#v; BabyBird
the-arcade-doctor · 9 months
v v - Oh, but babybird...
- "Dashes" -
[ i-- uh.. mn.. i... haven't figured that part out yet!....,.,.., she has me wrapped around her finger, AAAAAAAAAAAAA. ]
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ladytauria · 11 months
for the get to know your fic writer ask game!! i picked a lot but you are not obligated to answer them all haha
4, 10, 18, 26, 35, 55, 72
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
anywhere & everywhere!
my two most recent fic ideas were each inspired by a line from a fic. the last fic i posted was inspired by a headcanon i have, and for my current wips... two are prompt fills for jaytimweek (one from '22 & then one from '23 xD); one is inspired by a post from unhingedao3tags on twitter; & then the other two are inspired by daydreams i had!
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
so i decided to search the entire folder~ the first one that came up is one i've shared quite a few snippets for lately, so i decided to pick a different one. specifically, my vampire!tim wip, which i started purely because i thought of the following dialogue exchange (& a further conversation that's too long to paste for this) & it made me laugh
“Seriously, babybird, what are you, some kind of vampire?” This time, the pause [in typing] is longer. More deliberate. Tim turns his head until he can see Jason—arm propped up in the back of the computer chair, looking down at him with something like fond exasperation. Normally, this is enough to warm his chest, send his heart skipping a beat, despite how familiar the sight is becoming. This time, though, incredulity swallows the symptoms of his crush. “Uh… yes?” Jason blinks at him. “You’re fucking with me,” he says. “…no?” Tim raises an eyebrow. Jason blinks at him again; honest confusion painted all over his face. Tim ignores the little thrill he gets from being able to see Jason’s emotions unguarded. “You… really didn’t know?”
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
i title my fics as soon as i have a decent idea xD if it was inspired by a song lyric or quote or random phrase, it has a title from the start; sometimes i come up with one during; but i think most of the time i end up titling them after.
if i don't already have a title in mind, i usually end up coming up with one based off of a line or section of the fic~
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
probably "you know just what i need" because like... i had the idea one morning as i was waking up, came downstairs, and ended up writing half of it that first day. it took about a week, maybe two after that before i had the second half done, but... idk. it's probably the quickest i've ever written a fic over 2k words XD
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
blanking on an answer for this one, tbh. writing villains is not my strong suit!
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
of all the characters i write for, my favorite is either the mermaid from voiceless, or the mc of my original novel~ (also v fond of a couple of the side characters lmao)
of fanfic specifically... i default to jason's pov a lot, but a lot of my favorite lines have come from tim's pov~
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
usually it goes-- blurb the fic, write any scenes that pop out to me during the blurb (or which inspired the fic), and then write the fic beginning to end, inserting any prewritten scenes as they come up.
however, for two of my current wips, i've deviated. one of them, i skipped over the beginning, & only recently added it in xD & then for the other, i wrote the beginning & end before the middle. so... it varies? xD
[ get to know your fic writer ask game ]
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
BABYBIRD has Announced ‘The Bad Old Man’ UK Tour
Johnny Depp’s way into Baby bird was through the band’s eighth top 40 hit “Bad Old Man”, a track that made him go onto play guitar on two albums and make a million-dollar video for the song “Unloveable”. The video touches on all sorts of darkness — incorporating all the things that make a short promotional film virtually unplayable on mainstream platforms. But that was never the point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxrYcTgATaM The point is that Babybird’s writer and singer Stephen Jones has never done anything for commercial ends. He’s not that clever. Any success or fame he got crept up and stabbed him in the back, but luckily with a kid’s rubber knife and merely agitated him into doing something way more interesting. To tickle out different reactions and emotions from the listener. Using dark matter, or a sweet sourness to stop listeners in their tracks. All laid on a bed of what hopefully is always extremely catchy music. He still writes as he always has, since those Babybird lo-fi albums of 1995-6, continuing to work on his 150th album release in just 10 years. Going upstairs into the smallest bedroom of his house, or studio as his family laughingly like to call it, Jones is at home with just one laptop, a few barely fully strung guitars and a piano. With his headphones on, all that can be heard is Jones tippy-tapping annoyingly on a plastic two octave keyboard. https://twitter.com/EPICNorwich/status/1543882430813294593?cxt=HHwWgsC--YK5_OwqAAAA “Bad Old Man” was basically written like that too: as a demo, then blown up by the band. It is possibly Stephen Jones’ favourite song, especially live. Praised at the time of its 1998 release by Melody Maker, Time Out and Smash Hits, it was Jones’ greatest pleasure that the track got into the top 40, with lines like “he drowned his stepson in the duckpond” and “he hid razorblades in the ice cream” making it even more subversive than “You’re Gorgeous”. Now, Babybird is bringing “Bad Old Man” back to UK audiences with a string of UK tour dates this Winter. Kicking off in Southampton on 30 November, the tour will see stops across the country as the pioneers of critical pop bring their charming wit and innovative sound to audiences across the nation. Full dates and details below. BABYBIRD THE BAD OLD MAN TOUR 2022 NOVEMBER 30 - Southampton, Joiners w/ Ian Prowse DECEMBER 01 - Birmingham, O2 Institute3 w/ Ian Prowse 02 - Sheffield, O2 Academy2 w/ Tony Wright (Terrorvision) 08 - Nottingham, Rescue Rooms w/ Ian Prowse 11 - Newcastle, Cluny w/ Tony Wright (Terrorvision) Tickets on sale Friday 8 July 2022 For tickets> https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/search?aid=32297&user_input=babybird&q=Babybird&tm_link=tm_header_search Read the full article
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richbastardbat · 2 years
-sniffling, looking exhausted and paler than usual- "I'm okay. Just a stuffy nose. I can still go on patrol, I promise."
"Son," Bruce gently patted Jason's head. "You have a fever. You need to go lay in bed." He touched the back of his hand to his Jason's head. "Come on, kiddo." He gently lifted Jason into his arms. "No, patrol for you tonight, sweetheart."
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lxvebun · 3 years
hi!! if you have time and want to, I’d love some hcs of Dabi and Hawks as boyfriends (separately)!! like, their favorite things to do with reader, domestic activities they like, pet names they use, etc.🥺🥺 thank you so much!! I hope you’re having a lovely day!!💜💜💜
Boyfriend Dabi & Hawks
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A/n hi angel thank you for requesting its so cute<3 im not very proud of this one and its a little short but I hope you like it<3
English is not my first language so im sorry for any mistakes
Cw GN!reader, dabi calls you doll,babydoll,bunny. Hawks calls you angel, dove, babybird. Cursing, fluff, Not proofread.
-♡ To many people's suprise, Dabi is honestly such a good boyfriend. He's fully committed to you and your relationship.
-♡ Dabi's favorite nicknames for you are babydoll,doll and bunny. He uses these because he thinks they are cute, just like you
-♡ Dabi is happy with any nickname you give him Cause it came from you. You could call him crispy bacon and he would be like💞💕💓💘
-♡ He adores it whenever you wear his clothes. He doesn't understand why it gets him so much, but everytime you walk around in one of his hoodies he gets so warm and fuzzy all over. Expect lots of Dabi cuddles when you wear his clothes.
-♡ dabi really likes cooking with you...well more so watching you cook. He mostly just sits on the counter and hands you things, but he's helping okay! May or may not try to cook stuff with his quirk. Please have a fire extinguisher
-♡Dabi L O V E S slow dancing, and he's really good at it. He also wants to slow dance with you at the most random times. You're busy doing some work or chores and he would be like:" Ah,yes, this is the perfect moment" and then he sweeps you off your feet. Smooth mf that he is, expect to be dipped down and kisses a lot<3
-♡your boyfriend Dabi? You mean your personal heated blanket? He is perfect for cold winter nights. With Dabi you're never cold anymore.
-♡Dabi goes completely soft at the way you're so gentle with him. He turns into a puddle everytime you kiss his scars
-♡Dabi has a few golden staples that he rarely wears, but the one time he did you loved it! So even when he's wearing his normal ones, he keeps a golden one just for you<3
-♡ dabi always carries around a little polaroid picture of the two of you in his pockets. It's his good luck charm!
-♡whenever you're a little upset, Dabi likes to distract you by doing little tricks with his quirk. Your favorite trick is when he holds your hand and makes his fire dance around it (without burning you ofc)
-♡Dabi never believed in soulmates until you came along. He loves you so much and you make him super happy<3
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-♡ keigo, sweet boy, he's so in love with you,it's adorable!
-♡ hawks favorite petnames for you are angel, dove and babybird
-♡ hawks gets so flusterd when you call him babybird back😭 please keep going
-♡Hawk's is very protective of you. he gets incredibly anxious if he doesn't know you're okay, So he always leaves a ton of feathers around your house in case you need him. You find his feathers EVERYWHERE! In your pillow, your closet, kitchen cupboards and drawers. How he still has feathers left, you don't know
-♡please also have one of his feathers on you when you go outside. If he finds out you went outside without one, he might pass out.
-♡cuddles so many cuddles. He gets a little grumpy when you're too busy for cuddles, and you can tell that he's grumpy by the annoyed flaps his wings give
-♡when you finally crawl into his arms to cuddle, he's not letting you go for hours. He needs to make up for the lost time of course. He even wraps his wings around you to make sure you stay. It feels very warm and safe<3
-♡Keigo loves to sing, and if he is not singing, he's either whistling or humming a little tune. Please sing with him. It does not at all matter if you're good or not, he will still get extremely happy when you join him
-♡if you happen to be walking around the areas he is patrolling, he will not leave you alone. Whenever you tell him to go back to work he comes up with different excuses everytime.
"Just making sure you as a civilian are alright!"
"You look like trouble, im just keeping an eye on you;)"
-♡if there is an actual emergency he will leave you alone to deal with it, but don't think you got rid of him lol you just act as motivation to finish quickly so he can fuck off back to you
-♡Keigo has never felt so loved before. you make him very happy, and he is ready to spend the rest of his life with you<3
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Thank you for reading bunnies<3
♡navigation♡ ♡requesting info♡ ♡blogrules (byf/dni)♡ ♡Hawks masterlist♡ ♡Dabi masterlist♡
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aceofshitposts · 3 years
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! This wasnt actually what I initially planned and it technically... isn’t v-day themed but it DOES feature idiots in love so that’s good enough, right? No beta we die like robins okay hope you enjoy! (will probably throw this up on ao3 tomorrow too)
ALSO a reminder that you can totally send me prompts for little drabbles/ficlets!! a sentence or dialogue or just an au you think might be cool (i adore aus) or if you just wanna say hi!
Jason's not stupid. It's just that. Things can sneak up on you sometimes, okay? They all have that habit of getting lost in the details or not looking for what isn’t expected. And boy, is this not expected.
"Please," Tim is imploring in the same tone a child asks their parent for a candy bar at the grocery store checkout, "Bruce isn't even going to be there so you don't have to worry about him."
That's. Really not the problem. The problem is Jason has no idea why Tim is asking him, of all people. Not that he doesn't like hanging out with Tim, as a matter of fact he probably likes it too much. Seeking Tim out had become a bad habit, if he’s honest, that has escalated from working on cases together to eating meals after patrol and even occasionally meeting up during the day to whisk Tim away from the office for a proper lunch.
They're friends, right? But that doesn't explain why Tim is inviting him to an important social gathering and not, say, one of the Titans if he needs a second that badly. Hell, Dick or Stephanie are better choices than Jason is. Asking Jason is. Is. It’s-
It feels a little like Tim’s asking him on a date. Which is absurd for all kinds of reasons, least of which is that Tim doesn’t like Jason like that.
"Why are you asking me?"
Jason winces. That sounded harsh even to him and the way Tim’s expression goes from distinctly hurt to completely closed off has Jason cringing even more.
“Okay,” Tim says, turning towards the open window.
“Okay?” Jason repeats, already forgetting that Tim hasn’t answered his question.
“Mhmm, don’t worry about it,” he says in a tone that suggests Jason should absolutely worry about it.
With that Tim slips out the window and into the early Gotham morning, leaving Jason with an extra breakfast burrito that they’d never even got around to eating before Tim had… whatever the hell that had been. Jason stares at the open window for a moment more, the wind blowing a napkin into his face, and decides he’ll deal with it after sleeping.
“What the hell did you do??”
If the sound of Jason’s bedroom door violently hitting the wall didn’t wake Jason up then Stephanie’s indigent yelling would have done the job just fine.
“What the hell do you want?” Jason asks, then shoves a pillow over his head in the vain hopes she will go away.
“Get up!”
The covers are pulled from his body which wouldn’t be so bad if this didn’t also give Stephanie better access to punch him squarely in the stomach. Jason snarls, leaping out of bed to tackle Stephanie to the floor. They grapple around on the floor for a while, Stephanie succeeding in nailing Jason in the throat with an elbow and pinning him to the floor.
“What,” she says pointedly, “did you do to Tim??”
Jason wheezes, only half due to the pressure still on his throat. Stephanie stares down at him furiously.
“I have no idea what you mean,” Jason says hoarsely. 
Stephanie’s eyes narrow.
“Well, you better figure it out because he showed up at my apartment and has spent the entire morning moping under my blankets and obsessively redesigning Redbird on his tablet.”
Stephanie gets up in one smooth motion then offers a hand to help pull Jason up from the floor. Jason rubs at his sore throat giving Stephanie an incredulous look.
“I dunno what his problem is; he asked me to some fancy dinner and I just asked why he wasn’t asking you or whatever-”
“You what?”
“What! What did I do?”
“What did you do??” Stephanie shrieks in lieu of answering the question. “You have to be joking.”
When Jason just stares at her for a good minute Stephanie’s expression breaks and she starts laughing.
“Oh my god, please tell me you got dosed with something from Ivy or took a blow to the head recently,” she wheezes through her laughter. “Oh, noo, this is too stupid.”
“If you’ve figured out whatever is going on, could you clue me in?” Jason implores which only makes Stephanie laugh harder.
“Nope!” she says, popping the P, “this is too fucking funny. You’re on your own, bro.”
Before Stephanie leaves she makes sure to steal some of Jason’s leftovers and laugh at him some more, giving a two fingered salute as she leaves through the same window Tim had earlier that morning.
Over the course of the day Jason tries to busy himself cleaning his weapons and kitchen but he just end up stewing in the echoes of Stephanie’s laughter. He’s slumped on the couch rereading the same paragraph of a random paperback he’d grabbed when around four in the afternoon he receives a text from Cass that’s just a smiley face. It’s the only warning he gets before Tim comes stumbling through his window, laptop tucked under his arm.
“Okay, so, I’m still mad at you,” Tim starts, which is great, “but I want you to watch this.”
He sets his laptop down on Jason’s coffee table and maybe Jason can finally find out what this is all about.
On Tim’s laptop screen he opens what looks like a power-point presentation, and isn’t that just incredibly Tim, with the title: “Reasons We Make A Good Couple and Shouldn’t Break Up”.
Back up.
“Break up??” Jason asks incredulously.
Tim’s head whips around to look at Jason, the slide on the screen changing to a picture of the two of them in uniform at the local 24 hour diner, probably taken by the waitress and posted on some social media platform, Tim reaching across the table to snag a piece of Jason’s bacon. It’s got several heart emojis all over it.
“You- yes? Isn’t that?” Tim sputters suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
“To break up don’t we have to date first?” Jason asks in a rush before his brain has really caught up with the situation.
Tim gets impossibly more red, muttering, “oh my fucking god,” while slamming the laptop shut. He runs a hand through his hair, looking as nervous and off kilter as Jason currently feels.
“I’m. I’m so sorry, Jay, I thought-” Tim starts rambling, words flowing together into an incoherent string while Jason’s brain tries desperately to parse what’s happening.
Like a lightbulb finally turning on in the middle of the night, Jason understands.
“Tim. Are we dating?”
Tim stops, jaw audibly snapping shut. He looks at Jason for all of two seconds before his gaze darts away miserably, looking at the floor.
“Yes?” he ventures, sounding unsure. “I just. I assumed you wanted to take it slow.”
Jason can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes his throat.
“Do I look like I do anything slow, Babybird?”
Tim growls in frustration, throwing his hands in the air and then pointing an accusing finger at Jason.
“We go out all the time! I hang out in your apartment! But whenever I’d try to initiate something more, you’d back off! I was trying to be considerate!”
Oh holy shit. Stephanie is right, this is stupid. Jason had thought he’d been projecting his own desires onto Tim, that there was no way Tim would want to be close to him like that. Even after all this time, Tim still finds ways to surprise Jason.
“Well, this explains why Stephanie punched and then started laughing at me this morning,” Jason laughs while draping an arm over his eyes. They really were Batman’s kids if their complete inability to communicate like normal people was anything to go by.
“God, Jason, I am so sorry,” Tim says, dropping down beside Jason on the couch with an oof. “I never should have assumed anything.”
“Hey, Babybird?” Jason shuffles over so he can throw his arm over Tim’s shoulders.
Tim startles, looking at Jason with wide blue eyes.
“Shut up and let me kiss you.”
Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes Jason is stupid. But he can at least find solace in the knowledge that sometimes Tim is also. Besides that, Jason tells himself, what really matters is that they got their shit together in the end. Even if that realization is undoubtedly going to come with a large amount of their family all pointing and laughing at them for being idiots.
“So,” Tim ventures after they’ve spent half an hour making out on Jason’s couch, “does this mean you’ll come with me to the dinner?”
Jason muffles a laugh against Tim’s collarbone and says, “yeah, sure I’ll come.”
“Okay, cool, cool. We’ve got to be there in an hour then.”
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naokik1016 · 3 years
S/o with a quirk similar to his | Part Three
I wake up in an unfamiliar place, in unfamiliar clothes and next to a kinda familiar person. Burnt skin and many staples complimented the body of the  dark haired male. He looked down at me with his beautiful turquoise eyes that I have a good memory of.
???: Hey little birdie, had a nice rest, considering that you very much like my heat
I eye the dark haired male, before darting out of the bed, down the hall and to a room that seems like a bar, considering the rows of drinks and liquors that sat on the shelves.
A figure appeared from behind the bar, black mist covered their body and yellow slits appeared as eyes. Another person sat in one of the bar chairs, light blue hair fell upon the person’s shoulders, they turned towards me and gazed at me through the fingers of a hand the covered his face from my view.
Y/n: Y-you’re Shigaraki, leader of the, l-league of v-villains...
The light blue haired male sighed and spoke in a scratchy voice.
Shigaraki: Good, you know who I am, I didn’t really want you here, considering that you’re not really known to all of Japan, so I don’t really have a motive to kill you, but as long as you don’t get in my way, you fine
???: Chill out Shiggy, she’s not gonna be anywhere near you or your plans that always fail
The dark haired emerged from the hall and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
I pushed the arm away and bound over to the other side of the room, away from the taller male. Cold sweat ran down my back, but then, my mind flashed to a certain person.
Y/n: Where’s Hawks? Where is he?
My feathers appeared on my forearms, the two men laughed.
Shigaraki: That’s cute, a weak hero threatening us, Dabi you have such poor taste
Dabi: I would like it if you don’t complain about my taste, hell you probably don’t even have taste
While the two men chatted, I carefully walk past them and to a door, trying to open it.
A spine-chilling laugh echoed out from the hall, stopping me in my tracks. A girl emerged from the hall, amber eyes bore through at mine. She smiled at me with sharp canines. 
???: How lovely, when one burnt toast asks me and Twice to go do something for him, he almost lets the girl leave because he was distracted by Shiggy
Dabi threw a glare at the girl, but she bounded over to me and threw her arm over my shoulder
Toga: Himiko Toga, nice to meet ya, oh yeah, don’t listen to these losers, they suck. Oh and don’t worry about your little boyfriend, he’s fine, just missing some feathers
I quickly push Toga away from me, she stumbled into Dabi, who stumbled into a wall. My feathers appeared again, and this time I pull one of my feathers out and harden it into a small blade.
Y/n: I swear to fucking hell, where the fuck is my damn boyfriend, if I see one god damn cut, bruise or scar on him, I’m letting loose..
Toga got up, her hand favored her head, she rolled her eyes at me.
Toga: Geez, you’re scarier than you look... Look, I would let you go see your precious boyfriend, but Dabi on the other hand, won’t allow you to see him
She spoke out of pity, it disgusted me, it made my blood boil. 
Shigaraki: This is getting boring, Kurogiri, put her to sleep
The misty figure behind the bar moved, its arm extended towards me, I tried to back away, but my back only met a wall. 
The black mist quickly enveloped my body, it made my head spin.
Y/n: T-too much...
My conscious faded, my body fell limp on the floor, the black mist disappeared from around my body. The trio looked down at my limp, frail body. 
Shigaraki: Good, now tie her up, I don’t want a pro hero roaming around freely..
Toga: Geez Shiggy, and you don’t even feel bad for the poor girl??
Shigaraki: All pro heroes are bad, no matter how good they can act, they’re still bad in my book
Dabi rolled his eyes and went over to me, he scooped me up in his arms and walked back to his room. Gently placing me on his bed, he took out a pair of handcuffs don’t question why- and cuffed one of my hands to the bed post.
Dabi: If only you just listened back then, then you wouldn’t even be in this situation right now...
With Hawks...
I woke in an unfamiliar place, in unfamiliar clothes and saw an unfamiliar person. I tried to flex my wings, but most of my feathers were gone.
Hawks: Where the fuck am I? And where’s my babybird??
???: Cool your jets bud, I don’t know who babybird is, but if you’re talking about (pro hero name), then she’s fine, the LOV taking care of her
The masked person was polishing a blade, not really caring that the #2 hero was in front of him. I growl in defeat, trying to flex my wings again, but got the familiar feeling that my feathers weren’t entirely gone, they were just missing from my wings.
I muster up most of my strength and gather up most of my missing feathers, the person noticed how much my wings grew and immediately panicked. I look up at them with a smirk as my feathers cut me free of my bonds.
The person laid on the floor, I brush off the dust that was on the clothes I wore and opened a door that the person was standing by, it was a closet that contained some of my clothes, along with an insane amount of cleaning supplies and masques.
I change back into my clothes and fly up to a balcony window, a single feather smashed through the glass and a cool breeze flowed through.
Hawks: Wherever you are, I’ll find you, even if I have to kill everyone that gets in my way..
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softmothprince · 3 years
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more bird man.
Keigo is hiding something, she can tell by the way he is grinning at her with both hands behind his back like an innocent school boy waiting for the teacher to notice him. His honey gaze is sweet, yet holding a darker tint. She stares at him for a minute, before sighing and turning away from her messy desk.
“Alright, you got me, what do you have?” She asks, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed.
He perks up with a happy chirp, eagerly walking closer with a pep in his step while pulling a little velvet bag from the pocket of his hoodie. He nudges her arm so that she stands up and plops into the rolling chair, pulling her back into his lap after. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he slowly pulls something out of the tiny bag.
He dangles it in front of her eyes, seeing that little intriguing glint appear. She takes it from him, rolling the velvety feeling toy between her fingers and tilts her head. Keigo continues to nuzzle the side of her head, small chirps ticking his lips as he waits for it to click. And sure enough, he can tell when it does.
Her breath hitches, cheeks turning red, along with shifting in his lap. He traces shapes over her thigh with his fingertips, leaning into her ear.
“If you can wear this all day without cumming, I will be at your command for the next few days.” He explains as she looks over the toy again, locking his hands together in her lap.
“And if I lose?” She asks, glancing out of the corner of her eye. “What do you get?”
“Now that would be spoiling the fun~”
The deadpanned look she gives him makes him chuckle.
“You say that as if you’ve already won, birdbrain.”
He makes a wounded sound, placing a hand on his chest. “You wound me, baby bird!”
It’s only been two hours and already she can feel the inside of her panties and down her thighs are wet with sweat and slick. She noticed how Keigo would sometimes walk a few paces back so there was a small bit of distance between them, and then suddenly crank the vibration rapidly.
A few times she stopped and had to lean against a wall or stop at one of the seating areas. Thankfully, the mall was almost empty and she’s managed to avoid people asking if she was alright. After walking for another ten minutes, she realized that he was almost… herding her somewhere.
When they reach a nearly secluded area of the mall, he suddenly grabs and yanks her inside of a single person bathroom. The door slams shut behind the and he locks it swiftly before cranking the vibration that makes her actually cry out and knees buckle under her.
“ACK! Pl-plea-ASE!”
He lowers the hertz and squats in front of her, hooking his finger under her chin to tilt it up and stares into her glassy eyes. They flutter and pinch, body trembling as she feels his gentle touch.
“You want to cum, babybird? You know what will happen if you do.” Keigo purrs, leaning closer to press a teasing kiss to the corner of her lips.
She grunts, jerking away from him and tries to stand- only to suddenly be shoved back against the bathroom wall. Her legs are shoved apart, bottoms being yanked down to expose her sopping wet cunt. Keigo’s pupils expand when her smell fills his nose and he nuzzles against her v-line, exhaling slowly over the glistening flesh.
“Fuck, you smell so good.” He mutters, verging onto a growl, as he slowly grabs the dangling bit for the toy and pulls it ever so gently. “New challenge: you keep from cumming right now, you win.” He finally growls, covering the sticky wetness with his mouth.
He licks and suckles on her clit, running his right hand comfortably up and down her leg that was tossed over his shoulder and his other hooked around her ankle- where her leggings and panties pooled. She covers her mouth with the fabric of her hoodie (definitely Keigo’s at one point), muffling the high pitched moans and keens.
Face flushing deeper whenever one noise is too loud, she squeezes her eyes shut so as not to see the burning honey gaze below them and the mess over his face. Even after being with the pro-hero for a while and having gotten used to his high sex drive, his babybird was still so shy and cute.
Keigo rakes his eyes along her heaving stomach and barely covered breasts, finding her face covered and eyes shut. He growls into her cunt, tongue diving deep into her hole and the bridge of his nose rubbing her clit. The vibrations cause her hands to shoot down from her mouth, tangling into his hair and messing up the blonde strands.
"Kei… go…" She pants, legs trembling as she struggles to keep standing.
He pulls away briefly, moving the hand that held her leg up to rub on her clit. He keeps the pace slow and teasing, wanting to drive her slowly insane from pleasure.
"Are you going to cum from just my tongue, baby bird? My little slut?" He grins, a canine dipping into his bottom lip. “You gonna let me win?”
A small, almost delirious giggle bubbles from her lips. She tugs at his hair, tilting his head back slightly to peer at him with a shaky smirk and say: “You wish, daddy.”
Another deep, guttural growl erupts from his chest and echoes around them. He tosses her other leg up and over his shoulder, now being the only thing keeping her against the wall and dives back in. She yelps and cries out, voice cracking. Keigo is feral, growling and moaning into her cunt as his hand goes down and runs over his clothed cock.
He undoes his belt and slides a hand in, stroking his dick in time with his tongue. Her nails scrape at his scalp, head knocking back against the wall and muffled howls of pleasure pouring out of her mouth as she quickly shoves the material of her hoodie back into her mouth.
“Better be quiet, wouldn’t want our fun to end too quickly would we?” He laughs when she kicks her heel into his back in reply. 
Even when secluded in a bathroom towards the back of the mall where no one frequented, the miniscule fear of being caught still hung over her head. Though, that thought is swiftly driven away when long fingers prob at her pussy, two of them pushing in easily. She tries to push him back, to stop the sudden stimulation-
“Just let go, baby bird. You know I won’t stop until you’re fucking crying.” He murmurs, moaning when her nails sink into the skin behind his ear and pulls at his hair. “Cum for me so I can shove my cock into your cunt and fill it till you’re so fucking full.”
The image slams into her mind and she barely muffles her scream in time when it shoves her over that edge. She jolts, cunt fluttering violently around his tongue and fingers as she cums hard and fast. She pushes against the wall to keep from falling as her legs twitch and almost slide off his shoulders, hiccups and sobs pouring from her mouth.
Keigo doesn't stop, only doing so when she forcefully pulls him by the hair, and even then he just lavishes her quivering thighs in harsh bites and rosy hickies. He slows down his other hand, squeezing the base of his cock briefly.
No, he would cum when shoved deep inside his baby bird. Fill her cunt until it’s dripping. Just like he said. He briefly sets her down as he stands, only to swiftly pick her back up so her legs dangle useless around his hips.
“Looks like I win, baby bird~” He purrs, nuzzling his nose against her jaw.
“You played dirty-” She pants, weakly slapping his shoulder and holds on as he lets one of her legs go. “I knew that… you would…”
He takes hold of his dick, rubbing the tip over her soaked pussy and purrs when she pushes her hips down to push it past her slit. His lips place noisy, wet kisses along her neck and jawline up to her lips. Muffled gasps and whimpers tickle his lips as they bubble out of her throat. 
“Bite my shoulder if you have to~”
This is the only warning she gets when he starts a brutal pace, the sound of wet skin slapping together also hiding their muffled groans. She does as he said and hides her sounds in his shoulder, inhaling his scent that makes her feel even hotter and squeeze her pussy around him. 
His calloused thumb catches her clit and rubs tight circles, picking up the speed of his thrusts. With both of them already so close, it only takes a few more well placed thrusts to send them both tumbling over the edge. 
“F-fu-fuck! Cu-cum with me- cum with me, baby bird.” He begs, pressing their foreheads together and greedily slips his tongue into her mouth.
“I-I’m about… about to… ugh…” She clings to him as best she can, wanting this thick load inside her cunt before their fun ends.
With a soft fluttering noise, his wings spread out from his back and shudder, a few loose feathers falling to the bathroom floor. He nudges his nose against her temple, humming softly into her ear while stroking her tummy with his thumb. Where his cum and cock sits nice and warm inside his baby bird. 
“Fucking… I have to walk home like this.”
He bursts out laughing, peppering kisses over her flushed face. He keeps her in his arms until she is sure she can stand, and even then he has one curled around her waist. A quick clean up is all she gets, but with the promise of a much better one when they get home.
“So, baby bird, you uhh… lost.” He grins, hands shoved into his pocket.
She rolls her eyes, turning on her heel to look at him. “Fine.” She crosses her arms, raising a brow. “What do you want?”
“Simple. I want you to-”
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suga-ssi-portfolio · 4 years
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Commissioned Masterlist Set for @saintjeonofbusan
Request: Airplane pt 2, Vintage Set theme
Main Images: ©BigHit
Textures/PNGs: ©yesterdays_paper, @saerina, @tokiobsession, @ayamerd, @ColdLove98, ©bellacrix, @xHeartsxFingers, ©zeldona, ©lilithdemoness, ©mellowmint, ©sublimeartdust, ©storeybooks, ©BEAPANDA, ©weiting1122, ©cypher-s, ©DigitalCurio, ©Black-B-o-x, ©Babybird-Stock, ©xichan0794, ©Moonglowlilly, ©photosoma, ©UltavioletVersalis, ©Evey-V, ©moonbroch
Brushes: ©kluzya
Fonts: ©smile and wave
➤ To request a commission, please dm @ynki
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daggery · 4 years
8, 11, 19, and 97! ♥
8 - boss bitch by doja cat. YEAHHH i forgot if i liked your post but this was high up on your list i think? :D
11 (already answered, copy and pasted!) about love by marina. i’ve never watched to all the boys ive loved before (oops), but i first listened to this song at the same time i watched the half of it so i immediately associated thw two. and for the record i cried for like a third of the half of it so not too surprised this is up there askldfjskl
19 - joke’s on you by charlotte lawrence. another birds of prey song lol. the soundtrack is v good
97 - babybird by chloe x halle. i probably have 90% of chloe x halle’s stuff on my top 100, i just start listening to them this year and they and basically nothing else were on repeat for several months
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jaydier-blog1 · 7 years
“It tore again! I was sleeping an’ I woke up and it hurt really bad, and I vomited in my bed, and there was blood everywhere, and please don’t send me back!” The more blood he lost, the more panicked he grew, all but hyper ventilating in his fathers arms as he clung on tightly to the man. He was terrified that he’d get in trouble for the mess, with Joker he would have. The stitches that held his torso closed from Jokers games had opened once more, none of them taking to heal him. This was the sixth bought of them he’d had, and still they would not heal.
“Please don’t send me back! I’ll clean it up, daddy, I promise!” He swore, tears pouring from emerald eyes as he clutched on desperately.
“Shh, babybird.” He hates that it’s been taking so long for JJ to heal. He knows it’ll just take time for the antibiotics to burn out his infections and let his body heal but it still makes his heart ache to see his son in pain. “You’re not in trouble. You didn’t do anything bad. You’re gonna stay right here with me, okay?” He lays JJ on the gurney and kisses his forehead again. “I’m gonna give you some medicine to help you go back to sleep, and when you wake up I’m gonna be right here and everything will be fixed up and it won’t hurt anymore, okay? You’re safe, babybird, I’m gonna protect you.”
Jason turns on the anaesthetic tank and puts the mask over JJ’s mouth and nose. “Just breathe for me, JJ. You’re doing so good, I’m so proud of you.” He kisses his forehead. “I love you. Just sleep. I’m gonna make everything okay, I promise.”
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10, 23, and 47 forrrrrr whoever you'd like :V
dnd Qs!
just answered 10 for everybody! i want to talk about ori so i’m going to talk about ori. thanks.
how do they feel about nicknames, titles, or labels that have been given to them? how do they feel about their name?
[unranked] Pearl Hunter Oriole Telltale of the High Holy Order of the Mirzha has... a lot of feelings about her title and name, believe it or not! maybe even i wrote this question with her in mind. and yeah i was talking about this with another player earlier, so i’ll go full spoilers here, but, uh. “oriole telltale” is very obviously a pretty aberrant name, for her home--her mother is a foreigner and her father is... a bit of an eccentric, so. yeah. her family also happens to have... a lot of power, like. A Lot of power. so. a name like hers stands out for a lot of reasons. she shortens it, usually.
and then the title... she used it for the first time ever in a recent session, even though she technically earned it seven years ago. she’s unranked because she’s presumed dead, which is fun. um. but. she fundamentally disagrees with the order, and she can’t imagine ever going back. still, she’s a smart kid, she knows that she can use the title to her advantage, if she’s in the right crowd.but also. if her party finds out she will die. if penance finds out, she’ll die.
and nicknames.. she likes it when people call her ori, like. that’s her name. that’s something that’s hers, something she chose. her brother probably called her ellie, at some point, and she did get babybird from her mom when she was a very young child.
when they meet someone, what is the first thing they notice?
their body language. she goes immediately into threat-assessment mode, honestly--are they armed? are they vulnerable? are they scared? what are they scared of? so on, so fourth. i imagine, like. terminator scan vision.
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outrowings · 5 years
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hello frends (✿◕‿◕) hope u are all doing well. it is time for a mutual appreciation post as i haven’t done one in a while. im literally moving back to school on saturday so this seems like an opportune time. some of u guys have been my moots for a v long time, so much so that the content of my blog has changed drastically. thank u for supporting my messy multifandom blog. 
HOWEVER, i have finally opened sideblogs like a normal organized human being. this will remain my main/bts/kpop blog while @czzzerny is my new literature (hp/trc/aftg/six of crows) blog and @hawkcyes is my new comics(marvel/dc)/star trek/starwars/b99 blog. themes r under construction but i hope u check them out :]
if i accidentally included u or forgot to include u pls lmk so i can edit this post ~
❀ - lovelies with whom i interact 
@17dad ・ @4hyyh ・ @6ondry ❀ ・ @angeljk ・ @agustdboyfriend ・ @anthcny ・ @babybird ・ @barrnes ・ @bfjooonie ・ @blameblamebts ・ @blondekimseokjin ・ @bootae ・ @bwiq ・ @cherriestae ・ @clairelions ・ @cypherkookie ・ @day ・ @daegusoftboys ・ @dimp1ejoon ・ @fairyyeols ・ @gamjin ・ @geniuslab ・ @gentlekook ・ @goldjoons ・ @got7doubleb ・ @guksuu ・ @haechstan ・ @hauntednamjoon ・ @henderyten ・ @hobienana ・ @hobikookie ・ @hocusqocus ・ @hoeseok ・ @ily-jonghyun ・ @inodiate ❀ ・ @itschims ・ @itskimtaehyung ❀・ @j1ns ・ @je0n ・ @jeojngs ・ @jeonkimt ❀ ・ @jihopi ・ @jinsgothgf ・ @jkangel ・ @jogeumdeo ・ @joonchim ・ @joonie ・ @joonsoulmap ・ @jamescarstairs ・ @jungkookio ・ @jungnoir ・ @kacchand ・ @kimlinecult ・ @kimseaokjin ・ @knjspjm ・ @ksjunggukie ・ @kthsingularity ・ @letterstokook ・ @loisclark ・ @lycheae ・ @mellowsuga ・ @minmayhem ・ @minsjoon ・ @minsoaks ・ @minyardx ・ @moontro ・ @mvpgyu ❀ ・ @neonsgravestone ・ @nochanchu ・ @oracles ❀ ・ @orbities ・ @ourtwentyfcr ・ @parkhabits ・ @parkjiminbiased ・ @parksjms ・ @personawife ・ @plutomins ・ @poutaes ・ @prettytae ・ @qwertydashiell ・ @raplinesoutro ・ @rcnjun ❀ ・ @rose-jin ・ @safejimin ・ @sansastarkr ・ @sunlewis ・ @taegi ・ @tahyungs ・ @the95liner ・ @thehouseofkpop ・ @tinyjjks ・ @tuanever ・ @ughjeon ・ @ultjeon ・ @uniave ❀ ・ @vantaez ・ @vendettafrank ・ @vulgar-blue ・ @wccjaes ・ @withluvyoon ・ @wpnderwoman ・ @yoonqiful ・ @yoon-river ・ @yvesgfs 
p.s. ik some of u guys aren’t active too much now but i still love u guys
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prwildlife · 5 years
This is a newly hatched baby Brown Pelican in our care here at the Center. Our resident adult Pelicans have been doing a good job so far fostering this little baby, but in order to keep the baby safe and ensure that it is eating, our rehabbers will bring it into the hospital at night for the first week. Some baby birds eat food that the parents regurgitate into the nest until they are strong enough to eat directly from the mothers' mouth. In this video we have chopped up some yummy smelt to duplicate this natural behavior. Enjoy!
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vacaartwork-blog · 7 years
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They are growing!!! 😱🌱🐣🐤✨ #artgallery#instaartist#thinkspacegallery#art_sanity#creative#graphic#pictureoftheday#art#artist#instagood#instaartist##artbasel#artsy#photooftheday#drawing#artfido#art_sanity#art_collective#v.a.c.a#artmiami#artexhibition#mexicanart#gallery#contemporaryart#artlovers #babybirds #bird #canary #canarios
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birdcoast · 5 years
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Thanks @chickenthoughtsofficial for my new Chicken shirt! 😎 #bird #birds #cockatiel #cockatiels #pet #pets #beau #dodo #babybird #cockatielsofinstagram #birdsofinstagram #birdstagram #chickenthoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRUOOHF4-v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mio072ctldx8
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