#v: the unforsaken road ┆ ( mcu. )
starkinternational · 7 years
@smileson hit the heart!
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Tony was entirely too drunk for this. Of course, he was entirely too drunk for most things and he did them anyway. Usually, though, he wasn’t dealing with multiverse travelers while being unable to feel his extremities. “All right, darling, walk this way--” Luckily for both him and the rather fantastic woman beside him, he was both fully ambulatory and able to walk in a straight line. “I would be skeptical about this, but I’ve dined with Norse Gods.”
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starkinternational · 7 years
mcu au; info
Because he’s willful problem solver, Tony had a much better relationship with his parents. Tony watched a lot of TV as a boy and realized very quickly that he and his parents weren’t doing things correctly. So, he stubbornly bullied his way into getting both the affection he wanted and crossing off a list of Things That Families Do. Which included:
Playing catch. It was boring, but he and Howard did it.
Disneyland. Howard and Maria lost him in the Hall of Presidents.
Game night. “Bridge with the ladies” got very interesting for Maria.
Dinners. There was an active conspiracy to get Howard home on time.
Routine I Love Yous. Tony: “You love me, right?” Howard: “Yes.”
(He still thought Ana and Edwin were his parents until he was four.)
Basically, Tony was a straightforward, oblivious little charmer who charmed his own parents into being the kind of parents he needed. Friendly, willing to listen, and very much a team player, Tony grew into an eccentric, well-spoken young man who inherited his father’s knack for business. Unknown to him, this solved a lot of problems before they ever started. Instead of growing frustrated to the point of attempted murder, Obadiah became a genuine part of Tony’s support structure after his parents died, and under Tony’s focused leadership, Stark Industries grew beyond weapons manufacture, becoming the third largest company in America and making Tony one of the wealthiest men alive. Stark became a trusted brand name for everything from consumer electronics to diet soda and baby shampoo. This shifts things. So does Tony’s fascination with nanotechnology. Being on good terms with Howard meant Tony didn’t grow resentful of his Captcin America stories. Instead, he was inspired by them. The idea of creating superpowers. Tony isn’t a geneticist or a biochemist, however, he’s an engineer and Better Living Through Technology isn’t just a tagline. Tony played with the idea off and on since college, but it was mostly just a hobby. At least until he was diagnosed with cancer. At first, Tony thought the symptoms (headaches, dizziness, sensory confusion) were due to his drinking and ignored them. Then in the middle of presenting a prototype for his new “exo-armor” in Afghanistan, Tony lost consciousness. Rhodey rushed him back to base where Air Force doctors discovered he had a brain tumor. Tony’s prognosis wasn’t optimistic: an inoperable tumor and only six months to five years to live. He got a second opinion and then a third, fourth, and fifth. They said the same thing. But Tony is a willful problem solver with means. The tumor was inoperable, but what if it could be removed from the inside? With the full weight of Stark Industries behind him and the support of those around him, Tony started work on creating viable nanotechnology. He and his team finally succeeded and Tony injected himself with his “nanofleet.” They didn’t work as intended. Due to some abnormalities in Tony’s blood, the nanites couldn’t tell cancerous tissue from healthy tissue. On the heels of this disappointment, Tony learned that during the confusion of his medical scare, his exo-armor had been stolen by the Ten Rings and used in an attack on the city of Gulmira. Angry and feeling like he had nothing to lose, Tony had his people help him into an updated version of the exo-armor. “Like dear old Dad, I save the best toys for myself.” And while the nanites hadn’t responded to Tony’s tumor, they did respond to the armor, allowing him to integrate into its systems. With Rhodey monitoring the battle via video feed, Tony defeated the Ten Rings and liberated the city. Unknown to Tony, he was caught on camera when he removed his helmet to talk to one of Gulmira’s citizens, Yinsen. Recognizing him from an engineering conference, and interested in his work both as a scientist and a surgeon, Tony asked for his help with his cancer. Yinsen wanted to stay in Gulmira where his family was buried, but he agreed to look over Tony’s case and eventually recommended Dr. Wu for Tony’s long term care. Saving the citizens of Gulmira gave Tony something he’d never had before: purpose. He enjoyed running the company, but it wasn’t anything he took pride in; it came too easily. When the news broke that he was “the !ron Man”, Tony began to hatch something he called The Plan. Howard used to talk about heroes and symbols and legacy. Tony didn’t feel like a hero and he was too cynical for symbols, but legacy... Yeah, he could work with that.
Personality change changes everything else.
Tony’s played by Dcvid Gandy. Recessive genes made him a blue-eyed toll. Howard made “fooled around with the milkman” jokes.
Tony involves everyone in his superheroics, from Obadiah to Pepper.
Tony still sounds ridiculous. Boarding school, you know.
Stark Industries still makes weapons, just not only weapons.
The nanites are killing Tony. They run off his own bioelectrical current, but with his failing health, they’re needing more and more energy. The thing that’s giving his life meaning is killing him faster than the cancer.
Stress (Senate hearing, death) causes Tony to pursue an ill-advised, whirlwind relationship with “Natalie” as a distraction. (Optional)
Tony rewrites his will and makes Pepper his heir. When he dies, she’ll become the CEO of SI with the caveat that Obadiah stays on as CFO.
Tony creates a specialized armor for Rhodey: the Wcr Machine.
Tony spent his birthday drunk, but there was no fight. Just him nearly drinking himself to death. Nick Fury steps in as per the film.
Re: above, Tony breaks up with “Natalie.” (Optional)
Tony finds the answer to his power problem in Howard’s '74 Expo model.
Enter miniaturized arc reactor as power source. He builds it, installs it, incorporates it into his nanite design, and viola, he’s feeling better.
Vanko & Hammer subplot remains as do the Hammeroids. Vanko still has an axe to grind re: Howard and Hammer is a jealous prick. Vanko’s plot reaches its murder-grudge pinnacle with Tony’s shiny, new chest light.
The only real big difference: Tony and the team actually get along.
Tony and Natasha patch things up, becoming friends. (Optional)
Tony’s not currently in a relationship unless plotted otherwise.
Re: above, Tony is deeply in love with Pepper, but à la Earth-616, neither he or Pepper quite got up the nerve to take the next step.
Tony still develops PTSD and anxiety and builds the Iron Legion.
Tony still stood Killian up in Bern, fostering his hate/supervillainy, but it was because he passed out, not because he never planned to show.
After his Malibu Dreamhouse fell into the ocean, he lives in Manhattan.
IM3 culminates with Tony using Extremis to make the suit completely internal, so he’ll never be without it again. Wrong lesson learned.
Post TWS, Tony hosts and funds the team once S.H.I.E.L.D. implodes.
There’s more team activities because Tony is needy/way too friendly.
AOU was caused by the mind gem in the scepter and Wanda’s magic whammy. Everyone’s a victim and they know that. Tony helps rebuild.
CW. Tony and Steve talk things out like adults. Neither sign the Accords.
Tony publicly “steps down” as !ron Man, saying he’s passing the mantle on to someone younger/in better health. In truth, he’s just keeping his “traitor” heroics separate from his company. Secret Identity.
Tony approaches Peter to mentor him, not to help apprehend Team Cap.
Tony learns about Bucky killing his parents, they fight as per the film, but Tony eventually realizes that Bucky is a victim, just like he and Bruce, etc., had been in AOU. Again, things are talked out like adults.
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starkinternational · 7 years
Okay, verses talk. I have three so far. (new blog is new) But the first verse is a general mainverse. If you’re character ends up in Tony’s world or is just AU’d to exist there, this is the verse we’ll be working with. v: a man made of vices Now, if Tony's in your character’s world, it goes in my crossover verse. The main idea of this is that Tony is on an interdimensional vacation. Because he’s just that extra. v: left turn in albuquerque And, finally, I have my very tl;dr MCU AU, where Ults Tony fixes everything was born into the MCU instead and all the changes that would come about from that. It’s v long. v: the unforsaken road
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starkinternational · 7 years
@gemsandgin hit the heart!
Tony did what he usually did when he came home: he breezed through to wherever his mother had secluded herself and made a pest of himself. These days, he was home more often than he wasn’t. For various reasons. Pressing a kiss to her cheek and giving her a long look, he couldn’t decide if she looked better or worse than last week. “It’s Mother’s Day,” he reminded her, gently taking her hands. “That means I get to monopolize you for the entire day.”
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