#v-groove plank ceiling
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magisource · 1 year ago
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Backyard in Birmingham Ideas for a mid-sized, modern renovation of a screened-in back porch that includes an addition to the roof
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cheahup · 2 years ago
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Backyard Porch in Birmingham Mid-sized modern screened-in back porch design with an addition to the roof
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bits-and-babs · 2 years ago
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summary: When Ellie is taken by David, Joel breaks open the part of him locked away since his hunter days. As the guilt eats him alive, you try to help him subdue the black dogs of mental warfare.
word count: 4.1k
warnings: Very 18+. It’s giving morally-grey Joel. Depiction of gore, violence, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of David that is a warning in itself. Very vague insinuation of SA as shown in the game. Discontent for Christianity (don’t like, don’t read my dude). Angst, guilt. Hurt-comfort. P in v sex, unprotected sex.
authors note: This got so dark it actually caught me off guard! I am so incredibly proud of this piece. I started it 5 whole weeks ago, and spent up until the night of posting (March 5th) editing and retouching. I hope it does Winter, my favourite part of the game, proud.
tease: “I jus’ need to be close to you.”
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Continuous dripping sounds from the radiator, drip, drip, drip. Globs of blood seep down the grooves of the heater, falling when the droplets reach the edge and settling in a pool of coagulated gore. A headless body leans left, slumping against the metal the handcuffs chain it to. What’s left of its skull plasters the walls, the ceiling, and the steel pipe discarded in its lap.
Another lifeless body lays strewn sideways, the chair it’s tied to thrown haphazardly across the floor. Its neck is angled awkwardly; its eyes rolled back so only the whites show.
When you manage to tear your eyes away from the carnage, you can still hear the panicked shouts of the captives before Joel slaughtered them, rattling inside the cavern of your skull. Joel’s callous answer rings in your ears.
“Fuck you, man. He told you what you wanted. I ain't telling you shit!”
“That’s alright. I believe him.”
Snowflakes stick to the window of the home Joel had appropriated as a slaughterhouse, the wooden planks weathered and falling apart after years of neglect. The cold creeps in through the holes in the ceiling and the gaps in the wood, but you find yourself doubting the chill responsible for the goosebumps littering your arms.
Inhaling slowly, you will yourself to speak, but the words die in your throat before they even form on your lips, melting away on your tongue. Your pleas for reason would fall on deaf ears, and you know it—Joel’s far beyond reasoning with.
He’s pacing up and down the room, the floorboards creaking under the weight of his boots as he studies the map gripped between his imbrued knuckles. It’s unlike him, you note, to be so rattled. In the years you’ve known Joel, his steadfast resolution had been comforting, a certain. Not now. The men he’d butchered had mentioned details you could only describe as buzzwords that had Joel’s survivor alarm bells ringing.
David’s newest pet. The Town. Cannibals.
Heaving breaths he expels from his lungs vaporise in the air, still catching his breath from pummelling radiator-man’s brains out. If you couldn’t hear the wheezing in his chest from his laboured respiration, you could damn well see it.
Stepping forward, you wince when the floorboard beneath you creaks. “Joel—“
“They got Ellie, Darlin’,” your partner leaps into an eerily calm rundown of the dire situation despite you having been in the room for the entire interrogation. “They got Ellie, an’ they’re gonna kill her.”
Nodding slowly, you reach across the small distance between you to hold onto Joel’s bicep. Blood splatters the fabric of his brown winter coat, and you can feel his body heat radiating beneath the layers of cloth as his body fights infection. The gaping wounds in his back and stomach from the protruding rebar he was impaled on, thanks to a scuffle with a looter at the university, have stopped weeping puss. However, Joel was still largely incapacitated by the pain — despite the feral display of resilience against these two bandits.
“I know—” you try to ease him, but Joel’s buzzing with adrenaline.
“I gotta go get her; you can’t stop me doin’ this, Darlin’ I have’ta-“
“I know,” you speak firmly, and Joel stops dead in his tracks, clearly not having expected you to green-light his suicide mission, “I know I can’t stop you, which is why I insist upon going with you.”
You expect Joel to make a scene, to lose his temper and tell you that you weren't going anywhere, that it was far too dangerous and losing either of you would crush him. You know about Tess; Ellie told you everything when you joined them in Pittsburgh. She detailed Joel's heartache, despite his desperate attempts to appear indifferent. It's times like these that you can't blame him for being overprotective, knowing he had lost so much.
However, your expectations are not met. Joel looks at you, the whites of his eyes tinted red, and the skin beneath shadowed dark with exhaustion. He nods slowly, evidently realising he cannot compete with an army of cannibal bandits single-handedly with the state he’s in. He surrenders.
Wordlessly, Joel grabs your backpack and begins to sift through the items within. Apparently, he decides you don't have enough ammo, sacrificing his El Diablo pistol and offering it to you.
You accept it without fuss, knowing damn well that leaving with him is out of his comfort zone. Making a scene would make him change his mind.
It doesn't take long for Joel to spread out your limited supplies. Within five minutes, he's lifting his heavy backpack onto his shoulders with an agonised groan. You move out silently, Joel holding the door open for you as you step out into the blizzard.
You hear the frozen grass and layers of snow crunch beneath the rubber soles of Joel’s boots. You set your whole life to the pace of each of his steps, a monotonous metronome. Sometimes, on hot days in the summer, you can smell the rubber melting on the tarmac if you stand still for too long.
It’s bizarre, especially as he guides you into a death trap with an unknown sum of threats, but you find yourself thinking you’d be happy for him to lead you anywhere.
Snowflakes cling to your eyelashes, eyes weeping from the cold and freezing the coarse hairs together. It's so cold that you’re convinced that the tears that develop as a result of the stinging cold freeze before they can drip down your cheeks.
Even without the natural eyelash glue, it's hard to see Joel ahead of you in the chaos of the bandit’s town. The blizzard has intensified, casting a light grey fuzzy haze over what you can see— or rather, what you can't. You're not even sure that the shadowy figure in front of you is Joel, but you're too afraid to ask in case a stranger turns around and shoots you in the stomach.
When you and Joel arrived, it was pandemonium already, armed bandits practically running into you as they attempted to reach their battle stations. The whistling of the wind muffles gunshots, and the bell from the church tower rings deafeningly loud across the snow plains in warning. What exactly had happened, you are unsure, but what you do know is that the cracking of the bronze bell will draw in runners from miles away.
You had to find Ellie. Quickly.
"You all right?" Joel calls out above the din, his Texan accent a welcome relief. It takes you a second to find your voice, the cold having momentarily stolen it.
"Yeah!" You shout back, trembling fingers grasping tightly to your gun.
There is a roaring sound on the wind, rising in volume as you continue to trudge blindly through the snow. The gunshots are more frequent now, yet still too far away to be a threat to you. You wonder if Ellie is raising hell or if the infected have already arrived. Neither scenario was good.
An orange glow peers through the blanket of falling snow that distorts your vision. You'd noticed the flaming barrels as you wandered through the town, but this was different. It was huge. The closer you got to it, the clearer the sound met your ears. It was crackling, wood-burning and billowing acrid black smoke.
Joel whistles, the pitchy sound catching your attention over the deafening thunder of the fire. You can't see his expression, but you can vaguely make out his silhouette pointing toward the building swallowed by flames. You were going in.
One step forward and the blaze is singeing your freezing skin, burning the peach fuzz on your face. You swear you can smell your eyebrows smoking, the flames so strong that you're almost scared to step into the building.
Despite your concerns for the integrity of the structure, Joel is quick to pursue the only lead he has to Ellie. He feels blindly all along the entrance, hissing as his palms come into contact with red-hot glass panes. It's a wooden door inset by small rectangular windows. The frame is deep brown and littered with orange, glowing embers embedded within the grain. You're scared, and open your mouth to dissuade Joel from doing anything rash. He doesn't give you the opportunity.
His shoulder slams into the weakened, charred door without hesitation, the windows falling from their frames and shattering on the wooden floor. The blazing heat inside the building wafts over you, causing sweat to bead at your brow.
Desperate, Joel pushes through and stumbles into the building, which you now discover is a diner. The smoke burns your lungs, and your eyes sting so much that you're almost blinded by the tears prickling your waterline. The dark grey clouds are so thick that you're suffocating, unable to take in any oxygen. Had it not been for the noises piercing through the terrifying roar of the fire, you would have aborted the entrance in fear of asphyxiation.
High-pitched grunts of exertion and the sound of metal slamming into wood catch Joel's attention. He looks up, alarmed by the noise and yet scrambles towards it despite the danger.
"Ellie!" Joel shouts out, running on adrenaline as he rushes forward. You let out a sob of relief, knowing that Joel has eyes on her, but the consolation doesn't last long.
When you catch sight of her, you find Ellie in a blind rage. Her bloodied hands hold onto a machete handle with a white-knuckled grip, raising the weapon above her head and bringing it down into the mess of the fractured skull and smashed brains of the body below her. Blood sprays across her face with the sheer force with which she plunges the blade into the meaty mess, tears of fury leaving tracks in the crimson on her cheeks.
"Stop! Stop," Joel wraps his forearms around Ellie’s chest, dragging her away from the mutilated body to a chorus of devastatingly broken ‘no's’. Ellie screams, fighting Joel’s grip and clawing at his arms in an attempt to free herself.
"Don't fucking touch me!" She sobs as Joel hushes her, wrapping his arms around her body and holding her to his chest in a desperate attempt to prove to Ellie that she is safe. He sets her in front of him, forcing the broken young girl to look at him and recognise him.
"It's me," he speaks firmly, trying to access the rational part of her brain as he holds her still, his palms settling on her bloodied cheeks and inevitably smearing the ruddy liquid across her skin. "Look, look. It’s me."
Her tearful gaze settles on Joel, still in a panic as she searches his face. It takes her a moment, but relief swallows her expression and she practically falls into Joel's embrace.
“Oh,” she sobs out, eyes falling to the blood-streaked floor as the shock kicks in, “He tried to-“
“Oh, Baby Girl…” He murmurs brokenly, clinging to her as though he feared the world would snatch her from him again if he didn’t hold her in a vice-like grip. “It’s okay. It’s okay….”
“Joel…” Ellie sobs, burying her face into his chest and soaking his already bloodied clothes with yet more gore and tears. Joel presses his head to hers, repeatedly murmuring that it was okay, that he had her.
As Joel speaks to Ellie, you allow them this delicate moment of solitude. Of course, you were part of this family, but the bond Ellie and Joel shared far outweighed anything you could offer. A found father-daughter relationship that filled the holes in each other's hearts. It wasn’t your place to intrude.
Casting your teary eyes to the ceiling, you catch sight of a rudimentary hanging sign made from a white mattress topper. Scrawled upon it in mostly black paint, the lettering bulky, and only one word is written in scarlet.
Bile rises in your throat as you take in the quote reminiscent of bible scripture. It turns your stomach, knowing what this man would have done, what the town no doubt did do to others, all while justifying it with thinly veiled Jesus worship.
It was an odd realisation, one that left you feeling quite numb as Joel helped Ellie from her knees. The comprehension that for the past 20 years, humanity had been coming together to fight the Cordyceps virus in the hope of removing the scourge and returning to normal life. Instead, the happenings in the diner, in this town, proved that the Cordyceps virus had little impact on the real plight.
That humans, people, are the true sickness.
You are fearful at first that Ellie wouldn't be able to sleep after the trauma of her ordeal. She had, at first, been delicate on the journey back to the cabin that Joel had been recuperating in since his accident. Exhibiting signs of shellshock, she refused to elaborate on anything she had seen or heard during her captivity, and both you and Joel decided it best to leave her to unpick her thoughts in her own time.
The brass bells in the cannibal town had drawn the attention of a ginormous pack of runners, and you were scared that Ellie would be unable to find it in her to fight for her life.
However, as Ellie often did, she proved you wrong. Perhaps that is why she retreated to a dream world the moment her head touched the pillow. The sound of her steady breathing is the only noise permeating the silence that had settled in the cabin basement.
Joel retreats into the shadows when Ellie finds sleep. Leaning his back against the rough brick wall, he groans in agony as he sinks into a half-comfortable position. You watch him settle, eyebrows pinching together as you witness him fall back into the blackest corners of his mind.
You hesitate. You've only ever seen Joel like this once, distraught by the deaths of Henry and Sam after barely reaching freedom beyond the Pittsburgh Bridge. He had withdrawn into himself for weeks, the guilt eating him alive despite not belonging to any of you.
The black dog of mental warfare was a friend you knew Joel had come to know well. Before Sam and Henry, there was Tess, his hunter days, and of course, Sarah. Each time, the darkness would require him to carry a heavy burden of culpability despite his lack of fault.
"I'm glad," Joel's gruff voice cuts through the silence. He sounds broken, battling an insidious infection that you can't see. Similar to the Cordyceps virus, it encroaches on his mind, turning it against him. “I'm glad she killed him."
Again, you withhold your innermost thoughts as Joel battles to admit his feelings. He looks up at you, resting against the opposite wall. His expression is cold, but his eyes reflect a tragic pain within him.
“I’m relieved she killed him. Because I dunno what I would’a done.”
The black dog has returned, settled at Joel’s feet, and with it the guilt lands in his lap.
"Joel," you whisper, rising to your feet and approaching your crestfallen partner with delicate steps, "It’s not your fault."
Shaking his head Joel refuses to acknowledge your exoneration, beginning to launch into a tirade of self-hatred. "No. No, if I'd‘ve-"
You interrupt him, a firmness quite unlike you seeping into each syllable. "It's not your fault."
This time it appears to strike home, Joel slowly nodding his head in acceptance as you sink to the floor with him, resting your head on his shoulder as you settle beside him for warmth. The following silence isn't as emotionally charged. Joel appears to find comfort in your embrace. The black dog slinks out of the room through the crack in the open door.
You gently press kisses to the soft expanse of skin peeking from underneath Joel’s collar. It's a comfort, one that you regularly award Joel before sleep. He tilts his head in the opposite direction, offering you further access to the skin layering his jugular.
Without question, you continue to pepper his skin with endearment. He wasn't one to regularly ask for it, so you took this as a sign that Joel required some tenderness right now.
"’m sorry," he mumbles, embarrassed by his needy behaviour, “'m just-“
"You don't have to explain anything," you whisper, the curve of your lips dragging against his pulse point as you speak to him. He hums deep and low, eyes slipping shut as you continue your ministrations.
Achingly slowly, you drag lips across his jugular, pressing kisses to spots on his neck that you know are reactive. The soft valley behind his ear, the curve of his jaw, the junction between his neck and his shoulder. They all receive your affection, and you begin to hear Joel's breathing labour ever so slightly.
Joel’s infectious fever bleeds into something akin to fervour, his ribcage rising and falling with heavier, unsteadier breaths. His eyelids flutter closed, the searing, sour pain blending with the pleasure that sparks in him when your lips brush over his pulse point.
“Darlin’-“ He whispers, and it’s utterly broken. Pitchy and cracking in his throat when your fingertips work at his shirt buttons to expose more of his clavicle. His hands are settling on your hips as you swing your thigh over his lap slowly, thumb pads sweeping over your hip bones in delicate patterns.
“What is it you need from me, Joel?” You murmur softly, nose nudging at the bottom of his throat, at the v where his collar bones meet.
“F-Fuck,” he chokes, eyes cast skyward as he attempts to piece the broken pieces of his mind back together and find an answer. “I jus’ need to be close to you.”
He thought he’d lost Ellie. Thought he’d find her strung up with pieces of her flesh scattered about an unsanitary butcher's room. No doubt his mind was spinning with all the possibilities. What if you’d been shot trying to get her back?
Joel needed to be confident you were alive. Needed to feel your pulse thrumming against his palm.
“I can do that,” you promise him gently. You never pledged anything to Joel; nothing was certain. However, right now, you could offer your word. Could swear to ease his trepidation.
“I’m here.” Your words are spoken with conviction, his head nodding slightly as you take his wrist in your hand. “You can feel it. Come here.”
Delicately, you lay his bloodied, trembling hand across your chest. He lets out a quivering breath through his nose when he feels the thump of your heart against the lifeline of his palm.
Your free hand settles on the brass button holding his jeans together, popping it open and exposing the trail of dark, greying hairs that trail down his naval. His eyes flicker to your own, chapped lips parting slightly as you pinch the zipper and drag it down with a quiet ‘zzzp’.
The thud against his palm picks up the momentum as you feel him harden beneath the denim of your jeans, and you catch his lips pull up. A short, single scoff of disbelief- relief- as you gently work the jeans down and over his hips.
“Does this old man really do it for you that much?” He whispers, his fingerprints teasing the stitches of your collar. Your flannel is worn, threadbare and velvet soft, and your skin is burning hot beneath. “Even greyin’ and broken like I am?”
“Joel,” you whisper, pressing a delicate, lengthy kiss to his forehead, between his eyebrows. Fumbling with your cargo pants, you have them over your ass in no time, dragging your panties along with them. “You are the only man alive that makes me feel this way.” Your lips brush against the creases on his brow; frown lines etched deep into his skin after years of misery.
“Mhm,” his rich, oak eyes drag down your form as he watches you undress and expose your soaked cunt, thighs glistening wet in the low lighting. “That ain’t hard when most of the population died out.”
“Joel,” you repeat with a less-tempered tone, nose nudging at his hairline as you wrap your fingers around his length. He grunts quietly, careful to smother any loud noises to avoid drawing Ellie’s attention. “There wasn’t anyone before outbreak day, either.”
“Not even that actor-… What was his name, George Cloo-oh fuck,” his stupid joke dies on the tip of his tongue when you slowly sink down onto the head of his cock, walls fluttering around the stretch of him. His voice is hoarse, whisper breaking into silence as he slowly pushes the crown of his head into the terracotta brick walls.
“No,” you chuckle softly, watching him struggle for logical thought as you take more of him, and slip him further in. “No, not even him.”
Joel grunts, digging his teeth into his lower lip as you take him to the hilt. He nudges your cervix in this position, the sensation almost like a mild bruise, but you love it. Love that it will match the hickeys he leaves on your shoulders- marking you inside and out. Claiming you as his, Death and His black dog be damned.
“Oh C-Christ,” he lilts, and it sounds like a whimper as you squeeze around him, “I can feel it. Can feel your pulse-“
“See? I told you I’m alive,” You muse, wrapping your fingers around his wrist as you slowly begin to grind your hips forward in a circle. Joel just nods dumbly, his previously pale cheeks flushed slightly.
No bouncing, no thrusts. Joel is too fragile, his immune system fighting a nuclear war inside of him as his white blood cells try to secure the perimeter of the wound in his abdomen. You focus on rolling your hips instead, slowly inching off his cock and sinking back down onto his velvety length.
“Hoh- uhng, fuck-“ his illegible groans make your heart batter his meta-carpel bones, compelling him to acknowledge your vital signs and their optimal function.
He’s twitching inside you, the slow rise and fall of your hips forcing him to feel you stretch around each ridge and pulsing vein of his cock. Joel looks like he could break down, the sensation of his building orgasm such an overwhelming sensation in his already exhausted body.
Pushing your fingers through his soft curls, you clasp the back of his skull and lean forward to hold his face to your chest. He can hear it loud and clear now, the shell of his ear cupping the cavity of your chest where your heart batters against his cheekbone. His arms wrap around your waist, squeezing you as tight as his septic-fatigued muscles can hold you.
It doesn’t take much for you to work yourself into your own fever. Joel’s cock always manages to find that spark inside you, nudging it and coaxing your orgasm to bloom between your thighs.
“M’gonna cum,” he rasps against your chest, his hot breath fanning across your skin. Joel’s pressing sloppy, clumsy kisses there, exhaling heavily with each roll of your hips.
“Mhmm-“ you muffle your cry by biting your knuckles, focusing on the clench of your walls and the buzz of your orgasm surging up through you. It’s like a whirlpool, pulling you under and drowning you in the wave of bliss that overtakes you.
Joel’s follows almost immediately after, his whole body tending despite the pain as it pulses through him, his cum painting your insides. His hips stutter, burying deep within you and letting out a ragged breath of relief that edges into a moan of your name.
Passing carbon dioxide between you, your foreheads press together as your breath fans over each other's faces. His eyelashes flutter with exhaustion, and you can feel them tickle the peak of your cheekbones. It’s so tender, so unlike Joel.
“I won’t let him take you.” His voice is so quiet the words almost don’t form, just barely leaving his throat in a sigh. His hand, not having left its rooted spot above your left breast, slowly inches towards your throat. You feel his index finger prod at your pulse, sealing his conviction that you are safe.
In honesty, you’re unsure who he means. Death, probably. David is long gone, but Joel’s fever is tipping him closer to delirium than reality.
One thing was for certain; you had managed to stave off the Black Dog for now. It lay at the doorway, stuck beyond the threshold it was forbidden to pass over, waiting until Joel allowed it back inside.
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letszorastuff · 5 years ago
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MDF Ceiling & Wall Planks | T&G Shiplap and V-Groove | Pre-Primed https://ift.tt/2YWfOId
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samuelmmarcus · 6 years ago
Kitchen with Blue Island
  When this custom builder decided to build a home for themselves, the location was obvious – his wife had grown up spending her summer‘s on Mayflower Beach in Cape Cod.
All of the cabinetry and millwork for the home were crafted by Lewis & Weldon Custom Kitchens (previously featured here & here). The goal was to create a down-to-earth simple beachy theme that gave the feeling of always being there.
The contrast of classic white, mixed with the Benjamin Moore “Old Navy” blue island echoes the feeling of the ocean and beach that are just steps away.
The choice of glass front refrigeration, glass sides of the upper cabinets, and no door to the pantry, all work to add depth, lighten the space and create character.
Now, the toughest decision is to know whether you should stay in and cook dinner in this great space, or go for a walk on the beach.
  Kitchen with Blue Island
A white kitchen with blue island is truly a classic choice that stands the test of time. This kitchen also features wide plank hardwood flooring and the shiplap walls.
Fridge: Sub-Zero 48″ S648PRO
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinetry & Walls Paint Color: Benjamin Moore “Mascarpone” AF-20
Backsplash: Genrose Stone it is their “Fresco” collection in Blanco Brillo — a hand made 3×6 Italian tile – similar here – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Island Paint Color
The blue island paint color is Benjamin Moore “Old Navy” 2063-10. This is such a classic color… it looks great on front doors and siding as well!
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Kitchen Island Dimensions: The island measures 96” x 42”.
Island Countertop – Butcher’s Block from John Boos.
Island Cabinetry
Island Cabinetry: Custom inset cabinetry in a painted maple with an applied molding door.
Beautiful Cutting Boards: here & here.
Perimeter cabinetry: Custom frameless cabinetry in a painted maple with a traditional shaker style door.
Range Hood – Lewis & Weldon custom hood with GE Monogram Hood Insert ZVC36LSS.
Rangetop – Monogram 36” Professional Gas Rangetop with 6 Burners (Natural Gas) – similar here & here.
Oven – Monogram 30” Professional French-Door Electronic Convection Single Wall Oven – similar here.
A pair of custom pull-out spice drawer and pull-out utensil drawer flank the cooktop – similar here.
Perimeter Countertop
Perimeter countertops are a Quartzite called “La Dolce Vita”.
Dishwasher: GE Monogram ZDT915SIJII with custom panel by Lewis & Weldon.
Sink: Franke Sink- PKX11028.
Faucet – Kohler.
Lighting: Schoolhouse.
Ceiling Treatment: 6” V-groove.
Runner: here – similar – Other Kitchen Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Who wouldn’t love to have a pantry like that?! The combination of open shelves and drawers come handy and keep everything organized. Paint color is Old Navy by Benjamin Moore.
Cabinet Hardware: Restoration Hardware – similar here.
Microwave – 24 in. Sharp Stainless Steel Microwave Drawer Oven.
Flooring: Stonewood Products, 5″ Torrington | Prefinished Oiled White Oak, High Plains Collection – similar here, here & here.
“Cheers” Cold Drink Tub: here.
  Many thanks to the cabinet designer for sharing the details above!
Interiors: Lewis & Weldon Custom Kitchens – (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: JFW Photography.
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  Saks Fifth Avenue: The Designer Sale: up to 75% off!
  Nordstrom: Anniversary Sale – Incredible Prices!!!
  Posts of the Week:
Florida Beach Cottage.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
White Kitchen Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Shingle Home.
Coastal-inspired Home Renovation.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
New Desert Home Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: British Columbia.
Reinvented Classic Kitchen Design.
New England Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Urban Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
Tailored Interiors.
Modern Farmhouse with Front Porch.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Classic Colonial Home Design.Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/kitchen-with-blue-island/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dawnjeman · 6 years ago
Newport Island Beach House
  Hello, my friends! How are you doing today? I hope you’re having a nice and sunny day!
It’s a real pleasure to be sharing this newly-built Newport Island beach house designed by Eric Aust Architect (recently featured on Home Bunch here: Newport Beach Bayfront House), built by Clayton Builders, Inc. and with interiors by Julie Clayton.
Things certainly have changed when it comes to beach house design since I started the blog ten years ago, and I feel that this change is even more evident in California. Beach houses are now more modern, with clean lines, and they feel more uncomplicated. You can certainly credit the “modern farmhouse” trend for this big change and I don’t think this will change anytime soon. In fact, in my opinion, this mix of modern and rustic architectural details is an important progress that is happening in the architectural movement of the late 2010’s going into the 2020’s era.
Here, the designer Julie Clayton shares more details about this specific new home: “We took our inspiration for this project from its idyllic location: a quiet manmade island tucked away on the Newport Beach Peninsula The home has ocean and bay views, is a quick walk to the beach or bike ride to Lido Marina Village. We worked with Eric to design and build our take on a modern beachhouse making sure to highlight the views with an expansive rooftop deck for entertaining.”
Take notes on all details below and have fun pinning your favorite interior pictures and save the floor plan shared at the end of this post! This home would work perfectly on any smaller lot, anywhere in the country.
Photography is by Ryan Garvin.
  Interior Design Ideas: Newport Island Beach House
This newly constructed custom home offers panoramic views from its rooftop retreat, designer finishes throughout, and a spacious layout designed to accommodate daily family life or entertaining a crowd. Amenities include: European Oak wide-plank flooring, Italian Marble countertops, custom cabinetry and finish carpentry throughout.
Front Door
I love the timeless yet modern feel of this front porch and Dutch door. The front door paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Door Hardware: Emtek in Flat Black Finish – similar here.
Lighting: Rejuvenation.
Planter: here – similar.
Home Size
Floor size: 2,974 sqft
Ocean’s Breeze
A zero point retractable door system creates a seamless transition for indoor/outdoor living. The patio is Ipe wood. Also note the beautiful porch columns, the built-in bench for the firepit and the ceiling mounted outdoor heaters.
The custom firepit features a tumbled Cobble stone sourced from Courage Stone.
Outdoor Chairs
Mid-Century Outdoor Chairs:  Here or Here (set of 2) – Other Beautiful Mid-century-inspired Outdoor Furniture: here.
Exterior Paint Color
Exterior Paint Color: Dunn Edwards-White.
Beautiful Mailboxes: here, here, here & here.
House Number
House Number: Rejuvenation.
The front door opens to a bright foyer with custom built-in bench and shiplap.
Entry Lighting: Visual Comfort 18” Cabinet Maker’s Picture Light in Antique nickel.
Beautiful Baskets: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: vintage – similar here, here & here (different sizes).
Similar Pillow Combination: Striped Pillows, White Lumbar Pillow & Japanese Shibori Dyeing Pillow.
Bench Paint Color
Bench is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe with White Oak top.
Leather Pulls: Knoll Sling Leather Pull in Warm beige – similar here & here.
Living Room
What I like the most about these new coastal farmhouse homes is how calm they often feel. You look at this space and it feels gentle, stress-free and it seems to keep you at ease. Nothing is too loud in this room and that’s a pleasant feeling.
Fireplace Surrounds: White matte painted Brick with Gray matte concrete hearths.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Coffee Table: here.
Side Table: here & here – similar.
Rug: here.
On built-ins the builder combined shaker style paint grade cabinets with contrasting White Oak tops and shelves.
Furnishings and Accessories: Aiming for a welcoming and beachy vibe throughout the house, the builder worked in collaboration with the owner and lead designer of Alignments Home Staging to create a casual and collected feeling that complements the finishes and the light-filled spaces in this beach house.
Inspired by this Look:
(Always check dimensions before ordering.
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Paint Color
Interior Paint Color: Walls: Benjamin Moore White, Flat.
Trim: Dunn Edwards White, Eggshell.
This kitchen is full of great ideas! I love this large island and the custom hood. Island paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. Note: This color looks darker in person than we see in this picture.
Counterstools: here (on sale) & here.
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen Cabinetry: Shaker Style, Face Framed Cabinetry Throughout Three Finishes; white painted around the perimeter and at range elevation, dark gray on island and white oak at buffet elevation and on hood detail.
Range: Thermador – similar here.
This kitchen also features a walk-in pantry with White Oak shelves.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Kitchen Sink: Barclay Gwen.
Kitchen Runner: Vintage – Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Hood
The custom hood range features a “board and batten” detail.
Pot Filler: Rohl Pot Filler Polished Nickel.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White, which is a very crisp white.
Backsplash: Solid slab of honed Carrera marble (to match the countertops) behind the range and v-groove paneling on both sides rather than tile.
Island Lighting
Kitchen Island: Industrial Pendants by Light and Living – Other Industrial Lights: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop is Honed Carrera Marble.
Dining Room
This bright dining room is perfect for family life and entertaining.
Similar Dining Table: here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: here & here.
Kitchen Buffet Cabinet
The kitchen also features this stunning White Oak buffet cabinet. Oak cabinetry was bleached and finished with a clear matte lacquer.
Countertop is Carrara marble.
Cabinet Hardware: Emtek Knobs in Flat Black, Emtek Pulls in Flat Black.
Main Floor Bathroom
This bathroom feels very current. The custom White Oak washstand features a concrete vessel sink by Native Trails.
Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor: Starburst Hex Cement Tile.
Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: 2 x 16 matte white porcelain tile Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Shower Faucet: California Faucets.
Wood Flooring and Stairs: Colonial Collection in Lexington, gray wash wide plank European Oak with custom square edged solid tread stair treads to match – similar here.
Wall Lighting: Boston Wall Sconce in antique nickel.
Stair Light: Serena and Lily.
Homework Station
This home is full of great ideas, including this homework station! The staircase leads to a landing area with a built-in White Oak desk with cabinet. Note the waterfall edge desks and how thin they are. You can add this homework station even to a small area! This space is truly perfect for kids. Pin or save this one!
Upstairs Family Room
This is a cozy place to read to the kids at the end of the day or spend some hours watching your favorite shows on Netflix.
Sofa: here, here, here, here & here – similar.
Coffee Table: Lulu & Georgia – Others: here, here, here & here.
Accent Chair: Wayfair. Other Fun Chairs: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: here.
The family room also features a media built-in.
Kids Bathroom
Cabinets are Shaker-style face framed with bottom white oak shelves.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – in flat black.
Bathroom faucets are by California Faucets in Polished Chrome.(great quality).
Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White.
Mirrors: CB2 – similar.
Sconces: Cedar and Moss in Flat Black – similar here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This home features four bedrooms and four bathrooms. All of them are very spacious and bright.
Headboard: World Market – Others: here & here.
Rug – similar: here, here & here.
Artwork: here – similar.
Pouf: here.
Vanity Paint Color: Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. This is a classic, old-world gray paint color.
Vanity is custom – similar here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Faucet: California Faucets Wall-Mounted.
Sink: Kohler.
Hardware: Emtek Pulls in Satin Brass.
The shower tub features glass doors.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile:  Elongated Hex Tile – similar here & here.
Second Floor Laundry Room
This laundry room is located on the second floor and it features plenty of storage and workspace.
Countertop is quartz.
Hardware: Knobs in Flat Black, Pulls in Flat Black.
Shelves & Faucet
I love the idea of adding open shelves between closed cabinets. This is often being used in kitchens as well.
Laundry: Kohler Faucet in polished chrome.
Backsplash: 3×12 matte white subway tile.
Master Bedroom
What a stunning space. I love the architectural details of this master bedroom. Notice the White Oak beam and the vaulted ceilings.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Nightstands – similar: here & here.
Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Pillows: here.
The master bedroom features a fireplace with white matte brick, gray matte concrete hearth and White Oak mantel.
Barn Door
Barn door is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe – this picture shows the real color of this paint.
Master Bathroom
How gorgeous is this bathroom, right? I really like the layout of the vanities with the tub in the center.
Lighting: Ro Sham Beaux Hemp Wrapped Gail Pendant in Silver – similar here.
Tub: here.
Tub Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor Tile
Floor Tile: Cement Tile Shop Atlas III in Cadet, pacific White and Linen – similar here & here.
Bathroom Cabinetry
The vanities are bleached White Oak with a clear matte lacquer.
Faucets: California Faucets in Polished Chrome.
Lighting: Gambit Wall Sconce.
Paint Color
Paint color is White by Benjamin Moore.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: Matte Light Gray tile from Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Location, Location, Location
This is the California dream!
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Roof is standing Seam Metal in metallic Galvalume Finish.
Imagine spending your weekends on this rooftop terrace. I wouldn’t complain!
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Garage Door Paint Color
The garage door and the window trim are painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Lighting: here.
Home Details
Floor Plan
Thank you so much for being here today, my friends! I hope this post can help you in some way… either to relax you or to inspire with your own home. 
  Many thanks to the architect, builder and interior designer for sharing the details above!
Architecture: Eric Aust Architect (Instagram)
Builder:  Clayton Builders, Inc. (Instagram – Pinterest)
Staging: Janet Ryvin: Alignments Home.
Photography: Ryan Garvin.
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  Posts of the Week:
California New-Construction Custom Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
California Modern Farmhouse Renovation.
Atlanta Home Design.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Classic Colonial Home Design.
Empty-Nester Modern Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Building a Forever Home.
Newport Island Beach House.
Stone Cottage-style Home Design.
Family-friendly Home Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Canada.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Georgian-Style Manor with Traditional Interiors.
Transitional Home Design.
Interior Design Ideas.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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greg38mcall · 8 years ago
Do It Yourself: Planked Ceiling
Our son's bathroom project is falling into our typical snowball trap. I prefer to blame it on our climate and location... I mean, snowballs are inevitable up here in the Midwest, right?. The original plan was just to swap a few fixtures and maybe paint the walls to take the room from a feminine guest bath to tween boy bath. But one idea led to another and now we are making some bigger changes than we initially planned (which I totally love). The first being a fantastic planked ceiling!
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Many of our rooms have textured walls and textured ceilings. Womp womp. I am over them. Our son's bathroom is basically an 8 ft x 8 ft box with a notch for plumbing and storage. It was the ideal candidate for a ceiling treatment that would make a wow factor, be easy on the budget, and wouldn't take up multiple days and weekends that we don't have. We did a small shiplap treatment in our laundry room some time ago and learned a few things from that installation that swayed us to do things a little differently here. S T E P  O N E  Measure! We measured the ceiling lines and set off to our local home improvement store to source material. S T E P  T W O  Consider your options. There are quite a few options when it comes to ceiling plank treatments. You can do individual tongue and groove boards, standard wood boards, or a sheet of material that you cut down on your own. We opted for the final option because of cost. We looked at individual boards in a variety of sizes and the cost was about 3-4 times as much, and the boards were also quite thick. Cutting our own brought the cost down, and also offered us the flexibility of determining the plank width. The one downside to cutting your own boards is ensuring that your lines are nice and straight over a long distance. We purchased two sheets of 4 ft x 8 ft x 1/4 in smooth plywood. S T E P  T H R E E  Source wall moulding. I knew that capping our edges around the room would be that final touch to the project to really take it up a notch. We purchased four 1 in x 2 in x 8 ft primed trim boards. S T E P  F O U R  Gather materials. We found the following tools to be helpful with this project:
Tape Measure
Saw Horses
Straight Edge
Circular Saw
Sanding Blocks
Mini Rollers
Primer and Paint
Chalk Line
Caulk Gun for Construction Adhesive and White Paintable Caulk
Miter Saw
Brad Nailer
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S T E P  F I V E  Cut the planks!
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Once again, we used a thin, sanded plywood which cuts nicely and is easy to prime and paint. Last time we experienced a small amount of chipping, but this time we were working with a newer saw blade which we figured would help clean up the cuts. We decided we wanted our planks 6" wide which was a total of 16 planks across the ceiling. Instead of attempting to cut 16 boards exactly the same and perfectly straight, we clamped together four boards and ran the saw less.
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This worked out beautifully! We clamped our straight edge on each end of the boards and ran our circular saw down the entire 8 ft length with ease. The good blade ensured very little fraying occurred. S T E P  S I X Sand!
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We used a sanding block to sand down all of the board tops and edges prior to painting. S T E P  S E V E N Prime and paint.
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Last time we installed the boards first and painted second. It wasn't ideal and working to keep paint out of all of the grooves was also pretty time-consuming. This time I wanted to try painting everything first and installing the boards second. We waited until there was zero rain in the forecast, and spread out all sixteen boards on saw horses and our outdoor tables. We rolled on a coat of primer, and then two coats of white paint and primer semi-gloss bathroom paint. A quality microfiber roller will help with achieving good, smooth coverage. We used a brush on all of the edges for the primer to be sure everything was nice and sealed and then were able to speed up the process by using a roller on the edges for both coats of the paint. S T E P  E I G H T Locate and mark ceiling joists.
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We wanted the planks to be as secure as possible so we determined the location of the ceiling joists and marked them accordingly by snapping a chalk line. S T E P  N I N E Measure and cut!
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We measured for each board just in case our walls weren't perfectly square. Then cut them to length with our miter saw. S T E P  T E N Glue and Nail
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To be sure there was no sagging, we added a few rows of construction adhesive to the backside of the board prior to affixing it to the ceiling.
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We used tile spacers along the edge of the board, knocked it into place and nailed along the chalk line, as well as a few areas between.
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Repeat all the way across the ceiling.
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S T E P  E L E V E N Measure, cut and install trim pieces.
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For this project, I selected a very clean trim board vs. a typical crown moulding. We did basic 45-degree miters around the entire perimeter of the room. S T E P  T W E L V E  Caulk and touch up paint.
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With all of the nailing and installation, the boards became dinged up in a few spots and of course, we had fresh nail holes that needed to be caulked. Once the caulk dried, I used a brush to touch up paint the boards.
That's it! The wood cost us $54 dollars and the paint and primer quarts were another $30. We had everything else on hand to complete the project, so for under $85 we created quite the statement in this itty bitty space.
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This room still has a long way to go. We decided we would like to remove the fiberglass shower and install floor to ceiling tile and replace the shower fixtures. The walls have been painted Sherwin William's Nimbus and I absolutely love the warm greige color and how it pairs with the cool navy already in the space. The shower curtain is amazing and it is from here.
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We have also removed the old built-in cabinets on the opposite wall from the sink and have to sheetrock that in and add some floating shelves. Another small upgrade we made was swapping out his previous bathroom fan with a Bluetooth version. I found a 70 cfm option at Home Depot for under $100, but it doesn't look like they offer it online (they do have this one available). Our son thought the new planked ceiling was great, but this?! A fan that allows him to play his favorite music while he showers? Why didn't we do this ages ago? He loves to sing and this made showering and brushing teeth and all of those other daily "chores" so much more fun for him!
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We are really excited to see how the rest of this project pulls together (especially with art and accessories). As a reader mentioned in the last update, it will be hard to top our favorite, mega-sweet guest bathroom. But we will certainly try!
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Check out our son's most recent bedroom update here and the DIY wood framed mirror here. from IHeart Organizing http://www.iheartorganizing.com/2017/08/do-it-yourself-planked-ceiling.html
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kitchencabinetideas · 6 years ago
Benjamin Moore’s James River Gray (AC-23) coats the cabinets and beams that ru...
https://kitchencabinetideas.com/?p=16244 Benjamin Moore’s James River Gray (AC-23) coats the cabinets and beams that ru... Benjamin Moore’s James River Gray (AC-23) coats the cabinets and beams that run across the V-groove plank ceiling. #beams #benjamin #cabinets #coats #james #moore #river https://kitchencabinetideas.com/?p=16244
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decorfrontline · 7 years ago
How To Add Character To Basic Architecture: Unfinished and Raw Wood
New Post has been published on http://www.decorfrontline.com/index.php/2018/03/04/how-to-add-character-to-basic-architecture-unfinished-and-raw-wood/
How To Add Character To Basic Architecture: Unfinished and Raw Wood
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It’s Monday, and before we get into today’s post. I wanted to give a MASSIVE and incredibly heartfelt thank you to everyone that came out to the Rummage Sale this weekend, the people, the atmosphere, and the energy that was there was more than we ever could have hoped for so thank you for making it such a special day.
Today we are back with another episode in our “How to Add Character To Basic Architecture” series. If you are new to the blog or the series be sure to check out “Wall Treatments” and “Ceiling Paneling” as today we are diving into options from both of those categories but using unfinished and raw wood. A lot of these may seem repetative from the last post but we wanted to dive even deeper into the series by offering up a ton of inspiration photos showing you how drastically a room can change when you give it (the walls and ceilings) a little bit of love. Bye bye neglected white, boring and bland rooms across America, let’s get into it.
Vertical Paneling:
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We will start with vertical paneling as it is probably the easiest way to add character to your walls. It can instantly transform the look of your bland walls into something special and unique. When it comes to vertical paneling this can be done fairly affordably with some options that your local hardware store will stock or you can really go for it with honed and beautiful wood like you see above and below.
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These wide plank options are typically going to be much more pricey than what you would find at your local hardware store (and by much more we mean A LOT more), but I mean, come one… the difference in appearance and quality is obvious. These houses are all stunning and filled with unique character due to that pretty wood on the walls that creates such a warm and subtle texture.
The room below used wide panel planks to create an accent wall in the kitchen as well as in the dining room. By leaving the center wall white and without wood it gives the eye a visual break which allows the space to still feel modern and clean and not lean too “cabin”, “rustic” or “woodsy”.
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If the wide plank version is not your vibe or is way out of your price range then you can still get the same warm textured effect with simple vertical siding that has a more standard width of 6-8″ like the bathroom below. Without this addition of the wood the room would have felt cold, sterile and too modern, but by wrapping the wood on three of the walls it helps balance out the concrete wall and floor that are also in the room. Warm with cool – always a good combo and one that every room needs.
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While this post is about raw and unfinished options the pictures below were too beautiful to leave out even though it appears they have treated the wood with some sort of stain, lye, or whitewash treatment. The treatment helps to tone down the warmer undertones of the wood without completely taking away the texture and grain.
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You can also go more rustic with this application like they have done in the next few photos.
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Has the painted accent wall been replaced with the wood accent wall? The above and below pics really give the “accent wall” a strong case. And it is something that we WOOD definitely stand behind. (Forgive us… moving on).
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Horizontal Paneling:
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Much the same as the previous concept, horizontal wall paneling is a great option to add some character to your walls or ceilings. Horizontal paneling works especially well in smaller and more narrow areas where you want to visually increase the eye into thinking the space is larger than it is, like they did below. Just as it does with clothing, horizontal stripes (or paneling in this case) is going to elongate the area visually. Although we don’t have a tummy or some love handles to hide beneath a striped shirt we do have some not so appealing blank walls to hide so horizontal wood stripes to the rescue on this one.
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The refined versions of this paneling option helps to add warmth and a beautiful texture to the above room. And below the more rustic version (dare we call it shiplap) adds some major character to this vintage looking kitchen.
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This room and that wood is so beautiful. The tonal variation of wood is just about as soothing as that cozy bed looks.
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So, what if you aren’t ready to commit to a wall or a ceiling full of wood. Well my friends, then wainscoting is for you. The term wainscoting refers to any type of wall treatment that goes a portion of the length of the wall. So while some people think wainscoting only involves beadboard or v-groove, this “a portion of the way up the wall method” can be used for any wall treatment and these rooms are really selling it.
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The above and below examples showcase it in a more modern way with beautiful simple wood and an unfinished edge at the top.
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And this room (wherever it may be) is very proud of how good its walls are looking with this beautiful treatment that it is sporting. They kept this one more modern and simple as well by keeping the top cap and the baseboard at the same depth as the wainscotting so that it all is one flush panel and doesn’t recess at all. Well done wall, well done.
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Ceiling Paneling:
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Moving on up to the ceiling, the same concept continues that we discussed in the last two sections. However, when you add wood to your ceilings it is innately going to make the room feel more rustic and woodsy unless you go for a really smooth finish with not a lot of variation.
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Typically yellow pine is not something that we would endorse in large quantities but this bedroom below is really selling it with those clad ceilings.
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Ceiling Beams and Paneling:
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If you want to take it one step further then not only do you clad your ceiling but you add some wood beams into the mix. Now, a disclaimer on this one. Wood beams in any room if not done right can look very much like an awkward afterthought and will end up hurting your space more than helping it.
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A few quick rules to keep in mind with this. 1) Does the style of the house dictate a wood-paneled ceiling and beams? If not, then maybe skip this option and go for one of the other options we have outlined. 2) Are the beams that you are adding, what would structurally make sense if they were, in fact, helping to hold up the structure? You will want to install said beams in a way that makes them look original to the house not in a way that says, hey look at me I am a faux Tuscan beam that is trying to fit in real hard. 3) Go easy on the distressing. We get that you want your beams to look original but don’t make them look like they came from the bottom of a river. Make it look natural and authentic to the house but no more and no less.
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The example above and below are perfect examples of how to do it well without overdoing it. They kept the additional beams to a minimum and also didn’t try to make it look like the house was a converted barn from the 1800’s.
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If cladding your ceilings with wood sounds a bit scary then there is the option to add it in just in one small area or niche. This home used it in this little sink niche area to add some character and it makes the ceiling line in that area feel so special.
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And if you are ready to get real experimental then you can try something like this below. Which really would only work in a modern space like this that is filled with natural light, tall ceilings and plenty of open space.
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Entire Room Paneling:
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So we’ve walked you through how to do it halfway up the wall, all the way onto the walls, and then how to do it on your ceilings. But what if you just want to go ahead and have no wood-grets and just throw that material all over every surface? Well then you get a collection of rooms that looks like these.
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Hold the hammer, did we just title a category “Plywood” and are we actually recommending that you put it on your walls to add character? Why yes, yes we did and here is why.
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Plywood, when done in the right way and with the right quality of plywood can be very beautiful. We aren’t talking about your builder grade plywood that every DIY project is made out of. Instead, we are talking about a higher grade plywood like the ones you see in these pics. This type of plywood is going to have far less knots in it, have a more even tone and will also be smooth.
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Cladding your walls in huge plywood panels is a very modern way to instantly change the look of your room. Unlike the other options which lean both traditional and modern, this option skews more modern when it is installed due to the size of the plywood panels and the look that it provides.
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I would wash my hands in that washroom every day if I could and just stare up at the beauty of that plywood contemplating how long I could last until I caved and had to put a picture on the wall thus creating a big nasty nail hole in that beautiful plywood.
The room below used sheets of plywood and then at the vertical seams added a larger beam and at the horizontal seams added a small piece of moulding. A pretty clever way to install it that keeps the visual lines of the panels to a minimum.
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Talk about an accent wall. This room took it onto the wall and then all the way up onto the ceiling. It works here because everything else is kept simple and clean and because they pulled in some orange tones into the room to help bring that color of the plywood throughout the room design.
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Modern Wall Applications:
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If you have unlimited funds, are feeling very daring or really want to get custom with it then these last options are for you, which we have titled “Modern Wall Applications”. They are unlike any of the other options that we have pulled together thus far in the post and yet are some of the most impactful because the raw wood is really the statement piece in the room.
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Let us know if you have any questions on any of the applications below, and if you have tried and succceeded at adding nautral and raw wood to your walls/ceilings we would love to see any pics that you have. xx
The post How To Add Character To Basic Architecture: Unfinished and Raw Wood appeared first on Emily Henderson.
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mariacedano-blog-blog · 7 years ago
East Hampton Modern Farmhouse Beautifully designed by Debra Geller of Debra Geller Interior Design, this East Hampton home combines classic interior design with modern farmhouse influences. Here, the designer gives more details about this impressive home. “This client already lived in their home for 16 years and they wanted to make major changes. We did a gut renovation and doubled the size of the house from approx. 4000 sf to 8000 sf. These clients were amazing and easy to work with and have great sense of style. My vision was to incorporate their love of family, easy living, and beauty and create an amazing space for them. I used reclaimed barn wood on the living room feature wall, beautiful wide plank oak floors throughout, stained a pretty custom mixed neutral gray. We kept that color pallet going in the entire house with paint and fabrics, adding different accent colors in each room. Lighting was a primary feature as well.. each room as a special and spectacular lighting – many lights were custom made for the space. I am also an artist and I painted them a beautiful serene ocean painting for the living room tie it all together as well as a heart painting for the breakfast room, creating more Zen elements. I also designed all of the upholstery, and window treatment, and my workshop J&J upholstery out of Norwalk, made it all for me. All rugs were also custom made for the house, as well as the kitchen table, foyer table with custom made iron base and a bluestone top. I designed and had made a concrete fireplace mantel and a concrete pool bathroom vanity top. The barn door in the breakfast room was also made for the house. Along with a had crafted reclaimed white oak dining table, and a hand made zinc kitchen table.” It was very important to me and my client that entire house flow, with texture, light, color and space, and be warm and livable… I believe I accomplished all of those goals. The best part of my job is seeing my clients face when they walk into their completed home, and tears of happiness roll down their faces.. I have done my job!! I love making people happy.” See all details below: East Hampton Modern Farmhouse “I am a construction and interior designer. So that means I work on the project from the ground up, from concept to completion. I select, design and order every finish material in the house , as well as the design the space with the architect so my clients get exactly what they want.” The exterior paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White. Shutters and trim paint color is Benjamin Moore 1609 Temptation. Front Door Front door paint color is Benjamin Moore Temptation. Front Porch Lantern: Visual Comfort (discounted) similar here & here. Entry “These clients wanted a more eclectic home with some modern and organic touches. They also wanted the outside to be family friendly for their children and grandchildren.” Flooring: All floors are White Oak Select, 6″ Planks – custom color – Gray and white stain. Wall Paint Color: Benjamin Moore 1466 Smoke Embers. Harvest Table: Custom designed by Debra Geller with a bluestone top, base made by MAC metal of East Hampton NY. Lantern and Wall Sconces: Custom for the space, made by Chandi Designs. Mirror: custom-designed for the space: made by Ben Riddering. Rug: JD staron Rugs Zebra Bench: Oly Studio Hadley Large Bench. Railing Crossed Metal Modern Farmhouse Railing: custom designed by Debra Geller, made by MAC metal of East Hampton NY. Beauty “Working on a project from start to finish, allows me to design the furnishings while I design the house and over – see construction.. giving a HUGE advantage for furniture placement, along with the wants and needs of each client.. I work on site daily during construction, making sure all details are completed to my specifications.” Living Room “I used reclaimed barn wood on the living room feature wall and beautiful wide plank oak floors throughout”. Chairs: Duralee. All Fabrics: Designer’s Guild. Daybed: Oly. Lighting Lanterns are client’s own antiques. Shiplap Reclaimed shiplap adds warmth and texture to this large living room. Bookcases: custom designed by Debra Geller. Sconces on Bookcases: Visual Comfort. Concrete Fireplace Fireplace is made from concrete. Mantel The mantel features antique reclaimed wood. Paint Color Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Smoke Embers in Regal Matte. Trim paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White. Ceiling paint color is Benjamin Moore 1465 Nimbus – flat. Ocean Painting: custom painted by Debra Geller for the space. Reclaimed Coffee Table The reclaimed wood and metal coffee table is Zentique. Sofa is custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design. Piano Window treatment and piano cushion were custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design, made by J& upholstery. Dining Room Trim and paneling paint color is Pratt & Lambert 2247 Wolf in Advance High gloss (Benjamin Moore). Ceiling paint color is Benjamin Moore 1466 Smoke Embers. Chairs/Dining Settee: Custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design, made by J& upholstery. Fabric: Designer’s Guild and Kravet. Custom Chandelier: Canopy Designs Branches Chandelier. Custom Painting: Deb Ryan. Dining Room Wall Paint Color Wall paint color is Pratt & Lambert 2246 Trout. Table is custom designed by Debra Geller made by Matthew Metzger – similar here, here & here. Butler’s Pantry “The cabinets, vanities and built-ins were designed by me and were custom made and hand painted for the house.” Cabinet Cabinetry is maple that was hand-painted on site with satin finish. Accent drawers are made in high polished stainless steel. stunning! Hardware Cabinet hardware is Emtek – knobs & pulls. Backsplash: Artistic Tile. Wall Paint Color Paint color is “Benjamin Moore 1597 Pebble Beach”. Trim and Wainscoting: SW 7006 extra white… Advance High gloss Kitchen This kitchen is dreamy! I honestly love every detail. Can you imagine cooking in this space? Kitchen Cabinet: Custom cabinets designed by Debra Geller Interior Design, maple that was hand painted on site with satin finish. Ceiling was done in a coffer with a shiplap inside of each coffer. Appliances are all Thermador – cooktop, ovens, refrigerator. Lighting & Stools Lights: Visual Comfort. Accent cabinets are glass with and antique Ironstone collection of pitchers on display. Similar ones can be found here, here & here. Counterstools: Tolix Kitchen Island The kitchen island was custom painted with a brushed finish in darker gray over a light gray to create a contrast to the white main cabinets. Kitchen Island Dimension: 104″ x 59″ Kitchen Sink Perimeter countertop and farmhouse sink are honed carrara marble. Similar white marble farmhouse sink can be found here. Sink Faucet: Perrin and Rowe. Orchids Orchids always bring an elegant feel to any room. Countertop The island countertop is black absolute granite with a leather finish to give it texture and dimensions. The black island top was chosen to compliment the black coffered ceiling. Hardware: Pulls and latch closures are merit metal done in a polished chrome to withstand the salt air in the Hamptons – polished chrome holds up very well when the base metal is brass. Paint Color Trim, Grills, Crown, Coffers Base, Casing: Benjamin Moore 2127-10 Twilight Zone – Advance High Gloss. Ceiling V groove: SW 7006 Extra White – Flat. Main Cabinet Paint Color: SW 7006 Extra White – Satin. Walls: Benjamin Moore 1597 Pebble Beach. Breakfast Room This is one most darling breakfast rooms I have seen! I am loving the pink and grey color scheme! Dining Table: custom made by E-custom design – similar here, here & here. Black Chairs: Zentique or here with leather seat. Head Chairs: Aidan Gray or similar here. Custom Window Treatment: custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design, made by J& upholstery. Light over dining table: Canopy Designs “Pink heart” painting: Artist Debra Geller. Family Room This layout creates an intimate feel to the kitchen, breakfast room and family room. Decor Ottoman: custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design – similar similar here (rectangular) here (square) & here (circular). Sofas: Lee industries. Barn Door: Custom – similar here & here. Powder Room A chic powder room is located just off the foyer. The stripe wall paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7071 Gray Screen and Sherwin Williams SW 7006 Extra White – with 20” horizontal stripes. Vanity: Kallista – Michael S Smith – similar here, here, here, here & here. Faucet: Newport Brass. Mirror: Made Goods. Den This den is perfect to curl-up with a good book and have long conversations with a good friend. Walls: Kravet wall covering W3039-16 grasscloth. Trim and window Grills: Sherwin Williams SW 6102 Portobello in high gloss. Sofa, pillows, ottoman, and window treatment: custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design. Chandelier: Visual Comfort. Master Bedroom The master bedroom features high ceiling and custom built-ins flanking a sleek fireplace. Fireplace: Venetian plaster with soap stone surround and hearth. Built-in French Cabinets: Designed by Debra Geller custom made and hand painted. Paint Color Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Misty Memories. Chandelier: Chandi Designs. Rug: JD Staron Rugs. Accent Wall Paint Color Paint color is Benjamin Moore 2126-60 Witching Hour. Bed: custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design, made by J& upholstery. Bedding: Bella Note linens. Night Tables: Modern History. Lamps: Arteriors. Master Bathroom Bathroom paint color Pale Smoke by Benjamin Moore. Sinks: Barclay console sinks. Sink Faucet: Rohl. Bathtub: MTI Window treatment and chaise cushion: designed by Debra Geller, made by J&J upholstery. Tile: basketweave Carrara and bardiglio tile – similar here. Sunroom “We used bluestone floors in the sun room, to have an outdoor feel and use ship lap and exposed white washed beam on the ceiling, and a beautiful sail clothe extra large fan.” Daybed: Janus et cie. Rafters and collar ties: Whitewashed on white oak. Chairs, throw pillows, window treatment, ottoman and window seat: custom designed by Debra Geller Interior Design, made by J& upholstery. Fan: Casablanca. Reading Nook Feature T & G board window-seat wall: SW 7006 Extra White. Mirror Mirrors are Coral Coco Mirror by Made Goods. Pillows The pillow fabrics are by Designer’s Guild. Pool Bath Vanity is custom designed by Debra Geller, and custom painted. Countertop is concrete. Faucet: Delta Cassidy. Mirror: Arteriors. Lights: Norwell. Shower Tile: River rock, small stone. Large porcelain concrete tiles are custom made. Paint Color Paint color is Benjamin Moore 1471 Shore Line. Pool “The home owner is an avid swimmer, so I had to design a pool with a lap lane, but still make it stunning and fun for the rest of the family. I added a spa for extra relaxation and designed a pergola for the dining area, and to provide some shade as well as add an architectural element to the back of the house.” Interiors: Debra Geller Interior Design. (Facebook – Instagram – Pinterest) Posts of the Week @nanlindy: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: Cottage Style Guest House. Latest Interior Design ideas. New Children’s Hospital Home. New & Improved Kitchen Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello, my friends, Pinterest: Many of you have written emails asking me why you aren’t being able to pin lately. Pinterest and I are working to resolve this issue and hopefully we’ll be able to pin very soon. Meanwhile, feel free to pin from my Instagram. Thank you for your support, my friends and have a Blessed week! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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joesbrownusa · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Minden, LA
200 S Tanglewood Dr
Price: $169900
Great fixer upper on two lots !!! The home sits on two lots with several small out buildings. One is larger on a slab.The fence behind the house the lot sits on.The well insulated home has a large den with cathedral ceiling and fireplace with insert.The kitchen is galley style open to breakfast area.There is a electric cook top,wall oven and dishwasher that are approx. 2 or 3 years old.The washer and dryer /utility is behind bi-fold doors in the kitchen.There are 4 bedrooms and 2 baths.There is a screen porch and double garage with vents for C/A & C/H.The architectural roof,C/A & C/H is approx.6 years old. it has a 96 ft +/_ well for watering (Is not hooked up to electricity)old sprinkler system AS-IS that has not been used in years.This info. is believed to be true but not guaranteed.
620 Fort Ave
Price: $218000
This Single-Family Home located at 620 Fort Avenue, Minden, LA is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 24 days. This property is listed by CENTURY 21 Elite for $218,000. 620 Fort Ave has 4 beds and approximately 3,061 square feet. The price per square foot is $71. 620 Fort Ave is in the 71055 ZIP code in Minden, LA.
365 Palmer Rd
Price: $345000
dont miss out on this great home in minden. home sits on 10 acres of land.3 bedrooms 3 baths. living room and den. open floor plan.great kitchen.covered patio. walk in stall shower in master and down stairs.pecan trees. windows all around the house with great views of nature. home has solar panels and a generator. call to see this home today.
292 Camps Smokehouse Rd
Price: $110000
Experience Quaint Country Living With Almost Two Acres To Call Your Very Own. Home Has Easy Access To I-20 With Shopping Less Than 10 Minutes Away. A Great Fit For Either A Family Or A Hunter’s Retreat. 16′ X 8′ Shed For Extra Storage. Covered Deck Has Both Stairs And A Ramp For Easy Access. Gorgeous Eucalyptus Tree In Back Yard! Security Alarm System, Just In Case. Move-In Ready!
108 McArthur Dr
Price: $78000
**minden home** 3br 1 ba** 1100 sq ft** qualfiies for rural development loan zero down** motivated seller**
700 Horton St
Price: $114900
This Brick home w/ tin roof has been totally remodeled .The den with Bay window is open to the kitchen that has all new kitchen cabinets,granite counter tops, stainless gas stove,microwave,dishwasher and refrigerator.There is laminate flooring in kitchen,breakfast area,den hallway and baths.There are 4 bedrooms and 2 baths.All the insulated windows have nice 2 inch window blinds.The owner replaced the outside A/C unit.Extra large fenced back yard with area for dogs & a slab that would be great for a large patio,slap for a shop or small basketball court.Please call today to view this move in ready home !!!
206 Shirley Dr
Price: $116500
COMPLETELY remodeled home, NEW APPLIANCES INCLUDED. 3 Bedroom and 1 & ½ Bath. Double carport. Full bathroom is in the hall way and the ½ bath is inside the master bedroom. Open floor plan! Dining room contains a wood burning fireplace. Full laundry with extra storage/open closet inside. Door inside laundry leads to carport. The bedroom off of the kitchen could also be used as an office or separate dining room. Large back yard with gazebo! We have had a contractor look at the roof and it is also in good shape! Large open attic!
903 Elm St
Price: $119000+
Updated Three Bedroom And Two Bath Brick Home. New Central Heat And Air, New Carpet And Ceramic Tile. Granite Countertops In Kitchen, New Stove, Dishwasher And Microwave. Also Includes New Washer And Dryer. Architect Shingles On Roof. Located One Block From Richardson Elementary And Walking Distance To Park And Duck Pond.
515 Davis St
Price: $93900
Great cottage style home with approx.1333 sq.ft. L/R w/gas F.P. w/ electric logs open to D/R. Cute kitchen with stove,dishwasher and refrigerator.There are 3 bedrooms and 2 bath. It has an extra large remote master bedroom and bath w/shower.The back yard is a gardeners dream. Please call to see this precious move in ready home.
103 Hackett Dr
Price: $112500
103 Hackett is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home. This is a great home in a great location! The home has a brand new dishwasher, new carpet & fresh paint. Kitchen appliances stay as well as the washer & dryer. The fenced in back yard is large with beautiful trees!
604 Germantown Rd
Price: $64000
This Ranch Style Home Would Make A Wonderful Family Home Or Great Investment Property * Featuring 3 Br & 1 Bth, Lg Living Room, Eat-In Kitchen * Minutes From Downtown * Circle Drive * Refrigerator, Stove, Freezer, Washer & Dryer Stay * Fenced Backyard With 12 X 12 Shed * All Situated On 0.69 Acres * Move-In Ready *
614 Buchanan St
Price: $67500
**Minden Beauty With Southern Charm**2Ba 1 Ba 1452 Sq Ft**Centrally Located Right Next To The Library** Corner Lot**Custom Brick Staircase That Leads To A Welcoming Front Porch**Tall Ceilings Throughout Home**Formal Dining Room**Large Open Living Room**Original Hardwood Floor Throughout Home**House Has A Ton Of Original Charm Including The Clawfoot Bath Tub** Home Qualifies For Rural Development Loan Zero Down**Concessions Available For Lender Requirements**Great Investment Property** Well Underpriced**
417 Patrick St
Price: $69000
This house is located on a quiet street off of Homer Road. The house sits on a large lot, with fencing around most of the property. This would make a great started home or rental property. It has a L/R, den with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, and 1 bath. The bath has a stall shower and a tub/shower combo.
707 Nella St
Price: $167500
Are you looking for a house that you can walk into for the first time and feel like you are home? If so, then this house is for you! The open floor plan and wood floors create a feeling of comfort the moment you walk in the door. This home has 3 bedrooms all with closets equipped with racks and shelves. The dining room has double doors that open up to a covered patio with an attached gas grill that will stay. Also, outside is a 18′ x 30′ storage shed with 2 lean tos. Make an appointment today to see this charming home!
814 Durwood Dr
Price: $54900
located across st from Phillips School Brick home , three bedrooms and one and half baths. Shed/storage building in backyard
1551 Fincher Creek Rd
Price: $98000
This Mobile/Manufactured is located at 1551 Fincher Creek Road, Minden, LA. 1551 Fincher Creek Rd is in the 71055 ZIP code in Minden, LA. The average listing price for ZIP code 71055 is $152,164. 1551 Fincher Creek Rd has 4 beds, 2 ½ baths, approximately 2,150 square feet, and was built in 2003
416 Graywood Dr
Price: $235000
Have taken job in south louisiana very aggressive seller!! 2 miles from interstate and 20 minutes to shreveport or Ruston! Acadian Farm Style home built on a hill that has elevation of 488 above sea level. It is one of the highest elevations in Louisiana. Beautiful view and sunrises. It is pier and beam foundation built on brick columns. It has wood grain Hardy Plank siding. This allows the owner to save money on insurance because of the concrete siding it allows the house to be insured like a brick veneer home. The home has r-30 in the floors and ceilings and six inch walls have r-25 i nsulation valued. 9 foot walls throughout with sheetrock. The Great Room has a cathedral ceiling with stained v-groove wood planks with 3 massive ceiling fans as well as fireplace. The Great Room has open floor plan with kitchen and dining area included. The home has an office, 16 foot square master bedroom as well as a very large master bath and closet. The home features a 12 foot by 53 foot front porch with wood floor. The home has 3 car carport and a 16 foot by 24 foot shop that also has 9 foot walls for ample storage. The shop shares the same characteristics as the house with Hardy Plank siding and metal roof as well.
293 Beech Springs Rd
Price: $65000
Recently remodeled mobile home that sits on 3.65 ac in wonderful, private location just minutes from town. There is a corner fireplace, and a well-appointed kitchen with nice appliances. There is also an extra room that would make a great sunroom or additional living area. Large concrete parking area with covered parking for 4 vehicles. Also, there is an extra septic tank and electric hook-ups for another mobile home or camper!! Information deemed accurate but not guaranteed.
913 Greene Rd
Price: $75000
Amazing 5.25 acres with 2bedrooms and 2 baths. Country life at its best. Super quite with a fenced in yard plus a barn! Schedule your showing today!!!!
673 Country Club Cir
Price: $207000
This Single-Family Home located at 673 Country Club Circle, Minden, LA is currently for sale. This property is listed by CENTURY 21 Elite for $207,000. 673 Country Club Cir has 3 beds and approximately 2,305 square feet. The price per square foot is $90. 673 Country Club Cir is in the 71055 ZIP code in Minden, LA.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-minden-la/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158010202245
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letszorastuff · 5 years ago
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MDF Ceiling & Wall Planks – T&G SHIPLAP and V-GROOVE https://ift.tt/2qRzCiW
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samuelmmarcus · 6 years ago
Newport Island Beach House
  Hello, my friends! How are you doing today? I hope you’re having a nice and sunny day!
It’s a real pleasure to be sharing this newly-built Newport Island beach house designed by Eric Aust Architect (recently featured on Home Bunch here: Newport Beach Bayfront House), built by Clayton Builders, Inc. and with interiors by Julie Clayton.
Things certainly have changed when it comes to beach house design since I started the blog ten years ago, and I feel that this change is even more evident in California. Beach houses are now more modern, with clean lines, and they feel more uncomplicated. You can certainly credit the “modern farmhouse” trend for this big change and I don’t think this will change anytime soon. In fact, in my opinion, this mix of modern and rustic architectural details is an important progress that is happening in the architectural movement of the late 2010’s going into the 2020’s era.
Here, the designer Julie Clayton shares more details about this specific new home: “We took our inspiration for this project from its idyllic location: a quiet manmade island tucked away on the Newport Beach Peninsula The home has ocean and bay views, is a quick walk to the beach or bike ride to Lido Marina Village. We worked with Eric to design and build our take on a modern beachhouse making sure to highlight the views with an expansive rooftop deck for entertaining.”
Take notes on all details below and have fun pinning your favorite interior pictures and save the floor plan shared at the end of this post! This home would work perfectly on any smaller lot, anywhere in the country.
Photography is by Ryan Garvin.
  Interior Design Ideas: Newport Island Beach House
This newly constructed custom home offers panoramic views from its rooftop retreat, designer finishes throughout, and a spacious layout designed to accommodate daily family life or entertaining a crowd. Amenities include: European Oak wide-plank flooring, Italian Marble countertops, custom cabinetry and finish carpentry throughout.
Front Door
I love the timeless yet modern feel of this front porch and Dutch door. The front door paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Door Hardware: Emtek in Flat Black Finish – similar here.
Lighting: Rejuvenation.
Planter: here – similar.
Home Size
Floor size: 2,974 sqft
Ocean’s Breeze
A zero point retractable door system creates a seamless transition for indoor/outdoor living. The patio is Ipe wood. Also note the beautiful porch columns, the built-in bench for the firepit and the ceiling mounted outdoor heaters.
The custom firepit features a tumbled Cobble stone sourced from Courage Stone.
Outdoor Chairs
Mid-Century Outdoor Chairs:  Here or Here (set of 2) – Other Beautiful Mid-century-inspired Outdoor Furniture: here.
Exterior Paint Color
Exterior Paint Color: Dunn Edwards-White.
Beautiful Mailboxes: here, here, here & here.
House Number
House Number: Rejuvenation.
The front door opens to a bright foyer with custom built-in bench and shiplap.
Entry Lighting: Visual Comfort 18” Cabinet Maker’s Picture Light in Antique nickel.
Beautiful Baskets: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: vintage – similar here, here & here (different sizes).
Similar Pillow Combination: Striped Pillows, White Lumbar Pillow & Japanese Shibori Dyeing Pillow.
Bench Paint Color
Bench is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe with White Oak top.
Leather Pulls: Knoll Sling Leather Pull in Warm beige – similar here & here.
Living Room
What I like the most about these new coastal farmhouse homes is how calm they often feel. You look at this space and it feels gentle, stress-free and it seems to keep you at ease. Nothing is too loud in this room and that’s a pleasant feeling.
Fireplace Surrounds: White matte painted Brick with Gray matte concrete hearths.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Coffee Table: here.
Side Table: here & here – similar.
Rug: here.
On built-ins the builder combined shaker style paint grade cabinets with contrasting White Oak tops and shelves.
Furnishings and Accessories: Aiming for a welcoming and beachy vibe throughout the house, the builder worked in collaboration with the owner and lead designer of Alignments Home Staging to create a casual and collected feeling that complements the finishes and the light-filled spaces in this beach house.
Inspired by this Look:
(Always check dimensions before ordering.
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Paint Color
Interior Paint Color: Walls: Benjamin Moore White, Flat.
Trim: Dunn Edwards White, Eggshell.
This kitchen is full of great ideas! I love this large island and the custom hood. Island paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. Note: This color looks darker in person than we see in this picture.
Counterstools: here (on sale) & here.
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen Cabinetry: Shaker Style, Face Framed Cabinetry Throughout Three Finishes; white painted around the perimeter and at range elevation, dark gray on island and white oak at buffet elevation and on hood detail.
Range: Thermador – similar here.
This kitchen also features a walk-in pantry with White Oak shelves.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Kitchen Sink: Barclay Gwen.
Kitchen Runner: Vintage – Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Hood
The custom hood range features a “board and batten” detail.
Pot Filler: Rohl Pot Filler Polished Nickel.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White, which is a very crisp white.
Backsplash: Solid slab of honed Carrera marble (to match the countertops) behind the range and v-groove paneling on both sides rather than tile.
Island Lighting
Kitchen Island: Industrial Pendants by Light and Living – Other Industrial Lights: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop is Honed Carrera Marble.
Dining Room
This bright dining room is perfect for family life and entertaining.
Similar Dining Table: here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: here & here.
Kitchen Buffet Cabinet
The kitchen also features this stunning White Oak buffet cabinet. Oak cabinetry was bleached and finished with a clear matte lacquer.
Countertop is Carrara marble.
Cabinet Hardware: Emtek Knobs in Flat Black, Emtek Pulls in Flat Black.
Main Floor Bathroom
This bathroom feels very current. The custom White Oak washstand features a concrete vessel sink by Native Trails.
Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor: Starburst Hex Cement Tile.
Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: 2 x 16 matte white porcelain tile Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Shower Faucet: California Faucets.
Wood Flooring and Stairs: Colonial Collection in Lexington, gray wash wide plank European Oak with custom square edged solid tread stair treads to match – similar here.
Wall Lighting: Boston Wall Sconce in antique nickel.
Stair Light: Serena and Lily.
Homework Station
This home is full of great ideas, including this homework station! The staircase leads to a landing area with a built-in White Oak desk with cabinet. Note the waterfall edge desks and how thin they are. You can add this homework station even to a small area! This space is truly perfect for kids. Pin or save this one!
Upstairs Family Room
This is a cozy place to read to the kids at the end of the day or spend some hours watching your favorite shows on Netflix.
Sofa: here, here, here, here & here – similar.
Coffee Table: Lulu & Georgia – Others: here, here, here & here.
Accent Chair: Wayfair. Other Fun Chairs: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: here.
The family room also features a media built-in.
Kids Bathroom
Cabinets are Shaker-style face framed with bottom white oak shelves.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – in flat black.
Bathroom faucets are by California Faucets in Polished Chrome.(great quality).
Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White.
Mirrors: CB2 – similar.
Sconces: Cedar and Moss in Flat Black – similar here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This home features four bedrooms and four bathrooms. All of them are very spacious and bright.
Headboard: World Market – Others: here & here.
Rug – similar: here, here & here.
Artwork: here – similar.
Pouf: here.
Vanity Paint Color: Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. This is a classic, old-world gray paint color.
Vanity is custom – similar here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Faucet: California Faucets Wall-Mounted.
Sink: Kohler.
Hardware: Emtek Pulls in Satin Brass.
The shower tub features glass doors.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile:  Elongated Hex Tile – similar here & here.
Second Floor Laundry Room
This laundry room is located on the second floor and it features plenty of storage and workspace.
Countertop is quartz.
Hardware: Knobs in Flat Black, Pulls in Flat Black.
Shelves & Faucet
I love the idea of adding open shelves between closed cabinets. This is often being used in kitchens as well.
Laundry: Kohler Faucet in polished chrome.
Backsplash: 3×12 matte white subway tile.
Master Bedroom
What a stunning space. I love the architectural details of this master bedroom. Notice the White Oak beam and the vaulted ceilings.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Nightstands – similar: here & here.
Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Pillows: here.
The master bedroom features a fireplace with white matte brick, gray matte concrete hearth and White Oak mantel.
Barn Door
Barn door is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe – this picture shows the real color of this paint.
Master Bathroom
How gorgeous is this bathroom, right? I really like the layout of the vanities with the tub in the center.
Lighting: Ro Sham Beaux Hemp Wrapped Gail Pendant in Silver – similar here.
Tub: here.
Tub Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor Tile
Floor Tile: Cement Tile Shop Atlas III in Cadet, pacific White and Linen – similar here & here.
Bathroom Cabinetry
The vanities are bleached White Oak with a clear matte lacquer.
Faucets: California Faucets in Polished Chrome.
Lighting: Gambit Wall Sconce.
Paint Color
Paint color is White by Benjamin Moore.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: Matte Light Gray tile from Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Location, Location, Location
This is the California dream!
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Roof is standing Seam Metal in metallic Galvalume Finish.
Imagine spending your weekends on this rooftop terrace. I wouldn’t complain!
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Garage Door Paint Color
The garage door and the window trim are painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Lighting: here.
Home Details
Floor Plan
Thank you so much for being here today, my friends! I hope this post can help you in some way… either to relax you or to inspire with your own home. 
  Many thanks to the architect, builder and interior designer for sharing the details above!
Architecture: Eric Aust Architect (Instagram)
Builder:  Clayton Builders, Inc. (Instagram – Pinterest)
Staging: Janet Ryvin: Alignments Home.
Photography: Ryan Garvin.
Home Bunch Favorites:
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Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
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  Serena & Lily: 20% off Dining Event. Use code: ENTERTAINING
  Wayfair: Up to 75% OFF – President’s Day Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
  Joss & Main: End of Season Sale: Up to 85% Off!!! Free shipping with code: STARS
  Pottery Barn: 20% off + Free Shipping. Use Code: WEEKEND
  One Kings Lane: High Quality Design Decor for Less – Save 20% Sitewide Puls and Extra 10% with code: OKLPRES19
  West Elm: 20% Off your entire Purchase + Free Shipping: Use Code: WINTER
  Anthropologie: Take an extra 40% off all sale items! See Joanna Gaines Exclusive line here!
  Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 30% off the entire site!
  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
  Arhaus: Up to 60% OFF!
  Posts of the Week:
California New-Construction Custom Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
California Modern Farmhouse Renovation.
Atlanta Home Design.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Classic Colonial Home Design.
Empty-Nester Modern Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Building a Forever Home.
Newport Island Beach House.
Stone Cottage-style Home Design.
Family-friendly Home Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Canada.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Georgian-Style Manor with Traditional Interiors.
Transitional Home Design.
Interior Design Ideas.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
from Home http://www.homebunch.com/newport-island-beach-house/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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samuelmmarcus · 6 years ago
Newport Island Beach House
  Hello, my friends! How are you doing today? I hope you’re having a nice and sunny day!
It’s a real pleasure to be sharing this newly-built Newport Island beach house designed by Eric Aust Architect (recently featured on Home Bunch here: Newport Beach Bayfront House), built by Clayton Builders, Inc. and with interiors by Julie Clayton.
Things certainly have changed when it comes to beach house design since I started the blog ten years ago, and I feel that this change is even more evident in California. Beach houses are now more modern, with clean lines, and they feel more uncomplicated. You can certainly credit the “modern farmhouse” trend for this big change and I don’t think this will change anytime soon. In fact, in my opinion, this mix of modern and rustic architectural details is an important progress that is happening in the architectural movement of the late 2010’s going into the 2020’s era.
Here, the designer Julie Clayton shares more details about this specific new home: “We took our inspiration for this project from its idyllic location: a quiet manmade island tucked away on the Newport Beach Peninsula The home has ocean and bay views, is a quick walk to the beach or bike ride to Lido Marina Village. We worked with Eric to design and build our take on a modern beachhouse making sure to highlight the views with an expansive rooftop deck for entertaining.”
Take notes on all details below and have fun pinning your favorite interior pictures and save the floor plan shared at the end of this post! This home would work perfectly on any smaller lot, anywhere in the country.
Photography is by Ryan Garvin.
  Interior Design Ideas: Newport Island Beach House
This newly constructed custom home offers panoramic views from its rooftop retreat, designer finishes throughout, and a spacious layout designed to accommodate daily family life or entertaining a crowd. Amenities include: European Oak wide-plank flooring, Italian Marble countertops, custom cabinetry and finish carpentry throughout.
Front Door
I love the timeless yet modern feel of this front porch and Dutch door. The front door paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Door Hardware: Emtek in Flat Black Finish – similar here.
Lighting: Rejuvenation.
Planter: here – similar.
Home Size
Floor size: 2,974 sqft
Ocean’s Breeze
A zero point retractable door system creates a seamless transition for indoor/outdoor living. The patio is Ipe wood. Also note the beautiful porch columns, the built-in bench for the firepit and the ceiling mounted outdoor heaters.
The custom firepit features a tumbled Cobble stone sourced from Courage Stone.
Outdoor Chairs
Mid-Century Outdoor Chairs:  Here or Here (set of 2) – Other Beautiful Mid-century-inspired Outdoor Furniture: here.
Exterior Paint Color
Exterior Paint Color: Dunn Edwards-White.
Beautiful Mailboxes: here, here, here & here.
House Number
House Number: Rejuvenation.
The front door opens to a bright foyer with custom built-in bench and shiplap.
Entry Lighting: Visual Comfort 18” Cabinet Maker’s Picture Light in Antique nickel.
Beautiful Baskets: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: vintage – similar here, here & here (different sizes).
Similar Pillow Combination: Striped Pillows, White Lumbar Pillow & Japanese Shibori Dyeing Pillow.
Bench Paint Color
Bench is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe with White Oak top.
Leather Pulls: Knoll Sling Leather Pull in Warm beige – similar here & here.
Living Room
What I like the most about these new coastal farmhouse homes is how calm they often feel. You look at this space and it feels gentle, stress-free and it seems to keep you at ease. Nothing is too loud in this room and that’s a pleasant feeling.
Fireplace Surrounds: White matte painted Brick with Gray matte concrete hearths.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Coffee Table: here.
Side Table: here & here – similar.
Rug: here.
On built-ins the builder combined shaker style paint grade cabinets with contrasting White Oak tops and shelves.
Furnishings and Accessories: Aiming for a welcoming and beachy vibe throughout the house, the builder worked in collaboration with the owner and lead designer of Alignments Home Staging to create a casual and collected feeling that complements the finishes and the light-filled spaces in this beach house.
Inspired by this Look:
(Always check dimensions before ordering.
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Paint Color
Interior Paint Color: Walls: Benjamin Moore White, Flat.
Trim: Dunn Edwards White, Eggshell.
This kitchen is full of great ideas! I love this large island and the custom hood. Island paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. Note: This color looks darker in person than we see in this picture.
Counterstools: here (on sale) & here.
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen Cabinetry: Shaker Style, Face Framed Cabinetry Throughout Three Finishes; white painted around the perimeter and at range elevation, dark gray on island and white oak at buffet elevation and on hood detail.
Range: Thermador – similar here.
This kitchen also features a walk-in pantry with White Oak shelves.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Kitchen Sink: Barclay Gwen.
Kitchen Runner: Vintage – Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Hood
The custom hood range features a “board and batten” detail.
Pot Filler: Rohl Pot Filler Polished Nickel.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White, which is a very crisp white.
Backsplash: Solid slab of honed Carrera marble (to match the countertops) behind the range and v-groove paneling on both sides rather than tile.
Island Lighting
Kitchen Island: Industrial Pendants by Light and Living – Other Industrial Lights: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop is Honed Carrera Marble.
Dining Room
This bright dining room is perfect for family life and entertaining.
Similar Dining Table: here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: here & here.
Kitchen Buffet Cabinet
The kitchen also features this stunning White Oak buffet cabinet. Oak cabinetry was bleached and finished with a clear matte lacquer.
Countertop is Carrara marble.
Cabinet Hardware: Emtek Knobs in Flat Black, Emtek Pulls in Flat Black.
Main Floor Bathroom
This bathroom feels very current. The custom White Oak washstand features a concrete vessel sink by Native Trails.
Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor: Starburst Hex Cement Tile.
Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: 2 x 16 matte white porcelain tile Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Shower Faucet: California Faucets.
Wood Flooring and Stairs: Colonial Collection in Lexington, gray wash wide plank European Oak with custom square edged solid tread stair treads to match – similar here.
Wall Lighting: Boston Wall Sconce in antique nickel.
Stair Light: Serena and Lily.
Homework Station
This home is full of great ideas, including this homework station! The staircase leads to a landing area with a built-in White Oak desk with cabinet. Note the waterfall edge desks and how thin they are. You can add this homework station even to a small area! This space is truly perfect for kids. Pin or save this one!
Upstairs Family Room
This is a cozy place to read to the kids at the end of the day or spend some hours watching your favorite shows on Netflix.
Sofa: here, here, here, here & here – similar.
Coffee Table: Lulu & Georgia – Others: here, here, here & here.
Accent Chair: Wayfair. Other Fun Chairs: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: here.
The family room also features a media built-in.
Kids Bathroom
Cabinets are Shaker-style face framed with bottom white oak shelves.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – in flat black.
Bathroom faucets are by California Faucets in Polished Chrome.(great quality).
Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White.
Mirrors: CB2 – similar.
Sconces: Cedar and Moss in Flat Black – similar here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This home features four bedrooms and four bathrooms. All of them are very spacious and bright.
Headboard: World Market – Others: here & here.
Rug – similar: here, here & here.
Artwork: here – similar.
Pouf: here.
Vanity Paint Color: Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. This is a classic, old-world gray paint color.
Vanity is custom – similar here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Faucet: California Faucets Wall-Mounted.
Sink: Kohler.
Hardware: Emtek Pulls in Satin Brass.
The shower tub features glass doors.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile:  Elongated Hex Tile – similar here & here.
Second Floor Laundry Room
This laundry room is located on the second floor and it features plenty of storage and workspace.
Countertop is quartz.
Hardware: Knobs in Flat Black, Pulls in Flat Black.
Shelves & Faucet
I love the idea of adding open shelves between closed cabinets. This is often being used in kitchens as well.
Laundry: Kohler Faucet in polished chrome.
Backsplash: 3×12 matte white subway tile.
Master Bedroom
What a stunning space. I love the architectural details of this master bedroom. Notice the White Oak beam and the vaulted ceilings.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Nightstands – similar: here & here.
Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Pillows: here.
The master bedroom features a fireplace with white matte brick, gray matte concrete hearth and White Oak mantel.
Barn Door
Barn door is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe – this picture shows the real color of this paint.
Master Bathroom
How gorgeous is this bathroom, right? I really like the layout of the vanities with the tub in the center.
Lighting: Ro Sham Beaux Hemp Wrapped Gail Pendant in Silver – similar here.
Tub: here.
Tub Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor Tile
Floor Tile: Cement Tile Shop Atlas III in Cadet, pacific White and Linen – similar here & here.
Bathroom Cabinetry
The vanities are bleached White Oak with a clear matte lacquer.
Faucets: California Faucets in Polished Chrome.
Lighting: Gambit Wall Sconce.
Paint Color
Paint color is White by Benjamin Moore.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: Matte Light Gray tile from Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Location, Location, Location
This is the California dream!
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Roof is standing Seam Metal in metallic Galvalume Finish.
Imagine spending your weekends on this rooftop terrace. I wouldn’t complain!
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Garage Door Paint Color
The garage door and the window trim are painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Lighting: here.
Home Details
Floor Plan
Thank you so much for being here today, my friends! I hope this post can help you in some way… either to relax you or to inspire with your own home. 
  Many thanks to the architect, builder and interior designer for sharing the details above!
Architecture: Eric Aust Architect (Instagram)
Builder:  Clayton Builders, Inc. (Instagram – Pinterest)
Staging: Janet Ryvin: Alignments Home.
Photography: Ryan Garvin.
Home Bunch Favorites:
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  Amazing End-of-Season Sales!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Serena & Lily: Tent Sale Up to 70% off! – Enjoy an Extra 20% OFF. Use Code HOORAY
  Wayfair: UP to 75% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
  Joss & Main: Best Prices of 2018 – Up to 70% Off
  Pottery Barn: Buy More, Save More – 20% Off Sidewide + Free shipping: use Code: HELLO19
  One Kings Lane: Final Days to Save: Take an Extra 20% Off Markdowns with Code OKL20MORE.
  West Elm: Big New Year Sale: 20% Off Your Entire Purchase! Use Code: NEWYEAR
  Pier 1: Huge Sales – Up to 60% Off!
  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 55% Off!!!
  Anthropologie: Winter Tag Sale: All sales at an extra 40% Off! Amazing!
  Build: Bathroom Renovation Sale – Save up to 65%
  Posts of the Week:
2019 New Year Home Tour.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Before & After Home Renovation.
Family-friendly Home Design.
Christmas Inspiration.
Interior Design Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Transitional Home Design.
Newlyweds Home Design.
Family Home Renovation with Casual Interiors.
2018 Norton Children’s Hospital Raffle Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
Neutral Home Interior Ideas.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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Contact Luciane
“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
from Home http://www.homebunch.com/newport-island-beach-house/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dawnjeman · 6 years ago
Newport Island Beach House
  Hello, my friends! How are you doing today? I hope you’re having a nice and sunny day!
It’s a real pleasure to be sharing this newly-built Newport Island beach house designed by Eric Aust Architect (recently featured on Home Bunch here: Newport Beach Bayfront House), built by Clayton Builders, Inc. and with interiors by Julie Clayton.
Things certainly have changed when it comes to beach house design since I started the blog ten years ago, and I feel that this change is even more evident in California. Beach houses are now more modern, with clean lines, and they feel more uncomplicated. You can certainly credit the “modern farmhouse” trend for this big change and I don’t think this will change anytime soon. In fact, in my opinion, this mix of modern and rustic architectural details is an important progress that is happening in the architectural movement of the late 2010’s going into the 2020’s era.
Here, the designer Julie Clayton shares more details about this specific new home: “We took our inspiration for this project from its idyllic location: a quiet manmade island tucked away on the Newport Beach Peninsula The home has ocean and bay views, is a quick walk to the beach or bike ride to Lido Marina Village. We worked with Eric to design and build our take on a modern beachhouse making sure to highlight the views with an expansive rooftop deck for entertaining.”
Take notes on all details below and have fun pinning your favorite interior pictures and save the floor plan shared at the end of this post! This home would work perfectly on any smaller lot, anywhere in the country.
Photography is by Ryan Garvin.
  Interior Design Ideas: Newport Island Beach House
This newly constructed custom home offers panoramic views from its rooftop retreat, designer finishes throughout, and a spacious layout designed to accommodate daily family life or entertaining a crowd. Amenities include: European Oak wide-plank flooring, Italian Marble countertops, custom cabinetry and finish carpentry throughout.
Front Door
I love the timeless yet modern feel of this front porch and Dutch door. The front door paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Door Hardware: Emtek in Flat Black Finish – similar here.
Lighting: Rejuvenation.
Planter: here – similar.
Home Size
Floor size: 2,974 sqft
Ocean’s Breeze
A zero point retractable door system creates a seamless transition for indoor/outdoor living. The patio is Ipe wood. Also note the beautiful porch columns, the built-in bench for the firepit and the ceiling mounted outdoor heaters.
The custom firepit features a tumbled Cobble stone sourced from Courage Stone.
Outdoor Chairs
Mid-Century Outdoor Chairs:  Here or Here (set of 2) – Other Beautiful Mid-century-inspired Outdoor Furniture: here.
Exterior Paint Color
Exterior Paint Color: Dunn Edwards-White.
Beautiful Mailboxes: here, here, here & here.
House Number
House Number: Rejuvenation.
The front door opens to a bright foyer with custom built-in bench and shiplap.
Entry Lighting: Visual Comfort 18” Cabinet Maker’s Picture Light in Antique nickel.
Beautiful Baskets: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: vintage – similar here, here & here (different sizes).
Similar Pillow Combination: Striped Pillows, White Lumbar Pillow & Japanese Shibori Dyeing Pillow.
Bench Paint Color
Bench is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe with White Oak top.
Leather Pulls: Knoll Sling Leather Pull in Warm beige – similar here & here.
Living Room
What I like the most about these new coastal farmhouse homes is how calm they often feel. You look at this space and it feels gentle, stress-free and it seems to keep you at ease. Nothing is too loud in this room and that’s a pleasant feeling.
Fireplace Surrounds: White matte painted Brick with Gray matte concrete hearths.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Coffee Table: here.
Side Table: here & here – similar.
Rug: here.
On built-ins the builder combined shaker style paint grade cabinets with contrasting White Oak tops and shelves.
Furnishings and Accessories: Aiming for a welcoming and beachy vibe throughout the house, the builder worked in collaboration with the owner and lead designer of Alignments Home Staging to create a casual and collected feeling that complements the finishes and the light-filled spaces in this beach house.
Inspired by this Look:
(Always check dimensions before ordering.
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Paint Color
Interior Paint Color: Walls: Benjamin Moore White, Flat.
Trim: Dunn Edwards White, Eggshell.
This kitchen is full of great ideas! I love this large island and the custom hood. Island paint color is Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. Note: This color looks darker in person than we see in this picture.
Counterstools: here (on sale) & here.
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen Cabinetry: Shaker Style, Face Framed Cabinetry Throughout Three Finishes; white painted around the perimeter and at range elevation, dark gray on island and white oak at buffet elevation and on hood detail.
Range: Thermador – similar here.
This kitchen also features a walk-in pantry with White Oak shelves.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Kitchen Sink: Barclay Gwen.
Kitchen Runner: Vintage – Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Hood
The custom hood range features a “board and batten” detail.
Pot Filler: Rohl Pot Filler Polished Nickel.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White, which is a very crisp white.
Backsplash: Solid slab of honed Carrera marble (to match the countertops) behind the range and v-groove paneling on both sides rather than tile.
Island Lighting
Kitchen Island: Industrial Pendants by Light and Living – Other Industrial Lights: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop is Honed Carrera Marble.
Dining Room
This bright dining room is perfect for family life and entertaining.
Similar Dining Table: here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: here & here.
Kitchen Buffet Cabinet
The kitchen also features this stunning White Oak buffet cabinet. Oak cabinetry was bleached and finished with a clear matte lacquer.
Countertop is Carrara marble.
Cabinet Hardware: Emtek Knobs in Flat Black, Emtek Pulls in Flat Black.
Main Floor Bathroom
This bathroom feels very current. The custom White Oak washstand features a concrete vessel sink by Native Trails.
Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor: Starburst Hex Cement Tile.
Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: 2 x 16 matte white porcelain tile Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Shower Faucet: California Faucets.
Wood Flooring and Stairs: Colonial Collection in Lexington, gray wash wide plank European Oak with custom square edged solid tread stair treads to match – similar here.
Wall Lighting: Boston Wall Sconce in antique nickel.
Stair Light: Serena and Lily.
Homework Station
This home is full of great ideas, including this homework station! The staircase leads to a landing area with a built-in White Oak desk with cabinet. Note the waterfall edge desks and how thin they are. You can add this homework station even to a small area! This space is truly perfect for kids. Pin or save this one!
Upstairs Family Room
This is a cozy place to read to the kids at the end of the day or spend some hours watching your favorite shows on Netflix.
Sofa: here, here, here, here & here – similar.
Coffee Table: Lulu & Georgia – Others: here, here, here & here.
Accent Chair: Wayfair. Other Fun Chairs: here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: here.
The family room also features a media built-in.
Kids Bathroom
Cabinets are Shaker-style face framed with bottom white oak shelves.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – in flat black.
Bathroom faucets are by California Faucets in Polished Chrome.(great quality).
Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Dunn Edwards White.
Mirrors: CB2 – similar.
Sconces: Cedar and Moss in Flat Black – similar here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This home features four bedrooms and four bathrooms. All of them are very spacious and bright.
Headboard: World Market – Others: here & here.
Rug – similar: here, here & here.
Artwork: here – similar.
Pouf: here.
Vanity Paint Color: Farrow and Ball Down Pipe. This is a classic, old-world gray paint color.
Vanity is custom – similar here.
Lighting: RH – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Faucet: California Faucets Wall-Mounted.
Sink: Kohler.
Hardware: Emtek Pulls in Satin Brass.
The shower tub features glass doors.
Faucets: California Faucets.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile:  Elongated Hex Tile – similar here & here.
Second Floor Laundry Room
This laundry room is located on the second floor and it features plenty of storage and workspace.
Countertop is quartz.
Hardware: Knobs in Flat Black, Pulls in Flat Black.
Shelves & Faucet
I love the idea of adding open shelves between closed cabinets. This is often being used in kitchens as well.
Laundry: Kohler Faucet in polished chrome.
Backsplash: 3×12 matte white subway tile.
Master Bedroom
What a stunning space. I love the architectural details of this master bedroom. Notice the White Oak beam and the vaulted ceilings.
Lighting: Sika Design – similar here, here, here & here.
Nightstands – similar: here & here.
Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Pillows: here.
The master bedroom features a fireplace with white matte brick, gray matte concrete hearth and White Oak mantel.
Barn Door
Barn door is painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe – this picture shows the real color of this paint.
Master Bathroom
How gorgeous is this bathroom, right? I really like the layout of the vanities with the tub in the center.
Lighting: Ro Sham Beaux Hemp Wrapped Gail Pendant in Silver – similar here.
Tub: here.
Tub Faucet: California Faucets.
Floor Tile
Floor Tile: Cement Tile Shop Atlas III in Cadet, pacific White and Linen – similar here & here.
Bathroom Cabinetry
The vanities are bleached White Oak with a clear matte lacquer.
Faucets: California Faucets in Polished Chrome.
Lighting: Gambit Wall Sconce.
Paint Color
Paint color is White by Benjamin Moore.
Shower Tile
Shower Tile: Matte Light Gray tile from Coastal Tile and Stone – similar here.
Location, Location, Location
This is the California dream!
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Roof is standing Seam Metal in metallic Galvalume Finish.
Imagine spending your weekends on this rooftop terrace. I wouldn’t complain!
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Garage Door Paint Color
The garage door and the window trim are painted in Farrow and Ball Down Pipe.
Lighting: here.
Home Details
Floor Plan
Thank you so much for being here today, my friends! I hope this post can help you in some way… either to relax you or to inspire with your own home. 
  Many thanks to the architect, builder and interior designer for sharing the details above!
Architecture: Eric Aust Architect (Instagram)
Builder:  Clayton Builders, Inc. (Instagram – Pinterest)
Staging: Janet Ryvin: Alignments Home.
Photography: Ryan Garvin.
Home Bunch Favorites:
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  Amazing End-of-Season Sales!
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  Serena & Lily: Tent Sale Up to 70% off! – Enjoy an Extra 20% OFF. Use Code HOORAY
  Wayfair: UP to 75% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
  Joss & Main: Best Prices of 2018 – Up to 70% Off
  Pottery Barn: Buy More, Save More – 20% Off Sidewide + Free shipping: use Code: HELLO19
  One Kings Lane: Final Days to Save: Take an Extra 20% Off Markdowns with Code OKL20MORE.
  West Elm: Big New Year Sale: 20% Off Your Entire Purchase! Use Code: NEWYEAR
  Pier 1: Huge Sales – Up to 60% Off!
  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 55% Off!!!
  Anthropologie: Winter Tag Sale: All sales at an extra 40% Off! Amazing!
  Build: Bathroom Renovation Sale – Save up to 65%
  Posts of the Week:
2019 New Year Home Tour.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Before & After Home Renovation.
Family-friendly Home Design.
Christmas Inspiration.
Interior Design Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Transitional Home Design.
Newlyweds Home Design.
Family Home Renovation with Casual Interiors.
2018 Norton Children’s Hospital Raffle Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
Neutral Home Interior Ideas.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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dawnjeman · 7 years ago
Beautiful Homes of Instagram
  I started following Kellye, from @mygeorgiahouse, on instagram not too long ago and I was very happy to find her account. She has inspired me with her style almost immediately. Kellye is smart, talented and was willing to work hard to send me all the necessary information about her newly-built house so all of you could see it. I honestly couldn’t be more grateful and happy for having her here with us today!
  “I have been so excited about this feature! I am beyond honored to have been asked to share my home. My name is Kellye and I live in Georgia, North of Atlanta.
In high school, I worked for my father’s residential construction company. I saw him build beautiful homes and I loved to help where I could. Working with him changed the entire trajectory of my life. I didn’t have a specific career goal growing up, but I fell instantly in love with construction. He specialized in kitchen and bath renovation and I learned how to design and build cabinetry.
My husband and I lived in a townhouse when we were first married, but with a growing family we needed more space. Atlanta has grown tremendously the last 10 years, and we could not find a house we wanted for the price. Since we both have construction backgrounds so it was a natural extension to build a house.
We got so lucky with the size of our lot but faced some site challenges along the way. Upon digging for the foundation, we discovered an underground spring connecting to a nearby creek. Luckily, we were able to overcome this obstacle with an engineered solution, but we still have a spring running under our house!”
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram
We had very specifics expectations for our house including a mudroom, a finished basement for flex space, and not to be right on top of neighbors.
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Exterior Paint Color
We chose a traditional craftsman plan. The house is painted with Sherwin Williams Anonymous SW 7046 for the exterior color and Sherwin Williams Shoji White SW 7042 for the trim.  Our shutters are Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze SW 7048.
The porch features wood and stone tapered columns.
Exterior Stone
The stone is manufactured from Premier Stone Products in the ruble style in the color Sierra.
Front Door
Our front doors are Miniwax Dark Walnut.
Double doors open to a beautiful foyer with v-groove plank ceiling.
Ceiling: V-Groove Pine Plank finished with Minwax Stain in Provincial.
Chandelier: Overstock.
Paint Color
Paint color is Sherwin Williams Amazing Gray SW 7044.
Trim- Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008.
Custom Baby Gates
I am loving these custom baby gates. Aren’t they absolutely charming?!
Baby Gates – Sherwin Williams Worldly Gray SW 7043.
Cozy Nook
Paint Color: ” Sherwin Williams SW 7044 Amazing Gray”.
Hardwood Flooring
Flooring- Red Oak Hardwood Flooring- 4” Planks- Minwax Provencial Stain.
Open Feel
The foyer opens to a large great room.
Great Room
What can I say about this stunning great room?! It’s perfect. Spacious, well-designed and completely inviting!
Rug – Overstock.
Curtains: Overstock.
The great room features a stone fireplace with timber mantel. The stone is Premier Stone Products in the ruble style in the color Sierra.
Fireplace Cabinets
Custom grey cabinets flank the stone fireplace.
Cabinet Paint Color
 Cabinets are Sherwin Williams Urbane Bronze  SW 7048.
Sofas are from Overstock.
Console Table
The whitewashed console table is from HomeGoods – similar here, here & here.
Lighting is from Target.
The industrial chandelier is from Overstock.
Paint Color
Sherwin Williams Amazing Gray SW 7044.
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This farmhouse-inspired kitchen features pale gray cabinets, black island and beamed V-Groove Pine Plank ceiling.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 108″ wide
The farmhouse basket lighting shade is a DIY project.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinets Sherwin Williams Worldly Gray SW 7043.
Backsplash Tile
Backsplash is Villa Heirloom Linen Arabesque Porcelain Mosaic.
Pot Filler can be found here.
Similar Backsplash: here.
A similar wreath can be found here.
Kitchen Runner
The kitchen runner is from Bed, Bath & Beyond- similar here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sink & Faucet
The kitchen island features granite countertop and farmhouse sink.
Farmhouse Sink: Overstock.
Similar Kitchen faucet: Here.
Kitchen Countertop
 Countertop is Bianco Bono Granite.
Island Color
The kitchen island and hood are stained with the same product; NGR spray stain in Brown.
Kitchen Pendants
Kitchen pendants before the DIY: Clear Glass Globe Industrial Pendant – similar here & here.
Breakfast Room
Kellye’s breakfast room is inviting and perfect for her family. Wall paint color is Sherwin Williams Amazing Gray.
Lighting: World Market.
Curtains are from Overstock.
Chairs: Wayfair
Breakfast Room Decor
Get the Look:
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Ceiling: V-Groove Pine Plank finished with Minwax Stain in Provincial.
Dining Room
This dining room is perfect for entertaining. Paint color is Sherwin Williams Wool Skein SW6418.
Dining Room Cabinet
Cabinets are Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW 7008.
Dining Room Decor
Table: World Market.
Benches: World Market.
Rug: Target.
Similar Chandelier: here, here & here.
Fall Centerpiece
The natural macrame table runner is from World Market.
I am loving this mudroom with custom grey lockers. Wall paint color is Sherwin Williams Amazing Gray SW 7044.
Lockers- Custom Formula Paint Color.
Mudroom Flooring
Mudroom Herringbone Floor Tile: Ronne Gris Ceramic Tile 8x24” Laid in herringbone pattern.
Farmhouse 1/2 Bath
This farmhouse bathroom features a half wall shiplap wainscoting and stenciled walls. Kellye did both by herself!
The shiplap is 3/16″ plywood and her trim is a full 3/4″ at the bottom.
Master Bedroom
Walls are Sherwin Williams Amazing Gray SW 7044. Gorgeous color!
Master Bath
What an inviting space! Flooring is Ronne Gris Ceramic Tile 8x24”  and paint color is Sherwin Williams Sea Salt SW 6204.
Cabinets: Sherwin Williams Alabaster SW7008.
Wall Tile: Sahara Carrara Marble Tile 6″x24″.
The basement comes fully equipped with a farmhouse-style bar with a shiplap peninsula and grey cabinets. Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams Intellectual Gray SW 7045.
Barstools: Amazon.
Pendant Lights: Here.
Similar Shelves: here.
Shiplap Walls
Walls are Rough sawn shiplap painted with Sherwin Williams Worldly Gray SW 7043.
There’s plenty space in this backyard for Kellye’s kids to run, play and grow.
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Dream Home
A perfect place to make memories and live a beautiful life.
    Make sure to follow Kellye from @mygeorgiahouse on Instagram to see more photos of her beautiful home!
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  This Month’s Best Deals
Wayfair: Up to 70% Off Annual Upholstery Sale!
Pottery Barn: Up to 40% Off on Selected Rugs, Lighting & Bedding!
West Elm: Up to 30% Off on Rugs & Furniture. New Spring Arrivals!!!
Serena & Lily: 20% Off on Custom Furniture. Use Code: COMFY- New Pillows & Rugs!
Horchow: New Spring Arrivals and Many Sales!!
One Kings Lane: Save Up to 70% OFF! Warehouse Sale!
Williams & Sonoma: Up to 50% off.
Nordstrom: New Arrivals!
JCPenny: Winter Clearance 80% OFF
Neiman Marcus: Up to 25% Off Home Decor Sale
Pier 1: Up to 20% Off Purchase.
Joss & Main: Up to 75% OFF!!!
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New-construction Farmhouse with Front Porch.
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Hamptons-Inspired Single Home.
Basement Renovation Paint Colors.
Florida Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
New Construction Modern Farmhouse Design.
Fixer-Upper Renovation.
@camitiffin: Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
French Interior Design Ideas.
New 2018 Family Home Decor Trends.
  You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
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  “Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
Interior Design Services within Your Budget
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“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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