#v; wakko // you should see our new contracts. ( REBOOT )
musedriven · 3 years
@dollhousemuses​ ; i dew what i want
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“ Dewey! “ the middle Warner wasted no time in pulling the ducking into a hug. his little tail wiggling as his ears perked up. happiness clear in his every feature. “ you got a hat like mine! but ya wearin’ it wrong. “ he is quick to turn the cap backwards as he speaks, not really giving him a chance to talk yet. “ but I thought we were gunna be blue buddies today? Yakko even helped me patch up my hoodie so it looked nice... “ 
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musedriven · 3 years
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@endlcss-entertainment​ said //  "I didn't even know I was a toon." 
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she didn’t? it seemed kinda obvious. but Wakko wasn’t going to judge, they didn’t always know the obvious either. “ hmm... well then I got a lot a stuff to show ya on being a toon. like... uh.... “ where was the family when they were needed. they know how to explain this stuff better than Wakko does. wait, what was that song Yakko sang once? Wakko started humming, trying to remember the words so they could pass them on to the new toon. “ from this bag here, why, I can pull most anything imaginable “ they sang, remembering only parts of the song. it was a good enough start for now ay least. “ yea! my grab-bag here is one of my favorite things, it helps me show off my prop humor better than the props! mostly because it supplies them... like when someone’s not payin’ attention I can pull out a banana and let them find the peel. “ 
they glanced around to make sure their siblings weren’t in range. “ they tend to peel out after I finish my snack. “ 
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musedriven · 3 years
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@endlcss-entertainment​ said //  "And then I kept on waiting for six thousand years. Around that anyway. I was so focused on her coming back that I stopped counting after that." 
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that was a tale far too familiar. so many years of just themselves and their siblings trapped in their tower. so many decades of isolation all because they didn’t succeeded in ratings like the other shows did. till of course they managed to get rebooted by Hulu. their ears flick back and their fangs are bared as they listen to her story. “ she sounds like a real jerk. ya don’t just leave your mate’s behind. ever. I don’t like her. “ 
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musedriven · 3 years
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@petalsxfallen​ said //  “You’re weird kid but you’re also hilarious. You can stick around for a bit.” 
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“ oh boy! we should get lunch to celebrate this new friendship! I got lots more pranks I can show off. “
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musedriven · 3 years
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ANON mailed in //  Writes fanmail for Wakko until hands are sore and sends them over. (Plus some snacks and sweets)
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more fanmail? oh boy! the middle Warner was so excited at this sudden change of pace. maybe people liked them after all! especially if they are kind enough to send in so many, all addressed by the same person. Wakko was going to have to write them back to thank them for all the yummy treats. and maybe ask for a few specific ones though they weren’t sure how well that would go. not everyone had access to the good treats and it was enough just getting the letters. each one read and reread until the sun rose. a few even painted red to mark that he read them already. this was the best fanmail time ever! 
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musedriven · 3 years
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ANON said //  Dear Wakko, that anon is a LIAR you're a very fun and lovable person and personally my favorite Warner, you deserve a hug and a cake and the entire world and more, please don't believe them 💜
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a letter? for him? that he didn’t write himself? his tail was wiggling so fast behind him. this person liked him the best? but, why? their siblings were the better Warner’s. but they also deserved all the world? and a cake? and more than the world and a cake? two cakes did sound pretty good right now. but he still wasn’t completely convinced. even if he did tuck the letter into his hat for safe keeping. his first fanmail! just for him! “ the world’s a big thing to have. I don’t know where i’d store it... “
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musedriven · 4 years
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“ oh boy! a dog pile! “ their tail wiggles with excitement as they watch the action. quickly bounding over to join in -- and get their spot on the middle of the pile of course. what better place to be than squashed between friends? 
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musedriven · 3 years
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ANON memed //  Your the least favorite Warner they should just replace you
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they knows this already. their siblings get all the fanmail and he’s gotta write his own just to keep them from realizing how bad it is. how little the world wants him. at least they got fans trying to keep them from the water tower, but him? he has nobody out there. if he didn’t write himself letters then maybe his siblings would notice too. maybe they’d realize what he already did. that the only reason they were locked up at all was because they didn’t wanna leave him behind. how many times has he woken up terrified that his siblings wouldn’t be there? 
he sniffled, rubbing at his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. they should just replace him. Yakko has all the charisma and charm. Dot’s got the intelligence and cuteness. both are funnier than him. both are the best at their humor and pranks. Dot’s the fan favorite, she’d make a killing doing what ever she wanted if given the chance. Yakko has all the real talent, he sings the best songs and has the most clever lyrics. he was just a nobody if he didn’t have them at his side. they never would have even known he existed if not for his siblings having to carry his weight around. maybe he should leave before they had a chance to replace him. that would hurt worse than just leaving them first.
how many times too had people told him that he wasn’t wanted? that he should be replaced? more times than he has mallets, considering this time the shadow doesn’t get hit. black eyes welling up with tears as he curls up around himself. hiding in his hoodie as best he could. didn’t anybody out there like him? maybe he really should just go. stop bothering everyone and weighing them down. especially his siblings. they’d be better off. everyone keeps saying so. and everyone couldn’t be wrong, could they?
“ m’sorry.... “
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musedriven · 4 years
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they’re whining softly, rubbing their poor tail. the jerk who stepped on it has a flat foot now but it didn’t make their tail hurt any less. “ why’s it so hard to look where ya goin’? just ‘cus i’m small doesn’t mean ya can walk on me.... “
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