#v: land of ice and snow (viking au)
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Willow/Tara Viking AU! “Why did you stop me from killing her?“
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   The battle was over now, but that hardly meant it had slipped from Tara’s mind. Especially given the fact that they still had a single prisoner within their midst. For the most part, holding those for ransom wasn’t something that Tara insisted on in any degree. Not only would they be forced to look after said prisoner, but it also meant that the risk existed of someone bringing in a large scale force to wipe them out. That was a danger that Tara hardly liked having placed upon her shoulders. Something Faith had known all too well, possibly why she’d asked the question at the time.
    In short, she hardly knew what had made her spare the redhead woman now sleeping on the opposite end of the room. She was sleeping, for now, but Tara knew that once the other awoke, there would be more questions, more fear, more time that Tara was forced to think of the possibilities. Sighing, she took a small swig of her drink, hoping that there would be something that would jump out at her.
     Thus far, there was nothing except the crackling of the fire in the center of the room. Glancing over at the redhead, Tara sighing, tugging her blanket further around her shoulders. 
     “I don’t know why...” She mumbled in her native tongue, answering the question that she’d been unable to earlier when Faith had asked her. “...she deserved to be spared.”
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baisleyarts · 6 years ago
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Lookie, it’s an AU, set post-httyd 2~
A forbidden love story for Valentine’s Day <3 shout out to those happily loving themselves this V-day like me.
(Got a plot written for ya, but BEWARE! It’s hella long)
The word of the death of Hiccup’s father, the great Stoick the Vast, had spread across the seas of the Barbaric Archipelago and to the attention of long ago enemies of Berk. 
Upon taking the great mantle as chieftain, Hiccup Haddock uncovers the horrifying secrets of Berk’s Vikings that his father had tried hard to bury, for even in death his father is a man of many layers. Hiccup discovers a history of bloodshed and innocent slaughter; the bones and blood of innocents building the foundations of Berk.by the hands of his ancestors.
Hiccup must face the consequences of his kin’s sins as a usurper from the East by the name of Tsar Lunar sails to exact his revenge upon Berk, by eradicating the line of Haddock. He sends his most loyal and elite to infiltrate the Viking lands in the Archipelago and destroy it from the inside out. Feared across the great lands, vicious killers said to have been created by cold hands of death to take any soul to rest in the land of suffering, not even the innocent lives of children would be spared. The name Children of the Moon is a name that brings men to their knees and strikes terror in the hearts of many.
Among the Children of the Moon is the son of Lunar, Jackson, his most prized possession, a young man who’s touched by the powers of ice and snow. Sent to Berk under the guise of an escaped slave who was shipwrecked into their shores, he successfully inserts himself into the village. His appearance captures the attention of the village chieftain, and his story strikes a chord in the young chief, recalling the history of enslavement and slave-trading that his ancestors were guilty of among many things. 
Hiccup takes him under his wing teaching him the new ways of Vikings and the wonders of dragons. While Hiccup and the village deems all is well with the new addition to their village, Astrid Hofferson keeps a careful eye on Jackson, suspicious and unconvinced with his story, but she keeps her silence and observes. She is not alone in her caution as she finds an ally in Toothless, who keeps a wary distance from the newcomer.
Along with his mission to infiltrate Berk, Jackson was tasked to seduce the famed ‘Dragon Master’ but as he spends more time with the young Viking guilt creeps into his cold heart as Hiccup’s innocent and genuine affections thaw the ice that he hides behind. His resolve to find an end to his mission begins to dwindle as he finds himself falling for the young chieftain. But instead of spilling his secrets and his father’s plot to end the line of Haddocks, Jackson burdens himself to silence, feeling the weight of his wrongdoings and decides to selfishly enjoy the fleeting moment of happiness.
But he should have known that the decision to keeps his secrets were never his to make. He’s followed by Astrid to the docks at night, where he meets with one of his father’s agents hiding in one of the trading boats and tells him of Tsar Lunar’s orders to return and prepare for the attack in two days time.
Enraged by her discoveries, Astrid breaks out of her hiding spot and successfully captures Jackson, which frustratingly leaves the agent the opportunity to escape. He’s taken to the Hall where Hiccup is holding council with the other Vikings. Astrid brings Jackson to his knees and announces her findings, much to Hiccup’s growing disbelief. He pleads to Jackson to tell him what she just said wasn’t true, but his silence screamed the answer as was his cold gaze. 
Heart-broken, Hiccup orders him to be taken to a cell. 
With only days to come up with a plan to defend Berk, Hiccup hardens himself from his heartbreak and let Jackson’s betrayal fuel his determination to keep his village and its dragons safe. 
He finally finds it in him to interrogate Jackson the next day, Hiccup’s cold facade keeping him from breaking apart, but he remains silent and still in his cell, shackled. When he turns to leave, Jackson’s voice calls out to him, making him still as his words cruelly twisted the dagger that he had first placed there.
“What we had...it was real. I loved...” 
But Hiccup had already fled. A thousand sorrows showing from the lone tear that fell from his eye and soaked the ground in a tiny drop in front of his cell.
When daybreak came, the cell was empty, save for the collection of frost that covered the walls. In the horizon the army of Tsar Lunar sets its eyes on Berk, a battle horn bellows in the distance as Berk readies itself for battle.  
From each side of the battlefield, two hearts cry as they ready to face one another one last time...at war.
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Willow/Tara “I wanna scream ‘I love you’ from the top of my lungs”
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   Gods, the way Willow’s touch felt on her skin, even as bruised as it was still from battle, it felt as though words were incapable of describing it. Looking down at the woman underneath her, Tara smiled a bit, blue eyes reflecting just the faintest glimpse of the fire in front of them. She was tired, that left little to be stated further. But there was something about being in the other’s presence that gave her energy, even if it was merely just enough to push her forward without succumbing to sleep. 
     “Ek munuð nær ykka taka me líki sem…” (I love when you touch me like that…) She mumbled, native words rolling off her tongue into the other’s ear. Things, as heated as they were, were still moving slow, evident by the way she could feel Willow’s hands moving over her back, tracing her spine. In contrast, she was leaving the faintest trail of nibbles and other attentions along Willow’s neck, sometimes leaving darkened splotches in her wake. 
      “Ek vita…” (I know.) Willow answered, her command over the language still rocky in points, not helped by a somewhat faint sense of confidence in her understanding of it. She would learn, in time. Tara knew that. Her own knowledge of the other’s words wasn’t much better in comparison. But there was just enough foundation left for them to communicate. Smile inching a little further, Tara lifted her head a bit, braids framing the one side of her face.
      “G…Good.” Nodding, she hoped that even something so simple of a word wouldn’t be pronounced wrong. Hearing English coming from Tara, Willow grinned, head tilting atop the fur they were nestled atop. 
       “I love you…” Was her reply, cheeks hazed with red splotches of color. Wanting to be positive her words were understood, the redhead merely took one moment to consider over the appropriate translation. “ek elska þik.”
        Still smiling down at Willow, Tara leaned down slowly, gaze never once breaking off from the other. Lips just barely brushing against the other’s, she rested her forehead against Willow’s.
       “"Ek fýst við skepia nær klóra sá.“ (I want to make you scream that.)
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