#v's oc: mabel harlow
ginger-grimm · 11 months
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HAPPY (very belated) BIRTHDAY @veetlegeuse [Part 1]
Mabel Harlow Socials
phone template - socials template - coloring
I hope you like it!
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waterloou · 2 years
Merry (very late) Christmas and Happy New Year @veetlegeuse 💕✨
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You mean so much to me and I’m beyond happy you’re in my life and I hope to have u in my life for a long ass time 💕
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ginger-grimm · 2 years
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Mabel Harlow Character Profile for @veetlegeuse
I hope you like it!
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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OC BINGO for @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
Meet the Harlow/Dashwood’s:
Scott Harlow, Father
Rhonda Harlow, Mother - Whereabouts Unknown
Lux Dashwood, Scott’s Daughter, Mabel and Maddox’s Older Half-Sister - Unbeknownst to them
Mabel Harlow, Twin Sister
Maddox Harlow, Twin Brother
I hope you like this!
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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Day 4: Cleaning Up Bottles With You
It was supposed to be a fun road trip to link up with their boys over Spring Break, but when Kippi, Ruby, and Mabel’s car breaks down halfway there, they manage to find an auto shop. Only problem, they walk right into an ongoing hostage situation. With charm and a stolen car they manage to flee, but not without the gangsters hot on their heels. The girls have no idea what to do, but none of them are willing to die and they will fight to make it out alive...and to Miami Beach.
featuring: Mabel Harlow by @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
TAGGING: @hughstheforcelou @firsthorror @eddysocs @raith-way @foxesandmagic @decennia @hiddenqveendom @ocfairygodmother @luucypevensie
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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MERRY CHRISTMAS @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
I know I already gave you a gift but since ‘tis (I, the lesbian at this table) the season, I wanted to make you something else. Once again, I so appreciate and love discussing all things Smosh with you and coming up with things Kippi and Mabel or Teddy, Maddox and Reggie would do. I love hearing your ideas and seeing your creations. Have the greatest Christmas, love ya!
featuring: Kippi Goode and Mabel Harlow, Isaac Lahey and Pidge Kennedy and Teddy Green, Maddox Harlow and Reggie Mantle
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
Scenario: Kippi and Mabel throw a party
So they go all out obviously, though with them no parents are allowed so FP can forget trying to sneak his way in there again.
Of course Teddy is, as always, hesitant to even go because he's just no good at parties but the girls assure him they will create a safe space upstairs where he can retreat when too many kids try to force him to drink.
The girls go all out, they invite everyone except the local demonic redheads. They make a plan to keep everything cool and above board. And then party shenanigans happen.
Dot and Paisley are just drunkenly playing UNO in the bathroom at some point, Maddox and Reggie try to make cookies for Teddy and in their drunken stooper they nearly burn down the kitchen, Veronica, Misty, and Beth compare fashion all night and make plans for the future
And before anyone knows it, the dudebro's have breached Teddy's safe space and gotten him drunk off his face - he plans to rob a bank, no one sees him leave
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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Mabel Harlow and Teddy Green Friendship Moodboard for @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
I hope you like it!
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ginger-grimm · 4 years
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Day 1.5: Double Date
Kippi sighed as she watched Mabel and Reggie walk through the restaurant doors. Paisley shot them a warm smile as Mabel waved at the two. Reggie looked just as contempt as Kippi, somewhat amusing Paisley. The two had broken up a while ago but clearly never got over their issues. "Are you gonna be okay? Or should we just make a run for it now?"
A couple of feet away, Reggie leaned down to Mabel, his fists balled-up tightly. "Was this really necessary? We couldn't have double-dated with anyone else?"
Mabel continued to smile widely at the girls at the table. "We kinda accidentallied ourselves into this one. It would be rude to just not come," she said through gritted teeth. She was ready to have this discussion be over with. It had gone on since Reggie picked her up from home after all. "Just get over it for tonight and next time we'll be more careful when making plans."
Reggie relented. Once his girlfriend had set her mind to something it was going to be done. He was just praying for the awkwardness to be over quickly. The couple sat down at the other end of the table, Reggie forcing himself to smile at them both. "How are you doing, ladies?"
"Great, Reg, thanks for asking. How about you two?" Paisley asked. She could cut the tension with a knife. The young woman knew she'd have to do most of the talking that evening.
"We're doing just fine too, Pais. Thanks for the invitation," Mabel replied, grabbing an untouched menu off the table. "Ooo, they're serving some fine food here, aren't they?"
Paisley nodded. "It's a great restaurant. My mom recommended it to me. Let's just say she knows her fine dining well."
Mabel chuckled. She had only recently met Paisley but the girl seemed nice. Certainly a great match for Kippi. She had noticed her friend was being awfully quiet. Mabel knew she and Reggie had dated in Sophomore year, but it was barely a month. It couldn't have been that bad. Though, maybe it was less about the time period and more about them never resolving their issues.
"Alright you guys, cards on the table," Mabel started, putting the menu down and leaning back in her seat. "You two have unresolved tension and Paisley and I are not gonna sit here the entire night, carrying the conversation while you two awkwardly look on."
"So," Mabel went on, grabbing her purse as she got off the chair. "Paisley and I are gonna powder our noses. And when we get back I want the mood at this table to be breezy."
Mabel grabbed Paisley's hand, the two smirking to each other as they walked off to the bathroom.
Kippi scrunched up her face, giving Reggie a look. "I guess we better do as they say, huh?"
"Don't think they're gonna be happy if they don't," Reggie nodded.
"So there I am at the dance with Dot, looking over at Reggie who's nearly passed out in the damn punch bowl," Kippi explained.
Mabel rolled her eyes. "Jesus, babe."
Reggie bit his lip. Kippi took a swig off her water. "So, of course, I can't introduce him to my gran like that. And then he just up and disappeared. Where the hell did you even go that night, Reg?"
"Moose and the guys and I were gonna drink by the lake," Reggie replied in a "duh" kind of voice.
Kippi scoffed, shaking her head. "As if you hadn't been wasted enough by that point," she said. She waved it off. "Anyways, so shortly after that we called it quits. And that was our tumultuous three-week-long relationship."
"I'm starting to understand the awkwardness between you two," Paisley chimed in.
The group laughed. "Yeah, but I think we have it sorted out now, right?" Kippi asked Reggie.
He nodded, genuinely smiling at her for the first time that night. "We do."
The two clinked their glasses together. Kippi grabbed Paisley's hand. "Look at my sweetheart over here. I know for a fact she planned this. She loves fixing relationships."
Paisley smiled gingerly, taking a swig from her glass. "Maybe."
Mabel pointed at Paisley. "I like you."
"We totally need to do this again at some point," Kippi said. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Dot and Jug, but if I have to end another date night early because they need to go off and sleuth I might just scream."
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TAGGING: @hughstheforcelou​ @firsthorror​ @eddysocs @raith-way​ @foxesandmagic​ @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle​ (Mabel is her OC)
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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@reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle asked: OC’s - Teddy or Kippi - Misty or Joy - Mabel or Maddox
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
how about a playlist of songs mabel and kippi would bop to?
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
Kippi gets locked in school with a killer (think the s1 teen wolf episode) — which four friends would she want with her, what would they do?
Ooof, that's a good one!
Okay, so she would probably want:
Dot or Moses - Level-headed thinking and actually outsmarting the killer
Teddy or Jughead - Know great hiding spots at school
Mabel (@reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle OC) - When she decides to attack, I know these two could take down, say, the Black Hood together with the right tools
Cheryl - To use as bait and make her getaway!
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
okay, i have a few more first meeting questions
less how you think they meet and more what you think it’s like when they meet, but mabel and paisley?
and honestly switching it up and saying maddox and kippi, and mabel and teddy?
So Paisley is usually very open to new people so I feel like when they first meet it's like, Paisley is a little wary cause she knows Mabel can be a roughhouser but then again so is Kippi so she quickly gets over that and the two start having a conversation about Kippi then move on to each other.
When Kippi first meets Maddox she's not quite sure how to feel about him. She can't really stand jocks. But when Teddy is like "No he's totally cool" she starts to trust him cause if Teddy likes someone, she knows it's fine.
So they start making friendly jokes about Teddy and then Kippi realizes he's more than just a jock and then they become friendos.
Mabel terrifies Teddy at first cause he thinks she's kind of intense, but just like with Kippi he gets over this once they first meet.
Teddy brings Mabel her favourite snack and she's like *heart eyes* *new broski* *love him*
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
okay so i told you how i think mabel/kippi and maddox/teddy meet, but i’d love to hear how you always imagined it going down!
Okay! So for Kippi and Mabel I feel as though when Kippi first comes to Riverdale in 8th grade she is very closed off due to being afraid that people will find out about her family. She ends up meeting Mabel in a shared class and they're being partnered up for a project. They're both wary of each other at first but the more they realize how alike they are the more they end up liking each other and then they start hanging out regularly. Mabel, Jughead, and the Teddy are the only friends she has before Dot comes back to town.
For Maddox and Teddy I can see Tina encouraging Teddy to try out for a sports team and him just straight up dreading it. He tries out for the football team and of course all the guys safe for Reggie and maybe Archie and Moose are laughing their asses off at Teddy falling on his face and getting hit in the head with a football. Then Maddox comes in and basically shuts them down. He takes Teddy aside and assures him he did well but that he should probably try out for some other extra curriculars. They end up hanging out at lunch and becoming best friends.
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
i would love to hear any kabel thoughts you have !!!
Okay, couple of headcanons off the top of the dome:
Kippi demands Mabel carry a taser and she even makes her a custom one
Mabel is totally upset when Kippi doesn't get to play Sue and starts a secret hate campaign on Twitter #kevinisabiaseddirector
Kippi lets Mabel sleep over regularly when she needs to get away from everything and Edith lets her get away with it
Mabel never believes that Rebecca killed Jack, Shane and Eva and is a fierce defender of Fitch/Goode family rights
Kippi goes to all of Mabel's track races and watches her cheering during games - literally goes there only for her (and Beth and Veronica)
They support each other in their future careers 100%, future playwrite/actress and her bodyguard with a taser empire
Kippi can be a handful(tradermark), but Mabel knows how to maneuver around her craziness
Mabel proofreads all of Kippi's Blue & Gold articles
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waterloou · 3 years
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A Lifetime of Promises
Co-written by me, @s-s-southsideserpentine @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle & @humangrumpycat
“Queenie gulped as she sat in front of his grave, flowers wilting in her hand as she tried to stop her watering eyes from spilling over.
“Hi papa” suddenly she was 12 years old again. Scared. Cold. Afraid.”
Pallaton Abrejo’s death changed the southside forever...
(Coming soon)
Tag: @kazinejghafa @annibunnysworld @thecaptainsgingersnap @foxesandmagic @raith-way @nikolai-lantsv @lostiintheocean @ocfairygodmother
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