#valkryie post
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sky-forest-inn · 22 days ago
Happy 1 year anniversary for the day we finally accepted our systemhood after 2 and a half full years of denial (february 7th) [AEST timezone]
As of now, we’ve gotten 108 headmates (as far as we’re aware…) with valkryie being our latest formed (💐YAY!!!! IM SPECIAL) shut up anyways hell yeah
Special thanks to our dearest partner system @luckyclovercollective for being there for us and being the safe space we needed after all our years being surrounded by extremely gatekeepy systems who made us struggle to accept the idea of being a system in fear of gatekeeping
It’s thanks to our partner system that we were finally given a space with no judgement or concerns, and to be loved both when we initially believed to be a singlet and when we finally figured out the ropes of systemhood. We’ve over like 25 relationships between our systems now, can you believe it? (I didnt actually count i just estimated LOL)
Anyway, shout out to our siblings, sysblings, close friends and moots (plural & singlets) who stuck around with us all the way through our long journey. Weve learnt so much more about ourselves than we thought we ever would, and as insufferable as many situations were, we wouldnt sacrifice a thing in our lives if it meant ending up where we are now
Thank you to our moots, followers and those we follow on this blog whove made posts and helped us with our systemhood even more, whether directly or not. You guys have really helped us learn about ourselves a ton and we’re thankful to get to know many of you
Terrified to @ directly, but especially thanks to okimi, the ellipses society, circular system, and anybody else i may have missed. The mentioned above are just the ones i can remember at the top of my head (i have the memory of a pebble please be nice) we love you all plenty lots very much and thank you all for being in our lives, whether directly or not
Massive thanks to those who were there during the transition of us figuring out our systemhood and still supporting us on our other side blogs, continuing to engage with us and even asking about our systemhood in curiosity to understand as better. You guys are real one, we love you guys a hell lot
Also huge sorry to anyone we also accidentally awoken a syscovery to via coming out as a system /SILLY
In summary, WE LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH and THANK YOU for giving us a space to be ourselves (bad faith hate sending losers not included xoxo) but you get the gist. Love you all and hope you all enjoy the rest of your day/night. \o/
-post written by chord (🎤) with small additions from aristris (💛), shotz (💙) and valkryie (💐) [Sky Forest Inn]
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autumnteawithfriends · 10 months ago
Line up is done‼️
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(I'm not very proud of 1990s furry)
(I love the Baxter recolor I made he very ghost like)
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Here the original!
Well I will be little critical here
1)Why some of their hair are fluffy like what?like I will get why Angel,Vaggie and 1990s furry got that but Alastor and Mimzy???? aren't they like a elite people??? And I think Nifty should got a slick here a little like the Baxters one, because she is housewife and clearly a cleaner, idk about the angel's bro but I think he should have slick hair too because he looks pretty serious
2) About the pallete I will not say but most of them are red or pink only three are not like that although they very dark
3)Very obvious but they don't really represent their time for example the furry one got the checkers and it's not that strong tbh I think I should recolor her again because of the pallet that represent 90s
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And yeah I think she should wear clothes from that time
The end 🎉
Thanks for participating!
THESE ARE ACTUALLY SO COOL, I LOVE OLD ANGEL DUST HE WAS THE BEST AND OLD VALKRYIE WAS SO PRETTY YOU DID A AMAZING JOB! I also love how you used the old designs since their genuinely some of my favorites
Putting this under the critical tags because if the post it’s referencing
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elainsgirl · 24 days ago
the same person who recently posted about how they think elain will betray the inner circle and how she’s weak and should train, etc, popped up on my fyp again and wow. i’m thinking i should tell tumblr i’m not interested in their blog because their takes… they called elain a bitch and said she is a mean girl because how dare she confront nesta about the fact that feyre had to bribe her to come to solstice the previous year. how is that mean? it’s true. and she didn’t even have an attitude as far as i can remember. she approached the topic better than i would have. also nesta had been actively avoiding elain before this interaction. i think it’s only fair that elain says it how it is. i’ve come around on nesta after acosf but her fans are the worst. 99.9% of them have turned on the inner circle and claim they are horrible people for how they treated nesta and nesta doesn’t deserve this and blah blah blah. like actively shifting blame that should indeed be on nesta. the cold hard fact: nesta was mean and treated those who care about her cruelly when they tried to be there for her. it happened. it’s done. nesta herself admits to her wrongdoings and takes accountability. i respect her a hell of a lot more than i do her stans. they are always so loud and wrong. i honestly have yet to see a nesta stan who still love feysand and co. i know they’re out there somewhere but where lmao
Generally speaking, Nesta pushing Elain away must have hurt especially considering how close they were. Imagine finding out your own sister had to be bribed just to come and spend time with you? That itself stings a lot. And yes. Nesta was hurting bmut multiple things can be true at once. I think it was fair for Elain to be wary of Nesta - considering how she was acting towards her and Feyre. When Nesta told Elain to tend to her little garden or called her a dog - wasn’t that mean? Unjustified? It’s hypocritical to call Elain being a bi*ch just for standing up for herself and Feyre but turn around and find a way to validate everything Nesta said out of spite.
I love Nesta so much. I loved seeing her grow and heal, making true friendships but her stans? They make the fandom such a negative place to be in. Every single take is just so. Pessimistic and biased. “Feyres that” “Rhys is this” “poor minor character” etc etc etc. HOFAS just made it a whole lot worse, I truly wonder what Mass is doing with Nesta’s dynamic w the IC bcs it doesn’t look good or healthy and IC themselves clearly are struggling to hold as a unit.
Thats my opinion as well. I think at times, Nesta’s attitude and words were provoked but no where in SF does Nesta validate her behaviour so I don’t get why *some* of her stans are so hell bent on acting as tho Nesta was right every single time or putting down other characters so Nesta can be better. I think the true meaning and what Mass intended for the series has been lost after acosf. And I blame that on her inconsistencies and not developing any relationship Nesta had outside of the valkryies.
I love Nesta from afar bcs some of her Stans can be insufferable with constantly being negative and choosing to be overly critical of the series. I feel like they’re always on the fence due to how overly hated Nesta is lmfao.
sighhh finding a Nesta stan who is pro IC/Feysand/Elriel may be rare but we are out there most lurking about.
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littlest-w01f · 1 year ago
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All my Nesta works and WIP (not in order of posting)
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Bookstore (Nesta x Reader) {smut}
Summary: Nesta is at her favourite book shop, the owner has a new book for her
Handmaid (Neris x Maid Reader) {fluff, smut}
Summary: Nesta and Eris married years ago, and the personal handmaid Eris had allocated to Nesta is too pretty for her to not stare
Touch (Nesta x Pristess Reader) {angst, fluff}
Summary: Nesta tries to calm a panicking Reader after she gets triggered by Cassian accidentally raising his voice around her during Valkryie's training
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loversberceuse · 7 months ago
Hi again. Am I going to open every ask with that? Yeah. Anyways can we get a general HC for all your adorable boys? Also I would love the full Lune fic.
Anyways! Alistair, the beloved dad of the group, he on a search for his son right? What if he can't find he son? Would he want a child with Mc?? I saw the other post and started wondering about that.
Hello again! Thanks for another ask, I love writing! :)
I'd love to do a general HC for my guys! Just a heads up, though, the blogs are the same plot ran by two different people. If you wanna know about any of the other three characters, including Alis, I'd ask on @loverselegy 's blog!! This blog is just for Valkryie, Lune, and Elias.
About the HCs though, here!
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He heavily prefers rainy weather! The raindrops on his skin are extremely calming.
He enjoys anything that has to do with cats, they're just the cutest things.
Valk is extremely bad at being serious in any situation.
He's currently looking for his brother, with no luck so far.
The little smiley face patch on his sleeve was given to him by an old friend a year before the disease spread.
Hidden in his jacket pocket, there's a small Hello Kitty figurine. He'd gotten it for his little sister, but he never got the chance to give it to her.
He keeps a private notebook in his pocket.
Elias' small living space is extremely neat and organized. Maybe he's always been like that, but it's still odd considering the state the world is in.
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acourtofthought · 1 year ago
Have you read HOFAS (and any bonus chapters)? If so, what did you think about our ACOTAR characters and what it might say about their future books? If not, when are you planning on reading it?
I have!!
I have a few more detailed posts on why I believe what I believe but to summarize it, these are my predictions for SJMs future books:
It's interesting that 3 - 4 months after her HEA with Cassian, where she found her home in the HOW, her friends, her purpose with the Valkyrie, where she realized Rhys is her brother and had offered her kindness, where she ended her book visiting their fathers grave with her sisters who were smiling and beckoning at her to join them, that she's suddenly struggling to find her way (as evidenced by the exchange when she and Ember say their goodbyes).
To me, the biggest part of Nesta's life has always been her acting as Elain's protector and if Elain is no longer in the NC, having set off on her own journey with Lucien, I think that could be a big part of her sudden identity crisis. Possibly contributing to why she was so willing to part with the Mask, a bit of a reckless action. She could no longer help Elain so she turned and helped Bryce instead.
I think the next ACOTAR book will be Eluciens and we'll see resolution to the Vassa / Spring / Beron / Koschei / Peace Treaty plotlines. I don't think it will turn into a major battle, I think Elucien's arc will be that of stopping the threats and securing peace between the fae on the continent, the humans, and the fae in Prythian. I think that also closes out the ACOTAR series as we know it now, the one that revolves around the journey of Feyre and her sisters.
I think the book SJM has planned after that, the secret project she's excited to work on but won't say what world it's set in, will be the story of Miryam and Drakon and the Seraphim but set 500 years back. SJM said she imagines she'll feel emotional writing it because of who might show up and I'm wondering if that means we'll get glimpses of a younger Rhys, Cassian and Az, but also a look at Rhys's sister before her murder (I think it meant something that Az brought her up in HOFAS).
I think that story could also be relevant to future ACOTAR books because Miryam and Drakon are now in possession of the Cauldron. HOFAS did put the spotlight on the Cauldron in Prythian and in SF, a shudder runs down Cassian's spine as he thinks what might happen if it's awoken again. Giving us the backstory on the land where Miryam and Drakon reside with their people ties in nicely to possible future storylines.
After that I think SJM will move forward with her new series, one that is set the ACOTAR world but is no longer focused on Feyre's story. I think the new series will heavily involve Gwynriel, Mor / Emerie, and more of Nesta's journey and will further connect SJMS worlds with new crossover content.
I think we'll see the Prison lands being turned into Valkyrie territory with them gaining more female warriors as they work towards becoming an elite fighting unit of hundreds / thousands. I think Mor and Emerie might be the ones to oversee the land, with Mor ending up as a female descendent of Theia who can wield Gwydion and Az giving TT to Emerie (Nesta would be the general of the Valkryie but still remain living in the HOW).
I think the Valkyrie will be the defenders of the portal that exists there, protecting their world from outside threats, threats that I think will be drawn to Prythian because of the Cauldron and Merrill. I think Az will end up overseeing the Illyrian (the way Devlon currently does) and the Illyrian will remain the defenders of the portal that exists on Ramiel, with he and Gwyn either living in the townhouse or the cabin in Illyria.
And I also think we'll see a major battle at the end of that new series, with members of the IC / the Illyrians / the Valkyrie world walking and defending a threat outside their world, possibly teaming up with Bryce and Aelin. I feel there's a reason we were told that Nesta can move through time and space and that she'd use the mask to call thousands of the dead (with the added, "but not yet" in SF).
I think that Lucien and Elain will take up the High King role during these times, where they're not necessarily in charge of leading the battle so much as ensuring the peace remains across their own world between the different lands. I could also see Lucien helping Nesta destroy the mask at the end of it all. I think HOFAS makes it clear that Nesta will always be at risk for losing herself to it and as Helion has a connection to it, I think Lucien as his son does too. I also like the idea of Lucien and Nesta having a brother / sister bonding moment where she truly embraces him if he were the one to help her get rid of it once and for all.
Thank you for the ask, if you want you'll have to send an anon and tell me if you have any predictions yourself!
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cgsartwork · 2 years ago
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well here's Alexs twin sister Pero! A Valkryie ^^
Yes she has 2 versions simply because I couldn't decide what I like more-
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writeronartblock · 2 years ago
Semi-organized post of Fanfic Ideas I have but can't get around to write it
Enstars Takt Op AU
Originally just a Leokasa-centric AU oneshot, a series of fics set in the Takt Op universe where some of the characters are Musicarts and exploring the dynamics between them and their Conductors
Potential Storylines: Knights w/ Leokasa, Ex-Valkryie and Ra*bits, Chiakana, Five Eccentrics
"A Starting Symphony"
Part of the Takt Op AU
(Leokasa) Tells of how Tsukasa and Leo initially meets and how the eventually become a Musicart-Conductor duo
"Fleeting Memories"
Part of the Takt Op AU
(Leokasa) Takes place before A Starting Symphony and tells how Tsukasa and Leo actually met, with a bit of world building in place as well
"One Girl's Suffering is Another Boy's Sorrow"
A Protag centric (Anzu and Tenkousei-kun) introspective/character study fic following the events of Paradise (Engirls), taking place before Enstars' Main Story and a little during it
"Slight Changes of Fates"
A-Side: Persona 5 AU, where instead of Yumenosaki, Anzu transfer into Shujin and becomes part of the Phantom Thieves
B-Side: Detailing many of Tenkousei-kun's misadventures of being a Yumenosaki student
"Youth Emergence"
TetoKasa, a normal highschool AU where these two unlikely people become friends and possibly fall in love with each other
Side Story: TetoHiiKasa ver, where Tetora and Tsukasa competes to win Hiiro's affection (while he's nonthewiser about it)
"Meetings of Miscellany"
A Tsukasa-centric oneshot fic collection set in a vague fantasy-medieval AU about the various forming relationships (often romantic) between him and other people
Characters Involved: Mitsuru, Izumi, Tetora, and Hiiro
"To the You in the Field of Fireflies"
(Izukasa) A Hotarubi no Mori e AU, not much more can be said
"My Eternity, For You"
(Izukasa) A fantasy-esque AU in which Tsukasa is an immortal prince living in a tranquil enchanted garden within the rubble of his old kingdom, and Izumi is a butterfly who wishes to be human
Side Story: "Sleeping Prince" just Izumi fondly musing about his dear beloved prince while he's sleeping peacefully
Project Sekai:
A Royal Scandal AU, ft. Tsukasa and Saki as "Chelsea" (is going to be toukasa/toyakasa-centric, sorry)
"The Sun's Come Out to Say Hello"
(Akikasa) Featuring Aged-Up characters, a day in the life of Akito and Tsukasa where they're housemates. With explorations of what their futures could be, likely canon divergent
"Under the Streetlight"
(Akikasa) Based off of Tsukasa's Torpe card and Akito's Anniversary card, a vaguely Victorian(?) era AU
"When Our First Love Ends"
(Toyakasa) Oneshot inspired by the vocaloid song "When the First Love Ends" by ryo (supercell) ft. Miku
A Fantasista Squad origin fic with heavy focus on Touya and Tsukasa from their childhood to current times (tho not necessarily romantic)
"The Mechanical Clown Who Dreams of Love"
(Mafukasa) Inspired by "The Dream That a Girl Doll Had" by HitoYama, Robot Toy!Tsukasa / Toy Maker!Mafuyu
"Fashion Gathering" (working title)
A Ruikasa and Mizuena meet up where they discuss about Wondershows' costumes and other stuff
Genshin Impact:
(Chongyun/Xiao/Hu Tao) A highschool AU in which all three of them are a part of the newly established Occult Research Club and gets into all sorts of shenanigans, courtesy of Hu Tao most of the time
A Persona 5 × Kagerou Project Crossover, where Hibiya and Ren are brothers. Hibiya follows Ren to Tokyo during his probation and unkowingly gets involved in more supernatural bullcrap again (alternatively, Ren gets a bigger support group with the Mekakushi Dan)
SEES Member! P4 Protag AU, where Yuu was in Iwatodai for the events of Persona 3 when he was in his 3rd year of middle school. Heavily suggests BanKita/Protagshipping
Side Story: A rewrite of Persona Q with this AU in mind
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valkxrie · 2 years ago
Character Questions from wisteria-lodge.
What is the character’s go-to drink order? An Old Fashioned. Make it a double with a peaty single malt. 
What is their grooming routine? Valkyrie are very vain about their wings. They will paint them with metallic paints for parties (to match their eyeliner), decorate them with custom armour, and spend hours grooming them. Often, the Valkyrie will sit in a large circle and clean each other’s wings. They will do the same for braiding each other’s hair for battle.  Aside from that, Brunnhilde is pretty basic with her grooming. She likes to be clean; aside from post-battle, her hair is always tidy, her nails are always clean, and she often applies a soft perfume that smells of tobacco and honey behind each ear and beneath her collarbones. 
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? Art. Brunnhilde loves collecting art and her personal homes (also where her income goes) are filled with art, sculptures, textiles, and books from her travels. 
Do they have any scars or tattoos?  All Valkyrie have a scar from their 'death'. Their first memory is what their last memory would be as whatever/whomever they were before they became a Valkyrie. Brunnhilde remembers being stabbed in the heart. She remembers dying. She remembers Odin turning her into a Valkryie. What she was before - there is no memory. Her only scar comes from this experience; it is small - perhaps, 4 inches long, between the ribs on her left side. It is gold in colour, as all Valkyrie scars are.
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?  Depends on the verse. Brunnhilde isn't a big crier. She has wept for fallen sisters, and in anger at Odin for robbing her of many memories. But, tears do not easily fall for her. She is a creature of action and rage; both are more effective.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child?  She was the first Valkryie, so... oldest child. Some middle-child energy, however.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing.  Custom-fitted leather boots. Comfortable for flying and fighting. Simple, very elegant. Unassuming.
Describe the place where they sleep.  Brunnhilde will sleep anywhere; one of the perks of military training, she assumes. But, her bed at home is large; where she can sleep with her wings out if she chooses (though, they would hang over the side if she truly stretched out). She likes having a lofted bedroom; one that overlooks some sort of open-plan living space. She also likes big open windows and fresh air - weather permitting. Good sheets are key - and part of wing-care. A made-bed is optional, a dirty bed is not.
What is their favorite holiday?  It varies. But, she is fond of Yule; spiced wine, Northern Lights, cosy fires. There is a charm to it that she cannot deny.
What objects do they always carry around with them?  A knife tucked into her boot. Some sort of lip balm (for flying - it gets dry up there). A bit of money. If she's not fully armed, she's usually travelling light.
Tagging: @kylo-wrecked, @paramounticebound, @starlsssankt,@laevisiloki, and whoever wants to do it. Just go for it.
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themculibrary · 7 months ago
Loki/Mobius Masterlist 2
part one
A New Reality (ao3) - kickcowsE, 39k
Summary: Loki finds himself stuck in a new branch of reality, and seeks guidance from the one person he knows will help him - Mobius. 
A Well-Made Mistake (ao3) - Springandastorm loki/mobius, valkryie/sylvie M, 36k
Summary: The existence of the Sacred Timeline is predicated upon the divine judgement of the Time-Keepers, untangling the threads of everything that could happen until they've decided what does happen. 
Things don't always go according to their plan, though.
Something seemed to dawn on Loki, his eyes widening slowly. "Tell me we aren't where I think we are, Mobius."
"Where do you think we are?"
"In that case, I can't tell you we aren't where you think we are."
Borrowed Faith (ao3) - kcscribbler T, 2k
Summary: Decades into his quest for a solution to the impending Loom meltdown, Loki begins using a Memory Cell to give himself an occasional, brief respite from the chaos.
He Speaks Daggers (ao3) - oprime, zerospoons_onlyknives (oprime) E, 59k
Summary: “Come on. I’m terrible with this.”
Mobius waves the dagger around wildly as if to prove his point.
“That’s why you need to practice.” Loki steps forward, ducking under the swinging arc of the dagger, to adjust Mobius’s grip on the hilt. “Stop holding it like a toddler.”
“You give knives to toddlers!?”
“It’s a dagger and I got my first one when I was two and a half.”
“Yeah, and your upbringing is the standard by which all should be measured.”
Loki commits to teaching Mobius self-defense and gets a little more than he bargained for. (An alternate take on S2:E2 just for fun.)
like vines we interwined (ao3) - thumbbird E, 8k
Summary: “This isn’t a game,” he said, catching his breath.
Mobius coughed. His eyes crinkled and his hand squeezed Loki’s shoulder. “No, but I’m having fun anyway.”
Loki huffed. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it,” Mobius said with a weak smile.
(Or the one where Loki and Mobius track a variant to a planet full of killer plants and one of them decides to make Mobius its next meal… unless Loki can figure out how to free him).
Misaligned (ao3) - thunderously_halo T, 2k
Summary: After fixing his time slipping issue with Mobius, Loki isn't quite aligned with time. He refuses to rest and suffers the consequences.
Miserable Lonely Life (ao3) - art_ro_vert G, 1k
Summary: “He is in love with you," Sylvie said suddenly, ruining the comfortable silence that hung between them. She placed her mug on the table with a loud thud, catching Mobius’ attention and making him look up from where he was sitting across the table.
“Loki!” Sylvie specified helpfully. “He is in love with you!” she stated louder this time, with desperation in her voice like she was declaring the truth that everyone had been ignoring for years.
Nail your colors to the mast (ao3) - TheMissingMask N/R, 26k
Summary: Mobius talks to a Loki he knows will never come back. Sometimes he gets an answer.
Post-S2 fix-it
of glory and goddesses (ao3) - loosethreadsofyoursoul T, 35k
Summary: “We’re no longer destined to lose.” Sylvie's voice is just a whisper, but Loki hears her despite the chaos around them trying to drown her out. “Don’t you want to know who you could be? Don’t you want the chance to live a story you can write?”
When the Loom is destroyed, Loki isn't the one to replace it. Instead he's left to deal with the aftermath in the form of a restructured TVA, a frazzled analyst, and a blank space where his own glorious purpose used to be.
On a Wing and a Prayer (ao3) - lydiagwilt T, 33k
Summary: The words spilled out unbidden, before Mobius had time to think about what he was doing or what the implications might be. Heyr þessi prayer ek pray, loki trickster, fire, ok vinr, hvere þú eru haileð með love…
Mobius had never thought of himself as religious, not really; but now that his faith in the Timekeepers had been shattered, he found he desperately needed something – someone – to believe in.
He believed in Loki. He always had.
Or, Mobius is imprisoned by a sinister alternate TVA and prays to Loki for help. Loki hears him.
Queer Eye for the Sad Suburban Guy (ao3) - mistbored T, 13k
Summary: The Queer Eye crew are on their latest mission to help yet another person in need. Don is a down-on-his-luck dad who is having trouble adjusting to some big life changes recently. He also might be suffering from hallucinations, but it’s hard to say for sure….
Reacclimate (ao3) - blackbirdofasgard G, 1k
Summary: Everyone—B-15, Casey, and O.B.—had been so excited to see Loki back in their company, beyond relieved that their plan had worked. But seeing that Loki needed more time to adjust, they'd returned to the TVA, leaving him to Mobius, who patiently waited while Loki stood there and took in everything he'd been missing for so long.
After Loki is released from the heart of the multiverse tree, he takes some time to appreciate everything around him. Even the less-than-perfect things.
Six Feet Closer (ao3) - lonelyhourglass47 T, 11lk
Summary: Loki and Mobius get stuck in quarantine together for a minimum of two weeks. Loki likes to mess with Mobius. They both have repressed feelings for each other.
Or, five times Loki falls asleep in Mobius' bed and one time Mobius asks him to.
the absence of green (ao3) - pinkpeachtea T, 135k
Summary: Mobius didn't like the color green anymore. It should have been silly, really, but he couldn't help it. It was enough to go outside, see the grass and the trees, to be reminded of Loki. But it didn't even start, or end, there.
——— Or, Mobius tries to build a life for himself and move on. That is until Loki randomly shows up at his doorstep one day and asks for his help. But helping Loki means assisting him in leaving Mobius again and Mobius isn’t sure if he can handle another missed goodbye.
Too bad Loki has to stay at Mobius’ place until they figure things out.
the end is where we start from (ao3) - Insert_Witty_User_Name_Here G, 6k
Summary: It’s cold at the end of time. Not technically. It’s not technically anything at the end of time. It’s not warm, not cold. There’s no day and no night, no changing of seasons. But it feels cold. Loki can’t quite explain why.
It’s a cold that seeps into every fiber of his being until eventually… he’s numb. Which is easier, he supposes, in a way.
Or Loki loses himself to the stories of Yggdrasil. Luckily, Mobius and Sylvie are there to bring him back. A post season two reunion fic.
Time Passes, Come Closer Now (ao3) - rumblebee M, 50k
Summary: Mobius M. Mobius goes on a little adventure with unexpected results.
Loki laments and gets into interior design.
Both of them spend too much time remembering.
time will pass, darling (but my feelings, they won't) (ao3) - burnthatbridge M, 15k
Summary: Loki looks down and Mobius sees his throat move as he swallows around the pain of what he has to stay. “I need to go now.”
Mobius tightens his grip on Loki’s forearms, wants to rail against it, to refuse to let him go. But he knows he can’t. Or he could, but it would make no difference. Loki has to do this and is committed to, that is clear from every line of him: resolve and resignation in equal parts.
So instead, Mobius wraps Loki in his arms once more, this less crushing embrace and more holding hug, and says, “Just come back.”
Loki squeezes him once, whispers, “I will,” close to his ear, and then he’s gone, Mobius left holding onto nothing.
A year's worth of time passes before Mobius sees Loki again.
Two Beating Hearts (ao3) - Ficus98 T, 56k
Summary: There was something about Loki.
Maybe it was those green eyes, or his silver-tongue that helped him slip out of trouble. Maybe it was his undying strength that seemed to never leave him no matter what horrors he had to endure, but when Mobius first met him in that prison, he felt something in himself.
Would it be enough to break Loki out and help him heal? And even if that were possible, could Loki recover from what he’d gone through?
While Loki battles his way back to health, Mobius finds himself battling his own feelings.
While You Were Sleeping, I Fell In Love (ao3) - 19960821 T, 2k
Summary: “Your place or mine?” Loki asked casually as they reached the elevator.
Mobius flushed a deep pink, his brain short-circuiting at the implication of how people usually used those words together in a sentence.
Loki was quick to notice this, and he smiled mischievously. Mobius kicked himself internally for being so obvious. He would never hear the end of this.
Or Loki and Mobius nap together for the first time in Mobius' bed.
(You Made It Feel Like) Home (ao3) - imalivegrace G, 16k
Summary: Don didn't know the man that stood in his shop, but he wanted to learn everything about him. Something inside of Don told him he could trust this mystery man.
When the timelines are saved and no one has to be a tree, Mobius gets sent back to his timeline. He has no memories of the TVA, waking up as if it's just a regular day in the life of Don Lewis Jet Ski salesman and single father. Don Lewis's life becomes a bit more exciting when a mysterious man starts to show up at his work.
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deepcutdave · 1 year ago
Rambling ideas: The Defenders
thinking about the Avengers roster I posted a while ago. So, who would I have on the Defenders?
Now, the Defenders to me always worked when they were a non team. No set roster, no HQ. Pretty much the anti-avengers.
Ok, so who's on the team then?
Only three, but from there that would determine who would handle the problem.
Dr. Strange (science based fellow drawn into magic). Main leader, plus top magic guy
Dr. Voodoo (AKA. Brother Vodoo) Magic based guy, drawn to science then back to magic.
Dr. Banner. Pure science.
Rest of the team later.
For the rest of the roster, like I said, rotating but the ones on constant standby:
The Valkryie-(one of the Defenders mainstays and can lead in a pinch. Muscle and godly power in one package)
Nighthawk (Marvel's Batman. Gadgets and a human approach)
Nightcrawler (mutant teleporting plus you might need someone who can bless any body of water when you fight Dracula)
Tagak the Leopard Lord (blind martial artist who can see via large cats, travel through mirrors and might be a catman.)
Mechmage (mage, scientist and massage expert. Could be a field agent for Strange or Voodoo)
Jack Frost (ice being, might be a Frost Giant)
For the last series, the core members were under a curse that compelled them all to appear during a crisis. What this curse were to start again but with random members of the team? There's been a LOT of members (I think MIghtygodking may have made this same plot at one point). Basically what if Deadpool, Cadaver, and Dr. Druid are told they have to save the world?
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that-sokovian-bastard · 2 years ago
(editing old fanfic) I made it to my valkyrie Y/N fic from a few years ago and I realized yeah I still wanna do another valkryie yn bc the version i posted was Very different from the original idea
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valkyrie-of-memegard · 7 years ago
Tip: wear battered armor for that ‘I didn’t dress up for you but I did prepare to kick your ass’ look
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gaylienstage · 2 years ago
(this ended up being really long because i have a Lot to say about the character designs, it's been sitting on my mind for a while, so sorry for the long post, oops!)
adding onto this: one thing i really appreciated about the battlesuit designs for each character was that they were also a visual representation of their growth and development. ranted about this with a friend a while ago but take kiana for example:
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the most striking elements of her white comet design set the groundwork for the motifs of her later battlesuits, most notably, the colors white and orange, alongside the star motif.
white symbolizes innocence and purity, orange is commonly associated with optimism, youthfulness and energy, and stars are often used as a symbol of hope. these are all things that fit kiana's mentality at this point in the story very well, she has hopes to become schicksal's top valkryie, she's relatively inexperienced and lacks a lot of knowledge, but is highly optimistic and confident and hotheaded.
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i feel like void drifter is also a really good design when it comes to her major shift in character post-HoV awakening, her outfit is now primarily black which conveys a loss of innocence, as well as the fact that at this point in the story, she's still at her lowest mentally, she still feels a lot of guilt over himeko's death, HoV is constantly haunting her mind, she has all this power that she's trying to reject and it's starting to eat away at her.
but yet, she keeps moving forward.
at this point, she's far from completely rising up from that lowest point, but she's made it clear that she won't continue being dragged downwards, the elements of white, orange, and stars are still retained in this design, but they've been recontextualized at least somewhat.
all of these "brighter" elements amongst the generally darker palette of this design give off this message that despite being in the face of her "darkest hours", she will continue to move forward and fight for all that is beautiful in the world, she still wants to hold onto the hope to end the story the way she wants. given her vigilante status in arc city, the star motif on the design has the impression that she is a "light in the darkness", which is both an accurate representation of her mentality and how many people, whether it be her friends or the people in arc city, tend to view her.
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flamescion is, imo, the definitive kiana battlesuit, it is a perfect visual representation of her journey throughout the game, her outfit is back to being primarily white because she's risen back from her lowest point and reconciled with her own self and has overcome her grief and guilt over himeko's death. the orange is given more of a reddish tint to symbolize how she's inherited himeko's will, this is also represented in the flame motif.
in fact, i'd like to think of the knight/flame motifs as an evolution from the star motif.
the knight motif is a representation of her strengthened will to protect and fight for what she loves, the "stars" in her previous designs, a *hope* to become stronger and fight for a better future, have become a will, a "flame", if you will, to protect, to become an armor for what she cares about.
i feel like the greatsword says a lot about her character, too. her flamescion design is already very much an ode to himeko all over, but a little detail like about the greatsword are the four gems.
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other than them obviously being powers from the herrscher cores, they're also symbolic in the sense that these gems also represent her and her allies, the yellow-orange gem is meant to represent herself, blue for bronya, red-pink for hua, and red for himeko. i feel like this perfectly encapsulates her newfound acceptance and understanding that she's not just fighting for her loved ones, she's fighting with them. they all want to achieve an ending where they can all celebrate victory, and so she no longer fights alone, but alongside them. it's sweet!
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and then finality just kinda, throws all of that out of the window?
there isn't much to say here that hasn't already been said, but it's like HoFin took all the character progression that was displayed through the previous designs and threw them out of the window.
the orange? gone. the star/flame/knight motifs? gone. the white is still there but i really don't feel like it conveys much besides "moon colors" or tying into the "elysia palette syndrome", as i like to call it.
(in a way, you could say that this design is symbolic in the sense that mihoyo kind of threw out her entire character arc in the moon arc but that's for another day)
the forget-me-not flowers that symbolizes remembrance and keeping one in your thoughts is nice, i guess, but kiana has never had flower motifs in any of her main storyline battlesuits at all and it feels really tacked on and devoid of the depth the previous designs had when it came to their motifs.
call me dramatic, maybe, but all in all, i don't just think that HoHE just marked a trend of boring, repetitive designs, but also showcased how the designers have grown to have less of an understanding or connection to these characters and throwing out everything that makes them unique and stand on their own in favor of making them look more like elysia. it's saddening, really.
The Elysia-fication of every single battlesuit since HoH is so saddening. All the valks had different colour palettes and styles that complimented their personalities and the element they wielded, like HoF. The battlesuit fit her personality so well, unlike the HoFin one. That one is just… bootleg Elysia. It doesn’t suit her at all. And now with the new Seele battlesuit… hoyoverse please make it end
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mayoiayasep · 3 years ago
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mayoi from the life is so dramatic mv<3
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pilot-boi · 3 years ago
Jaune: What’s up with you?
Nora: I drink from the keg of glory, Jaune
Nora: Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land
Weiss: It’s going to be an unbearable day
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