thekavseklabs · 2 years
Vynathr picks up the egg, hums. Then he pops it into his mouth, and swallows it whole.
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grimmssnarl · 2 years
@vailour​: // I have never seen gmax grimmsnarl, I looked it up, and whY IS IT SO LONG. PUT IT BACK.
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magioffire · 2 years
“If you crave sugar, just ask! You don’t have to wrestle my hummingbird feeder...”
The fae felt like he was positively starving. His kind simply just did not tolerate going hungry, especially during this time of year. Unlike back home -- where almost every tree and bush was heavy with some sort of fruit, and flowers filled with nectar cropped up even in the driest, coldest of Sidhe winters -- this place was utterly devoid of anything he could pluck off a tree and eat. He sniffed out a apple tree, ate as many as his stomach could tolerate, but he was *still* craving more sugar. The fae transformed himself into a moth to better navigate past homes, using his antennae to sniff out the slightest indication of glucose. Then, eventually, he found something he never expected to find in this food desert. He could smell pure liquid sugar, and like a moth to a flame, he immediately went for it. The giant moth landed on the branch above the feeder, scaring off the humming birds and bees with its massive bulk. He crawled down to the feeder, and then woefully realized that in this form -- he didn't have a mouth. So, he elected to transform back into his more humanoid form. He clung to the branch and feeder, until the branch bent under his weight and unceremoniously snapped, sending him and the feeder tumbling to the ground. He wasn't perturbed though, the nectar was *his*. He was about to start pouring the nectar into his mouth when he heard a voice calling him out. Vali stared, wide eyed, splayed across the ground, feeder in his hands. He laid there like that, just staring, for a good while. Usually, he would have chucked the feeder at this interloper and dashed off. But the promise of more sweets was too alluring -- he knew the mortal wasn't lying, he could smell even more sweet things inside. Vali hoisted himself up onto his haunches, placing the feeder back down. He looked at Vail expectantly. The fae placed his palms firmly on the ground, rose up on all fours, his spine flexing easily to allow a mad dash towards the stranger who so woefully offered sugar to a fae preparing for the Wild Hunt. At least Valeriu wasn't currently craving protein.
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flockfell · 2 years
@vailour​​​​​ liked for a ONELINER STARTER
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    “&– -   I’ve walked through forests with ugly spirits, and I’ve walked through cities with lovely ghosts- that’s to say, I don’t TRUST anyone or anythin’ from word of mouth or early meetin’s. Ain’t nothin’ personal.”
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a-tesseractis · 2 years
@vailour . cont.
     Normally that would be the case, dear doctor, yet the choice to scoop up what was clearly roadkill was an unfortunate one [or fortunate, if they’d enjoy some novel surgery fun]. Where interest arose in the vet’s heart for the peculiarities, joy arose in the god’s chest - maggot-growth rotting hearts included. An unfortunate lesson, as god did not create all of his beings in equal measure.
     Sometimes, they got greedy.
     The anesthetics would do nothing, but he was a great pretender, glassy dead eyes kept vacant, tongue lolled and lungs kept understandably weak - but that could only last so long. He could be grateful, really, for this free cleaning; rocks and debris scooped from internal cavities, bugs, and all sorts of manner of pests [pets, if you were polite enough to ask] picked clean while the usual number of organs were pushed back in place.
     Of course, there were not the usual number of organs. The usual types were all there, of course, but did he really need four lungs, seven stomachs, an extra small intestine, and twelve hearts of all shapes and sizes crammed in there, among other things? The free-floating eyes, teeth, bones - double-layered ribcage too. If it weren’t for the connected linings all wrapped around each piece and clear evidence they belonged in there, it would’ve been easy to say this was just some very strange ritual piece Vail had vandalized.
     Take your notes! Photographs! Whatever you needed in your pursuit of knowledge - Cand would eat it all up in glee, for there was nothing that could quite equal being the center of attention for being a freak.
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demonic-bordello · 2 years
It’s sometime in the future, when these two have become more than just acquaintances. Vail is hanging around Barbor’s office; the demon’s attention focused on seemingly important work. Oh, but is it important enough to keep themself from completely and totally distracted?
Only one way to find out, the human muses; and they’re feeling rather bold today — no hesitation in cramming themself under Barbor’s desk through the side, head coming between the demon’s parted legs to rest upon their lap, eyes tipped up towards their face with a half-lidded, mischievous grin paired with a sultry voice.
Important enough for them to offer them a gentle crow upon the vet's arrival. Busy signing off on contracts their underlings may have made, double checking everything is in order so neither party would be swindled or tricked from loopholes. Bor's antennae raised and perked towards Vail, even if they didn't have the demon's full attention, they were always ready to address the human when prompted. It's only fair to let their sweets see what they do on the day-to-day.~
They weren't expecting them to be this bold and crawl under their desk to sit and rest their head on their lap. Bor's pen stopped scribbling and they met their lustful gaze, oh fuck is this really happening? Their head cocking to the side so curiously about this human's next move. And then Vail said it, "Boss~?" Ah, It's happening.~
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They placed the pen down and flicked their hand to lock the door, that one free hand resting on that lovely head of hair.~ "Hello my kindly doctor.~ Lookin to have some 'lunch' with the Don personally, ey?~"
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morttodea · 2 years
💭 for both Skrap and Bor
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Head cocks to the side, and then the other like a raven, readjusting their gaze so the light hits Vail just right to see. No one else can view this demon but the human, and yet they haven’t uttered a word- At least not in thought to Vail. But what is going through their mind is: ‘Somethings up with this human. Watching them work with their fellow humans feels almost as an act, but with me it kinda feels natural. Have they interacted with other... Demons like me before?’
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Sitting on their desk, ribbon tied to their horn, they had a scowl sprawled across their face. Almost as if they’re angry and thinking so very hard about the events that transpired... But really their thoughts is a lot?? More kinder. ‘They gave me a ribbon that matches my eyes. That’s.. Really nice of them, Vail didn’t really have to but... hm- I’m not against it. But it feels like I gotta repay that act of kindness back to them, they really like pink right? I can get them something pink.’
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demonicdiligence · 2 years
@vailour liked for a starter :
Aamon had made Vail close their eyes as Aamon prepared something. The sounds of heavy footsteps - accentuated by the Stygian’s leather boots - only grew louder as he treaded towards Vail with a wicked smile painting his lips.
“Okay... you can open them now!”
When Vail opened their eyes they had quite the treat to see: Aamon’s Tegu, Zura, no more than two feet away from him. Aamon was carrying her in the crook of his arms, like a baby, and she was having none of that! Already she was walking up to his shoulder, stopping and staaaaaaring at Vail.
...Despite the fact that she was ‘wearing’ a witch hat and a little cape. Who knows how long it took to fashion that OR make the lizard wear it, but even Zura had a Halloween outfit!
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flock-keeper · 2 years
❛  do you know what would look good on you ? me.  ❜
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Fearghas blushed and smirked at Vail. He then replied to his partner, “Sounds great tae me Vail, also I think it would be pure quality if a part of me was inside ya as well…if ya know what I mean.”
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aiirn · 2 years
“You forgot the best part — when they call you a good boy while you’re blowing them!”
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     “ That may be so, but it’s better when I call them a                 good boy during and they whimper. ”
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bastardseer · 2 years
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INTRO. 𝟓 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 
      tagging: @airxn, @demonicdiligence, @vailour, @the-expatriate, @azurescaled, and YOU
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A Pretty Picture in a Most Disturbing Way- YOHIO (Honestly, the whole album is a major part of Niko's inspiration)
Paranoia- Kang Daniel
Rosetta Stoned- Tool
The Sharpest Lives- MCR
Trouble- Valerie Broussard
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Hide and Seek- Amber Run
Run- Daughter
Carry You- Ruelle, Fleurie
My Nocturnal Serenade- YOHIO
A Broken Heart Still Beats- The Rigs
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thekavseklabs · 2 years
“  perhaps  we  should  find  a  random  stranger  to  murder.  practice  does  make  perfect.  ” - Royal Aegis Vail @ R3
"Quite right you are, my dear." They purr, pleased as could be. "Have you any preferences this time? Someone as soft and cute as you, perhaps? That would certainly be a challenge to find."
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grimmssnarl · 2 years
@vailour​ x:
   Like a hammer swung, fear punches their body as soon as the rope squeezes around their neck; eyes pried wide open, mouth agape with a choked gag escaping their throat, and frantic hands scrambling to tear the mysterious noose off.
   But it’s gone.
“… Huh?”
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   With a slow, confused blink, their hands rub around their now free neck. Was that a hallucination brought on by lack of sleep, or a Pokémon pranking them? They knew the Ghosts and Fairies loved to mess with people, but if it’s a Pokémon, then…
   Which one is it?
   Curiously, they peer up at where the strange cord had dropped from. If they squint long and hard enough, perhaps they’ll find something…
-- And when Vail looks up, for a split second their eyes will register the movement of a black shape falling into their vision. But it’s too late for them to move away or focus on it because, more pressing in that moment, they’d find themselves looking directly into a pair of piercing red eyes above them.
Mere inches from their face.
And connected to those eyes were daunting, massive teeth with fangs that jut to either side with a violent point at the end of them, buried into green skin spread across a terrible face that could make children cry.
It’s a Grimmsnarl; a massive one, at that. Scream or startle or back away as they might, Vali would find their eyes hopelessly ensnared in the fairy’s gaze so that they would have to muster all their will to look away. The edges of their vision would turn dark, and the longer they stared the more everything, save for the Grimmsnarl above them, would fade away into shadows in the background.
It was hanging upside-down from the tree above, using its powerful hair to do so. A similar image to those of bat Pokemon or, more fittingly, vampires from old children’s books.
Its skin spread across its face, eyes narrowing in cruel mirth.
Its mouth didn’t move as the word was uttered, it sounded as if it were placed directly into Vail’s thoughts.
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pix-pulleiaceus · 2 years
Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyalist
For Nicodimas
Conflicted between trust and distrust.
People of this personality type essentially feel insecure, as though there is nothing quite steady enough to hold onto. At the core of the type Six personality is a kind of fear or anxiety. This anxiety has a very deep source and can manifest in a variety of different styles, making Sixes somewhat difficult to describe and to type. What all Sixes have in common however, is the fear rooted at the center of their personality, which manifests in worrying, and restless imaginings of everything that might go wrong. This tendency makes Sixes gifted at trouble shooting, but also robs the Six of much needed peace of mind and tends to deprive the personality of spontaneity. The essential anxiety at the core of the type Six fixation tends to permeate the personality with a sort of "defensive suspiciousness." Sixes don't trust easily; they are often ambivalent about others, until the person has absolutely proven herself, at which point they are likely to respond with steadfast loyalty. The loyalty of the Six is something of a two edged sword however, as Sixes are sometimes prone to stand by a friend, partner, job or cause even long after it is time to move on.
Sixes are generally looking for something or someone to believe in. This, combined with their general suspiciousness, gives rise to a complicated relationship to authority. The side of the Six which is looking for something to believe in, is often very susceptible to the temptation to turn authority over to an external source, whether it be in the form of an individual or a creed. But the Six's tendency towards distrust and suspicion works against any sort of faith in authority. Thus, two opposite pulls exist side by side in the personality of enneatype Six, and assume different proportions in different individuals, sometimes alternating within the same individual.
The truly confounding element when it comes to typing Sixes is that there are two fundamentally different strategies that Sixes adopt for dealing with fear. Some Sixes are basically phobic. Phobic Sixes are generally compliant, affiliative and cooperative. Other Sixes adopt the opposite strategy of dealing with fear, and become counterphobic, essentially taking a defiant stand against whatever they find threatening. This is the Six who takes on authority or who adopts a dare devil attitude towards physical danger. Counterphobic Sixes can be agressive and, rather than looking for authorities, can adopt a rebellious or anti-authoritarian demeanor. Counterphobic Sixes are often unaware of the fear that motivates their actions. In fact, Sixes in general, tend to be blind to the extent of their own anxiety. Because it is the constant back drop to all of their emotions, Sixes are frequently unaware of its existence, as they have nothing with which to contrast it.
tagged by: @the27percent
tagging: @bloodriven @vailour and uuuuh YOU
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revunant · 2 years
😘 on the cheek for Jean~
kissies? for he?
It's his own fault for letting them get that close without raising his guard, really. Vail's lips make contact with his cheek and he straightens back up out of reach reflexively, but - miracle of miracles - at least doesn't strike out in his panic.
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He does, however, stare down at them in silence; confused, searching, trying to locate any sign of a threat.
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thepoeticounter · 3 years
7. A Crown of thread of heavenly pearls are tied around my hair , and the strands of my hair bow to that crown each day with a power of obligatory and highness .
8. A liquid of strength and vailour is pouring down from my nails , which is formless and shapeless in , which is odourless and tasteless in appearance , which my nails entitle it as my lucky water , which clears the storms beforming in my life from ages .
( 4 / 5 )
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