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Sunshine [10] - Storm
AN: My loves, thank you so so much for your wonderful support and lovely comments and HCs! ❤️ You’re amazing! ❤️
I hope you like this as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! 🥰
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female!Reader
Summary: A sudden storm can be overwhelming.
Word Count: 3670
CW: Explicit language, blood, injuries, adult themes MDNI
Series Masterlist
Getting too caught up in a relationship hadn’t been an issue since you’d had Theo, but before him, there was a reason why all your friends accused you of being a romantic. When you fell in love, you didn’t even think about the possibility of a break up but—
You really should have.
Logan looked down at you, running his fingertips over your spine while you played with the dog tags around his neck.
“I have a question but you need to promise me you’ll be honest.”
A rumble of a chuckle vibrated in his chest, making you bite back a smile as you looked up at him, resting your chin on his chest.
“The last time you made me promise that, you ended up asking me what animal I thought I could beat in a fight.”
“That was for science.”
“In case one day we decide to go on a safari and end up getting stranded in there.”
“That’s a possibility?”
“You can’t be too careful,” you said. “I’m used to thinking about every scenario—anyway, this is another question.”
“I’m listening.”
“So you have the super strength and all that…”
“What supernatural creature do you think you could take down in a fight?”
Logan blinked a couple of times. “That’s the question you want me to answer honestly?”
“Could you take down a werewolf?”
“We’re actually talking about this,” Logan muttered to himself. “Okay.”
“A werewolf,” you insisted. “Could you take down a werewolf?”
He took a deep breath, then shrugged his shoulders.
“I don’t think it’d be that difficult to take down a werewolf,” he stated and you hummed.
“A little cocky, but I’ll let it slide,” you said, laying your head on his chest again. “A vampire.”
“Please, vampires are lame,” he said with a grimace. “I could definitely take down a vampire, are you kidding?”
“You sound so sure of yourself that I’m half-tempted to ask if you’ve ever taken down a vampire.”
He let out a chuckle. “I’m not going to be beaten by a creature that can’t survive in the sunlight even if it’s hypothetical.”
“They are pretty powerful.”
“To repeat, they burn in sunlight. Doesn’t sound powerful to me.”
You clicked your tongue.
“How about a zombie?” you asked. “Could you take down a zombie?”
“Those things fall apart anyway, shouldn’t be difficult.”
“What if it’s a herd?”
“Same logic.”
“You’re telling me you could take down one hundred zombies?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
You hid your yawn behind your hand. “Um, mermaids.”
“Mermaids aren’t even scary.”
“No, not that type of—like those in Pirates of the Caribbean, have you watched that?”
“I’ll put that on the list. It’s like—it’s like sirens, they lure you to the sea and then drown you.”
He paused for a moment, then hummed.
“Yeah, I think a mermaid could take me down.”
“I’m not good with water.”
“Can you swim?”
“I can swim but if I try to stay still in the water I sink,” he said slowly. “Because of the skeleton. And like I said, I’m not good with water.”
Something in his voice sounded distant so you decided not to push him. You were way too sleepy for a big conversation anyway, and you didn’t want to force him to talk about anything he didn’t want to talk about. Heaving a sigh, you nuzzled closer to him and he dipped his head to press a kiss on top of your head.
“How about you?” he asked. “What supernatural creature could you take down in a fight?”
“Do you know any creatures you can disarm with the power of speech?” you asked, making him let out a laugh.
“Not really.”
“I mean I think I’d have a better chance surviving a vampire than a werewolf,” you murmured, your voice already drowsy. “Werewolves have fewer weaknesses I think, and yes vampires can hunt you down but only in night time. Well, werewolves can only hunt you down during the full moon, there’s that but I feel like as far as supernatural creatures go…”
You didn’t even realize you were falling asleep.
Until a soaring pain pulled you out of it.
A scream left your lips as your eyes snapped open, your hand shooting to your other arm to grab at it. You sat up straighter in the bed, now realizing Logan was also awake and upright in bed, breathing hard and unsheathing his claws. Your name spilled from his lips in a whisper as you looked down at your arm, the blood pouring from the open wound, coating your hand and the sheets in red.
“I’m fine—” you managed to say breathlessly while Logan stared at you, complete terror in his eyes. “I’m fine it’s just…um—”
“Let me see,” he said in a low voice and you tried to blink back the tears with a grimace. Logan carefully lifted your arm, letting you see the three gashes through all the blood under the dim light of the moon coming from the window.
“You need stitches,” Logan muttered as he grabbed his jeans to put them on. “We’re going to the hospital.”
“Stitches?” you repeated, looking down at your arm. “Are you sure?”
“Those are deep cuts,” his voice sounded a little distant again and you couldn’t tell it was because of the blood loss you were currently suffering from. He bunched up his white shirt to press it against the wound, making you hiss in a breath.
“I’m sorry,” he said as he swallowed thickly. “I’m so sorry.”
“What—no, it’s fine!” you said in a haste, trying to focus through the fire burning your arm. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is.”
“Logan—” you started but he went to grab your sweater off the chair at the corner of the room, then made his way back to you. He helped you get into it, then into your jeans while you held onto his shoulder trying to move your arm as little as possible.
“I can carry you—”
“Logan, it’s just my arm,” you assured him with a huff of a laughter. “I can walk. It’s totally fine.”
A shadow crossed his eyes, his jaw clenching tight.
“Right,” he muttered through his teeth. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
You really, really hated hospitals. As a child, you were quite the troublemaker so you’d had your fair share of hospital visits, and each and every time was quite painful. Even now, as a grown up, you couldn’t help but feel tense whenever you had to go to hospitals.
And Theo’s very scary birth hadn’t helped the situation.
But if anything, this really wasn’t a big deal. A couple of stitches and you would be fine, but Logan looked much more tense than you were. He was completely quiet and withdrawn, standing in the corner of the hospital room like a guard dog while the doctor worked on your arm.
“So how did you get this, exactly?” she asked and you tried to smile at her.
“Oh, uh…I work in a diner,” you said. “And as it turns out, night shift and sharp objects aren’t a good combo.”
“I’d bet,” she said as she pulled back to look at the stitches, then took off her latex gloves. “Well the good news is, it’s a very clean cut so it’ll be much easier to heal. Keep it dry the first day, and after tomorrow you can wash around it with clean water twice a day.”
“Take the antibiotics, apply the cream I prescribed and…well, be careful around knives?” she said with an assuring smile and you let out a small laugh.
“Noted. Thank you so much, doctor.”
“Have a nice night,” she said and walked past the cubicle curtain. You let out a breath, feeling around the gauze before lifting your head to smile at Logan.
“Hey,” you said. “You okay?”
For some reason, Logan couldn’t hold your gaze like he usually would, so instead he stole a look at you before fixing his gaze on the floor and nodded.
“You don’t like hospitals either huh?” you asked, “I mean if I hate the smell, I can’t imagine how you feel with those enhanced senses of yours.”
Logan didn’t answer, instead he rushed to help you when you grabbed your coat so that you could put it on.
“Thanks,” you said and he pulled his hands back as if he could burn you if he kept them on you a second longer than he needed to. You pulled your brows together, but didn’t comment on it as you started walking beside him to get out of the building.
You didn’t really do well with quiet so the music coming from the radio and your nonsense chatter were the only things filling the silence in the car. Logan met your questions with occasional grunts to signal that he was listening and at best you got curt, one-word answers.
It was only when you walked into your apartment and Logan followed you like a quiet guardian that you turned to him, putting your hand on your hip.
He closed the door behind him. “Hm?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I can talk until the sunrise but this is becoming a one-way street,” you told him. “Are you okay?”
He blinked a couple of times as if he couldn’t believe you were asking him that.
“Are you?” he asked back after a beat and you shrugged your shoulder.
“It’s not the first time I’m getting stitches,” you said. “And to be completely honest with you, after childbirth everything else they do to you in a hospital kind of pales in comparison. I’m fine.”
He snorted, then clicked her tongue. “Sure.”
“No seriously, it’s just stitches,” you said, walking to the kitchen to fill yourself a glass of water. “And you heard what the doctor said, it’ll heal pretty easily.”
You popped the painkillers in your mouth, then downed them with water before putting the glass back on the counter, then walked back to the hallway.
“If I go to sleep right now, I think I can survive on three cups of coffee instead of four tomorrow,” you joked with a grin, but he couldn’t even smile back, he just followed you to the bedroom. After helping you get into a comfortable oversized shirt, he took a step back as you sat down on the bed. You frowned, tilting your head.
“Are you coming?” you asked, motioning at the bed and Logan shook his head.
“No,” he said, his voice deep. Your frown deepened.
“I should uh—” he motioned at the living room. “I’ll sleep on the couch. I’d still hear if you needed anything at night and it’d be safer.”
“Safer?” you repeated. “Logan, come on.”
“I can’t risk another nightmare and you ending up with…” he nodded at your arm and you scoffed a laugh.
“That won’t happen.”
“You don’t know that.”
Alright, this was strange.
Logan was never this curt with you. He wasn’t the most open person in the world, yes, but whenever he spoke to you, his voice would always be warm, melting your insides. Now he sounded way too distant, way too controlled.
You might as well have been speaking to a robot.
“Why are you punishing yourself right now?” you asked, looking him in the eye and something in his gaze shifted before his jaw clenched again, then he shook his head.
“Call my name if you need anything,” he said, walking out of the bedroom and you blinked a couple of times in confusion. A sigh left your lips and you rubbed at your eyes, then slowly lay down on the bed, grimacing when a sudden spark of pain shot through your arm. You put your pillow under your arm, then grabbed Logan’s pillow to bury your face into it, the pleasant smell of his cologne soothing your senses before sleep creeped up on you, pulling you into its warmth.
When you woke up, you were still groggy and your arm was throbbing. A grimace twisted your face and you took a deep breath, then pulled yourself up to sit up in the bed, and looked down at your arm, feeling around the gauze. It wasn’t extremely painful, but it still made sure to let you know it was there so you had a feeling you were going to have to be extra careful carrying plates at the diner, at least for a while. The delicious smell coming from the kitchen made you turn your head and you nibbled on your lip, then slowly pushed the covers off of you and got up from the bed to make your way to the kitchen.
“Hi stranger,” you said with a grin and Logan looked over his shoulder, then put the grilled cheese sandwich right next to scrambled eggs on the plate.
“If breakfast is your way of apologizing for not sleeping next to me last night,” you said as he poured you coffee, then placed the cup on the small table next to the plate. “It’s the right path.”
A forced smile twitched the corners of his lips upwards before you sat down, then grabbed the sandwich to take a huge bite.
“Aren’t you eating?” you asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Not really hungry.”
You blinked a couple of times; that was new.
“Logan,” you said, clearing your throat before putting the sandwich down. “I think we should talk about what happened.”
“I agree, but after breakfast.”
You pulled your brows together in confusion, then shrugged with one shoulder before grabbing your coffee cup to take a big sip. Logan’s gaze didn’t leave you as if he was trying to take in the sight of you as much as he could, as if he was trying to burn this- you, this moment- into his mind. The look in his eyes wasn’t distant anymore but worse; it was just haunted. You could feel your stomach doing an unpleasant flip before you tried to shake off the chill running down your spine, then chewed your bite and cleared your throat.
“What time did you wake up?”
Logan shook his head slightly.
“Didn’t sleep.”
“At all?” you asked, gawking at him and he shrugged his shoulder almost nonchalantly.
“It’s fine.”
“Well it’s actually—” you started but were cut off when your phone started ringing in the bedroom.
“One moment,” you said and rushed to the bedroom to grab it off the nightstand, then answered it.
“Hey love,” Stacey’s voice reached you. “Did I wake you up?”
“No no, I was already up,” you said and sat down on the bed. “What’s up?”
“Okay so, the boss is going to kill me, but…”
“Don’t say it.”
“I’ll be late again.”
You let out a small laugh. “Stace.”
“Okay I know what you’re gonna say but this time it’s totally not my fault.”
“Well, my body decided to have a hangover after last night, so technically it’s not my fault.”
You hummed. “How much did you drink?”
“Well it was my friend’s birthday and Paul and his friends were at this bar and we decided to go have fun, and then my friend hooked up with Paul so I had to drink a lot to stop myself from visualizing what was going on in the bathroom.”
“I can imagine,” you said. “It’s fine. I’ll cover for you, no worries.”
“Ugh, you’re an angel and I love you.”
“Love you too Stace,” you said with a laugh, then hung up the phone and shook your head before making your way back to the kitchen.
“Sorry about that,” you told Logan and sat down. “It’s Stacey, you’ve met her.”
“You’re going to work today?” Logan asked. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Oh yeah, it’s totally fine,” you said. “I barely feel it to be honest, and I’ll be careful.”
“Besides, I need to cover for Stace,” you said. “Apparently her friend hooked up with Paul—you remember our line cook Paul? He’s kind of a womanizer, I’m kind of surprised she and Paul never had a thing—they sure do flirt a lot but anyway, Stacey’s friend and he hooked up last night and knowing Stacey, she probably drank everyone under the table, and now she has a hangover. Shocking, isn’t it?”
Logan nodded slowly without pulling his gaze off of you.
“Did I tell you about how when Stacey and I first met, I ended up getting black out drunk?” you asked, biting into the grilled cheese sandwich. “It was my first day at the diner, and she convinced me to have a night out with her, and I swear to you, that girl is a goddamn sponge when it comes to alcohol. I was out a couple cocktails in, and she still had numerous shots and cocktails after. Julie was taking care of Theo that night, so I ended up sneaking into my own apartment so that he wouldn’t wake up, and rambled to Julie for like two hours straight about kittens, and then fell asleep watching cat videos.”
A small, sad smile curled Logan’s lips and you smiled back at him, then took another sip of your coffee and put your empty plate into the sink.
“Compliments to the chef,” you said with a grin despite the strange tension almost palpable in the kitchen. “If you ever get tired of going on missions and stuff, you could go into culinary world I feel like.”
He scoffed a laugh and you took a deep breath, then cleared your throat.
“So,” you said. “Can we talk?”
Logan swallowed thickly and nodded his head, his jaw clenching.
“I don’t blame you for what happened, at all,” you said. “It was an accident. You…you had a nightmare right?”
Logan paused for a moment, then shook his head. “That’s not an excuse.”
“Logan, that’s an accident,” you insisted. “You really shouldn’t blame yourself. I don’t.”
“You should.”
“Well then sucks to be you because I’m not gonna,” you said. “And unless you want to get separate beds like those weird couples in the 1950s, I don’t see how you’re planning on—”
“I think we should break up.”
That managed to shut you up mid-rant. Your eyes snapped up to his and for a couple of seconds, you could only gawk at him in complete silence, your throat getting tighter.
“…What?” you managed to rasp out, your voice lost somewhere in your throat and Logan crossed his arms, leaning his back to the wall.
“It’s going to be safer for you—”
“What are you even talking about?”
“Do you realize what could’ve happened?” he asked back, his voice tense. “We got lucky, if you can even call last night that.”
“Logan, it’s a goddamn scratch!”
“Yeah, this time!” he insisted. “This time it was only a scratch on your arm, what about the next time? What if it wasn’t your arm?”
“You cannot be serious,” you said, blinking back the tears as you shook your head. “You can’t.”
“I’m not going to have your blood on my hands,” he said, his eyes locked in yours. “I can’t hurt you. Not…not you. I was so wrapped up in this that I forgot how dangerous I could be for you—”
You let out a breath, running a hand over your face. “Don’t give me that speech again.”
“I’m not talking about some silly heartbreak,” Logan told you through his teeth. “I’m talking about life and death. You might see it as nothing, but we both know that it’s not nothing.”
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to remain calm and sniffled, blinking back the tears again.
“I told you, I’m going to be the one who decides whether this relationship is dangerous or not.”
A dry laugh climbed up his throat.
“Do you have any idea what it would do to me if I…” he couldn’t even finish the sentence as if the mere thought was way too painful. “I can’t put you in danger.”
“You’re not putting me in danger,” you insisted. “You can hear my heartbeat, can’t you? You can smell it when I’m scared, when I’m—when I’m nervous. So tell me; last night, was there even a second that I was scared of you? Or this morning? Have I ever been nervous around you because I thought I was in danger?”
That made him pause for a moment before he shook his head. “No.”
“There you go. There’s your answer to your moral predicament.”
“That makes it even worse,” he rasped out and you frowned.
“Because now it falls on me to do it,” he said. “And I can’t even fucking convince myself that you want it.”
You sniffled, shaking your head.
“Don’t do this,” your voice was a low whisper. “Please don’t do this.”
He stared at you, the look in his eyes so painful that for a moment it made you think you were somehow tormenting him with mere words before he clenched his teeth and stepped closer to you so that he could carefully wrap his arm around your waist. He moved slow as if he was terrified that he could somehow hurt you just by touching you and he dipped his head to press a kiss on top of your head as you sniffled, making his grip around your waist tighter for only a moment. You could feel him nuzzle into your hair and stay there completely frozen for a couple of seconds, as if he couldn’t bring himself to pull back.
“I’m sorry,” he managed to say after a beat and pulled back, then walked out of the kitchen. You heard the front door open before it closed, and as if on cue you fell on your knees, burying your face in your hands.
Then the sobs started.
11 - Blast
#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#deadpool#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool 3#wolverine#wolverine x reader#logan wolverine#logan x reader#logan howlett x you#wolverine x you#james howlett#logan howlett imagine#logan x you#james logan howlett#logan xmen#wolverine logan
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I am begging you can you please make a Damon and Elijah fic? I didn't know this ship even existed but I'm so fuckin invested in it. You can make up the story line and everything, the only thing I ask is that Elijah is the dominant one and that Elena doesn't support their relationship but they simply don't care what she thinks anymore?
Thank you thank you thank you🫶🫶🫶
18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Elijah puts Damon in his place, and demands he show him a little more than respect.
♡♡ Thanks for the request anon! I was giggling like crazy writing this (its my fav Elijah ship) Unfortunately I didn't include Elena, but we all know she would be jealous as fuck... (of who? well... that's up to you...) ♡♡
2.9k words - Warnings: smut, this is just a alternate version of the iconic pencil scene, Elijah in his middle part menace era, dom!elijah, sub!damon, blowjobs, face-fucking, Damon being an Elijah simp...
At first, Damon just saw Elijah as the enemy, simple, straightforward, an asshole that just had to go.
He was a threat and Damon was an expert on handling threats, especially when it came to the safety of those he cared about. He wasn't afraid to throw punches, not afraid to pull out the stops and go all out.
But then things changed.
Things changed and he realized that maybe he and Elijah had more in common than he thought, the man was cunning and calculating, he could be dangerous when he needed to be, and Damon would be lying if he said that it didn't scare the hell out of him.
Elijah was a mystery that he wanted to solve, he wanted to figure out just how deep his intelligence went, how far his knowledge spanned. He was curious about him, he wanted to learn every little detail and find out what made him tick.
Damon knew what he was to woman, he would wield his good looks like a weapon, his charm was another weapon, his wit was one too.
But now he truly understood what it was like to be on the receiving end of such charisma, it was addicting, and he was hooked.
Elijah's power and dominance was something that drew him in and held him there. He wanted nothing more than to submit to him, to surrender and let him do as he pleased. It was a foreign feeling, one he wasn't exactly comfortable with… but he couldn't resist him.
The way Elijah was able to command his attention and keep it was intoxicating, his presence alone demanded respect, but when he opened his mouth, the words that came out were pure elegance, and Damon found himself captivated by his smooth tone, his articulation was flawless.
He was a true gentleman.
He was everything Damon was not.
So what did Damon do? He took all these new and uncomfortable feelings and did what he always did. Antagonize.
He would try his best to push Elijah's buttons, hoping for a reaction, an emotion, anything to give him a clue on what was going through his mind. But to his dismay, the man would not budge, and it just left Damon wanting more.
He knew he needed to get his attention, and Damon still was determined to protect Elena at all costs, so he decided to take it further, the more dangerous the stunt, the better.
Damon sauntered into the Lockwood mansion, his signature smirk firmly in place. Today was a simple fact finding mission. All he wanted to do was suss out Elijah's weaknesses, find out if he could be manipulated, maybe find a way to control him.
That's all. He told himself, making his way deeper into the house, looking for the original.
It wasn't long until he spotted the older vampire, who was chatting away with Carol. He watched him, noticing how his body language screamed regal and refined.
Damon didn't want to admit it, but he was nervous, this was the first time they were officially meeting. The last time Elijah ripped out the hearts of two vampires right in front of him and the time before that Damon drove a coat hanger through Elijah's heart. Not the best first impression.
He could feel his heart beat quicken, and he knew he needed to calm down, otherwise the vampire would notice. So he took a deep breath and plastered his smirk back on, striding confidently toward the pair.
"Damon," Carol gave him a welcoming smile, happy to see him. "What a surprise," she greeted, reaching forward and shaking his hand.
"Carol," he returned, nodding at her.
"Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families." Carol introduced.
"Mmm," Damon looked at Elijah, whose expression was impassive, his eyes scanning him briefly. "Such a pleasure to meet you."
"No. Pleasure's mine," Elijah replied, taking Damon's hand and squeezing tightly, just a tad bit too tight, causing the younger vampire to wince slightly.
"Excuse me," Carol interjected. "I should probably attend to my other guests," she smiled, giving them both a nod before leaving the pair alone.
Damon could feel Elijah's eyes almost burning holes into him, the older vampire seemed to be sizing him up, as if trying to decide whether or not he was worth his time.
"So," Damon drawled, his smirk still present, he motioned towards a private study off to the side, the door slightly ajar. "Shall we?" he suggested, his tone dripping with honey.
Elijah followed behind him, watching as he made his way inside. This young vampire was going to be quite the handful, but that was okay. He had dealt with others far worse.
Once they were both in the room, Elijah closed the door, grazing his fingertips along the leather sofa, not even bothering to look Damons way.
"What can I do for you, Damon?" he inquired, his voice low, but smooth and controlled.
"I was hoping we could have a word," Damon replied, his tone slightly less confident than before, the way Elijah spoke and held himself was unnerving.
"Where's Elena?" Elijah questioned, a hint of suspicion in his voice.
Damon didn't like the way Elijah asked after her, like he had some sort of claim over her, and he didn't like the way he said her name either.
"Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a werewolf problem," Damon explained, his tone nonchalant.
"Oh, yeah, I heard about that," Elijah responded, finally looking at Damon, his expression stoic, almost unreadable.
"I'm sure you did since it was your witch that saved the day." Damon couldn't hide the bite in his tone, he didn't like the way Elijah seemed all knowing, as if he was privy to everything that went on in Mystic Falls.
Elijah finally looked at him, and it sent a shiver down his spine. His eyes were cold and calculating, and it made him uneasy and a little aroused.
"You are welcome," he replied with a smug grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Damon leaned against the nearby desk, trying his best to stay casual. "Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here?" he questioned, hoping his voice didn't betray the nerves he was currently feeling.
Elijah was bored by this conversation, the infamous Salvatore was not worth his time. "Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me." He replied, looking away from Damon and smiling softly, he then turned and headed for the door.
But Damon wasn't going to let him get away so easily, he was determined to get his attention, so he sped to the door, blocking Elijah's way.
"Not good enough," Damon stated, his voice firm.
The look on Elijah's face could of melted steel, it was cold, his eyes were hard and his jaw clenched tightly.
Before Damon could blink, Elijah's hand was around his throat, lifting him off the ground and slamming him into the wall, his grip was like a vice. Damon couldn't breathe, he struggled against the original, clawing at his hand, gasping for air.
He grabbed Elijah's throat, trying to choke him in return, but it was no use. He was strong, and the fact that the older vampire could effortlessly hold him there, only turned him on even more.
Elijah peeled Damon's hand off his throat, crushing the bones in his fingers, and causing the younger vampire to cry out in pain. Damon was shocked at how strong Elijah really was, how easily he was able to handle him.
"You young vampires, so arrogant." He growled, pushing Damon's hand away with ease. "How dare you come in here and challenge me?'' His voice was full of venom, his tone menacing.
"You can't kill me, man. It's not part of the deal." Damon managed to wheeze out, his words slightly slurred from the lack of oxygen.
Elijah was amused by his statement, his face contorting into a gentle smile, his eyes dancing with mirth. "Silence," he whispered, his tone dangerously low.
Damon's mouth snapped shut, and his heart was pounding in his chest. He was in a compromising position, and he wasn't sure if it was the adrenaline, or the fact that he was literally at the mercy of an Original, but his body was buzzing with anticipation.
Elijah could hear Damon's heartbeat racing, the blood pumping through his veins. He knew what the young vampire was feeling, the fear, the arousal.
Elijah grabbed a pencil and jammed it into Damon's neck. He needed to teach this vampire a lesson. He was a mere child compared to him, and it was time he learned his place.
Damon cried out in agony, the pencil lodged deep in his neck. He was utterly helpless, and Elijah could tell.
He dropped Damon, letting him pull the pencil out of his neck and stumble forwards, he clutched at his throat, groaning in pain.
Elijah smiled slightly, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the blood off his hands, "I'm an Original. Show a little respect," he ordered.
Damon could feel his pants getting tighter, the bulge in his jeans growing with every passing second. Elijah's dominance was a major turn on, and he couldn't stop the arousal coursing through his body.
Elijah handed him the handkerchief, their fingers brushing, causing Damon to shiver. He took the cloth, wiping away the excess blood.
Damon wanted to be angry, he should be furious, but instead he was excited. His blood was pumping, his adrenaline was high, and he couldn't hide the fact that Elijah made him feel things he never thought possible.
When their eyes met, Elijah knew that he was in for a fun time. He could see the desire swimming in those bright blue eyes. He smirked and stepped closer, invading his personal space, causing the younger vampire to swallow nervously.
"On your knees," Elijah commanded, his tone deep and seductive.
Damon felt a jolt of pleasure go straight to his dick, his mind was screaming for him to leave, but his body was already sinking down to the floor.
Once on his knees, he looked up at Elijah, his heart hammering in his chest, his breath coming out in shallow pants.
"You know what to do." Elijah encouraged, his eyes full of lust.
Damon hesitated, his hands trembling slightly as he reached up and began undoing the belt and button on Elijah's dress pants. He was a bit nervous, not because he had never been with a man before, he had, plenty of times, but this was an original, and he wasn't exactly sure how far he was willing to go.
"Do you require a written invitation?" Elijah questioned with a teasing grin.
Damon frowned and swallowed thickly, pulling the zipper down slowly, and carefully removing Elijah's cock from his pants. It was so hard, so thick, and Damon couldn't deny that he was intimidated by its size.
Elijah grunted slightly, looking down at Damon with hooded eyes, his gaze filled with dark lust. He didn't usually have his enemies submit in this way, only when he was in a charitable mood, but Damon was an exception.
Elijah ran his fingers through Damon's dark hair, tugging gently at the strands, causing the younger vampire to wince, it wasn't rough enough to hurt, but it was enough to pull a reaction.
Damon leaned in closer, his hot breath ghosting across the sensitive skin. Elijah smelled like pine and leather and a hint of cologne, he was pure man, and it made his head spin.
So Damon, using all his experience from previous encounters, ran his tongue over the tip, earning a small groan of approval.
Encouraged by Elijah's moan, he started to slide his mouth along his shaft. Giving him gentle licks and wet kisses, tasting the bitter flavor of the pre cum seeping out.
The pace was slow at first, Damon running his tongue down to the base and back up to the tip, swirling his tongue around the head of the shaft, eliciting more beautiful sounds from Elijah.
Elijah dug his fingernails into Damon's scalp, gripping his head, and guiding him down further, moaning softly as he hit the back of his throat.
Damon gagged a little, causing Elijah to chuckle. "Hmph, there we go," he grunted, looking down at Damon's face and meeting his heated gaze.
He then forced his cock deep into his mouth, holding his head in place and listening to him gag, spit dripping out and down his chin.
"Ah...good boy, that's better," Elijah cooed, easing his grip slightly and allowing Damon to adjust. "Just like that." He praised.
Damon closed his eyes and relaxed his throat, letting Elijah use him the way he wanted, the way he desired.
As soon as the noises stopped, Elijah removed his dick, giving Damon the opportunity to breathe. Damon gasped for air, coughing, his throat was raw, he hadn't let someone treat him in this way for decades, he was completely and totally dominated.
But it was so hot, so arousing, and he loved every minute of it. His own erection pressing painfully against the seam of his pants, he wanted more.
He swallowed heavily, looking up at Elijah who was stroking himself, enjoying the sight before him.
"Mmm, very good, such a pretty face, a perfect mouth for my cock," Elijah growled. "Now suck," he ordered.
Damon surged forward, his mouth wrapping around his shaft once more, but this time he pushed himself all the way to the base, swallowing around him, letting him feel the tight squeeze of his throat.
Elijah thrust his hips, and Damon could tell he was close to the edge, he wanted to taste his cum, wanted to feel the power and authority of him.
"Fuck, yes," Elijah muttered, holding Damon's head and slamming his hips into his mouth. "Just a little bit more," he groaned, his words broken by ragged moans.
Damon's jaw was aching, his entire body was shaking, and he could barely breathe, but the pressure building between his legs made the pain all worth it.
Elijah grunted, slamming his hips forward one final time, spilling his load down Damon's throat. The vampire eagerly swallowed down the warm thick fluid, breathing deeply, and trying to regain his composure.
When the spasms subsided, he pulled out, and Damon collapsed, his body trembling, his cock painfully hard, his breath coming out in sharp gasps.
Elijah smiled down at him, his cock glistening with the young vampires spit. He tucked himself away, straightening his suit and clearing his throat.
"Now, get cleaned up," he commanded, tossing his handkerchief at him.
Damon scrambled to wipe himself off, he didn't even have the decency to ask if Damon needed help getting off. The thought didn't even cross his mind.
Elijah fixed his hair in the mirror, making sure his appearance was perfect, that his part was just right. When he was satisfied with his look, he gave Damon one last glance and left the room without a word.
Damon sat there, stunned and aching. He had never experienced anything like that before, and it left him wanting more. He couldn't believe what had just happened, how easily Elijah had put him in his place, how willingly he had submitted.
He was a vampire, a strong, powerful vampire, and yet he was completely at the mercy of another. And that scared and thrilled him.
He shook his head and stood up, his legs shaking. He quickly composed himself, adjusting his clothes, wiping away the stray tear.
He wondered what Elena would think, or Stefan or even Alaric. Would they understand? He didn't even understand it himself.
He sighed and walked out of the study, heading towards the bar. He needed a drink. A stiff one.
Elijah was leaning against the bar, a glass of scotch in his hand, his expression unreadable. Damon could feel the tension between them, but he ignored it, instead focusing on pouring himself a glass.
"Enjoyed yourself?" Elijah inquired, his voice laced with amusement.
For once Damon was at a loss for words, his mouth opening and closing, no sound coming out. He didn't know how to respond.
"The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe." Elijah continued, a hint of a smirk playing at his lips.
Damon somehow found his voice again and his snarky side made an appearance. "Well, thank you for being so gracious," he quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Elijah chuckled, shaking his head, he took a sip of his drink, savoring the taste.
"I like this town, there are so many interesting people," he commented, his eyes locking with Damon's, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Interesting?" Damon repeated, arching his brow.
"Indeed," Elijah replied, his gaze lingering on the younger vampire for a moment longer before he stood and set his glass on the counter.
He leaned in close, his breath hot against Damon's ear, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin, "it was nice meeting you Damon Salvatore, I'm sure our paths will cross again,"
Damon watched him walk away, his heart racing, his mouth dry. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but he knew one thing, he wanted more.
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07| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader, Marcel Gerard x mostly platonic!reader Summary: Trying to figure out a way to get Klaus to trust you, you reminisce over the past and how trust was earned in a similar situation. Warnings: none Words: 3.7K
a/n: does anyone know how i can fix the gifs from like not centring? it looks fine on my laptop but horrible on mobile😭
Strobe lights went all across the room, music blaring, but I could barely tell what song was playing, too distracted by what I was doing—or, rather, who I was about to do. I ran my fingers through his hair while his hand crept up my skirt, our kiss getting more passionate by the second.
His name didn't matter. All I cared about was the fun we were about to have.
"Why don't we take this somewhere more private," he mumbled in between kisses.
I nodded against him, giving him one last kiss before whispering in his ear. "Back alley." The fact that I was drunk didn't stop me from leading us across the dance floor to the back where I'd been many times before. I knew the owner—who was also a really good kisser—and so I knew where to go.
I felt the cold air hit us as soon as we got outside, despite feeling so hot. As soon as the door closed, I turned around, intending on pulling him back in for a kiss, but I almost staggered back when I saw the same man I was kissing just moments ago with veins crawling underneath his eyes, fangs protruding in his mouth.
What the fuck?
I quickly sobered up, baring my own fangs at him. The atmosphere went from hot and sexy to dark in an instant.
His eyes widened. While his voice was surprised, there was still an undertone of hostility. "You're a vampire?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You didn't know?" God, how drunk was he? I smelt that he was a night crawler immediately. Clearly, he thought I was a human and wanted to leave so he could suck me dry.
That wasn't happening. For obvious reasons.
He cursed under his breath. For a second, I thought we'd get back to what we were doing; I mean, I just cleared this up. I was gonna be generous and continue to make out with him in spite of the fact that he just tried to kill me, but this dude just had to kill my fun, too.
He tried charging at me, but my magic worked faster than even vamp speed. Quickly, I rushed, "Motus!" and he was sent flying into the wall. My eyes widened. Fuckkkkkk, man.
I just wanted to get laid.
I wasn't supposed to do that. I was supposed to punch him, maybe snap his neck—I was supposed to do something that a vampire would do. A vampire doesn't just move things with their mind.
I thought I was soberer than that, but it seemed that the alcohol was still affecting me because I just sent a fucking vampire flying. Shock was all over the guy's face, his pretty, pretty face that I just wanted to have a good time with.
Fuck. Now I'd have to kill him.
He remained against the wall, but he didn't wait much longer before firing questions at me. "What the hell was that-"
I cut him off, "Look, man, I wasn't planning on doing a lot of talking with you tonight." Annoyance laced my voice. He didn't respond as quickly, just looking at me with an extremely analyzing gaze. I didn't doubt that he was confused. People don't just come across people like me.
He was silent until it looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "Tribrid," he muttered under his breath, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it, but I did.
My blood went cold. "What did you just say?" I asked, but he ignored me, continuing to mutter under his breath.
"I knew a guy once—he was half wolf, half vampire." If he didn't have my attention before, he sure as hell did now. Because I only knew one person that matched that description, and that was Klaus Mikaelson.
My body went rigid while the guy took little notice, seeming to put together a bunch of puzzle pieces in his head. "Yeah-" he paused, looking up at me, "I've heard chatter. Witches saying something about a... triangle: werewolf, vampire... and witch."
Chatter? He's heard chatter? A thousand things went through my mind at once. That was impossible. Nobody knew about me. I just got to this city; there was no way witches have managed to decipher a secret I've spent centuries keeping.
Against my will, my tone was now less calm. "I don't know what you're-"
"I think you do know what I'm talking about." The guy's eyes were hard as he stared right back at me. I thought he was just some baby vamp, but it appeared that he was proving me wrong. He took a step closer to me. "You're the tribrid, aren't you?"
I almost laughed, even though I was full of nerves while, just seconds ago, I was fine. "You must have a death wish," I remarked. Maybe I could've left him alone, convinced him to forget about my display of magic and just left town. But now he not only saw that, but he also knew exactly who I was and he'd go running to tell everyone else.
He had to go. It's a shame, though, I thought, he was such a good kisser.
I stepped closer to him and he immediately got the message, eyes widening again once he realized that I had the upper hand. "No, no," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "I promise you; you do not want to kill me."
I scoffed, "And why is that?"
"Listen, I hold a lot of influence around here-"
I scoffed again. "I really don't care." Throwing power around was a politician's move, and politicians only lied to you. I wasn't gonna take my chances.
I was walking towards him, taking one step forward for every step he took back until he blurted, "My name is Marcel Gerard." At this, I stopped. Marcel Gerard... I knew that name. I stood still, racking my brain until I realized why his name sounded so familiar.
Marcel Gerard literally ruled this city. I'd been in New Orleans for not even a few days yet you could hear vampires and witches alike mentioning him often.
Damnit. Of course, I not only meet the guy who the vampires in this city worship, but I also end up locking lips with him and have him find out what I am.
I just wanted to have fun.
He saw recognition on my face, causing his own to light up. "So, you know who I am." I nodded in response, exasperatedly rolling my eyes. All of this had completely caused my buzz to dissipate into thin air. "Look..." he trailed off, making a gesture with his hands.
I rolled my again. "Y/N."
"Look, Y/N, I know what you are. I figured it out in seconds. There's already speculation of a tribrid going around with the witches-"
"Get to the fucking point, Marcel, before I just decide to kill you. Believe me, I am not in the mood to deal with this right now."
He didn't waste any more time. "I can get the witches to back off and find something else to fixate on. I can bury just the thought of a tribrid being out there, Y/N," he emphasized.
I wonder just how dumb he thought I was. I shook my head. "So you want me not to kill you, just so you can go blab to whoever you see as soon as I leave you alone?" He shook his head right back at me.
"I won't say a thing, trust me." He paused. "We can help each other."
"Oh, c'mon-"
"No, I'm being serious," he asserted, no longer looking like he was backed into a corner but much more assured than before. "Killing me wouldn't do you any good. My people would search relentlessly for my killer, and the witches would only keep digging, possibly striking gold at some point. You keep me alive, and I can get rid of that for you."
I only stared at him with narrow eyes. He looked confident in the bar, that's what drew me to him, but I wasn't expecting anything like this. He had a point, but that didn't mean it was enough to stop me from killing him. And if I didn't like this city, then I'd kill him without any qualms and leave. But I do like this city. I want to stay here, and I knew I couldn't stay here with him dead and with the witches suspicious.
I couldn't afford to make enemies. Right now, what I needed were friends.
I'd already made up my mind, but Marcel didn't know that, still trying to get me to see a vision that I already understood. "We can make a good team, Y/N."
I didn't say anything for a few more seconds, thinking everything over in my mind. I could possibly be making the biggest mistake of my life right now, I thought. But I was already set. I kept my voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I'm giving you twenty-four hours to make this witch thing go away, Marcel."
A weight was lifted off his shoulders. "And I'll do just that." I wasn't gonna stick around much longer. This was already much more conversation than I was anticipating to have tonight, and we clearly weren't gonna have sex, so without another thought, I sped out of the alley.
Little did I know, that night marked the start of one of the rest of my life in New Orleans.
I was pulled out of my reverie when I saw Marcel came into my vision, sitting down on the chair opposite to me. We started out trying to kill each other, and now look: we were meeting for coffee.
I didn't trust him when I first met him, even after he made my problems with the witches disappear. That wasn't enough. And it also wasn't enough for him to insist I work with him. Those were things he was doing for his own benefit, so, of course, that didn't inspire my trust in him.
I only started trusting Marcel after he opened up to me about his past. Doing that, getting vulnerable with someone—that showed that you trusted them. And what better way to get someone to trust you than to show that you trust them?
I wasn't just reminiscing for the sake of it. The way Marcel got me to trust him was what I'd been forgetting throughout all my interactions with Klaus. I couldn't just ask him to trust blindly, the same way Marcel couldn't ask me to, or the same way I couldn't get the witches to.
I needed a show of good faith. The trick was just figuring out what.
"Hey, Y/N/N."
I nodded back to Cellie's greeting, pushing a tumbler over to his side of the table. While I actually liked coffee, Marcel wasn't a fan. "Got you your drink."
He grinned. "Ah, have I told you how much I love you recently?"
"Definitely not enough," I quipped back. "Now drink." His smile only got wider as he brought the tumbler up to his lips, sipping from his blood while I worked at finishing my Americano.
It's been about a week since I gave the contract to Klaus and went out with Marcel and Cami, who were now accepting the title of "dating" (after lots of resistance from Cami's side). Things have otherwise been quiet. I've been over to the Abattoir a few times to speak with Elijah, sometimes speaking to Hayley, and rarely talking to Klaus, but everything was fine if you didn't count the fact that he was still staring at me every time I came over.
You'd think that I'd be the one behaving that way after constantly seeing my father, his baby mama, and his brother, but nope. I've been calm; the whole Mikaelson thing has been getting to me less, but Klaus would look at me like he was trying to pick apart everything I said or did.
Sooner or later, it wouldn't matter how well I kept my secret. He was just gonna keep digging, so I needed to stop him before he struck gold.
"How's D been doing?" He asked, and the Mikaelsons were instantly pushed to the back of my mind. Davina had that effect.
"She's been good. Doing her school work, getting better with her magic by the day. You should come by for dinner soon, actually."
"Yeah, I-" he cut himself off when a "ping" sounded. He glanced down at his phone on the table, muttering a curse under his breath. When he looked back up at me, his expression was a mix of annoyance at the disturbance and apology. "Sorry, Y/N/N, I've gotta-"
"No, no, it's fine," I told him. "Go on and deal with it." He gave me a silent thank you before getting up, kissing my cheek in parting.
"I'll make it up to you. Dinner at mine," he said, walking away backwards. I smiled, telling him I'd see him later, and then he was out the door. Although we'd been sitting for all of one minute before he had to go, I wasn't irritated. He was getting back into the groove with the Quarter's happenings, so I'd be fully supportive.
I got up, throwing my empty coffee cup into the trash and walking out of the little café, mentally running over my schedule: housekeeping, then dinner with Marcel and Davina later. Right now, I'd go game plan my pitch to the vampires.
Or not.
Just as I was about to cross the street, a black car abruptly skirted in front of me, making me jump back. Before I could make anything of it, two men stepped out of it. Their expressions were practically lifeless, not a trace of emotion in sight.
"Get into the car," one of them ordered, causing me to furrow my brows. What the fuck?
I voiced my concerns not a moment later. "Excuse me?"
The other one stepped forward as if he was threatening me. I looked him up and down. Who the fuck was he stepping to like that? "Ma'am, you're gonna need to get into the car willingly before we force you to."
Force me to? I only stared at him, debating on whether or not I was gonna bash his head into the car he was threatening me to get into in front of any passers-by. I was then reminded of the exact thing I was on my way to work on: the peace pacts. If I exacted any violence, that wouldn't be setting the right example.
Still, though, I was tempted.
After a few seconds of eying them both, I realized I not only knew them, but I also understood what was happening here.
These were some of Marcel's old vampires.
And they were compelled.
Damnit. I glanced to the car behind them. I was willing to bet money that, inside that very car, sat Klaus. I rolled my eyes. A week ago, I would've been more put off by this, and I was, but I was more annoyed than anything.
I'd find some way to get him to trust me later, but if I didn't get into this car right now, then he'd only become even more suspicious of me, and I didn't need that.
I shook my head in disbelief that I was even gonna do this, gesturing for them to move so I could get into the car. One of them opened the back door for me and I got in.
I turned to my left, fully expecting Klaus to be sitting next to me, but instead I was met with the sight of a blonde with big, voluminous curls and bright blue eyes. Despite fitting into the dumb blonde mold exactly, I knew she was anything but.
This was Rebekah Mikaelson.
I (hopefully) hid my shock quickly, but my eyes still narrowed. My mind raced, wondering what the hell she could possibly want from me. I first jumped to conclusions, but I shut them down immediately, knowing that there was no way anyone knew I was related to the Mikaelsons, including the Mikaelsons themselves.
While I'd been visiting the Abattoir often, Rebekah was basically nowhere to be found. I never would've guessed that this was how I'd be meeting her, being pushed into a car by vampires acting like they were secret service. But, with the Mikaelsons, so far nothing has gone as I expected it.
When she turned to me, she didn't stop and observe me first like her brother did. I'd learned from my research that Rebekah Mikaelson was impulsive, possibly even more so than Klaus. So it didn't surprise me when she cut right to the chase.
"You must be Y/N," she said. Her voice sounded like honey and a smile was on her lips, but it didn't take rocket science to know that it was all an act. "I'm Rebekah Mikaelson, but I'm sure you're already aware of that."
I was. And so I said that. "I am."
She hummed at my response, indirectly reminding me so much of Klaus. She pressed a button to her side, causing the partition to roll up, never looking away from me once. Her smile then quickly dropped. "What are you doing with Marcel?"
Now, I couldn't hide the surprise on my face. "What?"
"You heard me," she asserted, unwilling to elaborate any further and just continuing to look at me, waiting for a reply.
Out of all the reasons she could've pulled me into this car, that one had never even crossed my mind. I paused for a few seconds, thinking over how I'd respond. I knew Rebekah and Marcel had history, and Rebekah had created a reputation for herself as not only being a lover, but a rather possessive one.
Saying the wrong thing here could get me into a tight situation I did not want to be in, so I had to be sure that my words wouldn't piss her off. "He's my friend," I told her, but she didn't look very convinced.
"Really?" She questioned, sarcasm noticeable in her voice. "Are you so cozy with all of your friends? Because you both looked rather close in that café." So she was watching us.
I backtracked, remembering how he kissed me on the cheek on his way out. I see how that could look bad to some people, especially his ex-girlfriend who seemed much more attached to him than he let on. From the way Marcel told the story, him and Rebekah were over, but the way she was acting didn't suggest that at all.
Suddenly, Camille was brought to the forefront of my mind. "We are close," I defended. "I've known him a long time, and we're just friends." I could've left it there—should've left it there, but with Cami on my mind I couldn't help but add, "Besides, he has a girlfriend."
Rebekah narrowed her eyes at me; although, something told me she was already conscious of that little fact. Her jaw tensed, making me more alert. While Elijah and even Klaus wouldn't immediately deal with their problems physically, I knew Rebekah was a different story.
She was smart, don't get me wrong, but if there was something to know about her it was that her emotions overpowered her mind more often than not. She was impulsive, and so this could go real bad, real quick.
I had to get out of this.
I decided to just say something instead of letting her make the first move. If I said something first, then I could take control of the situation and spin it before she could.
"Look," I started. "Marcel and I have a completely platonic relationship." Well, not completely, but I wasn't gonna tell her that. "After we met, I was just helping him keep things running smoothly in the Quarter, the same thing I'm doing with your family now."
While her expression remained blank, I could tell I was swaying her in the right direction. She just needed one last push. "We talk so often because of Davina. She's important to both of us, and we just want to make sure she gets the childhood she deserves." Her eyes immediately softened, and I knew I got her.
Davina was just a child. As ruthless as Rebekah could be, she still had humanity inside her—Marcel had told me this time and time again when he was under the influence. There was something in her that he fell for, and it was her ability to care when she really wanted to.
She finally looked away from me. "I understand," she said. If I knew anything about her, then I knew she was probably embarrassed right now. It turned out that Rebekah's emotional nature had actually helped, not harmed. "Sorry for the inconvenience," she apologized, but her eyes never met mine.
She rolled the partition back down, telling the driver to stop the car and unlock the doors. "You're free to go, Y/N." I stared at her for a few seconds, wondering if there was anything else I was supposed to say, but I came up empty. So I just got out of the car and watched as they drove away right after.
Once I could no longer see the car, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
I just met Rebekah Mikaelson.
And I just barely dodged a bullet. I directed my thoughts away from freaking out because I just met yet another member of my family to how I was gonna fix the problem I had.
I couldn't keep tiptoeing on this tight-rope around the Mikaelsons. Sooner or later, I'd fall. I needed to do something to get them, all of them, to trust me. If they caught me at the right time, then everything could be exposed.
I had all of these thoughts running through my mind until a light bulb went off, and all of the puzzle pieces suddenly assembled themselves into a clear picture.
I knew what to do.
I had my show of good faith.
Taglist: @scrynexxtins @thisnameistaken1234 @honestlycasualarcade @xlittlestarling @thatgirljas13 @rosecentury
#klaus mikealson fanfiction#klaus mikaelson x reader#klaus x daughter!reader#tvd fandom#tvdu#the originals#klaus mikaelson#marcel gerard#rebekah mikaelson#the mikaelsons#elijah mikaelson#davina claire#tvd fanfic#imagines#tvd imagine#the vampire diaries
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18+ Readers Only
As you guys have voted, this is another series I'll be working on...this one will have a different approach and I want to blossom this relationship with Ghost through harsh trails. We'll see where it'll take us. Don't worry will still work on Safe With A Ghost.
Enjoy ! Thanks for Supporting !
Chapter 1: Last Time
Summary: You're an undercover CIA, your job has always been to extract information from your targets to report back to Laswell. This time, things are different you'll be working with a team called 141, yet everything seemed to fall apart, you've become compromised and endangered. Now you have to have a babysitter to keep you safe, yet, it turns to something else~
Expectations: blood,shooting,cursing,intensity moments,flirting, indication of nudity, slight arousal, and more
Call sign: N/A
══════ ⋆Undercover Masterlist⋆ ══════
════════ ⋆Chapter 2⋆ ═════════
Sighing out, being undercover was hard work, it was never ending. You were always on the move with your next target and constantly dressed differently. This time, you were an assistant which, you've had to portray for months now. Least until Laswell's team got enough of what they needed to take action. That's right, you were the guinea pig they threw into a den of lions to chase after. Some times it'd take you a day to win over your target others took months. It was hard, you couldn't know from one day to the next. One slip up and you could have a bullet in your head. Recently your "boss" had moved into his other mansion feeling his enemies getting under his skin. He was growing agitated now, he couldn't for the life of him figure out how his enemies were getting information. Little did he know his "dorogoy" translation for sweetheart was the heart of the betrayal.
He cursed on the phone slamming his fist down on the table obviously not happy that his warehouse was found by Laswell's team. You of course leaked it out, as his personal assistant you had full access to everything. You eyed him seeing the big man look through the window. He spoke Russian through gritted teeth to whoever was on the other end "vam luchshe ispravit' eto seychas! Mne nuzhno, chtoby eta posylka byla otpravlena zavtra! Sdelay eto !" ( You better fix this now ! I need that shipment sent out tomorrow! Make it happen !) Luckily, you were a multilingual, and understood a variety of languages which gave you the upper hand to infiltrate and go uncover.
He slammed the phone onto the table nearly breaking it as you took the chance standing up walking over to him, speaking in a seductive low voice touching his arm "Gluboko vzdokhnite, lyubov' moya, ya uveren, chto zavtra oni sdelayut eto. chto-nibud', chto ya mogu sdelat', chtoby oblegchit' vashi problemy?" (Deep breaths, my love, I'm sure they'll get it done for tomorrow. anything I can do to ease your troubles ?) He seemed to be composing himself shaking his head. "Net. Ne nuzhno volnovat'sya iz-za chego-to podobnogo, moya dorogaya. Pochemu by tebe ne kupit' mne chego-nibud' v toy bulochnoy." (No. Don't need you stressing over something like this my dear. Why don't you go get me some thing at that bakery shop.) Giving a warm smile. "Of course !" You make your way out of his large office grabbing your coat and leaving his large mansion. It was too fancy for your taste, but all his estates were that way and you’ve lived in almost luxury for 7 months so far. You stride out the door, body guards every where as you take a deep breath, it was cold outside as always as you made your way to the bakery.
Once you felt out of sight you pulled out your phone and called Laswell, "I got something." You can hear Laswell sounding ready to log into the computer and record the phone call. You waited until she told you to speak. "Tonight, his men have to make up a new shipment, he's set on getting it out tomorrow to whoever." Laswell then asked "He hasn't told you who though" you huff "No...that's one thing he hasn't opened up to me about. And Laswell...I think he's catching on. You need to get this done now. My neck is on the line" you bit your lip. It was true, you were the only other person present in the room that would share information to the enemies, he's obviously going to figure it out soon. "I know, hang tight. I'll send a team to extract you. We have things to go over anyways, right now he's not our priority. Until then-" you frowned walking a bit making a right, for a while you felt someone was following you "I think I've already been caught on...." You began panting softly speed walking Laswell hearing this "I'm going to be sending two of my guys to your location. Stay alive until then. ETA extraction team be there at best 2 hours" you cursed under your breath speaking through gritted teeth "I may not be alive by then Laswell." She takes a breath from the line "Then guess you fight like hell" you walked yourself into an alley way the two men were definitely behind you as you put Laswell on hold."Excuse me for a moment" , looking at the men smiling "Good morning gentlemen, to what do I owe this encounter?" They both strided towards you but you were faster grabbing one of the man's arms kneeing him in the chest and grabbing his gun shooting his head. The other one reaching for his, drawing it. You use the man's limp body as a shield taking the shots as you aim his gun to the other man shooting him. Just like that, dead. You pick up your phone "Sorry about that Laswell, where do I rendezvous again ?"
A Couple Hours Later
You were in a jet flying back to base where you'd meet Laswell and her new team, for the first time. You've only heard a little bit about the team otherwise you didn't know what to expect. You had changed into your casual attire, it was tight jeans, boots that reached below your knees and a shirt that only one sleeve went over of your shoulders. You wore one sleeve to mask your other arm, your nails manicured and hair hanged down over your shoulder showing your natural hair color. It's been a long time since you've been back in your home turf. It always felt like you were always on the move dressing differently from head to toe.
When you finally landed you stepped down the stairs however you weren't greeted by Laswell, instead you saw 7 men all seeming to wait for your arrival. You then noticed the laptop on the stand with Laswell on the screen as you knew what this meant. Approaching the laptop you look at the screen seeing her serious face before smiling and nodding her head "Glad to see you still kept your head" you mumble softly "Barely, no thanks to you" she smiled slightly "I know you just got back-" you raised your hand "If you expect me to already go back in the field again you must be joking ?" Giving you an apologetic look as a man with a cup hat walked forward holding his vest "Unfortunately we are not lass, Kate says your the best. And quite frankly we need your skills lass." You wanted to scream, you just got home. You've nearly lost your head twice and already you want to be sent out like a guinea pig. Gritting your teeth "And you are ?" Cocking a brow at him almost glaring. "Captain John Price, I lead the team 141." You studied him for a moment scanning at the men behind him. Before looking back at the screen. "Last one, I mean it, I need a break Laswell" nodding her head "I agree" you frown crossing your arm "I'm going to need more assurance than you agreeing with me Kate" the words came out sharp but you couldn't be blamed, you were rightfully to be pissed. "I promise this will be your last one." You studied her, huffing hands on your hips "Alright, who now ?"
Laswell went on to speak with the Captain shifting the camera view for Laswell to see the interaction "Need you to meet whose going to help with this mission. Los Vaqueros, this is their leader; Colonel Alejandro Vargas and his Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra" you raised a brow before speaking "Los vaqueros eh? México ? que parte ?" Reaching to shake Alejandro hand he was shocked and surprised smiling before responding "Crecí en Las Almas mi amiga, ¿hablas español?" Smiling at his remark "Sí, estudié todos los idiomas para moverme." He laughs softly "Debo decir que estoy impresionada!" You then shake his Sergeant Majors hand nodding your head. Next you were in front of two other men, both wearing UK flags. "Sargent Kyle "Gaz" Garrick and Sargent Johnny Soap McTavish" shaking both their hands Soap seemed a lot more excited to greet you as he spoke with a rough Scottish accent "Nice to meet you lass, you're quite the deal if Laswell hand picked ya" you laugh softly "So I'm told." Next was a person you didn't see before. He blended into the shadows was almost daunting from his size and aura. Laswell spoke "And that is Lieutenant Ghost." You nodded your head as he did the same. Flipping your head in Laswell's direction, "Okay....what do you want me to do"
After the Briefing with Los Vaqueros & 141
You were in your bunker putting on some makeup, was more natural looking and a glue on wig (honestly you hated wearing wigs but was essential to look different) it was blonde of course, they will be of course going back to Russia. You grumbled annoyed you just got back from that place and now you have to go back to find some guy named Gusev. This annoyed you apparently the man was selling illegal weapons and they want to know why. However, you had a feeling they knew more than they shared, it felt like you were out of the loop, just told to get whatever information you can and return. Apparently in two nights, he'll be meeting someone to give some information, a deal so to speak. Whatever was in his briefcase they wanted to know. Your job of course, is to get information out of the man within a night, take the briefcase and bring it to HQ. Sounds almost impossible, but you'll make it happen. This will be different though, you'll be watched over by 141 and Los Vaqueros. You frowned, Los Vaqueros patrolled in Mexico, so why exactly were they involved ? What do they gain from joining 141 ? And why was a team necessary to make 141. All of it confused you. People sell illegal weapons all the time, that's normal but for British,Mexican, and American to work together simply to track down some smuggler, it made you wonder what exactly you'll hear from Gusev that Laswell was withholding. You put in some green eye lenses to look completely different, sometimes you didn't even know who you were. Once ready putting on a dress with heels. Was a tight black dress that hugged around your body with not straps. You walked out of your bunker, the clicking of your heels can be heard through the halls as you made your way to the team.
Captain Price had the laptop up again, obviously talking to Laswell as you made your way closer, everyone else was talking amongst each other. It was the man with the skull balaclava noticing you first, his eyes scanned you from head to toe. You didn't let it bother you though, you were used to having eyes on you. Apparently was enough to make the Scottish man notice with his gaping mouth. You ignored it though approaching the Captain who looked like he was holding stuff for you, he handed you some IDs as Laswell spoke through the screen "You'll be a hooker this time" you raised a brow frowning at her "Really?" Kate laughs a little "Apparently Gusev is known for going to some strip clubs" if you thought your brow were high they went higher "You've got to be joking !" you blinked "I'm afraid not y/n, you'll find what you need in your bags. Ghost and Soap will be inside with you the whole time. With Price, Gaz and the Los Vaqueros guarding the exits and entrances."
You mumbled to yourself "Great....." with that Price spoke up "Alright team, let's move out." He then said a few words to Laswell, which you were able to catch her last words before "Take care of her John " was what you heard before boarding the craft. Finding a spot where the man known as Ghost sat across from you, with of course Soap next to you and Colonel Alejandro. Everyone else sat around. This was going to be a long flight you thought to yourself. Already Soap was asking you a bunch of questions, he seemed almost enamored to finally speak with a women, as you thought Poor guy, he must not go out a lot with women. His voice disrupting your train of thought "Where you from by the way ? You sound American." you nod your head "Spot on, I grew up in Kentucky." His eyes lit up "Country girl ?" You laugh a little covering your mouth "Something like that yes, my parents own property I used to ride horses. Well, kinda still own one but yeah" This really intrigued him, but Alejandro chimed in "Ah, a lass with good taste, no wonder. ¿Eres una vaquera tú mismo?" You smirk at him, he was handsome, he had a nice chisel face and slick hair "Sinceramente, no soy un estilo vaquero, monto al estilo inglés." He nodded his head "Ah, impresionante mi querida, seguro que eres talentosa." smiling from the compliment "gracias" yet this time Ghost caught your attention "How long you've been working undercover ?" The question seemed to surprise everyone as they looked in his direction My god, his presence could be obvious from his size and demeanor yet I forgot he was there. Guess he'd blend in well in the club. "Let's see- give or take maybe....6 years ?" His eyes narrowed in on you almost finding it hard to believe "Awfully young then aren't you ?" Your cheeks were red as you smirked a bit "I am old enough to be in the field, I assure you Lieutenant, I know how to do my job. I've never failed at getting what I want." He huffs "As long as you ain't a burden on my ass. Last thing we need is dead weight" Price looked his way "Ghost, none of that, Laswell and y/n, have worked together for years at the CIA, I trust Kate's judgement therefore I trust her." Price gave you a sympathetic smile "Sorry lass, don't let him intimidate you" you smile back "Not at all sir"
Arrival Somewhere in Russia
Getting off the plane, you were escorted by Ghost and Soap, to take you to a hotel to spend the night. You work at the club (already been given the job after the owner scanned your body from head to toe) Ghost and Soap, got jobs as bodyguards for the club, which the owner seemed delighted because apparently it's known for fights. You're to pretend to be a 21 year old, that gave you an eye roll. Your objective, find the target, seduce him, get the briefcase that contains plans that is needed. Apparently he's supposed to do a trade with someone. Ghost and Soap will stand in proximity to the best of their ability, if it all goes south they'll extract you immediately.
Getting a room card turned out to be more problematic than you thought though, the hotel had only two available rooms, therefore it meant someone would have to share since of course as the concierge said "The room for Mr and Mrs. Jones." You were about to say that must be wrong yet Ghost spoke up "Yeah, that'd be me and my new wife" clearly not trying to make a scene you went along with it. Feeling Ghost lay a hand on your waist. You knew it was for show but his hands were big on your waist, it sent a shiver up your core making you blush deeply. The concierge seemed delighted "Ah newlyweds! Here's your room then." Taking the keys Ghost and you walked side by side, well more like, he pulled you away from the desk with the press of his hand on your hips. Glancing back at Soap, you can see he was pouting about not thinking quick enough to be your fake husband. At the same time, you were somewhat relieved, you felt Ghost would be less obnoxious. And quite frankly less perverted. You hit the elevator button waiting for the doors to slide open as Soap eventually caught up as you all stepped in silently.
Ghost looked at the ceiling of the elevator obviously making sure their was no cameras as he spoke "Johnny, stop pouting" you looked toward Johnny seeing his arms crossed glaring at Ghost "It's not fair LT, besides you didn't even give y/n a chance to decide her husband." You laugh and blush a bit, Ghost looking down at you "Beggers can't be choosers." He says gruffly as you look at him as if he was encouraging you to say something as you look at Johnny who seemed to be fuming "C'mon Johnny, don't be like that. I tell you what- if we survive this mission, next time I need a fake husband I'll ask you" you gave a smirk. He beamed up "Aye, hear that LT, already should be expecting a divorce soon" Ghost snorted, the elevator door dinged as you stepped out walking to the room you'd be staying in. Unlocking it. Wishing Johnny a good night as you and Ghost went into your shared room. It was spacious, rose petals, fragrance smells, soothing lights, just perfect to set the mood...if you were an actual couple.
You look up at Ghost seeing his annoyed stare as he grumbled "Fuckin hell" you laugh softly, holding your stomach as you couldn't help it "Already regretting Lieutenant?" You walk into the room setting down your bag near the bed brushing off the petals. Ghost stood against the wall as you looked at him "You know "husband" if you plan to watch me undress that would ruin the element of surprise." You giggle seeing him become uncomfortable clearing his throat "Don't get any ideas lass, I don't plan on watching" you cock your brow zipping down your dress "Yet you're still staring." He looks immediately away heading into the large bathroom "Hurry up and fuckin change." You giggle seeing him rush into the bathroom shutting the door. You began undressing out of the dress into some shorts and loose shirt. Having to make do, with the dresser and your own mirror to remove your makeup, hair, and lenses. When finished you called out "Alright hubby, you can come out now" you can already hear him grumbling stepping out obviously not thrilled with the new pet name. He was still wearing his mask but in a shirt and sweatpants, cocking your brow at him sightly "You sleep with your mask on too ?" He groans rolling his eyes "You ask a lot of questions" you stand up sitting onto your bed "And yet you dodge every question. You are an unknown book, that I'm dying to read" he snorts "Poetic, don't get your hopes up lovie, best to stay curious and never know."
His eyes lingered on yours then moving down to your shirt, realizing you weren't wearing a bra as he adverted his eyes cursing in his mind. You pulled him out of his mind "Well we should rest. Big day tomorrow. Goodnight hubby" he grunts sitting in the sofa chair, you look at him and scuff "Ghost, there's plenty of room on this god for sake king size bed. Get in now !" Your eyes were sharp, he almost would've taken that as an order with your sharp tone as he grumbled feeling like he'd regret this. Laying on the other side, his back towards you before going to sleep. You lay awake for what seemed like forever unable to close your eyes. You could feel his warm body at the other side of the bed. Hearing his heavy breathing as you lay in silence. You turn to look at his back seeing him breathe. Your curiosity from what's under the mask as you wonder who he was and what he looked like. There was so many questions running through your head you didn't even realize until he spoke "Go to sleep, or I'll knock you out myself" with that you gave a huff but smiling softly, you finally close your eyes and mumble "Shut up..." he gave a low chuckle it surprised you but it made you smile falling into a deep sleep.
Thanks for Reading !
#ghost x reader#simon ghost riley#simon ghost x reader#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#cod modern warfare#cod mw2#cod x y/n#cod x you#simon ghost riley x f!reader#simon ghost x f!reader#simon ghost riley x reader#simon ghost x female reader#simon ghost riley x female reader#cod mw x reader#cod x reader#cod mwii#simon ghost x f! reader#simon ghost x you#cod mw ghost#cod x gn!reader
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Introduction / Masterlist
Name: Forster
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Norwegian.
More below.
Dni "list"
I've never written a DNI list before, so it'll be short.
- if you are one of the people who have "fans of X character/ship, dont interact" anywhere on your account, please stay away from mine.
I find it silly.
I will respect you as long as you respect me.
- If you're below 16, interact cautiously. I don't post NSFW myself, but I might repost it.
My work
Links to my Wattpad and my AO3. there, I will post the exact same thing that I post here, but in a different format. (Obviously)
Linking "Mind of Its Own" as it seems to be my most well received piece this far.
For our Discords bi-weekly writing challenge.
These fics are short, staying around 1k words.
1st week
2nd week
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Short fic's
Unrelated to the Discord.
#aot#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#snk#aot fandom#aot fanfiction#fanfic#intro post#introduction#pinned intro#Mobuhan#aot bertholdt#snk bertholdt#aot discord#discord#18 aot discord#fandom#fan#first fanfic#fanfic authors#18+ fandom space
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Victorian Masterlist
A Clockwork Heart (ao3) - aprettystrangeao3 tony/stephen T, 18k
Summary: Doctor Stephen Strange, expert physician and rumored miracle-worker, just wants to eat his poorly-made biscuits and do his research in his cozy library in his empty home in the grey outskirts of Victorian New York. But his life suddenly changes, for better or worse, when a missing man arrives half-dead at his doorstep. What will he manage to uncover about his newest patient-- and what could he uncover about himself in the process?
A King for Christmas (ao3) - iam93percentstardust steve/tony E, 101k
Summary: In 1867, Tony Stark flees New York after refusing to marry the alpha his parents chose for him. His money runs out in the small kingdom of Dacia, ruled over by King Steven of the Rogers line. Somehow, and he’s not entirely sure how, he ends up accepting the position of nanny to the king’s four children: Harley, Peter, Sarah, and Morgan.
Tony bonds with the children easily but their father is harder to get to know. Steve is still grieving his wife’s death four years earlier. His continued mourning has turned the once bright halls into dark and somber shadows of their former glory. Tony isn’t entirely certain what he can do but he knows that he has to do something or else the whole country, so attuned to their leader, will sink into despair. He begins by reconciling the king with his young children.
Meanwhile, the children have decided that it’s high time their father fall in love again—and Tony is the obvious choice. They concoct elaborate plans to force the two together, hardly realizing that Steve and Tony are falling in love, not through their shenanigans but through the quiet moments they share bonding over the love they have for the children.
a white demon love song (ao3) - officecowboyy loki/mobius E, 12k
Summary: He should have killed him when he had the chance, should have taken that sweet-smelling blood for himself and rid the world of another foolhardy man thinking himself strong enough to kill a god.
BLACKOUT (ao3) - SalamanderInk loki/tony E, 77k
Summary: There's a moment in everyone's life, a turning point where everything that could be and everything that should be takes shape and becomes real.
For Prince Loki of Jotunheim, with a heart cursed to ice, that moment comes when he first meets Lord Anthony Stark of Midgard.
Collars of Ardor (ao3) - The_Nerd_Alert steve/bucky, peggy/angie, past bucky/alexander E, 135k
Summary: It is 1880 in London, and Captain Steve Rogers seems to be the ONLY man in the world who has not found his Consort yet. It is a global practice, to own a Consort before the age of 30, or risk paying Taxes into the Consort Union. But... Steve just has not found his One yet. If he is to have a Pet for life, he wants his to be perfect. So after a disheartening birthday party, and urging from his wife Peggy, Steve sets out to spend the evening alone... What he did not expect was to stumble upon his One and fall head over heels in love with the boy. Now, if only he could melt that Winter heart of Buchanan's and make him his...
Copper and Magic (ao3) - Saintduma loki/tony E, 11k
Summary: Tony Stark is an American in London, looking for an interesting companion for the night. When he finds a High Fey, fate takes him on a long and very unexpected ride...
Fear on Whitechapel (ao3) - Shinigami24 steve/bucky, jane/thor E, 10k
Summary: As the Victorian era continues, omegas that work the streets are hunted by a madman without empathy or fear. Bucky and Steve try to survive while putting an end to the rampage.
Forbidden by Time (ao3) - MaxxJacks (wcnderluster) steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: When Tony stormed out into the cold after an argument with his father, there was only one place to get out of the cold.
In the Dead of Night (ao3) - theicesculpture loki/tony T, 6k
Summary: The year is 1887 and Anthony Edward Stark is determined to get to know the guest neighbouring his hotel room. That guest also happens to be a vampire.
I only meant to stay a while (ao3) - ebeatrice loki/mobius G, 1k
Summary: “I thought we might share a dance,” says Loki.
Or, Mobius chases Loki down to Victorian London. His favorite variant has no intention of being caught, but he's not against spending some time with the TVA agent before running away.
Love Me Tender Like What Keeps You Well (ao3) - thiccbuckybarnes steve/bucky E, 24k
Summary: The estate was full to the brim with giggling ladies in tailored dresses and gentlemen in dress shirts and narrow jackets with velvet collars. The ballroom was lively with chatter, music, and dance, and the rest of his house had some form of merriment and gossip in one corner or another. - - Steve Rogers, an alpha, widow, retired army captain, and master of the Allaheim estate, is happy to welcome new neighbors next to his manor in his pleasant little village of York. He hopes to gain new friends to brighten up his lonely life, and ends up getting much more than he bargained for when he meets the son of his new neighbor, James.
Masquerade (ao3) - crankyfractal (upquarkAO3), sirsable steve/bucky E, 9k
Summary: Lord Bucky Barnes is tired of the dull repetition of the London social season. Every year, it's political games and stuffy suits and niceties so stiff it makes his teeth hurt. But this year is different. This year, he runs into a handsome stranger at a masked ball, and there's a chemistry there that neither can deny. Finally, some excitement in his life.
Of Broken Dreams and Mended Hearts (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky, peggy/gabe, clint/natasha, pepper/tony, past bucky/brock M, 354k
Summary: When the House of Barnes is left in massive debt after the death of George Barnes, their oldest son and heir, Bucky, is forced to sacrifice his own hopes and dreams by entering an arranged married to Steve Rogers. Steve seems kind enough, has a prominent job in the government, and was even voted Society's Best Catch. But the House Rogers is significantly higher in status than Bucky's family, which means Bucky is marrying up in Society, and marrying up doesn't only come with rewards, it also comes with certain...expectations and losses--some of which Bucky might be willing to do anything to avoid. And those opportunities might come his way.
Unless, of course, he actually starts falling in love with his new husband...
On Ceremony (ao3) - CapandCarter T, 108k
Summary: In retrospect it was foolish of Peggy to anger the mayor’s son in such a personal fashion, however, she’d had no premonition of the death of one of the Unification Couple
And how that death would change her life forever.
Peggy is forced into a marriage she doesn’t want with a man she has no intention of loving.
Plot, enemies to lovers, angst, and fluff ensues.
reason and love keep little company (ao3) - thelilacfield wanda/vision T, 5k
Summary: She’s surrounded by rich men, men who could give her everything she could ever want, set her up comfortably in a manor to carry their children. Men she doesn’t want.
She could never love them half as much as she loves a poor gardener with the sky in his eyes and dirt beneath his nails.
Steady as the Stars (ao3) - ragnorakdad loki/steve, past loki/grandmaster, past jane/thor, implied thor/bruce T, 14k
Summary: The Social Season of 1890 has just begun, and Loki already despises every minute of it. At the first event that Thor drags him along to, Loki does not get along with one of the other patrons in the slightest. However, he soon finds out that this man, Steve Rogers, has moved around the corner from the Odinson villa.
Tally-Ho (ao3) - orphan_account loki/sif T, 2k
Summary: Sif was never one to really enjoy these sort of gatherings, none the more when Loki was supposed to play the host, but at least he was amusing to watch as he glid from a guest to another and skillfully avoided befriending anyone despite making everyone think that they had.
He had also skillfully avoided her the entire night, no matter how much her fingers had started to itch for his coat lapels. Just to throw the gaudy thing off and strip him down.
The Borders of My Realm (ao3) - boombangbing bruce/jane, pepper/tony M, 29k
Summary: In 1893, vagrant Bruce Banner and society lady Jane Foster are brought together in the home of the eccentric automobile inventor Anthony Stark.
The Counterfeit Courtship (ao3) - spinawren steve/bucky T, 8k
Summary: It was said by the best people in Society that good confectionary had the capacity to solve all of one’s problems. For all that Steven Rogers had a long and storied history of vehement opposition to Society, on this count he had found himself in reluctant accordance with its mores; so much so, indeed, that upon reuniting with a rather older and more vampiric friend it was the consumption of baked goods - soaked through with blood, naturally - which he’d recommended as the most curative activity he knew of.
The Curse of the Castle Keep (ao3) - velvetjinx steve/bucky, pepper/tony, minor bucky/tony, minor bucky/natasha, minor loki/mobius, minor sharon/natasha T, 61k
Summary: When Steve is seven years old, his mother becomes the governess for ten year old Tony Stark. Their move to Yorkshire and the big house will be the start of a new life for them, if Sarah can win round Tony.
A story of friendship, family, growing up, and love that will last - even beyond the grave.
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{ 1:50 pm } You collapse onto the cool wood that your bare feet were jumping on just a few seconds ago. Your panting and fast heart pace slows down as you release a deep sigh.
“You liar! You didn’t need help, you just wanted to bother me.” Minghao lays beside you, propping his torso up with his elbows. You smile as his giggle fills your ears making your heart skip a beat.
“No. I wanted to spend time with you, that’s a difference.” he replies in a matter-of-fact tone.
Rolling your eyes you playfully smack his cheek. “Have the other members been taking me away from you?” He pouts and nods, smiling as you chuckle at his adorable face. “I hate that you know you’re cute.”
You couldn’t really understand how someone as perfect as Minghao could exist. His slim face was proportional, his dancing was a level you aspired to reach, and no matter what his mullet look killed you every time you saw him. Not to mention he was a thug at heart which constantly made you laugh. That was his favorite too; your smiling face and your charming giggles consuming his heart each time he knew he was the source of your happiness.
“Remember when we kissed?”
His sudden question made your heart stop for an instant. Your eyes meet, yours popping out of its sockets. “Huh?” You laugh in embarrassment, thinking back to the moment when you were making a V Live with the Performance Unit. The fans had requested that you played a game and Hoshi pulled out a box of Poky from under his pillow and handed it to you without you questioning anything. You began with Minghao who got pushed closer to you by Jun. The quick action caught Minghao off guard that he didn’t get the chance to catch himself once your lips touched. Dino had spit up soda and Hoshi started screaming. “What about it?” you question, hearing Soonyoung’s girly screams playing in your mind again. You try to hold on your laughter.
Minghao shrugs. “It’s just that out first time was sloppy..and unprepared for.” In the corner of your eye you see his left hand reach over to you, “Can’t we do it over again?..”
You can feel the tips of your ears and your cheeks growing hot, hotter than you just felt while dancing to one of the new songs the group has made. His fingers gently graze your right cheek, a moony gaze dancing in his warm, brown eyes.
His palm touches your cheek completely. Minghao’s eyes study your face, going from your eyes slowly down to your lips. He slowly began to get closer leaning hesitantly towards you. You couldn’t help but look only into his eyes as panic began to swell up in your gut and mind. You put your hand on his without realizing it.
“M-Minghao..” your voice is soft and quivering.
“Hmm?” He didn’t look away from your lips until you whispered his name.
“You stink.”
Smiling in satisfaction, you walk out of the bathroom, a trail of steam following behind you. Your hair was still soaking as drips fell from the tips of your hair onto the wood floor below you. “Your turn, Minghao.” You call out to him but don’t look around to know he heard you. Your eyes were too fixated on the glowing screen of your phone that sat on your bed, waiting for you to reply to the multiple buzzes that emanated from it.
Picking up your phone, you’re greeted with messages from your friends. All they asked was if they could get free tickets, both plane and concert, to see you and the boys. They were fans of Seventeen mostly because you were in it but also because the group had catchy songs. And because the boys were good looking and had talent.
You roll your eyes and tell them for the hundredth time that you could give them free tickets only once, but their once turned into 5 times and now they were used to depending on you. Your mistake was doing it the first time. Now they were addicted.
A gentle yet firm hand grabs your shoulder suddenly, catching you by surprise and making you jump. You turn quickly to see Minghao standing in front of you. Your eyes fly from his and trail down to his exposed torso, your face growing to a light pink. His toned arms and stomach scream at you as his lanky body towers over you. As your eyes meet his again you notice how unusually close he’s gotten and without time to think, his hands cup your face. His soft, plump lips press gently against yours.
You melt into his touch, quivering as his lips slowly begin to move against yours. You don’t move. You don’t know what to do. You don’t even close your eyes and savor this unexpected moment. It doesn’t last long either until he pulls away, his thumb grazing over your bottom lip as he licks his. A devilish smirk climbs onto his pretty face but as he turns it disappears. He closes the bathroom door behind him leaving you in silence with the water running in the distance.
You gulp.
My mom had fallen in love with my dad when he had a mullet..
#seventeen#seventeen imagine#seventeen oneshot#seventeen au#seventeen the8#minghao x reader#minghao#minghao imagines#kpop#kpop imagine#kpop one shot#kpop oneshot#vam masterlist
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do you have a master list of all the audios? i need one place to find them all 😩
Motorsport Audio Masterlist Albon - Lawson
Male Listener Audios
Alex Albon
[M4F] [Script Offer] Early Morning With Your BF
[M4F] Be My Good Girl?
Fernando Alonso
noche de lluvia
[M4F] Déjame ayudarte a dormir
Marcus Armstrong
A Soft Morning at the Beach [M4F]
[M4F] [script fill] Study break
Teaching you how to drive stick
Exhibitionist in front of the window
[M4F] Flatmates [painting]
[M4F][Script Fill] All Wrapped up
[M4F] It’s been a while
Peter Bonnington
[M4F] [Script Fill] Laundry Day
[F4M] Thanks for a Great Race, Wanna Fuck?
Valterri Bottas
[M4F] You Love It When I Put On A Suit, Don’t You?
Jenson Button
[M4F] Breakfast In Bed
Perfect The Way You Are.
I talk about going down on you
Sweetening up a Single Father [M4F]
Angela Cullen
[F4F] Taking Time For Yourself
Nyck De Vries
[M4A] [Ramblefap] I have to start with something...
[M4F] I'd say it was a pleasure but...
[M4F] Some Comfort
[M4F] Some heavy petting
My roommate, my vam[M4F]Feral Friday Ramblepire
[M4F]Feral Friday Ramble
Jack Doohan
shall we share my sleeping bag?
[M4F][Script Fill] Impulse Control
Felipe Drugovich
[M4F] Ramblefap #2
Pierre Gasly
[M4F] Boyfriend Waited Too Long For You And Can't Hold Himself Back
[M4F] Are you horny too?
[M4F] I do like your tits, speaking English can be hard fortunately I can do better things with my mouth
[M4F] Sleepy boyfriend wants you to come to bed to cuddle
[M4F] Helping you falling asleep
[M4F]The perfect gift
A Kiss, Or Two, To Wake Up
[M4F] Un réveil exceptionnel [FR]
[M4F] Unspeakable
[M4F] You and your crush have your first of many kisses
[M4F] Your beautiful breasts
[M4F][Improvisation]Sleepy boyfriend wants you to come to bed to cuddle
[M4F] Oh, you're studying? No, I'll just sit with you.
Lewis Hamilton
[M4F] Testing your strength against your boyfriend goes wrong... but very, very right
[M4F] Catching Daddy Playing
[M4F] A not-so-sneaky night of passion to cap off the week
[M4F] Fucking your brother's best friend.
[M4F][M4F(MMM)] You're my pretty little maid for game day. Won't you make my friends feel comfortable?
[M4F] You just can’t keep away, can you, Princess?
You're Safe With Me, My Darling
[M4F] Aw, is daddy's cock too big for you, princess? I don't care.
[M4F] Naughty Daddy fucks his little girl neighbour who's been teasing him for some time now.
[M4F] Distracting you from chores
[M4A][Improv] A needy "good morning" in the kitchen
[M4F] Needy Whore
[M4F][Script Fill] Honeymoon Swats
[M4A][OC] A sleeping gift for your overworked partner
[M4F][Script Fill] Shopping spree
[M4F][Script Fill] I saw what you did… Was that for me?
[M4F][Script Fill] Dominant friend needs an assistant
[M4F][Script Fill] Your Dom BF wants to make you cum while you game
Dennis Hauger
[M4F] I Will Hurt You, Princess
[M4F] Just Like That
[M4F] Warm Mushroom Soup
[M4F] Happy Ending Birthday
[M4F] Amateur Masseur
[M4F] A Farm by the Fjord
Christian Horner
[M4F] [Script Fill] The Sleepover DILF
Niko Hulkenberg
[M4F] Let’s see if you actually deserve more of my cum today
[M4A] You're Not Alone
[M4A] Unwind, and fall into relaxation with me
Callum Ilott
[M4F] You’re Sick, But It Doesn’t Bother Your Boyfriend
Michael Italiano
[M4F] Closing Time At the Gym
Liam Lawson
[m4f] Taking her virginity after a date
A Quickie with the fuck buddy
[M4F] Let Me Make You Feel Beautiful
Your doting boyfriend treats you to a night of relaxation and pleasure
[M4F] It’s been a while
#pierre gasly#lewis hamilton#smut#x reader#christine recommends audios#jenson button#nico hulkenberg#nyck de vries#fernando alonso#marcus armstrong#liam lawson#alex albon#jack doohan#peter bonnington#valterri bottas#dennis hauger#michael italiano#callum ilott
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The fact that I made my first official rec list with live journal fics in April 2017 when I was still 13 and now I’m turning 18 in a few days and I’m currently working on a huge masterlist is just embarrassing
#at least I’m consistent#I mean the og reclist was Bandom fics from 2006#and the current masterlist is vam fics from 2005 so at least it’s from the same group of people
0 notes
9 - Life Adjustments
Part 10
Werewolf Forbes masterlist
"Ric, you don't have to carry me around everywhere." I complain as he carries me bridal style into the living room of his apartment since I was discharged from the hospital he hasn't really let me do anything. Using his vampire powers he pretty much gets a lot more done. The only thing he can't seem to get the handle on is the blood thing. My sister explained to me that there's a barrier keeping every supernatural out of Mystic Falls, so we can't return home until it's fixed. Bonnie managed to bring everyone back from the dead but made her and Damon get trapped in a prison world. Elena mourned heavily and had Ric take away the moment she loved him. "If im to play prisoner can you tell me what else I missed. Which is basically four months according to Caroline." I play with my hair staring at the ceiling as he grades papers on the other end of the couch.
"Well I became a college professor and brought you back to life." He picked up his glass of red liquid most likely blood pointing a finger at me. Tilting my head to the side I smirked playfully. "Oh a professor huh...I like the sound of that, Professor Saltzman." Alaric whipped his head my direction sitting his glass down vamping ontop of me and I gasped when my back hit the couch. "Ric, what are you doing?" I giggled not used to ever being in this position with him before. His hands go to my waist leaning down and kissing me slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss back not realizing how much I missed kissing him. My fingers find their way into his hair forming it into a knotted mess making him moan against the kisses. He moved his lips to my neck kissing it pressing his nose into it.
I felt his hands run up my sides as u gasped sharply feeling his fangs priece my skin. I shove him off seeing the veins under his eyes disappear when he sees the blood on my neck. "Shit Y/n, I'm sorry." I grab a paper towel from the kitchen trying to stop the blood watching him bite into his wrist making it bleed. I gently take his wrist in my hand drinking the blood remembering that it would heal me. Once the wound is closed Ric flopped back on the couch running his hands through his hair groaning. "I can't believe I did that to you." Like I said he's been having a hard time controlling himself around me. Honestly I don't understand how Caroline was able to control herself around Tyler when they were together. Now that she's dating my brother at least if be bites her, he can heal her right away from a werewolf bite.
"Ric, it's okay - wait what time is it?" I asked looking at my phone as the sun started setting outside. Tonight is the first time I'll turn since waking from my coma. He removed his hands from over his face reading the time on his phone “5:00pm why - crap it’s a full moon.” He vamped into his room grabbing his jacket shrugging it on as I stuff clothes in my bag. Picking up wolfsbane from a cabinet before I noticed him cocking his crossbow. “What do you think you’re doing?” He simply replied heading for the door handle. “I’m coming with you-“ I cut him off shoving his hand off before he could open the door. “No you’re not. You’d be putting yourself in danger.” He sat the crossbow up against the door gesturing with his hands where I caught his daylight bracelet on his left wrist. “I can take care of myself. I’m a vam-“ Throwing my hands up I glanced to see it was starting to get darker. “A vampire Alaric, you can die if you get bitten!”
Yanking the door opened and closed I rushed outside getting in his car driving out into the middle of the woods or at least I tried to but the sun fully set as I put the car in park. Opening the door I ran from the road feeling the moon starting to rise in the sky. I don't bother with chaining myself up anymore. Everyone that I know is a vampire is smart enough to stay in tonight to avoid getting injured. Pulling the bottle cap off I chug some of the contents that burned my throat as I heard a whooshing sound behind me. What kind of vampire is dumb enough to be out here. Glancing over my shoulder I gasped seeing Ric a few steps away from me with his crossbow in his hands. "Alaric, what the he - Arg!" I fall on the ground feeling my legs and elbows breaking making me groan in pain.
"You can't be - urg - out here!" I growled my fangs showing through with the gold eyes. He leans his back against a tree not leaving my side. "I'm staying baby. No matter what I'm not leaving you to do this alone. Whether I'm human or a vampire." His eyes poured into mine with love and that's the last thing I remembered before I took off into the woods. The next time I open my eyes I'm laying in the valley of the woods a blanket draped over my naked body. Squinting up I see Ric sleeping with his head on my bag with clothes inside. "Ric?" I called out before he opened his eyes handing me the bag and turning around not watching me dress. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked pull my shirt over my head and some jeans before he turns to face me again. "A couple hours. Now that I'm a vampire I can keep up with you better." I glared at him remembering last night. "You were an idiot to follow me."
We left the woods going back to his place. Dropping my bag at my feet I sighed about to complain but when I turned around suddenly gasping at what I see before me. Alaric's on one knee taking my hands in his staring up into my blue eyes. "Y/n, I love you. I never thought I would get to have another love after losing my first wife Isabel who picked being a vampire rather than be with me. But then I found you, the woman who is the kindest and fiercest person I have ever met. I've already said that I don't care whether you're a Forbes or a Mikaelson. The name you share doesn't define who you are to me. The thing that I know about you is that I love you. So will you marry me?" I feel tears falling down my face as I tackle him to the floor. His arms go around my waist as I hovered above him grinning. "Whether I'm a Forbes or Mikaelson, yes I'll marry you Alaric." He mirrors my face reaching into his pocket showing a ring made of gold. He slips it on my left hand kissing me and I kiss him back until his phone goes off. We sat up so he could answer it. "Who is this?" Ric questions and the voice we heard made tears come to our eyes. "Ric, it's me...I'm back." I choked out with a chuckle. "Damon."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
#werewolf forbes#alaric saltzman#alaric saltzman x reader#caroline forbes x sister reader#caroline forbes#klaroline#klaus mikaelson#klaus mikealson x reader#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore#rebekah mikaelson#tvd#tvd fanfiction#tvd fandom#wattpad fanfiction#comments really appreciated#SoundCloud
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The Vengeful Deceiver - Teen Wolf Fanfiction
Scarlett Black, she has been a vampire for 8 years and now forced to go back to school, forced to control herself in front of so much food. All for a puppy.
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Chapter 6
“Easy, easy” she said helping Stiles lean his back against the side of his car. Scarlett observed his body; there were no more scratches, no more blood flowing out, he was not pale anymore. She couldn’t believe it.
She of course knew the powers of her blood, but she had never used them on a human.
“Are you ok?” she asked moving closer, but Stiles turned to her with wide eyes.
“What...” he whispered “What happened? How...? Who are you?”
She needed to be careful with this. She needed to not give away too many information. They didn’t have to relate her to Peter in any way. The only problem was that Derek was around. Bastard.
“You got attacked by a werewolf” Stiles eyes got wider.
“How do you... Oh my God! Am I going to turn?” he exclaimed making Scarlett push him down lightly with her hand on his shoulder. He was freaking out and she could feel it. It was so strange; she could almost feel her heart beat once again.
“No, no you’re not” she said before looking around “Listen Stiles, we have to go. We need to move, it’s not safe here.”
“What are you? Why...?” he looked down at himself. Scarlett could still feel his anxiety. Was it supposed to be this way? That wasn’t normal.
“I'm going to answer to everything you want to ask, but now we have to move” she couldn’t risk for someone to see them there. She had to take him away.
Stiles was still looking anxious and confused, but he nodded weakly.
“Can you stand?” she asked as he tried to get on his feet, but seeing him unstable, Scarlett took his arm, to help him.
“Easy, easy” she said putting her hands on his chest so that he could lean on the side of the blue jeep.
“I’m... I’m feeling better” he said confused. He was healing fast.
“At least let’s get inside” she said searching for his eyes, using her most sweet voice.
“What are you?” he whispered looking back at her.
She didn’t know him that well, but she had figured how stubborn he was. He wouldn’t have moved if she didn’t answer his questions. Not that she feared this moment, Scarlett knew what she had to say.
“I’m a vampire, Stiles” at her words his eyes became wider, his lips were parted even more confused.
“A vam...” he muttered “You’re a...?” “Yeah” she answered. Stiles passed a hand on his face before looking with terror his fingers dirty with blood.
“What...?” he said blinking his brown eyes “Why am I not bleeding?”
Scarlett paused for a moment; she didn’t have to freak him out. It would have been difficult; she was freaking out too. She was feeling all his anxiety and confusion. That was quite scary. She needed to talk to Peter, it felt so strange.
“Because you drank my blood” she said trying to be as reassuring as possible, but his eyes got even wider.
“Oh god!” he said “Am I going to be a vampire?” Scarlett shook her head but he didn’t let her speak “Am I dying? Am I dead?!” then he turned to her “Are you dead?” Scarlett scoffed before taking his head between her hands and moved closer.
“Can you please calm down for half a second?” his expression shocked and his lips parted, but at least he was quiet.
“You are not turning and you are not dying” she said “But you are going to pass out if you keep freaking out like that” then she let him go, making a step back. He wasn’t moving, so she saw any other way than explain everything to him there.
“My blood has special abilities” Scarlett started to explain “If a human drink it, his wound will start to heal much faster. That’s why I gave you that.”
“You...” he muttered “You saved my life.”
“Pretty much” she nodded her head, making him scoff.
“Pretty much?” Stiles said “Scarlett you... you did save me.”
Humans and gratitude. He didn’t know anything, still it was enough for them to be safe and they would forever been grateful. Maybe it was because of mortality. The fear of death. Something that she had long forgotten.
“Yeah” she said crossing her arms over her chest trying to sound as guilty as possible “It’s just that...” she passed a hand through her hair, making him frown.
“What is it?” he asked panicked.
“When a human drinks a vampire’s blood, the vampire will be able to feel what the human is feeling” she explained, as he listened to every word.
“Every feeling” he asked gesturing between himself and her “My every feeling. All my feelings?”
“I’m new to this alright?” she admitted in all honestly to shut him up.
“You’re new at being a vampire?” he asked curiously, making her frown.
“No, not that” not that she was hundreds of years old, she was a young vampire, but that was not the point “I’ve never done this. So, I’m trying to understand too.”
Stiles took a breath; his skin was getting pink again and his reactions were quicker. He was getting better and he was starting to move as a spaz like always and to think. His mind was running like crazy; it was easy to see.
“You’re a vampire” he said pointing at her that nodded “A real vampire?”
Scarlett raised her eyebrows before showing her fangs. Stiles gasped.
“This is... awesome!” he exclaimed making her frown enable to hide a smirk. Usually that scared humas, making them scream and ran away.
“You should be afraid” she said with a frown “Have you ever heard about vampires?”
Stiles nodded his head.
“Yeah, but you saved my life” he answered making her take a breath “It would be very mean, nasty and cold-hearted to do that, just to kill me after.” Scarlett looked at him with wide eyes. He was actually right. If she hadn’t needed him, she would not have lost her time; she would probably had eaten him on the spot. Even because Stiles’ scent wasn’t that bad, so his blood must have been the same. But she couldn’t help but feeling impressed by his reaction.
“You’re strange, boy” she answered shaking her head “But maybe you’re the right kind of friend for Scott.”
Her words made Stiles’ eyes went wide once again.
“Scott?” he said trying to hide the truth “What... why would you...?”
“Don’t worry, Stiles” she said interrupting him “I know that Scott’s a werewolf.” Stiles raised his eyebrows ready to ask her something but Scarlett stopped him.
“My god, do you never stop asking questions?”
“I’ve got just attacked, Scarlett” Stiles exclaimed “You’re a vampire, you know about Scott, what am I supposed to do?”
“You need to relax” she said getting closer, putting her hands on his chest, making his gaze drop where she was touching him. His heartbeat dropped for a moment and Scarlett had to hide a smirk. Her touch affected him. That was quite interesting, remembering how his heartbeat got faster at Lydia’s presence.
Suddenly Stiles’ phone started to ring making them both look down. The boy started to search for it in the pocket of his pants.
“It’s my dad” he said once he read the name on the screen.
“You should-”
“Um, yeah” he said pressing the pressed the green button “Hey dad, yeah. No. I'm...” he looked down at his clothes “I’m coming over. I... you’re coming back late?” he asked taking a breath, relieved by the news “Great. Well, no... not great” Scarlett frowned “But... yeah, I'm... I’m almost there. Yeah... see you, tomorrow.” as he put his phone back in his pocket, he took a relieved breath “My god, I couldn’t come home like this.” then he turned to her “Now you have to tell me everything.”
“Now you need to rest” she said shaking her head.
“What, Scarlett no.”
“Scarlett yes” she said “You need to rest, so write down your question, record them on a tape, do whatever you want. But not now” she continued looking behind her “I don’t know who attacked you and you need to be home before your dad.” Stiles licked his lips looking down at his cloths once again, finally nodding his head.
“And you promised me a ride” she said with a smile.
The ride home was silent. Stiles was probably too busy to figure out all the questions that there were on his mind. She could swear that she had seen smoke getting out from his ears, but he didn’t say anything. As they arrived in front of Scarlett’s house, she turned towards him.
“I know you’ve got many question” she said “And I promise to answer them. Alright?” Stiles nodded his head. Scarlett did the same before open the door. But before she could get down, he put his hand on her forearm, making her stop, before turning towards him.
“I just...” he took a breath “Thank you, Scarlett.”
She observed him, gratitude in his eyes. Total gratitude. No doubt. He trusted her. Now Scott would have known that she was a vampire and feeling what Stiles was feeling meant that she could figure out where they were most of the time.
“Don’t mention it” she said with a little smile “See you tomorrow, Stiles.”
She got off the blue car and walked towards her door, before turning to watch Stiles drove away. She took a breath before entering and as she closed the door behind her, she smelled a sent that she knew well.
“Yeah, thank you, Scarlett” Peter’s voice made her turn “We are making progress.”
“Told you to leave it to me” she said sitting down crossing her legs with a little smile.
“I love how good you are at lying, my dear” he said with a smirk.
“Yeah, I know” she said shrugging her shoulders.
“But we are not done” he said leaning towards her glowing his red eyes “We have still work to do tonight.”
Scarlett’s eyes widened getting closer to him.
“You found him?” she asked as he nodded his head.
“I did, dear” he said “He drives one of the school buses” Scarlett giggled.
“Finally” she said showing her fangs “Promise me I will get a taste before we’ll kill him.”
#teen wolf#teen wolf fanfiction#teen wolf imagine#stiles stilinski#stiles stilinski imagine#stiles stilinski fanfiction#stiles stilinski x reader#stiles stilinski x oc#scott mccall#derek hale#derek hale x reader#derek hale x oc#derek hale imagine#derek hale fanfiction#allison argent#lydia martin#peter hale
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The Full Moon (A White Demon’s Love Song, Part 7.)
Series description: A new job was the reason you found yourself on a lonely road trip on the western coast, ending up in the woods of the Olympian Peninsula. Yet a sudden car malfunction was what cause your unplanned stay in Forks. To your surprise, there was a lot of sinister things going on under the veil of fog.
Part Summary: As the relationship between you and the grumpy shapeshifter finally moved on to the better ground, you knew you were now in the position to ask to see more of the magic that Quilete people could do.
A/N: Okay, okay, okay. I'm back and... Let's get this bad boy running, shall we?
Tagging: @missdictatorme
Word count: 4.6 K
Twilight playlist: ✨ Twilight Crackheads ✨
Series masterlist: H E R E
Jacob sat there in dead silence for a moment, before he looked back at you, just sitting there, chewing the meat and staring at him with a small smile. - "Are you sure that you're in the right headspace? We can talk about this later if you want." - At that, you furrowed. You've asked him to show you the wolf again. Okay, maybe, you've been making a fairground attraction out of his abilities and you weren't afraid to tell it out loud, but you wanted to see the animal again. You were curious about seeing it. - "What are you after?" - You mumbled, taking another bite from your almost cold meal. Dear Lord, you've been sitting at the table for more than half an hour. - "You've hit your head, had a panic attack, fainted twice, and even though, you want to see it again. Don't you have any sort of self-preservation instinct? Or do you just find it exciting to have your life threatened all the time?"
It was played out as a joke and you both grinned, you even let out a small laugh... But it was just reminding Jacob of her. How excited she was to discover the werewolves, that she was fond of learning more about them - more so, there was a short fascination phase. Funny, how things sometimes replayed the exact way it was before. - "Hey, look at it from my perspective. I've been living my whole life listening to fairytales and legends, myths, stories... And now, I've learned that some of them are real. Of course, I want to see it again." - "It's not a magic trick. It's who I am, Y/N." - Jacob looked you dead in the eyes to scare you off a bit, but it hadn't made you even flinch. - "And I do respect that, Jacob." - It was just a whisper, but the five words meant a whole lot.
You were telling him that you're respecting this side of him and that you're not scared anymore. Well, that you're not scared of him, more so - which was fair, there was something way more malicious to be scared of. The cold ones, knowns also as the fricking vam-pi-res which you still couldn't say out loud. And now, it was your conflict as well, whether you wanted to take part in it or not. You were there and you should accommodate real fast, or it's going to cost a lot more than a slight concussion, two faintings, and obviously, making yourself an idiot out of yourself in front of fucking everyone. Which made you furrow. - "How do you even know I fainted twice and that I was acting like an idiot? You weren't here - Seth was with me the whole time." - "It's going to get crazier than it already is... Do you want me to answer this one?" - Jacob furrowed and you nodded. - "Are you sure?" - He asked once more. Again, you nodded
Maybe you thought that you're going crazy, Jacob couldn't tell what was going through that head of yours. So far, it seemed that not that much was going on there. And so, he went for it. - "We can see, hear, and feel our thoughts. The members of the pack a 24/7 access to every thought that has ever gone through your head, every feeling that went through... They can see everything. It's very uncomfortable and scary - but that's how I know what was happening here." - "Like all the time?" - "No, only when we shift and the person shifts around the same time." - Wow. How many boobies did the werewolves have to see? How much of the action... Did they see? Sex was the last appropriate thought in a situation like this one - but it was the most natural one.
Once more, your face was looking like a frozen Windows XP program as you thought about all the dirty secrets they knew about eating others... Well, there weren't any dirty secrets if they simply saw all of them, huh? That was one of the most fucked up things you've heard until that day. - "And can you like... Not share with them?" - You wondered after at least two-minutes-lasting silence. - "When you're good at playing mind games or you're a total asshole, constantly thinking about something unpleasant, theoretically, you can hide some of your memories... But trust me, we've been in each other's heads for enough of a long time. Mind games start to bore you to death after some time." - "But it's better than seeing someone bending Betty from the gas station over a table, ain't it? I'm sorry, but I can't stand the bare thought of seeing my friends... Doing stuff. Yuck." - At that, Jacob snickered - which fluidly translated to a burst of happy laughter. - "I'm talking years of being in each other's heads. Not just... Weeks or months. No matter how hard you'd try to conceal everything, there's always a small moment of vulnerability, which can tell others everything, especially when you imprint. Then you don't care about how the miserable singles perceive your all-day projection of a happy relationship." - Jacob mumbled then, his expression coldening at the end of his statement.
Again, there was this hint of sadness and the other Jacob taking over the wheel, steering the ship for now. Yet now, you were to jump straight into the sadness. - "Come again? Imprinting? And what's that about?" - You asked, reminding him that most of this is all news for you. You've never been inside the consciousness of the pack - you never saw Quil constantly gushing over his precious Claire, or before, you couldn't hear Sam thinking of Emily. At the start, it was sweet, but occasionally, it started to feel like flexing on the members who hadn't found the one yet. - "That's another form of slavery we, as the werewolves, participate in." - Jacob tried to joke around, but the tone of his voice gave him in. - "Okay, I'm ready to hear about that."
It wasn't making Jacob easy to talk about the imprinting, trying to explain it to someone - again. But he did. He talked about endless love where the wolf had no choice but to listen to the damn calling of his imprintee. He couldn't leave, he couldn't just stop loving them, the wolves had no choice in this matter. It was one of the most unfair and disgusting, weird things you've heard about that evening. But it made you think... Maybe this was why Jacob was so sour about Bella all the time. He imprinted - and she just let his trust go, becoming a vampire. She let him suffer, alone and unwanted. - "Did it..." - "No." - Jacob answered before you've even finished your question. So that wasn't what happened either - but you were positive that something similar to it had happened. The idea simply haunted you - how would it feel to fall for someone without choosing to do so? Without any reasoning?
On the other hand, it must've been extremely freeing. Not to think about doing right and wrong, just to do as your head tells you to - to love, admire and care for a person until the point it almost kills you, not to put yourself and your feelings in the first place... Damn. It had pros and cons. - "Okay." - You said when you've settled all the ideas inside your head. - "When we'll be doing it? I mean, when you're going to show me?" - Well, you certainly weren't fucking around. There was no question about IF Jake's going to show you, the question asked was starting with WHEN. On one hand, you've had the right to know more about it. On the other hand, it was none of your fucking business - especially with the vampires lurking around Forks.
And as usual for Jacob, he chooses the less logical solution. - "Tonight. I have a watch over the Ozette lake and I'm supposed to be alone there. Also, it's not probable for the leeches to track us out there." - Jacob was never the best with making good decisions, that was the first thing going on there. The second matter was that Jacob was sure you'd follow him into the woods - and if you'd drop dead again, Seth couldn't be the prince to rescue this time. The third thing about this situation was that it would be most likely the best solution, for a few days, to stick with one of the wolves. The trackers hadn't come across the few drops you've let in the forest when you banged your forehead into a damn root - they'd surely soon do so since it was quite smelly.
Now, when you were on board with everything, it also wasn't so crazy to ask you about borrowing a t-shirt from you. Sure, other boys and mainly Sam won't be too happy with how much did Jacob tell you - yet it was better than you walking around without having any clue. He could leave out some parts, for sure, but why would he do so? He was in a fucking shitty situation - no way in hell would he be pretending that everything on the planet is a-ok. - "Okay." - You chimed happily. Suddenly, you whipped folds with papers on the table, working as you ate the last crumpets on your plate. - "Also, there's this one problem." - "The money doesn't add up? " - Jacob asked back, his eyes glued to the TV. - "No, I'm just almost done with all the papers I was able to find there. You don't have the business for too long, do you?
At this, another bit of the conversation was started - Jacob told you how he got the old workshop from a mechanic who was too old to keep up. Of course, he paid something for the business, but it was more of a symbolic amount of money than a huge sum. Jacob also started to keep the record about all the gigs he has taken since he started to work as the new mechanic; yet despite his best tries, he was a messy person - your help was heavily appreciated in this field. This start-up was just what Jacob needed to leave La Push. He was still spending some time at the weekend in there with his dad, Seth, and his other friends, but now, he was trying to get through life on his own.
He dreamt about going on a vacation to somewhere where it's always sunny and warm, but he was still saving up for the dreamy trip of his life. Which, as you guessed, wasn't going too well. Jacob, being the good-willed idiot, was trying to help the needy people who couldn't afford to pay that much for a mechanic and there was a lot of small amounts of money he just... Let go. Just like with you, with Mrs. Peterson, and a ton of other people. So... He was most likely to spend his whole damn life in Forks. - "Yeah, but I mean... I will be done soon. What should I do when all the papers are sorted?" - You asked when the story was ended. - "Well, since you still have a debt, you might as well help me with the gigs, I suppose. Tomorrow, I have one in Sappho and then two cars in La Push, I think. And a routine check-up at the station... And then your car." - Jacob started to count on his fingers, naming every gig he had written into his calendar. - "I don't know anything about cars. And you've told me that you're gonna do something to me if I even get close to one of your cars. The cars don't like me either, just to let you know." - At that, Jacob laughed into the back of his palm. - "I'll be there and I'll show you your way around the cars, I swear. You won't be letting anyone's car blow up on my watch." - And there, it was the start of something so-called a friendship.
As Jacob promised, it could be around 8 p.m. as you both climbed into the tank he called a car. He made sure you've made yourself some hot tea and put it into a Thermo cup, some food, he so made you take your jacket and his raincoat just to be sure you won't feel cold. The whole ride to the unknown was quiet, yet in a nice way. You've been shifting on your seat expectedly, watching your surroundings. There were woods as far as you could see, nothing but deep and dark woods. Suddenly, Jacob turned off the engine and looked at you. You've been in the middle of literal nowhere, yet Jacob was sure you're just where you've been supposed to be. - "Well, come on, we're here." - The man smiled sadly. He was playing out the worst scenarios inside his mind for the last ten minutes and he was just praying you wouldn't fain when he'd show his wolf form to you. - "We'll be walking for half an hour," - "In this pitch-black night? Are you out of your mind?" - At that weak argument, Jacob snickered quite happily.
"I forgot you can't see that well in the dark." - The man scratched the nape of his neck as he looked around. - "But you'll be just fine, trust me. Let's go." - With a quite loud clap, he ventured to the forest head first, not waiting for what you wanted to do. Unexpectedly, you stood still at the trunk of his car while the wildest thoughts raced through your mind. That man told you, just mere hours ago, that there are vam-pi-res somewhere in the woods and now he wanted you to wander somewhere behind him, orienting only through the sounds of his heavy footsteps... Jacob was surely half-insane, you were one hundred percent sure of that. Suddenly, said crazy man popped his head on the other side of the trunk, making you squirm in fear. First, you ducked and tried to hide, but then, your mind clicked as your brain realized it's only Jacob
"Holy mother of shit." - The curse made Jacob grin, but he didn't say a single word as he leaned his elbows to the sides of the said trunk. - "I swear to God that I'll have a heart attack if you keep fucking around with me. You scared me to death."
"What are you so scared about? I've heard everyone looks better in the dark, Y/N, which makes me the best looking man in all of the Forks and La Push." - At that argument, a wide grin appeared on your face. Sure, you still were a bit tense, but as of now, Jacob's presence was calming you down... Which was a thing you thought you'd never say out loud. In the end, he was one grumpy and scary package. As of now, he was tall as a mountain and pretty well-built as far as you could judge; said man could also turn into a wolf at will, so it was a win-win situation. You had to be safe with him even if you didn't want to. - "Debatable." - It was not much more than a silent mumble when you answered Jacob. - "Come on. Don't be a sissy, nothing bad can happen to you. I can't smell anything inhuman in here. You're safe."
To be absolutely exact, Jacob couldn't smell anything other than you. Not that you'd be smelly or smelling funny, your smell was just outrageously strong, even in an opened, windy space. But he was sure that if any leech would be lurking around, he'd either see or smell them. - "Sissy?" - Was the answer you came up with, leaving the safe space behind the trunk. With never-before-seen confidence, you walked up to the edge of the woods, quite literally pulling your sleeves up in the process. - "You called me a sissy? Well, young man, you just outdo yourself. I'm no sissy." - And just like that, you stumbled to the pitch-black dark forest, walking a few steps forward between mossy, cold trees. At first, you still knew Jake's right behind to watch each of the steps you made, yet as the time passed by, the silence was growing louder and louder.
You've made it a few feet into the woods before you realized that you, in fact, were a total sissy. As you walked out of the edge again, you could now see Jacob resting his back on the side of his car, watching you with a small, daring smile. - "I gave you a minute before you walk back out. You impressed me with your time of a minute and fifteen seconds." - "Oh, fuck off. A forest is a freaky place when you can't see even a foot away from you. I almost hit a tree with my forehead." - With a sigh, you caught the straps of your backpack in your palms and looked at him. - "Well, lucky for you, I have a plan B."
First, you didn't know what he was doing - the man kneeled in front of you while showing you his back, waiting for you to do something. What you were supposed to do was in no way clear to you, to be honest. - "Are you climbing on it or not?" - Jacob asked impatiently after almost a minute of getting his knees wet. Were you doing... What? What did the man just ask you to do? To climb on his back? Well, who were you not to deliver?
With all the concentration you had in you and with the best skill you could have while wearing two thick jackets, you climbed on his back, making sure you were holding to his shoulders as firmly as you could. At first, it seemed to be working - with little to no actual force, Jacob walked at least half a mile with you on his back. The only problem was your ass slowly slipping down with each step he took. And suddenly...
"Oh, loca. Did you hurt yourself?" - As soon as Jacob heard a loud wet thud, he knew you've fallen directly on your ass. Yeah, it did hurt a little, but it was nothing you wouldn't walk off pretty easily. - "No, I think I'm good, it's basically nothing." - A mutter along with a sharp curse word left your lips as you tried to pick yourself hard. And you needed to say that it wasn't the easiest task when you couldn't see more than one and a half feet from you. Jacob watched you trying to find a tree nearby with a smirk on his face before he actually bowed down and made sure to pick you up bridal style.
"I can walk on my own, Jesus Christ, Black! I'm heavy!" - A quiet squirm hit Jacob's ears as he started running with you in his arms as if you were nothing but air. Even though you started to wiggle a bit to show you're not consenting to be carried, the man could hear your heart slowly calming down. Just like that, you felt very safe. - "We can talk about that once you start walking properly. You women really need to work on your marches, let me tell you that." - Jacob answered while making his way forward as if you weren't even there. - "It's hard to walk when you can't see for your dear life." - Was the last mutter you left out before curling up closer to the warmth he radiated as you tried to find a better position for yourself to relieve both him and you.
Jacob remembered the forest trail to lake Ozette from the back of his head. During the day, the place could be lovely when any leeches were around - it was a huge body of water laying as far as an eye could see, some shores were beachy, some of them were covered in reeds. When the summer was warm enough, it was one of Jake's favorite spots to take a swim at along with the boys, especially when they decided they are bored of cliff diving for now. As he thought about that, there were many beautiful spots around Washington the guides didn't talk about and which you definitely had to see for yourself - just like that one meadow high up in the mountains, or the canyon cutting the edge between Quileute and Cullen territory. There was just something simply magical about these spots.
It took him a moment to form the right kind of sentence before he started talking. Which, let's be honest, kinda freaked you out - the man was running around a pitch-black forest with you in his arms and nothing more than jean shorts and a plain t-shirt on, barefoot, let you add and he still found to breath to talk to you amidst all of that. - "You know, if we survive all of this in good health..." - Jacob started carefully. It was meant as a joke, but seeing your eyes widen in horror made him realize this wasn't funny to you. - "I mean, when all this is over, because, we will destroy those leeches and that's a promise, I think I have some secret spots for you that you might want to see." - "But... What about my car? Won't it be long repaired by then?" - Ouch. It was a good question, but it hurt the good-hearted Jacob right in the feels; this time, the mean, grumpy guy wasn't in charge.
Yes, he should focus on repairing your car as quickly as he was capable of just to get you out of Forks for good. As a reward, he wouldn't feel the heavy responsibility for another human being who was fully dependant on him and his pack in this scenario. On the other hand... - "What if we don't get the right parts, huh? I think you should start to prepare for prolonging your stay in Forks and by all means, you should find yourself a good part-time job. Newtons always look for a part-time worker." - Even if you could see just a sheer glimpse of his teeth, you knew he was basically smiling from ear to ear.
"Jacob Black, you're one of the best mechanics I've seen," - Wow. That was a huge compliment. Yet, then the second part of the sentence came to play and it ruined the nice thing completely. - "Truth is, I have seen like... One mechanic working. But you seem to be great at what you're doing and with your love for classic cars, there's no way in hell you wouldn't get my Beetle working." - "You meant do say the wreck, didn't you?" - "Oh, fuck you. No more compliments for you, you get cocky too easily." - To keep you in the headspace of winning that small quarrel, Jacob didn't say a word throughout the rest of the way. It wasn't much longer a mere five minutes later when something very bright hit your eyes.
Oh, it was the moon. It made sense - no clouds were in the sky, it was clear and you've also been miles away from the nearest small town. Here, as it reflected in the masses of water, the moon looked as big as never before. When Jacob put you down, you didn't wait for a signal that the proximity of Ozette if vam-pi-re free and just walked to the meadow surrounding it. As it was to be expected, it was cold as hell - there was a huge mass of water in front of you and the wind was blowing; yet your eyes were basically glued to the big, grey, shiny ball on the sky. - "I told you there are some secret spots you might enjoy." - Black grinned as he pressed something to your hand. At first, you just nodded with your mouth opened as you were unable to look away, yet as soon as you realized you're holding a piece of cloth, it hit you - Jacob walk walking back to the edge of the forest's edge, unzipping his jean shorts. It was happening.
With a soft thud, you took down your backpack and turned head first towards the spot the man disappeared at. Nothing more than a splashing of water and soft howling of the wind could be heard, yet you knew exactly what was happening. And when it happened, the sound reminded you of a quiet, strange explosion, you knew that this time, you've been perfectly prepared for what was waiting for you hidden just ten feet away from the nearest tree.
This time, when you saw it, you hadn't fainted. In fact, you stood perfectly still and watched the majestic animals slowly walking towards you.
#the twilight saga#jacob black#jacob black x fem!reader#the werewolf bois are back baby#you'll see them in the next round#they'll make at least a guest appearance#damn it feels good to be back#even if i just finish this series#did you listen to twilight soundtrack?#you should#it's cracked#i swear
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Hi! Im trying to figure out pronouns i want to experiment with, i was wondering if yall could maybe help? Im particularly interested in goth and cheesy halloween themed/inspired pronouns :) thank you in advance!! Your pronoun masterlist has been really helpful so far!
i'm so glad you're experimenting with pronouns!! i'm happy to provide :)
pronouns under the cut, feel free to modify them however you see fit
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Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ― Chapter 12: The Return
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ⥽
While struggling with nightmares of lives she’s never lived, a shadow from the past looming over her city, and the proposed idea that her life may just be a little bit too weird to handle alone, Nadya makes sure to tell herself that everything is perfect just the way it is. If only. When the self-proclaimed King of Vampires (and Maker of her sometimes-girlfriend and always-boss, can’t forget that little tidbit) Gaius Augustine returns intent on claiming Manhattan as the throne that was promised, she and her friends find themselves forced into the task of saving the world. But with millennia-old vampires and an Order of hunters on their heels as well as allies hiding catastrophic secrets at their backs… it won’t be an easy task. Too bad destiny didn’t exactly ask for her input.
Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Destiny II tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
The gang returns to New York with a well-earned victory under their belts. But that means Nadya has to face Kamilah, and she isn't quite sure she knows how to feel just yet.
Nadya leans on the rail with a wistful sigh. Takes a moment and just… lets herself enjoy the peace of being at peace. No memories haunting her behind her eyelids, no immediate danger… at least none she can see right in front of her.
No, the only thing in front of her is New Orleans. The French Quarter spread out for blocks around her in vibrant colors going pale against the purpling sky. It’ll be dawn soon.
Did she sigh already? Well… no harm in another one.
Taylor’s learned his lesson in sneaking up on her. Why else would he knock on the door leading up to the roof instead of taking advantage of one final attempt to startle her silly?
He clicks his tongue with a wry look. “Careful now, that sigh right there, that’s trouble. Means you’re falling in love with this place and you won’t ever wanna leave.”
Nadya can’t help it that she laughs.
“Are you trying to sound like Garrus?” It sounds like something the fae would say, actually.
“No, and frankly you don’t want to hear my Garrus impersonation,” he hesitates; waits for Nadya’s little go-ahead of a nod before joining her overlooking the city as it begins to put itself to sleep, “it’s not very good. My Ivy on the other hand…”
Their laughter is soft and polite. They wouldn’t dare jostle the world below.
“I mean, when I went off to college I had dreams of road trips on spring break, summers spent with one program or another. New Orleans was always on my list.”
“And did she live up to the hype?”
Now how exactly is Nadya supposed to answer that honestly? “Well college-aged me probably wouldn’t have been hanging around the Graveyard Shift, that’s all I’ll say.”
“Nadya, babe, you have got to stop being a hard mood,” Taylor places a hand to his chest, “my little empath heart just can’t take much more of it.”
She shoves him (gently) and their laugh is a little less awkward the second time around. Probably because he is, indeed, an empath. And he gets exactly what she’s feeling right now.
Longing — exhaustion — trepidation — to name a few.
He nudges her shoulder with his own. “You’ll have to come back when everything’s fixed on your end; see the city for real, you know? Not just all the bad things.”
Not like she goes searching for the bad things, thanks. They just kind of… happen dangerously close in her proximity. “I’d like that. Lil’ too, for sure.”
“Oh, for sure. Though I have a feeling her and Ivy together might be a bit more trouble than Nik’ll want to deal with.”
And on that Nadya can most certainly agree. Not that she does so with words. Strangely she doesn’t feel much like talking right now. Not-so-strangely, Taylor doesn’t either. So they lean in mutual silence and watch the streets below. People going through the motions; living their lives.
Lives far less strange than theirs.
The blue of the dawn is just starting to bleed orange when he finally speaks again.
“You’re not used to winning the day, are you?” She isn’t surprised in the least to look and see that strange iridescence back in his irises.
“I don’t have enough coffee in me to answer a question like that,” which — that’s her answer; but Taylor definitely isn’t taking it, “I mean… back when all this stuff started; we won then, I think. Adrian was exonerated and Jax joined the Council and Vega wasn’t trying to kill me anymore —”
Taylor holds up a finger. “Wait — like the missing Senator, that Vega?”
“You knew him?”
“Uh, Vee and our friend Kristin lived up there together. Wait a second—he was a vam— no… that’s not the point. Sorry, please continue.”
God, is that how I look to other people, Nadya wonders; but it’s humbling to see somehow.
“Anyway… I thought everything turned out for the better, and for a while it was better. But now that I think about it…” Gaius, Jameson, the Trinity; all of them lurking just on the other side of the two-way glass. Waiting for the time to strike and take her happiness away; to pluck memories from her she never asked for all in pursuit of some epic fantasy-level world conquering.
If the fight wasn’t over, did that still count as a victory?
“And you’re left wondering if this is the same deal. If you’ve really won, or if there’s more stuff—worse stuff—just out of sight.” Taylor finishes for her. Still a little weird and possibly more akin to mind-reading than the half-fae originally led her to believe, but for the moment she’s glad to not have to say it.
“Yeah, exactly.”
His hand comes to rest over Nadya’s on the railing. He’s warmer than he should be and the sun’s got nothing to do with it. Likely his weirdness is helped by touch, too. Which Taylor all but confirms aloud when a sudden but not unwelcome ease relaxes the tension she didn’t know she’d gathered in her shoulders.
“I can’t offer any answers, and I don’t think I’d want to. With my luck I’d be wrong and you’d hate me forever.” He’s joking but Nadya still rolls her eyes and shakes her head for it.
“But I can say that no matter what happens? You’ll always have friends here to call up if needed.”
What is she supposed to say to something so sincere? “Same to you, Taylor, same to you.”
A sleek black car with tinted windows pulls around the corner and onto their lonely street to park right in front of the bar.
Looks like their ride is here.
Kamilah isn’t waiting for them when the plane pulls into the nice and shady hangar. Nadya tells herself she isn’t surprised by this… but she’s trying not to tell herself mostly-truths lately either. Luckily she’s still too exhausted (and she’s pretty sure she only got about half an hour’s nap in the entire time they were in New Orleans) to make much of a fuss about it.
In fact, Nadya barely remembers sending a text off before she and Lily both are being ushered into the back seat of one of Adrian’s company cars.
[TEXT]: back in NY and miss you like crazy. can we plz talk?? [TEXT]: its nadia
And its the most dreamless, dead-to-the-world-est sleep she knew she needed but didn’t know how to get. Staying awake for near-days and going through every emotion under the sun and also dealing with a high-stakes pursuit weren’t exactly on her list of viable solutions to her sleeping troubles.
Ergo the point of all this — no one is allowed to think her anything less than totally justified when Nadya wakes up in her own bed, in her own bedroom, sometime well after sunset and thinks for even the smallest second that everything was just a dream. She knows logically that it wasn’t… but still.
Totally justified.
When her eyes adjust to the lack of light Nadya realizes she’s not alone. There’s a figure sitting on the edge of her bed nearest the window, away from the door. Giving her the chance to escape if she needs it; making sure she doesn’t feel trapped.
Only one person would do that.
She fumbles for her glasses on the nightstand but leaves her bedside lamp untouched. Can’t shake the feeling like if she does turn the lights on then Kamilah will vanish. This is better for them both.
Something moves near her head; Nadya leans back to see the woman pulling her fingertips away from where they had been combing through her hair gently. She wants it back so much she aches from the loss of them.
“Hello,” replies Kamilah; sounding awfully breathless for a woman who doesn’t need to breathe, “did you rest well? You… seemed to need it.”
Probably not what she meant to ask judging by the way the neon signs from across the street illuminate her in postmodern beauty. It’s okay though — Nadya isn’t sure she has the courage yet to say what really needs saying.
“When did you get here…?”
“Shortly after your return. Oh, Lily wished for you to know she’s left for the evening. She didn’t leave a message as to why.”
So it’s just been Nadya and Kamilah in the apartment for at least the daylight hours. Alone; together. And not talking about their problems.
When Nadya sits up (in part to look at Kamilah better, in part to make sure she doesn’t fall back asleep on accident) the bed dips as Kamilah shifts back; makes to stand and leave her with all this twin-sized budget bed kit to herself. And because she can’t stand a thought so terrible Nadya reaches out and stops her with a hand on her arm.
A long pause — then; “Yes, Nadya?”
“Why are you here?”
“You messaged me,” so Nadya of course fumbles for her phone and finds it charging under her pillow, “though I suppose I should have realized you were exhausted beyond recognition.”
“Why’s that?”
“You spelled your own name wrong.”
Upon further inspection yes, yes she did. “Glad you weren’t expecting some other disaster you’re dating also named Nadia…” That she chooses not to dwell on the fact that she may have very well used that word for the first time in the middle of their first fight is actually self-care.
Or — she doesn’t until Kamilah’s been quiet for an awfully long time.
“Uhm — I take that back, actually — what I meant was…”
“I won’t disagree.”
Only Kamilah Sayeed could look so perfect framed in the flickering lights of a discount electronics shop.
“But you’re my disaster.”
Nadya kisses her because every other time it’s been Kamilah who takes the lead, takes charge, takes her. This isn’t some attempt to switch that dynamic either (in fact Nadya’s very happy with it just the way it is) but what else is she supposed to do seeing all these vulnerable parts of such an invulnerable woman one right after the other?
But — no, she can’t fall into this. Fall into her. Not without talking. But holy mother of crap she doesn’t wanna do anything but moan at the lips soft on her cheeks, her chin, her throat…
Nadya only has to say her name once. They both know how this works. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel the hesitance; the resistance before they part and she all but forces them to meet eye-to-eye. Nor does it mean that she doesn’t take just the tiniest bit of happiness from it.
When Nadya starts pulling away Kamilah holds on just a little bit tighter. Only for a moment; then its gone.
“We can’t not —” — talk about this.
“I know; I agree.”
And she’s got a whole speech planned out in bullet points; not even fully seated and she’s already buzzing to jump right into it. Until—
“I was uncertain and without control. I fell back on old habits to bring my life to a heel — but those were the wrong choices to make. They nearly cost me… something very important.”
Kamilah’s hand falls open on top of the bedspread and Nadya takes it for the offering it is. Their fingers slot together familiar and like nothing’s changed but this is different. This is talking about it; this is… this is Kamilah apologizing. “They nearly cost me you, Nadya.”
Now is not the time to go all red in the face and flustered. Nadya’s willpower is astounding frankly. “There was never a second where I doubted that you cared. Not about what I was going through, or what it was doing to… to everything in my life. But I think there was a part of me that didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to believe that you and… and the you I saw were —” — were the same person.
Kamilah’s thumb strokes along her knuckles slow and rhythmic. “My thoughts are the same. I am not fragments of a woman; a queen, different than a soldier, different than a killer, different than who I am today. I am all of those things and more. And perhaps still there are parts of myself I have not yet come to know.”
Nadya chances a look up while she listens, but it’s the words Kamilah doesn’t say that catch her by surprise. The ones about who that person she doesn’t know could be. And—god she hopes she’s not reading too much into this—who she could be that person with.
“I think I get it now.”
“And what would that be?”
She squeezes their hands until it hurts because she knows it’s probably the weight of a feather to someone like Kamilah.
“We were scared of the same thing and for the same reasons; you… and your past. But I wanted to know more. I—I wanted to talk about it, without thinking of how hard bringing up all of those bad memories might be for you.”
Kamilah purses her lips and offers a slow nod. “Insightful; and perhaps I was so insistent on trying to keep that knowledge from you that I did not stop to consider what… I was saying in withholding it.”
Now the question is… where do they go from here?
“So we work on that — we try and… understand what the other is doing when she…”
“Makes a mistake she instantly regrets?”
Nadya smiles, but it’s strained. “That’s half of the things I do anyway though.”
“You know my meaning in the context of this, Nadya.”
“Yeah, but that’s not my only problem.” Which isn’t the best word she could use but at the moment she’s not focusing so much on word choice as actual feelings. And Nadya… feels a problem. There’s a breath of a second where it feels like Kamilah might start to pull away, but it passes.
She thinks better of it. She tries to understand.
“You are amazing, Kamilah. You are this… super gorgeous, super smart, super old—in a good way I swear—and super experienced vampire. But it’s not a smart thing for us to—to ignore that.”
“I wasn’t under the impression we had been.”
This is more painful to admit than Nadya thought it was gonna be. There’s no turning back now though; no ‘Restart from Checkpoint’ or save to load.
And this is so so important. Nadya wants to follow through, and not just for the sake of them. She deserves it for herself. “Maybe you haven’t — but I have. I thought that was the only way we were gonna make this work. Only, if I ignore that then I’m ignoring the fact that you are always going to have a power over me. A physical one. You lashed out and…”
“And I could have hurt you.” That Kamilah’s hand tightens with hers is the literal definition of ironic but she knows it comes from a good place; the same place all that honesty was walled up inside now pouring out.
“Nadya, please tell me you know I would never have hurt you. I don’t think I could.”
“That’s not the point. The point is you were angry, and your first reaction was to try and scare me into running away.”
See, this is Nadya’s problem. There’s a reason her life is so organized — without all her colored pens and sticky notes and multiple tabs that always end up in the strangest places, she’s a literal human mess. Prone to rambling and impulsive actions that aren’t always good for her health; physical and emotional both.
She didn’t organize this part of her talk with Kamilah. She didn’t even know this part existed. And now it’s out there in the world without a label tacked on and… and…
“And I don’t think that’s something I’m quite… over, yet.”
Nadya trusts Kamilah still; she doesn’t flinch away when the woman’s free hand comes up to her cheek — thumbs away a tear she didn’t know was falling. She can separate the then from the now.
But at the end of the day her trust and the way she had felt betrayed that night… they weren’t mutually exclusive.
She turns her face into the lingering palm. When she exhales her breath rattles in her lungs.
“I miss you.”
Kamilah’s hand betrays her composed silence; the barest tremor. “I’m here, Nadya.”
Nadya who doesn’t want to pull back, never wanted to pull back… but what is she saying to herself if she doesn’t?
“I miss you,” she repeats, “and I still care about you — I don’t really see that changing any time soon. And I’ll forgive you, really—I will. I just need some time.”
I know there are no promises you’ll be there when I’m ready, or if you won’t have moved on, or if you can’t forgive me for not forgiving you, or for not understanding you, or for making you feel this way. But I feel this way too.
And in all the things she wants to say but doesn’t, Nadya’s left still and heartbroken. Completely by her own design.
The bed dips and Nadya lets her eyes flutter closed as Kamilah’s lips press to her forehead. Not so much a kiss as a touch; something sincere and solid and so so sad.
Kamilah commits the warmth and life of her to memory. Nadya dares to hope that some day they’ll have all of this again.
She has to. If anything deserves hope right now it’s them.
Finally — too soon, too damned soon — a whisper tickles at her hairline.
“I’ll be here.”
When she opens her eyes Nadya is alone.
Jax has a really good point; if the heat from Adrian’s industrial-grade blowtorch hadn’t been enough to melt the gold, then they probably didn’t need to worry about his sword scratching the stupid thing up in any way that didn’t lend to opening it.
Everyone still backs up a few paces for good measure. They’ve all seen him in action — and the man needs a wide berth.
Nadya closes her eyes and braces herself but she still isn’t prepared for the hollow screeching clang every time the sharpened steel collides with the surface of the Amulet. One—two—three.
He stops after three. Judging by the enraged determination in his eye though he’d keep going given the opportunity.
Lily throws her hands up before crossing out ‘ASSAULT BY KATANA’ on the transparent eraser board. “I’m calling it. This thing is a horcrux.”
“A what?” asks Adrian, but Nadya just gives him the now familiar “I’ll explain it later” wave-off. Because unless pop culture references were the secret puzzle to opening the Amulet of Nero they weren’t that important in the moment.
She pushes her glasses up and unsuccessfully stifles a yawn with the back of her hand. Brings her focus back to their list of attempts to crack open (literally) the case… all of which have failed miserably.
Off to the left Lily’s circled ‘MISSING KEY??’ over and over in the corner and while they had all agreed to try and hold out on just not having found the right amount of physical force they might as well face it.
They’re running out of options.
Adrian clears his throat and stares hard enough at Nadya that the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “Ahem, Nadya, could you…?”
“Oh — yes — sorry guys, my bad.”
When she pulls the cover back over the Amulet the difference is immediate. The tension leaves her friends’ shoulders; they sit a little less restless and their eyes are a little less bordering-vampish.
Nadya wasn’t the only one who had been content to write off the strange aura that had come over the vampires in Isadora de la Rosa’s booth as nothing more than trepidation for the inevitable. Now, however, they have to face the facts.
There’s something in the Amulet that draws vampires to it. Cadence had said so himself — when he talked about generations of vampire influence. It’s not enough to incite a war (about which Nadya was admittedly worried, and with good reason given their track record) but covering it was a noticeable benefit to rational thinking.
They only have one thing going for them right now; if they can’t open it then no one else can, either. Hopefully that includes the Trinity. Maybe it even includes Gaius. Who knows? They certainly don’t.
There are too many unknowns — and they’re starting to take a toll on everyone in one form or another.
Adrian begins to gather up the dozens of data graphs spread out in front of him. “With that, I think we’ve come to a natural stopping point for the evening.��� And nobody disagrees.
While Nadya carefully wraps the Amulet back up to return it to the R&D vault, Lily leans on her elbows and watches.
“I take it we still haven’t heard from Cadence? What about calling up Izzy?”
If only she had good news to give. “Nope; and I already did. She definitely remembers feeling that weird magnetism to it before it was repossessed by Persephone but nothing beyond that that she knew of. Actually,” she throws a look over to Adrian, “she suggested one thing; witch-fire? Something like that.”
He seems hesitant to mull the idea over. But they were desperate enough to let Jax hit it repeatedly, so…
“I’ll look into a few contacts. That kind of magic should only be used sparingly and in dire cases.”
“Would this count?”
A beat. “Probably. We would have to run it by the Council, though.” Which kind of nulls even the idea. Since everyone had agreed not to tell the rest of the Council yet. Not only because of the Amulet’s potential.
Lester, Priya, the Baron — Nadya likes to try and see the best in people as much as possible but they don’t make it easy on her. None of them are certain who would, if it came down to it, side against Gaius for a second time.
Nothing is unlikely anymore.
Wow, their shortest-lived idea yet.
Nadya nods towards the vault for Lily to follow. “As for the other thing — Kathy’s starting to get worried. I guess he left town a day after we did.” Which the Nighthunter had admitted wasn’t off-brand for Cadence. But the museum had let slip (which Nadya knows means ‘been bullied into admitting’) that he had been granted a leave of absence; very off-brand.
“The one thing he’s always had is that damn museum. No identity, no Izzy, and we both know I’m a recent development. He was a manic mess the first time that kind of dissociation happened.” The Nighthunter had kept her cool better than Nadya would have in her situation. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t worried ill.
“What if it’s worse this time,” even through the phone she couldn’t hide her concern; her fear, “what if he hurts himself? What if he hurts someone else?”
Hopefully they find him soon. But she’s met that strange group of people; the regulars at the Graveyard Shift. If anyone has the ability (and sheer force of stubborn will, to be honest) to find Cadence it’s them.
“I mean, if I went Jekyll and Hyde around a chick as crazy as that Trinity woman, I’d probably want to get away for my own health too.”
Lily’s comment doesn’t sit well with her; luckily at her admonishing look she at least looks apologetic. “You know what I mean.”
“I also know a little bit of what he’s going through.”
There’s an “ahem” behind them as Nadya spins the wheel on the vault. Adrian definitely has the look of someone who knows he shouldn’t have been eavesdropping but was anyway.
“Speaking of.”
Only… she’d rather not speak of it until it becomes a problem. “It’s fine,” she replies, and waves it off. That was what they’d agreed on for the time being, right? And there haven’t been any problems.
Turns out feeling the weight of relationship-burdened depression the moment you walk through your front door lends to a pretty heavy sleeping pattern. Like Nadya’s body doesn’t want her to do anything but try to get through the next day, and the next, and maybe… just maybe the one after that.
Adrian doesn’t seem immediately convinced. “Promise?”
“Pinky promise.” Which — he still doesn’t really get the concept but the verbal agreement is enough.
Once the lab is fully shut down they manage to pile together into the elevator. Jax thumbs at his phone, blows the hair out of his eyes just a little too close to Nadya’s ear for her liking. She swats him away because personal bubble.
“What’s the matter?”
“Eh, Espinoza wants —” But he catches himself with a look in Lily’s direction. “— something. She wants something. And I gotta… go get it.”
Nadya and Adrian just shake their heads and laugh at him while Lily pretends with absolutely no tact whatsoever not to know what he’s talking about. She even sticks her fingers in her ears like that’ll somehow stop her super vampire hearing.
Jax, somehow with even less tact, like negative tact, takes it as permission to lean and murmur on Nadya’s free side. “Apparently Lula got into the cake. So…”
“Weren’t there three?” Adrian hisses, surprised.
“You’ll get it when you meet her.”
Nadya reaches around and pats Jax’s chest awkwardly. “Good luck with that. Maybe try putting them in the passenger seat this time.”
“Shut up.”
“Just saying… third time’s the charm you know.”
When she gives Lily a nod in ‘all clear’ everyone knows she heard everything. But she’s just excited to know Maricruz is going as all-out as she possibly can, so who would be so heartless as to spoil the whole thing by just admitting the obvious?
Adrian lets them all off on the ground level and offers Nadya one last chance to go home early. “What do you pay her for if you keep giving her chances to not work?” And Jax raises a good point — too good of a point. She maybe shoves him in front of her with all her might, and he maybe stumbles. The world may never know. “Just saying — let me know next time there’s an opening.”
“I’ll be up in a sec. I just have to stake him first.”
She and Lily wave until the doors close. Yes, they live together and see each other every day. Yes, they recently defied death in New Orleans together. But its rare now that Nadya and Lily get a chance to unwind like they used to. So whenever it comes along they’re both there to indulge greedy and giggling.
“Mari’s really going all out with this party, huh?”
It’s a valiant effort but Lily doesn’t look so much humbly embarrassed as expectantly excited. “I think I’m in love, Nadi’,” she jumps the next few steps like hopscotch, “she was fully ready to get a bouncy castle.”
“How are they going to fit a bouncy castle in the Shadow Den?”
“Oh I didn’t say I let her. But she was planning on it, and isn’t that what true love is all about?”
Nadya tries not to falter. Key word being tries. And around anyone else she might do everything in her power not to draw attention to it but this is Lily. Who found her huddled up in bed hours after Kamilah’s farewell and called to cancel her own date to stay with her; to be there for her and give her all the hugs she desperately needed but didn’t know how to ask for.
She doesn’t need to pretend around that kind of love and friendship.
But before Nadya can apologize Lily starts up an air drum solo in front of her while they walk. “And winner for Most Insensitive Best Friend Ever is — drum roll…”
“You’re fine, Lil’.”
“I’m gushing about my life while you’re… not so hot.”
Nope, Nadya won’t have it. “You’re gonna gush because you have every right to gush, okay? You’ve been a vampire for a whole year. That’s super important. You survived Turning, became the digital fanged crusader, and it’s ten times more cool because you did it all without a brand. Jax and Adrian can’t say that. Heck… even Kamilah can’t.
“So if you want a Turning party, you’re gonna get a Turning party. I’m not the only one who thinks you’re worth celebrating.” They lace their fingers and Nadya squeezes. “Plus if Jax shows up with the third set of cakes to a canceled party I think he might flip his lid.”
Lily gives a dramatic little sniffle — pretends to wipe a nonexistent tear from her eye. “Please tell me you just memorized all that.”
“Because it’ll be the speech to end all speeches.”
Together they play-shove all the way through the Raines Building atrium. Right before the revolving door Lily spins her around, takes both of their hands together and swings them gently.
“Do you want me to uninvite her? She probably doesn’t even care.”
“No — and even if we broke up, like, badly I wouldn’t want that. I’m just not that kind of person.”
“True, you’d probably invite them to Christmas dinner or something.”
She rolls her eyes at that and ignores it for her own sanity. “And for the record — as someone with experience in decoding Kamilah-isms, I think you surprised her. She admires strength, and Lily… you’re the strongest person I know.”
When they hug, like always, their glasses get jostled in the middle and the following laughter lightens both of their hearts. Lily makes her promise to add that last line to her speech (which inadvertently is a promise to write a speech, she’s guessing) and only when she’s out the doors and around the corner of the block does Nadya head back up to the office.
Adrian is leaning in his open doorway when she exits the elevator — Nadya slows her steps for a hesitant second before coming to realize he’s just having another one of his pensive moods. He’s been having them a lot lately. More and more since they returned from New Orleans.
This one looks different though. He’s not staring into space — he’s staring at her.
“What?” She finally yields, glancing at her boss over her shoulder while the computer boots up slow as a snail. “What’s that face for?”
Nadya nearly convinces herself he isn’t going to answer.
“It’s good to see you smiling, that’s all.” He leans out and squeezes her shoulder; something soft and friendly and so sweet her teeth ache from it. Before Adrian can pull away Nadya makes sure to return the gesture.
“It’s good to smile,” which is far more bleak than she would like, “you know something?”
Adrian pauses mid-step. “Hm?”
“It’s even better to mean it.”
#bloodbound#playchoices fanfiction#choices bb#kamilah x mc#kamilah sayeed#bloodbound mc#mc: nadya al jamil#nightbound mc#mc: taylor hunter#adrian raines#jax matsuo#lily spencer#fic: oblivion bound#oblv: bound by destiny ii#oblv: new chapter#; my fics
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I'm still learning Japanese (beginner) and this blog is for my practice hence I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, any corrections are welcomed. Please do not repost my posts/photos. Reblog is ok.
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The Nowhere | got7
{ CHAPTER 2 } edited a lil
Title: The Nowhere
Word Count: 1k+
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fantasy-ish, Mystery, Thriller-ish
Warnings: mentions of suicide, murder, a lil graphic (??), a lil profanity(??), a lil smut too ;)
Pairings: Park Jinyoung x reader, Im Jaebum x reader
Summary: After suffering years from the same nightmares that slowly get worse as you grow older, you learn why those taunting dreams come to you like memories you can’t remember in an unfortunate way.
Balmy sunlight brushes past the swaying curtains, caressing against your soft skin and brightening up the darkness in your closed eyes. As consciousness flows into you, you can feel the squishy and smooth surface underneath you, and you groan as you face away from the small window to your left. You bring your hands up to your eyes and freeze midway once you register what’s bandaged on your right arm. A skinny tube curls up your arm, stopping on the back of your hand being held down by a clear bandage. A transparent liquid flows through it. Your eyes follow the tube’s trail and stop when you see a bag of the same clear liquid.
Contorting your face in confusion, you take note of the continuous beeping emanating from beside the window, white bed sheets resting on your legs, and a plastic curtain blocking your view of the rest of the room beside you. Your eyes gaze around the dimly lit room, taking in the sun’s rays spraying a light tangerine color across the white walls and beige, glossy wood floor.
You face the window again, staring at the tree that splattered oddly shaped shadows in the room, the branches oscillating steadily in the calm breeze. The soft chirping of birds in the distance flows into your ears, comforting you like a lullaby as the memories of last night ram into your mind.
Your sister’s panic-stricken voice still rings in your head, causing a wave of guilt to flood over you. You release a quivering sigh and glance over at the curtain at your left, wondering if your sister is on the other side. Your heart stops, tears blurring your vision, How badly did I hurt you?..
The faint clanking of glass grabs your attention and you look at the cabinet past your feet. You tilt your head, eyeing a person crouched in front of the small, two-door cabinet, pushing bottles out of the way only to set them back in their places carefully. You rise slowly on your elbows hoping for a better look at the person, but a wave of nausea swarms over you and your head wobbles, your vision making twos of everything. Wincing, you begin to rub your temples and close your eyes. The feeling doesn’t last long.
The man who kept mumbling to himself was now standing, running a hand through his raven black hair frustratingly, and his other hand on his hip. His white-coated back faced you. Opening your mouth to speak is cut short when the brown pastel colored door swings open, the man standing in front of you jumps and gasps, as another man stands in the door way with his arms crossed.
“O-Oh!” the man’s voice, who stood before you, cracked, “H-Hyung! Hey, how’s it goin?” He puts his hands on his hips, pushing his doctor’s coat behind him.
The man in the door way rolled his eyes and shook his head, dropping his arms. “I told you you had no reason to be here, and why are you wearing my coat?” His eyes widen and points to the nametag as he took a few steps up to his friend.
The other man stepped back, forcing a giggle out. “Hm? No, my name is Im Jaebum too!”
Jaebum squints his eyes, lowering his eyebrows and cursing under his gritted teeth. He releases a agitated sigh and the dull tone of his voice raises , “You always do this..Leave before-”
Your eyes meet and you suddenly feel small, his dark eyes piercing into your skin peculiarly. It remains silent for a few seconds before Jinyoung utters gleefully, “What?..Finally realize how much you want me here?” Jinyoung opens his arms as Jaebum begins to walk forward in a daze, his expression a mixture of astonishment and relief, past his baffled friend and towards you. Your eyes don’t leave each other until he’s standing beside you.
“How are you feeling?” Jaebum questions in a hushed voice, one that embraces you in a welcoming vibe.
You don’t answer. You’re too taken aback by his surreal appearance. His chiseled features are screaming at you, making your face flush the longer you stare at his unblemished rosy-pale skin. His narrow eyes curve into a crescent as the corners of his heart-shaped lips curl up. Eyeing the two teeny birthmarks above his left eye, you bring a smile up to your face, but it vanishes as your sister crosses your mind.
“My sister..” your hand flies to your throat once you realize the pinch in your throat, your eyes widening, “ where is she?” You continued despite sounding like a smoker.
Jaebum furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, mouthing the word ‘sister?’ as the other guy approaches you. You spot the water bottle in his hand before you get to see his face, and as you chug the water down, the cool liquid burning down your throat gives you a strange satisfaction as you can feel it drop in your stomach. You gasp once you take the bottle away from you and hear a giggle coming from the left side of you. You hadn’t noticed but Jinyoung sat at the end of the bed, just near your feet making a little indention on the twin-sized mattress.
“Aw. You’re cute.” Jinyoung’s eyes disappear and the corners of his eyes wrinkle, the smile on his full lips is bright.
Jinyoung’s features aren’t chiseled as Jaebum’s are instead he has a childish appearance with his squishy face. He gives off the ‘friendly-neighbor’ vibe the more you stare at him, making it more easier to look at him without becoming a blushing mess.
“Sorry to tell you, Y/N,” your eyes are on Jaebum again. You didn’t see a joyful smile plastered on his perfect face and as he sets a comforting hand on your shoulder, your heart skips a beat. And not because he’s attractive.
You began to brace yourself for whatever Jaebum was about to tell you, biting the inside of your cheek and gripping your hands tightly together. You inhale sharply in hopes to suck in the swelling tears and thoughts of the unwanted. Please..please don’t let it be so bad..
“We found only you in the vehicle.”
Your widened eyes slowly narrow, your mouth smiling in disbelief. You begin to cackle unsure whether it’s from relief that you didn’t have to hear ‘sister’ and ‘dead’ in the same sentence, or because his information was unconvincing. You, out of everyone, knew your sister was with you when you had the deer-like reaction when those bright lights approached the both of you. You remember feeling your sister’s newly painted fingernails digging into the backs of your hands, and her frantic, ear-piercing voice repeat your name as if she was a broken record.
You stare up at Jaebum, wiping your tears, with a foolish grin carved into your face. “There’s no way! She was with me, her nails dug into my hands, I swear, look!” You bring your hands up to his face but you realize your evidence is useless to him. He probably assumes it’s glass.. You frown, bringing your hands down in defeat.
“Maybe she hit her head harder than we assumed?” Jinyoung murmurs loud enough for you to hear. You shoot him a death-glare and he jumps when you make eye contact. He leans to Jaebum and whispers to him while he keeps his wide eyes on you, watching to see if you would attack him. “She’s scarier than I thought, Hyung.”
His words make you think, Than I thought? Did he know me?..
You shake your head and decide to not let it bother you. “Where am I then?”
“A hospital.”
“Don’t be a smartass, Jinyoung!” Jaebum growls, holding his clenched fist behind him. He inhales deeply and faces you, forcing a smile out. “Y/N, I asked around to see if anyone knew you here, but unfortunately you have no family or friends that can take you in for the time being.”
“Why would I need to stay?..I need to be in Seoul-”
“You’re still not feeling well.” Jaebum didn’t let you to finish, like whatever you had to say didn’t matter.
Everything that left his kissable lips flew over your head. Nothing made sense, and it caused your head to ache when you focused on it too hard.
“Y-Yes I am-I mean, sure, my head was hurting earlier but that’s because I got up too fast..” you freeze, furrowing your eyebrows and squinting your eyes as you face away from the both of the men. “Right?..”
Jinyoung shakes his head as soon as your eyes land on him. “Your leg is sprained,” he gestures to the blanket and your gaze follows. You hadn’t realized your leg was bandaged or even sore all because your family was the only thing that concerned you.
“Your mind is everywhere, Y/N, take it easy.” Jaebum says assuringly, rubbing your back in comforting circles.
But it doesn’t work. You can feel your blood begin to boil, the urge to pounce on him consuming your mind, and your fists clenching so hard your nails are making your palms ooze blood from the tiny crevices. Jaebum takes note of this and steps back.
“We need to establish where you’ll be staying.” he continues, putting his hand on his chin in deep thought.
“Can’t I just stay here?-”
“Oh!” Jinyoung’s eyes brighten and he snaps, almost like he thought of the most brilliant idea. You swore you could see a light bulb flash above his head for a split second. “Hey, Hyung, how about she stay with us?”
The amount of times your face has contorted into confusion is more than you would normally recall ever doing. “Uh-”
Jaebum’s mouth hung open in disbelief and he shook his head violently, “We can’t handle another person in the house, Jinyoung! You don’t even help me take care of the messes, and they’re mostly yours because I’m hardly home!”
Jinyoung’s smile is too bright it’s almost blinding. He grabs your hands, shaking them slightly. “Oh, you’re gonna love your time with us, Y/N.”
Well, this is something. I kinda got lazy midway, but I guess it’s alright. Hehe.
It’s also shorter than what I’m used to writing, but that’s because I’m also working on something else as well. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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