#v: you keep what you kill ( necromonger )
maidencfdeath · 7 months
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maidencfdeath-a · 2 years
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deathfound-a · 4 years
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@furyanfcrged​ :  Let’s kill something. - furyanfcrged/ riddick
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          She is hardly surprised by the comment, even if it seems to come out of no where. She could tell that Riddick was not one to sit idle for long - like a wild animal with a innate need to run, trying to hold him back would prove fruitless. The idea of random killing might have once horrified her - but that girl was dead, and death and violence were now essential parts of her existence. She looked over with brows raised, the smallest hint of a smirk on her lips.  “Did you have something specific in mind?”
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maidencfdeath · 9 months
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maidencfdeath · 8 months
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maidencfdeath · 1 year
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@denydefeat: "My most meaningful relationships are with dead people." / riddick
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“We all carry our dead with us.” This was even true for the Necromongers. They left whole civilizations of the dead behind them, including each of their own. Cas tried not to think about her own dead, her family who she would not meet again in the Underverse. She didn’t think about it.
She had been among the crowd when this new Lord Marshel killed the former and had seen the new convert who died before her due time for him. It was obvious to her that that girl counted as one of his meaningful relationships. Oh, how he must hate them all for that. If he did, she couldn’t fault him.
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maidencfdeath · 2 years
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deathfound-a · 5 years
❝ Here’s the thing, fuck everyone. Riddick
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          “Not an inspiring mindset for a leader to have.”  She replied in an even tone. Cassandra wasn’t surprised by his comment, it was clear the Lord Marshal cared little for his new people. She couldn’t help but wonder why he was still here - but then, who would turn down an army at their command? She realized suddenly how she had spoken out of line, and quickly dropped her gaze. He may not be a Necromonger, but he was still her leader. She knew the risks of acting out of line - or at least she had known - but the unknown factor of their new leader made things unpredictable.
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deathfound-a · 5 years
😘 // can i say muse of your choice?
SEND 😘 TO KISS MY MUSE // accepting
@tuppencetrinkets  (riddick)
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          The doors to the Lord Marshals suite slid open, pale eyes quickly scan the room spotting the man himself standing with his back towards her looking out the large porthole into the inky darkness of space. She walked over to the long table, setting down the pitcher of wine. The only sound to be heard was the small clinking of glass as she went about gathering old and half eaten food from the table and putting it all on a tray to be taken out. She didn’t hear him move from where he stood and make his way over towards her. Large hands grabbed her, spinning her around. Even if she couldn’t see, the warmth that radiated from Riddick would have told her exactly who it was. He leaned down to capture her lips with his, the kiss intense and bruising. She melted into his firm touch, her hands reaching up to grasp at the thick material of his shirt. Between his strong hands holding her hips, and his tongue dancing with hers, thoughts slipped away and she allowed herself to simply feel - a concept almost forbidden to her. 
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deathfound-a · 5 years
“Kiss me again” // Riddick, deathmonger verse aka sometimes it's good to be king
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          Obedience without question. Perhaps this was one order she should question, but she didn’t. She didn’t want to. The new Lord Marshal was everything that had been cleansed out of the Necromongers; warm and alive in a way that she could barely remember. Besides, who was she to refuse her leader? Cassandra looked up at him with a hint of a smile. Reaching up, she cupped his face almost tenderly, before pulling him into a bruising kiss. She pressed herself against him as their lips fought for dominance. When they parted, she looked up at him, wide pale eyes feigning a look of innocence that was ruined by the small smirk.  “Was that satisfactory, my lord?”
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deathfound-a · 6 years
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Necromonger Verse Aesthetics
“There are very few of us who have met a Necromonger and lived to speak of it.”
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deathfound-a · 6 years
❛ Should I go for the sweet spot? Left of the spine, fourth lumbar down, the abdominal aorta. What a gusher. ❜ from Riddick, obvs.
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          Was it a threat, or a promise? Either way, his words thrilled her in a way they shouldn’t. Knowledge she had once used to save lives let her know exactly what would come. The pain she could no longer feel, the rush of warm blood contrasting the coldness of loss. No longer did she fear death, or pain. Those useless fears, that had once caused her to give herself over to the unknown, had been burned out of her years ago, seared from her nerves. The corner of her lips rose as she looked over at her new Lord Marshal.  “Don’t tease.”
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deathfound-a · 6 years
❛ If you can’t keep up, don’t step up. You’ll just die. ❜ // Riddick
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          He said that as if dying was the worst possible outcome. As far as she was concerned, it wouldn’t be much of a loss. Besides, she wasn’t going to just let him go on without her, just stay here and do nothing. Not happening. She had two blades strapped to each thigh. Gowns gone and replied by clothing much more comfortable. Armor was heavy and slowed her down so she had forgone it. By the sound of it she was going to need to be fast. Arms crossed as she shot him a challenging expression, lips pressed tight and a single brow raised.  “Don’t worry about me, I can hold my own.”
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deathfound-a · 6 years
“Oops” .... Riddick. Lord Marshal or whenever ...
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          The room she had been assigned to years ago was small and cold, cold like everything here. All dark colors and eroded metals. After bathing, Cassandra sat on a bench in front of the small mirror she had placed on the table, running a comb through her hair. She wasn’t looking at the reflection, or at anything really, simply letting her thoughts drift. The loud sound of her door opening startled her out of her reverie. She spun around, shocked at the figure standing in the doorway. Quickly she stood, having enough sense to grab the towel to keep it from falling.  “My Lord, what…is there something you require?”
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deathfound-a · 6 years
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CROSSOVER / AU  WISHLIST  -  Chronicles of Riddick /  Necromonger au
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deathfound-a · 6 years
‘ i’m ready for death. that’s what makes me me. ’
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          Fear of death was a weakness, one of the first to go during conversion. It was this lack of fear that made the troops so fearsome. Lips curled into a smirk as she tilted her head.  “I would hope so. Though it would be a shame for you to die before your due time.”
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