognizes and knows about, teaching you about the history behind a certain artifact or painting.
jay is the type of boyfriend that cooks for you and makes sure every meal is exactly the way you like it. If it isn’t up to par with your standards..he’ll tell you to stop eating it and makes it the way you like it, all to keep you happy and content. jay even goes as far as to give you the rest of his food if he thinks you haven’t eaten enough.
jay is the type of boyfriend that spoils you with expensive gifts like dainty jewelry he thinks looks so pretty on you, smirking with pride as he watches the jeweler wrap a necklace around your neck to try on. he adores the shopping dates he takes you and his mom on as well.
jake is the type of boyfriend to lay next to you, admiring you as you sleep while kissing your forehead and nose every few seconds. he whispers how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you. he even takes the opportunity to take a pretty picture of you, setting it as his wallpaper.
jake is the type of boyfriend to lay on your stomach and let you play with his hair, especially when he’s mad or stressed. he wouldn’t mind if you even wanted to rub his back a bit or rub his shoulders for a while.
jake is the type of boyfriend to let out a loud sigh while crawling to lay down on your stomach, finally relaxing when your fingers start to scratch his scalp gently.
sunghoon is the type of boyfriend who insists you hold hands constantly because “my hand feels lonely without them holding yours.” and he just wants to feel closer to you.
sunghoon is the type of boyfriend to compare his hand size to yours while holding hands, everytime.
sunghoon is the type of boyfriend to ignore physical touch sometimes, but you can see the love in his eyes for you every time he stares at you and watches you talk, or smile, or even not do anything.
sunghoon is the type of boyfriend who takes you on surprise dates, smiling widely when you get excited and realize where you are going. he does anything to see your face light up and would stop at nothing to make you happy.
sunoo is the type of boyfriend to act cute and clingy while at your house, just to get your attention and only wants it to be on him.
sunoo is the type of boyfriend who ties your hair up for you and does your skincare routine for you when you’re too tired to or when you have been out all day, working hard.
sunoo is the type of boyfriend that hugs you while you sit on his lap, using a staring contest as an excuse to constantly hold eye contact with you while smiling and laughing at each other, trying to make each other blink.
jungwon is the type of boyfriend who never fails to fall asleep while cuddling with you or even just laying his head on your shoulder. he easily falls asleep even if he isn’t tired, just in the comfort of you.
jungwon is the type of boyfriend to lay on your lap, asking you to stroke his hair while he scrolls on his phone. he hums when you call his name and obliges to whatever you need, getting up to grab something if you need it and immediately coming back to lay back down or give you a quick peck if that’s what you wanted.
jungwon is the type of boyfriend to hold a present behind his back, forcing you to guess what it is 5+ times before finally revealing a bouquet of flowers or small box of jewelry and smiling when he sees you light up and reach for it.
niki is the type of boyfriend to stare at your lips as you rant about something you’re interested in because he thinks you look so cute while talking about something so passionately.
niki is the type of boyfriend to buy you gifts, never expecting something in return because knowing that he made you smile and made you happy is always more than enough for him.
niki is the type of boyfriend that makes sure to keep his promises, never breaking a single one no matter how important. It doesn’t matter what they are and he’ll make sure to fulfill it immediately when given an opportunity if it was a pinky promise.
niki is the type of boyfriend who makes sure to give you a lot of affection to let you know that he loves you even if he can’t find the words. he is constantly hugging you or holding your hand.
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yeonber · 3 months
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romance : untold cinematic moodboard
pics are not mine, but i edited them (like/reblog if use it)
go stream the trailer right now!!
— xoxo, yeon
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tarosunshine · 7 months
엔하이픈 𐙚 VAMP﹗
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genre fluff vampire au 𖹭 warning blood jealousy pairing — OT7 x fem reader
— they use their powers and abilities.
NOTE : this is based on the webtoon ! (kinda)
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𐙚 HEESUNG : read mind
“hee, where are you?” you called him in your mind since you couldn't see him anywhere. you hoped he could hear you wherever he was. thanks to the hustle and bustle of the place and the people, you couldn't find him, and he hadn't brought his phone with him either. “i'm near the caramel apple stand” you spoke again in your mind. about 10 minutes ago, heesung had gone for ice cream, while you had stayed in line for the ferris wheel, but they closed the game, so you had to move.
luckily, seconds later, you heard your boyfriend's voice behind you. “here you are. your favorite, babe” he handed you the ice cream with a smile. “i thought you wouldn't listen to me” you also smiled when you saw him and grabbed the cone. he grabbed your free hand, and you started walking. “if you call me, i will always listen to you, love” he said as he tilts his head to you. then you trapped your fingers with his and walked towards the car. on the way, you explained to him what had happened to the game, so you decided to return home.
𐙚 JAY : superhuman strength
“jay...” you sighed as you left your bag on one of the empty chairs. you heard a sigh from him too. “honey, you had to see how he looked at you. and when he touched your waist? and he make you uncomfortable!” jay speaks exasperated as he frowned and sighed over and over again. he was so angry at the guy, not at you. he could never get angry with you. “here, have some water, and don't worry about that idiot” you handed him a glass on the table and turned to pour one for yourself. but suddenly you heard the sound of glass breaking and you immediately turned in alarm in the direction of your boyfriend.
the first thing you saw was the broken glass on his hand suspended in the air and how the blood began to drip down his arm and hand. “oh my god, jay!” you immediately walked over and started removing the large pieces of glass from his hand. then you ran to get the first aid kit and sat down in front of him. his eyes were still in shock. “i... i don't know what happened to me, i'm sorry” he lowered his head in shame and let you clean him up. “was that your super strength?” you mocked, smiling so he wouldn't feel so bad. “yeah. i don't know why i couldn't control it. i'm really sorry” with his good hand, he caressed your face. you smiled at him and rested your hand on his. “and i'm sorry if i scared you.”
𐙚 JAKE : pyrokinesis
it was almost midnight, and after a long day, you and your boyfriend were lying in bed while watching a movie.
“are you hungry?” jake asked as he stroked your hair. you shook against his chest, but something suddenly came to your mind. “although...” you spoke, raising your face, looking at him with smiling eyes. he suspected what you would say and moved his hand away from you.
you immediately got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen as jake followed you with a smile and rested his arms on the table, looking at you. when you turned to see him, you had a bag of marshmallows. you waved in the air, and he shook his head smiling. “you know i can't use my powers all the time. it's dangerous, love” he approached your face and kissed your cheek. “just one... please?” he couldn't refuse if you looked at him with those eyes. “fine” he agreed, now kissing the tip of your nose. you smiled and stabbed two marshmallows with two forks, then you handed him one, and a small flame came out of his finger, starting to melt the candy. you looked at his hand fascinated, as if it were the first time he had done it. jake chuckled when he saw your face and then held out the marshmallow to you. you kissed his cheek in gratitude. “thank you.” “always, love.”
𐙚 SUNGHOON : half werwolf and half vampire
just a few seconds ago, you had stopped paying attention to what sunghoon was talking in front of you. “did you hear me, babe?” he asked, looking at you with puppy eyes. you smiled when you saw him and denied it. “sorry, sorry... are your fangs bigger than before, hoon?” you asked, changing the subject since that was what had distracted you. “my fangs?” he spoke, touching the tip of one of them with a finger and furrowing his eyebrows. you nodded, looking at his mouth.
“it must be because tonight is full moon” he commented, carefully looking at his teeth on the screen of his phone. you nodded, remembering. “well you look cute” you rested your hand on his cheek. he approached your face with a silly smile, causing his fangs to stick out, and he give you a small kiss, who turned out in a needy and long one. “ouch” you put your finger over your lips, feeling the pain. he looked at you worried and grabbed your cheeks. “oh, i'm so sorry. it wasn't my intention. i think i got a little too excited” he ran his finger over the small trail of blood. “i didn't though they were so sharp” sunghoon covered his mouth with his hand while he continued caressing the injured place with the other. “it's okay, don't worry” you smiled, to reassure him.
𐙚 SUNOO : mind controler
you had been at a party for a couple of hours, but you weren't having such a good time. it was already starting to get boring, so in a few minutes you would leave, or well, that was what you had planned until you saw a group of boys talking animatedly in an area that you had not paid attention to. and one boy in particular caught your attention, one with red hair. you looked at him several times, and his fox-like eyes hypnotized you for a few seconds. you didn't realize when your body moved on it's own and you advanced towards them, but you stopped and blinked, confused. this time, you made your way towards the exit but then heard a male voice behind you, and when you turned, you found the redhead, who smiled.
“hi” you meet his kind eyes as he tilts his head slightly to the side. you returned the greeting, somewhat embarrassed.
⋆ 一
“i can't believe that you used your powers the first time we met, kim sunoo” you says somewhat offended as you looked at your boyfriend with furrowed eyebrows. the boy smiled, embarrassed as he looked away. “and they didn't work” you scoffed as you poked his cheek several times. he tightened his arms around you, looking with those eyes that tried to manipulate you that time.
“yes, and i'm sorry about that” he apologized, pouting as he approached your face, but right after that, his lips curved in a sweet smile. you wanted to pinch his cheeks. “are you trying to manipulate my mind right now?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. so he raised both eyebrows and looked at you offended. “i promised i would never do it again, honey. seriously” he spoke before giving you a small kiss on the lips. you giggled and hugged his waist. “hm, then i just like you a lot.”
his smile remained for a few seconds, then he slowly kissed your lips again, placing his hands on your cheeks as he gently caressed your skin. “i definitely like you more” he says and nods, and in one movement, he makes you fall over his chest, hugging and wrapping your body with legs and arms.
𐙚 JUNGWON : teleportation
“i miss you, won” you spoke with the phone in your hand and pouted as if your boyfriend could see. you heard his cute laugh. “i miss you too. a lot. and you have no idea how much i want to see your face, but remember that i'll be back tonight” he reminds, and you could hear a couple of things falling where he was. “yeah, you're right” a sigh left your lips, trying to ignore the noise on the other side. you heard a guttural noise from him, then a curse. “sungwon? something wrong?” you asked a little worried. he didn't answer you. on the contrary, he cut off the call. you frowned at your phone as you moved it away from your ear. “what's wrong with him?” you murmured, puting the device aside and laying on your back on the couch of the lonely house.
“did you miss me, my love?” a pair of dark glasses and a charming smile appeared in your vision. you almost fainted from shock. “yang jungwon!” you gasped as you rested one hand on your heart and sat down. he jumped over the sofa, sitting at your side. “it was a lie that you missed me?” he asked with a sad voice. then you grabbed his face with a smile and gently removed his glasses. “i reeeally missed you.” in one movement, you pulled him towards your body, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close to him as he hid his face on your neck. “did you just use your powers at daytime?” you asked, smiling. as he got apart a little from you, his lips twisted into a smirk and nodded. “because i want to see you. i couldn’t wait” he complained and burry his face in your neck again, inhaling your essence happily.
𐙚 NI-KI : teleportation, shadow manipulator
“it's always the same with you, nishimura” you complained and rolled your eyes as you began to walk with your arms crossed, ignoring him. the sound of his giggle reaches you. “of course! i know you love me” his mocking tone was evident, but you just ignored his words, leaving him behind.
“you know this would look bad if someone saw us, right?” he also whispered, looking at you with the same smile. you frowned and immediately moved away from his body. “oh, no... look, a teacher!” he pointed out surprised, you turned your head and saw the shadow of a teacher. you gasped and moved closer to him again to hide, but you immediately heard his amused laugh against your forehead, and you slowly looked up at him and sighed, realizing what he did. “stop using your powers and stop making fun of me.” you pushed his body and walked away from him, heading towards your classroom. he follows you, and you hear his mocking laugh again.
“love you? yeah, right. i don’t even like you” you muttered as you mocked his expressions. but suddenly, his figure appeared in front of you, and you collided with his chest. “nishimura!” you looked up, looking at him pissed. you met his gaze that was darkened. “you do not like me at all? i'm sure you do” he spoke, looking into your eyes with a playful smile. “nishimura, you can't use your powers here” you whispered as you looked everywhere. luckily, everyone was in class, so you took him by the shoulders, making sure no one saw, and moved somewhere where no teacher or student would see you.
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heexseung · 1 year
꒰ 💋 ꒱ ┄ ❛ dark academia ;sanguine ❜
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* pairing: vampire!heeseung x afab!reader
* tags: smut, mentions of blood, dom/sub dynamics, mild degradation (m. receiving), cunnilingus, handjob (mutual), edging (m. receiving), praise (m. receiving), piv sex, exhibitionism, heeseung's a brat
* summary: heeseung, your lab partner for alchemy, is acting strange over a blood-red potion you both accidentally brew in the evening.
* word count: 6k
* a/n: here you go darlings, hope you enjoy ❤️‍🔥 please have a lovely day !! and if there are any mistakes, please don't hesitate to let me know and i'll fix it <33
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The blood-red liquid in the flask stares at you in an almost menacing way and you squint at it in return, wondering what the hell did you do wrong this time. Did you boil it too long? Or maybe you used the wrong ingredients?
No, that’s not possible, you triple checked all the ingredients and the amount before using it. Perhaps you missed a step? Giving out a frustrated sigh, you push your hair back with your hand.
You turn to look at your lab partner, maybe he knows what’s going on but as soon as you do, your breath briefly catches in your throat. Heeseung’s staring at the flask that’s in your hand in a really weird manner.
As the seconds roll by, you watch as his brown doe eyes widen slightly, his pupils dilating, his stare becoming more and more intense. He even licks his lips and takes an audible gulp. It’s as if the potion has him entranced just by existing.
Your voice doesn’t catch his attention so you opt to snap your fingers right in front of his face. In response, he blinks once, then twice, then shakes his head and turns towards you. Giving you a sheepish smile, he apologises for zoning out.
Despite saying so, his eyes go back to staring at the flask in the same weird manner again after you put it down on the flask rack. It makes you feel confused, what is this potion?
Wanting to find some answers, you start searching through your alchemy textbook. Too occupied to pay attention to your surroundings, you don’t notice what Heeseung’s doing until it’s too late. When you do notice, he’s already got his hand on the flask and is now drinking the potion.
“Heeseung, wait, no!”
Quickly grabbing the flask away from him, you start nagging at him, “Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you? You can’t just be drinking any potion that you see, we don’t even know what this is!”
But his eyes are spaced out and you’re pretty sure that he’s a goner, not even here anymore. A drop of red liquid trails down from the corner of his mouth to his chin and he doesn’t even bother to wipe it away. He just keeps on staring at the damn flask in your hand.
Because of the way he’s acting, you’re prompted to throw the whole potion inside the sink in front of you. You hear him whine as the last drop of potion disappears into the drain.
“Goddamn, I know you’re a vampire and all but come on, don’t you have any self-control? When was the last time you feed?”
As soon as you’re done dumping the contents of the flask, you give it a shake, making sure there’s nothing left of the potion. Immediately after, you feel his body slump against you, his head buried in your neck.
Surprised at his sudden action, you take a step back in response, trying to balance yourself and him. Then, gently placing the flask down on the table, you rest your hand on his head while your other hand rests on his shoulder.
You both stay like that for a while, him not doing anything except breathing heavily in your neck and you just wondering why what the hell is going on.
Then, all of a sudden, you feel lightheaded; your heart starts beating faster and there are suddenly butterflies in your stomach. Your knees start getting weak and you have to rest your hand on the table to steady yourself. It’s also getting harder to get your eyes and brain to focus on the situation in front of you.
And then he does something; he licks the side of your neck. That’s when it hits you and you kind of realise what he’s trying to do.
“Are you trying to feed on me?”
Although he doesn’t answer you verbally, his actions tell you his answer loud and clear. As soon as you feel his fangs graze against your neck, you tightly grip his hair and roughly pull his head backwards. That earns you a sharp hiss.
In his dizzied state, he somehow manages to choke out, “Please?”
Feeling sorry for him, you wonder how long he hasn’t been feeding for him to be this desperate. As he looks at you with lustful eyes, you ask him, “Do you want me to call Jay?”
You slowly let go of your grip and continue in a soft tone, “I don’t know what to do in situations like this…”
Heeseung just stares at you intensely and licks his lips in response, most likely focusing all his energy on keeping his seductive trance on you. Closing your eyes, you do your best to control yourself since it’s obvious that it’s up to you to control the situation right now and although it’s hard to resist him, you try.
That doesn’t mean you succeed though. Because the moment he starts whining in your ear, you move him so that he’s the one leaning on the table now. Your lips quickly attach themselves to his and despite his initial shock, he melts into you rather quickly.
Moaning into your mouth, he pulls you in closer to him — so close that your bodies are pressed up against each other. As he lets your tongue ravage his, your heart begins to beats faster and your head begins to get dizzy.
Practically feeling your self-control slipping, Heeseung can’t help but smirk to himself as you start trailing kisses on his neck. He lets out a soft moan when he feels you biting his neck — he can’t help it, vampires are more sensitive than everybody else.
His body rocks into yours and although he really likes what he’s feeling right now, he’s so terribly desperate for some blood and he can’t really keep up his seductive trance on you anymore since it’s draining too much of his energy. So he lets go of his grip on you, not physically though.
Slowly, your senses start coming back to you and you blink as your eyes adjust. Taking advantage of your still dizzy state, he whispers to you in a low tone, “Want to trade?”
Despite still being a bit dizzy, his words pique your curiosity. You hum at him, encouraging him to explain what he means.
“My body for your blood.”
Okay, now you’re really interested. Since you’re back to your normal state, you’re fully aware of what’s going on and fully in control of your actions now. Still, you can’t help but blink at him, a little dazedly, not sure if you heard him correctly or not — not sure if this is just a fragment of your imagination or not.
Does he really mean that he’ll have sex with you just for a bit of your blood? This situation seems absurd to you, especially when taken into consideration how you know that Heeseung doesn’t have sex with just anybody.
It’s obvious because you’ve never once heard anybody talking about how it was like having sex with Heeseung and you’re sure that if someone did have sex with him, they would brag about it to hell. And you can’t blame them because you’d do the same. What can you say? Heeseung’s a really hot vampire.
But maybe your mind is in the gutter and he doesn’t really mean sex — which is a more logical situation. Maybe he just means doing service related stuff like carrying your bag to class or buying you lunch?
Just as you are about to ask him to clarify what he means, he whispers in your ear with the same low tone he used before, “Whatever you want from me.”
“Whatever”… that means…
Yeah, it totally means sex. And just to be sure you got the right message, he looks at you in the eye and continues, “I know you want me. You wouldn’t have been all over me if you didn’t.”
“Now, hold up. I think I should remind you that you used your seductive trance on me.”
He smirks at that. “I mean, yeah but you still wouldn’t have kissed me if you didn’t want me. The trance doesn’t make you do stuff you don’t want to do, you know. It just makes you honest and impulsive… like a truth serum.”
You narrow your eyes on him, contemplating your choices. Truthfully, you’re not much of a fan of getting blood sucked right out of you.
Looking at you with a pleading look, he tries to coax you into agreeing with the trade, “Please? You can have my body. Hell, do whatever you want to me. Just give me a bit of your blood. I’m so thirsty right now, please?”
There are so many questions you’d like to ask him; why you? Why not just get Jay to get him a packet of animal blood? Will it hurt? How much is he going to take? What about the side effects?
As if he can sense your thoughts, he rests his hand on your waist and pulls you in closer, “Come on, please? I’ll be a really good boy for you.”
Sighing, you tell him seriously, “Hee baby, I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
But he’s already shutting you and your thoughts up with a kiss — one that turns heated really quickly. Since he obviously doesn’t know how intense you can be, you’re going to show it to him.
As your tongue goes to explore every inch of his mouth, he lets out a soft moan, not even bothering to fight for dominance. By the time you pull away from him and rest your forehead on his, one of your hands is already palming him through his pants while the other covers his mouth, forcing him to stay quiet.
He can’t help but whine as he slightly grinds into your hand, his breathing heavy and his eyes full of lust. His hands leave your waist — one goes to your wrist (the one that’s palming him), gripping it tightly while the other goes on the table behind him for support. You push your palm against him more and he whines again, throwing his head back.
Bringing your lips close to his ear, you whisper to him, “Are you really that desperate so much that you’re willing to whore yourself out just for some blood?”
Unable to deny, he can only nod and gasp in response, his grip on your wrist tightens.
“So desperate that you’re willing to be my slut, huh?”
You feel him shiver for a bit before he nods again. He stares at you with half-lidded eyes for a while until you finally get the memo that he wants to say something. Letting him speak, you move your hand that was on his mouth to play with the neckline of his t-shirt.
“But like, can we not do it here?”
You laugh at that. “Where then?”
“My room?”
How could you ever say no to this man? You give him a nod in agreement but something crosses your mind — you’re curious about one thing.
“What are you gonna do about this though?” He bites his lip as you say that, his ears turning a soft shade of red as you continue to press your hand against the bulge in his pants.
Quickly taking off his black jacket, you take a step back from him as he ties the arms around his waist. It doesn’t hide much but it’ll do. Besides, you don’t really care much about it. That’s more of a him problem.
“There, let’s go.” Grabbing your hand in his, he starts pulling you to the door but you, being a responsible university student, remind him, “Hee baby, I know you’re impatient but we gotta clean up first.”
He groans at that. Nevertheless, he doesn’t complain and quickly cleans everything up with you.
The walk to his room is quick since it’s quite close to the lab. When you both get there, he asks you to wait outside for a moment. It’s not a big deal for you so you wait outside in the hallway while he does whatever he’s doing, maybe doing some last-minute cleaning.
By the time the door opens again — which isn’t long, a confused Jay steps out. He notices you standing there and you see a spark of realisation in his eyes, the confusion on his face disappears instantly.
“Hey, Jay.”
He smiles at you and just laughs in response, saying he’ll be back at 10 and to have fun. You watch as his silhouette disappears out of your view and by that time, Heeseung’s already pulling you into his room.
Once you’re inside, he traps you against the door, body pressing against yours, his hands on your hips and his thigh in between your legs. His lips immediately meet yours in a fierce and passionate kiss.
It doesn’t take him long before he pulls away from you and starts kissing down your neck. It feels good and you love neck kisses but you know what he’s trying to do.
Keeping your guard up, you run your hand through his hair and grind into his thigh. He starts licking the side of your neck and you don’t know how he’s so good at this, he almost makes you forget, almost makes you drop your guard down with every move of his tongue against your neck.
Fortunately for you, you feel it immediately; the feeling of his fangs against your skin. It prompts you to grip his hair and roughly pull it back. He whines in response. “Be patient. You don’t get a taste of me until you’ve earned it, understand?”
You let go of your grip on his hair as he hums, signalling his understanding of the situation.
“Now get on the bed.”
“What are you going to do if I say no?” He says as he gives you a teasing smile.
Oh? So he wants to be a bit of a brat now, huh?
Well, that’s perfectly fine with you, you’ll put him in his place. Grabbing his hips, you forcefully push and move him back. He stumbles a bit as you guide him to his bed — at least, you hope it’s his bed, it seems like it’s his bed.
Eventually, you push him and he falls into it. Wasting no time, you climb on top of him. Pinning his hands down on both sides of his head, you bring your lips near his ear and say to him, “If you’re gonna be a brat, Heeseung, just know that I make brats cry.”
He doesn’t get a chance to reply to you because you’re already kissing him again, all hot and rough. It makes him hard to keep up with you and eventually he just lets you kiss him like that, your tongue once again exploring his mouth. Your hands push down on his and he laces them together, moaning a bit when he feels you push his hands harder against the sheets.
Pulling away from him, you press your leg against the budge in his pants and start trailing kisses down his neck. When he feels your tongue on his neck, he can’t help but throw his head back as he grinds into your leg. It makes you lose control, he makes you lose control. You just want to ruin him, hear his sweet voice beg for you.
“Fuck, we need a safe word because I want to ruin you so bad you don’t even know.”
It’s when you start biting he starts getting noisy. All his gasps and moans start coming out but he manages to choke out the first word that comes into his head, “Apple.”
“Our safe word is apple?”
Heeseung feels his heart beat faster at that, your words repeat in his head; our safe word is apple? God, he wants to do this again with you and he’s not even talking about sex since you two haven’t even gotten there yet. He just wants to be with you, spend time with you, make you happy, make you feel good. And although it’s obvious that Heeseung’s not the type to have sex just for fun but for you, he doesn’t care. He’d let you use his body any time… because it’s yours anyway, he thinks.
He doesn’t want to scare you off or ruin the moment though, so he keeps his question for another time and tells you, “Yeah.”
“Say it again,” you say as your hand lets go of his and starts palming him.
“A-apple,” he stutters, his head starting to get hazy.
“Good boy.”
He practically melts at your praise. It looks like you just found out one of his kinks. Your mind is already starting to think of ways to use that to your advantage because one thing’s for sure; you’re gonna make him beg. You’re not sure if that’s gonna be easy or hard but that’s what makes it fun.
Sitting up, you straddle him. Your hands move to unbutton his pants but just as you’re about to free his dick, you hear a phone ring. A bit annoyed, you look in the direction where the sound is coming from.
“Undress. By the time I come back, I want you naked,” you say to him as you make your way towards the phone.
He doesn’t even tell you that it’s his phone and not yours, he doesn’t really care either way. Besides, he’s curious about what you’re going to say.
You find the phone on his desk, amongst other stuff including books, pencils and even empty blood bags that you pay no attention to. You put the phone at your ear as soon as you accept the call, not even looking at the caller ID.
The sound of a feminine voice whining captures your attention, “Heeseung baby, finally you picked up my calls! Where are you?”
Feeling a bit weirded out, you look at the phone. You give a quiet chuckle when you realise that Heeseung didn’t even save this person’s number. You’re about to look back at Heeseung until you feel his arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against his naked body.
He feels so good like this — his built chest pressing against your back, his head in your neck, you feel his hard-on against your back too. He’s being a brat again because one of his hands is starting to grope your breasts underneath your shirt while the other starts making its way to your cunt.
“Who is it?” He whispers to you as he plays with your boob, kneading it in his hand. His other hand is already underneath your underwear and he’s rubbing circles against your wet cunt. He’s so good at this too and you let him continue while you return your attention to the person on the other side of the call.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” You ask, not even hiding your heavy breathing.
The person seems outraged, given by their tone of voice when they reply, “Who the fuck are you and why are you answering Heeseung’s phone?”
It makes you want to laugh but before you’re able to do that, Heeseung inserts a finger inside you and starts kissing your neck. His grip on your breast tightens as he pinches your nipple, all the while thrusting his finger as deep as it can go inside you.
You don’t even bother to hide your moan, telling him to keep going, “Yeah, just like that Hee baby. God, you’re doing so good, you feel so good.”
Feeling his dick twitch against your back from the praise that you gave him, he continues his actions with more intensity. You’re sure that he can hear the other person on the line and you’re not sure what their relationship is but you don’t care because right now, Heeseung is yours and you’re gonna make this person know that.
Meanwhile, this person is more than outraged, even more so when you tell her, “Sorry babe, Heeseung’s mine,” and hang up the call. When you finally put down the phone, Heeseung starts speaking.
“Sorry about that, I don’t know her, she’s been stalking me like crazy. I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” he says in his usual soft tone, worried that you might get the wrong idea.
But you really couldn’t care less. You grab his hands and reluctantly pull them off you. Then, you spin around so that you’re now facing him. He quickly breaks eye contact with you, knowing that he’s gonna get it now for being a brat… and yet he can’t contain the thrill and excitement in him. It makes him smile teasingly at you despite not being able to look you in the eye.
Grabbing his face in your hand, you make him look at you. His breath catches in his throat when he sees the intensity in your eyes. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck and pull him in closer to you. He thought you were going to kiss him but instead you only pull his head closer because you wanted to whisper something in his ear, “Is there any way that I could mark you?”
He bites his lip at that. The thought of you marking him turns him on more than he’d like to admit. He’d love for you to be able to leave marks on his skin and he’d definitely show it off, he doesn’t care who sees, he wants everyone to know that only you can mark him, that he belongs to somebody and that somebody just happens to be you. But alas, there’s not really any way to mark a vampire if you’re human.
“I… I don’t think so,” he tells you softly after thinking about it, “My skin would heal way too quickly.”
Just to be sure, you try it out. Your lips attach themselves to his neck and as you bite hard on it, a loud gasp falls out of his mouth. He doesn’t complain though and albeit you know that you probably shouldn’t take advantage of that, you still do.
So you bite him again, this time, sucking hard on his skin right after. He holds onto you as you do that to keep himself steady, trembling a bit. When you’re done, you pull away to look at it.
Unfortunately, he’s telling the truth. You watch as the bruise you left quickly heals itself, turning a shade of red back to the colour of his skin. In your opinion, it healed itself way too quickly for a vampire who hasn’t fed in like a week… but then again, you’re not a vampire so what do you know?
He notices you pouting and suddenly remembers something, “Um… but there is… scent?”
“Yeah, scent. Um, a human probably won’t notice it but others would.
That’s true though. Despite being full human, you already know that everyone else’s sense of smell is very sensitive, so sensitive that they can probably smell you on him from miles away. Okay, that’s obviously an exaggeration but yeah, that works… you guess.
“How long does it last?”
“A couple of days, I guess.”
“Is there really no other way?”
“Not unless you’re a vampire too,” he bares his fangs at you with a smile right after he says that.
Hm, fair enough. Deciding to let it go, you tell him to get on the bed as you start taking your clothes off. Surprisingly, he obeys and does so rather quickly with no teasing comments whatsoever. So he can be obedient, you think to yourself. That means he’ll beg.
He sits down at the edge of the bed and watches you strip down. You don’t have to look at him to know that his eyes are hungry, just taking in every single inch of your bare skin. Pulling down your soaked underwear, you finally make your way towards him.
You know he wants you on top of him. That’s obvious, he’s ready to pull you down onto the bed with him but you have other plans. As soon as you’re standing in front of him, his hands go out to touch your waist but you swat them away.
As he looks up at you in desperation, you grip his hair, throw one leg over his shoulder and pull him into your cunt. Like an obedient puppy, he immediately parts his lips and starts eating you out — licking into you, sucking on your clit, lapping at your juices. You can’t help but moan at the sensation of his tongue on your cunt.
It takes him a while to figure out what you like but he eventually gets there. Your grip on his hair tightens and you start panting when he starts tongue-fucking you.
The feel of his hot tongue inside you just drives you insane. It makes you grind against his face. When he pulls his tongue out to swirl it in circles around your cunt, you’re unable to stop yourself from inserting two of your fingers inside you.
The thrusting of your fingers combined with the sensation of his tongue on you drives you to the edge. There’s a knot in your stomach and you can feel your climax approaching.
Heeseung feels it too and he intensifies his actions to help you get there. You pull his face into your cunt and he moans, the vibrations sending you to a frenzy so much that you start rambling, “Damn, you’re so good at this. Keep going, baby. I’m so close. You’re doing so good, you feel so fucking good, my god.”
With three fingers inside you and a final thrust, along with Heeseung sucking your clit, you let out a loud moan when you finally reach your climax.
Your legs start to weaken and for a moment, you’re worried that you might fall but he has you, keeping you steady with his hands on your waist and thigh. He keeps on eating you out as you ride the waves of your orgasm, lapping up all the juices coming out of you.
When you finally get back to your senses, you notice the whole room smells like sex now and you know you have to apologise to Jay later. It seems the smell has intoxicated both you and Heeseung. You see his eyes start getting hazy, no doubt his mind is a bit dizzy too.
You push him down on the bed and press your body against his. Gripping his cock with one hand, you say in his ear, “I was going to punish you for being a brat.”
He moans and bucks into your hand as you start stroking it quickly, “But you’ve been good and you did well. So I guess I’m letting you off this time.”
He whines your name in your ear as you speed up the pace and you continue, “Do you think you’ve been a good boy?”
Throwing his head back and letting out a loud moan, he nods and says, “ Yes.”
You chuckle at that, you know he hasn’t been very good. Recalling that phone call scene earlier, you continue to pump him while your other hand starts playing with his nipples. “Really? I don’t think so though? Remember that phone call scene earlier?”
He drags out a moan, he can’t focus when you’re being like this to him. Deciding to tease him for a bit just like how he teased you earlier, you start leaving bruises on his neck with your mouth — at least, you attempt to.
And albeit your attempt will forever be just an attempt, it’s still fun to see him squirm under you. His every reaction is delicious, every moan, every hiss, the look on his face when your fingers play with his tip, the look on his face when you pinch his nipples, ugh, you just love it.
Eventually, he tells you he’s close and you increase your intensity and pace. Right at the last moment right before he’s about to cum, you stop touching him completely, pulling your hands away from him.
He whines your name loudly at the loss of your touch and his orgasm. Staring at you with half-lidded eyes, his hands beside each side of his head, he breathes heavily as he contemplates what to do.
But before he could do anything, you’re already sitting up. “You got a condom?”
He nods and replies, “Yeah, at the desk.”
“Good, because if you don’t, I would’ve edge you 5 times before I let you cum,” you say as you get off of him and make your way towards his desk.
Hiding the upper part of his face with his arm, he bites his swollen lip and tries to calm himself down because if he doesn’t calm down, he’s going to cum real fast. Being a vampire doesn’t help, nor you edging him because now he’s the most sensitive he’s ever been.
Breathe in, breathe out, he tells himself.
“Here you go.” You toss him the condom.
You watch him put it on as you tell him, “By the way, I threw away the empty blood bags, I don’t know why you didn’t throw them in the trash.”
“Ah, yeah, I forgot about them,” he sheepishly replies.
“Clean up after yourself, that’s been there for at least a couple of days, no?”
He looks at you in confusion, but before he can comment on it further, you’re back on top of him. You ask him if he’s ready and he grabs your hips and replies, “Wait, no, I’m so sensitive, give me a minute, please.”
Of course, you don’t listen to him. Instead, you continuously grind your cunt into his dick and relish in the reactions and sounds that he makes. He grinds into you too, his body rocking into yours as he arches his back from the pleasure.
Fuck, he’s not even inside you yet but he can already feel his orgasm coming. He’s so close and his jerky movements and constant moaning are proof of that.
Meanwhile, you, you’re soaking wet again. You want his dick inside you yet you vowed to yourself that you won’t put his dick inside you unless he begs for it. So you keep grinding against him.
Suddenly, you feel his hands grab your hips, you hear him say your name in an exasperated tone. “Please, I’m so close, please.”
It’s so fun watching him like this, all wrecked and desperate, desperate to be inside you, desperate to cum. You can’t help but tease him again, he’s just so cute like this. He brings out the sadist in you.
You don’t stop until his orgasm comes close again. For the second time this evening, you stop him from cumming, lifting yourself off of him right before he was about to cum.
It’s the first time you hear him swear. Despite swearing, the tone of his voice is still soft like usual. He even manages to make swear words sound soft. It makes you want to hear him swear again but you’ve already been cruel to him enough for the day. You stare at him in slight awe as you let him compose himself for a minute.
When he gets back to his senses, he starts groaning. His hand covers the front of his face again. Just by looking at him, you know that you’ve already broken him so much that he’s just begging non-stop now.
He’s a mess under you as he begs you desperately, “Please don’t do this to me, please, please don’t do this to me, please-”
“Shh… okay, okay, I got you.”
You hum at him as you insert his dick inside you. Moaning at the feeling of him filling you up, you start moving. Your movements are rushed since you don’t want to torture him any longer. Heeseung doesn’t stop begging you, he just gets louder as time goes on, moaning in between pleas every time you thrust into him.
He doesn’t even have the energy to thrust into you anymore so you adjust yourself a bit so that he could hit your g-spot. A couple of thrusts later and the familiar feeling comes to you again, the knot in your stomach — you’re close.
“You’re close?” you ask him.
He nods his head in response, begging you to let him cum and to not edge him again. You kiss him and that shuts him up — well not really because he doesn’t stop moaning, but he does stop speaking.
As your tongue swirls with his, you pinch his nipples one last time and that’s enough to send him on the edge. He arches his back into you and gasps as he finally gets his release. You keep going, helping him ride the waves of his orgasm and soon, you’re cumming too.
Slowing down your movements, you eventually lay on top of him, panting in his ear. Heeseung’s arms wrap around you, he’s panting too and still has a dazed just-been-fucked look on his face.
Closing his eyes and throwing his head back, he says to you in a soft voice, “Thank you.”
It’s obvious that he’s spent and you’re glad you both had a good time. You run your hand through his hair and give him tons of praises, “No, no, thank you for being so good to me. You did so well, such a good boy for me, thank you so much. I’m sorry if I went too far.”
He laughs at that, the laugh you usually hear coming from him — rich and cheerful, like it could light up the whole world. You’ve heard it before, it’s hard to miss it since his laugh is melodic and catches your attention all the time… but you’ve never made him laugh, this is the first time.
Feeling a bit of warmth inside you, you smile at him as he whispers, “It was fun… I enjoyed it.”
Can we do it again later? It doesn’t have to be just this one time. He wants to say that to you but he’s scared that you’ll reject him, scared that he’ll blow his chances. So instead, he bites his lip and keeps his mouth shut.
Suddenly, you remember the deal you two had. “Oh yeah, you can have some of my blood now I guess.”
His laidback teasing personality begins to make its comeback as he smirks at you and says in a teasing tone, “Oh? But I’m full though.”
Looking at him in confusion, you reply, “But weren’t you desperate for some blood earlier? When was the last time you feed?”
“just a few minutes ago, when I got in my room.”
You look at him confusedly, as if looking at him would answer all the questions in your head and would explain everything that you’re not understanding. Sensing your confusion, he continues, “Jay got me some blood packets and I drank them before I let you in.”
Oh. “But the deal?”
Perking up at you, he can’t help his genuine smile when he tells you, “Next time then. I’ll call you when I’m hungry.”
Chuckling at that, you agree with him. After all, he did give you a good time. Plus, you’re not the kind of person to break off a deal when you’ve already had your fill.
You move to get off him but he won’t let you, wrapping his arms around you tighter and whining in your neck. “Stay with me… unless you got somewhere to be?”
“It’s getting dark.”
“I’ll walk you home.” A moment of silence passes by and he continues, “Please?”
How can you say no to this man? Especially when he’s giving you such a pleading look with his cute doe eyes. You nod at him and let him pull you back into him. Despite his built body, he feels really soft — just like his personality, and you relax into him as time goes by, enjoying the moment you have left with him before Jay comes back.
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hellokittywrites · 2 months
teeth, tercera parte.
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¿se sellará la indescriptible atracción que sentías hacia Park Sunghoon con el pinchazo de un colmillo?
pair: vampire!park sunghoon x f!reader
summary: park sunghoon volvió a por ti y esta vez, selló lo que debería haber sellado desde que hace tres meses.
warnings of part 3: sangre, mordiscos, besos en el cuello, menciones de dios, traición de una amistad, lenguaje malsonante y si veis alguno más decidme pls
words: 4587
quick note: esta es la penúltima parte escrita escuchando compulsivamente moonstruck y folklore porque estoy obsesionada, de ahí el cambio de título! disfrutad <3
primera parte segunda parte cuarta parte
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Park Sunghoon miró a la Luna desde aquella azotea, lejos del lado por el cual podías llegar a verle desde la entrada. La miró con un corazón tembloroso y entrañas temerosas. Se sintió un niño, aquel que una vez fue él, mirando desde una de las grandes ventanas de su cuarto a la misma Luna que ahora todavía le proporcionaba esa simpatía que muchas veces, sintiéndose la criatura más horrorosa del mundo, necesitaba.
Te extrañaba.
Su pequeñez e iluminación de plenitud le provocaban paz, la misma que junto a ti minutos antes, dentro de toda la excitación y nerviosismo de vuestro primer encuentro, sentía. Porque os pertenecíais. Erais uno del otro.
Con una mano en su boca, intentando notar la relajación de sus colmillos, se dio cuenta de que todas aquellas veces de niño que hacía lo mismo, mirar a la Luna buscando una compañía específica, ya no se repetirían. ¿Por qué? Porque tú eras esa compañía que siempre su solitario corazón necesitó.
Tú eras su Luna. Y no podía perderte.
Tus manos, agarradas a los soportes laterales que tenía la moto en su asiento trasero, empezaban a congelarse mientras Park Jay conducía por la autopista.
Su camiseta holgada de tirantes sufría cada golpe del viento con pasividad, moviéndose descontroladamente mientras su pelo se revolvía al mismo ritmo. Tu corazón se relajó en tu pecho tras notar la prudencia con la que este ser que suponías inmortal conducía, preocupándose por seguir las normas de tráfico correspondientes pese a conducir una moto, conducta no muy seguida por la mayoría de los mortales.
Y, en verdad, mientras Sunoo te peinaba escasas horas antes preparándote para la fiesta, el trayecto no te había parecido tan largo.
Recordaste lo emocionada que te sentías entre las risas de Sunoo y los comentarios de Aerin y tu estómago se revolvió, rememorando por algún motivo muy claro, el sabor a sangre de animal que habías ingerido pensando que era ese vino de mala calidad que Aerin te recomendó -con ella las recomendaciones son prohibiciones- no beber.
Volver a pensar en ellos, en tus hasta el momento amigos, no te produjo buenas sensaciones. Aerin no estabas del todo segura pero Sunoo sí... Sunoo era lo mismo que el chico que te llevaba a los dormitorios sin pedir aparentemente nada a cambio; un vampiro. No sabías si por esa similitud Jay te había recordado a Sunoo, o si eran sus acciones amables. Comportamientos de Sunoo contigo que ya no te parecían tan bondadosos.
El frío de tus manos empeoró mientras salíais de la autopista, volviéndose sumamente doloroso. El frío quema, y no sentías las cenizas de tus manos mientras Park Jay al entrar en la carretera que dirigía hacia el pueblo cercano a dónde se situaba la Academia Bram Stoker, era parado por un semáforo en rojo.
Rápidamente, tras él sacar sus pies de los soportes de la moto apoyándolos en la tierra para estabilizarla y cuando tuviste la seguridad de que la gravedad no te haría caer, llevaste tus manos a tu pecho, intentando de alguna forma calentarlas. Jay giró la cabeza hacia ti, notando tu movimiento y, tras chasquear la lengua -gesto que te asustó al relacionarlo con molestia por ti cuando en verdad era hacia él mismo por no haberse dado cuenta de que probablemente hacía un frío de muerte- desató la sudadera que tenía atada a la cintura y te la entregó.
Guiada por esa percepción de molestia causada por ti en ese ceño fruncido suyo, negaste con la cabeza efusivamente. El semáforo se puso en verde pero Jay siguió tendiéndote aquella prenda de ropa. Gesticulaste hacia el semáforo -considerabas que al tener el casco no te escucharía si hablabas, en fin- pero Jay ni se inmutó. Pese a coches pitando o adelantándole, la mano de Jay seguía dirigida hacia ti con la sudadera. Tus mejillas se calentaron de, lo que supusiste, frío y decidiste aceptar la oferta, poniéndotela rápidamente. Mañana seguramente te despertarías con fiebre.
Tras terminar de ponértela, te diste cuenta de que Jay seguía girado hacia ti y, antes de que pudieras comentarlo, agarró una de tus manos que llevó consigo hacia delante mientras el volvía a mirar al frente, colocándola en su abdomen, rodeándolo. Tu primer instinto fue apartarte, pero volver a pensar en estar en la posición de antes cuándo ésta era mucho más cómoda te hizo replantearte la situación hasta acabar aceptando, rodeando el otro lado de su abdomen con tu otro brazo.
Además, Jay no tenía intenciones de arrancar y seguir con la marcha hasta que te situaras de esa forma. No viste su sonrisa satisfactoria después de que lo hicieras y antes de encender el motor al sus anchos hombros bloquear tu campo de visión.
No pudiste evitar darte cuenta de lo relajado que estaba tu corazón y pensar en a cuánta velocidad latiría si tus manos estuviesen sobre los abdominales de Park Sunghoon y no sobre los del capitán del equipo de béisbol.
Buscando distraerte de cómo la adrenalina se instauró en tu diafragma ante el mero pensamiento de tener a Park Sunghoon a esta mínima distancia, pensaste en las preguntas que le harías a Jay una vez llegado a la Academia.
Toda las dudas que te podría provocar esta situación (tener pruebas de la existencia de vampiros) se podrían ramificar de muchas maneras, centrándose en diversos efectos. Pero, por tus vivencias y tú ya existente sospecha de la Academia y los alumnos SSR, tus se centraron en la identidad: ¿Quién era vampiro y quién no? ¿Eran todos los alumnos SSR vampiros? ¿Era la Academia una Organización secreta de vampiros? ¿Era Aerin... un vampiro? 
Sunoo, Jay, Jake y Heeseung lo eran. También Sunghoon aunque no necesitaba morder a nadie para demostrarlo. No eras estúpida, la atracción que sentías hacia Sunghoon no era una conexión posible entre dos meros humanos. Ni siquiera os conocíais ni habíais hablado más de las palabras que hacía menos de una hora habíais intercambiado... ¿Cómo podías sentir que lo necesitabas para existir cada vez que vuestros ojos se encontraban y amar semejante disparate? No, los vampiros tenían que tener algún  tipo de poder atrayente o de manipulación física y mental de la que los cuentos de hadas no hablaban. 
Esta era otra de las preguntas que le harías a Jay con confianza y seguridad pero... ¿Entrarías en detalles? Una especie de poder como el mencionado tenían que tener los vampiros y el hecho de que el colmillo de Jay estuviese partido podría ser una explicación de por qué con él no sentías ese indescriptible que se volvía una droga con Sunghoon.
Aunque luego pensabas en Jake y Heeseung, incluso en Sunoo, y te dabas cuenta de que tampoco lo sentías. Sólo con Sunghoon. Recapitulando algunos momentos de vuestra interacción, a veces Sunghoon ni siquiera parecía atraerte voluntariamente, frunciendo su ceño como si no pudiera controlar sus acciones pese a querer la anulación de ellas cuánto antes.
Tenias una pieza de un puzzle que no era parte del que Park Jay podía darte pistas sobre su colocación exacta. Eso sí, el resto de alumnos veían a los SSR con esos ojos de admiración que no solía provocar el simple hecho de una capacidad adquisitiva mayor, no. Eso normalmente daba envidia y no admiración.
Así que llegaste a la conclusión de que los propios alumnos SSR tenían algo que ver siendo ellos los responsables de la actitud de los azules.
Justo cuando ibas a dejar que tus pensamientos buscaran alguna otra cuestión o que simplemente tuviesen la oportunidad de recordar lo bonitos y definidos que lucían los lunares de Sunghoon a la corta distancia a la que habías llegado a estar de él, en el camino oculto por grandes árboles que llevaba directamente a la verja gótica que conformaba la entrada de la Academia, Jay bajó súbitamente de velocidad hasta quedaros parados en medio de naturaleza.
Le miraste extrañado pero antes de que pudieras preguntar, Jay te indicó bajar con la cabeza. Así hiciste, con su sudadera en tu cuerpo, apoyando los tacones en la gravilla de la carretera. Tras unos intentos de encender el motor, un Jay frustrado se dirigió a ti.
—Parece ser que nos hemos quedado sin gasolina de repente. Lo que no tiene ningún sentido porque este cacharro suele avisarme casi horas antes— y no dudabas las palabras de Jay pues aquella moto parecía haber costado una fortuna.
Jay se llevó una de sus manos cubiertas por guantes de cuero a la frente, resoplando mientras bajaba del vehículo y se dirigía a tu figura de brazos cruzados y mirada inocente.
—Creo que vamos a tener que seguir andando, menos mal que estamos cerca— Estableció mientras observaba. Asentiste sin remedio y comenzasteis a caminar: tú más cerca de los árboles y Jay tirando de la moto situándola en la carretera, caminado a tu lado izquierdo. Tras unos pasos de silencio cómodo hablaste.
—Es hora de mis preguntas— Tus palabras sonaron más serias de lo que esperabas y te sentiste una detective en una novela de Poe. Jay sonrió.
—¿Qué es lo que quieres saber?— Ladeó la cabeza mirando al frente mientras seguíais caminando.
—Antes de nada, ¿por qué me has ayudado?— Jay susurró algo entre las líneas de sabía que ibas a decir eso. Te miró de soslayo, girando su cabeza para conectar sus ojos rasgados con los tuyos, dijo — Cuando vives tantos años, los actos pierden mucho significado. Te ayudé porque vamos los dos al mismo destino. Además de que va en contra de mis valores dejar a una chica tirada en la calle rodeada de vampiros a estas horas—.
Te sorprendió sus largas respuestas al tener en tu cabeza la idea de que Park Jay era bastante reservado. Hasta su comentario final te había hecho sonreír.
—Que yo sepa, tú también eres un vampiro—.
—Sí, pero soy algo así como un retirado de guerra— El movimiento burlesco que realizó con sus cejas te hizo reír. Jay te miró con una expresión indescriptible.
Sorprendentemente, te sentías a gusto en la presencia del vampiro, demasiado a gusto. Deberías desconfiar de este sentimiento, de él, ya que no lo conocías. Pero no, seguiste con tu sonrisa, volviendo a mirarle tras tu explosión de risa. Hiciste contacto visual con esa mirada tan extraña y decidiste falsear tu antes verdadera sonrisa.
—No voy a preguntar acerca de vuestra condición porque ahora no podría procesarlo todo. Sólo necesito saber ahora mismo dos cosas, pues mi madre me enseñó a no ser avariciosa y la verdad siempre acaba saliendo a la luz— Tu mirada se tornó un tanto oscura, sorprendiendo a Jay. Ni de broma ibas a aceptar su amable gesto hacia ti como insignificante. Los vampiros no tenían tan mala fama en los cuentos sin razón.
Rápidamente ocultaste tu verdadera desconfianza al continuar con tus preguntas. —Bram Stocker es un refugio de vampiros, ¿verdad? Y manejáis vuestra identidad como secreto a través de la manipulación, ¿verdad? Tal y como ahora lo estás haciendo. Para que sienta confianza contigo sin apenas conocerte—.
Jay permaneció pensativo durante unos segundos mientras miraba al frente, ya distinguiéndose las verjas de entrada a la Academia. No te lo demostró, pero en el fondo estaba sorprendido porque no se esperaba esta forma de actuar por tu parte. Sin duda, eras estudiante becada por alguna razón. Después de varios pasos, habló.
—He de ser honesto, no eres la primera alumna azul o, en general, humana en descubrirnos porque la Academia no es un refugio, no es un escondite. Es nuestro lugar, somos nosotros los que tienen el poder. Si te das cuenta, mira de quiénes somos hijos los alumnos SSR. — En tu cabeza apareció el recuerdo de Aerin relatándote su primer encuentro con su ahora ex suegro, el presidente del país —Básicamente, tu sociedad está gobernada por mi sociedad. Pero no hay nada que temer, no nos interesa acabar con los humanos ya que ellos mismos podrían acabar con nosotros al conocer las formas de matarnos y porque siguen siendo nuestro mayor placer— Evitaste hacer contacto visual con Jay mientras seguíais caminando, reflexionando en sus palabras. Tras aclararse la garganta, Jay prosiguió.
—La paz existente es esta. También está relacionada con lo que acabas de decir. Los vampiros os atraemos, pero no conscientemente como piensas. Hay algunos que sí que lo hacen, al fin y al cabo somos manipuladores por naturaleza, pero lo que tú estás sintiendo ahora, esa confianza, no te la estoy produciendo voluntariamente. Nosotros, por nuestra complexión y físico, hasta por la propia voz, atraemos a nuestras presas sin mover un dedo. Sois vosotros los que venís hacia nosotros— El contacto visual fue ahora inevitable y la sudadera de Jay ya no servía para protegerte del frío mientras un brillo rojo parpadeaba en sus pupilas. —Por eso los que descubren lo que somos, no se escandalizan, porque les gustamos. Quieren más de nosotros. Salvo tú, claro. No sé por qué desconfías. No deberíais y esa condición tuya, sólo aparece en estúpidas leyendas imposibles—.
Sólo se escuchaban el ruido que tus tacones provocaban al entrar en contacto con la gravilla de la carretera y las suaves pisadas de las botas de Jay mientras, pensativa, masticabas sus palabras internamente, siendo consciente de las respuestas que indirectamente te estaba aportando.
La primera, todos los SSR eran vampiros, incluyendo a Aerin. La segunda y que deriva de ésta, nuestro mundo parecía gobernado directa o indirectamente por ellos. La tercera, no había forma de resistirse o denunciar o nada. Parecía ser que su existencia en verdad era un secreto a voces. La cuarta, había una aparente paz que era mejor que no rompieras. La quinta y última, tal y como temías, eras diferente y Sunghoon lo sabía mejor que nadie. 
Buscando poder especificar qué era esa diferencia que te separaba del resto, decidiste preguntar más.
—¿Qué leyendas?— Tras tu pregunta, el capitán del equipo de béisbol te miró por un momento guardando silencio. Un silencio que notaste lleno de secretos.
—Eso yo no te lo puedo decir— Su tono de voz sonó un poco frío, lo que te hizo captar el mensaje que se escondía detrás de éste. Por ahí no podías seguir con tus preguntas.
Finalmente, llegasteis a la entrada de la Academia y la hora de separarse al Jay tener que dirigirse al aparcamiento destinado a los coches y motos de los alumnos SSR.
En silencio os situasteis cara a cara. Te quitaste su sudadera.
—Gracias Jay— Dijiste devolviéndole la prenda de ropa. Jay esbozó una misteriosa sonrisa después de fijarse por unos segundos en tu cuello.
—No hay de qué, amiga de Aerin— Se giró y su oscura figura empujando su moto desaparecieron en la niebla nocturna que se había empezado a formar.
¿Acaso no sabía tu nombre? Aquello te había molestado, especialmente tras el tono de burla que había empleado para designarte como amiga. Ya no sabías muy bien si podías encajar en esa categoría y no necesitabas que alguien como él te lo especificara.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Mientras caminabas a paso ligero por la bóveda central a partir de la cual se elevaba el resto de la estructura de la Academia, las palabras de Jay te perseguían mentalmente. ¿No era muy pronto para llegar a una conclusión exacta? Sí, te había dejado sola en la guarida del lobo, formando parte ella de la manada, además de todas aquellos comentarios o actuaciones que podían cuestionar perfectamente su moralidad como tu amiga. Siempre fuiste consciente de ello, pero a la vez, Aerin fue quién nunca te dejó sola y quién te hablaba de su vida con una elocuencia un tanto íntima. ¿Verdaderamente no significabas nada para ella? Y, si te lo esperabas, ¿por qué te dolía tanto?
Pero, ¿cómo de buena amiga eras tú si te encontrabas suspirando por su exnovio?
Seguiste caminando inconscientemente, sumergida a gran profundidad en tus pensamientos y emociones. Toda aquella noche había sido digna de las historias más fantasiosas del mundo y, aún así, era tu realidad. Giraste una esquina, acercándote a la salida trasera del edificio de piedra, donde se situaba el camino al aire libre hacia los dormitorios de los alumnos azules.
Pensar en Aerin te hacía pensar inevitablemente en Sunoo y en la proximidad en la que estos dos se habían encontrado durante el evento. Imagen que te hizo recordar la existencia de los vampiros y las palabras de Jay y... Era definitivamente demasiado.
La idea del mundo estar gobernado por vampiros no te hacía sentir muy cómoda. Aunque Jay habló de paz, la Academia te parecía ahora una granja en la que los depredadores criaban a sus presas con amor para después matarlos con esos colmillos. Podía ser que estuvieras exagerando un poco, pero ahora estaba todo demasiado reciente. La necesidad de estar con tus padres casi te atragantó.
Saliste del edificio principal hacia los soportales de los dormitorios, siendo bañada por una lluvia repentina y la luz de la Luna. Mañana definitivamente tendrías fiebre y un resfriado.
Tus pisadas hacían contacto con la hierba y tus pies estaban sufriendo demasiado en aquellos rojos tacones. Sin pensártelo mucho debido a lo agobiada que te encontrabas por toda la situación necesitando tumbarte en tu querida cama cuánto antes, te quitaste esos tacones, liberando tus pies para que hicieran contacto con la húmeda hierba. Estaba muy fría y, si no tuvieses esas heridas en los pies, correrías para resguardarte de la lluvia.
Con cada ligera pisada eras más consciente del silencio que te rodeaba. Con la nieblilla que se había instaurado y la ausencia de luz artificial, la escena que te rodeaba era bastante tenebrosa. Digno de Poe, otra vez.
Cuando tu imaginación empezó a crear sombras oscuras semejantes a seres extraños o personas con la nieblilla, decidiste caminar más rápido y lo escuchaste. El eco de tus pisadas que semejaban otras.
Sentiste los pelos de tu nuca erizarse. Caminaste todavía más rápido, intentando convencerte de que era una ilusión provocada por tu cerebro, que nadie te estaba siguiendo. Pero ahora ese eco que decidiste pensar que era de tus pisadas empezó a sonar más fuerte, diferenciándose de tus pasos. ¿Alguien estaba caminado detrás tuya?
Probablemente sí, pero llegaste a la tranquilizadora conclusión de que seguramente era otra alumna o alumno que volvía de la fiesta. Hasta que tu corazón empezó a latir a una velocidad sólo conocida en momentos determinados y sólo provocada por un único estímulo.
Dejaste de caminar súbitamente, rezando a Dios o a alguien esperando que el alumno o la alumna que te seguía pasase de largo, demostrando que no eran quién creías que era.
Pero con el fin de tus pasos vinieron el fin de los pasos que te seguían. Respirabas lenta pero profundamente mientras lo único que se movía eran las gotas que resbalaban por tu frente hasta decorar tus pestañas, junto con los árboles lejanos por el baile del viento. Con el corazón en un puño, las manos temblando y la boca repentinamente seca pese a la humedad de tus labios mojados por la lluvia, giraste tu cabeza lentamente para después acompañar el movimiento con tu cuerpo, dando un paso hacia atrás, apoyando la punta de tu desnudo pie derecho en la hierba. Dejaste de respirar, forzando los huesos de tu cuello y tu clavícula en un frío instante.
Un Park Sunghoon con la cabeza baja y el flequillo húmedo de la lluvia te recibió. Al escuchar la detención de tus pasos, él también se había parado, esperando con paciencia. Sus piernas ancladas en la tierra con firmeza, sus manos todavía en sus bolsillos. Escuchando como cesó el ruido de tu respiración, levantó la cabeza, dejando de mirar simplemente las huellas que tus pies habían dejado en la hierba para mirarte.
Unos ojos de sangre te recibieron entre las cortinas que su húmedo pero luminoso flequillo formaban. Hiciste contacto visual y tragaste la sequedad de tu garganta, pasando tu lengua brevemente por tus labios, frunciendo levemente el ceño en un gesto de puro anhelo.
Las indescriptibles sensaciones volvieron pero, buscando que no consiguieran dominar tu mente y hacerte perder el sentido, en medio de la adrenalina de su repentina aparición te provocó, hablaste.
—¿Qué haces aquí? Por aquí no se van a tus jodidos dormitorios— Intentaste sonar distante, cortante, fría. —No te acerques ni un segundo, Jay me ha contado todo y esto no es normal. Yo no debería...— Tus palabras finales sonaron débiles llenas de oxígeno más que de sonido mientras el anhelo que sentías por él incrementaba demasiado. Estabas cansada de toda la situación, de sentir incomprensibles.
En medio de tus agotadas palabras pestañeaste y Sunghoon, un vampiro con la antinatural velocidad que los caracterizaba, apareció a un sólo paso de ti, paso que cerró rodeándote con un brazo la cintura y con una mano acariciarte el cuello. Su tacto era gélido. Su voz sonó con el mismo cansancio y el mismo anhelo que habías impregnado en la tuya.
—Jay... Jay... Después de meses, meses aguantando esta estúpida necesidad de tenerte en mis brazos y de que por fin me hicieras el caso que necesito, que necesitamos, te pones a hablar de otros. Lo tuyo es— Se acercó a tu cuello, oliéndolo y sentiste como todo su cuerpo temblaba de necesidad —... Absolutamente increíble. ¿Crees que yo quería sentirme así hacia una mera humana aun sabiendo mi propio disgusto a gustaros, a probaros, a... —Su voz calló y sin fuerza alguna susurró con el limitado aire de una última respiración —¿morderos? Dime, ¿tienes alguna absoluta idea de esto? Hasta romper con Aerin sacando de quicio a mi padre para que luego huelas a ese capitán de pacotilla— Se apartó de tu cuello, haciendo contacto visual contigo.
Este era el momento de apartarlo. Separarte de un vampiro, del ex de tu mejor amiga, del maldito Park Sunghoon hijo del presidente del país. Deberías apartarlo, ¿no? Empujarlo y llamarlo asesino, llamarlo frío y egoísta y narcisista y... —¿Por qué sólo me siento así contigo, Sunghoon? ¿No era que todos los vampiros pueden..?— Tus palabras quedaron apagadas ante la jodida sonrisa y el leve movimiento hacia atrás que Sunghoon realizó tras tú llamarle por su nombre. —Dios, hoy ya no sé quién soy— Murmuró y tus cejas se fruncieron, no entendiendo ninguno de sus actos pero sintiendo un gran aprecio hacia él, pese a ser un desconocido. Sunghoon levantó la mano de tu cuello, acariciándote la mejilla. Su voz sonó rota. —Porque soy jodidamente tuyo y me acabo de dar cuenta—.
Una frustración interna desconocida se desató al verlo en ese estado y, sin darte cuenta, te acercaste a él mientras la lluvia te dificultaba ver claramente sus ojos ahora rojos, su cuerpo entero. Sunghoon, notando aquello, inclinó su cara hacia la tuya y llevó la mano que estaba en tu cuello a tu mejilla, rozando con su pulgar pestañas, quitándote el agua de éstas que no te permitía ver la sinceridad de sus palabras en su rostro, que no te dejaban observar la puerta a sus honestas emociones que sus ojos eran, que toda su expresión era. Lentamente dejó de rodear tu cintura para con la mano de ese brazo, hacer lo mismo en tu otra mejilla, en tu otro ojo.
Tras segundos de este íntimo cariño silencioso, susurró débilmente —Me vuelves loco. Dime que tú también sientes lo mismo, por favor—Notaste el temblor de unas manos que luchaban por no perder el control, por no expresar al cien por cien su deseo.
Aún en las últimas, Sunghoon quería escucharte. Quería saber si esto también lo sentías como él, que tú también compartieras el momento con la misma pena. Porque no deberíais desearos, necesitaros. Te anhelaba de una forma que iba más allá de algo terrenal, casi parecía una unión del destino y él no había elegido esto. Tú no habías elegido esto. Él odiaba notar el fuego de sus ojos ahora carmesís, lo puntiagudo de sus colmillos y el temblor de sus manos. No quería ser lo quién era y toda su vida se había comportado como un humano hasta que tú llegaste y activaste sus más olvidados sentidos. Tú odiabas tu incapacidad de separarte porque lo necesitabas y ¿quién era él? Un vampiro y además, el exnovio de Aerin, de tu maldita mejor amiga.
Pero, ¿cómo podíais resistiros a vuestro propio destino cuando él tenerte en sus brazos y tú estar en ellos se sentía tan correcto? Porque si Sunghoon quitaba su propio miedo a dejarse llevar contigo, ese futuro presentándose como suyo jamás se había sentido tan perfecto, encajando con el resto de su vida sin imperfecciones ni esquinas forzadas, la verdadera pieza de su puzzle existencial.
Lo mismo sucedía contigo. Él te proporcionaba la compañía que en tu solitaria infancia habías buscado en libros con personajes tolerantes y relatos apasionantes. Sunghoon era tu historia.
—No te conozco Sunghoon y aún así..— Te miró con unos ojos rotos de necesidad— Aún así, es como llevase toda la vida buscando tu compañía—.
Sunghoon tras tu confesión perdió cualquier tipo de control.
—¿Puedo probar una cosa que realmente nos ayudará a saber si esto es puro deseo o pura necesidad?— Sunghoon te miró como si te fueras a romper, hablándote con una intimidad muy personal. Tragaste tras escuchar un relámpago y, con tu corazón latiendo de emoción, asentiste mordiéndote el labio. Sabías perfectamente qué es lo que iba a hacer, qué es lo que necesitaba, cómo se podría probar esto.
Así Sunghoon, con una velocidad demasiado lenta buscando grabar cada segundo de este encuentro en su memoria, se acercó con cuidado, como si temiera romperte si actuase con toda la fuerza con la que te deseaba, como si de ti dependiera el silencio, como si necesitase concentración en semejante tiro para que su flecha encajara perfectamente.
Tu mente, cuándo sintió su gélido aliento sobre tu mojado cuello, se bloqueó. No hubo miedos, no hubo nerviosismo. Estabas a absoluta merced de su contacto, sintiéndote lo más segura que te habías sentido nunca. Sunghoon acercó sus carnosos labios casi violetas por la temperatura a tu cuello, permitiéndose rozarlo con ellos, mientras uno de sus brazos volvía a rodearte la cintura, acercándote a él. Vuestros cuerpos chocaron suavemente.
La delicadeza con la que te tocaba no era para nada la de un depredador hambriento, siendo consciente de cada uno de sus movimientos para negar cualquier posibilidad de dañarte. ¿Era verdaderamente deseo si a la hora de la verdad podía ser tan racional?
Notó tu acelerado pulso en sus labios y con el brazo que te rodeaba ejerció más presión, empujándote un poco más hacia él, besándote el cuello con más presión, gesto que hizo que emitieras un sonido ahogado que fue directo a su propio control, desafiándolo. Con una de tus manos, agarraste el bíceps del brazo que te rodeaba, necesitando un soporte.
Sunghoon escuchando tu petición desplazó la mano que había quedado en una de tus mejillas hacia tu otro brazo, deslizando sus dedos por tu desnuda piel hasta llegar a la palma de tu mano, juntándola con la suya y entrelazando vuestros dedos. Cuando apretaste su mano como respuesta, supo que eras suya y así lo selló.
Sus imposiblemente afilados colmillos penetraron tu piel y nunca habías sentido tanta satisfacción en tu vida. No era un placer sexual pero te sentías completa de una manera que sólo eso podía dar. Y Sunghoon, cuando probó tu sangre, sólo supo una cosa.
Estaba destinado a ella.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
taglist (open!): @strxwbloody @baaamkyu
notes: omg la parte 3 está aquí!! espero haberos acelerado un poco el corazón JAJSJAJAJ me gustaría saber vuestras impresiones so... comentarlas pls!!! ilysm <3
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yeonzzzn · 4 months
break the chain - the finale
a break the chain series finale
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pairing: ot7 x afab!reader (all their mates) word count: 1.5k
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synopsis: the war is over and the pack members live peacefully.
genre: established relationships, fluffy, just straight up cute.
warnings: straight up happiness. that’s all.
prt 1: vampires bleeding | prt 2: you complete me
☾ heeseung(1) | jake (2) | jungwon(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | jay(7) ☽
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Snow collected on Heeseung’s hair, the crisp cool morning tingled his bare upper half. The aroma of his coffee filled his senses as he lifted the mug to his lips, drinking down the sweet bitter taste. 
The sounds of his family echoed in the air. Their laughter forced the corners of his lips to curl upwards. His eyes fondly stared over his balcony at them all. 
Sunghoon and his witchy mate held hands as he led her over the frozen pond to ice skate. Her knees wobble but Sunghoon kept his grip on her tight to keep her from falling. His natural fangs are on full display as he smiles at her with so much endearment. 
Niki and his mate along with Jake and the dhampir had snow forts built and screamed acts of war towards each other before starting out their snowball fight. Archer had his own fort built but kept his head peaked over the top, eyes glancing back and forth at the other four. 
Sunoo and his elf mate rolled snowballs together to build a snowman. The elf used her magic to lift each ball of snow on top of the other, keeping it steady as Sunoo placed rocks for the eyes. Sunoo rushed away from the snowman and his mate, quickly returning with a carrot and sticks for the nose and arms. Their laughter was filled with so much love and fun, that Sunoo didn’t hesitate to bring her close to him and kiss her tenderly. 
Jungwon and his mate had a blanket wrapped around their bodies as they walked through the snowy field, gently pushing and pulling each other in a way of teasing. Jungwon pressed his soft pink nose from the cold against her forehead and she tried to escape from his touch. 
Jay and his mate sat high up in a tree. Jay leaned his back against the trunk and held his mate to his chest, a book in his hands, reading out loud to her. She held his one arm around her waist tightly and tilted her head against his neck, Jay leaning his chin atop her head. His smile was big as he read to her, his thumb doing circles on her waist. 
Heeseung shifted his eyes between each of his family members, his heart beating with endearment and so much happiness. They were safe. Each of them. No threats. No war. Just pure happiness. Heeseung could cry thinking about it all. All the pain and suffering each member of his family, including himself, had to endure from the moment they were turned or brought into this world. 
His queen brought him back to reality when she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind him, resting her face on his shoulder blade, “You’re deep in thought, want to talk about it?” 
Heeseung placed his hand on top of hers, rubbing his thumb against her fingers, “I am just happy. They are finally safe.” 
The queen stepped to his side, staring down at her family, “It’s well deserved,” she said, leaning against the balcony rails, “They all went through so much.” 
Heeseung finished his coffee and set it down on the small table off to his side then pulled his mate towards him, cupping her face, “You did too,” he furrowed his brows and traced his thumb over the scar he gave her all those years ago, “You’ve been through so much, and I didn’t help either.” 
She leaned into his touch, kissing his palm, “Hee, you got me out of the hell, don’t be so hard on yourself.” 
He kept tracing the scar, “Why don’t you get this removed? __ and __ would help—“ 
She pulled from his embrace, “With all due respect my king, I’ve told you multiple times I want to keep this scar.” 
Heeseung chuckled, reaching back out for her and bringing her back to his chest. Her cold fingertips send goosebumps down his body, “I know you want to keep it and have your reasons, but I won’t ever forgive myself for giving you this scar.” 
She kissed him then, smiling against his lips, “Well learn to accept it, you’re stuck with me after all.” 
Heeseung twirled her around and pulled her back to his chest, leaning his head on her shoulder, “They all look happy, don’t they?” 
The queen once again looked down at her family and nodded, “You made sure of it. We both did. We are all finally safe and away from threats. This is finally home.”
After Jake set the castle ablaze, Heeseung knew his family needed somewhere to go. He refused to go back into the city and have them go their separate ways. After everything this family has had to go through, he never wanted to lose sight of them. 
It took a bit of time to find some open and empty land, but once it was found and in Heeseung’s grasp he took it. Building multiple homes for his pack members surrounding each other in a perfect circle. 
Sunghoon and the witch were so in love with their old log cabin that Heeseung had a new one built for them. Jungwon and his mate along with Sunoo and the elf shared a house across from Sunghoon and the witch's log cabin. It was a beautiful two-story modern-day Victorian-style house. The elf and Jungwon’s mate decorated it beautifully. 
Jake, the dhampir, and her twin Archer took the spot between Hoon’s and the pocketz houses. The twins wanted a house built that was similar to the one their parents had built and lived off in the countryside, so Heeseung made it happen. 
Across from them was Heeseung’s place. The house was three stories with an office/meeting room on the first floor, Niki and his mate taking the second, then Heeseung and his wife on the top floor. It was a beautiful Greek marble built in a modern house format. The house had extra rooms on the first floor for the witch and elf to use their magic in and even a medical room for Heeseung and Jay to use if anyone got hurt. They have to keep their doctor skills going after all. 
And finally off to the side of Heeseung’s place was another small log cabin, only big enough for one room and a kitchen which belonged to Jay and his mate. Jay didn’t want anything big. Said he enjoyed the smallness of their apartment back in the city and didn’t need anything bigger. And with the massive land they all had, Jay said there wasn’t a need for a massive house when there’s so much open land to explore and be in. Heeseung understood completely.
It’s been peaceful living out here. Just far enough from a city to have the quiet, but close enough to travel if needed. The vampires wouldn’t have to worry about moving ever again. This was home. Forever. 
With forever in thought, the witch and elf finally were able to find a way to nullify the aging process of the twins. They were still half human and would need their basic human needs met, but never again will they worry about their clock to stop ticking. 
Archer finally as well accepted his red string of fate and joined the pack. Jake and his mate knew it was bound to happen eventually and it took a lot of convincing from Heeseung to just get him to join. He’s stuck with the fourteen of them, after all. 
Jungwon’s mate finally was able to control her electricity and had no more use of the crystals to help keep her powers in check. Jungwon was specifically happy about this so he would not be electrocuted in his sleep anymore. 
Heeseung brushed his nose against his queen’s temple, “Yes, this is home.” 
Heeseung knew not all threats would be avoided, he was the vampire king after all and the world knew he was and knew about the events that took place at the old castle. Of course, Heeseung has his loyal royal guards stationed at checkpoints throughout the massive land that he now owns. He wasn’t going to completely leave them defenseless. But the hardest part about being a king without the help of everything E once did, Heeseung had to fill those roles too. But with his queen and family at his side, it made it easier. 
Jungwon was still second in command with Jay acting as his third and “second king” when Heeseung wasn’t able to attend. All the jobs E once did were not only equally spread out between Heeseung, Jay, and Jungwon, but now also Archer. Archer took most of the jobs and was happy to do so. 
Each pack member had a role, but those roles only went into effect if needed. Heeseung’s only demand was that they stay happy and healthy. 
Heeseung now kissed his wife's neck, “Why am I the only one bare?” 
She giggled, “My dear, it’s too cold out here to not put clothes on. I’m surprised you’re out here in just your shorts.” 
He smiled against her skin, pulling her with him back into their bedroom. 
“Let’s warm each other up, ya?” he whispered down their bond, closing the balcony doors behind them and her laughter filling the space of the room. 
Everyone was happy. Everyone was safe. And that’s all Heeseung could ever ask for.
wow guys, I can’t believe my vampire series is finally over…it’s such a bittersweet feeling. I want to personally thank every single one of you who have followed this story from the very beginning and who has given this series so much love and support. I honestly really can’t thank you all enough. i’m forever grateful.
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—perm taglist: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle @jwnghyuns @in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia @wonniethepoo @addictedtohobi @eneiyri @skzenhalove @fakeuwus @cherry-park @vousty @ladyartemesia @criminalyun @cmoundiamante @enhaverse713586 @wondipity @lhsvibez @jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld @pockettwinzz @vixialuvs @seunghancore @enha-cafe @ppanghoon @sunpov @zeeloveshee @hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki @vveebee @teddybeartaetae @kookify @abysofsteel @aileeeeeeeeeeeee @hee-lvrr @lilyuwon @1309zip
—taglist: @jwnghyuns @en-happiness @honeybunnee @jaklvbub @illvding
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luciathcv · 7 months
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self control - psh
summary: vampire!sunghoon x non-vampire!reader - your bf has a hard time when you hurt yourself || warnings: blood, vampires?, a knife || genre: fluff, angst, established relationship || word count: approximately 780
I was in the kitchen, silently cooking some dinner up for Sunghoon and I. Although, technically, there was no need for Sunghoon to eat human food, he always liked for me to cook for him and to eat dinner with me. It gave us time to talk and just bond. Besides, he knew I didn't like eating alone.
I was a pretty easily distracted person, so when I got distracted by a small sound when cutting some veggies and accidentally cut my finger, it wasn't too shocking.
I hissed in pain as I dropped the knife, my other hand instinctively going to my finger as I held my finger. “Ow.” I quietly whined to myself.
Sunghoon quickly came to the kitchen, hearing me even if I was being quiet due to his supernatural hearing.
“What happened, baby?” Sunghoon asked as he came behind me. He looked down and saw the blood. His eyes turned dark and his mouth and throat suddenly felt dry.
“I got distracted and accidentally cut myself.” I explain, noticing his darkened eyes and the way he was shaking. “I- I can take care of it myself. It’s fine.” I say quietly as I step away from him.
“Come here.” He says, trying his hardest to hold back as he leads me to the sink, turning the water on, putting his finger under the water to check the temperature before putting my finger under the water, washing out the cut.
He watched as the water washed the blood off of my skin and out of the cut and down in the sink and down the drain. The smell was too good. He shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows once he realized his fangs were out now.
He didn’t say a word before leaving the room and going to your guys’ bedroom, locking himself in there.
I turned the water off and went to the bathroom, taking out a band aid from the first aid kit and putting it over my cut. I then went back to the kitchen to clean up the knife and finish up dinner but I couldn’t stop thinking about my boyfriend who was still locked up in the room.
Once I finished making dinner, I made my plate before hesitating to make Sunghoon’s, not knowing if he was still going to eat with me.
I then go over to our bedroom door and knock on it, “Are you still gonna eat with me, Hoon?” I ask.
A few seconds go by before he responds, “Yeah. I’ll be out in a minute.”
I just nod to myself, sighing before going to bring the plates to the dining table. I sit at the table and wait for Sunghoon to come out, not eating yet.
Two-ish minutes later, I hear our bedroom door unlock and open and out came Sunghoon. He walked over to the table and just sat at his seat.
I give him a small smile and he gives me one back, just to comfort me. “Are you okay, baby?” Sunghoon asks as he looks down at my bandaged finger.
“Yeah, I’m okay now.” I tell him. There’s a few seconds of silence, “Are you?”
He looks down at the food, “I’m fine.” He passively says as he takes a bite of the food I made.
Neither of us really speak for the rest of dinner.
Later in the night, I lie next to him in bed. I cuddled up against his cold body, looking up at my boyfriend who looked zoned out.
“Sunghoon, are you okay?” I ask again.
“I’m fine, baby.” He responds, looking over at me.
“Don’t lie.” I pout.
He sighs, “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to scare you.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I nearly lost all my self control earlier.” Sunghoon tells me. “I almost hurt you.” He softly says, shamefully.
I take in his words, “Oh,” I say. “Well, you didn’t. Right?” I try to reassure him. “You controlled yourself. Thank you.” I tell him.
He brings his hand to my head, combing his fingers through my hair, “I wish it wasn’t this way. I wish I could’ve just been a normal boyfriend who could be there to take care of you.”
“But you did.” I say, thinking about how he brought me to the sink to wash it out before leaving.
“Barely.” He coldly says.
I sigh, “It’s okay, Hoon.”
He lets out a groan, “Thank you,” He tells me. “For loving me, even like this.”
“I’ll love you no matter what.” I say.
“I will too, baby. I’ll love you, only you, always you.” Sunghoon says before leaning down and kissing me.
And he truly meant that.
ᥫ᭡ link to my masterlist
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sugarushwriting · 12 days
ot7 vampire enhypen and their human blood bank (you) part two
ni-ki went rogue (yikes)
sfw with some innuendos (the nsfw is coming i promise)
not proof read
reblog, like, and let me know your thoughts! please don’t repost or translate.
kinda like a filler part (?) but still interesting and the next few parts get more interesting (?) please trust me and bare with me!
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
jay had picked you up and brought you straight to the house (actually mansion) the boys lived in. it was in a historic part of downtown, which happened to be no more than a 30 minute walk (5-7 minute drive) to main campus.
historic brick home, built in the 1800s and renovated to fit modern style but also kept the original charm and character. you loved the bookshelves and home library the house had. jay made sure to let you know you were welcome over whenever and that would be your safe space. when you were in the library, none of the boys would bother you. even if they had to feed, they would use the blood bags before bothering you.
5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a finished basement for entertainment. the newbies all share a bedroom. apparently jay was currently searching for a bigger house.
entering the house, sunoo and jungwon were waiting for you and jay to arrive back.
“where’s ni-ki?” you asked barely above a whisper.
“he’s downstairs with sunghoon and jake.” jay answered.
“and heeseung?”
“went to check on the girl in the hospital.”
you let out a big sigh of distress. you hope she was okay, you really did. but would she remember what happened? would she tell the cops on ni-ki and jeopardize the boys secret?
“what—what happened?” you asked looking at all three boys attentively and walked to were jungwon and sunoo sat. both immediately grabbed your hands in their own as jay sat on the coffee table facing you to explain what happened.
jay and sunghoon, the two being the oldest members (in vampire age) had always reiterated to the newbies how feeding on a human for the first time isn’t something to take lightly. it can be deadly for both sides, as well as the newbie losing control due to lust.
there was a curfew for the newbies. be home by 8 pm, if they needed to be out later, sunghoon or jay had to be with them. absolutely off limits was being alone with someone. not just a girl, but a guy too. a newbie will feed on any human with a heartbeat. you did learn though, whichever the newbie is attracted to though, the longing and lust would be stronger.
sunoo had warned ni-ki not to break the rules, but ni-ki insisted he would be okay. he had snuck out around 12 to go meet the girl. sunoo immediately told the olders when he awoke seeing ni-ki’s bunk below his empty around 1:30 am.
jay and sunghoon went out to find ni-ki, and luckily, it didn’t take long as sunoo had ni-ki’s laptop and saw the messages where they were meeting.
the girl had somehow cut her hand earlier that day, and while out with ni-ki her wound reopened. ni-ki smelt the flesh blood. his eyes changed and before the girl could even scream, his teeth had been embedded into her wrist. his other hand had gripped her other wrist so hard, his nails caused a cut, and he fed on that too.
while jay pulled ni-ki off, ni-ki, covered in blood on his face and shirt, smirked and ran off, leaving a trail. jay went after him. sunghoon stayed back to make sure the girl’s memory was erased from the last 30 minutes. he made sure she repeated,
“ni-ki and i said goodbye. he was not the cause of my accident.”
“how—what happened when you caught him? why did sunghoon leave the girl?”
“sunghoon wasnt going to leave her, but he heard someone coming.” jay explained, “i caught ni-ki in no time. although i’m and elder and he’s a newbie that was hyped on his first feed, i am still faster and stronger.”
jay explained how with ni-ki’s behavior right now, an elder needs to be with him at all times, as he wouldn’t be able to manipulate them. ni-ki also doesn’t have the ability to manipulate the one who changed him—hence why jake and sunghoon was with him.
“can i see him?” you asked standing up.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea, love.” jay shook his head but you pouted.
“please jay.” you begged. “i won’t be scared, i promise.”
“it’s not you being scared of him i am worried about. it’s how his behavior will be towards you.”
“what do you mean?” you crossed your arms. it couldn’t be that bad, could it?
“love, he’s very hungry, thirsty, lustful, right now. he’s chained in our basement in a small, hidden room we have for reasons like this. never thought we’d need it. if he smells you, heck he probably smells you now, he will literally not be able to control himself. his mind, emotions, words, all of it.”
“no, i will not allow you to see him right now. he’s also very angry cause we are denying him of blood, and draining his body of the human thirst.”
your face dropped, “draining?”
“more like, detoxing. he won’t have blood, well, good, fresh blood for a while. the next day or 2, we will be giving him old blood, that doesn’t taste good, but will keep him alive.”
“and that will help him?”
jay nodded, “yes. it could take 12 hours or it could take 12 days.”
“what about school?”
“it’s already been taken care of, okay?” jay tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, then cradled your cheek. “are you hungry?”
you shook your head. “no just tired.” it was still early in the morning from being woke up out of your sleep.
“go lay in my bed. you can sleep in some of my clothes if needed.”
you smiled. “thanks jay.”
as you went up the stairs, jungwon turned to jay with panic in his eyes. “how am i supposed to feed on her now? i don’t want to hurt her, jay.”
“and you won’t because you’ll have me and one of the others with you, okay? we’ll guide you.”
jungwon shook his head with a sniffle, “i don’t want to lose control.”
“jungwon, if i didn’t think you could, i wouldn’t even had mentioned it as a possibility.” jay soothed, “you have the best control as a newbie that i’ve seen and i mean that.”
you woke up next to an empty bed around 10 am. you sat up and stretched with a groan, your bones popping.
going to jay’s ensuite, you brushed your hair and teeth, before going downstairs to a quiet home.
you walked around looking for life (haha) but when you found no one, your eyes turned to the door leading to the basement. your heart picked up as your hand reached for the doorknob.
“baby doll, what are you doing?”
you jumped with a squeal hearing sunghoon behind you. he had a smile on his face showing his natural pointy k-9s.
“i, uh, i was looking for someone.” you scratched your head. “i walked around the house and didn’t find anyone.”
“that’s because we’re all still asleep.”
“why aren’t you?”
“i sensed you were up to no good.”
“what about jay? he’s not in bed.”
“he’s with ni-ki.” sunghoon said. “and jay made it very clear you are to not go in the basement, no matter how many times you pout and bat your eyelashes.”
you groaned. “fine.” your stomach grumbled. “can you fix me breakfast?”
“you know i’m not the best cook.”
“you’ve been dead slash alive for how long and you still can’t master it up like a chef like jay?”
“no matter how long we’ve been living, there are just some things you’ll never be good at.” sunghoon laughed and he led you to the kitchen.
“what do you want, baby doll?”
“mhmm, pancakes?”
“that, i can do.”
“can i help?” it was jungwon’s voice who joined you both in the kitchen, with sunoo right behind.
“sure. i thought you two would still be asleep.” sunghoon said, then explained how newbies usually sleep most of the day away for at least the first 6 months as they’re building up their strength.
“too worried about ni-ki.” sunoo sighed and sat at the barstool next to you.
“he’s fine.” heeseung’s voice was next to say as you heard the basement door shut.
you quickly turned around. “you were down there with him and jay?”
heeseung nodded. he kissed the top of your head with a “hi pretty,” greeting.
“how do you define, fine?” you challenged.
“he’s not dead—again.”
you smiled at the joke and nodded. “how long have you and jay been down there?”
“just about 3 hours.” heeseung yawned.
“you must be tired!” you gasped and turned to sunghoon, suddenly feeling guilty of having him make you breakfast.
“it’s no worries, okay? i’ll sleep after breakfast is done.” and sunghoon did just that. after finishing the pancakes to feed the whole house, he went back to to his room to sleep.
heeseung explained to sunoo and jungwon that he would be taking them out today to learn to control their urges while in public.
“where are we going?”
“fighting match.” heeseung smirked.
“so violent!” you screwed your face in disgust.
after those three left, jay was still downstairs with ni-ki, jake was still fast asleep, and sunghoon was asleep in his room.
you took the opportunity to go to the library and find a book to read. eventually you fell asleep on the big couch that was in the library.
ni-ki, it was ni-ki. but why were you in the basement?
“help me.” ni-ki pleaded and you went closer to him. poor boy looked pathetic. he was extremely pale and looked as if he hadn’t eaten in years!
“i need to feed or i’ll die.” he said. your feet moved before your mouth. his eyes changed, and his fangs came out.
“feed on me.” you said.
ni-ki’s smile did not look welcoming. his smile looked creepy. the basement light flickered and the next light, ni-ki was covered in blood staring at you. “don’t mind if i do.”
just as ni-ki went to attack, you awoke startled, you too out of breath to even scream. you were gasping desperately for air, and looked around your surroundings.
you were still in the library. the book fell to the ground. your hand went to your head as you felt a headache forming. “what the fuck was that?” you whispered to yourself.
“you okay?” sunghoon asked from the doorway to the library.
you turned with a startle, but smiled and nodded. “i’m good.”
“are you done reading?”
you nodded and got up from the couch putting the book on the shelf. “you need to feed? it’s been a while.” you asked.
sunghoon nodded, “if you don’t mind doll.”
“i don’t.” you said truthfully. another thing you learned is that the older vampires (jay and sunghoon) can go longer in between feeds, especially since their feeds are more intense.
once you reached the doorway to the library, sunghoon intertwined your hands together and led you to his bedroom.
you got in a spot on his bed lying down. you were still in your (jays) shorts, so sunghoon would have no trouble accessing your right thigh. just like jake, his favorite place to feed was your upper thigh.
in no time, sunghoon had his teeth sunk into you. you let out a quick groan of pain with the initial feeling, but it didn’t last long. as sunghoon fed, your mind with fuzzy, and your head fell back on the bed. you don’t remember sunghoon gripping your other leg to make sure you stayed open for him. you don’t remember him finishing, his face stricken with panic as he noticed you weren’t responding to him.
“baby doll, open.” you faintly heard him say.
“what’s wrong with her?” it was jake’s aussie accent.
“i don’t know.” sunghoon said with genuine concern. the guys always made sure you had enough energy and strength before feeds, and they made sure that you knew that. if you didn’t feel well, you were supposed to tell them.
your mouth was opened by jakes fingers and a thick drink was poured down your throat. it was some kind of protein shake to hopefully get your strength back up.
your breathing resumed to a normal rate. you don’t know how long you were out, but you had the same nightmare about ni-ki.
this time when you startled awoke, sunghoon and jake were there. “baby doll, what happened?”
“nightmare.” you said, but sunghoon and jake demanded you told them about it. and when you did, sunghoon wasn’t happy.
sunghoon stormed off out of his room, down to the basement, ignoring jays confused face as he opened the door to the single blocked off room. ni-ki was there, smirk on his face.
“aw man, you’re not who i wanted to see.” he chuckled.
“leave her alone!” sunghoon yelled.
jay rushed in beside sunghoon. “what happened?”
before either boy could speak, they heard your footsteps coming down the basement steps. your eyes glazed over in almost a trance.
“she wouldn’t stop! i didn’t want to hurt her.” jake voiced with worry from behind you.
both sunghoon and jay turned to ni-ki who still had an all knowing smile on his face. “what?” he clicked his tongue. “looks like she wants me to feed on her.”
“ni-ki.” was all you said. before you could step closer, sunghoon slammed the door back, and jay rushed to your side.
“wake up.” he commanded. you did so. his tone was dark and deep, which was probably his authority as head vampire.
“huh?” you looked around confused. you noticed you were in the basement when you saw the pool table. then you panicked looking at jay. “jay,” you began but jay cut you off.
“no worries love. go upstairs and pack an overnight bag. jake, go get jungwon to meet in the living room with an overnight bag as well.”
you didn’t question or argue and went straight upstairs with jake right behind you.
sunghoon and jay discussed amongst themselves. the detox wasn’t working quick enough. ni-ki smelt you from the moment you walked in that door. with sunghoon feeding on you, it got stronger, your smell.
ni-ki had tried to use mind control to let him feed on you. that’s why you were drained so quickly from sunghoon’s feeding.
“i knew it was a bad idea bringing her here, sunghoon.” jay explained. “i’m taking her and jungwon to a hotel overnight.”
“make sure she eats really well.” sunghoon warned, not wanting earlier events to happen again.
jay and sunghoon have decided, it was time for jungwon to feed.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
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oursades · 5 months
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ᯓ★ I've been wearing black leather all my life.
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sungvrhs · 9 months
Not A Monster ; Park Sunghoon
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Genre; fluff | Vampire!male x human!female
word count ; 3.9K
"You remind me of old time fairy tale boyfriends to be honest." You spoke as you flipped the page of the book, addressing your boyfriend, who had his fingers caressing through your locks as you laid back on his chest whilst he rested on the head rest of the couch, reading between the lines of the book you held. "Really? How so?" His hand supporting the back of his head as your statement let alone the curiosity in his mind pour out. "You seem so mythical when I capture your pictures. It just seems so unreal at times."He chuckled at your reply as it perked his curiosity even more. You thought for a while, putting down your book as you locked gaze with him. Examining his features that you had always adored, finding them oddly attractive and unique; that whitewashed pale skin, those chocolatey orbs, and especially those teeth of his shaped into fine fangs. "Everything about you. But if we are specific, your facial features resemble those of a vampire." Your statement had him shocked as his fingers stopped grazing through your locks as his smile dropped. "Especially when you did the vampire cosplay on Halloween night. I almost fell for the red contact lenses of yours." His actions caused you to look up to him, only to find him dwelled in deep thoughts. 
'What if she freaks out?' 'What if the things between us grew awkward?' The thoughts made him wander off the conversation mentally as he felt a tug on his wrist, pulling him out of his trance as he looked back at you. "Huh?" You chuckled at his expressions. "You zoned out." He let out a short chuckle as he nodded sideways, "You know me..." and just with that the conversation drowned back into the lurking silence, with only the flipping of creamy pages and the soft breaths filling up the cosy environment.
On the contrary, his heart ignited on fire as it ran long lapses of a never ending marathon. He never thought of exposing this little secret to you; what if you detested to even get a glimpse of him? Or what if panic aroused in either of you and then he never got the chance to explain it well? Numerous thoughts crept up to his mind, keeping him occupied for the rest of the afternoon as it was pretty evident to you when you noticed him making a bite of the ramen ready to be devoured but never allowed it to reach the tip of his tongue as it remained on the plate in front of him. You shifted uncomfortably on your seat, noticing the change in his behavior as you knew something was up.  After a few good moments of silence whilst all that could be heard was the clicking from your plate, you broke the ice. "Hoon?" You kept your hand on his, softly pulling him back from his drowned thoughts as he locked contact with you, acknowledging your call with a hum. "What's wrong?" You were quick enough to pick up on how he was contemplating over something; you had to know. “Oh, it's…nothing much really. Just a few calls from Heeseung hyung asking for help in his work so I was making mental notes.” He let a smooth justification roll out of his tongue, which was a little convincing as you slightly nodded at his words. He blinked his eyes a few times before letting out his breath slowly, so as to not gain your attention, which he didn’t realize he had held back. 
Sprinting back to his room, he didn’t realise that all of this had caused his inner vampire skills to emerge as he dashed through his room with the speed of light. It was only when he halted himself right before he collided with the bedpost. “What the heck is wrong with me?” He sighed in frustration, brushing his hair strands back from his forehead as he held his head in his hands, closing his eyes to take a moment to dissolve all the panic in him. After a minute or two he was able to recollect himself as he took a deep sigh. “Heeseung hyung…yes, Heeseung hyung.” He fished out his phone as he dialled up to the only person he could rely on. 
“Sunghoon if it’s any of your other requests for more time I’ll-” “Hyung I…I got a slight problem.” The elder got cut off by the younger’s words as the phone call went silent for a few seconds. “What is it? Did something happen?” The sense of worry and fear was visible in the elder’s voice as the younger sighed. “Today, in the afternoon, Y/n made mention of some fictional characteristics that quite resemble me…according to her. But when she pointed out the exact details of mine matching that of a vampire, I panicked.” The younger one seemed terrified as Heeseung questioned him, “You didn’t do anything stupid did you?” The younger disagreed, “No no, but I’m actually worried about her finding it all out.” Another silence followed the phone call as the elder sighed, “It’s good that she hasn't till now, but Sunghoon, you need to let her know this. It’s for the better good of the two of you.” Sunghoon could feel a lump forming in his throat. Letting you know about how he was a monster hidden behind a fragile facade? “B-But hyung, I can’t. What if she gets disgusted at the sight of-” “She is your second half right?” He sighed at the elder’s words, a few tears threatening to make their brush escape from his brimming orbs. “Yes.” “Then I can assure you that she will understand you.” He needed a moment to think about all of this. “It was hard for Evelyn to get the hang of all of it too, but when I showed her our matching birth signs, she decided to give it a thought before she accepted it…” Heeseung spoke, letting Sunghoon know that this was the right time to let you know. “Fine..I-I’ll try my best to do so.” he sighed knowing this was a tough nut to crack, but it was either now or never. “If anything goes wrong, I’ll just be a call away okay?” Sunghoon hummed at the elder’s support, thanking him before he hung up, making up the whole game plan to make you decipher this new piece of information with not much of…disappointment?
It was already evening before he made a step out of his workspace room before mustering up the will and courage to make way to your room. As the door creaked open, his eyes made a scan in your room, finding you peacefully working on your novel as a smile crept up on his space. If it were anything that was oddly attractive about you in the eyes of his, it was how perfectly you were able to draw or blend the lines between reality and fantasy. “You can come in, you know.” As if you felt the presence of his behind you, you spoke up, while still pushing the buttons of your keypad. He let a small flustered chuckle as he made way to your bed, letting his body sink in the soft mattress. “Sometimes I really want to swap rooms with you. Your bed seems so comfortable.” You laughed at his words. “Nah I love my precious bed.” You said playfully whilst your fingers continued to hit the keys. Sunghoon tilted his head a little as he got up, leaning from behind your right shoulder to get a view of what you were typing. “What are you writing this time?” Putting his chin on your shoulder as he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders, he reads in the words that you were typing. Hearing him question you scrolled to the top of the page to show him the title. “About that fictional reality that I told you about; the vampire-human love story.” The small smile that lingered on his lips faded as his grip loosened a bit around your shoulders. Each and every single thing for the day was just adding onto the pile of secrets that he had treasured for so long. He slightly gulped to hide his nervousness as he questioned. “Oh that…yes I remember you telling me about its rough draft.” he paused for a while, as you continued to scrap a few more details on your brainstorming page. “What is the baseline?” That very word had your eyes sparkled. You tilted your head sideways to meet his soft gaze as you held his hand excitedly as you guided him on the bed whilst you seated yourself next to him with your phone. “OK now that you asked for it; it's about the two worlds colliding when a vampire finds that a human is his second half…” His eyes slightly widen at your words… ‘How in the universe was this exactly the same as his situation?’ He thought for a while as your words continued to ring through his ears, not allowing him much time to digest each and every detail. “And so they both meet each other and once they get close to knowing each other, they realise that they are meant for each other by the signs of destiny and fate.” He broke eye contact, looking away, as he slightly nodded. “It seems great…I’m so proud of my girl bringing in the mythical ideas back to top book genres.” He slightly cleared his throat as you leaned in to look at him. “You liked the idea? Thank you Hoon! I thought you won’t like it since these sorts of things are just appreciated by a small part of the community…well…those who precisely love fantasy.” You held his hand, feeling the coldness radiating from his body; he was always like that, but the warmth from your body was always quick enough to compensate. “Why did you think that I won’t like it?” His eyebrows furrowed at your statement as he locked gaze with you, his thumb softly rubbing the back of your hand. 
His question made you wonder upon what you said. “Ah, like…I don’t usually find you intrigued in all of these kinds of books when I read them you know…” You slightly scratched your nape, pondering over what if your words made him disappointed. “But I don’t need to when I get to read it from your end…and be the protagonist in real life.” The last statement came out as a murmur which you couldn’t pick up as you spoke, “What do you mean?” you chuckled slightly as you questioned him as to which he took a deep sigh. “What if you were to experience every single thing that you wrote in this book? Would you love it?” You were taken aback and surprised at his question. “Hoon that ain’t possible.” You spoke as he nudged you a little. “No but, what if it did. Would you do the same as you wrote on your pov or would you do something else.” It was hard to answer his question; like linking something that wasn’t real to real life? It was as if trying to bring the earth and the sky together. You hesitated a bit as he had his eyes fixed on yours, curious to find an answer. You couldn’t comprehend what perked this curiosity in him, but you were willing to answer. “Well, if it were for this current book, I would have done what I wrote, because that is how I exactly imagined it.” Sunghoon felt a sense of relief at your answer, with his nervousness dripping to a lower level as he spoke up. “So what did the female lead in the story do that you would follow?” His questions were making you even more dazed. “Hoon why are you-” “Please Y/n. I’m just really curious about it. It’s the first time something sparked my interest.” He cuts you off as his pleading orbs make contact with your hazel ones. You sigh as you continue. “In my story, the female lead was shocked to know that her date was a vampire. He had kept it hidden from her. But upon getting this new piece of information, she panics a little, but takes time to recollect herself before she accepts it.” Upon hearing your end of story, Sunghoon feels as if everything was falling into place. And it was time when he finally mustered up the courage to let you know. He takes hold of your hands as he looks down, with your gaze following his actions. A moment of silence follows as you gave him time to speak, after which he spoke, “What if this all was real? Would you believe me?” his voice sounds shaky as you look up to his face, noticing how he wasn’t making eye contact with you. You could sense the sadness in his voice. “Hoon, what’s wrong?” Panic arose in you as you could feel the sadness in his heart…it was always like that…the reflection of emotions that either of you shared was felt by the other. You wasted no time as you softly cupped his cheeks, making him face you. “H-Hoon please tell me what is wrong, I am there to help you right?” He locked gaze with you as your breaths became short and paced. He kept his hands on yours as he spoke. “The book that you are writing is exactly what we are.” The panic in your eyes turn into shock as you spoke, “What do you mean by ‘what we are?’” You had confusion lingering on your face but you heard him speak. “That I’m a vampire bonded to you, a human, as soulmates.” You loosened your grip around his face as you turned your head to the other side, nodding sideways as you couldn't bring yourself to believe it. 
“You must be kidding Hoon. It’s not possible.” You turned to look back at him, only to find his eyes glowing amber as his little fangs were visible from his pursed lips. Your eyes widened as your body jolted back a little. Sunghoon was unfazed as he expected this reaction from you but he maintained his composure as he looked down at your intertwined hands. “I’m sorry that I kept you in the dark but it was hard for me to let you know this…” He felt slightly disappointed when you slipped your hand away from his grip but he didn’t let the situation get the best of him. All of this just seemed unreal to you. You couldn’t bring yourself to believe all of this and were hoping to wake up from this dream but hearing his voice made you realize that it was just a piece of fantasy engraved in this realm of reality. “Sunghoon, all of this-” “I wanted to let you know that even if I’m a monster to you, we still are soulmates and I apologize that you have to go through all of this because of me.” While he was drawing deep into the depths of guilt, fear and agony, you were beyond amused upon finding him being a vampire. “Hoon-” he cuts you off again as he says, “I promise you Y/n I would never try to hurt you in any way. I never did before and I never would.” You were taken aback by how we were cutting you off. “Hoon, listen.” You held his hands again as he flinched at the warmth coming in contact with his icy skin as he locked gaze with you. “You don’t have to be sorry for something that wasn’t in your hands.” You paused for a while as you spoke, “Yes, I can’t bring myself to believe all this but…” Sunghoon looks at you, his eyes turning back as you take a pause. “Like you said that we are meant to be together, then you won’t find me distancing myself from you.” You broke into a small smile as his eyes widened a bit at your words. “W-What? You’re serious. I-If there is something on your mind, you can let me know-” You cut him off with a small peck on his lips, catching him off guard. “I don’t need to, Hoon.” His eyes are widened at your composure as his mouth hangs. “You are-” you cut him off as you speak “No hoon, I am not even slightly disgusted by this. How can you even think of that? For the fact that if I ever started to feel that way, I would never forgive myself for doing so.” You slightly chuckle as he looks away, not able to comprehend upon what just happened. “I can feel what you feel which is why I can never bring myself to despise anything about you.” You address him, intertwining your fingers with his as you let a small smile linger on your lips. He didn’t say anything as he continued to stare at you, as if he was expecting something bad to happen but it didn’t. “Hoon.” you tugged on his arm as he looked at you. “I swear I don’t feel anything like that.” You felt his hand snaking around your waist softly as he pulled you in his embrace. “Thank you…thank you for accepting it.” You ran your fingers through his locks as you spoke. After a few moments of adoration, you suddenly called his name, “Hoon.” to which he responded “Yes love?” His eyes filled with admiration as he waited for you to speak. “How did you know I was your soulmate?” your question made him break into a smile as he spoke, “I saw the half start birthmark on your right shoulder when you wore an off shoulder at my birthday party. I realized that it matches exactly with mine on my left shoulder.” He spoke as he showed his other half star birthmark on his shoulder.
“How come I have not noticed it?” You spoke, sulking a bit as he laughed at your reaction. “Well, I never showed it to you…” he paused as he had a slight smirk on his face. “Unless you want me to.” He leaned in a bit closer as to which you smacked his arm playfully. “You can never stop being cheesy can you?” Your cheeks turned rosy as you got flustered at the closeness. He laughed at your reaction. “You are easy to tease, you know.” You rolled your eyes at his actions, getting up to take your laptop as his eyes followed you. “Where are you heading?” You heard him speak as you took your laptop to your bed while sitting next to him. “You should have told me earlier Hoon, it would have saved my time from all the research I had to do for my book.” You made a light hearted statement as he let out a warm chuckle. “I did not expect a very smooth reaction from your end, to be honest.” His eyes sparkled as his dimples appeared, making you break into a smile. You were scrolling through the chapters as his eyes landed on one specific one; ‘Bite me.’ “He furrowed his eyes as he pointed towards the screen, catching your attention. “What’s that about?” You look to where he points, as you speak “Well, for that you will have to read the first 15 chapters before you get this. Cause you always ask me the synopsis of the story and never read it.” You huff at his reactions as he chuckles at your reaction. “I promise to read this one. Since we can relate here.” He kept his head on your shoulder, causing you to look at him as he spoke. “I always find your work more amusing than any other writers, so I might as well just read every single one of your work and that might spark my interest in every genre…” He had a mischievous grin on his face as he leaned in closer, with only a few inches of distance between you both; “even the explicit ones, darling.” Your face flustered at his words as you playfully hit him. “You pervert. I take help from my co-writers.” He lets out a loud chuckle as he nods sideways. “I don’t believe you. Whatever is written in those books just seems like it’s all written by you, so I won’t buy your excuses.” You rolled your eyes at him, using your pillow to smack him as he laughed at your reaction. 
“You have no other choice than to accept it Mr.Vampire.” You folded your arms on your chest as he continued to laugh at your reaction. “Whatever you say my love, I would definitely love to recreate each and every single one of those scenes with you.” His words caused you to get flustered as he leaned in closer to whisper. “Especially the ones in your current book.” Your cheeks turned deep crimson as you kept your hands on your cheeks “HOON! DON’T!” He pulled you in his embrace as he chuckled, sending vibrations down your whole body. “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything without your consent.” With that you broke into a smile yet again…letting his words linger in your mind as you thought for a moment. You found him nuzzling into your neck as he inhaled your scent, letting your brain wonder of his words. “How come you have never felt the urge to…” you paused for a while as you heard him speak, “Felt what?” You hesitated a bit as if it weren’t appropriate to say it right now. Not hearing you speak he broke from the embrace as his black orbs traced down to meet yours as you spoke, “to bite me?” Your words had him stunned as he shook his head sideways. “I had control over myself, I didn’t want to hurt or harm you in any way and, like I said earlier, I would never do anything with your consent-” “You have my consent Hoon.” He looked at you, as if searching for something. “What? No, I mean, are you okay with it?” His eyes searched for yours again…finding himself in a dilemma as to allow the time to rush things as they are or to give them a break. “I’m positive.” He gulped a little as he saw how you were ready. But it was difficult for him to do so, fearing that he might lose control. “I don’t know if I would be able to control myself Y/n, I don’t want you to get hurt-” You held his arm softly as you said, “I have faith that you won’t. I trust you.” That was more than enough to reassure him as he shifted on the bed behind you, softly removing your locks. “Do you need a safe word? Just say it and I'll stop.” You thought for a while as you spoke “Star?”  He nodded as his hand held your waist while the other gently held your nape, rubbing circles with his thumb as he pressed a gentle kiss on your temple. “Just loosen yourself a little love, I sense you all tensed up.” You took a deep sigh as you closed your eyes, nodding to give him a signal as you felt his breath fanning on your skin, and before you could count, you felt his sharp fangs digging into your skin. 
note; yes! my first work on this interface! I thought to start with a fluff one, cause why not! If there are any grammatical errors, please ignore because English is not my first language. Feel free to leave comments and re-blog <3
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hannie-dul-set · 8 months
Embarrassing Heeseung x embarrassed reader or someone other than Hee whtv you want... I only think of him for this tropeedkmf...
[sweet venom]. there’s nothing in the world more potent than desire. it overwhelms, senses taken by the singularity of want— the want for something, anything— everything, gnawing at the veins that pulsate under thin flesh. everything is blurry save for the very object of that desire, a vivid clarity amidst countless gray abstractions.
“i’m hungry.”
and when that desire is combined with your shameless boyfriend’s bloodthirsty appetite—
“can i bite you?”
—things are bound to get a little bit dangerous.
heeseung must have forgotten that you’re in the middle of a party right now (and in the middle of a conversation with jay about extraterrestrial life). or maybe he simply doesn’t care, because jay’s face of absolute judgemental disgust across the kitchen counter doesn’t seem to affect him at all, either. “get a room, you freaks,” your friend says before evacuating the area with a can of OB, and he takes that as a green light to go all up in your space.
your own can feels cold to the touch in your palm. jay might have evacuated, but there’s still jake and jungwon in the kitchen entryway. sunoo just walked in too, to snag a bag of chips from the counter— who, in fact, just became an unwilling witness to lee heeseung getting elbowed in the rib after trying to nibble on your neck.
“oh my god.”
literally trying to nibble on your neck, because you just felt his fangs graze your skin a little just before you managed to push him off. “heeseung,” you hiss, scolding him. it’s a good thing most people’s thoughts usually lean towards usual hormonal behavior instead of vampirism when witnessing a scene such as this.
still. it doesn’t redact from sunoo’s sense of violation at the sight. “seriously? right in front of my chips?” you turn to sunoo, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks. which is bad, because heeseung twitches from behind you and suddenly tugs you closer and wraps his arms around your waist. you feel his uncaring breath in the space between your neck and shoulders, sending shivers down your spine, but more than that— you feel embarrassed as fuck right now.
someone ought to put this bloodsucker on a freaking leash.
“haha, sorry about that.” you elbow him again. again. and again, because the fucker just won’t budge. a mindless groan drawls out from his throat like he’s drunk on something, and you flinch. shit. good thing it was low enough for only you to hear. not good thing is how you can feel two significant sharp points of pain pressing into your skin. “heeseung, get a fucking grip.”
he interprets that as tightening his grip around your waist. god damn it. you mutter a few silent prayers to mother mary up above.
“i’ll pretend i didn’t see anything.”
“thank you, i appreciate that.”
your face still burns, but when sunoo turns around and turns a blind eye to heeseung’s shameless display of indecency, you immediately latch onto one of his arms and pry him off you, dragging him out the back door before he makes a mess out of you in sunghoon’s kitchen (not the hot kind. the bloody kind).
surprisingly, he doesn’t protest as you manhandling him out the door with a grunt, locking it shut before you submerge him and you in between the bushes and night and the outside panels of the house. does he want everyone to find out that he’s a life-sized mosquito? you wonder, but with that hazy look in his eyes, you doubt he’s thinking of anything besides wanting to leave a pretty mark on your neck— maybe a few if you’re feeling generous.
but you’re not, because you’re pretty sure they’re gossiping about you inside the house right now. “heeseung,” you sternly start. heeseung is batting his eyes at you expectantly. you want to punch him in the face. “we’re in public. what the fuck?”
he says nothing for a moment. silent, before he makes a very astute observation.
“not anymore.”
you blink at him.
he’s…he’s right about that one, isn’t he?
“heeseung— ah—!”
desire is a dangerous thing. it makes people believe you ditched the party to mess around with your boyfriend, when in reality his feeding time is just overdue. but really—
“more,” heeseung grunts, a sharp taste of breathless iron on your tongue as he trails up from your neck to your mouth. “need more.”
—there’s not much difference when desire muddles the line in between.
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