talkingwoman · 2 months
One vague fear about Complete Unknown Like most who have seen the trailer for Timmy’s next knock out performance, I am almost giddy about the new film.  My only lingering concern is that the script and treatment might not meet the standard of our boy’s performance.  The Rolling Stone article on Complete Unknown apparently shares my angst a little bit since they closed the article with the interviewer saying something like “ Since Dylan managed to get himself involved in the production we can assume that it will not be all true.”  To which Mangold, the film’s writer and director simply smiled and said “we’ll let that be your quote.”  Since I tend to fret about such stuff, could some of you please take a moment to reassure me that fan possessiveness about the legend of Bob Dylan will not affect the critical or box office success of Complete Unknown??   I’ve read Dylan fanatics’ critiques of Timmy and sense there will be more stringent evaluations of his performance as Dylan than Rami Malek, Gary Oldham, or Renee Zellweger got for their Oscar winning performances as Freddy Mercury, Winston Churchill, or Judy Garland.  Maybe the safest way to Oscar-land is to portray dead people?  Can you tell I am aching for Timmy’s talent to be acclaimed by his peers?
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zuzla33 · 2 months
... so since ( to quote Armie's mother ) Liz and Armie have been separated for two years by late 2020 ... when exactly did that happen? because, you know, the end of 2018 was ... let's say intense
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yes @valgal78 ... I'm also wondering what else we're right about? 😎
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douglashal · 5 days
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“I was 20, sitting in on my piano lesson when he barged in and tilted the world on its axis. Wait, no, not THE world. My world. I was 20!”
- My Endgame (FanFiction)
By @valgal78
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cr. X @valgal78
thank you, Val 🥰😘
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silvyysthings · 7 months
It's my rock's birthday you all !!!
Happy birthday @valgal78 😍😍🎂🎂
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With me always ❤❤😍
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yes-svetlana-world · 3 months
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Angelika Mayerhofer
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So, I wrote a little thing for Fall in Love with Charmie.
Dedicated to @tandaforever for organising this little fest, and @valgal78 for making me aware of it.
Prompts are CMBYN promo era - hurt/comfort - the sweater of love. (Though lets be honest, this all stemmed from one particular line like usual) 🧿❤️
No sweaters were harmed in the making of this fic, and all🦎go unmentioned and irrelevant as they should be.
There’s a low, droning vibration stemming from the walnut coffee table; his mobile, he assumes, long-since ignored within the pocket of his discarded jeans. A lone sock dangles accusingly from the overhead light fitting: a fate reminiscent of the boxers draped over the dresser mirror. Some might be shocked, he’ll admit, at his lack of designer deference, but Armie’s tracksuit is likewise abandoned on the hotel carpet, and Tim…
Tim couldn’t care less for wrinkled McQueens when the other man’s clutching his naked waist like his life depends on it.
When the telltale creaks of the king size mattress are all but smothered by the hiccupped moans spilling from his desert-dry lips.
When the searing heat gathered at the base of his spine is a fail-safe indicator he’s about to come untouched: the relentless drag of Armie’s cock against his screaming prostate making his balls draw tight in preparation.
And perhaps he says some of that out loud, because Armie surges upright with a shaky nod, a mottled flush extending from his hairline to his beautifully bare chest as he crushes their mouths together. Tongue delving rough and possessive: claiming him twice over.
It’s been weeks since the promo ended. Since they were on the same continent, let alone the same bed. Tim needs him like he needs his next breath - crazy as the thought may be - and starved of such contact by dint of their hectic schedules, a limited diet of filthy text messages and late night video calls only served to fan the flames. 
The connection they forged that dreamlike summer refuses to fade. They’d both fallen irrevocably. Hard and heedless: regardless of the pain. But here and now there’s nothing to stand between them. Nothing else beyond the suite’s four walls. Tim’s entire world hinges on the salty tang of Armie’s collarbone - the scratchy stubble tickling his temple - the dizzying rush of blood hurtling through his quicksilver veins, and for all that he finds himself drowning in the intimacy, it doesn’t stop him from craving more.
It never does.
Never will.
That said, an actor’s life is one of flexibility: adapting to the changing tides. Inspiration strikes in a blink, and flashing a salacious grin he reaches behind him, snagging the soft grey sweater he’d stripped from Armie’s body not twenty minutes earlier; sighing in bone-deep contentment when the lingering scent of herbal shampoo and expensive cologne envelopes his arms and torso in a familiar, woollen embrace.
Saccharine, maybe, but when Armie burst in on a routine piano lesson - drawing him into a love unforeseen - the quirks and insecurities he’d spent years repressing soon became free. 
Wanted and explored. 
Half the pleasure is knowing what this does to you. Knowing you like seeing what it does to me, Armie told him once, drunk on the build moreso than the wine, so it’s no surprise when his partner simply smirks in return, brows knit in fond amusement as he nuzzles the droopy collar.
“Don’t think I’m complaining,” he murmurs, the raw urgency of before notably absent. “But what happened to pants off, Hammer: no clothes ‘till Thursday?” 
He has a point. A damned good one, at that. Yet -
“I want to feel you surround me, even when you’re inside me,” Tim replies, leaning forward to kiss him for all the times he couldn’t. “I want to smell you on my skin, even when we’re apart...”
“You’re mine,” Tim says, wrapping the sweater’s cuff around his sensitive glans. “And I’m yours,” he declares, smearing it with the sticky pearls. 
Armie’s eyes grow glassy as he realises his intent, and keeping him pinned by cock and stare alike, Tim proceeds to pick up the pace; leaving him in no doubt that sooner or later, the rest of the world will know it too.
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andguesswhat · 1 year
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Timmy said he swam in chocolate....
Not much time to think, not much time to write, so if you are not satisfied, please complain to @zuzla33! 😜 She somehow managed to coerce me into it. And maybe to @Valgal78 and @gatoenlaciudad, too 😂😘 Oh yes and the butthole anon may also be somewhat to blame 🙈
Not beta-read. But I hope you can enjoy it nonetheless. If there are stupid mistakes in it, please let me know.
Timmy turns the key and pushes the heavy iron door open.
"I wonder what they're doing with all that choc- " Armie is about to ask when Timmy interrupts him in a panic.
"What?" asks Armie in still relatively normal volume as they step into the hall. "It's in the middle of the night. No one is here, right? You made sure of that, remember?"
Timmy rolls his eyes. "Can you please be quiet anyway? I'm getting scared. You never know!"
"Yeah, you never know!" Armie imitates Timmy with a grin and then adds in an exaggeratedwhisper, "Okay, I’ll whisper but only if I get to choose the music and the volume on the way back because seriously my ears are still ringing and that might be the reason that I talk so loud, I can’t hear anything.”
Timmy rolls his eyes again, this time apparently at Armie's stuffiness, but can't help a little smile.
The hall is dimly lit, only emergency lighting everywhere. Armie considers asking if they could turn the lights on, just to annoy Timmy a little more, but of course there is something about it, this mood of an abandoned movie set in the middle of the night.
He follows Timmy down the hall. He's been able to see a bit of the set while he's here in London with him, but the set in this hall had only been finished at the last minute before the shoot.
And then they're standing in front of the river. The chocolate river. All around is lawn with lots of green plants and colorful flowers and it really looks pretty awesome actually.
Timmy grins enthusiastically at Armie.
It's not at all clear what they're exactly doing here. Or will do.
Timmy had sent him some photos of the shoot in the chocolate river in the morning, his clothing covered in chocolate, his face smeared with chocolate, and Armie hadn't been able to resist sending a few raunchy comments.
Although he didn't even know if the chocolate was edible.
Yes it is, Timmy had written. Just chocolate, milk and honey.
And that's how it smells now. Very pleasantly sweet.
Timmy had glamoured the security of the hall. He knows how to do these things. He's nice to everyone, and when he wants something, he's even nicer. And then a few bills, of course, to keep quiet.
Timmy's request didn't sound that strange though. Armie is used to much stranger things from celebrities. Timmy had told the security guard that he had heard that chocolate baths are the latest shit and oh, so healthy, and it would be a shame not to use all this, right? So he wondered if he couldn't take a quick bath tonight?
"You weird Americans,” the very British security guy had replied, shaking his head. “But don't you dare do anything ugly that gets me in trouble, or I'll have you drowned in that river and then you won't be able to smile so nicely anymore."
Armie hasn't met that security man yet, but likes his humor already.
"And what if this guy has a crush on you and shows up here too?" he wonders.
"Don't give me that shit! You better take your clothes off!" Timmy answers while starting to undress himself.
"Me? I'm not going in there."
"I said I'd be happy to help you lick it off, but I can't imagine -"
Timmy's t-shirt hits him square in the face. "Pussy!"
"What?" Armie's voice is way too high. "Well, I really don't know if that necessarily has anything to do with being a pussy, if-"
"Oh fuck you!" laughs Timmy as he takes off the rest of his clothes and finally stands stark naked in front of him.
"Okay..." Timmy looks kind of nervously excited at the chocolate pond and Armie feels way too many feelings for his man again.
How he now stands there so skeptically with his beautiful slender figure, indecisively crosses his arms in front of his chest and finally carefully dips a toe into the chocolate river, looking like some modern version of Botticelli's Venus.
"I don't know... So completely naked now it's something else..."
Armie laughs. "But making me look stupid. Come on! Go for it."
"I thought we were doing this together! You could have said something about not going in!"
"But I didn't say I was going in either!"
"But so alone now... feels kind of stupid!"
"You know, we can stand here and argue... or - "
And then he pushes Timmy unceremoniously into the chocolate.
That fall alone is a sight he will never forget.
How the chocolate sloshes around Timmy in huge waves and coats his body with the liquid chocolate.
And Timmy squeals happily. What more could you want.
"Oh god, this is so good!"
Armie lies down contentedly on the grass, one arm propped on his elbow, watching his man move happily in the chocolate pond.
"Please come in. It's so much more awesome when you feel it on your bare skin..."
"I'll take your word for it, but thanks, no."
Because he wants to watch Timmy experience this, explore this. It’s just so adorable. How he's fascinated sliding his arms through the chocolate, making ripples, and then doing some steps, bending his knees a bit and realizing in amazement, "God... it feels so good…” he wrinkles his nose, “Especially in certain places…"
And when Timmy then curiously lets his hands disappear behind his back in the liquid chocolate and everything looks like he's pulling his butt cheeks apart, plus his facial expression suddenly becoming all sensual, including a slight opening of his mouth, a little excited gasp... Armie involuntarily has to swallow. And is suddenly horny as hell.
With Timmy, the switch is apparently also flipped, as he puts one arm somewhere in front of him, and yes, he certainly is touching his cock and definitely liking what he feels.
That little sexy bastard. Armie gets hard just from watching him.
He wonders if he will have to get into the chocolate now after all, but then Timmy looks at him so darkly, wades towards him through the chocolate, crawls out of the chocolate, and Armie can’t think straight anymore.
Timmy’s whole body is covered in this sweet, wet chocolate, some of his curls are drenched, too, the chocolate is dripping, dripping from his curls, from his body, and fucking dripping from his already hard cock…
Who wouldn’t find that extremely delicious?
Even more delicious when Timmy crawls over Armie; it’s dripping everywhere, and then he already has Timmy's chocolate smeared hands on his cheeks and Timmy's chocolate smeared lips on his mouth and he can't say that's bad, quite the opposite. It’s fucking luscious.
Chocolate, milk and honey. Everything smells so good, tastes so good.
He lets Timmy kiss him, enjoys the moment, enjoys the literally sweetest man imaginable kissing him, tastes the chocolate on Timmy's lips, on his thumb sliding into Armie's mouth and running over his tongue, sucks on it, and then he can't stop himself, he has to slide his hand over Timmy's smeared neck, has to lick the chocolate off his lips, off his chin and god, off his neck. And Timmy moans with satisfaction.
Armie feels like he is in heaven. His naked man smeared with chocolate, looking so sexy and apparently feeling so sexy, all that smearing and licking… it is just so fucking hot. Plus the sweet smell, the sweet taste, and he wonders why didn't they think of this before?
Armie runs his hands over Timmy’s chest, smearing the chocolate as he licks Timmy's neck, licks it clean, inch by inch, wants to taste Timmy’s chocolate nipples, sucks at them, and licks them clean, too. All the while Timmy's eyes darken with lust, low moans coming out of his mouth.
And that's why Armie then grabs Timmy's cock too, is about to pump the already hard chocolate dripping dick, when Timmy suddenly whispers, "I can't do this here. I'm shooting a movie here! I can't do this."
Armie tries to stay calm because he wants his man way too much right now and is afraid that if he says something wrong he won't get him, but he has to at least comment on the obvious."You already are totally naked and you already have a boner."
"Yeah, but making out like that is another thing from actually doing it!"
"Timmy!" Armie takes a deep breath. He'd like to say, ´you can't get me all hot and bothered here right now and then say, nah, you don’t get me`, but he knows he won't get anywhere with that line of reasoning, so he says softly,
"God, Timmy, you look so fucking hot, you smell so fucking good, taste so fucking good, I want you so bad, baby" because this is so fucking true and he kisses him, on the lips, on the cheek. "And besides, what are you going to say to the car rental company when you smear the chocolate all over the car seat, I kind of need to lick you clean first, don’t you think?” More soft kisses. “And that’s what you want, too, isn’t it?” He whispers into Timmy’s ear before he licks on Timmy’s neck again.”You want me to lick you clean, right? Like everywhere. You love that, don’t you, baby?" Timmy’s breathing is getting heavier, so Armie dares to carefully put his hand back on Timmy's cock, starting massaging it lightly, with all the slick chocolate around, and smiles contently when he sees Timmy's eyes flutter shut.
"God, you're so fucking hot, baby. Can we please go on a little more?"
"Okay..." answers Timmy, breathing heavily.
"Really okay?" asks Armie just in case.
"Yeah..." and a small smile flits across Timmy's face before the lust takes over again.
His man is horny as fuck and that is good because he is horny as fuck as well.
Quickly Armie undresses himself, everything has to go, shirt, shoes, pants, shorts, while Timmy lies in the grass on his back, looking at him darkly and running his hands over his slick body. God, he loves it when Timmy does this.
Finally, he squats down and once again takes in his beautiful, chocolate-soaked man before leaning forward and beginning to lick him from toes to head.
Of course he lingers for quite a while in the middle section, the inner thighs deserve a lot of attention, and the way Timmy moans he seems to think so too. Especially the hollow between leg and hip needs a lot of thoroughly licking, there is really a lot of chocolate accumulated. And then of course there is Timmy's beautiful chocolate covered cock. First he licks the balls, then the shaft, then the tip. Armie licks it and sucks it while Timmy moans and groans and buries his fingers in Armie's hair.
At one point then, Timmy whispers, "You need some chocolate too," before he bites his lip and bends to the river, dips his hand in the chocolate flow, pulls it back out, the chocolate dripping, and reaches for Armie's cock, rubbing the chocolate over it and Armie can't help it, the squishy, slippery feeling is too much, he has to moan out loud.
Timmy giggles.
"Can I taste it? I want to taste it so badly" he whispers and without waiting for an answer he starts licking Armie's shaft.
Fuck, this feels good! Timmy swirling his tongue around his cock, licking it. And fuck, this looks so hot when Timmy lets Armie's cock slide deep into his mouth, the chocolate spilling over his lips left and right.
Timmy is sucking him devotedly until he can't get any harder and Armie would like to come into his mouth so badly but he knows he definitely needs his boner for what is yet to come.
Timmy knows this too, because when he lets the cock slide out of his mouth satisfied, he asks "Wanna see what my hole looks like?"
And god yes, since Timmy has pulled his butt cheeks apart in the chocolate pond, he desperately wants to see this.
Timmy flips over onto his stomach. Timmy's backside isn't quite as darkly smeared with chocolate anymore because he was lying in the grass, but that makes the dark wet spots leading between his butt cheeks all the more appealing. And so it is, Armie spreads Timmy's cheeks with his hands and his mouth gets dry involuntarily when he sees Timmy's butthole completely drenched in liquid chocolate. This is only topped when his entrance twitches.
Armie can't stand it a second longer, he puts his lips to it, sucking out the chocolate, greedily running his tongue around and finally over the luscious wet chocolate hole.
Not that he doesn't love eating out Timmy otherwise, but tasting the sweet liquid chocolate out of Timmy’s ass while Timmy squirms with moans beneath him is something he won't soon forget.
He could do this forever; every time he has licked him clean, he spreads some more chocolate over his hole, when Timmy suddenly desperately pants, "Fuck me, Armie…Please!"
Timmy is already a wreck, Armie can feel it. All the licking was teasing enough, and that's why Armie doesn't make him wait any longer. He quickly stretches him by the most necessary with his fingers, puts his cock at Timmy's entrance, pushes it inside him inch by inch and starts fucking him.
“Yes”, Timmy groans in relief.
Armie has to grip hard because the chocolate skin is so slippery, ramming his cock into Timmy again and again, who cries out in ecstasy with every thrust.
He is just considering increasing the speed when Timmy pushes his butt back and breathlessly says, "I wanna ride you."
He gets on top of Armie, lowers himself on Armie’s cock, rides Armie, rides himself further into ecstasy, milking Armie's cock with his tight hole, writhing his body, moaning loudly and Armie has to concentrate not to cum at the sight.
Timmy's sexuality is like no other. He can lose himself completely in it.
Moreover Timmy knows exactly what he wants. "Oh God, fuck me, Armie, I'm so close," he gasps and quickly lies on his back and spreads his legs and just as quickly Armie bends over him and sinks his cock back inside him to fuck him again.
They've had sex in places where Armie had to put his hand over Timmy's mouth so Timmy's moans wouldn't give them away, but here, here, when Timmy's unrestrained moans echo through the hall, it brings him close to the edge.
Timmy’s thick cock is lying heavy on his stomach and Armie grabs it with one hand to pump it while he keeps thrusting into Timmy’s hot hole.
“I’m coming, Armie..!!” Timmy pants and just one more thrust and Timmy spurts his load on his belly, his cum mingling with the chocolate, and just the thought of tasting this brings Armie over the edge.
A deep and loud groan and he comes in Timmy, and then…. only panting.
God, fuck, this was good.
When Armie has caught his breath again, he leans forward and licks the white cum with the brown chocolate off Timmy’s raising and lowering belly, licks his way up until he finally gets to Timmy’s face and kisses him tenderly on the lips.
They lie there for a few minutes clinging and snuggled together before they slowly get up, completely exhausted, and collect their clothes.
With their T-shirts they scrub the lawn a bit to make the chocolate disappear, but they only do it half-heartedly because Timmy thinks they won't shoot in the corner anyway.
On the way back they listen to Barry White at a moderate volume, which is important if only because Armie can then better hear Timmy singing along softly.
In their hotel room they take a shower. There are still remnants of chocolate on their bodies and Armie loves to wash every inch of Timmy's body with the sponge.
Afterwards they lie down in bed and look at each other dreamily. They both have a smile on their lips. How could they not, with what they just did.
Timmy still smells of chocolate and Armie involuntarily takes his hand, smells it and kisses it.
And then all of a sudden reality-Timmy stops by, he does that sometimes, not often, but sometimes, and for a second Timmy's whole body tenses, his look a picture of pure horror as if just in that second he realizes what had happened and shouts startled,
"What the fuck did I do?"
As if he hadn't even begun to think about reality in the last few hours, but was just in his own world. Not even when he said he couldn't do it was about reality, but was just an unconscious way to make Armie beg and make everything that much more intense.
"Maybe there were cameras?" He looks at Armie with the biggest terrified eyes and Armie can’t help himself, he has to laugh out loud at this.
Oh man, life without Timmy would be so boring.
And after he kisses Timmy softly on the mouth, he says, “Well I would say, make sure to get a copy of that footage. You have a good connection to the security guard, haven't you?”
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sssuuri · 1 year
I thought there are only two photos of Armie by Andy Parsons:
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But today I stumbled upon the third photo, exclusively made for Time Out London:
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For @valgal78
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thebitetheapple · 1 year
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I mean I know its not him but a gal can dream @valgal78
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tandaforever · 1 year
Finally feel like I'm caught up (😌) thanks to @estrellaesmoi and @valgal78... I knew I could rely on ur blogs 😘
And just gonna add... still so relieved and so happy and excited and just fucking ecstatic for Armie and this next phase of his life. We're all so ready for it!
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Everything else is just noise. Let's focus on the good.
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talkingwoman · 11 months
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zuzla33 · 1 month
I really think it's Nick @valgal78
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not Giullian (haircut)
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after all, it's a job, an agent is needed
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Milano, 13/11/22
I did it, no one knows yet, but I did it..
Tonight, I am not Le Petit Poucet , hero of the tale that was told to me when I was a child, and who sowed little pebbles to find the way home.
Tonight, I'm not leaving clues, because I want you to know where my home is.
Take a good look among all these images, my home is there, my home is him.
I didn't tell anyone, even him. The magic of Italy made it possible to operate what you will see tonight on your screens.
Here we are, my heart is beating so hard that I feel like it is going to escape. Have no fear, I usually wear it on the sleeve.
Finally… a few seconds on a big screen, a few images that I have chosen and everything is there, everything that I have not been allowed to reveal for so long.
I finally breathe, the weight that was weighing me down is gone.
I finally breathe, because I assume who I am, I assume what I do.
I finally breathe, because tonight after leaving you, I know I will hear his voice say "Tim...."
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so beautiful.. ❤️🥺
@valgal78 on IG
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silvyysthings · 10 months
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No words only emotions
Thank you @valgal78 for the video
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