crownedflora · 3 years
holds his leaf. 'ur my friend now, we're having soft tacos later! :)'
Prior to that moment, the monster had been standing in place, staring off into the distance in utter silence. If one were to ask him for how long, he'd probably just give a shrug and a head tilt for an answer, but not before briefly thinking it over. Seeing how oddly unresponsive he was to someone just casually approaching him, though, they'd most likely have to bother with snapping the big oaf out of his current state first. Although it wasn’t entirely far-fetched for him to be distracted by something to the point of oblivion, the real strangeness came from the distinctive lack of contentment in his expression. 
...Maybe he was just tired? Yeah, that’s gotta be it! 
Regardless of the reason, it wasn’t until the familiar warmth of a human hand gently grasping onto his leaf that managed to finally free the flower from his trance. Soft head of petals and polka dots slowly turned to the owner of said hand, blank expression lighting up into a more inquisitive one. The human's words and warm smile managed to convince those currently-closed green-colored lips to curve ever upward. A promise of food and friendship? Anyone familiar with the simple flower with simple desires shouldn't be surprised by what happened next.
Responding to the rather sudden declaration with a happy hum and a light nod, the plant patiently awaited the shorter male to lead him elsewhere. ...That was mostly an assumption on the plant's part, though — what with a good chunk of the monster's hand-holding experiences generally dealt with guidance and separation prevention on top of whatever emotional aid the action provided for any involved — but if he just planned on providing him company for now, then the plant wouldn't object to that at all! Much like how he wouldn't object to the prolonged contact held between both leaf and hand either, as suggested by the way his leaf tenderly wrapped around the hand in response.
“ ...~ ♪ ” Though this feeling may not last for as long as he would like for it to, it’s still a pleasant one to experience.
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crownedflora · 3 years
but is he ticklish?
N-no... Whatever gave him that idea?
Nervous sweating and chuckling while suspiciously scooching ever so gradually away.
He... thinks he hears that lady who has bells on her ears(?) calling him. P-probably to help out with a chore or something!  Oh well, better get going!
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crownedflora · 3 years
rub rub. squish squish! 'so soft...' he whispers out while stroking and kneading all over the cute plant's face. it's so therapeutic! it's like his hands are being massaged. after spending all that time doing tons of paperwork, his cramping hands really needed this. 'ahh...' he won't mind if euden keeps doing this for a little while longer, would he?
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As expected... not a single sign of objection from the plant the moment the prince’s palms found themselves placed on both sides of the flower’s face. Instead, even though the blond man had already requested permission to touch beforehand, there was that typical, innocent look of curiosity with the slightest hint of surprise. An expression that would shortly, and surely, find an incredibly self-indulgent and equally sheepish smile smeared over itself. Feeling the prince run those gloved hands along his cheeks, the plant’s petals folded back in response to the pleasant sensation. 
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There’s an oddly fitting sound produced with each and every squish of the plant’s pillowy, polka-dotted head, serving as even further proof of his undeniable squishiness! Even if he weren’t so gentle, it would be absolutely safe to bet that this big red-and-green goof would still have the same, if not at least similar, reaction and expression to this type of contact. Especially if it’s from someone like Euden!  
Blatantly blissful expression aside, he also expressed his contentment through occasional cooing and purring-like sounds as the royal’s hands roamed about and massaged his head. He’s surprised — and pleasantly so — by how soft and smooth those exposed fingers felt rubbing and pressing any area they could of the leafy lad’s head. Not that he’d know much about what makes someone’s hands soft or not, but what he does know is it felt really nice! To the point where the urge to relax his entire body and just let it fall forward grew more and more heavier...
Fortunately, the flower was already at a smaller size when the prince found him — at the perfect height where Euden could reach with ease — so the risk of said prince getting crushed beneath a big botanical boy wasn’t something either of them would have to worry too much about. 
If the plant’s entire body language wasn’t already clear enough to the point of putting any further doubts to rest, then the soft prince was free to ask whether or not he’d be fine with an extended session of this. Really, though, that’d be the equivalent of asking him if he’d be okay with being given meats or sweets!
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crownedflora · 3 years
petey's fate is sealed! party prince commences the tickling once they both arrive at a more private place. "tickle, tickle, tickle!"
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The big botanical boy’s belly jumped up and down as Euden’s fingers lightly stroked and poked the poor plant’s smooth, squishy skin, relentlessly prodding for any and all weak points. It was as if the entirety of Mistholt could feel the ground violently shake from Petey uncontrollably shifting and squirming in place, his face cracked an even larger smile as he did. While the friendly flower tried his best — truly, he did — his endeavor to suppress his laughter with tightened soft lips was... unsuccessful. Chuckles and chortles constantly slipped free from the monster’s maw, which quickly evolved into a flood of garbled giggles and guffaws. Utterly helpless, Petey allowed the incredibly brutal act to pass, and though he was certain this was the end for him, he hoped by some miracle he’d survive such a fatal encounter!
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crownedflora · 3 years
is that so? then euden will accompany him and help him out with whatever chore that is! and if it turns out that cleo didn't actually call him over for a chore, then... :)
He’s... not really sure what to do here... Should he just burrow or fly away while he still can? Would that be considered mean or something?
Plagued with uncertainty and the feeling of being trapped, the plant just continued to stiffly lumber on into the direction he totally heard Cleo’s voice come from and accepted his ticklish fate to avoid potentially damaging their friendship. He just hoped no one else finds out about this...
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crownedflora · 3 years
the prince is curious. 'how strong are you exactly? do you know? i've seen you pick up and carry several heavy things like they were nothing before!'
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The big oaf contemplatively stared at his leaf as he heard the prince speak.
That's a good question! He's... never really thought about it before. Odd as that might sound, but that's probably because nobody really bothered to ask him that question before.
So, when he turned his attention back to Euden, he could only provide a look of uncertainty and a shrug for an answer.
Did he maybe want him to demonstrate his strength by lifting up one or several of the numerous nearby trees of Mistholt? Or should he attempt lifting one of the many buildings scattered about outside the Halidom? Or maybe...
His gaze gradually shifted, glossing over the various colorful facilities that occupied the castle grounds until his sights were set on the huge structure that towered over all others.
The prince would want to see the plant try his leaf at lifting or moving the castle itself!
...Actually, probably not the best idea considering it not only served as the base of the seventh scion’s operations but as a home and shelter to the prince and many, many others here. Maaaybe not the buildings either, now that he’s thought about it, but if asked to, he would totally do it! 
His focus finally returned to Euden once more upon settling for the trees. At least those should be fine, though.  R-right?
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