#v:highschool au
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the-real-vandy-blog · 6 years ago
@sweatcr-weather continued from [X]
Wait what!? He owned how much now? He paused for a moment to read over the reply, glancing around for a shop before walking in to buy a few packs of starburst. He might need them again in the near future at this rate. [Vanderwood] Right. Thank you. [Vanderwood] I should be in by lunchtime. [Vanderwood] I’ll give you the candy then ^^
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box-of-muses · 7 years ago
@mysmemuses continued from [X]
This was the natural spot he roamed whenever he’d been busy during the day to keep track of her movements. It wasn’t stalking if it was done out of concern - that was what he told himself anyway as he wandered through the park and towards their first meeting spot. It was a good place to begin his lookout and since he’d actually managed to find a small part-time job (it was only two hours every weekday but hey a start), he actually had a bit more cash in hand too. Some good food for the both of them seemed like such a good idea after the long week - the effects of which they no doubt both felt.  His steps had slowed as he approached the stairway, seeing the curled up manner that his Angel was sitting, concern filling, with a healthy, dose of pent of rage for whoever had managed to make her this upset. Carefully, as always aware of not spooking the girl, he walked up the few stairs, watching her thin frame, feeling his chest burn as she shook so very slightly, even now attempting to hold in the torment that was racing through her mind. “...Rika”. Her voice was spoken in a soft whisper, almost so quietly that he wasn’t sure if he would have been heard until his nickname party from her lips, a weak smile forming as he knelt down by her side, quite unable to contain the shocked expression as she clung to his arm so tightly. Sighing, he gently reached over and ran his free hand through her hair, placing his forehead against her own with another soft sigh. “Rika… do I need to beat up someone ?” Not that violence was always the answer but it was a language that he knew so well. For anyone to have upset her to the point she was openly clinging and crying before him - it filled his heart with a fire that he had long thought buried deep within.
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
@mysmemuses continued from [X]
There certainly seemed to have been a drastic change in Rika’s character since they had come out here. They’d been hiding within this small abandoned house for a few months now - ever since that night when he had taken his second life. This place was perfectly suited for hiding - just outside of the main city enough to go unnoticed but close enough for them to walk in and get supplies as needed. Though Vanderwood had repeated time and time again that he wished for Rika to keep her own hands clean. He’d been on the streets for almost four years now. He knew what he was doing, knew how to get what they needed and yet Rika seemed to be becoming more and more adventurous - engaging in risky behaviours that kept making the slightly older one worry. In one way - it was a joy to watch her spread her wings, to see how free and alive she truly seemed compared to when she was stuck back at her home. In another - it was enough to give him a heart attack. He sighed softly as he sat in the doorway, watching the night sky above and blowing out a thin trail of smoke. He hadn’t been smoking for all too long but he found that it helped to calm down his nerves, especially on nights like these when Rika was off doing whatever it was that she was currently engaging in. He didn’t want to have to shadow her but he wished that she’d realise a little more that the streets were dangerous to live on. Sighing, a glint of golden hair caught his attention, Vanderwood tossing the half-finished cig to the ground as he got to his feet and started to walk towards her, sighing at the motion for him to turn back. Why? Was she running from something? That question though was answered almost at once, his eyes widening in fear at the sound to echo through the night, a howl of fear and anger escaping from the young male as he sprinted over to close the distance, pulling Rika gently into his arms as he tried to examine the damage that had been caused “Rika! Fuck... can you walk? We need to get inside... I need to see to this”. Her shoulder. That was okay... this was going to be okay... his hand was already wet with blood as he applied pressure to the wound, the attacker had already scampered off. Not that it mattered. They would need to move on after this but before that, he had to look at the wound - had to stop the bleeding.
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
@mysmemuses continued from [X]
As important as it was for her to rest, he felt as though keeping her inside their hideout or at the doctors wasn’t going to do her much good in the long run. Summer was creeping in and the days were lasting longer and staying hotter too. He missed the long hours of the darkness but this also gave him the perfect opportunity to show her something that he found pretty to watch, with no rush to get to the right place. “Yip I have you”, he smiled and gently wrapped an arm around her waist, holding the smaller girl close to his side as he carefully set out from the hideout and down towards the small beach that was nearby. This entire place had been chosen to allow the blonde to see the sea that she had so wished to experience. This also allowed for Vanderwood to show her the beauty of a sunset. “Here. Sit on my lap for now”, he sat down on the sand and gently pulled Rika down into his lap, arms wrapping around her waist gently once more, taking care not to place any pressure onto her injured shoulder, kissing the back of her neck softly before glancing out towards the water. “I wanted to share this with you. I find it really pretty and relaxing to watch”, he nuzzled into the side of her neck that was on the opposite side from her injury, another soft kiss placed on pale skin before he glanced out towards the setting sun.
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
Pamper + 13 (Rika)
pamper my muse!
 13. give a head massage. 
It’d been one of those long days. The type of days where he would come home looking rather exhausted. It’d taken a while for him to trust the doctor well enough to leave Rika and him alone - but he felt as though the little part time job he’d managed to do on the side was worth it. Washing windows wasn’t so exciting but it earned some money and he felt less like he was leeching off the good doctor this way. He sighed as he sat down, looking as every bit as tired as he currently felt. He leaned back his head against Rika’s bed, closing his eyes as he felt the hands fall into his hair, a small smile forming at the gentle motion to be given. It felt nice and rather relaxing after the long day of hard work he’d had. Oh right. Smiling, he opened one eye to gaze up at the woman he loved.“There’s some mochi in my bag” @mysmemuses
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
@mysmemuses continued from [X]
Two days. If had been two days now since more blood had been made to stain his hands, two days since those screams had caused him to snap, two days since he’d heard a sound from the girl that he now sat before, his hoodie wrapped around her shoulders for extra warmth as he tried to not break into a panic. He could tell she was shocked. There was no way that anyone wouldn’t be. He’d killed right infront of her - shown her a side to him that was far from the gentleness he’d painted around her. He wanted to protect her. He loved her. But now he was afraid incase he’d broken her - just like he’d broken his sister. He was born to destroy, not to protect. That was becoming rather evident as the years grew colder. Perhaps there was some truth in the sharp words his father used to throw at him. Two days - he’d been holding his own panic and fear inside. Concentrating on fleeing, on making sure they had enough supplies to get this far - it had all helped to distract his mind from what he had just done - what he had just shown to the angel by his side. Those fears though seemed to just crack as he finally heard some words from Rika - eyes widening as he gazed at the blonde - tears slowly falling down cold cheeks. When was the last time he’d allowed anyone to see him cry? To see him afraid? He wasn’t supposed to be this way. He was supposed to be strong enough for them both. “I’m...” his voice caught at the back of his throat and he no longer trusted himself to speak, arms moving to wrap around Rika and hold her close as he tried to calm back down.
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box-of-muses · 7 years ago
[ FEED ] Rika @Vandy
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
Oh. Had he fallen asleep? He hadn’t even realised until he opened his eyes and found that his head was laying in Rika’s lap, his cheeks filling with a slight bit of colour. Ah. He might have actually passed out. Had he worried her? He hadn’t meant to worry her.“Sorry”, he smiled softly. Since he’d been going to her home a little more often now he hadn’t really had the time to find and store food so his meals had been a little more sparse lately. He needed to keep a careful watch on that but he smiled at the chocolate that had been placed against his lips, Vanderwood opening his mouth to accept the slice, smirking as he made sure to lick the melted chocolate off Rika’s fingertips as he closed his eyes once more with a happy little sight. “Hmm that tastes wonderful”
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box-of-muses · 7 years ago
Shall extract based on events happening with a high school AU RP with - @mysmemuses No matter how pure she may believe him to be, he knew all too well how tainted his soul truly was. It did not matter, of course. His ‘devil’ only flew free when people he loved got hurt by those who enjoyed the sick twisted fantasy of pushing the ‘weak’ around.
At the age of thirteen, he had taken his first life. Vanderwood was beyond any type of salvation but he’d chosen not to lose himself to the darkness either. Instead - he was more like a tightly sprung coil - ready to strike if the need arisen. And that night was such a need. A few days had passed since he had sat holding Rika between his arms, gentle words and touches unable to take aware the pain and fear that was present within her voice, to take away the self-hate that dripped from every word she spoke. Even though she had been a victim, bullied into acting out - to defend herself, she had laid there in tears, blaming herself for every wrong thing to have ever happened. He had been unable to do anything but to listen and to try and comfort - but Vanderwood's skill with words wasn’t his greatest asset and at times he had to wonder if he was doing any good or just adding to the girl's confusion. He sighed, blowing out the smoke from the cigarette that he’s lit a few moments earlier, deep brown eyes searching through the crowd of students below from where he sat half hidden within the treetops that hung over the side of the school walls. Security concerns were the least of his problems - these overlooked issues were what made this place the best type of hideout that he had found for over a year now. Though there was no use in pretending. He stayed here for Rika’s sake too. He was placing himself at risk, the longer that he stuck around - yet he knew that he wasn’t going anywhere - not until that girl could stand on her own two feet. Not until she’d found that strength inside that he had been trying to show she had from day one. He could do nothing to help protect her against her parents. But against the other students? Well - he wasn’t gifted with words, but his fists were another story altogether. Now - he was no thug. A stalker perhaps, spying on his possible victims for well over a month in advance, taking in all the wrongdoings that the small group of boys seemed to enjoy taking part in. Rika was far from the only girl being bullied by these fools and only when it seemed as though they might go too far did he make some type of noise to make them scatter. He wasn’t about to allow them to attack anyone if he was nearby but he had seen enough to reassure himself that this was the correct action to take. A simple beating would not be enough. He needed to send the entire school a message. Anyone who laid a finger on Rika or attempted to bully her in order to get some ‘weird’ reaction, would suffer the same fate as these boys. A bit extreme, perhaps - and no doubt he would end up attracting the type of attention that he had been hoping to keep away from. His family would hear about this, but this was a risk worth taking. To see that smile shine on his Angels face at least once more. To know that if he were to ever vanish - Rika would be able to stand on her own two feet. The night was new, a dull light still present in the sky, the silence of the playground broken only by the scraping of a metal pole being dragged along the wall as he wandered around towards the back of the building. He knew now that the three boys often met there on friday nights - to share out their ‘winnings’ from the past weeks bullying. He could already hear their muffled arguments - one boy complaining loudly about being tricked while another spoke of a strange hooded figure that seemed to always be around, watching over ‘their girls’. Vanderwood rolled his eyes slightly, tugging his hood up as he walked out into their pathway - smirking behind his scarf, well Rika’s scarf, at the silence to greet him. He supposes he must have been some sight. A tall, scruffy looking male, wearing torn clothing that looked as though it had seen better days, a long floral scarf covering half his face while he bounced a steel pipe between his hands - eyes taking in each of the ground in turn. He could see that they were shocked, unsure on how to take him. One, the skinniest and smallest, burst out into laughter and pointed at the scarf he worse. “Isn’t that the crazy bitches?” He barely had time to blink through as Vanderwood’s patience snapped right there and then, a sickening crunch like noise being heard a split second before a blood-curdling scream split through the night sky as the pipe struck out and landed with force into the speakers kneecap, the young man crumpling to the ground in agony as Vanderwood quickly moved away from the punches thrown at him from the other two. The fast one was down a lot quicker than he had anticipated - pipe tossed off to one side as he instead begun to narrowly avoid the blows sent in his direction. “You crazy bastard! My father’s a cop”, one yelled. Not that the threat meant much to him. His father was even worse than a cop and besides, he was here for Rika’s sake. He didn’t care much about how this man pan out for him. He glanced down towards where the skinny kid had curled up hugging into his broken leg. Good. Two against one - and these two would be made to suffer even worse. A blow landed on the side of his cheek, forcing him to have to listen to the gleeful laughter of the one who had struck him, the other managing to hit his side. But all this was a ploy, a way to both make them have a false belief of his ability and for him to learn about there’s. He was a quick learner - watching how they moved, how slow certain cuts and kicks came - how they used one another to try and give him as little opening as possible in which to react. Unfortunately for them, he wasn’t just some street rat. He was trained in martial arts from an early age and though they may be designed to help more in self-defense - they could easily be turned into a deadly weapon too. Not that he wished to kill anyone. If he had his way - his uncle would be the only life he ever took - but something told him that would not be the case. However - for now, he simply wished to send these bastards to the nearest hospital. A grin formed, hidden behind his scarf as he suddenly sidestepped out of their range, narrowing avoiding a fist to the eye, only to chuckle as the two idiots ended up landing their blows on one another instead. He was still silent. Watching as the skinny kid continued to hug into his leg and as the other two boys rubbed at their new injuries, glares being sent in his direction. Oh. He’d pissed them off? Seemed as though the dance was over then. Pity. He was going to let them play for a bit longer - but he noticed that one of the vile scum had managed to get blood on his scarf and his small amount of self-control snapped. What followed next would differ between reports. All three of the boys would speak of a ‘smiling’ monster who moved a quick as the wind, who showed no mercy as he rained punches and kicks down upon their bodies with very little mercy, floral printed scarf hiding most of his face but the grin could be ‘felt’ somehow. They spoke of a dangerous aura and whispers of Rika’s ‘guard dog’ spread throughout the campus at an alarming rate. One of the small group was on crutches for months later and was reported to suffer from nightmares - often claiming to see his attacker around the school grounds yet no one ever seemed able to pinpoint such a presence. Another of the small group was in the hospital for a few weeks and was moved to a new school upon his release while the remaining boy did everything to avoid being alone for too long and avoiding Rika as much as was possible. It wasn’t as if Vanderwood got out of it without any type of injury. A few blows had found their mark and hiding such pain from Rika was rather difficult - explaining the blood on her scarf had meant that he couldn’t hide from what he had done. Not that he would have been able to anyways. Even he had heard rumours about Rika’s ‘crazed guard dog’ and all he did was lurking in the shadows most of the day. Well, it didn’t matter. It had the desired effect of making Rika’s life a little easier and allowed him to work more during the day since he knew that Rika would be safe enough alone at school. Besides - Crazed Guard Dog had a somewhat nice ring to it.
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box-of-muses · 7 years ago
"I brought you some medicine for your cold." (Rika @ Vandy)
different ways to say ‘i love you’.
 Trying not to cough too loudly had been his biggest hurdle. He sat curled up in the corner of her bed, blankets wrapped around him tightly as she shivered despite the warmth that was around him at the moment, watching Rika as she entered the room with the mentioned medicine. When was the last time he’d taken anything when he’d fallen ill? When was the last time he’d had someone fussing over him when he fell ill? Usually he’d just curl up into a ball and silently hope that this wouldn’t be his last winter. It was weird to have someone fussing over him but in a way it was also nice. Warming even. Rika truly cared for his well-being and though he felt guilty for making her worry quite as much as she was, he still managed to pull a slight face at the mention of medicine. “Bleh. I’ll be fine! Just need to rest a little” @mysmemuses
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
@mysmemuses continued from [X]
He hummed happily, one hand falling to gently run through her hair, his heart simply feeling warmer as he could see that she was looking better. She was sleeping - she was getting the rest and treatment that she needed and the change was pretty clear to see within her appearance and behaviour. He simply wished only the best for her and was grateful that they had managed to find some help. He laid back down and gently pulled Rika into his arms, smiling as he leaned in close for another gentle kiss. “Let’s get breakfast soon. For now, though, let’s just rest for a little longer”
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
@sweatcr-weather continued from [X]
If he hadn’t have been there for when she was about to cross the street then just what would have happened? It wasn’t as if the people in a hurry to get to work would have stopped for her in time. Was she really this slow? Maybe it was just because it was morning and she had yet to wake up? Either way, he felt rather annoyed, holding one arm out in front of her in order to stop her from doing anything foolish.  “And if you had become a squished girl then I’m sure we would have become even later��� he sighed a little, shaking his head as he pressed the button for the both of them, “Just blame your lateness on me” He was used to be seen as a troublemaker and besides they weren’t going to be that late. Just a few minutes, like ten at most. He couldn’t understand why she was so worried.
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
❛ i don’t really … like how i look … ❜ (Rika)
Now that was just a weird thing to say in his eyes. He smiled softly as he turned and gently wrapped his arms around Rika, pulling her in close to his chest as his fingers gently ran through her hair, trying to help to keep her from worrying any more than she already was.
“Yet, I love every single inch of you”, he smiled and kissed the top of her head gently. They’d been through so much lately and yet she still stood there by his side looking as radiant as ever. Why could she not see just how angelic she truly looked?
“I love you Rika. Can you tell me what you don’t like? Maybe we can help you feel a little better about it together?”
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the-real-vandy-blog · 7 years ago
*ooh !! it's Vandy !!! Bab Rika sends him a kiss !!!*
@mysmemuses“And look! It’s an angel!” He smiles and wraps his arms around her, pulling her in close as he softly returns the kiss.
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box-of-muses · 7 years ago
DONT (Rika @ Vandy she's in that mood)
 Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING 
Rika could have a rather surprising amount of strength in her whenever this type of thing happened - or perhaps he was just weaker than he though. Either way, the air rushed out of him as he found himself pushed up against the wall, Rika leaning against him, pinning his wrists to the wall as he tried to make sense of what was going on at the moment. He understood she had episodes like this but surely she was aware that he needed to leave from time to time? “Hey… I promise I’ll be back. I just need to leave for a few hours”, he sighed lightly and tried to summon up a small smile for her, “Rika. I’ll be back as soon as possible…you know you can trust me…” @mysmemuses
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box-of-muses · 7 years ago
"Close your eyes, I got something from you." Rika says softly, and one couldn't mistake the playful smile on her face. Once she is sure Vandy is doing as told, she kisses his lips softly and pulls back laughing.
Vanderwood blinked a little, slightly surprised by the playful tone present in the girls’ voice. It could be such a rare occurrence to see her like this, smiling and playful. Just like how she deserved to be. “As you wish Angel”, he smiled as he closed his eyes over, gently holding onto one of her hands though, his automatic gesture of showing that he didn’t want her to leave - only for his eyes to spring open as he feels warm lips pressed again his own. He felt his cheeks fill with some warmth, arms reaching out to pull the girl into a gentle hug as he softly returned the gesture. “That was a wonderful gift”
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the-real-vandy-blog · 6 years ago
"You can't convince me I'm not just a burden to you" (rika)
Emotional Manipulation Starters
He gave a small shrug as he sat down and handed her over her share of the food that he’d just bought, leaning against her side a little as he glanced out across the beach towards the nearby sea. How to try and explain this to someone like Rika though? To someone who had always felt like a burden - to someone who wasn’t used to being loved in the manner in which she was at the moment.
“Would it be so bad if we were burdens to one another? I would rather this burden than the ones I had in the past. It comes along with a cute smile and the softest of kisses”
He smirked, leaning over to deliver such a kiss, smiling as he returned back to his meal.
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