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f1andfooty · 36 minutes ago
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I just woke up but YESSSSSSSSS‼️‼️🏆
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amorfodaa · 2 months ago
my team
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linguadetrapo · 9 months ago
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abaixo do read more vocês podem encontrar conexões básicas que eu gostaria muito que a odella tivesse. algumas são apenas para quebrar o gelo e termos já algo pra ir pra dash.
resumo: ela tem 27 anos, está no acampamento há 13 anos. é instrutora de identificação de monstros há uns 4 anos, adora lidar com novatos então com certeza vai permanecer nesse cargo por um tempo. ela é conhecida no acampamento por causa de suas vitórias em missões, nunca falhou em uma sequer, sempre tendo sucesso. então ela sempre vai contar vantagens e falar das missões antigas com muito orgulho... o que ninguém sabe é que ela tem sucesso só por causa do poder. como filha de Tique, ela tem sempre a sorte ao seu lado e consegue moldar a realidade a seu favor, basta dizer a frase "eu ouvindo um boato..." e começar a falar o que deseja. ela é lésbica, não está gostando muito da situação de ficar presa no acampamento sem sair para missões.
inspos: allison hargreeves (poder); alex russo (lábia) ;
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MUSE e odella se conheceram no acampamento, se tornaram inseparáveis em pouquíssimo tempo e a amizade que surgiu disso perdura até hoje. a corda e a caneca, tico e teco, qualquer dupla memorável? são elus.
como os mortais dizem meu santo não bateu com o de MUSE. odella e MUSE se odeiam sem motivos, eles apenas batem de frente um com o outro e vivem se perturbando. odella já espalhou fofocas sobre MUSE pra ver se elu parava de ser tão chate... mas não deu certo.
odella acha que MUSE lhe deu uma informação errada sobre uma situação e ela como passou para frente, levou a culpa. agora odella está atormentando MUSE, espalhando coisas incertas (e besteiras) sobre elu.
com MUSE a história um pouco complicada. odella tem uma tremenda crush na moça, mas MUSE não parece lhe enxergar dessa forma... e a verdade é que não enxerga mesmo!! odella precisa lidar com essa frustração da friendzone.
pessoas que foram em missões com odella, ela sempre diversifica pra ninguém perceber que esse sucesso dela é pura sorte então vamos de muitas vagas aqui (up to 4; mas vamos diversificar por exemplo: muse 1 não entende como ela conseguiu escapar de uma situação e ficou desconfiade; muse 2 ficou encantade com a agilidade de odella em missão e comprou muito a ideia de que ela é uma lenda das missões por tê-la visto em ação; muse 3 tentou sabotar odella em missão pra ver se algo dava errado mas acabou que o azar voltou para si não para odella; muse 4 não só percebeu que tem algo errado nessas histórias que ela conta como também tá investigando sobre)
MUSE e odella tinham uma amizade forte até que ela descobrisse um podre de MUSE e acabasse fofocando para o acampamento. Elus brigaram feio e a amizade teve um fim.
MUSE e odella flertam bastante mas nunca passaram disso. MUSE tem o pé atrás de confiar em odella... e com razão, convenhamos.
@/pips-plants : MUSE por sua vez é quem ouve odella chorar as pintangas por tudo. ela é muito dramática mas tem sim alguns problemas para lidar e é MUSE quem lhe ajuda com isso, em troca ela também ouve os problemas de MUSE.
@/stcnecoldd : MUSE foi alvo de uma fofoca de odella e o pior de tudo é que nem era verdade! odella apenas inventou isso porque ouviu algo de fulano que ciclano tinha dito para beltrano. um enorme telefone sem fio, ela apenas enxugou os boatos e espalhou. Pena que não era verdade. (vamos descobrir juntes o que foi!)
@/alevadalouca: odella e MUSE são amigas com benefícios, embora da parte de odella ela sempre tente atrair MUSE para um encontro real por ter uma quedinha por ela, MUSE não parece que vai ceder sobre isso.
@/pips-plants : é sempre bombardeade com as tagarelices de odella. o melhor de tudo é que elu lhe acompanha em suas viagens, sempre tendo algo aleatório também para acrescentar na conversa. elus adoram fofocar juntes, não adianta, se estão no mesmo lugar pode apostar que vão estar fofocando.
@/vanceit e @/donararanha: foram em uma missão os três juntos. o problema é que a missão se tornou uma competição já que vance quase estragou tudo e eles começaram a se exibir para mostrar quem conseguia fazer mais coisa. no fim deu tudo certo mas como seu currículo limpo e impecável quase foi manchado por esses dois, odella tem um certo rancinho deles.
@/mcronnie : o primeiro amor de odella foi MUSE. uma emocionada de primeira planejou seu casamento com MUSE, só que elus não estavam na mesma página e o término veio um mês depois do início do namoro. hoje em dia odella e MUSE zombam dessa situação, as duas se divertem com o quão profundo odella foi em questão de dias.
@/olhosferraz : odella acha que MUSE lhe deu uma informação errada sobre uma situação e ela como passou para frente, levou a culpa. agora odella está atormentando MUSE, espalhando coisas incertas (e besteiras) sobre elu.
@/evewintrs : MUSE e Odella possuem almas que adoram diversão. Se tem uma boa festa rolando, saiba que encontrará as duas no ambiente. essa amizade de festas acabou ganhando uma coisa a mais quando as duas começaram a flertar, os beijos então vieram pra completar a diversão.
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stargarland · 7 months ago
first time i felt the warmth of the sun all year and i got a god damn watch tan like started jesus christ
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scphiavnv · 2 years ago
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༻❀༺  Abaixo encontram-se algumas conexões que pensei para a Sophia! Algumas tem especificação de gênero, mas as demais são gender free. Quero muito plotar com todes, é só dar um alô!
I’ll stand by you: A amizade com [MUSE] aconteceu assim que entrou para a Academia. Sophia tinha medo de ser rejeitada por ser diferente, mas a amizade que construíram está acima de qualquer diferença. Podem sempre contar um com o outro, em qualquer situação, são os dois contra o mundo! ( open - 01/02) -- @kcithen
Me and my girls:  Ao chegar na academia, Sophia achou que seria difícil se enturmar, porém [MUSES] a acolheram e acabaram formando um squad. Acabou se tornando seu porto seguro, sempre tendo com quem contar para não ficar sozinha e isolada.  ( open - 01/?) -- @khvnsky​
Hey soul sister (F) : Sophia tem muito carinho por [MUSE], não consegue explicar o carinho que desenvolveu por ela desde que se conheceram. Sophia considera [MUSE] como uma irmã,  talvez para preencher a lacuna emocional que sua irmã de sangue deixou após falecer  ( open - 0/1)
 Keep holding on: Em meio às aulas na Academia, Sophia teve uma crise de ansiedade no corredor, e foi [MUSE] que a ajudou. No momento de fragilidade, Sophia desabou em choro e desabafou tudo o que sentia, mesmo que achasse estranho. Agora ambos se ajudam em momentos difíceis, e Sophia encontrou alguém para desabafar sempre que se sentia angustiada.  ( open - 0/1)
Looser like me: Da mesma forma que Sophia preferia ficar isolada, sem chamar muita atenção para si, percebeu que [MUSE] agia da mesma forma, como se não se encaixasse. Isso fez Sophia tomar coragem para se aproximar, descobrindo que se tratava sim de uma pessoa legal que pensava de forma semelhante. Desde então são amigos que fazem companhia um ao outro.  ( open - 01/?) -- @ccrlisle
You’ve got a friend in me: Sophia e [MUSE] são como água e óleo, à princípio impossíveis de se misturarem. Porém ocorreu a oportunidade em que os dois conversaram e descobriram que podem sim ser amigos! Apesar de opiniões totalmente diferentes, sabem se respeitar e aproveitar o que tem de bom um no outro.  ( open - 01/?) --- @ncslihan
Be my friend: Sophia é aquela típica garota quieta que na maioria das vezes senta-se isolada, com fone em seus ouvidos, se isolando do mundo. [MUSE] achou uma boa ideia implicar com esse jeito dela, o que a deixou extremamente incomodada. Porém acabaram por se conhecer melhor e tornaram-se amigos. Sophia até divide seu fone nas horas vagas!  ( open - 01/? ) --- @grcckgoddess
Reading Freaks: Um dos hobbies favoritos de Sophia é ler, já que gosta da fuga de realidade que os livros proporcionam. [MUSE] partilha desse mesmo sentimento, por isso sempre conversam com empolgação sobre os livros que leem, e também indicam livros que consideram essenciais para ler antes de morrer!  ( open - 0/? )
Cupid Shuffle: Sophia não leva jeito para relacionamentos, sair para um date é algo que basicamente não faz. Porém MUSE sempre está lá para tentar desencalhar a coitada, sempre empurrando ela pra alguém ou convencendo a amiga a sair num date.  ( open - 0/1 )
Can’t fight this feeling (M): Sophia e [MUSE] se provocam desde que se conheceram, não concordam em nada e praticamente não se suportam. Mas em meio a tantos xingamentos não podem negar que existe uma certa atração, e ambos tentam resistir à tentação.  ( open - 0/1)
Don’t rain on my parade: Desde a sua infância Sophia tentou ser boa em tudo o que fazia para chamar a atenção dos pais, e esse traço persistiu por toda a vida. Agora na academia, sempre quer tirar as melhores notas, porém [MUSE] é um oponente à altura. Os dois sempre brigam por notas ou para serem os melhores nas extracurriculares.  ( open - 0/1) --- @eunjik
Stupid with love (M): Sophia pode não ter experiência com relacionamentos, ou flertes. Mas nada impede que ela sonhe com um príncipe encantado que virá buscá-la em seu cavalo branco. Viu em [MUSE] esse cavaleiro, que arranca suspiros dela sempre que passa. Óbvio que não teria coragem de revelar seus sentimentos, mas olhar não tira pedaço.  ( open - 0/1)
Don’t go breaking my heart (M) : Antes de entrar para a academia Sophia mal se permitia relacionar amorosamente com outros garotos, por isso ainda era virgem quando chegou. [MUSE] jogou usou todo seu charme para conquistar a búlgara, porém foi só depois de muita insistência que conseguiu roubar o primeiro beijo. A primeira vez aconteceu somente depois de muita confiança de Sophia em [MUSE], porém ela ainda não sabe como lidar com o fato de que o fez antes do casamento, e agora espera levar a relação para frente  ( open - 0/1)
Blame it (On the Alcohol) (M): Sexo casual definitivamente não combina com Sophia. Porém é como dizem, álcool antes de matar te humilha! Fraca para bebida como é, Sophia nem se lembra como foi parar na cama de [MUSE]. E a ressaca no dia seguinte só não foi maior que a ressaca moral que passou a sentir daquele dia em diante.  ( open - 0/1)
We’re young: Como uma garota que passou basicamente a vida inteira em um convento, é de se imaginar que Sophia não tem muita experiência, nem muita malícia. Ao dar abertura para uma amizade com [MUSE], não esperava que fosse ser levada direto pelo mal caminho. Festas, bebidas, drogas, e outras loucuras com as quais Sophia não está acostumada sempre estão nos planos.  ( open - 0/1)
Let me be your teacher: Sophia pode ter dificuldade de enturmar, mas pelo menos é muito boa nas matérias da Academia. [MUSE] tem dificuldade em determinada matéria e resolve se inscrever na monitoria, e é Sophia que fica encarregada de ensiná-lo.  ( open - 0/1)
Cause i’m royalty: Sophia chegou de paraquedas na academia, não conhecia nada nem ninguém, sequer tinha dicas sobre o que enfrentaria. Não tem experiência nenhuma com a nobreza, nem como se portar, e foi [MUSE] que se ofereceu para ajuda-lá.   ( open - 0/1)
Dress you up: Se tem uma coisa que Sophia precisa na Academia é ajuda, e as roupas estão inclusas. Tem dificuldade em escolher a peça apropriada para cada ocasião, já que tem zero experiência com eventos de gala. [MUSE] é quem salva ela nessas situações, dando dicas de moda e orientando sobre as tendências mundiais.  ( closed- 0/1) -- @princesadclar
Learning to ride: Sophia sempre teve interesse por cavalos, porém nunca teve a oportunidade de aprender a cavalgar. Porém observou que [MUSE] é um mestre da equitação, e fez sua melhor cara de cachorrinho sem dono para pedir por aulas. No fim, [MUSE] está realizando um sonho de Sophia, que nunca imaginou que seria capaz de montar num cavalo.  ( closed - 01/01) -- @cvaughan
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froggyrights · 2 years ago
I already got my spanish curse words lesson from cyn alien-girl I'm ready to ROLL
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f1andfooty · 2 months ago
I’ve seen enough Alex albon 2025 world champion!!
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coldweatherhater · 2 years ago
usamericans are so stupid i always feel they have no brain fr they literally just said knowing more than your mother tongue is useless i mean ..
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moviecritc · 5 months ago
strawberry shortcake ⋆ carlos sainz smau
pairing: carlos sainz x reader (fc: various from pinterest)
summary: everyone is surprised about the woman that carlos is dating, knowing how classy he is
warnings: some hate comments
a/n: i'm blonde and i'm planing to do pink highlights for this summer, so this seemed fun to do <3
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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yourusername just posted!
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux and 1,409 others
yourusername 9 to 5 🌶️
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yourbff stop being so cool you're making others seem lame
user1 is this carlos new gf?
user2 i think she is! they were seen together two weeks ago, he soft launched a dinner and now she's posting watching the race, so they probably are
alexandrasaintmleux ohh gorgeous 😍 liked by author
user3 girl you're like 27 what are you doing dying your hair pink
user4 nah some people are allergic to having personality
carlossainz55 🥰🌶️
user5 pls tell me that he's just being friendly user6 no bc what is he doing with a girl like that... she looks so messy user7 that's exactly what i was thinking! nothing against her, but she's not the type of woman for carlos
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user1 i'm sorry, but she's a no for me
user2 she works in fashion????
user3 ultimate cool girl frr
user4 ok i've stalked her and she is GORGEOUSSS, and effortlestly cool?? i would die for being half cool of her
user5 dying my hair pink rn
user6 i can't believe there's people saying that she's not enough for carlos?? girl, carlos is not enough for HER
user7 FRRR she is THAT GIRL, in capital letters and bold
user8 i've dig a little and i found a few things: she was born in ireland (irish queen, i can't imagine how cool is to hear her talk), studied marketing at trinity college and moved to london a few years ago, she was a month in madrid last march (probably when she met carlos)
user9 i mean cool, but please go touch some grass
carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 32,654 others
carlossainz55 So excited to race in Australia this weekend 🔜 🇦🇺
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yourusername 🤞🏻🔜
user1 SHE'S COMING TO A RACE? user2 honestly i would be embarrased to go to a gp with her
user4 carlos you have to update your taste in women bc wtf
user5 imagine calling yourself a carlos fan and hating on his gf who literally did nothing
user6 we're not hating, she's just vulgar, that's factual
user7 i can't believe people is making this post all about his relationship
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user1 her outfits are in another level
user2 Carlos couldn't stop touching her, he's DOWN BAD
user3 she looks so sweet, i don't understand the hate
user4 she's iconic, you guys are just boring people
yourusername just posted on her story!
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[caption 1: gettin ready for the race 💋] [caption 2: thank you for this @scuderiaferrari]
carlossainz55 c'mere i need my good luck kiss
carlossainz55 i mean you ARE the prettiest and i'm the luckiest
user1 ok you actually look nice
user2 first time i see one of the wags being grateful with the team
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Carlos interview after quali
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f1 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 23,0129 others
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user1 SMOOOTHHH 🌶🌶
user2 and this man doesn't have a seat?? be ffr
user4 and that podium>>>>>
user5 YESSS his gf was there and looked so so happy user6 omg i saw it!!
yourusername VAMOSS ❤️💛
user7 oh hi y/n user8 you speak spanish? user9 i love her. i don't care you guys don't, but she's da best
carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 72,102 others
carlossainz55 Unforgettable weekend ❤️💛
tagged; yourusername
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yourusername Beyond proud of you darling ❤️🥹 liked by author
carlossainz55 Te amo ❤️ user2 AAAAHH I LOVE EM user3 brb im taking a bath with a toaster
user1 so we're hard launching now?
user2 she's his lucky charms, 100% sure
user3 bro casually hard launches in his race win post
user4 carlos and y/n picture was a jumpscare. but like a good jumpscare, and not scary at all im actually in love with them
user5 looking for a third?
yourusername just posted!
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liked by carlossainz55, yourbff and 9,427 others
yourusername Left the office to support this handsome fella 💞💞
tagged; carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 Te amo, hermosa. My lucky charm 🍀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
yourusername Can't wait to the next one 😊😊 user2 I CAN'T THEY'RE TOO PRECIOUS user3 there's nothing better than private but not secret but also not too private relationships
user1 I thought i was early but carlos' already here
user4 and they've been dating for over a year, if i had to wait so much to post carlos sainz i would've died
user5 ugly as fuck liked by author
user6 not y/n liking it- user7 LMAO I ADORE HER
alexandrasaintmleux Coolest ❤️
yourusername i'm afraid that's you hun ❤️ user8 this is so cute ngl user9 wags that get along with each other >>>
user10 y/n, do you speak spanish?
yourusername Un poco, Carlos me está enseñando 🥰 (a little bit, Carlos is teaching me)
elleuk and carlossainz55 just posted!
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 12,012 more
elleuk He was the only non-Red Bull Racing race winner in last season in Formula 1, and the first one this year. And althought his place in F1 is still unknown, it is certain that Carlos Sainz has already left a legacy in the sport.
The April issue of ELLE UK is out March 28. Read the interview at the link in our bio.
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user1 Oh we all know who edited this pictures
user6 and he even changed the pfp to the first one, he's obsessed
carlossainz55 Thinking of pursuing a modeling career after this
yourusername You should. I'll edit your pics 🤝 user3 i'll tell my kids they were adam and eve
user2 the pictures are fabulous
user7 we all say together: thanks y/n
user5 why is anybody talking about the interview?? he's the CUTEST talking about her
user8 YESS, i read it and i died of sweetness user9 they're so wholesome i love them
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stefanorewind70blog · 1 month ago
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E stasera si và...🕺
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stargarland · 8 months ago
the back half of the ads the store who sponsors our club for track came out today in case u we’re wondering my role in it was playing scrabble 😭
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barbarrie · 9 months ago
family 💙❤️
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starf4wn · 2 years ago
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draw the squad con @vazaez @velvets-stuff y @azikuromi :D
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wileys-russo · 6 months ago
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futbol16 · 2 years ago
It’s silly • Alexia Putellas & Claudia Pina
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Request: Could you maybe write a part 2 to your "Soccer Moms" story? Maybe something with Claudia getting jealous because her and Alexia are injured and can't play or y/n and Alexia being protective over her since she's injured? I loved seeing that family dynamic! Also, these are just suggestions, but anything with their little family is appreciated! Your writing is fantastic btw!
Part 1 Soccer Moms
Word count: 2k
“SÍ TANA!” you shout in ecstasy as Aitana sends a rocket into the goal, the goalkeeper having no chance to even move from her spot. El Johan erupts in joyous cheers as the young girl sprints your way and you easily catch her when she jumps on you. “Que golazo!”
“It’s all yours, the assist was perfect!” she beams as you let her down and you laugh at her humble self. With a squeeze to her shoulder you gently nudge the side of her head and send her back to her position to restart the game. 
Claudia frowns at the proud look on your face and she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. Cata takes a glance at Pina from the seat next to her and she raises an eyebrow when the injured girl slides lower in her seat, almost sulking in her spot. 
“VAMOSS CAPITANA!” this time it’s Aitana and Patri’s voices that make her refocus on the match, only now noticing that you’ve scored yet another goal. Claudia watches on as her two friends cling to you, almost hanging off your arms as the team celebrates. She so desperately wishes to be there right now, playing and celebrating with you. 
Another huff leaves her nostrils as she brings her hand up to chew on her nails, an anxious habit of hers. Another hand swats her away from her mouth and she knows who it is before they speak up.
“Pinita, stop chewing your nails, you'll make them hurt.” Alexia scolds from the seat above and Claudia obliges immediately. A second later the full time whistle deafens her and within an instant you’re off towards your bench wanting to celebrate with your two favorite people, both who are currently out with injuries.  
The wide smile on your face is contagious and makes Alexia grin as well while the younger brunette merely musters up her own smile.
“Clau, you saw that goal? I scored the first goal for you!” you excitedly tell the girl as you gather her in your arms and press a big kiss to her cheek. Claudia’s face heats up at the action, despite it being an everyday thing, and she squeezes your hand.
“I did, it was good.” she comments as she lets you go and your eyebrows furrow in slight concern for her lack of enthusiasm. 
“Do I not get a goal?” Alexia’s teasing voice brings the smile back to your face and you move closer to your girlfriend who eagerly hugs you. Her hand wanders to the back of your head as she feels you discreetly press a kiss to her neck before you let her go. 
“The second one was for you” you inform her and she gives you a playful wink, urging you to celebrate with the other girls too.
You pull her with you, only now noticing that the team’s bench has cleared and everyone is on the field. You’re about to jump on Mapi’s back when something catches your eye.
“Pina!” you hold the girl by her arm who stares up at you rather confused until you motion at her leg “Didn’t the physio tell you to not put pressure on it?” she rolls her eyes at the rhetorical question, pulling her wrist from your soft grasp.
“I’m fine, it’s fine” she brushes your concerns off, making a show of it as she demonstrates her wobbly walk. 
“See? It doesn’t hurt. Now will you let me go and be with Patri?” there’s a certain tone to her voice that has you frowning but you nod, watching as she hobbles away from you. You wonder what could’ve upset her but before you know it, you’re roped into Mapi’s shenanigans and you forget about the little incident. 
“Come Capi, I’m sure Ale wants to celebrate this in a special way!” she barks out a laugh at your bewildered expression and you push at her when you realize what she meant. 
The next couple of days after the game are a bit more relaxing, Jona focusing on recovery and rehab for the injured players as well. You swing an arm around your favorite youngster’s shoulders as she walks into the facility. She leans against your shoulder before she abruptly pulls her head back, almost as if she did something wrong.
“How’d you sleep Pinita?” it was your usual question, the first every morning.
“Good.” the answer is rather short and though it’s not bad, it is underwhelming. Claudia usually mentioned something about what she dreamt or how her breakfast was when you’d ask that question. You shrug it off though.
“And how is that ankle of yours? Getting any better?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.” she answers blankly and this time you knit your eyebrows together at her lack of - well, everything. You figured that maybe she was just feeling a bit under the weather.
“Don’t you worry bebé, you’ll be back on the pitch soon” you rub her shoulder affectionately as to punctuate your encouraging words. However, it seems to have the opposite effect from what you hoped.
“Mhmm” the brunette hums as she wriggles out of your hold, turning the corner towards the indoor gym - where she’d be doing rehab - before you get another word out. 
Your walking comes to a halt as you stare after her, slight hurt in your eyes and feeling rather helpless. You contemplate over what to do, you question why Claudia might behave towards you like this, but you decide that you’d leave her to be. You would just ask her later on.
That plan didn’t go the way you wanted it to and three days later you find yourself in Alexia’s arms in the middle of the empty locker room. Her hand softly rubs your back up and down and she lets you lean most of your weight on her. She had noticed how you seemed to be emotionally spent. 
“Talk to me, mi amor. Is everything okay?” she softly whispers, afraid to break the bubble the two of you had created. She tightens her hold on you as you let out a small sigh, humming at you in question.
“Did I do something wrong? Do you think I upset her in some way, Ale?” you mumble into her neck, your lips tickling the skin there. Alexia frowns at your deflated tone.
“Upset who? I don’t think you could upset anyone querida” you softly smile at her, a hand playing with the ends of her hair before you pull back a bit to look her in the eye.
“Claudia. She’s been avoiding me and whenever I ask her something she’s always short with her answers.” you can see the brunette in front of you ponder over your words and you continue. 
“And she also has been pushing me away- you know how much Pina likes hugs.” you reason to her, now pulling away as you gesture with your hands. 
Your girlfriend carefully takes your hands in hers instantly calming you a bit and you stare into her big hazel eyes, eyes you loved so much. 
“I’m sure she is just a bit overwhelmed, you know how I was at the beginning of my injury.” you nod as she points out and she moves your arms to circle her waist. “Don’t worry too much, I know how you get when it’s her-”
“- Or you” you interrupt her and Alexia chuckles.
“Yes, and me. Try to talk to her about it. Or I can talk to her if you’d like that better?” she offers upon noticing your distressed expression and you nod, pressing a sweet kiss to her awaiting lips.
“Sí, por fa. I don’t want her to be even more upset with me” a sad look flashes across Alexia’s face but she nods to your request. She stares at you for a moment and then she pulls you into her arms again, keeping a firm hold on you. The click of the door being opened makes you turn towards it, your expression slightly faltering when you recognize the person standing in the doorway.
Alexia clears her throat as she places a hand on the small of your back, a gentle encouragement. 
“Or you could just talk to her now” she’s out the door before you can blink, closing it behind her and effectively trapping you in the same room with the young forward. A beat of silence passes by and then another one as you stand across from each other, awkwardly shuffling from foot to foot. 
“I was at the physios” Claudia tells you in a nervous tone, somehow picking up on your worry without you having to voice it. You nod and clear your throat.
“Good, that’s good.” you wince at the frustrated huff she lets out and will yourself to look at her. 
You instantly spot the tears welling up in her eyes and the sad yet guilty expression she’s wearing. Your eyes rake over her form, the anxious lip biting and the way she’s picking at her fingers.
 You feel your heart break at the sight of her so small, so vulnerable and it doesn’t take you much thinking to, once again, gather her in your arms and cradle her close to your chest. A muffled cry breaks out of Claudia’s mouth and she lets herself melt into you - into your warmth that she’s missed so much. 
Like Alexia has done with you, you let the younger girl put her weight on you and you're careful of her foot still in her boot. 
“Pinita bebé” you whisper into her ear but her only reaction is to hold onto you even tighter. “I’m really sorry if I upset you somehow. I know my worrying can be annoying and overbearing, but you know how much I care about you.”
She frantically shakes her head at your words, pulling away just enough so that she could tell you what’s been bothering her.
“No, it’s not that. I like when you worry about me, you and Ale.” she tells you sincerely with a small sniffle and you give her a comforting smile. 
“It’s just- I wanna be out there and I want to play and this stupid sprain won’t let me” she mutters, angrily gesturing at her boot. She swallows hard and then looks up at you again, her eyes telling you more before her voice does. 
“And I guess I was jealous of you. Lo siento. It’s silly, I know but you could play and score goals and it just didn’t seem fair. I missed you, I missed playing with you and I wanted to be the one celebrating with you and- and” she exhales in frustration as she gathers her thoughts.
 “It’s only been a few weeks and I’m already so bored of this thing” she again points to her injured leg and you laugh at her wording, getting a smile out of the girl. 
“I miss you too mi pequeña, and it’s not silly. It’s okay to feel like this Pina, it is normal and we’re all here to help you.” you softly cup her cheeks and she leans into you, eyes shining with adoration. 
“I did talk to Jona though and the physio, if everything goes well you can be back to playing in two weeks bebé!”
“Two weeks?!” she excitedly squeals, eyes widening in happiness and you grin at her with just as much enthusiasm. It's as if that was all Pina needed because she visibly relaxes and the sulking expression is replaced by pure joy.
“Two weeks!” Claudia jumps into your arms tucking her head into the crook of your neck and you smile into her shoulder. A pair of arms wrapping around the two of you makes you glance up and your eyes connect with those hazel ones, bringing peace to your mind. Alexia sends you a loving smile as she kisses Pina’s cheek before leaning closer to kiss you. 
“Te amo mi amor” she whispers to you in her softest voice, her eyes only softer as you blush.
“Yo también te amo” 
“Los amo a ambos” and just like that, for the first time in a week, you feel whole again with your two favorite people in your arms. 
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pixiecaps · 1 year ago
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VAMOSS!!! roier lo agarro por las greñas se vengó🫶
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