jalwoorideul · 2 years
Special Stage Partners
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synopsis: valerie was asked to perform a special stage for the year-end show so she's headed out to meet her dance partner for the first time.
a/n: her love interest? maybe idk but look an update !! finally
"I'm leaving now!" Valerie announced as she grabbed her sneakers, with her backpack slung on her shoulder, ready to go out. "Where are you going?" asked her leader.
"Practice. Remember when SBS called me for a special stage?" The younger replied while tying her shoe laces. "Oh, that's today?" which received a nod in reply. "You're meeting your partner today too?"
"Yeah, we're scheduled to go to Hybe today"
When Valerie was all ready and set, and when the girls have bid her good bye and good luck, she was sent off her way to her partner's company building.
Was she nervous? Maybe? Not because of meeting him. Se was used to meeting new people. She's always been the first one to start conversations anyway. But a part of her was partly nervous to meet her partner partly because of the public reaction.
Solely because they've been shipping them since they debuted and now people are finally going to see them properly interact that she was nervous how much of the public reaction would further go, especially with the special stage they were about to do. "Val we're here" She heard her manager utter as the car stops at the back of a tall building where artists can enter unnoticed.
"Their manager said we can wait inside the lobby" Nodding along, the two of them headed to Hybe's lobby, being greeted by the staff and a few visitors, who didn't seem to notice Valerie with a mask and cap on.
With her name being called she turns around to find a man with long her, who she would presume as the manager that they would be waiting for. "Hi, that's me", replied the girl while bowing her head as a gesture. "Great, let's go upstairs, I have him waiting inside the practice room for you"
Their building had dozens of security. From pascodes to facial recognition, she easily would've mistaken the place as a secret agency if there weren't so many of their artists faces and names plastered on every poster she sees.
A few minutes of walking and escalator rides later, they finally arrived the infamous practice room that she only used to see on youtube. Inside was a tall dirty blonde, wearing a loose black shirt and joggers, who was busy tying his shoelaces in front of the mirror.
"They're here", announced the Hybe manager. With Xinyi's entrance, both of their gazes met. "Hi! It's nice to finally meet you" She greeted fondly.
Xinyi could tell that he was a bit timid and introverted. He replied to her greeting quietly and with a smaller voice while trying to avoud eye contact.
"Hi, I'm Sunghoon from Enhypen, nice to meet you too"
She definitely understands now why people keep talking about his visuals. His features were stunning and he had amazing physique to match it. The girl continued their conversation with "I know who you are, actually. I'm Valerie, but you can call me Xinyi if you like" followed by an extended hand meaning for a handshake which was definitely reciprocated.
"Ah well I know who you are too, I'd be a fool not to" He replied with a small chuckle.
Once everyone got settled, and with some awkward air hanging around while the two were finishing preparations and stretching, their choreographer finally utters, "Now, should we get started?", signaling the start of their practice.
For this special stage, the two of them were asked to prepare a half-contemporary, half-ballroom dance. With Sunghoon having background in the genre from his skating days, and Valerie studying dance sport in the past, the production crew thought that they'd be the perfect pair for it.
Though they were right and though theyd both do well with it, they missed one tiny detail.
Sunghoon has never danced this intimately with another idol before, more or less, an aespa member. Someone who he watches from afar, someone who he admires for their talent and charisma, someone who is too gorgeous that when they broke the news of who his partner would be, he could feel himself sweating from nervousness.
And it's funny because, it's like the fans knew what he was thinking because he would see ship posts and videos every once in a while involving the two of them
Xinyi on the other hand was so used to dancing intimately with the opposite gender, whether they'd be an idol or not, her years of ballroom has thought her that dance is dance, so they had to be professional and act like they've been dancing together for years.
And she knows he'll be an amazing partner to work with, that she shouldn't have a problem. From debuting in the same year and month, to both being in respectable rookie groups, their fates have tangled up more than once, and she's subtly noticed them on the stage, or either backstage, that she knows he has great work ethics and professionalism that they'll both do well.
"You seem nervous" She chuckled as she noticed him stretching his limbs for the nth time. "Sorry" He said while scratching the back of his head. "This is the first time, I'll be doing this"
"What do you say we help each other? I'm not the best at contemporary either. So, let's just shake off any awkwardness we have for a good show, okay?" Valerie encouraged with a smile as she stood a good foot next to him, with the both of them facing the mirror.
Sunghoon turned his gaze to his right to observe the side profile of his dance partner. "Alright, I'll try my best." he replied with a small smile in return. "You won't regret being partnered up with me" He joked lightly.
"I'll keep your word on that, Park Sunghoon"
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
Yogurt Date
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synopsis: valerie spends a day out with giselle
year: 2021
taglist: @raybans4, @sakuurra
Finally, after their "Dreams Come True" promotion, Giselle and Valerie got the opportunity to have some tijme for themselves and that means getting yogurt at their favorite local shop.
"Mhmm I missed this" Xinyi moans as she took a scoop of the yogurt she craved for a while. "The owner even gave us extra toppings because she said we haven't been here in a while" Giselle adds as she took a seat across from her member.
This was a usual occurrence for the both of them. Most of the time, this was the special bond they had where they take an hour of their day to go to their favorite yogurt shop while they tall about anything under the weather.
Some times they talk about their worries for their next comeback, sometime they talk about what they miss back home, occasionally they talk about new music that they've discovered.
Today, they talked about Valerie and her developing feelings for a certain someone.
It wouldn't have been such a big deal but it was because from the long time that Aeri has known the younger member, this was the first time she has ever expressed interest in liking someone.
Even before she came to personally knew the girl, she was already known to reject confessions left and right because she's too focused on herself and her career — Which wasn't a bad thing to be honest. It's just a reputation Valerie had built all through out her stay at SM and in the idol industry.
"Excuse me. What?" Giselle exclaims when Valerie dropped the bomb. "You think you like him?" She clarifies to the girl sitting in front of her.
"Yes. I think."
Aeri cocks her eyebrows and tilts her head to ghe side. "Why aren't you sure?"
Valerie takes another scoop of her frozen dessert while avoiding eye contact with her member. "Because, it feels new to me. I haven't liked someone since I came here." She murmurs.
As she answers the question, Giselle felt sad for her. "Is this why you've been ignoring him?"
Valerie's eyes widen. She guesses that her members probably knew her more than she thought. "I just feel awkward about what I'm feeling right now, okay? And it's not like I'm purposely ignoring him, we've just been busy. You know he's touring soon right?"
Aeri didn't believe what she said one bit. Of course, she knows that they've been busy, but it was totally obvious that even on a quiet moment of nothingness, Xinyi would do her absolute best to avoid the boy, "Sweetie, he's been trying to approach you during music shows and every time he does you start making up an excuse of going to the bathroom or looking for someone"
"Well he could have just texted me" The girl in question exclaimed. It's good thing that the yogurt shop was small and secluded so there were barely any people around except them. "Okay, but do you reply?" she gets questioned again.
Xinyi groans and closes her eyes. She knows she wouldn't be able to find her way around this especially since Giselle can see right through her.
"I'm just not sure how to act around him." She confesses which got a nod fron Aeri. She understands her, truly.
Eyes are on the both of them. Two of the rising acts of k-pop. Members of some of the biggest names in 4th generation. Of course, if anything got out of hand, it was bound to be a wild ride. And she didn't think it would be a great idea since the two have been in hot waters for a while.
"Xinyi, you are GREAT with people. You know what they say everytime someone talks to me about you? That you're one of the easiest people to approach and be with." Giselle starts off, touching Xinyi's hand which was placed on top of the table. "Sunghoon's a bit shy and awkward, sure, but it doesn't seem that way with you. So just act the way you normally do with anyone and you'll do fine....."
"... Just be careful, okay? Around... other people."
Valerie nodded in agreement. "It's not like I'm planning to do anything about what I feel, unnie. I'm just acknowledging them."
"Okay then...."
"But what does he say about all of this?" The older member adds as her final interrogation question. "What? You mean, does he know? Of course not, why would I tell Sunghoon how I feel-"
"Not Sunghoon! Haechan"
This time, it was Xinyi who cocked her eyebrows and tilted her head. "Oh... "
Giselle shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. Aren't you guys a buy 1 take 1 deal? He doesn't know about you liking someone?"
"Well, yeah of course he knows...You know I tell him everything right?"
For Donghyuck and Xinyi, everyone knew their history. Best friends since trainee days. Two peas in a pod. Whatever she does, he does. Wherever he goes, she follows. It was really one of the few friendships that the aespa girls have with the opposite gender where people don't make a fiss about because it's so natural for everyone to see or hear "Donghyuck and Xiny", "Haechan and Valerie".
They knew each other so well. They share each other's schedules even if it wasn't necessary. Valerie even spends the holidays with Haechan and his family if she couldn't go home to Hong Kong.
To the both of them, they were the best of friends.
To everyone else, inclusing Giselle, whatever they had was more than what they think it was.
So if he knows, then she just hopes no one is getting hurt in the process.
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
You Make Me Stay
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synopsis: in which valerie has thoughts of quitting
warning: angst, emotional breakdown, feelings if sadness
5 years. 5 long years of training and being away from home, yet still nothing. At this point Valerie has no idea if this would still be worth in the end.
What makes me so sure that the company is going to select me for the debut team? How many more years of waiting should I do?
Was choosing to stay a bad decision? She's watched a lot of her idol trainee friends who have left, get their chance. She's watched her other trainee friends from other companies debut.
Was she risking so much of herself just to be with the best?
Herin, Yiyang, Lami, Koeun, Hina, they've all left and went on to do better things while she stays here waiting for her debut that she isn't even sure would even happen.
And now she's here crying alone inside her dorm room while her trainee friends are practicing.
These thoughts consumed her. Every moving second of every minute, she's been losing hope of being the person she thought she would become. The person she desired to be.
"Xinyi, where are you? I brought snacks" She hears the muffled voice of Yizhuo, or Ningning, shout from outside of her room. She quickly wiped her tears, being careful not make it obvious that she was.
"Coming!" She shouted back. Xinyi fixed herself and gathered outside to meet with Ningning. "They ran out of corn chips so I just- Val? Were you crying?"
Once the question came out, the said girl wasn't able to mask her tears any longer, which she still tried to choke up. "Oh my gosh. Is everything alright? Do you want me to call Dongh-"
"No no no. I'm fine. Really. It's just.... it's been a rough week"
Yizhuo did not believe a word she said. Xinyi was usually a positive and happy person. She's the type of person the brings liveliness in the room and she's always one to think of good things instead of the worst, so seeing her in tears was distraughting.
"What happened?" The younger asked more firmly.
"I can't do it anymore Ning... I-I don't think.... I'm not sure anymore" All her walls broke down in an instant.
Without any word Yizhuo gave her a tight hug. In times like these, she honestly just doesn't know what to say because she knows all too well how hard it is. She knows all too well how she feels.
"I want to leave. I mean I'm thinking of doing it... I'm just... trying to make sure that's what I want" Valerie added.
"If you do... and somehow I hope you don't because I want to do this with you... but, if you do, I'll support you, okay? Whatever happens, whatever you decide to do, I'll support you" Ningning whispered to her older sister's ear.
"I'm.. I'll give myself 2 more weeks to think about it until after the monthly evaluations but I'm packing my bags now... just in case"
"Okay..." Ningning replied sadly.
Later that night, when everyone else in the dorm was asleep, Xinyi went out of the bedroom to grab a glass of water when she heard muffled crying atvthe living room.
Careful not to make a noise, Valerie tip-toed to get a sight of who it was, only to find out that it was the same girl who saw her crying earlier.
Ningning was hunched on the couch, her knees to he fer forehead while she hides her eyes from sight.
And that's when Xinyi realized one important thing.
If she leaves, she's not only leaving her dream behind. She's leaving Ningning. Ever since she became a trainee, she's witnessed so many people leave, and she knows how much that feels. Now one of her best friends will be witnessing another one.
Much more than the current trainees, her and Ningning grew a closer bond because they were both introduced as SM Rookies and trained with the same people that joined the company the same time that Xinyi did.
So seeing her cry, probably holding back her tears in front of everyone, especially Valerie, made the older girl realize that if she loved these girls so much, if she loved Ningning and every other trainee around her, she can wait just a little more.
Just a little more for these girls, whom she grew to care so much about.
It's been a good two weeks and the monthly evaluations has ended. Despite feeling a bit distracted, Valerie was luckily able to put on a good performance.
"Have you made your decision?" The girl heard her younger sister ask as she slowly walks over to her. They were taking a rest at the locker rooms while everyone was already at the dance studios stretching.
Valerie has. She's talked to many of her friends about her situation asking for advice,and she's finally come to a conclusion.
"I'm staying.... I'll stay for you"
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
Valerie and Heaven during SMTown 2022 Tokyo Secret Message
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a/n: i love seeing smtown content because most of the groups and artists I stan are there so my multifandom heart is happy and the recent content was so fun to watch huhu
for anyone who hasn't watched it, basically they have this box where in they press the button and they get a random SM artist to write a message to, then they also have to pick someone they want for another message, then they have to write a resolution.
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She went with Seulgi and Wendy
When they were talking about Renjun (whom Wendy picked), Heaven mentioned that she saw online that a lot of fans say they look alike
She was shocked to hear Seunghan's age (2003)
Wrote all her letters with an orange pen because it's her signature color
Was so facinated by the randomizer she asked if she could do two
Who she randomly picked:
Key - "Kibum oppa, thank you for thanking care of Red Velvet well. I've always loved watching your performances as a soloist and Shinee. I'll be looking forward to your new album which will be released soon! From, Haneul"
Taeil - "Taeil Oppa, whose voice is so sweet and angelic, you've been working hard. Good luck in the future and I hope you always succeed! From, your favorite dongsaeng Haneul"
Who she chose to write to:
Red Velvet - "To Red Velvet members, I will always be there for you. From, Haneul 🧡"
Her resolution:
"We'll make everyone a Reveluv after today"
Messages she received:
Eunhyuk - "Haneul-ah, I like your solo debut and I listened to it very well ....*insert lyrics to Omega" ㅋㅋㅋ Fighting! From, Eunhyuk"
Taeyeon - "Why are you so tall and pretty? ㅋㅋㅋ From, Taeyeon"
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She went with Ningning and Winter
Let out a loud and evil laugh when Haechan's name came out of the box
Her and Winter said they'd send messages through the group chat because they were the only ones who didn't write a message for aespa
Replying to Kun's message, she said that if they're both not busy they should do a collab.
Who she randomly picked:
Haechan - "Hello Donghyuck, don't forget to always take care of yourself and your health because you've been working really hard.
P.S. Please treat us to ice cream. From, Valerie"
Who she chose to write to
Ten - "Ten oppa, your chinese has really improved a lot. Please teach me Thai as well ㅋㅋ. From, Xinyi"
"My dreams of performing in SM town live is finally real ♡"
Messages she received
Kun - "Our little caterpillar Xinyi has grown into a beautiful butterfly ㅋㅋㅋ Valerie fighting! Aespa fighting! From, kun" (In chinese)
Haechan- "Xinyi is really on the next level. Naevis should be worried ㅋㅋ Let's not get sick! Aespa fighting! From, Donghyuck who you can't tease anymore because he is now taller than you"
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