#vali: gets down on all fours
magioffire · 2 years
im disturbed by the fact that dokkalfar would be able to get down on all fours and start running with way more ease than a bipedal creature has any business being
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acrystalwitch · 1 year
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(***NO N*zis or TERFs allowed to interact with this post or my blog*** This is a post for Norse pagans or polytheists looking to work with Odin. This is all based on my own experiences working with the all father and nothing here is to be taken as a hard fact. If your practice differs from my own that is totally fine. There will be a lot of UPG and SPG)
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An incomplete summary of Odin in Norse mythology.
Odin, god of war and wisdom is a key figure in the Norse myths and is involved in a lot of the stories. He is the head of the Norse gods and is called the All father, because it’s by him that all of humans were created. He is married to Frigg and together they had Baldur and Hodr. Odin also has other sons, Thor, Vali, and Vidar.
He has two ravens Huginn and Muninn, and two wolves Geri and Freki.
He only has one eye, he sacrificed his other eye by throwing it into Mimir’s well in exchange for knowledge that could better help him prevent Ragnarok.
Another famous story of his is when he hung upside down from the tree of life for nine days and nine nights to get knowledge of other worlds and to be able to know everything about the runes.
The type of magic he practices (Seiðr) was a feminine type of magic that wasn’t always looked highly on when men would participate in it. Yet our Allfather was very practiced in it.
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My experience working with him: One thing to know about working with Odin going in, he will be very honest and blunt. My other deities have a habit of being softer on my feelings than I’ve heard other devotees say they’ve been with them, I’m assuming because I’m very sensitive. But Odin..? He does not care. He will stop giving advice if I tell him I don’t want to hear it. But, if I ask for advice…oh boy, am I gonna get his full opinion. He is very much a father in the way he goes about things, he cares but he wants his followers to push themselves as much as they can, learning as much as you can and always growing, never staying sedentary for too long.
I have a notebook dedicated to him that I’ve been using to work on learning the runes and that seems to be the best offering to give him in my practice right now. He never misses a chance to remind me I need to get back to learning the runes too.
I always wondered why it mattered so much to him that I learn them. Eventually he told me that it was because they really would be useful in spells, and wards and making bind runes out of them is something I’m learning to do now.
He is not the easiest deity to work with, he may even push your buttons on purpose to get you to think harder on things. I’ve noticed he’s even been rude before just to see if I’d stand up for myself and set boundaries and then he’ll explain himself after. Lots of tests trials and teachings. But man, is it worth it for the immense amount of knowledge and mentorship that he can bring. All in all, I’m glad he came to me later in my practice as I might’ve been scared off from deity work if he was the first. But, I love him to pieces and hope to work with him for a long time.
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Offerings and associations of Odin
(Odin does not eat food so I’ve seen many people say not to give him food offerings, I disagree! Give him things that he can feed to Geri and Freki. He is known to still fill his plate and just give them bits over meals. So don’t hesitate to gift him any food offerings you would to any other Norse god)
-colors: gray, dark blue, black
- tree Imagery, Yggdrasil in particular
- raven Imagery, black feathers
- wolf Imagery
- clear quartz
- onyx
- blue goldstone
- amethyst
- carnelian
- the hermit tarot card
- the hanged man tarot card
- the four of cups tarot card
- the king of swords tarot card
- mead, wine, alcohol
- poetry (he writes poems!)
- mugwort scent/incense
- Ansuz rune ᚨ
- learn about the runes
- learn his myths
- learn useful and practical knowledge
- read books
- ask him for advice
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There are many more ways to learn about him and get close to him. A great one is reading the Hávamál. If you meditate or do tarot or rune casting those are also great ways to contact him and get closer to him.
Signs he might be reaching out; seeing ravens more than usual or in non native areas, very windy days, rain, seeing his name often, feeling drawn to his mythology, seeing his tarot cards pop up often, you already work with one of his sons (I think he sent Thor to me first to soften my idea of the Norse gods and be a warm intro into their pantheon.)
He is a great god to work with, lots of work though. Odin is not for the weak minded, but he’s been so worth getting to know.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Twenty Four: I Am Right Where I Need To Be
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: Charles starts to feel the old Vali is coming back and he is one step closer to getting his girl back.
Warnings: tiny mention of the crash
A/N: I am sorry this has taken so long to get this part out things are hectic with the dino launch and running two businesses. This is kind of a filler part
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Charles’ POV
“How the hell do you expect me to get in your Ferrari with this,” Vali huffed, gesturing to her bright red cast. A smirk formed on my face at the sight of the colour, it was obviously going to happen when I was the one who was asked about the colour.
“Urm shit,” I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck. “I didn’t think about that.” I admitted, looking up at her face. “We can make it work.”
Although I wasn’t sure we would, the car was extremely low to the ground with not much room to manoeuvre. After three attempts we gave up, I would pick the Ferrari up later on tonight but for now we ordered a cab.
The journey home was quiet, I could tell Vali was tired even though she would never have openly admitted it, just like she would admit she was still having flashbacks of the crash. I noticed with every loud noise she flinched ever so slightly.
It felt good to have her resting her head against my shoulder throughout the ride back to maman’s. I would have taken her back to my apartment but knew that here was the better option, there was more space for her and this was like a second home to her.
As we pulled on the drive I noticed the front door swinging open and three familiar faces flooded out of the house.
Vali hadn’t noticed that her mum and dad were standing on the front porch. I had spoken to Enrico this morning and he told me that he had cancelled the rest of the meetings over the next week so he could come see his little girl. Just from speaking to him I could feel that he felt extremely guilty for not being in Japan, even when he facetimed Vali she told him it was okay and she would have hated it if he lost the huge deal he had in front of him.
Vali hadn’t even gotten out of the car before everyone came rushing over, the smile on her face was wide and melted my heart. Reaching into the car I wrapped my arms around her helping her to exit the vehicle before passing her the crutches. I knew that once she was inside she would toss them in a cupboard refusing to use them no matter how much I tried to convince her she needed them.
Most people didn’t realise how stubborn she was but when she had her mind set on something she would do everything in her power to achieve it.
Taking a step back I allowed everyone to greet her, pulling her in for tight hugs. I could tell that she was putting on a brave face, she hid her pain well but I could see right through it, I always have.
“You doing okay son?” Maman asked, wrapping her arm around my waist.
Letting out a heavy sigh I nodded. “I am now I know she is going to be okay.” I hummed, refusing to take my eyes off Vali.
“You’re forfeiting the rest of the season aren’t you?”
“Yeah. I need to be here with Vali.”
“You know she won’t let that happen.” Maman chuckled, pressing a kiss against my cheek. “So good luck with getting your way on that one.”
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We had been home for a couple of days now, Vali still refused to use the crutches and just like I had thought they had been tossed into the downstairs cupboard. She also refused to take any of the pain meds.
“Babygirl, you need to take your tablets.” I whispered, crouching down in front of her, placing my hand on her knee. “Don’t lie to me and tell me you aren't in any pain because I can see it written on your face. Plus you are being extremely grumpy.”
“I am not grumpy.” She pouted, “I don’t need the tablets, I’m fine.” she protested, reaching over to the side table to grab her drinks bottle, wincing in the process.
“See you are in pain.” I hummed, raising my brow at her. “Please just take some painkillers, you know I hate seeing you in pain. If you don’t take them I’m telling Maman.”
“Fine.” she huffed, I had won this time but i knew she would refuse again in a couple of hours but at least I was able to get her to take some tablets.
Pushing myself onto my feet I strolled into the kitchen with a small smile on my face. As I sorted the painkillers out my mind started to wander, I had the rest of the week to try and convince Vali that I was forfeiting the rest of the season. I couldn’t go back to the track whilst she was here, I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus.
I had a plan, I knew I had a lot of making up to do for the pain I had caused over the last four years, I could feel the connection we still had. Every time she laughed it my heart fluttered, her smile made my stomach flip and she crept into my thoughts all of the time. Over her recovery I was planning on breaking down the walls she had built to protect her heart.
I didn’t know how long it would take but I would wait a lifetime and would do anything for her.
“Oi asshole, you are blocking the TV. Move before I beat you.” I heard Vali snap, no doubt Arthur was winding her up again. Grabbing the tablets from the brown paper bag I scurried into the living room leaning against the door frame watching my younger brother smirk back at her.
“How you gonna do that?” he hummed, with an amused look on his face.
“I have my ways.” Vali scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. “Unless you want to find out then I would suggest you move your fat ass.”
“You think I have a fat ass?” he scoffed, looking over his shoulder trying to see his ass, he looked like a puppy trying to chase his tail and I wish I had my phone handy .
Walking into the room I passed Vali her tablets and turned to Arthur, shaking my head at him before smacking round the back of his head.
“Leave her alone.” I chuckled, as I picked up Vali’s legs so I could sit down on the sofa.
“Bro she has you whipped.” Arthur winked, causing Vali to flip him off.
I didn’t miss the smirk on Enrico’s face as he walked into the room, his gaze was on both me and Vali before he walked over to his daughter, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
I finally felt like I was on the right path to rebuilding both mine and Vali’s hearts.
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Reaching for my phone I couldn’t help but grin at the text that had just come through. The final part of the plan was complete, the car had just arrived at the track. I just needed to convince Vali that it was time to go outside.
I knew she was scared, it had been nearly a week since she had come out of hospital and from the moment she did the press kept hounding her on social media. Everyone wanted to know her side of the crash, how her recovery was going so I didn’t blame her for shutting the world out but she couldn’t hide for the rest of her life.
Over the last couple of days the air around me and Vali had changed. It had gone back to how it was when we were dating. The flirty banter, the lingering touches and the cuddling was back. Neither of us had said anything about it but I knew I was on the right path to getting my girl back. I just needed to be patient and take things at whatever speed Vali wanted to go.
The sound of thudding pulled my attention away from my phone, locking the device I slipped it into my pocket. I went to investigate the noise, the moment I saw Vali bum shuffling down the stairs I couldn’t help but laugh, she was nothing but determined that was for sure.
“Need any help, sweetheart?” I hummed, leaning against the bannister rail.
“I’m good.” she nodded, not taking her gaze from the stairs, I felt my heart melt at the sight of her sticking her tongue out slightly as she concentrated on not missing a step.
Once she was at the bottom step, I reached out to her offering my hand to help her to her feet but she swatted it away like she had done every single time I offered. Shaking my head at her stubbornness I took a step back allowing her the space she needed to pull herself up using the bannister.
“You do know I can just carry you up and down the stairs right?”
“And like I said every time you say that, I don’t need help.” she pouted, leaning against the bannister rail, trying to hide the fact she was slightly out of breath.
“There's no shame in needing help, babygirl.” I whispered, wrapping my arm around her shoulders pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to fly out to Qatar?” she questioned, raising her brow at me.
“Nope,” I hummed, trying to hide the smirk that was forming. “I am right where I need to be. Now come on, we have plans today.”
“I’m ready.” she nodded, looking up at me through her lashes.
I hadn’t missed the fact that once again she had stolen my Ferrari hoodie rather than wearing her Alpha Tauri hoodie. Each time I saw her in my clothes it practically brought me to my knees and I wasn’t afraid to admit it. “Red looks good on you.” I winked, dropping my hand down to her lower back. What surprised me was the fact that she didn’t fight the fact I said we had plans. I could see it in her eyes she was tired of being stuck in the house even though the thought of the press terrified her.
Spinning on the balls of my feet I quickly grabbed her crutches that were leant against the sideboard in the hallway. After her dad found out she shoved them into a cupboard he gave her a lecture about not using them, although she never listened to him but I made sure they were always handy for her to use. So as I passed her the crutches I half expected her to throw them on the floor.
“You gonna tell me what you got planned?” Vali asked, as she willingly took the crutches, surprising me in the process.
“It’s a surprise.” I grinned, holding the front door open for her.
“Fine,” she huffed, rolling her eyes at me. “As long as we stop for coffee on the way to wherever.”
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg @derpinathebrave @idkiwantchocolatee @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @alynoa @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @organasith @inchidentwithmax @raaaaabzzz @teamspideyman @marvelousmendess @mehrmonga @sbgal @thattaylorswiftobsessedbitch @mloyer
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scalacaelumxx · 1 year
Who are your top 3 favorite KH characters? ✨
I'm going to try not to ramble on this forever but thank you so much for sending this ask in! I apologize in advance for the can of worms you have opened.
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Vidar (Spoilers for Dark Road incoming) Probably the least surprising thing, but currently Vidar is my top favorite. I'm fairly new to the mobile games, and full disclosure, I did not like him when I first saw him. Eraqus was so upset by Vor leaving (even though it was her own choice) that I genuinely felt for him, and therefor didn't approve of Vidar "taking" her away. But continuing the story and learning that he and his friends were so close to achieving what they had been training for for years, only for it to end in the death of not one of his friends, but four of them. And he can't bring himself to strike down what caused their deaths, because Baldr is just a kid and he (presuming that one line was about Hoder) can't bear to face her if something happened to him after she died trying to protect him His character is interesting, he's got a killer design, you can tell how much he cared about his friends, and the tragedy of risking everything to save someone for your friend, only to die by that person's hand trying to protect the friends you have left. I could talk about him for 22 hours a day.
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Saix/Isa I know I don't post about him a lot, but Saix (or Isa) has been one of my favorite characters since my friend introduced me to Kingdom Hearts when I was a kid. If it wasn't for Vidar, he'd still be in the top spot! There's just something about how ruthless he was in kh2 and Days. How brutally honest and blunt his deliveries were, and how his boss fight involves catching you off guard with mechanics that don't seem to suit what you've seen of him until you really look at it and realize it does. His relationship with Axel is hilarious on surface level and depressing when you go deeper. His relationship of being Xemnas' right-hand man (next to Xigbar) while also plotting to betray him is so intriguing. And then seeing those sharp eyes and the barbed words and the ruthlessness in him and seeing those compared to the kid who made fun of his best friend and wanted to explore places he wasn't supposed to be in and help someone he had just met is heartbreaking. I loved his redemption in kh3, subtle in the background as it was, and I'm hoping to see more of him trying to be a better person and make it up to Roxas and Xion in 4.
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Zexion/Ienzo This one caught me so off guard. I had gotten back into the fandom after a long while and was replaying through the old games to get caught up and Zexion blindsided me in Re:CoM. He was secretive and quiet, but really held no animosity towards Sora or Riku. Which, compared to the rest of the Organization in the castle, stood out a lot. Considering this, he really didn't deserve the death he got, which is still pretty brutal for a Kingdom Hearts death. Then he comes back and immediately throws everything he has into helping the heroes. They were more of a means to an end before, rather than true enemies, and despite their reservations about him he has no problems spending all of his time and resources into helping them stop Xehanort. He was just a kid when he helped start the fall of Radiant Garden but he still feels so guilty and wants to atone so badly. Plus you get extra angst in the "didn't have a heart for 10 odd years and now suddenly has one and is feeling" department.
Runner ups include: Baldr, Vali, Xaldin/Dilan, Vexen/Even, and Terra!
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soulsxng · 1 year
....and a ber and evan kid
@sansloii | If they had a kid... | No longer accepting!
Name: Avali Bireth-Duerr
Gender: Female
General Appearance: She ended up with a skin tone that's actually in between Ber's and Lera's and her hair takes more after Ber's in all but color (where it's kind of a mix of both Evan and Ber's). Her eyes are usually the same dark brown as Evan's, but when she uses her magic, they'll start to turn more green! She also ended up with Evan's height, so even if she's only about 10, she's already almost the same height as Ber...much to his inner dread. He just knows she's gonna be taller than him, eventually! She also has his freckles all over, though they're a little lighter on her.
Personality: Very confident, sometimes to the point of having an air of cockiness. Definitely has that sort of indestructible view of herself-- she knows she's great, and if you don't agree, then you're just wrong. Not even in a mean way, she's just standing there shrugging, like "...Okay, agree to disagree, I guess!". She does sometimes get a little caught up in her own head and anxious, and there are other times that she's just wild and hyper, and a little rebellious...but for the most part, she's a fairly normal kid. Strangers do make her a little nervous, because I'm sure Ber and Evan both would have made sure that she doesn't just immediately trust anyone that might walk up to her.
Special Talents: Telling her family (especially her grandparents) tall tales about "adventures" she goes on. Sometimes though-- especially as she gets older-- they seem a little too realistic. Lera and Ber are starting to think that she might be able to see into the Time Stream, or that she's at least getting little visions connected to it. For now though, at least, they seem to be mostly harmless and happy occurrences...even if they're on the fantastical and exaggerated side, more often than not.
Who they like better: Her grandparents (all three of them!)...or her aunts (this includes Dakota and Nel, because calling them great aunts or whatever feels weird to Vali) and uncles? Maybe her cousins. But Daddy plays lots of cool games with her, and tells the best stories! And Mama plays with her hair and makes it pretty when they watch tv together, and shows her fun magic! She's not sure if she can choose just one person, actually...
Who they take after more: She seems a lot different from both, because she can be pretty impressionable. But at the same time, even when she's different, something at the root of what she's doing is actually so much like one parent or the other, and they don't realize it sometimes until they step back and really watch her. Lera's always saying that she always seems like she has at least some piece of the whole family in her, though-- like having her somehow ties them all together just a little bit.
Personal Head canon: I'm almost 100% certain that she was a complete surprise. Like...the "no symptoms until Ber was almost halfway through the pregnancy" type surprise. Her soul developed really oddly, and close up against Ber's, so for a while, they just figured it was part of Ber's soul regenerating. Shortly after they do realize it though, the turns are tabled, and she becomes hands down the most difficult pregnancy probably across all of Ber's verses. And partly because of how bad the pregnancy was, partly because of the condition that Ber was in afterwards, they had a lot of trouble bonding with her the first few days after she was born. Ber was so distraught about it, thought something was wrong with him-- of course he wasn't meant to be a parent, of course this wasn't going to work out right-- when Viele started crying and fussing in her basinet by his bed. Evan was grabbing some snacks and drinks for them, and taking a little time to stretch his legs after sitting by Ber and the baby's side for the last three or four days. So after laying there for a minute and hoping she would calm down, Ber picked her up, and for the first time since she was born, she stopped crying almost right away for him, and went back to sleep. When Evan comes back into the room a minute or two later, it's to Ber just sobbing over the baby. Probably scares the absolute shit out of the poor man, but Ber can't help it-- it finally clicked, after days, and this is his baby! This is he and Evan's baby girl! And Ber has just loved her with everything he has ever since that moment.
Face Claim:
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
WOTR ask meme: 🛡🛑
thank you <3
🛡: favourite build, or party setup?
So I have a core of four:
Valerius (Lich -> Legend) with a Armiger 7 / Scourge Hellknight 3 / bones Oracle 10 to replicate the 2e Tyrant Champion build plus 20 levels of Eldritch Scion Magus (Undead bloodline + Abyssal from the second bloodline mythic feat to reflect the corruption/experimentation)
Camellia (best girl) with two different builds. One is pure Spirit Hunter (Battle & Bones), the other and probably my preferred one is Spirit Hunter 2 / Cult Leader Warpriest 18. Mechanically quite similar, but she has sneak attack now and she can use the positive fervour selfishly.
Nenio - pretty much all in on Illusionist wizard. Phantasmal Killer/Weird/Legendary Proportions bot.
Sosiel - pure cleric, but give him community domain through the Impossible Domain mythic feat. He has low healing, but considering I have two other divine spellcasters (Vali and Cami), his main focus is keeping Nenio alive.
The last two spots tend to rotate:
Spot #1: Greybor or Regill - at the end of the day, they both fulfil a similar role and usually it comes down to preference. Greybor is a full Slayer. Regill is mostly an Armiger with some levels in Hellknight. Occasionally I'll throw Staunton in that role in acts 3 & 4 for some spiciness / Lich specific quests, but I haven't played around with his build enough yet.
Spot #2: the Archer - this slot absolutely depends on what act I'm in. Acts 1 - early act 3 is Demonslayer Wenduag, mid act 3 - early act 5 is Delamere (a Slayer and a Lich specific companion. Absolute girlboss. Love her. She carried that dragon fight), then Wenduag takes over again until I get full-succubus Arueshalae for the rest of act 5 and the DLC (vanilla Espionage Expert)
🛑: least favourite quest, or a quest you refuse to complete?
You'll never catch me completing the prerequisites for Azata or Trickster. I did it once and that was enough for me to know it was extremely ooc for Vali and just not my cup of tea.
WOTR Emoji Asks
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
suggestions (valencia [oc] x silver)
what if instead of valie asking silver out herself, Vivica does it for her?
context: everyone is over 18, silver And lilia's found a way to visit valie's world for a week, they have been vibing in the shared house vivi and Valie lives in.
Valencia uses he/her pronouns ~!
Vivica watches as valie laughs, attempting to throw an arm around silver but failing, settling on his arm instead and leading him to the kitchen, happily talking. She watches as silver replies gently, a small affectionate smile on his face as he follows valie into the kitchen.
Vivica watches... and she wants to puke.
This is so morbidly adorable... and they aren't dating, Valie says? He and Silver-san? Not dating?
I'm so horrified of this notion... if they aren't dating and are already like this... what sort of affection shall they display when they do?
This... Vivica steels herself, taking a deep breath. This cannot do. I mustn't let this go on, for myself and for Valencia's sakes.
She walks to where she saw Lilia-san last, in her and Valie's shared bedroom, playing games.
"Excuse me," She greets as Lilia turns around, pausing the game console. "Do you have a minute?"
"of course!" lilia sets down the controller with a smug smile, surveying the room. "this is your room after all. how quaint! I see valie's taken inspiration from our dorm..."
Green neon lights decorate valie's side of the room, glowing brightly,, even under the ceiling lamp. "Yes... that's right. valie says he does it for the memories. ehem."
Vivica clears her throat, lest she forgets her plan. "I would like to be straightforward with you."
lilia raises an eyebrow.
"I'm aware that you are Silver's father. Valencia spares no expenses when it came to the details of her stay in Twisted Wonderland. And during your short stay in our house- a mere four days- I can clearly see the affection blooming between the two."
lilia raises his other eyebrow.
"So, I'd like to formally ask for your blessings in courting Silver for Valencia, because there shan't be any progress if neither of them won't speak their mind." Vivica bows low, and raises it back up, looking down at Lilia. "Silver seems like a decent gentleman, so I'm more than happy to see Valie become romantically entangled with such a man."
lilia lets out a hearty chuckle. "she can't keep anything in there, can't he?'
Vivica catches a smile and speaks with affection: "No, Valie doesn't. Silly thing prefers it out in the open."
"well, seeing as you know and have a plan... I approve." lilia laughs, clapping his hands. "I wish Silver would make his move... love doesn't wait forever, but he's being quite stubborn."
"..." Vivica stands and bows towards Lilia with a small smile, making her way outside the bedroom. "I shall commence it after dinner. Do look forward to the show, Lilia-san."
"i will." lilia laughs, picking up the controller as the door shuts softly behind.
They're seated at the dinner table, and Vivica makes her move through a cough. "Silver."
"Yes?" the knight pauses his eating.
"I would like to be frank with you." Vivica starts, which results in a head tilt from Valie.
"You and Valie seem quite affectionate with each other- I do not mind, mind you. It is merely an observation." Vivica watches Silver stiffens and Valie give Vivica warning stare, which Vivica happily ignores, awaiting Silver's answer.
"it's how we appreciate each other. through actions and words." silver replies, and from the sudden nosedive into her lap, Vivica can tell how embarrassed Valencia is getting.
"...I see. May I assume the way you press your foreheads together is one of the ways you show appreciation?" A disgruntled cry from Valie. How cute.
silver, with all his honestly, nods, bless him and replies: "Valencia says this is a common way for people to show appreciation."
A smirk quickly forms on Vivica, soaring a glance at a dying Valie (of embarassment). "Did she? Fufu, I'm afraid there's a small misunderstanding."
She waits for Silver to drink before she adds, "It's a common thing for lovers to do, not friends- of course, it's more than alright, but it is, for the most part, reserved for significant partners. Unless, of course, you already are together?"
For the first time since she met the man, Silver backs away from the conversation, his eyes leaving hers as he momentarily focuses on the dinner plate.
"...what I'm saying is," Vivica spares a small glance towards Lilia, who looks very amused. "IF you and Valencia are not romantically acquainted yet, may I ask you to court Valencia for me, please?"
States a shocked Valencia, swirling his head up to see Vivica' relaxed face, crossing paths with silver's, before quickly averting them back to her lap.
"Please consider courting Valencia. You two seem fond for each other, and I would love to see Valie finally get her wish of having a boyfriend." She points towards Lilia. "Rest assured, I have asked Lilia for his blessings, and he is more than happy to give it. Is that right, Lilia-san?"
a delighted cackle leaves Lilia as he scurries to give Valie a side hug. "how cute, little bat. to think you both were so deep in your feelings that it shone, even if you aren't officially dating yet."
"So, like, you're courting Silver FOR me????"
"I am."
"..." valie whips her head towards Silver, who has not responded. "uh, I, ... y-yeah, this, uh..."
"Take it to the bedroom, you two." Vivica dismisses with a wave and adds after a beat: "Don't be too loud."
"VIVI OHMYGOD-" Valencia screeches as she brings, nay, as she DRAGS silver out of his chair. "I DON'T KNOW IF I HATE YOU OR LOVE YOU-!"
"She's not joking? Vivica's not joking?" Vivica hears Silver ask, with a snappy reply from an embarrassed Valie.
"Does she look like the type?!"
Their voices eventually fade away, and Vivica is left with Lilia on the dinner table.
"... I do hope they heeded your warning." Vivica snickers at Lilia's sudemden statement, covering it with her hand as the tension dissipates.
"I... sincerely hope they communicate their feelings well." Vivica's eyes trail towards the door where the two lovers dissapeared.
"They'll do fine." Lilia answers reassuringly, with a smile only a father could make. "They'll do just fine."
They two come back with hands held, and the knowing smile Vivica holds as she passes them by is enough to make her get shaken down by Valie.
No good deed comes with consequences, I suppose.
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
Can you tell us more about Thor's children and their relationship with the others?
Modi and Magni! Was wondering when I'd get someone asking about them.
So in the myths, Thor has several children-- some by his wife, Sif, some by other women. Modi and Magni are two of them, as well as Thrud, his daughter. Magni is referred to in at least one source as a son of Jarnsaxa, a Jotun woman, but I haven't gone with that for many reasons.
I've left the boy's mother "off the page" as it were, not saying that they're Jane's kids, but also not not saying they're hers. I know I've said they're not Jotun, and I know that Thor doesn't have a queen when he ascends to the throne after Ragnarok. I think they probably are Jane's, which means that neither of them, unfortunately, inherited their mother's intelligence. Oops.
They are more like their father, though a little more mean than Thor was when he was younger. Thor might not have always said the right thing, but he wasn't actively antagonistic towards Loki like the boys are with Nari. Magni is the eldest, and therefore next in line for the throne, so he's a little more even-keeled than Modi is, but they both act as basically annoying kid brothers to Nari. It's definitely more of an antagonistic relationship than Nari has with Brandr.
Vali, in their minds, is the coolest one of the four of them. She's a Valkyrie, she does combat magic, she's better than them at any weapon they decide to pick up, she can turn into a giant wolf-- she's awesome.
Uncle Loki and Aunt Sigyn are the relatives you have and see at all of the big events, but you never really got to sit down and get to know. The boys know that Vali is Loki's favorite, and Sigyn is really close with Nari. As Magni gets older and starts becoming part of his father's council, he gets to know Loki and Sigyn better and realizes just how much they know and just how much Thor depends on his brother and sister. Neither of the boys are sure what to think when they're told that Sigyn is their father's half-sister.
They both miss Odin terribly, and Odin was much more affectionate with his grandchildren than he was with any of his children.
Frigga, much like when she was raising Thor and Loki, is a calm and steady presence for the boys. They need guidance, but they also have many more influences than her sons. She's not worried about either of them.
Before Thor became king, he was very concerned about either of his sons taking the throne. He loved them both very much, but he saw a lot of the bad decisions that he made when he was a young, brash prince, and was worried that they wouldn't take it seriously. He privately considered making Nari his official heir over his sons, but when he voiced this idea to his brother, Loki talked him out of it very quickly, citing that it would cause undue resentment between the cousins. To their credit, both of the boys grew up a lot during Ragnarok, and Magni in particular started growing into his position as crown prince that Thor is no longer worried about their fitness to rule.
Thank you for the ask!
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elwynten · 4 months
Chapter 56
1st group Ranking up to Level six
This rank up would be a little more time consuming. Unlike Goliath on the 17th floor that respawns two weeks after it is killed. Amphisbaena respawns one month after it's been killed. that means since half on my Team was going to fight Amphisbaena the other half will have to wait a full month before they can fight it and rank up.
In this instance, my Team includes, Kimmy, Cindy, Iris, Rosni, Wiene, Fia, Sky and myself. All of us well go down to the 27th floor, but only four of us will fight the floor boss. The other four will help keep the other monsters at bay.
I would have rather my whole Team ranked up in six weeks. But since Bell's ranking up has slowed down some because it takes longer to rank up the higher the level you are. Because of that, we waited six weeks before the first group would fight Amphisbaena. The other half will wait another month before fighting Amphisbaena to rank up.
To determine who would fight the 27th floor's floor boss first, we drew straws, with the exception that Rosni, Wiene, Fia and Sky would not all be on the same Team. Two of them would be on one Tame while the other two would be on the other Team. The two Teams were the first Team to fight Amphisbaena will be, Myself, Wiene, Fia and Iris. The second Team is Cindy, Kimmy, Sky and Rosni.
At least this time if we Level up, we won't freak out Eina to much with only four of us ranking up at a time. We could also report two of us ranking up one day and a week or two later the other two can report their ranking up. That would help reduce the stress on Eina as well.
Since we have six weeks to wait before the first Team would fight Amphisbaena, all of us followed the usual pattern of going into the Dungeon for forty-eight hours then off for twenty-four hours, another forty-eight hours in the Dungeon then forty-eight hours off. We mainly went to the lover levels, That being the twentieth through the thirty-seventh floors.
Prowling the Dungeon that way gave us plenty of time to make a lot of Valis as well as gaining a lot of excelia before we try to rank up.
The six weeks we waited were fairly peaceful. Since the Freya Familia had been disbanded, we didn't have to deal with a war game against them. So, the only thing we had to contend with was the clean-up of Knossos. A few remaining Evilus members and the monsters that were still inhabiting Knossos. I had found all of the Daedalus decedents and Nullified the curse so they would not be forced to keep digging Knossos any longer.
So, for now all we have to do is fight monsters in the Dungeon, we had it fairly easy, for a few weeks.
I invited Ryu to go with use since she had joined our Familia. she will help fight the regular monsters to help my group out, but she will also help my group out a little bit in fighting Amphisbaena. Then in a month when Amphisbaena spawns again, Ryu will do the same for the second group. Fighting the regular monsters as well as helping to fight the floor boss. I am hoping Ryu will get enough high-quality excelia that she can rank up to Level six.
When we knew Amphisbaena would be spawning, I gathered everyone together and ported everyone to the twenty-seventh floor. I ported everyone to the same location I first saw Mari.
Iris, Wiene, Fia and I will be fighting the floor boss. While Cindy, Kimmy, Sky, Rosni and Ryu will be fighting the other monsters so we won't have to worry about them.
Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long before everyone in the group heard loud cracking sounds. Amphisbaena was being spawned.
"This is it, girls." I told mainly Wiene, Iris and Fia. But it included Ryu, Cindy, Kimmy, Sky and Rosni because they would be helping out by killing the regular monsters so my Team wouldn't have to fight them as well as the Monster Rex.
Iris, Wiene and I all extended our dragon wings and tails, while Fia took on her natural form with her Extra Arms extended. We all took to the air.
I opened a telepathic link between everyone so we could talk to each other when we needed to.
Each of Amphisbaena's heads turned to watch two of us as we flew around it.
I used my signature attack, throwing Sasori and using doppelganger to create thirty copies of it right as it left my hand. A moment later I summoned Sasori back to my hand.
The monster breathed out a line of blue, white plasma at me at the thirty naginata's flew towards it.
I caught a motion to the side and took a quick look, right before I was engulfed in the plasma. Fia had done the same thing with her spear. So, thirty copies of Fia's spears were flying towards the other head of Amphisbaena that I had targeted.
Although the plasma won't hurt me, I put up a telekinetic shield in front of my self. I can't be hurt by its magic, but my clothes are a different matter.
[Wiene, shock its right head!] I heard Iris sent to Wiene.
A moment later two arcs of electricity hit Amphisbaena's head. One arc striking the right head and one striking the left head.
"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!" The monster Rex yelled in pain and rage as the two different electrical attacks hit each of its heads. Although the monster seemed to seize up.
That is when I heard Ryu. "Luminus wind!" She finished the chant for her magic.
Multiple orbs of green energy flew from Ryu towards the two headed monster rex. Before either of the stunned heads of Amphisbaena could do anything, the green orbs struck its right head. The right head is the head that can breathe out a crimson mist that diffuses magic. Multiple expositions went off as they struck the monster.
The left head had recovered from the electrical attack and breathed out a black of plasma. It swung its head from side to side, in an attempt to hit as many of us as possible.
"[Iris, Fia. Go after its right head. Wiene, you and I will go after its left head. On my mark. Remember it's plasma can't hurt you.]" I gave attack orders.
[I'm on it.] Iris replied. [I'm there.] Fia put in. [I'm with you] Wiene told me.
"[NOW!]" I called.
All four of us moved at the same time. Iris and Fia towards the monster's right head. While Wiene and I head towards its left head.
Using Extended Range, I strike the neck of its left head, cutting a huge gouge into its neck.
Wiene dropped down with all of her weight striking the head while releasing a huge ball of electrical energy at the same time. I might not have cut the monster's left head off, but with Wiene striking its head full force while releasing all that electricity. Amphisbaena's left head fell into the water, not moving.
Fia threw her speak at its right head, using doppelganger as she released her spear, sending thirty copies instead of just one spear. She summoned her spear back to her before the copies reached their target.
"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG!" the monster roared with pain and rage, while swinging its head around and breathing out its crimson mist. but unfortunately for the monster rex, its crimson mist doesn't weaken this magic. It only works on magic a person receives from a falna. It has no effect on magic from a different universe.
Iris connected her two hook swords together and swung them at the monster's right neck as it turned its head away from her.
Two large gashes appeared on the monster's neck as Iris used Extended Range. both strikes went halfway through its neck.
[It's stuck!] Iris exclaimed as she tried to pull her hook swords from the monster's neck.
"[Release them and summon them to you!]" I called out to Iris, what to do to get her hook swords back.
[Ya, I forgot!] Iris exclaimed as she released her hook swords, she backed up a few feet and summoned her swords to her. A big grin crossed her face. [Thanks, Eilwyn.] Iris thanked me.
Fia flew above the left head, pointing her spear straight down. She dropped down using all of her weight and using her spear's Extended Range. The Extended Range struck the monster rex, going in and breaking its skull but no farther. Then as Fia's spear struck the same spot, it allowed her spear to go even deeper, going into the brain of its left head.
Moments later as Fia tried to pull her spear from Amphisbaena's skull, the head and neck fell to the water. A few moments later the monster went up in a cloud of smoke and ash.
Everything went silent. Even the giant waterfall seemed to not make a sound. Moments later the sound came rushing back in.
The next them I know, Wiene and Fia are streaking towards me. I found myself being hugged by two monsters. Then Iris flew in and hugged me as well.
"We did it! We beat Amphisbaena!" Wiene yelled with an ear-to-ear grin.
"We killed the monster rex!" Iris called out.
"We did it, we did it! We really killed the monster!" Fia yelled as well.
I was holding the girls and laughing at their excitement. I flew all of us down to the 27th floor.
[Finish up and meet us on the twenty-seventh floor.] I sent to Cindy, Kimmy, Sky, Rosni and Ryu, as my group landed.
[Be there is a minute.] [On my way.] [Okay.] Were some of the replies I received.
After my group broke its group hug, I used my telekinesis to gather up all the magic stones and drop items from the plunge pool. No drop item from Amphisbaena this time, though.
Ryu, Rosni and Kimmy came running up to us while Cindy and Kimmy flew down to join us.
"Congratulations. You did well." Ryu congratulated us.
"Thank you." We all said almost in unison.
Cindy grabbed me in a bug hug. "You did it. You killed that big monster." She said as she went to Wiene then Fia and gave both of them hugs as well.
"We should leave this place before more monsters appear." Ryu suggested.
"So true." I replied as i looked at our "rear guard". Did you get all of the magic stones and drop items?" I asked mainly Rosni, but I included the others as well.
"Got them all, boss." Rosni replied with a grin.
"Ok, take hold." I told everyone.
When everyone had a hand on one of my arms or shoulders, I ported up to the first floor of the Dungeon. From there we walked out of the Dungeon then to the Guild to trade in our magic stones and drop items. Although some of the drop items we kept so Welf could make them into weapons or armor. Welf will sell the items in the Hestia Familia Armory. Once they are sold, he will give us a percentage of what he gets from selling the weapons or armor.
So, stop by the Hestia Familia Armory, we have many good deals.
This way Welf gets some good drop items to make weapons and armor from, without having to pay for the drop items up front. When the item is sold, we usually get a little more than if we sold the drop items to the Guild. It is a win-win for all of us.
= = = = = = = = = =
Back at Hearthstone Manor, we found Hestia in the dining room. "Hi, Hestia. We're back."
Hestia looked up from the book she was reading. "How did you do?" She asked.
"We killed Amphisbaena." I told Hestia.
Hestia giggled. "I guess that means you want me to update your status to see if you ranked up, yeah?" She asked.
I chuckled. "If you wouldn't mind."
Hestia put a bookmark in her book and closed it. "Let's go to your room then." She told us.
I escorted Hestia upstairs to my Team's sitting room.
I decided to go first this time. I took my shirt off and sat on the status update chair.
Hestia stepped up behind me and created a drop if ichor and put it on my back. She brought up my status and used the excelia I had gained to raise up my stats. Then she used all of the high quality excelia to raise up my level, to level six.
"You're level six now. But you didn't get any new Skills or Developmental Abilities." Hestia informed me.
"I'm not surprised I didn't get any new Skills or Developmental abilities. I already have so many skills and abilities I don't really need any more." I replied.
"You're finished."
"Congratulations, Eilwyn." Kimmy told me.
"You did it." Fia said.
"That's great." Wiene told me.
"Thank you everyone." I replied.
"Thank you, lady Hestia." I said as I stood up and put my shirt back on and moved out of the way so someone else could take my place. "Next." I called out.
Iris walked over to the status chair and pulled her shirt off, then she sat down on the chair.
Hestia repeated the process to bring Iris's status up. Again, she raised her stats up. "Iris is level six as well." Hestia told Iris and to the room in general. "Although Iris doesn't have any new Skills or Developmental Abilities either. You're finished, Iris."
Iris stood up and started dancing around. "I'm Level six, I'm Level six." She chanted as she danced and hopped around the room.
"Congrats, Iris." I told Iris. "That makes three level sixes in the Familia now."
"The first Level six girl in the Familia. Girl power." Kimmy said to Iris.
"Girl power? Just what I need. A rebellion on my hands." I said with a chuckle.
"We girls out number you, Eilwyn. So, you better watch out." Cindy said with an evil grin on her face.
I held out my hands as if to ward off or hold Cindy back. "I get it. Down girl! Back!" I said as I backed away from her.
Cindy couldn't hold it any longer and started giggling.
I put my arms around Cindy and gave her a hug. "Love you, you crazy little dragon." I told her and kissed her on the top of her head.
"I Love you too, Eilwyn. I'm so happy that I moved in with you." Cindy told me returning the hug.
Ryu looked at Cindy and me as we held each other. It looked like the ends of her mouth were turned up into a small smile.
I held Cindy in my arms a little longer, then I released her and stepped back.
Hestia up dated Kimmy's and Cindy's status. Since they didn't fight Amphisbaena, they didn't level up, but they did raise up some of their stats a little.
"I'll leave the room so you can update Ryu's status." I offered and went into our PD.
A few minutes later Iris stuck her head into the PD. "Ryu's done." She called out to me.
"Thank you."
"Ryu didn't rank up, but she didn't fight the monster that much. But Hestia said she should be able to rank up any time now." Iris told me.
I smiled at Ryu. "That is good to hear. That means Ryu should be able to rank up next month after she helps the others fight the monster rex." I said.
"I hope so." Ryu stated.
"Thank you, Hestia." "Yes, thank you." Cindy and Kimmy told Hestia.
"Thank you, Hestia. I'll update Wiene's, Fia's and Sky's status." I told Hestia then I turned to 'my' Familia members. "Who's first?" I asked them.
"Thank you, lady Hestia." Iris told Hestia.
"You are welcome. I'm happy to do it for you." Hestia replied. Then she walked out of the room.
Wiene took her shirt off and sat on the chair. I created a drop of blood and put it on her back. I raised her stats up, then I found enough high-quality excelia so I could raise up her level, to Level five."
"You did it Sweetheart. You are now Level five." I told Wiene and leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.
Wiene giggled when I kissed her. "I love you, Eiwlyn. Thank you, I'm almost as strong as you are now." She replied.
I sealed Wiene's status, then I used one of my abilities to increase her strength, durability, etc. Then I repeated the prosses to update her status again. Giving Wiene 'SS' in all of her basic stats.
"There you go, you're all done. Now you're even closer to being as strong as I am. You have 'SS' in all of your basic stats." I told Wiene as I closed and sealed her status.
"Yaey!" Wiene cheered as she stood up and put her shirt back on.
"Next!" I called out.
Fia took her place on the status chair after she removed her shirt. Fia ranked up to Level five as well. I then did the same for her as I did for Wiene, increasing all of her basic stats.
"You're a Level five as well, now. and all of your basic stats are 'SS' too." I told Fia and gave her a kiss on the cheek as well.
"That's great." Fia exclaimed and stood up. After moving out of the way, she put her shirt back on.
I looked at Sky. "You're next." I told her.
Sky walked up to me. "I want my kiss first." She told me.
I chuckled and put my arms around Sky and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Sky put her Extra Arms around me and returned my hug. Then she released me and sat on the status chair and pulled her shirt off.
"Hey! I didn't get a hug." Wiene complained.
I chuckled again. "I'll give you a hug after I'm done updating Sky's status." I assured her. "And I'll give you, a hug as well." I said looking at Fia.
"I'll hole you to it." Fia told me.
Again, I created a drop of ichor and put it on Sky's back, then I updated her status. Since she hadn't fought the monster rex, she didn't rank up.
"You went up a little in some of your stats, but as I'm sure you know, you're still Level four." I told Sky.
"I'll rank up next month." Sky said assuredly.
"I'm sure you will." I told her.
I turned around to see Wiene and Fia standing there looking at me. I grinned at them and held out my arms to them. Wiene stepped into my arms to get her hug. when Wiene stepped back, Fia took her place to get her hug as well.
"What are we going to do now?" Kimmy asked.
"It's early enough, we could go and report our ranking up to the Guild. Then we could go to the Benevolent Mistress and celebrate. That includes everyone here, not just those that ranked up." I replied.
"I'm in." Iris said jumping up and down.
"Since I didn't rank up, I'll stay home. I don't want to put Eina in hospital when she sees all of us walk into the Guild." Cindy told us.
"I'm going. I ranked up." Wiene spoke up.
It wound up that everyone that ranked up was going to the Guild to report their rank up, while those that didn't rank up would stay home.
= = = = = = = = = =
Going to the Guild to report our ranking up.
Fia, Iris, Wiene and I all walked down the side streets to the Benevolent Mistress. I had an arm around Iris and my other arm around Wiene as we walked.
At the Benevolent Mistress I left Wiene, Fia and Iris outside as I went in to make our reservation.
Chloe walked up to me. "Seating one?" She asked me.
I chuckled. "Sorry, but not now. I'm here to make a reservation for nine people for tonight." I told Chloe. I figured most everyone in the battle party would want to join us to celebrate our ranking up. If they didn't want to join us, we would just have a little more elbow room.
"I'll tell Mama Mia, blue hair." Chloe replied.
"That's teal not blue." I said with a chuckle. "See ya tonight." I told Chloe as I turned to leave.
Back outside, we headed on to the Guild.
We took a slightly windy side street that comes out about a block from the Guild Hall.
We walked through the garden in front of the Guild and through the high archway into the Guild Hall.
There weren't many people in the main hall because most adventurers were in the Dungeon at this time of day. So, we were able to walk right up to the counter.
"Good afternoon, Eina." I said to Eina in greeting.
"Hello Eilwyn. What can I do for you today?" Eina asked me.
"Just the usual. We're here to report our ranking up. I'm a Level 6 now." I informed Eina.
"You ranked up already?" She asked somewhat surprised. Although Eina is getting used to my whole Team ranking up as once and so quickly. "Bell ranked up to Level 6 just last week." She added.
I brought my arms up and made as if i was flexing my muscles. "The Hestia Familia is just that good." I said and wiggled my eyebrows up and down a few times.
"Hhuu." Eina sighed. "How many of you ranked up this time?" She asked.
I looked at the girls with me then back to Eina. "I'm Level 6 and Iris is Level 6 now. Wiene and Fia ranked up to Level 5." I informed Eina.
"What about Cinnamon and Pakima? Did they rank up yet?" Eina asked.
"No, they didn't rank up yet. But they plan on fighting Amphisbaena in a month to try to rank up." Iris stepped in and told Eina.
"Cinnamon and Pakima are going to fight the Water City's monster rex!?" Eina exclaimed.
I chuckled. "That's how we ranked up. The four of us fought Amphisbaena so we could rank up." I told Eina.
Eina stared at me for several moment with a blank stare. "The… four of you fought Amphisbaena alone?" She asked slowly.
"Yes and no. The four of us fought the monster rex, but Cindy, Kimmy, Ryu, Sky and Rosni worked as rear guard and fought the other monsters so we wouldn't have to deal with them. They helped us out a lot. And we," I indicated the girls with me. "Will be rear guars when they fight the floor boss." I told her.
Eina nodded her head slowly. "That… is better…" Eina told us. "I-I'll post that all of you ranked up." Eina assured us and she shook her head as if to shake off a bad dream or something she didn't want to remember.
"We'll see you later, Eina." I said then turned around and motioned for the girls to head out.
As we were leaving the building, I could hear Eina talking to Misha. "Only four of them fought Amphisbaena by themselves and killed it. All four of them…" I didn't hear the rest because we had walked out of the building and onto the street.
= = = = = = = = = =
Celebrating our ranking up
Later that evening all nine of us that went to the Water City were walking towards the Benevolent Mistress.
"Lord Eilwyn, are you sure it is okay that I accompany you for your celebration?" Ryu asked me as we were walking.
"Why not. Just because you don't work at the Benevolent Mistress anymore doesn't mean you can't go there to eat. I'm sure Mama Mia won't hold it against you. Besides, she'll be making money off of you, and that will make her happy." I said with a chuckle.
"Besides, you were part of the battle party that helped us rank up. You along with Sky, Cindy, Rosni and Kimmy were a big help to us while we fought the floor boss. And hopefully in a month we'll be going out to celebrate all of you ranking up." I added.
"That is true, Mama Mia will be happy to make money." Ryu replied with a small smile on her lips.
Chloe walked up to us as well walked into the Benevolent Mistress. "The group with the reservations has arrived, meow." She called as she led up to our table.
"Hey Miss elf. Having fun sitting around all day?" Chloe asked Ryu.
"I do not sit around all day you silly cat. That is why we're here. I helped lord Eilwyn fight Amphisbaena so he and some of his Team could rank up." Ryu chided Chloe.
Chloe looked surprised as she looked at me for confirmation. "You ranked up!?" She asked with surprise in her voice.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Iris and I are now Level six, and Wiene and Fia ranked up to Level five. Ryu, Cindy, Sky, Kimmy and Rosni helped us by fighting all the regular monsters so we could fight Amphisbaena. Although Ryu did help fight the floor boss some. That is why we are here, to celebrate our ranking up." I told Chloe.
"You're Level six already? Congratulations. I'll tell Mama Mia." Chloe said as she walked away.
"Thank you." I said along with Iris, Wiene and Fia.
Everyone took a seat and waited for our waitress to arrive. A chienthrope walked up to our table. 'Must be a new waitress." I thought to myself.
"I'm Ekin, may I take your order?" She asked.
As we were giving Ekin our drink orders, Chloe walked up to our table. "Mama Mia wants to talk to you, Blue hair." She told me.
I chuckled. "You're just being mean. You know my hair is teal, not blue." I told Chloe with an exaggerated, "Humph!" I stood up and walked back to the bar, Mama Mia was standing behind.
Chloe giggled as walked over to different table.
"Hi, Mama Mia. What's up?" I asked Mia.
Mia glared at me for several moment before saying anything. "Chloe told my you ranked up yet again."
I nodded my head in agreement. "That is true. Wiene and Fia ranked up to Level five, while Iris and I ranked up to Level six." I told Mia.
"Didn't Bell rank up last week?" Mia asked as if she already knew the answer.
I nodded my head again. "Yes, he did. He's Level six as well."
Mia stared at me again as if in thought. "How are all of you ranking up so fast?" She asked me.
I chuckled. "You know that is a Familia secret and I can't tell you." I replied.
Mia nodded her head. "Ya, I know. I just hoped you might let something slip. Not that I would use it against you, you know that." She said non-apologetically.
"Well, if you joined the Hestia Familia, we could tell you." I offered.
Mia hadn't joined another Familia since the Freya Familia had been disbanded. That means right now she is no stronger than a normal dwarf that doesn't have a falna.
"You wouldn't have to go into the Dungeon. She doesn't care what her Familia members do as long as they work. And I'm sure she would be happy to receive 5% to 10% of your profits. We usually give the Familia ten percent of what we get in the Dungeon." I explained.
Again, Mia gave me an unwavering look. After a few moments. "I'll think about it." She said softly. Then in a stronger and more powerful voice. "Now get back to your table. I don't have the time to mess with you!" Mia declared and went back to making drinks.
I chuckled as I turned and went back to the table.
"What did Mama Mia want?" Ryu asked me.
"She wanted to verify that we had ranked up. And she wanted to know how we are ranking up so fast." I told Ryu and anyone at our table that was listening.
Ryu gave a small nod of her head. "Mama Mia has been curious of how Bell and the other members of the Hestia Familia can rank up so fast. You didn't tell her, did you?" Ryu asked.
I chuckled. "Not at all. Although I did tell her that if she joined the Hestia Familia, she would learn our secret." I added.
"That is true." Ryu said with a small smile on her face.
I saw Syr walk by. "Hi, Syr." I called out to her.
Syr stopped and looked back at me. When she saw who had called her, she smiled. "Lord Eilwyn. How are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm doing good." I replied then I told her about the four of us celebrating because we ranked up.
"Congratulations." Syr told us and gave each of us a bow. "Bell ranked up last week. All of you are doing really well. Please tell Bell congratulations for me and that I'm very proud of all he has done." She asked.
"I'll let him know you were thinking about him, and I'll convey your congratulations to him." I assured Syr.
Syr took on a worried expression. "Do you know what happened to Maria and the orphans? I've went to see them, and they aren't at the church anymore." She asked almost pleading to know what had happened to them.
"I'm sorry Syr. we should have told you. Maria and the kids moved into the Hestia store. We put her PD in the extra room upstairs for them. Come by any time you want to, to see them. I'm sure Maria and the kids would love to see you." I apologized for not telling her about the move and invited her over to see the kids.
"Oh, thank the gods!" Syr exclaimed. "I thought something had happened to all of them. I'll try to stop by in the next week." Syr informed me.
"I'll tell Maria to keep an eye out for you." I told Syr. "But I think you should get back to work before Mama Mia gets after you." I added.
"Yes, yes, I will. Congratulations again for ranking up." Syr said and she headed over to another table.
Our drinks and food had arrived by that time. Iris had picked up her tankard and raised it up. "To ranking up!" She said as a toast.
I picked up my tankard along with everyone else and raised it up and clinked them all together. "To ranking up!" We all said.
We spent the next hour and a half to two hours eating, drinking and celebrating.
About an hour into our celebration party, the tavern went quiet. Cindy pointed behind me at about the time a shadow fell over me. I looked up to see a male cat person with black hair and ears and was holding a spear over his shoulder.
"Hello Allen." I said looking up at him.
Almost everyone in the tavern was looking at us because Allen was usually not that friendly of a person. I'm guessing everyone thought Allen was trying to start a fight with me.
"Eilwyn, I heard you and some of your battle party leveled up today." Allen stated.
I nodded my head in agreement. "That's correct. Wiene and Fia ranked up to Level five and Iris and I ranked up to Level six." I informed Allen pointing to each person as I named them.
Allen gave a quick nod of his head. "Congratulations on your ranking up." He told us. Right before he turned to leave. "Tell Anya I-I said hello." He said and started to walk out of the tavern.
I called after Allen. "You are welcome to stop by and tell her yourself." I told him.
With his hand on the doorknob Allen turned his head and looked over his shoulder at me and gave a quick nod of his head. then he left the tavern.
"He's getting downright friendly these days." I said with a chuckle.
After that there were no more interruptions to our celebration.
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-23 · 9 months
Bersekr - Chapter 4 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Stewing in It
Time was never-ending as Valie tightened his palm around his mouth, stifling a whimper when the cart jolted over yet another divot along their rocky path, tossing his body underneath the stuffy layers of fabric that concealed him.
He had dozed off a few times during the journey, a high dose of exhaustion plaguing him as it crackled through the flimsy bond shared between him and his giant mystery Viking.
The Omega clenched his teeth, willing himself into silence when a whimper threatened to break through the barrier of his shaky hands.
He had considered jumping off of the cart, of attempting to slink away from his vicious captors.
But the iron chains of uncertainty held him prisoner, sowing fear even deeper into his veins than it already was.
Adding flame to the fire, he had no clue what time of day it was or whether he would be able to use the blanket of night to aid in his escape.
And by the sound of it, the cart in which he rode wasn't the only thing trudging along this endless path.
If even just a few of the others on the journey were a fraction of the size of the Norseman he'd fought earlier that day, there was absolutely no way in Odin's green pastures that he would succeed.
Especially not when four of his hurried steps likely accounted for a single one of theirs.
Not particularly keen on ruminating in the depressing reality of his unattainable wish of saving himself, Valie tried his best to busy his mind elsewhere.
Where were they going?
What was to happen to him when they arrived?
Maybe he was to be used as an indentured?
Surely not, considering he was much too scrawny for any true manual labor.
But then again, he'd overheard countless stories that wafted from dusty corners of the Longhouse, stories of Omegas being abducted and used as...
'No,' Valie inwardly commanded himself, squeezing his eyelids shut as if they could repress the terror that resided behind them.
'Don't think like that.'
Certainly, there was no use getting lost in the maze of his mind only to fret endlessly over things that he possessed no control over.
Especially not right now, when there was only one thing that he was certain of.
Wherever this cart was taking him, every rotation of its wheels marked yet another step away from his previous life of simple routines, early mornings and cuddling with Sigge and Ahren.
And with it, went his heart, too.
Valie's stomach tangled up into meaty knots that felt like fists, curling in on itself at the uncertainty of it all,and the stench of the garments that protected him only served to make matters so much worse.
Like many other times along the everlasting journey, hot tears began to mottle out his vision.
Eventually, though, he must have fallen asleep after an extended period of trying to delude his shaky heart into believing that everything was okay because the next thing he knew, Vali was jolted awake, blinking blearily as he felt the cart slow to a crawl.
"They're back."
A heavily accented voice bellowed and the roaring, clamorous cheers that immediately followed the announcement left Valie covering his ears and wincing involuntarily when it vibrated his eardrums uncomfortably.
Another voice spoke up after a long beat of chaos reigning and the single, high-pitched sound was equally... if not somehow more... irritating to the Omega's ears.
"Order. I said order, 'ye smimey lot."
The group quieted down at once, as if the person who was speaking were holding a knife to their necks.
"I am weary from my travels. Disperse at once and fulfill 'yer post-raid duties, unless 'ye favor me findin' more work for 'ye 'ta do."
The sound of frightened, scrambling feet was a vast contrast to the excitement of just a few moments prior and Vali frowned with confusion.
Who was this person who could steer so many so effortlessly?
Not even the Jarl of his village held such strong command.
He couldn't ponder long, though, as that same, high-pitched voice suddenly dominated his senses again, although this time much quieter and much, much closer.
"Einar, my boy."
"Yes Sir."
Something deep inside of Valie fluttered at the sound, so husky and sharp, yet filtering past his eardrums like silk nonetheless.
That voice definitely belonged to his giant and Vali's heart pulsated quicker at the realization.
Indisputably, the unexpected acclivity was due to fear and fear alone, he determined.
It was certainly not a result of the way his entire being suddenly felt a little floaty knowing that the large man was so close.
"Take it and get it to the stables."
Vali winced, feeling as if he'd sustained a mild case of whiplash when the voices switched once more.
But the distinct sound of horse hooves that shortly followed smoothed out a soft spot in his fearful heart.
"Then I'm gonna need 'ye to drop that cart off at my abode. I better not catch 'ye take anything for 'yerself before it gets there, 'ya hear?"
"Yes, sir."
The words were desolate, insentient and almost mechanical in their delivery.
Vali's brow furrowed with confusion.
"Good boy. Git, now. 'Ye get yer rations after yer done."
A startled peep escaped Vali's throat when the cart started up again with a harsh jolt, albeit continuing on at a much slower and somewhat unsteady pace, as if whatever or whoever... was moving it were fighting against mountains of exhaustion with each step.
They didn't have to go far this time apparently though because after only a few minutes of jerky movement, the cart slowed to a stop once more.
The mound of fabric that shrouded Vali's rigid body was tugged away at once and he could do nothing but gasp as terror struck an icy dagger through him, hold up his hands in defense while he prayed to Odin that whoever it was who discovered just him would find the kindness in their heart to spare him.
Thick fingers rested ever-so-gently on his exposed arm and it was only then that his mind quieted and his inner Omega not only lulled down but... purred.
"We must go quickly."
'That voice.'
Peeking through trembling fingers, Vali was overcome with a wholly illogical, horribly disorienting wash of both relief and apprehension.
It was him. His kidnapper... a murderer... his fated mate.
Sweat poured from every visible inch of his golden skin, running red in the places where it dripped into splatters of blood that had long dried.
Dirty blonde hair mixed in with the grime, plastered down to his face like glue where it escaped the bun piled atop his head and in the low light of the night, his blue eyes were dark, as if a soul had been extinguished behind them.
Underneath the bear he wore on his shoulders was a brown leather harness affixed to his enormous chest, one that vaguely reminded Valie of one they would use on Ahren during tilling season.
"We must move or they will see us... Please."
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Legend of Vajra Chapter 40: Kira’s Birthday
I can’t believe I’ve reached chapter 40! And miles to go still. I am posting these here, but I hope everyone is able to go to AO3. It’s easier to read there, I find tumblr posts not to be the best for my 5000 + word chapters
Vajra and Kira were immediately ushered into the Council Chambers, where several Masters were waiting for them. Master Satele’s fingers drummed a rapid tempo on the armrest of her seat. Master Kaedan gripped his Lightsaber so tight, his knuckles were white. Master Braga paced up and down the aisle. Jasme sat off to the side, chatting with Master Gnost. The chief archivist’s voice was unnaturally loud.
“Ah, you’re here at last,” Master Satele said tersely. “You put us on our guard when you requested a full audience. Especially after your last report.”
Master Kaedan grunted. He still looked mad about how they’d been lectured by two young Jedi.
“There’s bad news,” Vajra said, as he took the center stage. “But also some really good. Still, it’s all quite important, at least in my opinion.”
“Give us a minute,” Master Braga said. “The other Masters should be standing by to transmit.”
It didn’t take long for all Councillors to join the meeting. Most looked nervous too, no doubt as worried as Master Satele.
“Why is everyone on edge?” Vajra asked. “This Council gets bad news on a daily basis, doesn’t it?”
“Perhaps so, but your mission right now is one of the most critical,” Master Satele replied. “Shutting down superweapons while fighting Darth Angral’s puppets… we always expect bombshells with you.”
“Bombshells. I see what you did there.”
“Just get on with it,” Master Kaedan grumbled. “Time is life, you know!”
“Apologies. To preface; around ten hours ago, we received word from Major Var Suthra that Admiral Hacklin wanted to defect. He’s one of Angral’s most trusted subordinates. He wanted to rendezvous on Peragus, an abandoned mining facility. And he wanted Kira to be the one who brought him in. Supposedly, he was impressed by her bearing when their paths crossed.”
“Having Hacklin would have helped our cause greatly,” Master Braga said. “But I suppose the opportunity proved too good to be true.”
“That’s right, Master. Instead of any Admiral, we faced a Sith who called himself Valis. The Title he gave us… was ‘Child of the Emperor.’”
The Council stirred as one. Master Gnost dropped his datapad and cursed, stooping to pick it up again.
“Go on,” Master Syo said, staring at Vajra intently.
“I believe it’s my turn to talk, Masters,” Kira stepped forward. She shook like a leaf, but tried to stand with her head tall. “You see, there was a reason why they asked for me, personally. They knew who I was. I was born… I was born on Dromund Kaas, and was one of many taken from my parents when I was a kid. We were all taken to a secret facility on Korriban, where we were raised as the Emperor’s sleeper agents. We were raised as Children of the Emperor.”
A moment of stunned silence met the proclamation. More than a moment. Even Jasme had a horrified look on her face.
Master Kaedan was the first to recover. “What!? What did you say!?”
Kira squirmed under his thunderous gaze. “That I was taken to become a child of the Emperor.”
Master Kaedan leapt out of his seat and advanced on Kira with his Lightsaber drawn. “All those times when you introduced yourself with ‘I’m secretly evil…’ you were laughing in our faces! Hands where I can see them, girl! Don’t resist—”
Vajra placed himself right in the human’s path and drew all four of his Lightsabers. “Stop right there, Master Kaedan. Sit down, and hear what Kira has to say. All of it. And if you try to attack her at any point, I will tie you to your seat!”
Master Kaedan looked stunned. “You—you’re on her side? A Child of the Emperor? She’s a danger to us all, boy! Who knows how much info she’s leaked about Tython… about the Jedi!”
“Think for a moment,” Vajra countered. “If that were true, why send Valis to pick her up? If ever there was a book titled ‘How not to break your cover,’ this incident might get featured on it.”
“I still don’t trust her,” Master Kaedan snarled. “I’ll hear her out… but she will be restrained! Put down your Lightsaber, Padawan! And you too, boy!”
Vajra stopped Kira from taking her Lightsaber off her belt. “Not ‘boy,’” he whispered. “Knight. And woe betide anyone who tries to lock my friend away, after what she’s been through—”
“It’s horrible, I’m sure,” Master Kaedan allowed. “But that’s irrelevant. She! Is! A! Danger! She’s an agent of the Emperor! Of the Dark Side! Now, step aside, youngster, or I will strike you down!”
“The only one acting all Dark here, is you. You wear your fear and anger on your sleeves!”
His eyes glittered, but Master Satele pre-empted him, having finally regained her ability to speak.
“Jaric! What do you think you’re doing? Put away that Lightsaber, now!”
“She’s right; you’re out of line here,” Master Syo stood, approaching Master Kaedan cautiously.
“No more than one of our Councillors, whose grip on his emotions seems… iffy at best,” Vajra replied, deliberately speaking softly.
Master Gnost stirred. “Kaedan, if you attack Kira, you will fight alone. We will not intervene.”
Kaedan snorted. “I like those odds.”
“I suppose that means basic math is not a subject you need to learn to become a master,” Vajra retorted. “Good to know!”
“What did you say?”
“Jaric, please,” Master Satele said. “Will you defy my authority here, any more than you already have? Sit down. Let us hear what Kira has to say. Even unrestrained, it’s not like she can fight us all.”
Vajra decided not to mention how the Emperor could seemingly take over his Children’s bodies.
“Fine, I will hear her out,” Master Kaedan relented, but glared at Vajra. “But even you can’t deny that there’s darkness in her!”
“But I can deny that she’s acted on anything darker than… um. Pranks.”
“Pranks…” Master Nikil repeated softly. “Pranks.” He jumped. “Wait! Padawan Carsen, are you the one who installed a buzzer on my chair?”
“No, that was me,” Vajra said, trying his best to look sheepish. “In my defense, I was trying to put it on Master Satele’s. But it was so damn dark after lights out!”
“This doesn’t seem the time for jokes,” Master Syo said amusedly. Behind him, Master Satele hid her chuckles behind her fist.
“Which is what makes it the perfect time, I think,” Vajra replied. With effort, he placed his Lightsabers on his belt and moved his hands away from his body. “This revelation got to everyone. You’re scared, I understand that. But you shouldn’t be. Kira is no threat to us. In fact, she proved to me that she’s already a better Jedi than I can ever dream to be. If I’m ever proven wrong, you can lock me up right alongside her.”
“Everyone: please return to your seats,” Master Satele ordered. Master Kaedan complied, so reluctant he seemed to need all his strength to get his body to obey. His expression told Vajra that his cheek would not be forgiven easily.
Why had his mouth gotten so loose lately? This was the second time he’d gone and insulted someone far above his station. Today! Was this what humans meant when they talked about raging teen hormones?
He decided to stay as submissive as possible for the rest of this meeting.
Kira resumed her story, feeling reluctant and embarrassed at having caused such a ruckus. She recounted everything that had happened in her childhood, and in greater detail than she had with Master Vajra. She talked about the training, the tests, the psychological torture, and her successful escape.
She ended with an emphasis on how many Children there were out there. “That was the main reason why I wanted to come clean today,” she said as she looked around intently, at everyone except Master Kaedan. “Even though I knew that there would be some who didn’t take it well.”
“It took courage to take that step,” Master Gnost said first. “I commend your bravery, Kira.”
The next to speak was Jedi Master Syo Bakarn. Crossing his legs, he rubbed his chin in deep thought as he spoke up. "This is troubling. We have heard rumors of these "Children of the Emperor" before, but you finally confirm their existence."
Master Braga spoke next, voice expressionless. "Troubling that we never Sensed the truth before, when Master Kiwiiks brought her to us."
Master Kaedan finally exploded. "Troubling? Are you serious!? A possible sleeper agent was in our midst and we didn't sense it, and all you can call it is "troubling"!? Worse, it seems that the Emperor could have reached out at any time and taken control of her; does no one understand the implications of what that means! My first instinct was right! She's especially dangerous, and cannot be allowed to roam free!" The look in his eye suggested that he was ready to leap forward again.
"As her current Master, Vajra should have a say in this." Master Satele said gently. "What do you recommend?"
Kira looked at her Master, nervous despite herself.
"As I have already told you. The Emperor tried to take possession of Kira, and she was able to fight him off. She broke his hold over her for good—"
"So YOU say," Master Kaedan interjected, and Vajra seemed to fight the urge to retort unkindly.
Instead, he inhaled deeply again, and continued. "She has broken his hold over him, and at the least, she has proven her commitment to the Jedi. In fact, she has proven herself ready for Knighthood. The feat she pulled off was superhuman, and if you never agree with me on anything else again, I WILL see that you acknowledge this, MASTER Kaedan."
He and Master Kaedan glared at each other.
The Kel Dor spoke again into the silence. "Setting that matter aside for now, I wish to hear about your confrontation with the Emperor, Vajra. For you are the first I know to have done so as an enemy, and emerged unscathed. I want to hear every detail."
Shuddering, Vajra recounted his brush with the Emperor.
Kira listened along with everyone else, awed by what she was hearing. She had heard all this before, heard what her friend had faced—but it hadn’t quite registered at the time. Now she felt a deep sympathy for what he’d been forced to face, alone. Where she had been effectively knocked unconscious, Vajra had faced the full might of the Emperor's oppressive presence. And without even any prior warning.
How alone he must have felt, faced with that terrible void! How tiny!
Even Master Kaedan seemed cowed.
"...But when Kira and I found each other in that void-- when it started to break-- I realized that the vast majority of that cloud was an illusion." Vajra recounted. "He certainly is much more powerful than any of us could have imagined, but he isn't immune to fear. He’s not invincible. He has certainly dabbled in arts Darker than anything we have seen, but his greatest weapon is in pretending to be the endless storm. I believe that so long as a Jedi can hold on to a shred of hope—and not give in to despair—they may survive what I encountered."
"Survive," the Kel Dor pressed, expression hidden behind his mask. "But not win?"
"Safe to say, someone that powerful will have other tricks up his sleeve. And even without his façade, I thought he was absurdly strong."
"But this still makes him infinitely less invincible than we had feared yesterday," the alien insisted, and Vajra inclined his head.
"I suggest that Vajra record this in depth, for our archives,” Master Gnost said. “This is a key event that will need to be remembered."
"I've already started preparing for it," Vajra bowed. "Gathering down my thoughts and memories in a coherent fashion, and the like."
"But back to the matter of Padawan Kira," Satele said.
"Again, I think she is ready to be a full Jedi Knight." he said.
"So you've said," Master Kaedan grumbled. "We cannot ignore the threat she represents to our entire Order! It's inconceivable that we allow her to remain a Padawan, let alone Knight her!"
"Is it?" The Kel Dor master spoke up. "We first heard of the Children from a Sith turned to the Light."
"Master Braga speaks the truth," Syo Bakarn said in his gentle tones.
"She should have told us the truth sooner!" Kaedan said.
"Perhaps she feared your exact reaction," Satele pointed out.
"And with Knight Vajra's staunch attestation of her loyalty, I need no further proof that she belongs here," Master Braga said.
"Agreed. I think that the best course of action is to leave her where she is." Master Satele turned to Vajra. "We acknowledge what you said about Kira's readiness, but I would like for Master Kiwiiks to be here on that occasion, as Kira is her Padawan."
"Thank you, Masters!" Kira said enthusiastically. She was going to remain a Jedi! "I promise, I won't let you down." She avoided looking at Master Kaedan.
TeeSeven beeped encouragement as he rolled next to her.
"Very well then. You've both suffered through quite an ordeal. Choose your rooms, take some time. Recover. Healers will be available should any complications arise."
Kira fought the urge to dance on her way out. Master Kaedan's suspicions notwithstanding, the ease with which the Council had accepted her continued presence after hearing about her past had greatly boosted her spirits.
This is what it felt like, she thought. To have friends, family, who are there for you even through the worst of it. And Vajra's insistent support for her had also touched her deeply. Never had she felt so at home as she did now.
She felt a thump on her shoulder, and turned to find, predictably, a very happy Jasme standing there. Taking Kira’s hands in hers, she danced excitedly, squealing all the while.
“Jasme, can you please take this outside the Council chambers?” Master Satele requested. “We’ve already had one major breach of etiquette in here today.”
Jasme stopped at once, though it wasn’t clear if she was obeying the Grand Master. “Come on,” she said, pulling both her friends. “Tea in my room. Now!”
Master Vajra resisted long enough to say “I’m really sorry about the buzzer incident!” before allowing Jasme to pull him out.
Jasme filled their cups with exaggerated elegance, as though she were a hostess in a tea ceremony. One hand daintily holding up the kettle from below, the other pinched lightly around the handle, she tilted the nozzle forward, and “—sonofabitch!”
The lid fell off, dumping the contents of the kettle onto the table. Vajra responded quickly, using the Force to stop the boiling hot liquid from spilling on his robes. Kira almost fell over laughing.
“A for effort!” she gasped. “F on execution!”
“And an ‘S’ for the hilarious expression afterwards,” Vajra joined in, and Jasme turned her pained expression on him before thumping him playfully a few times.
“Meanie!” she wailed.
“Ouch! That’ll leave a bruise!” he cried, holding his arms above his head.
<T7 = recording. Moment = priceless.>
“Aww, thank you!” Kira smiled sweetly. “We need more of that initiative, please!”
Jasme dropped the act and laughed with her friends before looking for a rag to clean the mess. Vajra beat her to the punch, allowing her to focus on trying again.
“By the way, there’s something I keep forgetting to ask you,” Kira looked at Vajra. “Who’s Urana Kiel?”
Vajra looked at her blankly. “Who?”
“That’s what I’m asking you. Okay. Here’s context. While we were on Taris, you received a message marked ‘Very Urgent’ from a sender who identified herself as Urana Kiel. Hey, I don’t read all your mail, just ones marked ‘Urgent.’ She apologized for kissing you out of the blue—and marking that mail as she did—but asked if you’re willing to… get with her while you were on Taris. She promised you the best sex of your life. You still don’t remember her, do you?”
Vajra shook his head, but T7 piped up.
<Urana Kiel = girl on Taris whom Jedi: Vajra saved from hostiles: bandits || Bandits = attempting rape.>
“WHAT?!” Kira roared.
“Oh, now I remember her,” Vajra recalled. “Yeah, she kissed me when I saved her. I almost messed up big time there.”
“What do you mean?” Jasme asked.
“When I saw what the bandits were doing to her, I broke cover without thinking. That endangered not only her, but the other villagers too. I had to shake em up a bit, hurl them around like ragdolls, in order to resolve it. Still, I did manage to save her. And her village.”
“No wonder she wanted to fuck you then,” Kira snorted. “Some of the terminology she used… I was worried it would hurt your sweet, innocent eyes. She definitely reads more erotica than I do”
Jasme chuckled incredulously. “I don’t blame you for losing your cool. Damned bandits!”
“But how did you manage to forget her? Was her kiss that forgettable?”
Vajra thought back. “No… it was because of what happened right after. I encountered a woman working with Watcher One. Her name was Bea Kendricks. Designated Cipher Twelve. I caught her watching me from afar, and thought I could capture her.”
“Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning it.”
“The encounter drove this girl, this… Urana, from my mind.”
“Poor Urana,” Kira chuckled. “Still, you should reply to her. Let her know that her unfortunate labelling made someone else open the letter. Who knows, maybe you can take her up on her offer?”
Vajra was annoyed with himself at feeling slightly tempted. “Speaking of action, I thought you were looking for some before your twentieth birthday. Did you find any?”
Kira’s face fell. “I thought I’d get plenty of chances on Nar Shaddaa, but I was almost never in the right frame of mind. Like…” she glanced at Vajra. “There was so much happening over there! And when I had two days to catch a breather, I was worried sick coz you were watching that horror show footage.”
“Yeah, that was stupid,” Jasme admonished him. “And now you know that you’re the reason Kira didn’t get laid. I hope you’re happy!”
“I’m sorry,” Vajra said, voice oozing with guilt. Everyone laughed.
“Jasme, help a sister out? Anyone interesting drop by recently?”
“Depends what you’re in the mood for.”
“I need a man. Our age. Ours as in, yours and mine.”
“I really wish I could throw Theron into your lap,” Jasme blew out her cheeks. “You could beat some sense into him for me! That jackass sent me a greeting today. Nice to know he’s alright, but it’s been three months since the last one! Other than him though…” she thought for a minute. “There’s only been one new man. He’s one of the Order’s top pilots, goes by Seraphim Abbot. He’s here to be assigned a Padawan though, so chances are he might want to set a good example at the start.”
“No harm in trying though,” Vajra nudged her. “Besides, he doesn’t have a Padawan yet.”
“In addition, Devel Nirol is back,” Jasme said. “Returned right before you did. Interestingly, he was on Nar Shaddaa too.”
“I don’t think he’s interested in women.”
“I don’t think he’s interested in living people.”
“Then why mention him?” Vajra asked.
“Sometimes, it’s worth meeting new people. And he’s a rising star. Extraordinarily powerful in the Force, from the sounds of it. Wise, and quick to pick up new Force techniques. I mean, he was dubbed ‘Barsen’thor’ after all. He’s just five years older than us, but he’s sure to be named Master before his next birthday.”
“I’ve a feeling the Boss will be Master by that age too,” Kira said confidently. “But Devel… he’s a nice guy, but he’s just not built to be social. On any level. I bet he’d appreciate being left alone.”
“You’d be wrong. He does like being talked to. And few do, given his unfortunate love of lecturing. But that doesn’t make him a bad guy.”
“I’ll seek him out then,” Vajra nodded. “If only because your recommendation has made me curious.”
“Right. And… there! Tea’s ready. Let’s try this one more time.”
As Vajra and Kira got ready to leave, Jasme surprised them by asking Vajra to stay back. “Sorry about this Kira. It’s a Raudraksha thing.”
“Hey, no sweat. I know you love me.”
“As much as breathing.” Once Kira left, she locked her door.
“What’s this about?” Vajra asked.
“I have some… news,” she said, gesturing he sit down. “It’s about Raudra physiology. I’ve been looking for the right time to tell you, but I needed to do this in person. And in private.”
“Okay…” He shifted in his seat. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Vajra… you should think carefully before going to the Council with this,” Jasme said. “Or anyone. There’s a reason I asked Kira to leave. If she doesn’t know, she doesn’t have to lie for you.”
“I understand.”
Her expression said ‘No you don’t!’ but she went ahead. “The main reason I went to Raudraksha wasn’t to tell your people about your exploits, or to see the world for myself. It was so I could learn about your people. Your physiology, I mean.”
“I see.”
“There were some interesting tidbits in there. For instance, Raudra can regenerate lost organs and limbs over the course of a few months. Broken bones mend in a few days, thought they need to be set within a few hours of the break. But the most incredible characteristic was the innate resistance to diseases. Even the most infectious germs stand only a small chance of infecting one of your people. I don’t want to test this, of course, but even the Rakghoul plague shouldn’t be too much trouble for your immune system.”
“That is fantastic!” Vajra exclaimed. If only he’d known while he was on Taris! “We have to tell everyone immediately!”
“No, we don’t,” Jasme grabbed his shoulders. “Listen… yours isn’t the first species to be found with these kinds of traits. But every one of the others were poached into extinction by unethical blowhards like Czerka and the Hutts. Nigh-immunity alone is a big demand in the market. Regeneration? That’ll mean your people become prize targets for Bounty Hunters everywhere.”
“We can limit who knows—”
“Secrets have a way of getting out. You said so yourself, remember?”
“Oh… yeah.”
“Keep your bloodwork to yourself. Never let others know about them unless you are forced to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Good. Then I can get to the main part of this thesis.”
Vajra blinked a few times. “Wait, there’s more?!”
“I’m afraid so, and it gets personal from here. See, diseases aren’t the only thing you’re resistant to. It’s toxins and venoms as well, all but the most potent.”
“That’s why Bengel’s tranquilizer didn’t work… or the poison in the Twi’lek village.”
“Exactly. But there’s a different instance you should be more worried about. The time you came in contact with a certain type of fungus.”
It took Vajra a minute to get what she was saying. “No!” he exclaimed, sitting bolt upright.
“I’m afraid so.”
“The cave… the Trial…”
“Exactly. You were immune to whatever psychedelic toxins were in the air. You never faced the Trial of the Mirror.”
“Oh my goodness… Son of a… kriff, I can’t believe this!” he rubbed his hair. “I—I—”
“Don’t say your Knighthood wasn’t deserved,” Jasme requested. “Because you’ve done some great things. Like fighting off the Emperor himself. You saved a trillion souls on Coruscant, and saved thousands on Taris and Nar Shaddaa.”
“But if I didn’t pass the trial—”
“Yes. I’m aware of the conundrum. But you can’t tell them about this, not now.”
“Why not?”
“Because it will discredit not only you, but anyone else who gets made Knight early. And the Council too. Which isn’t a bad thing during true peacetime, but it’s heating up out there. The Republic just got kicked off Balmorra yesterday.”
“I thought we got kicked off years ago?”
“Well, we left soldiers behind anyway. To help the resistance. You know how it goes. But the Empire managed to not just defeat the Resistance stronghold, they coerced the leader, Grand Marshal Cheketta, into admitting that the Republic was complicit. That means the Empire now has casus belli to reignite the war. Now is not the time to undermine the Council.” She coughed. “Especially since that jerk Master Kaedan is doing such a good job of it by himself. Pulling out his Saber and threating a Padawan… seriously! And the others can’t even afford to oust him for the same reason!” She shook her head. “Anyway, it’s something I promised to look into on your behalf. Most of it is just useful to know, right?”
“But even if I had it in me to hide this from you, you’d probably figure it out yourself. The bigger message here, is that you need to keep this a secret for the time being. Got it?”
Jasme hugged him before opening the door. “Come on. Let’s not keep the birthday girl waiting too long!”
“No, wait, I got a message from Kira,” Vajra focused on his datapad for a moment. “Ha! Looks like Kira won’t be needing us to stave off boredom after all! She says she’s gone looking for Seraphim.”
Jasme laughed. “I guess that means we’re free for now! Want to hang out?”
“I have an idea, actually!”
“You said you’re going to respecialize as a field archaeologist, right? You also mentioned that combat training is part of the curriculum now, since there’s a risk of bandit attacks, or even Imperial one. So, what would you say to learning how to use the Lightsaber? Working with Kira has taught me how to teach my one skill, so…”
“I really hate to burst your bubble here, Little Brother,” Jasme interrupted kindly, her expression regretful. “But Kira already knew the basics of Lightsaber combat. I don’t. I have to start from scratch, while you have to leave soon. It can’t be helped, but lessons with you will have to wait until much later.”
“I understand.”
Jasme rubbed his hair. “Don’t feel so bad! I just mean I can’t learn right now. But in the future… I will take you up on that offer someday.”
“How about I give you your first lesson anyway? I promise, it’s something you can do by yourself.”
“Go on.”
Vajra fished the remaining gems out of his pocket, and gave her the yellow one. “This is one of the crystals I got from the Keleth vault. Their song is clearer, somehow, than other crystals.”
“How fascinating!” she whispered, eyes wide. She took the gem and turned it over in her hand before holding it to her collarbone.
“I want you to practice hearing them. And dancing to them.”
“Dance?” she barked a laugh. “I’ve got two left feet over here!”
“You don’t have to be good at it, just… dance. Learn to move to the rhythm. It’s what my fighting style is based off of. It’s how I’m training Kira to fight too.”
Jasme contemplated before laughing with restrained delight. “Alright, but if I’m going to learn to dance, you’re going to be my first partner.”
“I’d be so happy to!” Vajra smiled.
“Oh, he thinks I want to make him happy!” Jasme’s smile turned mischievous as she led him to a training room. “No, I just want you to suffer with me!”
“I can never suffer when you’re around.”
“Still such a charmer!”
Kira found her quarry sitting in the gardens.
Seraphim Abbot was exactly the sort of treasure she was looking for, on the subject of looks alone. His skin was the color of caramel, and his sharp eyes were bright emerald. His ashen hair was tied in a ponytail that reached his shoulder blades. His brown-and-blue robes were closer to a pilot’s jumpsuit than Jedi robes. His gloves and belt were placed neatly on the table in front of him.
He noticed that someone had locked onto him—his inner pilot, no doubt—and watched Kira approach calmly. “Well, well…” he gave a thin-lipped smile. The sibilant hiss of his voice gave her goosebumps. “What do we have here? Should I call the bomb squad? Unless I’m much mistaken, I’m looking at a human-shaped warhead.”
Kira’s giggle was a little higher-pitched than she’d intended. “Not bad. You get a lot of points for delivery.”
“Thanks,” the man’s smile widened for a moment before fading.
“Name’s Kira Carsen. I’m secretly a saint.”
“Mine’s Seraphim. Secretly an abbot.”
“Does that mean you’ve taken a vow of chastity?”
“Hmmm. Why don’t we find out the hard way?”
“Hard can be good sometimes,” Kira allowed, overtly looking down at his crotch.
He gasped theatrically. “What a bad, bad girl!” he said as his own eyes travelled to her chest. “Well-endowed, though!”
She sat down next to him. It was no problem. The garden was empty, but for the two of them. “I have a few other gifts too.”
“I can see some of them,” Seraphim nodded, his stare locking onto her eyes now. The eye contact made her unexpectedly shiver. “Kira Carsen, eh? Jasme Shan told me a little about you. Anyone she’s so close to can’t be too bad. Even if she is a self-proclaimed saint. So, what can I do for the gifted, human-shaped warhead?”
Good old Jazz! “I’m kinda here on her recommendation too, to be honest. I’ll be straight with you. I’m looking for a good time, but I don’t know how long we’ll be here. Me and my Master, that is. It’s been… quite a ride lately. I feel like I’ll be shipped off again within the hour.” She bit her lip regretfully. “I’m sorry for getting so direct.”
“Don’t be,” he patted her upper thigh. “I’m a Jedi too. I know how it goes. I’ll see what I can do.”
“On one condition.”
“Go on…”
“I’d like to stay in touch. Try to get to know you. Maybe give us a chance to get serious. Well. As serious as a Jedi can get, anyway.”
“Buddy, you got yourself a deal!”
“Good girl. Come on. We can have our little party on my ship. I’ve got some nice wine stashed there. And DC’s a good cook.”
Kira found the brief walk to the nearby landing pad to be unbearably long. Any other time, she’d have gasped at Seraphim’s magnificent Flamberge-class Thunderbird. Perhaps insisted on a full tour.
But today, she was eager to get this party started.
She followed Seraphim up the ramp eagerly, her arms locking around his body as he punched in the code to access the ship. She tiptoed to kiss his neck, then kissed his ear.
“Eager little bombshell, aren’t you?” he chuckled. He let her in, then re-sealed the door behind them. He began kissing her at once, his lips locking onto hers with practiced ease. Kira felt her lust ignite at the smooch, and she turned the liplock into a fierce wrestling match. Seraphim picked her up in his arms and carried her to his cabin, with Kira squirming the entire way as she wrestled off her clothes.
About an hour later, Kira slumped exhaustedly against the bulkhead. She gasped harder than she had in years. Seraph collapsed on top of her, tiredly cupping a nipple with his mouth before depositing himself on the bed next to her. He was also panting hard.
“Had fun?” he gasped.
“Had fun,” she moaned. “Hot damn that felt good! I do hope we get to do this again! I needed this. My soul needed it like my pussy needed the pounding you just gave it.” She kissed his chest. “Promise me we’ll do this again!”
“That’s the idea!”
“Soon. I want to do this again soon.”
“I’d like that. Really. Fucking you was fun.”
“You’re gonna be having a Padawan in here next time we meet.”
“No, I’m not. Apparently, the last available Padawan got picked up by one Devel Nirol. We’re woefully short on new blood.”
“Maybe that’ll encourage them to lift restrictions,” Kira suggested with a kiss. “Ask us to breed a little. Fill out the ranks.”
“As fun as that sounds at first, that has a ‘And so, it has come to the triarii’ vibe.”
“I’ve no idea what that means.”
“If the Council tells all Jedi to have babies, it would mean we’re desperate.”
“Ah. Right. Where’s that saying from?”
“I could tell you… or we could kiss some more.”
“Oh no! Decisions are my weakness!” She accepted the kiss.
“Cmon. DC probably has that meal ready.”
“Can we have it in bed? I’ve found me a cozy little spot.” She nestled against his chest after one more kiss before she found herself lulled into an unexpected sleep.
It was dark out when Kira wobbled into the Garuda.
“Hey there, stranger. Didn’t expect you to be gone the whole day,” Vajra grinned before looking her over. “Hmmm. Someone looks ready for a training session.” The pleading stare she gave him made him laugh. “So how was it?”
“I may or may not have to pay for the bed we broke,” she joked. “I needed that. Really needed that. Speaking of. Did you get to see Ranna?”
“No, I called her over instead. Gave her a tour of the ship. She loved the showers. And the soap.”
“Nice,” Kira nodded appreciatively.
“What’s Seraphim like?”
“I’ll answer that after I get some time to know him. Today was all about sex.”
“Really?” Vajra looked at her incredulously. “But you were gone for almost ten hours!”
“Sex is tiring! We fell asleep afterwards.”
“I suppose I understand that.”
“We’ve promised to stay in touch though.”
“I hope it works out.”
“Me too. So, why’d you call me?”
“Message from Var Suthra. He wants to talk.”
“Oh, goody. What do you think the odds are, he’s offering us a vacation as an apology for the Peragus fiasco?” She asked as she followed him to the lounge. “Master… there’s something I have to say first, now that it’s just the two—I mean three—of us.”
T7 whistled happily at being included in the count.
“Go on.”
She hugged him as tightly as she could. “Thank you. You promised you’d always have my back, but the way you stood up to Master Kaedan for me…! I was moved, I really was! You’re not one to fly off the handle easily, so when you did get ready to fight tooth and nail for me, I just felt so… happy!”
“You’re welcome, Kira.”
“I mean it. I’ve been blessed with good company since joining the Jedi: Master Kiwiiks, Master Orgus, Jazz, T7… but you made me feel like family. Like I was loved unconditionally. Fiercely. Thank you.” She backed off crisply, forgetting for a moment that her legs were jelly. She fell on the sofa with an ‘oof!’ and an abashed look. “I’m okay!”
Vajra chuckled before entering the comm frequency to Var Suthra’s office. It connected after a few seconds. “Good evening, General.”
“Hello again, my friends. I’m sorry to end your shore leave so soon, but Master Kiwiiks sent out a distress signal before we lost communication. You have to get to Tatooine at once. I’ll brief you once you get there.”
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“I hope Master Kiwiiks is alright.”
Vajra keyed the ship’s internal comm. “Bridge? Can you get the engines warmed up?”
“Affirmative, sir.”
“Come on. We should have enough time to meet Jasme before we leave.”
“Can we call her here? Just look at my legs wobble! Don’t feel like announcing to the whole Temple that I just got nailed.”
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magioffire · 2 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship ; accepting
i. vali fears the ocean/deep open water, and he has a rational reason to be that way. his body is just not made for swimming all that well -- and its all because of his chitin plating. if theres a bunch of air pockets stuck under his chitin, it will just make him annoyingly buoyant. however, if the spaces inbetween his chitin armor become waterlogged, it could drag him down like a rock if hes not careful. he knows how to swim *vaguely*, he can handle swimming in more shallow water, but any sort of sustained swimming in very deep water? he will just panic and that will likely cause him to drown faster than his chitin ever could. so i think...vasco should teach vali to swim BETTER. or at least get him more comfortable with being in and around water, if just to make vali's life a little bit easier on a ship. and also so vasco doesnt have the worry that the bug is gonna just get flung overboard and drown every time the waves get a little choppy. pfft. landlubber.
ii. once vali does get comfortable around water and on the ship, not much would be able to stop him from acting on his most savage fae impulses as we already talked about a little bit. he would likely go from walking shakey legged around the ship to crawling up into the crows nest like its nbd. i feel like that would be around the time where the two of them would start to get closer and bond, as vali would be able to more effectively interact with the nauts instead of being confined, sea-sick, to his cabin. he would be intensely interested in the culture of the nauts, curious to learn about a culture that is made up of people from entirely different cultures, who live entirely upon the sea, whom have no desires of colonization or conquest. the last one right there is an extremely foreign concept to a dokkalfar, whom could be considered a war-like race. he would begin to appreciate that mindset, even if at first he would not understand it.
iii. every time they are in port vali is going to immediately insist they go out drinking. he would drag vasco out from the docks and treat him to a good time. though im sure it would end in both of them getting too drunk and getting lost, and not making their way back until dawn. no one ever said vali was any good at retracing his steps in these big cities full of iron and smoke - he would get lost with vasco quite a bit.
iv. in the universe im basing the starter i wrote for you in, hes being chased from universe to universe by the wild hunt, which is his entire reason for joining the nauts on their voyage. he fully intends to just run as far as he can to the farthest reaches of unknown worlds, catch a breath before they find him again, then rinse and repeat. he would keep his identity as a fae a secret, instead merely posing as a noble among the bridge alliance. this not only will keep his identity a secret to the people around him, but also keep the wild hunt off his tail that much longer. however, his lack of knowledge of this world would quickly begin to show, and no doubt vasco and the other nauts would begin to notice the strange qualities and ways of their new ship-mate. vasco might see glimpses of valeriu's true form out of the corner of his eye. the glamour will maintain so long as vali has everyone around him convinced that they know what they see to be true. the minute vasco questions it, and realizes what hes looking at is illusion, then vali's glamour is just gonna be ppppftppfptpfptppftttttttt completely kaput. i wonder how he might first react to that realization, particularly if neither of them intended it. i can see when vasco is just starting to realize, he spends a lot of time of just staring suspiciously at vali, trying to figure out wtf is wrong with this picture. and vali is like *sweats nervously and pulls his collar* umm....can i get you something??? :)))) im definitely just a normal person....definitely NOT a bug.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Twenty: I Can’t Do This
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: When things to be going right, the world has a funny way of bringing Valentina back down to the cold harsh reality
Warnings: Heartache, distressed Vali
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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It had only been twenty four hours since Singapore and Pierre was getting on my last nerve. He wouldn’t shut up about me and Charles, pinching the bridge of my nose I tossed my phone onto the sofa forgetting it was still open on the conversation with Charles.
“Why won’t you tell me what happened?” Pierre hummed from the kitchen of the shared hotel.
“Because I know what you are like.” I huffed, throwing my head back against the arm of the sofa.
“There was a time you told me everything.” He pouted, standing over me with two fresh cups of coffee. “But you’ve changed.”
Rolling my eyes at the giant man baby that was hovering over me like a dark cloud. He always knew how to be dramatic.
“Pear, is it your time of the month again? Do you need ice cream?” I mocked, pushing myself up to a sitting position.
“Haha, very funny.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he passed me the coffee before sitting on the sofa. His eyes instantly landed on my phone, a wide smirk forming on his face as he spotted Charles’ nickname lighting up the screen. He was too quick for me to swipe my phone away from him. “Let’s see what we have here then.” He said with a mischievous grin on his face.
Sinking further into the sofa trying to make myself as small as possible, I knew that Pierre was going to have a field day.
The moment I saw Pierre’s fingers darting across the screen I wanted to punch him in the face, the smirk that was on his face told me that he was up to no good.
“Oh this is brilliant.” He chuckled, pausing to take a sip of his coffee.
“Can I have my phone back?” I asked, kicking his thigh, causing him to wince at the impact.
“Yeah in a bit.” He hummed, not taking his eyes off the screen. “I’m busy.”
I knew I was going to kill Pierre, I didn’t even know what he was texting but I knew he would be texting Charles. Letting out a dramatic sigh, letting him know he was annoying me, I leant over to see what he was texting but the little shit stood up holding the phone like it was something out of lion king. But I did manage to get a glimpse of part of a text.
I wish you were here, baby. I need you so bad.
I miss your lips roaming my body.
“Oh hell fucking no.” I growled, my heart rate quickening as I realised he was sexting Charles pretending to be me. This was bad, me and Charles had only just started talking again and here Pierre was pretending to be me sending dirty texts and knowing Pierre they would be pure filth. “You are an asshole, you know that right.”
Something must have been funny because he started laughing his head off whilst still texting. The tears were running down his cheeks as I jumped over the back of the sofa, trying to get my phone out of his hands.
“Nope this is too good.” He cried, holding the phone even higher. The sound of my phone ringing made me freeze. “Oh fucking hell Char is face timing you now.”
“Do not fucking answer it.” I growled through gritted teeth as his smirk got wider.
“Oops.” He howled, keeping his attention on my phone. “Well, well Mr Leclerc you horny bastard.”
“Pierre what the fuck man?” Charles snapped through the phone. “That was you texting all that shit?”
“Bear, I swear I had nothing to do with it.” I shouted, jumping up trying to get my phone back for Pierre. “Seriously asshole, give me my phone back.” All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball, letting the ground swallow me up.
“Holy shit, I’ve not heard you call Char that in years.” Pierre hummed, taking his eyes off the ball for a split second causing me to regain control of my phone.
Once I had the device I flipped Pierre off before running into my room in the hotel suit, slamming the door behind me. I couldn’t believe he pulled a stunt like that and he wondered why I didn’t tell him about the other night.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” I sighed, flopping down onto the bed, proping my phone up against the pillows. “He’s been on one this morning. He swiped my phone and he was too quick.” Letting my eyes lock onto the phone screen, noticing that Charles was looking rather flush. Which is when I realised the reason why he was looking rather red. “Bear, did you?”
Charles dropped his gaze to his lap as he ran his hand over his face. “Urm yeah.” He admitted, looking rather embarrassed. “I thought it was you that was texting. I never thought it would have been Pierre.”
“Don’t worry in gonna fucking kill him.”
I tried to ignore the fact that he thought it was me, I didn’t need to be thinking about that right now. Pushing the thoughts out of my head, I fell quiet, not knowing what to say after the events of this morning.
An awkward silence fell over the two of us, I had no idea what to say especially now Pierre pulled that little stunt.
Charles finally broke the silence, “Urm I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a coffee before we need to catch the flight to Japan?”
A small smile crossed my face, “yeah, I’d like that. Let me get changed and I will meet you. Just text me the address.”
Shortly after that the call ended, still on rather an awkward note. I just hoped it wasn’t going to be awkward when we were face to face. Running my hand over my face I let out a muffled scream before rolling off the bed. I needed to do the final checks of the room before getting ready to go out. Luckily our cases had already been picked up this morning so it was just the bags I needed on the plane that were by the door.
Within half an hour I was fully packed and ready to go, pulling my sunglasses over my eyes, I grabbed my hat from the top of the backpack before grabbing the bag, throwing one of the straps over my shoulder.
As I walked out of the room I was met with Pierre who still had that stupid fucking smile on his face.
“Whoa, I didn’t think we needed to leave yet?” he questioned raising his brow at my backpack.
“We don’t.” I said rather harshly, right now I didn’t care that I was being short with him, he crossed a line. “I will see you on the plane, I’m going out.” I snapped, pushing past him.
“Nugget wait.” he called after me, softly grabbing my arm stopping me in my tracks. “I’m sorry okay, I thought you would see the funny side to it.”
Rolling my eyes behind my sunglasses, I let out a sigh. “Yeah well I didn’t, and this is why I haven’t said much about the other night because I knew you would do something stupid. You know how I feel about Charles.”
The smile on his face dropped at my statement, instantly he pulled me into a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“I am so sorry.” he said softly, “I promise I will behave and I won’t step over the line again.”
“Okay, thank you.” I breathed, wiggling out of his grip. “I’ve got to go.”
“Meeting Char for coffee.” I said, finding a smile creeping onto my face.
“Have fun, Nugget.”
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Qualifying went well, my emotions were all over the place but somehow through it all I had managed to land pole position. I thought this weekend was going to go better than I thought.
Standing in the opening of the garage I watched the rain pour from the sky, the dark clouds looming over the track. This was bad, this was extremely bad.
I couldn’t stop my heart from pounding against my ribs as the rain continued to pour, my focus was on the rain drops that were bouncing violently off the ground. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling as my mind drifted back to the day that changed my life for the worst.
“Race is still going ahead.” Josh said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Please tell me you are joking?” I choked out, my silent tears turning into sobs.
“Unfortunately not.”
I couldn’t do this, after yesterday I thought I was going to be able to do this but now everything had flipped on its head.
“No, no, no, no.” I screamed, causing all attention to fall on me. Nothing I did was stopping my hands from shaking violently. “How can they expect us to fucking race in these conditions. Especially with what happened to Jules.”
This was my worst nightmare, I wasn’t looking forward to racing this track anyway but apparently the universe wanted to fuck me up.
My head was spinning, my fingers were tugging hard at my hair, maybe if I tugged hard enough I would wake from this nightmare. My vision was now blurry from how hard I was sobbing.
Feeling someone try to wrap their arms around me, I instantly lashed out, pushing whoever it was away from me.
“Get the fuck off me.” I screamed, taking a few steps back without looking at where I was going and I ended up falling over the tyre of the car causing me to land on my arse. “I don’t want anyone fucking touching me! So please just fuck off.”
“Nugget, ce n'est que moi. Nugget, it's just me.” Pierre said softly, placing his hand on my knee, causing me to instantly move away from him.
“Pourquoi les gens continuent à essayer de me toucher. Reculez, bordel ! Why do people keep trying to touch me. Back the fuck off!” I snapped, wrapping my arms around my knees, pulling them closer to my chest.
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the crowd that was forming around the entrance of the garage, along with the netflix crew.
Everything was a blur but I heard Hudson shout Charles’ name.
“What's going on?” Charles said, panic dripping off his voice. “Shit, what happened to Vali?”
“She’s freaking out over the race.” Pierre said quietly.
The only sound that was echoing around the garage was my sobs, I couldn’t bring myself to look up and face the crowd.
“SERIOUSLY,” Charles snapped, the sound of his voice made me finally look up, resting my chin on my knee. “IF YOU AREN’T CLOSE FRIENDS OR FAMILY GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GARAGE.”
Watching as Charles and Hudson cleared the crowd before the shutter to the garage was slammed shut. Looking around the room the only people that were left were Charles, Pierre, Hudson and Josh.
Charles rushed over to me, dropping to the floor wrapping his arms around me. For whatever reason I didn’t lash out at him for touching me, in fact I clung onto him like I was drowning at sea and he was my life raft.
“I can’t do it, Bear.” I sobbed into his chest, clutching at his race suit.
“You are stronger than you think, babygirl.” he whispered, running his fingers through my hair, rocking me gently. “Just take some deep breaths, let it all out. I’m here baby and I’m not going anywhere.”
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg @derpinathebrave @idkiwantchocolatee @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @alynoa @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @formula1mount @inchidentwithmax @raaaaabzzz @teamspideyman @marvelousmendess @mehrmonga @sbgal @thattaylorswiftobsessedbitch @mloyer
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avenin7 · 3 years
{This was going to be more but tbh I don’t care and this is all I have energy for. This is from the modern au, a few years down the line and after revalink finally gets together and are living with each other.}
It was going to be fine. They were going to be fine. Link was pacing back in forth in the entryway, from the edge of the hall all the way to the kitchen, a stupid habit he picked up from Vali.
Oh gods. How was Revali going to react?
It’ll be fine. We’ll talk about it. He’s not going to just leave you. Link paused and glanced at the four tests sitting on the dining room table, then to the clock. 3:14. He’ll be home in three minutes. He rubbed his eyes and kept with the pacing. Frantically trying to figure out how he was going to tell him.
Suddenly as if possessed, Link grabbed the tests off the table. Rushing to the bathroom to jam them back into the cabinet where he’d been hiding them all week. Gods he was so stupid, he couldn’t just tell Revali the second he gets home from work. Maybe he should make it a thing? Make it special? Like those people on pinterest?
Standing paralyzed in the bathroom, hand half shoved into the closet, other on a death grip on the door, Link heard keys jingle in the door. Yanking his hand out of the cabinet he slammed it shut and tried to take a few deep breaths to calm himself. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.
“Ugh! You would not bel-ieve this woman that came in right before I left!” He could hear Vali’s ranting from down the hall and even with his nerves it made him smile a bit as he walked back out.
Revali’s back was turned, focused on getting his shoes off and tossing his wallet on the table beside the door. “This woman. This woman had the audacity to order like a $10 drink and then demand that I take her expired phone coupons to make it $3!! Ridiculous! And THEN-!” He turned, taking in Link’s face and cutting himself off.
Link shifted from foot to foot, biting his lip, eyes darting across Revali’s face as his boyfriend took him in. Taking a deep breath he blurted,
“I’m pregnant.”
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🍺 (for ick. usually u shouldnt accept the fae booze but from vali? its probs ok)
send ‘🍺’ to offer my muse a drink.
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"You know, you don't have to get me drunk if you want to top." All the same, Erastus cheers'd the drink before shooting it down in a single gulp.
He coughed a bit- he was not expecting it to be as strong as it was. "Damn. Not bad. Many more of those and you could probably convince me to be walked around on all fours with a leash." He was definitely going to feel that in the morning. "What's in this anyway?"
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lokadottr · 3 years
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𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔳𝔦 + 𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔭𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔢 [ 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔫𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔶 ]
torvi is ( at the current point in her main verse and in most au’s ) a mother of three. two girls, and one boy. just the opposite of how she herself grew up. being a mother, for her, was something that she expected she would do someday, but something that she had a lot of anxiety about...
as a young woman torvi knew of her mother’s struggles when it came to having children. she had a difficult delivery with her older brothers, and had lost several pregnancies early on. there was almost three decades between the birth of narvi & vali and her own. part of her always feared that she might face the same difficulties as her mother. and it isn’t a fear that leaves her when she is pregnant with her first daughter. in fact she spends quite a few nights laying in bed worried about it. 
that is-- in some ways --another thing that surprises her. children were always something she had assumed she would have, because that’s what women did. they have children. she never expected such an immediate attachment to just the idea of her child that even a relatively easy pregnancy would cause her such worry. 
and her first pregnancy was easy, it was almost textbook, and she did enough reading each night about what should be happening and what was coming next to know that it was. ( the reading was one of the ways she alleviated the anxiety she had ) she was absolutely incessant about it, prattling on constantly about how big the baby was, how far away the due date was, all of it. the fact that she and her husband were so young and well...clueless was actually a strange source of comfort. reading to him from her books and listening to him talk about what he’d remembered from when his youngest sibling was born distracted her. made her feel more ready.
her other source of comfort was the women around her, her mother-in-law, the friends who had accompanied her from vanaheim, her aunt. her mother was a world away and she missed her and the comfort she would have brought. for a time she felt incredibly alone, though those feelings eventually passed. she was also incredibly impatient, a matter made worse when she went past her due date and attempted anything and everything to put herself into labor. 
while she was more than content to take a break from having children after that, she was pregnant again just four months after. her second wasn’t so bad, though her mood was much worse with it. as excited as she was for this baby, she had just gotten back into the swing of feeling like herself again. eating what she wanted, having wine. it was also a very stressful pregnancy, now she had an infant, they needed to move to have space for another baby, she felt like she hardly had time to really...enjoy being pregnant. to take pictures of her belly over the months, to mark the milestones like first kicks. it was, however, her most difficult delivery and it lasted for hours.
the third time around was the only planned pregnancy and was by far the worst. despite having had several years between her second and third, she struggled quite a bit. the morning sickness never went away, and it wasn’t kept to just the mornings. she couldn’t gain weight or keep much down. as much as she loved the child already she was miserable and anxious. it had never been that difficult, and she couldn’t even give her daughters the proper attention they deserved, something made worse by the fact that it was her job to do so. it was the one time that she thought her fears might have had some basis in reality. that something might really go wrong and she might not get to see this child. 
when the time came though, it was the shortest over her labors, lasting only three hours from her water breaking to the time she held her son.
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