hugsandchaos · 9 months
Credit to the smart @g1ggl3-c4t for the lava lamp belly idea, it was one of the greatest things I’ve ever read and was immediately compelled to write something about it! It took me longer than I would’ve liked to get everything organized, but it’s done!
I wrote this with the Earthbound AU timeline, just in case you get confused. I think about it so often and yet I have so little stories about it. I hope you like it!
V flipped another page in her book and adjusted the reading light next to her so she could see a bit easier. There were large black curtains next to her, but she couldn’t move in front of the window and open the curtains for light since it was still sunset and she couldn’t allow any heat into the cool room. There was a bit of other light in here, but it wouldn’t be enough. That light was from the shirtless drone laying down next to her, one arm covering his belly and the other laying behind his head. Luckily, V was allowed to bring a reading lamp with her into the otherwise fairly vacant room he occupied, so she was able to read happily while she passed the time with him.
V originally came in to check on him because it was early autumn, which meant that the temperatures were starting to get lower than the previous summer, but N was still overheating quicker than in the winter. James wanted someone to stay with him every now and then throughout the day to make sure that he was alright and be there to help him get oil when he needed it, and V volunteered to do so a few hours before the sun began setting. She was allowed to bring a book, a light, and a blanket with her, but was otherwise told to remain quiet so the nocturnal drone could sleep. The heat also explained why he was currently only wearing pants and not his usual coat. It was surprising, though, that his core ran so fast and produced enough heat for him to need his room to be at a cold temperature constantly. Soon enough, though, when the temperature dropped and her friend woke up, he’d put his coat back on.
The room wasn’t just a little cold without the blanket, it was also fairly empty. There wasn’t much compared to the rest of the manor. The room was shaped sort of like and L flipped upside down, except the “stem” of the letter would be shorter, and used to be an old guest bedroom that just never got upgraded. It consisted of a window with thick black curtains to block out light and heat from the sun outside on the wall furthest to the door, a bed against the right wall near the window, a small nightstand, and a rug that only covered most of the room while the far left of the room was wooden floors and practically zero wall decor. After N was brought to the manor by James, there wasn’t exactly room for him in the worker drones’ current living quarters — a problem he’s trying to fix —, so he was allowed to use this one. Plus, he didn’t have much experience socializing with complete strangers and ended up scaring a bunch of the other workers, so no one complained about this arraignment. Currently, N was laid dawn on his back in the far left part of the room to avoid any heat from the carpet, so V was sitting next to him while reading. Given how quiet it is, she’d most likely notice anything happening to him.
V’s eyes continued to scan the page as her mind visualized what was being written.
“Vesper!!!” Stillness called out. The usually dark and uncaring villain yanked his arms out of Soundwave’s grip and made a dash towards the cage carrying the shark-dog hybrid. Upon hearing his voice, Vesper perked his head up from the tightly curled up ball position he was in to hide himself and searched for the source. Stillness reached his cage in seconds, dropping out and wrapping his arms around it, but then cried out in pain and recoiled from the electric shock. He still knelt in front of the hybrid creature with a mixed look of relief and worry. Vesper opened his mouth and began crying again, both out of fear for his own safety and his superhuman’s safety.”Shh, shh! It’s okay, buddy! I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to get you out!” Stillness said.
Soundwave finally caught up to him and began trying to grab his arms again, but Stillness punched him.”No! Let go of me!” He yelled angrily. Vesper wailed and stood up, snapping his jaws and stomping his front feet anxiously. Sensing his hybrid companion’s stress, Stillness turned around while still trying to wrestle his way out.”Don’t worry, Vesper!” He said.
“What are you doing? Why are you talking to the hybrid like that?” Soundwave asked.
Before V could continue reading, she noticed from her friend next to her and looked up from her book. The five semispheres on N’s head were starting to come on, which was a sign of him wake up. They flickered once or twice before they all blinked at once, showing that the systems they were a part of were up and running, and a pair of closed eyes appeared on N’s screen a second later. He didn’t open his eyes just yet, and instead lifted both his arms up to stretched them. He stretched his legs out too, then rested them in the same position as before. Finally, he opened his eyes and noticed V sitting next to him.”Oh, hi, V! Good evening!” N said, greeting her as if it was actually morning.
A small smile made its way across V’s face as N sat up.”Good evening, N. The sun is still out, so if you want to just stay here, that’s probably a good idea.” She said, pulling the blanket back onto her shoulder right after it started to fall off. It might be warm or a “regular room temperature” for N, but she was cold without the heated blanket.“Oh, okay! Uh, you mind staying though? Just to be around?” He asked. He seemed a little nervous asking, but V couldn’t really tell why. This isn’t the first time he’s requested to simply not be alone, and it wasn’t like staying for the rest of her “shift” would be a bother.“Of course.” V replied. N’s tail thumped lightly against the floor, then he laid back down on his back against the chilly wooden floor.“Thank you.” He said. As he laid back down, he crossed his arms behind his head and close both of his eyes to relax for a bit longer. Instead of going back to her book and continue reading (even though it was getting good and Stillness being a good dad to his shark-dog-pup is so wholesome-), V couldn’t help but wonder if she should ask something that’s been on her mind for a while.
She briefly glanced from the pages down at her friend, specifically at the dimly glowing yellow liquid and slowly moving bubbles in what appeared to be his belly. There were plenty of things that were different in his physical design compared to literally every other drone in the building, from his legs and feet, to his long tail, to his arms, and even his head was a little different! But what confused V the most was his belly. It looked a lot like something that used to be created long ago as night light in children’s bedrooms, or just to look nice. She’s seen the pictures from Tessa and James. His belly resembled something called a “lava lamp”. No, it didn’t have actual lava (as far as she knew). It wasn’t made of glass or plastic, but it was definitely clear. Otherwise, V wouldn’t be able to see the liquid moving around in there. She didn’t understand why his belly was like that, but she also didn’t understand a bunch about him. For a bit, she thought it was a little weird that she was curious about someone’s belly, but then again, she was wondering about why pretty much all of his limbs were built the way they were and N seemed okay with answering those questions. He even told her to ask any questions she had and he’d try to answer them the best he could, so in that moment, V decided that now was the time she was actually going to ask.“Hey, N?” She piped up. N opened both eyes and turned his head to look at her.”Yes?” He answered.
“I hope this doesn’t sound rude,” V removed her right hand from her book and reached out to N’s belly, ”but what’s with the belly?” She asked. She poked and lightly stroked his belly to emphasize her point. The contents inside were disturbed and moved away from her fingers, and whatever was holding it all in was surprisingly squishy and a little bit chilly. At the same time, N started laughing and sat up. V pulled her hand away and looked at him slightly surprised that he had laughed like that. N cleared his throat.“That’s a good question. I’m not entirely sure to be honest, but I think it’s my main acid tank. That’s just a guess, though. The main thing I know is that whatever material they used to made the “case”, or my belly, is incredibly hard to puncture, but pretty flexible, so it makes it a little squishy.” He explained. V couldn’t help but think that didn’t explain why he laughed the way he did. It slightly reminded V of herself or others when they’re-!... V held back a smirk from forming. She closed her book and turned her body to kneel right next to him.“Alright. I have another question.” She said. N noticed the change and raised an eyebrow slightly in confusion.“Okay, go ahead.” He said.
“Does this tickle?” V asked. Without anymore warning, she reached one of her hand over to tickle his belly. It hardly took a second before N started to laugh again, but he didn’t really fight back. Instead, he just let her tickle him.”Pfft- Hahahaha!! Yehehehehes, ahahahaha lohohohohot!! Hahahahahaha!!” He said through his laughter. V’s innocent smile quickly turned into a more mischievous grin.”That’s good, because now I can get back at you for helping J tickle me!” She said.
“Wahahahait, whahahahahahat?! Hahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!” N cackled and soon began to lightly push at V’s hand, but it wasn’t enough to actually move her hand away. Other than that, he didn’t make much movement to stop the tickling. V made a mental note of this just in case, but then she was right back to focusing in her revenge. Deciding one hand was way too nice, she put her second hand out and momentarily paused to poking and scribbling so she could grab both side of his belly and squeeze.”Wow, it really is kind of squishy.” She said, trying to tease him. N’s laughter briefly went up an octave and grew a little louder when she squeezed him, and his legs lifted up to protect himself, but he was already leaning back and using one of his arms for support.”And it seems to be your “happy button”. Let’s see how many times I can press it.” V said. She began squeezing his belly repeatedly, the cool material used for it squishing easily up her fingers. N threw his head back and his laughter went up an octave again.”Hahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahaha!! Nohohohot thehehe behehehehelly!! Hahahahahahaha!!” He said through his laughter. The contents inside his belly moved around as he laughed and V tickled him, the bubbles moving around inside.”Hmm, I think “yes, the belly”. It seems to be the perfect spot! In fact, I think I’ll take my time and draw on it a little.” She said. She then noticed something next to N, on the opposite side where she was. His tail was wagging, and definitely not in the way it does when he’s extremely mad. V slowed down the tickling and removed one of her hands while she used the other to trace shapes such as stars.
N’s laughter died down, but he was definitely giggling a lot from the slow tickling.”Hahahaha! Whahahat ahahare yohou drahahawihihing? Pfft- Hehehehehahahaha! ” He asked. V paused to lay down on her belly and continued tracing, using her free arm to prop her head up and act as if she was drawing on paper. Except she didn’t have a pen.”Oh, just random doodles. Stars, dogs, cats, hearts, lightning bolts, stuff like that. Please stay still so I can focus.” She said. N continued giggling as she traced her fingers on his belly.”Buhuhut ihihihit tihihickles! Hahahahaha!” N said. While V was doing this, she thought about her next move. Should she stop? She decided no, since her torture went on longer than this. So what should she do next? She’s already gotten back at J. What did J do that V could do to get back at N?
That’s when she got the idea.
V carried on the drawing act for a few more minutes before stopping and pretending to stretch like she was about to get up.”I’m a little hungry. Maybe I should get some food.” She said to “herself”. N’s tail slowly stopped wagging and V could’ve sworn he looked a little bit disappointed for a second before smiling.”Okay! I’ll just wait right here.” He said, keeping the last of the lingering giggles in. As V pretended to get up, pulling herself to her knees, N stretched as well and laid back down. Now he was basically asking for it! V seized the chance as he was laying back down and wrapped both arms around his abdomen. Her head now rested in the middle of his belly and he looked a little surprised and confused.”Uh, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to get food? If you wanted a hug before you left, you could’ve asked.” He said, trying not to let his growing nervousness show. He had a guess of what she was doing, but he kept thinking to himself that he could be wrong. V took in a deep breath and lowered her head down to lightly press her face against his belly. N realized that he was right in his guess, but it was too late.
“AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! VEEHEEHEEHEE!!!” N threw his head back and laughed loudly as his tail began wagging again. He lifted his legs and lightly stomped them against the ground as he squirmed from the sudden attack. V had her arms wrapped tightly around him, though, so he was pretty much stuck.”Yeah, I’m getting one of my favorite snacks! Raspberries!” V said before blowing another one against his belly. N let out another howl of laughter and hit the floor with a fist.”OHOHOHO MYHYHY ROHOHOHOBOBOBOBO-GOHOHOHOD, IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHO BAHAHAHAD!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” He said. He soon felt V’s fingers also begin to dibble and scratch at his sides, which weren’t nearly as bad as the raspberries, but it didn’t really help either. He looked over at V, who had a mischievous, evil grin on her face.”I think I’ll just have a few more.” She said.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wAAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHOHOHO!!! IHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHORRY!!! PLEHE—AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!!” N stomped repeatedly against the ground and one of his hands was hiding part of his face while the other was busy hitting the floor. He laughed hysterically from the raspberries and squirmed around in futile attempts to escape, but V had a good grip on him and wasn’t going to let go until she delivered the third and final raspberry. She waited until he had calmed down a little to catch him off guard.”Okay, you’ve made your POINT — AAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOHOHOHUHUHU WIHIHIHIN!!! YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” N cackled. V let go and felt pretty proud of herself. N rolled into his side and curled up to protect his belly as his laughter slowly died down to slightly tired breathing, and his tail slowed to a much more subtle wag. V went back to where she was sitting before and picked up her book.“Did you have fun?” She asked.
“No!” N replied. It wasn’t as convincing as he probably would’ve liked, and V thought it was pretty amusing.”Really? Because your tail was wagging the whole time and you never asked me to stop.” She said. She might not see it directly, but she assumed that by the way the wooden floor being ever so slightly more illuminated than before near N’s screen that he was blushing from embarrassment. V covered her mouth to prevent a small laugh from slipping out and embarrassing her friend further, then opened her book to continue reading.
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bellsblargbin · 29 days
Hey ya'll, did I hallucinate it or are we getting MOTHER 1 plushies next year or so from Hobonichi?
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artzchao · 1 year
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Blue Earthbound
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nintendocafe · 8 months
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godcleaverbento · 1 year
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The result of a six fanarts I did, thought that might be the best post to start posting here.
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evanghost · 11 months
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Yea, I like music 😎
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fancypantsrecords · 1 year
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Nobuo Uematsu / Earthbound Papas - Dancing Dad | Dragon Memories | 2023 | Black with White Splatter
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presidentstalkeyes · 11 months
Last night, I had a dream that I completed EarthBound again, and when I came into work the next day for some reason they decided to play Pollyanna over the intercom (at like, 6 AM when barely anyone is in), and if this happened IRL I'd be mortified but here I was confidently sitting on the table bopping along. And then a coworker of mine who just complains about everything apparently recognized the song and bopped along with me. ...That feels symbolic. :V
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
Lucas has been sleepy today, mostly sleeping the day away. He deserved it after the stress this week, not to mention how he had been getting little sleep because of the same reason. The blond has been dreaming a lot today too, with the two boys whom he met during dreaming days ago.
Ness had been wanting to play baseball with Lucas and Ninten. Lucas smiled sheepishly as he learnt how to play, as Ninten was teasing Ness about this skill, which made Ness flustered with a pout. He couldn't help it but... Lucas felt safe here. With them. He felt happy. He honestly wished they could livd outside of his dreams. He'd love to introduce them to his family, to his loved ones in Tazmily.
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hugsandchaos · 9 months
Cyn: Hey, girls, you know that new drone that people have been avoiding because he’s scary?
J: Yeah, what about him?
Cyn: *pulls N into the room* Look, he has chainsaw hands!
N: *chainsaw hands go wrrrr*
V: ...That’s nice...
Cyn: He has RPGs too!
Tessa, V, and J: NO!
???: We just have to take care of the cameras when we get close enough to the house. Easy.
N: Haha, gun hand go BRRRRRRR—
Cyn and N: *ominously standing in a dark corner and watching everyone*
J: Oh god, there’s two of them!
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agaggleofgieegs · 2 years
Loading central core systems………
CPU core POST complete.
Artificial brain POST complete.
Ichor pump ONLINE.
Ichor pressure at 105%
Loading subsystems……..
Locomotion…. ONLINE.
Vision…. ONLINE.
Empire Quantum-Link…. FATAL ERROR.
Quantum-Link connection failed after &e0 tries!
Please contact your systems administrator.
Subsystems loaded! Releasing locomotion locks!
RAID Unit Designation “Reid” is now online!
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articskele · 5 days
Truffula Tree Miku Shows up
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*She holds out her hand to give you.. a truffula tree seed, what do you do?
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She's absolutely starstruck!
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nintendocafe · 1 year
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wpmz · 2 months
playing earthbound for the first time in this current day and age is funny bc nearly every other time i hear a new song in the game i go "oh i've heard this used as background music in a youtube video"
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