#v. prodigious villainy
heylinhenchman · 1 year
x @oflostinfound  
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Tipped off by her question, Jack had to glance at her expression to really grasp her reaction. Ah, he'd said something too much, hadn't he ? His expression twisted almost as if frustrated, before awkwardly glancing away, checking his lip and fidgeting with his thumbs, " I mean-- meant-- if I wanted a right hand lady, would you stick with me ? You got your own adventures, but, I like having you around ! " Did his voice squeak a little there ? He was surprised it could still do that. He was getting older, wasn’t he ?
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His heart clenched a bit, knowing now how much it would hurt to say goodbye to Eath. If he took the wrong path, if he drifted too far away. Or if she did. What did he really know about what she needed ? And, why did he care so much ? How else could he learn if he didn’t get closer to the source of all this ?
" I’m not asking to like, move in or your hand in marriage, I just mean, like... I want to be there for you. And it's hard not to think about you when your not around. And... maybe you'll outlive me, but I always wanted to leave behind something that lasts and if that thing is the impact of our-- partnership-- I can't think of anyone else I'd trust to remember the best about me, " He was rambling a bit there, huffing and bristling beside her, wishing he had an anchor beside his hands which he was now picking, " Not that I'm focused on the death aspect I just. Think about the time a lot. And how much I feel okay with you, like the world isn't against me and like, there’s someone who I can be myself with ... And since I'm like, kind of the king of my own domain so to speak, I just, jump the gun with the titles. It’d just mean, you’re my equal companion, even on my turf... I just... Urh... "
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His attempt to clarify didn't come across as any less inviting of relationship honorifics. When had they ever called themselves much ? Yet here he was, already feeling flustered and thick, asking Eath to be his partner. How did he mean that ? Did it matter ?
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evilincarnatemoon · 6 years
Character Profile
+1 to be graced by the beauty of Dr.Sofen ꧁ ❦ | · Karla Sofen · | ❦ ꧂
【 Biodata 】 Name: Karla Sofen Aliases: Dr Sofen, Moonstone, Kate Sorenson,  Meteorite,  Ms. Marvel Sex:  Female Age:  Late twenties to early thirties Species: Human Mutate Race: American Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Occupation: Psychiatrist, SHIELD consultant,  Initiative psychology teacher, Thief Education :  Medical Doctorate and Psychiatry Doctorate, Masters in Psychology [Undergraduate] UC-DAVIS California, USA Place of Creation: Captain America (1968) #192 » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Physical Specifics 】 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 5’11 Weight: 130 Ilbs (59 kg) » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Relations 】 ❦ Karl Sofen    Relation: Father    Status: Deceased ❦ Marion Sofen    Relation: Mother    Status: Deceased   » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Quotes 】 “Wh-what are you doing to me? I’m – I’m Moonstone again? I’ve been ‘reality-punched?’ That’s the stupidest @#%* thing I’ve ever heard of .” ”It always amuses me how people so ready to do the Devil’s work fall into asking for God’s help when things don’t play out as planned ” ” It’s hard to confront the deep truths about ourselves. Naturally you flee them at first  ” » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Personality 】 Dr. Sofen defines herself by her intelligence. And she is defined by a bitter, vengeful desire for social revenge and showing the world who’s the boss and who’s the bitch. She’s a user and a predator, desiring to be as independent and high-status as possible, through both money and influence.Sofen is proud of having neither morals nor ethics. She sees those as yet another set of constraints that only applies to suckers with a less prodigious IQ than her own. She regrets nothing and stops at nothing. Her only goal is to make it big. She’s greedy, and very open about it.But she is also smart and disciplined enough than it doesn’t constitute an Irrational Attraction in game terms. It was a while before she began to want to change. Or before she admitted it to herself, anyway. She seemed to initially stay with the others for the safety of numbers. The desire to redeem herself was so different from her normal way of being and thinking that it took a long time, and intervention by an alien intelligence, to make her understand that she actually wanted it. She never quite got the being a hero part though. Karla constantly questioned herself about whether she was simply doing what others wanted her to. Her superiority and need for independence make it difficult for her to ask others for help.  She developed a big-sisterly affection for Jolt, and romantic feelings towards Hawkeye, both of which could have influenced her path.Indeed, she worried it was Hawkeye’s influence in particular which had guided her down this path. This doubt may have stopped her being as committed to the relationship as she might otherwise have been. » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Background History 】 Karla grew up in the mansion of a Hollywood producer, the child of a butler. After her father died, her mother worked three jobs to put her daughter through college, and Karla vowed never to end up like her mother, to never put another’s needs before her own. Despite building a successful psychological practice, Karla so disliked being dependent on her patients for income that she entered the super-criminal world as an aide to Doctor Faustus. Learning of Moonstone (Lloyd Bloch), she became his psychologist and manipulated him into rejecting the source of his powers, an extraterrestrial gem of considerable power, which she then absorbed to gain the powers of Moonstone. Karla worked briefly for the Corporation, controlling the Hulk and manipulating General “Thunderbolt” Ross into a nervous breakdown. She continued to pursue greater power, stealing Curt Connors’ Enervator and searching the moon’s surface for further moonstone fragments. First Egghead and then Baron Zemo recruited Moonstone for their Masters of Evil, and she aided each against the Avengers. After the last of these fights, she decided to serve out her prison term and give up her criminal life. However, when Zemo formed a group of villains to masquerade as heroes, he broke Moonstone out of the Vault and she returned to villainy as the Thunderbolt Meteorite. Upon encountering a young victim of Arnim Zola’s genetic manipulations, a youngster by the name of Jolt, Moonstone nudged Zemo into accepting her in the team. She soon became a mother figure to Jolt and used her enthusiasm to create a power-base inside the team, rallying the others behind her. Zemo exposed the true nature of the team, but Moonstone opposed him, followed by MACH-1, Songbird, and Jolt. Zemo had brainwashed the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, but the small team of Thunderbolts, with the help of Iron Man, was able to defeat Zemo and Techno, his ally. After the battle the Thunderbolts had decided to pay for their crimes, but they were unwittingly teleported to an alternate dimension. In this world, known as Kosmos, Moonstone led the team to safety from the Kosmosian army and eventually executed the Kosmosian Primotur to ensure their return to Earth. Inspired by Jolt, she made the Thunderbolts see that it would be preferable to work for their redemption as heroes, rather than to be in jail. After gaining fake identities for the team, she led them away from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Lightning Rods, and she managed to defeat Graviton using her psychological skills, making him see that he did not truly have a goal, that he lacked vision . However, the Thunderbolts disagreed with her, for she merely thought of the present and did not care for the future consequences of her actions. When the former Avenger known as Hawkeye joined the team, claiming they would be pardoned if they followed him, she stepped down as leader and allowed him to get the position. Soon after the Thunderbolts fought the new Masters of Evil, a veritable army of supervillains, and Moonstone decided to betray the team. But something inside of her snapped, and she defeated Crimson Cowl and returned to the team. Weeks after, Graviton returned, having pondered the words of Karla. He took over the city of San Francisco, turning it into an island in the skies. Thunderbolts attempted to stop him, but they were captured. Graviton offered Moonstone a place at his side, as his queen, but she laughed in his face. As the youngest members of the team saved them, Moonstone wondered why she didn’t take Graviton’s offer. During a mission against the Secret Empire, she become romantically involved with Hawkeye. But as time went by, she became haunted by nightmares of an ancient alien warrior woman, who whispered in her thoughts. Soon after, the team was targeted by Scourge, who killed Jolt. The death of the youngster hit Karla deeply. Subsequently, Citizen V asked for help against her own team, the V-Battalion, and the Thunderbolts agreed to do so, engaging the V-Battalion’s operatives in battle. Karla was torn about fighting them, for they were heroes. She released a surge of her powers to stop the fight, making them all intangible, and fled, trying to find out what was wrong with her. Her first stop was Attilan, but the Inhumans were gone. She then searched the Fantastic Four’s computers and found the answer she was looking for. She flew under her own power to the Blue Area of the Moon, where she sought the Kree Supreme Intelligence and demanded the truth. The Supreme Intelligence revealed to her that the fragment she referred to as the “Moonstone” was part of a Kree Lifestone, which used to empower the Guardians of the Galaxy centuries ago. The alien warrior woman that haunted her dreams was the previous owner of the moonstone, whose memory was etched into it, and kept steering Karla into the path of heroism. The Thunderbolts managed to catch up with her, and so did Captain Marvel, who offered her help. Led by Captain Marvel, the Thunderbolts went to Titan, where Mentor and ISAAC attempted to remove the moonstone from Karla’s body. After a serious discussion about Karla’s potential to do good, Mentor allowed her to keep the gem but erased the memory of the previous owner, leaving Karla’s mind, and by consequence, her decisions, to herself. The team returned to Earth, only to find Jolt alive. She exposed Hawkeye, revealing the pardons Hawkeye promised would not be honored. Soon, the Thunderbolts chased Scourge, who was being manipulated by Henry Peter Gyrich. Thunderbolts fought the V-Battalion’s Redeemers but eventually teamed up with them to defeat Gyrich, who was being manipulated as well. Valerie Cooper offered the Thunderbolts pardon for saving the world from her own people, with the condition that they would hang up their heroic identities forever. Karla Sofen was soon contacted by Graviton, who hired her as a tutor. In the following weeks Karla helped Graviton understand and control his powers in ways he had not even dreamed, making him fall in love with her. Graviton soon attacked the Redeemers, slaughtering the team. He also managed to keep many of Earth’s heroes unmoving in the sky, as he lifted hundreds of cities all over the world as well, for he wanted to reshape the face of Earth into a semblance of his face. The Thunderbolts re-formed to stop him, only to find Karla at his side. In the end, she hesitated fighting them and helped them stop Graviton. However, his power imploded, sending most of the Thunderbolts to Counter-Earth. While trapped on Counter-Earth, the Thunderbolts became true heroes at last, rescuing thousands in their flying city, Attilan. Karla was given the task of reshaping the minds of the world’s leaders, creating a new way of thought to ensure the survival of all. Soon after, Karla removed a second moonstone from that world’s Lloyd Bloch (known there as the Phantom Eagle), dramatically increasing her own powers. The Thunderbolts eventually returned to Earth, leaving Jolt and the Young Allies to complete their task of saving Counter-Earth. When the Avengers later interfered in the Thunderbolts’ plan to control the world’s “transnormal energy”, a failsafe was triggered– a device that Karla had planted in her private plot against Zemo. The stolen energy was funneled into her moonstones, further increasing her powers. Karla attempted to use this energy to flee, but the Thunderbolts and Avengers combined forces to stop her. In the end, Zemo ended up in possession of both moonstones and Karla was left comatose. After recovering, Karla reunited with the Thunderbolts first with Zemo then under the leadership of Norman Osborn. Eventually she took the mantle of Ms. Marvel when Osborn created his version of the Avengers. Once that venture failed miserably, after the siege of Asgard, Karla found herself back in the Raft prison, but again she was allowed to participate in the Thunderbolts program now led by Luke Cage. » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Abilities 】 The Moonstone embedded in Karla’s body works through manipulation of gravity, and gives her a large toolbox of powers. She has high level super strength, speed, and durability. She is able to manipulate her density and the density of objects around her, allowing her to become intangible and phase through objects and attacks. She can manipulate gravity directly, using it to bend light (making her invisible), increase the gravitational pull of things around her, absorb energy, and even teleport. She can project beams of light as powerful lasers or simply emit bright light to blind opponents. She is a brilliant psychologist and uses her insight and way with words to get into the minds of her opponents in the middle of fights and effectively manipulate them Along with this ability, Karla also has perfect control over her voice. She can alter her pitch and modulation to varying degrees to literally drive a man crazy, as shown with what she did to Red-Hulk.. She is a skilled fighter and can fly at high speeds. She can generate and alter her costume at will, and can regenerate from wounds at a heightened rate. » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « 【 Themes 】 ❦ A Beautiful Lie [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kvd-uquuhI ] ❦ Pray 【https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLwKCdxN9vk 】 » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ « [| Admin’s introduction |] [| Hello, I see you’ve stumbled unto this other account of mine, whereby I roleplay as the human mutate who happens to be a hero/ villain  Karla . Karla is an intricate villainous woman who I shall portray to the best of my ability and these are things you can expect to find here |] ~ Things related to the Marvel Universe ~ Quotes and edits on Moonstone ~ Roleplays ~ Admin posts/ shitposting for those moments when I feel so uninspired [[ And these are just some of the things  I wish to lay down  ]] 1) I wish to emphasize  when I’m speaking in character, I shall be using ❝ ❞ and for ooc character interactions , I shall be using [[ ]] or the dashes. 2) I’m a fairly nice person (despite the nature of the character I am rping as) so don’t be afraid to ask me if you wish to rp. My replies varies on how many lines one could reply with or if I’m feeling rather inspired during such moment so don’t worry if you think if your reply is too short or too long. Also if I seem to be taking too long on a rp, it’s either I  forgot or I got busy. 3 ) No starting any sort of  unnecessary drama on my account please for I wish to get along with everyone. With that said, if you have a problem with something I said or posted, don’t be afraid to talk to me about it so we can solve the issue.
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immortal-gentleman · 6 years
Get to know the mun better.
I was tagged by @aeternalis-aelia Thank you! Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1- Nickname(s): Mon, and way back in the day, I was Monnie and sometimes MonMon.
2- Zodiac: Sagittarius
3- Height: 5'5″
4- Last movie I saw: It’s been a long time, I actually don’t remember, but the last tv show I watched was RuPaul’s Drag Race.
5- Last thing I googled: The phone number for my doctor.
6- Favourite musician: Radiohead, The Doors, The Strokes, Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal, Interpol, James Blake, A Perfect Circle, Marlon Williams (look him up, he’s great). Right now my favourite song is Raised in the Dark by Villainy.
7- Song stuck in my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BermIHe03zU I Only Lie When I Love You by Royal Blood.
8- Other blogs: primusdux, @pict-prodigy (active) @forgotten-mayfair @hidinghumanity (inactive) plus a bunch of other characters on another site.
9- Do I get asks: Sometimes, though I’m always happy to get more. You all seem pretty fixed on one topic at the moment though. ;P
10- Following: I follow 360 blogs.
11- Amount of sleep: I try to always get at least 8 hours. Doesn’t always work that way obviously.
12- Lucky number: 7 and 13!
13- What I’m wearing: Wide legged, cropped black pants and a grey t-shirt.
14- Dream job: I’m really lucky to be doing my dream job: librarian.
15- Dream Trip: Italy is number one, but also Egypt and Norway.
16- Favourite food: Sushi, Spaghetti, Pizza, Burgers.
17- Play any instruments: None.
18- Languages: English and a little Māori.
19- Favourite songs: So many! The Heinrich Maneuver by Interpol; Raised in the Dark by Villainy; Special Ones by George; Life Round Here by James Blake and Chance the Rapper; Retrograde by James Blake; Lotus Flower by Radiohead; There There by Radiohead; Life in a Glasshouse by Radiohead; Reptilia by The Strokes; Riders on the Storm by The Doors; Grounds for Divorce by Elbow; Teardrop by Massive Attack; Judith by A Perfect Circle.
20- Random fact: I’m qualified as a high school teacher, but I don’t want to do that job anymore :P
21- Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Books; Autumn leaves; dark wood and dark rooms; plush, deep leather chairs; crystals; old leather bindings; coffee; cats; tea; vintage clothes.
I tag... @auburnandamberangel @obsessional-ram @everarddelanden @dark-eyed-elegance @gentlemcndeath @devilsfool @mariustheroman @candomblemistress @pandorc @pandoratheancient @bastardantichrist @bloodanddye @d-lenfent @devilsviolinist @darknessmolten @echo-de-la-lumiere @everlastingporcelain @historyofbloodandgold @iam-yourqueen @xvates @yoshimihana
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seasaltmemories · 6 years
tagged by @timahina and @pendulum-sonata
What is your total posted word count on AO3? (Go to your Works, then click Statistics.)
359,706, I try and keep up with my total word count from year to year so that sounds right
How often do you write?
the goal is at least a few sentences a day but with college I just try to squeeze some in when I’m not super busy or tired
Do you have a routine for writing?
sit down and just try to write
What’s your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
powerplay especially with dom women/sub men, arranged marriage, obsession, enemies as lovers, hurt/comfort, healing from mental illness and trauma, well-intended antagonists who want to be good but don’t recognize their own villainy
for arc v: fruit, apple, prodigy and the other bracelet girls/reiji, pendulum, zarcray, sideshow, janus, entertainment, guilt etc
Other pairings lately include alm/celica, faith, scoop, fakiru, ruetho, utenanthy
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
It’s hard to pick a specific one, but Pretty Lies and Their Brutal Truths has a soft spot for being so ambitious and signaling probably the most recent shift in my writing
Your fic with the most kudos?
In Which Howl and Sophie Talk Of Marriage And Things bit surprising one of my oldest fics and when I was still trying to get the hang of this writing thing has remained so popular
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I’ve always thought my writing never feels grounded, you get the individual characters themselves but you can never really actually picture the events, it might as well all happen in white space, and related with my writing style I get so hung up on getting each sentence exactly right on the first time, which is very unproductive
Now something you do like?
People always praise my characterization and you know it is what I love writing, I think I’m good at unpacking a character’s introspection and lately I feel like my writing has gotten pretty which I never really used to think of it that way
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heylinhenchman · 2 years
@eathandhax​ x
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    ‘ Eath ! ’ Jack tore up a sizable clump of dirt when he heard the whisper of his voice, tossing it over over his shoulder before swaying to his feet, ‘ Jeez you have no IDEA how much Time Travel sucks ! I would have come back earlier but I uh, didn’t... ’ He didn’t want to get back into the machine after struggling to get out of it, ‘ I uh-- I missed you-- ��
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heylinhenchman · 2 years
Selective Low Activity Jack Spicer RP + Ask Blog
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First and Forepost-- Rules and Introduction.
Rule 1. Asks are welcome! If I don’t like it, I won’t answer it! Personal blogs can sends asks, and even interact in a limited manner with Jack if they would like, but I won’t making any threads with non-character entities. Rule 2. Jack is canon divergent, which means part of the Xiaolin Showdown and Chronicles series have been reimagined or re-contextualized. Respect that Jack is not ‘cowardly, (physically) weak or ineffectual’. Jack is a wildcard, easily swayed by whims and increasingly disturbed by unfolding events in his life (and like, is a teenager, for a large part of XS). Just approach him like any other character, unless you are from his series, then we can chat character dynamics. Rule 3. I love shipping. But from every dynamic (platonic; romantic; mentorship--). Jack isn’t used to people liking him further than they can use him. He’s quick to excite but slow to embrace the responsibilities of commitment of any kind (scared of rejection from friends and significant others; scared of failure from mentors and friends; etc). Rule 4. I’m an adult, and sure Jack is an adult in all post-canon content... But there’s little interest for explicit threads. Asks, art, interactions can be steamy, but fade to black will be the default for amorous threads. Rule 5. Though on the note of threads at all... this blog is taking it easy. I would appreciate many asks and I will do my best to send plenty myself. But my main intention with this blog is reaching back out to friends blogs and generally having Fun with Jack. Fun including but not limited to: Oh Ships?; Henchperson Dynamics (him serving or leading); Jack Making Friends Trials n Tribulations; Exploring Jacks vast inventory of inventions & canon divergent settings. Maybe talk about AUs. Infodumping, the good stuff. Rule 6. I have ADHD and Autism, if you want to plot instead of sending a meme (you can send any meme, whenever you want, no introduction!), you need to come into my IMs with some substance, or you will not catch nor retain my attention. We are not business partners this is not a transaction, please come into my IMs with the brunt of your personality (whether you are chipper or blunt, just be yourself). No 'hi, hello, want to rp?'. I need: INTENTION ('I like this character / this show / how you write / I saw you rp with a friend and was interested / CAN I GETA GOTH GF?') Then hopefully you can follow it up with some CONTEXT INVESTMENT (can you tell me a lil about how your character and Jack would be able to connect? do you need information from me? are you interested in shipping, adventures, casual encounters, specific genres, just wanna send memes and go with the flow?). And of course, we both need to understand the potential of me not being interested (I prioritize fandoms I recognize (not necessarily invested in) and significantly fleshed out OCs). I know it's formulaic and you don't gotta send me a paragraph off the bat. Jump in to talk bout your rp style or how you feel bout this rule first, whatever works. 
Rule x. Uh Oh Ah I’ll Follow from Heylinfanclub if we gucci to RP.
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Murmur; They/He; 20+ y/o Pisces; 15 years o’ roleplay experience; Neurodivergent Nightmare.  Original blog: @jxckspxcer​  & the main blog @heylinfanclub​ Reason for Current Blog: Too tired to switch between blogs; too busy to commit as much time to Jack as I used to. BUT I MISS HIM. SO I’M HERE.
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Jack Spicer; He/Him; 15-18 (XS) & 21-22 (Post Canon) Aries; Evil Genius. Main Verse: Post-XS (19) FC: Dylan Wang / Wang He Di Current Reason for Villainy: Spite
Jack Spicer - file. heylin genius Good Jack - file. sweet smarts Shadow Young - file. slim shady Chase Young - file. cold blooded Monks - file. Xiaolin Losers Tech - Projects. Aesthetics - Aes. Headcanons - hc.
XS verse  - v. prodigious villainy Post XS verse (main) - v. addicted to the wicked ( ^ includes immediately after XS up to XC-ish older years) Emperor Verse (post-TAT Dark Verse) - v. in the valley of the shadow of death Xiaolin Jack - v. ivory and steel Opts Out AU - v. capitalism is its own reward I WILL DEFAULT TO MAIN VERSE UNLESS SPECIFIED | REQUESTED. (main verse adjacent) Timeline / Universe Hopping .
This is my All-In-One Information Page. Cause this blog is supposed to be easy on me.
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