#v. science beyond magic (bill - main)
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#v. all hail the king (caesar main)#v. covens are a girl's best friend#v. my fierce friend#v. she sold me magic#v. i am unmastered (the doctor main)#v. the bitch is back (missy main)#v. love without burden (kate main)#v. souls that dance#v. science beyond magic (bill main)#v. substitute teacher#v. independent study#v. post doctoral#v. god we were young once
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"Born in Lithuania in 1921, Gimbutas emigrated to the United States in 1949 with a doctorate in archaeology. Ar Harvard, she translated archaeology texts and wrote books on European prehistory. In the sixties, excavating Neolithic sites in southeast Europe, she realized a culture existed in "prehistory"- -the BC/AD-like mental partitional term for before 6,000 years ago--that was the opposite of all that came after. In 1968, she named that culture, which lasted from 8,500 to 5,500 years ago, Old Europe. The most respected members of Old European society, which was organized around multistory temples in commu- nal towns of up to ten thousand people, seemed to have been elder women. Old Europeans invented writing two millen- nia before the Sumerians, argued Gimbutas. Their writing appeared 7,500 years ago; looked to Li like a more natu- ralistic, somehow psychedelic Chinese; and may have been inspired by worship of the Goddess, whom Gimbutas called "nature-nature herself" The untranslated script was based on a core of thirty abstract symbols. The vulva-derived V had at least twenty- five variations, made through repetition, rotation, strokes, crosses, and dots. "The main theme of Goddess symbolism is the mystery of birth and death and the renewal of life, wrote Gimbutas in The Language of the Goddess. The symbol- ism went back at least four hundred thousand years to the Acheulean culture of Homo erects, who'd sculpted pubic tri- angles, mother images, and women birthing."
"In the past year, inspired by philosopher Terence McKenna to try to understand his own reality, Li had begun to pay less attention to fiction, newspapers, and magazines, and more attention to scientific journals, independent researchers, non- profit organizations, and nonfiction books. The world seemed more complex, terrible, hopeful, meaningful, and magical than he'd previously thought or heard."
"the global culture's forgotten backstory: people across Eurasia seemed to have lived in peaceful, egalitarian soci- eties, worshipping nature in the form of female deities, for at least thirty millennia as hunter-gatherers and five millennia as farmers, before the dominator model, introducing war and sexism, emerged in conquering form around 6,500 years ago, nadiring three millennia later with Yahweh, whose tantrums (punishing women by making them be ruled by men, threat- ening people with eternal hell) the species was still trying to recover from.Misogyny, materialism, corporations, and pesticides had supplanted cooperation, animism, nature, and psychedelics, but the grim chaos seemed to be leading somewhere. Humans seemed to be deep into a brief, failable transition called history-_a fifteen-millennia release from matter into the imagination."
"Awe seemed somewhat elusive in urban America, where it had gotten strongly associated with "shock and awe," the military tactic used in the 2003 televised invasion of Iraq. Li felt it by learning and thinking. He felt it most at night, when, after accumulating cannabinoids all day, he was least culture-bound. He felt it musing on life, which seemed to be a purposeful transition context; death, which was possi- bly a subtle, dimensional teleportation to a realer place; and increasing complexity. He felt it by thinking about how a fetus who predicted nothing existed beyond the womb would be wrong, how a character who believed its eighty-thousand-word world was everything would also be woefully incorrect, how there might be places as unknowable to people as dreams were to electrons, and how entities probably existed who synchro- nized hundreds of ontologies, not just body and mind."
" he realized that Yuval Noah Harari's 2014 book Sapiens, an international bestseller recommended by Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, didn't mention the Younger Dryas impact theory, which had emerged in Proceedings of the National Acad- emy of Sciences in 2007. The lacuna allowed Harari, in his 443- page argument that humans have always been violent, cruel, and male dominated, to confidently promote the "overkill theory," blaming Native Americans for exterminating bil- lions of megafauna in decades for no reason. "Don't believe tree-huggers who claim that our ancestors lived in harmony with nature," wrote Harari. From Tending the Wild, a book by M. Kat Anderson on native management of California's natural resources, Li knew, though, that Native Americans had followed harmony. promoting rules when hunting and gathering, including Do not needlessly kill and Leave some for other animals, and that when Yahweh worshippers reached California in the sixteenth cen- tury, they'd found a massive, parklike garden in which flora and fauna seemed unnaturally abundant…
It was the same, Li knew from other books, when Europeans reached Australia. Aborigines seemed to naturally steward their environments into fecund forest-gardens, in which they lived in optimized symbiosis with thousands of life-forms, catalytically nourish- ing themselves over tens of millennia, as if to prepare for hundreds of generations of J-curved decline in the one-way trip of history.Harari also didn't mention the thousands of female fig- urines that had been found across Eurasia from 40,000 to 12,000 years ago, a period with no explicitly male figu- rines, and to the years 12,000 to 6,000 years ago he devoted only around 250 nonconsecutive words (less than a page), not enough to say that every culture known from then had been egalitarian and Goddess worshipping. He concluded patriarchy is so universal, it cannot be the product of some vicious cycle" and that there was "some universal biologi- cal reason why almost all cultures valued manhood over womanhood"- the opposite of what researchers who seemed to Li better informed on the past argued: for most of human history, mainstream culture had revered women as the ulti- mate metaphor for nature due to their ability to birth and nourish new life."
"At a waterfall at the bottom of Carp Mountain, Li learned of phytoncides (antimicrobial compounds given off by plants) and anions (molecules with extra electrons) from a dual- language sign calling them "air vitamins crucial to mental and physical health."
"Before bed, he printed and read a paper that said buildings, besides lacking anions, which were neutralized by metal ducting, electronic screens, and Wi-Fi, had high levels of cations- -molecules that lacked electrons and so absorbed them from people, suppressing immunity and muddling thought."
"Li reminded his dad that it was a lie that low cholesterol was good. Studies had shown that the lower one's cholesterol, the higher the risk of death. Li's dad criticized his doctor and said it was all about money. Li said statins were a thirty-six-billion-dollar indus-try. Li's mom said Li should write a book on statins. Li said people already had, and he could just promote their books. If he wrote a whole book on statins or certain other topics, billions to trillions of dollars of aversion could flow toward him, leading potentially to injury or death."
"The few times he'd told his mom that male dominance was an aberrational declension, he'd felt shy and unconvincing, even though she seemed to believe him. Li considered saying it again. "God- dess" ,"partnership," and other relevant words…He'd read in The Chalice and the Blade in Chinese Culture, a Chinese anthology inspired by Riane Eisler's suggestion in The Chalice and the Blade that non-Western cultures also research their full histories, that Chinese civilization also began with millennia of Goddess-worshipping partnership societies. The Zhaobaogou, Yangshao, Hongshan, and other cultures had sculpted nude and pregnant female figurines that resembled those from the same period in the West, including in Old Europe."
"The main alternative to the Big Bang was plasma cos- mology, whose most known proponent was Hannes Alfvén, a Swedish Nobel laureate. In plasma cosmology, the age of the universe was unknown (it seemed to be at least a trillion years old, and was possibly infinite in space and time); dark mat- ter and dark energy (an antigravity effect the Big Bang also required) were electromagnetic forces; and plasmids, not black holes, were at the centers of galaxies, which explained why seemingly all galaxies rotated, at their outskirts, once per billion years, like clocks: they were electric motors. As belief in the dominator model of social organization had led to quadrillions of dollars of destructionalia, belief in the Big Bang had led to thirty thousand particle accelerators (costing up to five billion dollars each), which collided par- ticles to try to simulate the Big Bang and find dark matter- goals that were possibly hopeless and that seemed, in Lerner's view, unhelpful to society. Put into plasma cosmology, the same attention and money could, he felt, lead to society- and-nature-helping electromagnetic technologies, like clean energy."
"Tesla wanted to give free electricity to everyone. Tesla lived in hotels for the last four decades of his life. When he died in 1943, the FBI confiscated his papers and equipment. Researching modern-day Teslas, Li found John Hutchison, a Canadian who began to experiment with electromagnetic radiation in 1951, when he was six. In 1979, on disability for agoraphobia, he discovered, while trying to replicate Tesla's work on wireless energy transmission, a set of phenomena that became known as the Hutchison Effect: using thirteen tons of equipment powered by a wall socket, he was able to levitate heavy objects, make metal rods wiggle and go trans- parent, heatlessly combust and melt metal, transmute ele- ments, and create aurora-like clouds of light. Hutchison gave around seven hundred demonstrations, including one for the U.S. Army in 1983. Videos of his effects- which seemed to be generated by electromagnetic interferometry, the interfering of beams and fields of photons, and which to Li seemed close to gravity control, time travel, and other potentially history-ending capabilities.-were wide- spread online. In 1990, the Canadian government confis- Cated most of Hutchison's lab- _millions of dollars' worth of electrostatic generators, Tesla coils, and other things he'd amassed from junkyards and military surplus stores."
"Li didn't think anymore that he was going down "rabbit holes" when he researched nontrivial topics through individ- uals, papers, and books. He felt more like he was tunneling up out of the small, underground, man-made hole where he'd been born. Reading around 150 nonfiction books and 250 Papers since 2013, he'd continually learned his worldview was too simple and/or vague. His skepticism had turned. He'd begun to distrust what he thought he knew, instead of Everything else."
"He'd learned of Catalhöyük, which archaeologist James Mellaarr noticed in 1952 as a distant mound in south-central Tur- key, from Terence McKenna in 2014. Excavating 3 percent of the fifty-eight-foot mound from 1961 to 1963, Mellaart had found nine hundred years of peace and equality; the ear- liest known mirrors, metallurgy, pottery, textiles, and wood vessels; and that, as he wrote in 1967, "a goddess was the principal deity."
"Nothing he'd learned in college--where a journalism pro- lessor had reverently brought in a Gawker writer to speak to the class; where the earliest culture he'd heard of was ancient Greece, 2,500 years ago, in a required class on the Odyssey and the lliad, thick books on glorified war; where society had been viewed as benevolent and great instead of insidious, malignant, poisonous, and lie-riddled-would be in his two books, except for what he'd found independently, researching natural health in computer labs,"
"Insects, fish, amphibians, and reptiles didn't dream, he read the next morning in Why We Sleep. Dreaming had evolved twice, in birds and mammals. Of the primates, humans spent the highest proportion of sleep dreaming. Maybe history would end with people spending increasingly more time in dreams, exploring and acclimating, until slipping perma- nently out of the universe. Around noon, Li watched a talk by pediatrician Helen Caldicott, editor of one of the nuclear radiation books he'd read in the Year of Mercury. She said women were more susceptible to the effects of radioactivity (cancer, genetic mutation, reduced immunity/fertility) than men, children more than adults, and fetuses more than children. She felt a major threat to civilization was a teenage hacker triggering a nuclear war."
"Li said he'd heard from Stephanie Seneff, in a documentary on GMOs, that diseases and infections were sophisticated trade-offs, without which most people in society would be dead. The flu virus delivered sulfate from muscle cells into cir- culation, "rescuing the blood from a meltdown, " said Seneff. Heart attacks released taurine. Rheumatoid arthritis produced sulfate. Breast cancer produced estrone sulfate. The body was saying, "Maybe temporary weakness or chronic pain of a tumor is better than a fatal thrombosis or hemorrhage."
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Tinkers Of The Wasteland GN, $$16.99
Vlad Dracul #1 (Of 3)(Andrea Mutti 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$6.99
Vlad Dracul #2 (Of 3)(Andrea Mutti 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$6.99
John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids Hyperbreed TP, $$17.99
John Carpenter's Tales For A HalloweeNight Volume 6 TP, $$24.99
John Carpenter's Tales Of Science Fiction Vortex 2.0 #4 (Of 8), $$3.99
Sherlock A Scandal In Belgravia TP, $$3.99
Star Wars The Mandalorian The Art And Imagery Collector's Edition Volume 1 HC, $$19.99
Star Wars The Mandalorian The Art And Imagery Collector's Edition Volume 1 Magazine (Newsstand Edition), $$12.99
Star Wars The Mandalorian The Art And Imagery Collector's Edition Volume 1 Magazine (Previews Exclusive Edition), $$12.99
Ao Haru Ride Volume 13 GN, $$9.99
Chainsaw Man Volume 1 GN, $$9.99
Demon Prince Of Momochi House Volume 16 GN, $$9.99
Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 17 GN, $$9.99
Incurable Case Of Love Volume 5 GN, $$9.99
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Moriarty The Patriot Volume 1 GN, $$9.99
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Prince Freya Volume 3 GN, $$9.99
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We Never Learn Volume 12 GN, $$9.99
Yona Of The Dawn Volume 26 GN, $$9.99
Creeps Annual #3 (2021 Spooktacular), $$9.95
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30 Minute Mission Option Parts 2 1/144 Scale Model Kit Set, $AR
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Gundam 00 Gundam Kyrios Bandai Spirits 1/100 Scale Model Kit, $AR
Gundam Build Divers #22 Enemy Gundam Bandai Spirits HGBD 1/144 Scale Model Kit, $AR
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Gundam Build Divers Petit G Guy Justi G Guy 1/144 Scale Model Kit, $AR
Gundam Build Divers Protagonists New Weapons 1/144 Scale Model Kit, $AR
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Gundam Haro Loader Bandai Spirits Haropla, $AR
Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans #16 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex SDCS Model Kit, $AR
Gundam Seed #231 Gundam Infinite Justice HGCE 1/144 Model Kit, $AR
Gundam Seed #232 Windam HGCE 1/144 Scale Model Kit, $AR
Gundam Seed Destiny #33 Force Impulse Gundam RG 1/144 Scale Model Kit, $AR
Marvel Gallery Miles Morales PVC Statue, $AR
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PlayStation VR launched exactly one year ago today, and it’s already delivered well over 100 unique experiences, ranging from the delightful to the horrifying and just about everything in between. As we celebrate PS VR’s first birthday, we wanted to give you a peek behind the curtain. Below, you’ll find a list of all the games currently announced to be coming to the platform through the end of the year (and into early 2018).
With virtual reality, you have to put on the headset and feel what it’s like to get the full experience. Head to your local retailer and strap on a PS VR headset, then come back here and let us know what you think in the comments.
Thank you for an excellent first year of PlayStation VR; we can’t wait for you to experience what’s next.
Coming in 2017
Bravo Team
Supermassive Games (Tumble VR, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood) is creating an intense first-person shooter for single player or online two-player co-op*. The setting is a fictional Eastern European city, and after the president is assassinated, teamwork will be essential for you to survive. Bravo Team will make you feel like you’re in an action movie. * Active PS Plus membership required.
Doom VFR
id Software’s classic franchise levels up to give players a fully immersive experience. You’re the last known survivor of a demon attack on a Martian research facility. Well, you’re the last human survivor… and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet some of the other survivors. Can you take back control of the outpost and send the beasties back to… uh, H-E-double-hockey-sticks?
Gran Turismo Sport
Each release in the Gran Turismo series becomes the new benchmark in realistic auto-racing games, and that bar is about to be raised — big time. With PS VR, you’ll feel like you’re in the driver’s seat, increasing the immersion to new heights. Learn more here.
Megaton Rainfall
Ever dreamed of being an indestructible superhero with the ability to fly at supersonic speeds? Ever fantasized about saving Earth from an alien invasion? Well, it’s time to wake up and get to it. Take on the attacking aliens — who can morph into various forms, including buildings — and evolve your superpowers. But be careful… you may leave more than a little mess behind while you’re defending humanity.
Polyarc Games
One of E3 2017’s brightest stars was Quill, a young mouse who awakens an ancient magic and sets off on an epic journey to save her uncle. The world of Moss is a gorgeous expanse filled with myth and magic, but there’s little time to savor the view. You’ll need to explore your surroundings and literally manipulate the world as you do whatever you can to assist Quill on her adventure.
No Heroes Allowed!
In this immersive real-time strategy game, you play the God of Destruction. You ultimately seek world domination… but first you’ll need to find, feed, and breed monsters who’ll do your bidding. Invade human bases, fortify your defenses and carefully build your beastly ecosystem, and soon you may conquer all!
From the creators of Myst comes a science-fiction adventure filled with mystery, intrigue, and discovery. You find yourself transported off Earth to an alien world…but one that’s populated with pieces of Earth from various locations and times. Don’t spend too much time admiring the beautiful landscapes, though, because you need to find a way back home.
Pixeljunk VR: Dead Hungry
It’s well-known that zombies are always on the hunt for human flesh… but that’s only because they don’t know how to cook a juicy burger and whip up a frosty shake on their own. As a fearless food-truck cook, you’ll need to use your kitchen magic to save the world from disaster and distract the incoming zombie horde with nutritious noms.
Stifled is a unique horror game where you can only reveal your surroundings by creating sound waves–either by throwing nearby objects or speaking into the headset’s built-in mic. Keep in mind, however, that any noise you make may also reveal your location to the grotesque creatures that are lurking in the darkness…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
One of the most popular and ambitious open-world action RPGs ever made will now be even more immersive, thanks to a reimagining in PS VR. You’re the Dragonborn, and you’ll need to master swords and spells to survive the many threats you’ll encounter. Skyrim VR includes the critically acclaimed core game as well as the official add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn, as well as multiple controller options.
The Inpatient
The premise is the stuff of nightmares: You’re a patient in the Sanatorium and suffering from amnesia, so your main goal is to unearth your memories–to discover who you are and why you’re there. However, you’ll also reveal a conspiracy at the facility that complicates your efforts to get your life back. Multiple endings up The Inpatient’s replayability, too.
Other Upcoming 2017 Titles
Ark Park
Brain Voyagers
DragonBlast VR
Dream Angling
Drunkn Bar Fight
End Space
Everest VR
Fishing Master
Flatline: Experience the Other Side
Ghosts in the Toybox
Hex Tunnel
Honor & Duty
Hopalong: The Badlands
Justice League VR
Light Tracer
Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV
Nothin’ But Net
Quar Infernal Machines
Radial-G: Racing Revolved
Rec Room
Run Dorothy Run
Serious Soccer
Shooty Fruitie
Snow Fortress
Stardrone VR
Super Amazeballs
The Rabbit Hole
The Solus Project
Virtual Engagement Confronting Fears
VR Apocalypse
Coming in 2018
Highwire Games
Golem, a PS VR exclusive, places you in a storybook world where you see through the eyes of and take control over stone creatures in order to discover the connection between your family and the mysterious Endless City you’re in. Along the way, you’ll find hidden treasure and valuable artifacts, while honing your melee skills to battle the Silent Watch, a band of hostile golems.
The American Dream
Samurai Punk Pty Ltd.
The American Dream is billed as a satirical VR trip through a 1950’s World’s Fair where guns are a part of the daily routine, including flipping burgers on the grill and assembling them for customers at your job; opening a can for a drink; and even watering plants, weeding and landscaping around your beautiful home; and other activities.
Torn, a mystery inspired by such classics as The Twilight Zone, is set in the Vermont forest where you discover a house full of secrets. What you find in there are numerous experiments, inventions, gear and documentation that reveal a lot about the doctor who lived there–however they’re also remnants of a man who’s been missing for 64 years.
Xing: The Land Beyond
White Lotus interactive
Right out of the gate, this first-person puzzle-adventure title tells you that you’re dead. Guess you’re off to a bad start, right? From there, you go at your own pace in an entertaining trek through the afterlife, with the story revealed mostly through poetry. It promises to be a unique game suitable for new and veteran VR adventurers alike.
Other 2018 Titles
Blasters of the Universe
Cold Iron
Dead Secret
Dragonflight VR
Drone Fighters
Dungeon Chess
End of the Beginning
Knockout League
Penn & Teller VR: Frankly Unfair, Unkind, Unnecessary and Underhanded (including Desert Bus)
Pixel Ripped 1989
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8258822 http://ift.tt/2iajXqA
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muse tag drop
#ooc#tag drop#c: caesar le'roi#v. all hail the king (caesar - main)#c: master!doctor#c: the doctor#v. i am unmastered (the doctor - main)#c: missy#v. the bitch is back (missy - main)#c: bill potts#v. science beyond magic (bill - main)#c: kate sharma#v. love without burden (kate - main)
0 notes