#v;┋ʙɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛ [ modern ]
stillsolo · 6 years
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han s. ... interstellar smuggler & best friends with chewie, aka chewbacca, his loving doggo.
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stillsolo · 6 years
A variegated flash veered past, bright on pale lids.  Since neither of them knew what to say, Han dropped his gaze when Ben did, ducking away from the hard dazzle.  Not fast enough.  Han zeroed in on it before that honed restraint could set in, and the vulnerable flash divulged exactly how much Ben missed home ; how they’ve been sharing a mutual regret ; exposed him in the way that lashed out and seized Han’s chest.
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                  Damn.     He’d prepared all morning for this, ran half a dozen phantom conversations in his head, hunting for something that felt close to adequate yet, found nothing but the scrabbling hope that Ben might want to come home.  Forgive him.  Move on from their checkered past.  It didn’t help that things hadn’t worked out with his mother either—but there was nothing they could’ve done to stop that.
                         Say something.  Anything, you idiot.     … // @tornapaart
Points like these were paradoxical, as they were instances he would’ve shunned like hell than to ever experience, no matter how consequential.  They’d wasted enough time by now, hadn’t they?  Ill at ease, Han stroked the back of his neck as a foreign numbness expanded from the core of his gut             he could bear no more.  He grabbed Ben by the arm and pulled his son into a tight embrace.         ❝Hell—I’ve missed you, kid.❞
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stillsolo · 6 years
HE CAUGHT IT.          Without a doubt, Han caught it     the hastened, half-muttered remark, flung to launch him off-course the real issue, likely thought of the odds to ruffle his feathers, toss him into a dither or steer him towards another direction, far away from the actual matter in question and call it off from there.   Not a chance in hell, kid.    The boy’s chin had dipped somewhere along the lines, eyes darting anywhere and everywhere as if he hadn’t thought about what if Han heard him, and yes, Han heard him all right.  Squinting, he straightened up from his work-space to scrutinize his son.
‘Cept, from across the garage, it bordered near distressing to watch the disquiet come alive on Finn’s half-ducked features, imparting an inordinate yearning for either he or Han to take a hike already.  Walking out would only yank at the unwelcome questions, one of the many unflagging facets they were both aware of.  Acknowledged but untouched, such concepts had hibernated somewhere deep and safe with never a sign …
Upon the exacting pull in his chest, Han cursed and set aside his tools.  ❝All right, junior.❞  Han supplied his usual laconic drawl while rubbing his temples, acknowledging his resignation and felt weariness spread into his mind the second he dragged a hand down the middle half of his face, flushing the skin ruddy.  Why here and now, in his garage of all places?  No time to contemplate a better approach …     // @hedefects
For another moment more, Han stood with his hands on his hips and his face turned towards the open driveway, towards chill air and the distant rumble of thunder, his eyes filled with the darkening sky out there as he remembered.  Savored the untainted feel of happy memory, because few things in his life weren’t overcast with the paradoxes of asperity.
              Maybe this’s part of the process, he thought, too fast to stop himself.                           They grow up.    Then, they don’t need you anymore.
❝Let’s talk.  Y’know—’bout the stuff you've been hiding from me,❞  Han gestured vaguely, awkward, and broke off again to make it an outright question.  ❝What the hell ‘s been goin’ on, Finn?  You've been in your own goddamned world ‘n I can't reach you.❞
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stillsolo · 7 years
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                  “   YOU’RE   TOO   SWEET,       HAN, && you’ve obviously been speaking to my husband, since he keeps telling me SAME THING every time.   “        smile spreads on gentle features at her son-in-law,         obviously buttering her up —— right   ???        standing on her toes,      she gently pats with cheek with motherly affection.        ” still,       a kilo here   &&   there won’t hurt   ——   now,        are you hungry   ???           because you know i don’t like it when you come over while hungry   &&   DON’T   SAY   ANYTHING.   “
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                  THERE WERE FEW PEOPLE THAT HAN LOVED AS MUCH AS HIS FIANCÉ,       but if he had to give an immediate answer, there was no one else but Luke's mother.     hunched down so the small woman could reach his face, han chuckled,  a smile playing on his lips,   gentle and warm                GENUINE.     quite a rare sight from a man like him.     ❝   I s’pose I could go for a bite t’ eat.   didn’t have the time to grab lunch b’fore headin’ over here ...  rush hour.   ❞   after shrugging almost nonchalantly,  mirth began to twinkle in hazel eyes as he waited for padmé’s predictable reaction,   well-aware of the TRAP he laid.    since luke was out of town on a university field trip, it was up to HAN to deliver him proper updates ...    ❝   So long as you eat WITH me,  mrs. SKYWALKER.   ❞
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stillsolo · 7 years
( ✉ → sms: han ✨ ) don’t you dare try to sext me, han solo.
( ✉ → sms )  im home.  im alone.  and im horny. ( ✉ → sms )  :(
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stillsolo · 7 years
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the beginning.    [  modern verse ]   2 / ??     /    @recklcsshope
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stillsolo · 6 years
“are they dead? did you kill them?”
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                 ❝‘Killed ‘em’?  Babe, I destroyed ‘em.❞Han grins, well aware of how he aimed for casual and missed it by a countrywide mile.  He just doesn’t care; how can he when things are finally going his way?  Leaning against the counter, Solo cards one hand through chestnut-brown hair, hazel eyes giving Lando an appreciative up-and-down.    ❝And you said I couldn’t close the deal by Thursday.❞      // @ofcloudcities
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stillsolo · 8 years
“Han…”, Poe started annoyed and rolled his eyes eternally. “Do we really have to think about that stuff already? You are not THAT old yet. You can still wip your own ass, can’t you? And if we ever came that far, to the point where you can’t, I can do it for you. No problem.”
Han leered at his lover with favor, grinning at the utterly ludicrous ( and somewhat gross, yet also funny ), mental image.  ❝Well, can’t say ‘m not set for life anymore when I’ve got you, huh?❞  He planted a kiss on Poe’s cheek, then went right back to flipping through the magazine in his lap.  ❝But all jokin’ aside, we need someone competent enough to watch the house while we’re away.  I don’t wanna come back from vacation, just to see our place trashed.❞
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