#v:fatherhood pt. 2
particlexxdealer · 9 months
starter | @psyknife
It had been several years since Scott raised a baby, and thankfully Cassie was a good first run. So long as she had help to toot, she was happy and vocal. Second time around, he was rusty. Good thing muscle memory was a thing, otherwise he would be as self-conscious as Hope was with their little bean, Oliver. Because of this, it was unanimous she would be the first to return to work, while Scott stayed home with his flexible schedule with X-CON.
One little quirk Scott was beginning to notice with his Ollie-bean, not how chubby he was for his age, or the fact he eats like he's always starving. Rather, his preferred way of sleeping. Elevated, neck supported with one hand, and his body resting on Scott's other hand and forearm almost like a hammock. Oliver would sleep through his naps in this position, good for developing his routine. Only drawback for Scott, was how stiff his arms would get afterwards. You try holding an nine-pound baby on your forearm for three hours.
Slowly falling asleep on the cushy glider Hope was gifted at their baby shower, Scott tried his best to stay awake. But he hasn't had his afternoon coffee kick, and if he broke his son's sleep cycle, he'll regret it later. Envious, of the small chunky human in his arms, sleeping peacefully in his Very Hungry Caterpillar onesie. You're lucky you're cute, he thought to himself.
Another relief, lowering the volume on their doorbell. "It's open." Scott raised his voice slightly, baby twitched a moment.
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particlexxdealer · 9 months
starter | @wxspish
Okay, Scott knew about the nesting period people go through during the final stages of pregnancy, Maggie went through it. Hope and he have read about it to prepare. However, seeing it in action, was completely different. He had a feeling his expectation for Hope's method of nesting wouldn't match reality. He was right. They never warn you about how- stubborn or aggressive someone can be during this period. Hope hardly rested before pregnancy, always something for her to do. Why did he think it would change when she was carrying heavy weight?
Not sure why, but Scott found himself waking up in the night. Awake, and sleeping alone in their bed. He sighed heavily before slipping his pajama pants on and a t-shirt. Heading downstairs toward where he knew his wife would be restlessly cleaning. "Babe," Scott groaned exasperated as he turned the corner. "Do you know what time it is? Please get back to bed." He pleaded.
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particlexxdealer · 8 months
"Emotions are trying to exploit your brain."
rp meme: open | General Sentences | @madeofmarblex
Scott had a beat on his baby boy, recognizing which of his cries were for attention, which were for distress, and which ones were fake. This one, was fake. He wanted to be spoiled, and knew Hope or Scott would come if he cried long enough. But he had a habit to break, and Scott had to be strong. More resilient than his baby of several months.
It didn't help switching the baby monitor off, Scott could still hear him crying upstairs. "I know," he muffled through the couch cushion that he pressed heavily on his face. Hoping to mute his son's cries and stubbornness. Not wanting to sleep in his own crib, he liked being held, and cried bloody murder when he woke up not in his mom or dad's arms. "He's awfully good at it, he must know I'm the weak one in the house." Waiting it out, that cry is gonna stay in his head. But he had to wait. Eventually he'd grow tired. It was late after all, going past his sleep schedule.
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particlexxdealer · 9 months
New verse drop: blacklist v:fatherhood pt. 2 if pregnancy and babies make you uncomfy.
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