#v: isaac x oc x jean
fang-and-feather · 8 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Isaac x OC x Jean - Soulmates AU
Planned to be a V relationship for now. this chapter is pre-relationship and focused on Amy, with some participation from Comte
Words: 1,057
Summary: Amy not only had two soulmate marks, a blurred mood mark that was always back and the other a zeroed timer, both somewhat faded. Until a trip to Paris and a mysterious encounter led her to go through a door that had her trapped in the 19th century. The timer now indicated she's met he soulmate, on a night she had contact with many new people. But who is it, and why does she have the second mark that still seems inactive?
I planned for this to be a full fic for my birthday ended up being just the short start of a series.
Next Chapter / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Everyone Amy knew had one clear soulmate link, be it a physical mark, a bond only them could see or even a more spiritual connection. They always knew there was this person out there that was made for them, no matter how they reacted to that knowledge.
She, on the other hand, had two different links, a blurred, tattoo-like one in her right wrist, that was supposed to be a mood mark but was always black, and a zeroed counter on the left, both of them quite faded.
Everyone around her was so confused, and ended up treating her with pity, because she would never meet that soulmate, or one of them would die, or other depressing explanations they came up with to explain her strange marks. Amy took to hiding them and pretending like she didn’t care to meet that soulmate.
As much as she would rather not lie, especially to her sisters, she couldn’t take that treatment anymore.
Until she had to take her clothes off for some reason, it was so easy to pretend she didn’t have these marks and didn’t care about it. To pretend she was one of the rare people who didn’t have soulmates. Easy to pretend her life was normal.
But this trip to Paris had been difficult. The city of love was like a flashing sign of what she didn’t have. To the point a chance meeting had her wishing she could just fall in love with someone else and move on. She would have jumped at the opportunity that encounter presented if that mysterious gentleman was actually her type.
Still he was quite curious. He had that air about him of a good puzzle to pierce together, and of memories she would rather forget, but she was drawn to anyway.
And that led her to that suspicious door, that reeked of dust and things forgotten, of time lost and shadows.
That was probably her imagination, though, and Amy walked in, determined to prove herself wrong. But the moment she stepped on the other side, she knew it was true, and that she had made a mistake, despite her superficial attempts at rejecting such a notion. Until proven otherwise. Then there was no more escape.
But at the time she cursed her luck, without realizing what it would bring her.
The day that changed it all started like a nightmare. She had several nightmares that night, with vampires, - Sebastian told her he was joking after saying everyone in the house was a vampire, but she had this sickly feeling that he wasn’t, - and with her past. Then Comte had insisted on taking her shopping - which Amy only agreed because she doubted in a month she wouldn’t have to go to the city once - which meant a fifteen minutes, hellish carriage ride.
“What is bothering you, chérie?”He had to notice, didn’t he? Amy bit her lip and clasped her hands together over her lap. “Still worried by being trapped in this time?”
“No.” Amy replied, without looking at him. “I’m fine, actually. Love a good adventure.” Wouldn’t be a lie, as long as it didn’t involve vehicle rides, or being otherwise trapped., both of which were currently true. She was forced on this adventure, trapped on this time period, and on a carriage, in a vulnerable moment in front of a stranger that might or not be a vampire, but that she didn’t fully trust either way.
“Then why are you so tense?”
“Not exactly looking forward to shopping, I admit. I don’t belong here, and pretending to fit in is not really my style.” Although sometimes necessary, it always bothered her.
“We can always get you something more comfortable to use at home."
It was hard to believe Comte was just that nice, but if he wasn't he could disguise it better than most people. She ended up giving him a weak smile and a nod. She doubted anything could be comfortable enough, but his willingness to understand her and at least try made her a bit emotional in that moment.
She was far anyway from anything she ever knew. Alone. And she had not made such a choice. Amy hated that and needed someone she could trust. She was willing to try trusting him for the time being.
Then came actual shopping. The shop Comte took her to was obviously on the more expensive side, which made her doubly uncomfortable. Comte, on the other hand, was way too excited about it, dismissing her concerns about the unecessary expediture and constantly pointing out things he thought would fit her.
And he kind of had better taste than she expected, finding what would maybe be her style if she had always lived in this century. In the end she managed to find something pretty reasonable to try on.
That led to her first change of clothes in this century - seeing that she had nothing to change into before - allowing for her gaze to fall on the easily spotted mark on her wrist, that now looked as clear as anyone else’s. Also, the counter had turned into the previous day’s date, with a heart at the end, a sign she’d met her soulmate then.
A weird surprised noise escaped her and in a moment Comte was on the other side of the curtain.
“Something wrong, chérie?”
“No.” She hurried to answer. “Everything’s fine. I’ll get out soon.”
But the sight remained in the front of her mind as she hurriedly got dressed. Who was her soulmate, then? There were eleven guys in that mansion. Well, technically ten, as she never actually met Jean d’Arc. How would she figure out who it was?
And was that why the mark had been all weird since it appeared? Because their first meeting wouldn’t be in her time?
Maybe it was for the best she didn’t figure it out though. Soulmate or not, she had to return to her time. She didn’t belong in this one.
So she tried to forget it, and enjoy her limited time in this weird adventure as best as she could. It was enough to know why this didn't work. That her dilema had an explanation.
Not everyone actually ended up with their soulmates. She could find her own happiness in the future knowing why she had to, right?
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
The Man Next Door
Jake Lockley x plus size black female reader
This blog is 18+ MDNI
Word Count: approx. 4.1k
Summary: You've been eyeing your neighbor Jake for the last few months. A major even and discovery puts things into perspective. You make your move after the dots are filled in.
Warnings: Mentions of blood (various amounts), violence, one minor character death, sprinkles of Spanish, first aid, unprotected P in V (wrap it IRL), aftercare
Notes: My first Moon Knight fic! 🥰 It's been in the works for a bit. It's a half of a request for @megamindsecretlair I asked her what she wanted in it and she told me. We'll see if I delivered on that or not. 😄Dividers are designed by the wonderful @saradika-graphics ❤️
Main Masterlist / Moon Knight Masterlist/ Oscar Isaac characters
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Sometimes he has blood on his hands, attempting to wipe it off with a rag, other times there are small drops of splatter on his chin and cheek as he gives you a morning nod before you head off to work.
He’s never without a drop of crimson on him, no matter what time of day you happen to spot him. It makes you keep your distance from him, not indulge in idle chatter like your other neighbors in your apartment building, ask to borrow items or even keep a package or two for you.
You’re curious about him, about Jake Lockley.
He’s been your next door neighbor for six months. You haven’t heard anyone in his apartment or seen anyone visit. It was odd, that you’re sure of. He only gets a few pieces of mail and seldom any packages. Never rude and never too friendly either. A fair distance away from any who may try to get to know him.
You wonder if you should have ever spoken to him now. It’s been a few days since you’ve seen him and had your morning farewell nod. You walk from the bus stop to work each day, it’s less than ten minutes and you count it as your exercise. This is the night you see him again, your neighbor. Walking home like every other night, you happen to hear a thud and look in its direction. Sure you left work an hour late due to your boss being a dick and wanting you to finish putting together the reports for tomorrow, but at least you got overtime out of it so you hadn’t minded too much. Maybe you should have.
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You can’t say it’s completely unexpected, there’s only so many reasons Jake would have blood on him but it’s still shocking. It’s not everyday you see your neighbor standing in a pool of someone’s blood. Honestly you can’t tell the gender or the person or ethnicity from the distance and from the amount of blood.
There’s just so much. Dripping from his hands, splashes on his face and clothes.
No wait…the clothes are odd. They went from some off gray looking robes to his normal jeans, and jacket. Maybe you’re hallucinating. It’s then that you feel a hand on your arm.
“You know him, don't you woman? What do you know about him? Tell us!” When you turn to see who the hand belongs to, you’re met with a knife that grazes your cheek. There are four men in addition to the one holding you for a total of five. You’re shaking your head, it’s not a lie, you don’t know anything about the man other than his name and that he lives next to you. His grip strengthens on your arm as you try to pull away from him and the other men watch amused at your attempt to try and escape. Their laughs are replaced by curses as you stomp on your assailant’s foot and drop your bag to punch him in the face. He’s stunned so his grip loosened finally to give you a chance to go for the knife and you do.
There’s blood on you now. Not on your hand you punched the man with, but on the knife and your white button down from where you went for your assistant’s neck. He’s holding the side of it, trying to apply pressure but he’s shaky on his feet. One of his friends, you assume, grabs him to help him but he slumps in his arms, the man’s hand falling slowly from his neck.
Did you just kill someone? What the hell is happening?
(Khonshu): Is that the woman you glance at and who occupies your idle thoughts Jake? I thought she was one of the many worms. It appears she is not. You may want to don the suit again. She has spirit, but not skill nor strength. She’ll not last long.
(Jake): I hear you loud and clear, you old bird. What is she doing here anyway? She’s normally off work and at home by now. I know her routine and she doesn't change it by much. I knew she had a little fire in her, she went right for the neck, most would have gone for an arm or torso.
The three other men are circling you, screaming at you about their fallen friend and how they’re going to take their time in torturing you no matter if you actually know anything about Jake or not. You lunge at the man closest to you, going for his neck as well since that did the other man in, but he caught both your arms and chuckled.
“Luck like that only strikes once bitch!” He presses his fingertips into your wrists, but you keep hold of the knife, it’s the only weapon you have. But you start to smell more metal - iron, no there’s more blood. It’s not on you, or it wasn’t until the goon holding you falls forward and to step back to avoid his body hitting yours, wrists free, but you’re falling. It seems among all that scuffle, you’d been near a curb and you’d stepped off awkwardly.
You don’t hit the ground though, instead you’re in strong arms. The same gray you’d seen earlier except now there’s a mask, cape and a moon in the middle of his chest? He supports you as you stand up. You’re still holding onto your knife though, adrenaline running through your veins as you hold it close to your chest. He holds your shoulders and gives them a soft squeeze to help you pay attention.
“Mira! Hola! (Look! Hello!) Tch…” Jake’s trying to get your attention but it’s not working. This whole gentle thing isn’t his norm and he can see that your eyes aren’t registering him or his words at all. Not even him squeezing your shoulders, he’s worried that squeezing them harder will result in an injury and the suit only heals him, not you. The blood dripping from your cheek angers him and the men are only knocked out now. He needs to get you out of here so he can come back and find out information from them - slowly and painfully. He releases you and picks up your bag, then tosses you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he doesn’t have time to console you, not that he would be any good at it. He hears you squeal then yelling and shifts your back to the same arm he’s holding you with, then pinches your hip.
“Silencio! (Quiet!)” Your body tenses in his arms as he makes his way to the apartment building. He jumps to the fire escape outside of his window as he usually keeps it open for when he doesn’t feel like using the door. He removed that suit before heading in, donning his street clothes and carrying you inside, setting you down on his couch. You’re sniffling, but not crying loudly or yelling anymore which Jake is thankful for. He goes to get a small first aid kit. It was included with some beer he bought when he last shopped for anything really and hasn’t been opened. Kneeling in front of you, he sighs as you’re still looking forward, he’s wondering if he’ll still get soft nods and hellos after this. You might even see if you can move from the building. He wets some gauze with some saline and dabs your cheek, finally you respond by hissing from the sting.
“Oh, now you’re paying attention princesa (princess)? You’re in my place by the way. Stay still.” Jake gives you a brief smile before dabbing your cheek a few more times and applying some antibiotic ointment. It’s not nearly deep enough for stitches or even the little strips they have in here, but he still hates that you were there at all, let alone that you’re not only injured but you also had to kill to survive.
“I..so that was all real, not a nightmare? Oh…so I killed…” You finally drop the knife and in klangs on the floor, your hands take hold of your knees, covered halfway by your pencil skirt. Your realization sinks in that no, it was not some crazed fearful dream from watching way too much FBI in one night. No, there had been a fight, there had been blood and you had indeed killed someone.
“It was self-defense hermosa (gorgeous). That’s all it was. You wouldn’t have had to if I wasn’t slow in getting to you.” Jake takes your hands in his. You finally look at him. He looks like every other day, black leather jacket, dark gray t-shirt, dark wash jeans, a wry smile on his face and it’s surrounded by his dark shadowy stubble. When did he change clothes? His eyes are unexpectedly warm in their chocolate pools. You hadn’t really looked at them before, always in passing. You nod and close your eyes. He’s telling you what you want to hear, but you know what you did with that knife. “Come on, let’s get you next door. You should wash up and change clothes. Don’t touch your face though.” He instructs and you follow him to your feet as he stands and walks to his door. His apartment has the same brick walls, though his are more sparse with decorations though you see many books. You didn’t expect any and you’re not sure why.
You aren’t able to find your keys, your hands are shaking so badly and you’re crying again, silently since he told you to be quiet. He regrets that a bit. You’re not accustomed to death and violence as he is, of course it's shocking, most would find it so. “May I princesa?” Jake holds out a hand, he’s not going to force it, it’s not the time. You hand him your back and he searches for half a minute. The bag is large and looks like you keep a lot of ‘just in case’ stuff in it. He finds your keys and unlocks your door, but doesn’t enter with you.
“You’re not coming in? I…” Your voice fades out. You want to ask him to stay, you don’t want to be alone, but would he even want to? He likely thinks you’re a wimp for crying, why would he even want to stay? “N-Never mind Jake see-”
“I’ll be back. I need to tie up loose ends princesa. Just take a nice slow shower, if you get your face wet, clean and apply some more ointment and eat something. You did well, you survived. Don’t feel bad about it at all.” He’s spoken more to you now than he ever has. On one hand, this eleates Jake as he was never really sure how to start a conversation with you, but under these circumstances, it’s far from ideal. His arms wrap around you, bringing your head to his chest. He still smells a little metallic like blood but now like the books in his apartment and cigarettes? You’d never seen him smoke, curious, but not your focus. His heartbeat is steady and one hand touches the back of your neck, his fingers run up into the small hairs you have at the back edge of your hairs, those little ones that no amount of hair grease or edge cream will tame. He’s playing with them though before he lets you go abruptly. “Hasta leugo princesa (See you later princess).” And he’s back to his apartment. Gone that fast. His warmth lingers on your neck and the front of your body and it’s what you ponder while you’re in the shower.
Peeling off your clothes and showering was the easy part. The clothes went in their own small trash bag and would go out with tomorrow’s garbage. It was trying to eat, you made a sandwich and only ate half of it, then there was soup, which normally you love, but the smell made your stomach curl. Eventually, all of the sandwiches went down with some water and on the couch you sat. Alone with your thoughts. You don’t feel any different, but you know what you did with that knife. The blood, the men’s threats, the fear you felt, Jake being covered in blood. What was he going to do when he came back? Where should you even start with your questions? It had been a few hours by this point and you’re staring at the wall when there’s a knock at your door. Standing and hurrying to the door, a familiar voice uttered one word.
“Princesa.” It was the fastest you’d open the door for anyone.
Jake sits down from you on your couch and explains to you who he is, who he serves and why he usually has blood on him. It’s fantastical and had it been any other day, you’d told him to get out and avoided him like he was insane. But the events of the night had told you to believe him and it was honestly better to think he was punishing those causing harm to others than being a serial killer or something else. You do notice something though, Jake appears to be nervous, which is weird, his eyes are darting around and he keeps clearing his throat and moving on the couch, like he can’t get comfortable.
“Did you want to sit in the armchair? You might find it more comfortable.” Your offer makes him stop moving and sigh. Jake’s a little worked up since he’d been doing a lot more of Khonshu work, normally he’d drink to ease himself into some sleep. He should leave. Now. You’re freshly showered, took down a man despite being scared out of your mind, and he held you too long earlier, much too long. He meant to calm you with that hug but it instead had him in his thoughts again.
He shouldn’t have watched you stand either, your wide hips make Jake want to do more than pat them as do the soft caramel of your legs that he sees as you glide over to your fridge to offer him water. He stands as you bring him the water and he gulps it down, thanking you as he starts toward the door.
“W-Wait, you’re leaving already Jake?!” He needs you not to call for him like that. You sound like you need him and…that’s not something he can handle right now.
“You’re okay now. I shouldn’t stay any longer princesa.” He doesn’t turn to face you. If he sees your eyes he’s not going to leave. He knows what he’s feeling is partly from all the fighting but not entirely and that’s the part his mind has latched onto and won’t let go of.
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“Could I at least have another hug before you go Jake?” You’ve said his name softly, almost with care. How can he say no now? He did give you a hug earlier. He turns to see that you’ve dropped your robe and you are wearing a red silk nightgown that just barely covers your bottom. Your eyes aren’t telling him you want a hug, at least, not just a hug.
“Hermosa, I don’t think that’s all you want from me. Let’s both be honest here. Has this been part of why you watch me as much as I watch you?” His steps are slow, he’s giving you an out. You can say no and give a flimsy excuse like your robe slipped or something. You don’t. You put your hands on his chest and run them up as he did to you, your hands grabbing his curls, their silken texture makes you smile.
“You’d be correct Jake. This dance has gone on long enough. You’re finally in my apartment and I almost died tonight. I also had a long shower as you suggested.” Your plush lips look so inviting and he can’t resist. The kiss is sloppy and his hands are roaming your body, he’d like to rip the gown off of you, but he’s sure you put it on to be admired so he will for a little bit. Jake is much more interested in what’s under it. He bends temporarily and hooks his hands under your knees to lift you up carrying you to your bedroom.
After setting you on the bed gently, Jake slips off his clothes, making a pile on the floor in front of your bed. He’s not one to be embarrassed and is well aware of what he’s working with. His swollen length bobs while he licks his lips. His eyes roam your body as he climbs on the bed, calloused hands start at your ankles and slide up your thick legs. Once he reaches your hips, his hands stay under your nightgown as he pulls it up and over your head. The low groan makes his Adam's apple bob when he sees you weren’t wearing any underwear as you open your legs for him to expose your wetness. You gasp at the cool air and it allows him to capture your lips again, your arms and legs wrapping around him.
He grins into the kiss, lurching his hips forward to have the head of his cock glide across your wet slit. Your hips react and jut forward having the tip enter you, Jake grins on your lips and pulls back but leaves the tip in. “Rather eager aren’t you cariño (sweetheart)?” He takes hold of his length, removing his tip fully and rolls the wrist of his free hand for you to roll over. “I’ll have you from the back first. I want to see that large ass of your bounce.” You roll on your stomach and spread your knees, feeling him lean over and run his hands along your body as he notches at your entrance. His bulbous head is just past your entrance. “Move that ass and push back on my cock. Show me what you can do hermosa.” He leans to kiss along your spine as you use your legs to move your hips back, having your forearms flat on the bed with your elbows as an anchor.
You’re able to get him deeper and feel him stretching you, almost too much, his hips don’t feel flush with yours yet, there must be more. “Jake you’re so thick…. Please move with me.” You coo, looking back at him, your hips moving slowly, your walls are pulling on his shaft, learning his shape. Jake’s hands are roaming your back as praises for working hard for him. He’s aware of his girth and wants to push forward but not yet.
He leans over your back again, making his chest flush with it. His lips are next to your ear, “Muy bien (very good) mi (my) princesa. I’m going to reward you by moving. Be as loud as you want.” A kiss is placed on your shoulder, a last bit of tenderness he shows you before straightening himself up and taking hold of your hips. He draws back, nearly pulling all the way out of you but he thrusts forward, his hips finally flush with yours and the walls of your core expanded to accommodate him as his thrusts increased as did your cries of Jake’s name. You felt yourself pressing into the mattress, at one point face down. Jake was not having it. He wanted you vocal unless your voice had truly given out, which he was sure it hadn’t. His hips came to a full stop and you gasped. “No, no princesa. You won’t go quiet on me yet. Roll.” He gave a light slap to your ass for encouragement for you to move.
You had just sat yourself up back on your elbows and lifted your head when Jake decided that you were moving too slow for him and pulled out of you, the loss had you groan before you yelped with your leg up in the air where it had not been for a long time. He crossed your leg over and succeeded in flipping you over so you were now on your back. Jake’s relentless, his hands are roaming your thighs, hips, stomach, breasts, “Jake....Jake..Fuck…” You keep chanting as he grins before capturing your lips again with his. He has yet to enter you once more and his precum is dripping onto your slit as it rubs your viscous liquids together.
Once he pulls back, he takes in your swollen lips, the heaving of your chest, every curve that he’s tried to feel with his fingers and he knows he hasn’t. This time when he slips back within you, it’s slower and he keeps eye contact with you, one hand on the back of your knee pushing your leg forward to allow him deeper and the other on the back of your neck to pull your face closer to his as he presses his chest against yours. “So much better than I imagined princesa. You’re not getting away from me you know.” He nibbles on your bottom lip as your core tightens around him again, “Good girl, milk me and accept what I’m going to give you.” Your hands grab his shoulders and dig into his skin, scratching him, your hips keep crashing into his as he speeds up a bit, nearly at his climax.
“Give me what you’ve got Jake. I’ll mark you…” Using your teeth, you graze the skin on his neck before biting down and hearing him hiss, giving you a few more strong pumps before spilling inside of you. The heat from his spend has the walls of your cunt close around his throbbing shaft as you scream in your own peak. Jake continues to slowly roll his hips until you both start to come down. Neither of you move, only the sounds of your breaths fill the room. Your body is completely limp and you stare up at Jake who gives you a small kiss to your lips before starting to move back, your arms weakly reach for him and he grins.
“You want more already? You’ll have to give me a few princesa.” Shaking your head, you stick your bottom lip out and give a small pout.
“Don’t leave yet. Stay.” Jake rubs circles on your belly and chuckles.
“You’re even more adorable than I thought. I need to know where your washcloths and towels are. We need to clean up. I’m not leaving.” You inform him that they’re in the small hall closet next to the bathroom to which he goes and gets two washcloths, warming them up along with towels. He wipes you down first and dries you, then takes care of himself before slipping the both of you under the sheets. His hand cups your cheek before running his fingers through your hair and then it dawns on him - you’re not wearing your bonnet. Jake asks where you keep them and you tell him the bottom drawer of your nightstand so he reaches to get one for you and you decide to pinch his rather round ass.
“I think we’re fond of each other’s asses Jake.” You laugh as he slips the red satin onto your head. “I’m surprised you knew that I wore one at night. You’re keeping that close of tabs on me?” An eyebrow raises and he puts his hands up.
“Come on, give me a little credit. I’m not going to say I know everything about caring for black hair properly, but I know bonnets, protective styles, but don’t ask me how to do any of them and oil.” He put up three fingers for the things he did know.
Now it’s your turn to grin. This sly man. “Pfft. You’re full of surprises Jake. We’ll sleep and then you’re helping me oil my hair in the morning before work.” You press his chest lightly and the scoot closer to him to cuddle. His arm wraps around your back, and those fingers of his run down your spine again.
“I’ll help you oil your hair tomorrow if it’s after breakfast and you take a day off of work.” Jake kisses your forehead and closes his eyes.
“Alright. You talked like you knew what to do. I won’t forgive you if you mess up my hair.”
“Hm. If it’s anything like what you did tonight, I get it. I’ll be extra careful princesa. Don’t worry.” You’d drifted off to sleep and Jake watched you before he dozed off as well, looking forward to having his hands on you again. In your hair or anywhere you’d let him.
Keeping an eye out from the apartment across the hall 👀: @soft-persephone @saturn-rings-writes @legendary-pink-dot @for-a-longlongtime @missladym1981 @alltheglitterandtheroar @dameron-grant-spector @soft-girl-musings @agentjackdaniels
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akirafanarts · 5 years
A list of all my doodles since July 8, 2018
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⚠️Please do not repost/edit/print any of my artworks without my explicit permission!!⚠️
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Theo x MC Short Angsty Comic *(Theo Route Spoilers)*
🎨 Chapter 0.1 - The Night Before
🎨 Theo from Chapter 1 comic panel
🎨 Chapter 1 - We Were Always Meant To Say Goodbye
🎨 Neko Zen - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Mitsuhide and Chimaki in a Snowglobe
🎨 Neko Satan - Obey Me!
🎨 Theo , Leonardo, Vincent & Shakespeare (Bday Gift for Miko)
🎨 Isaac on an Apple (300 Followers Prize) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Vlad and Comte - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Schei uit, Theo (Vincent’s route Shenanigans) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Hamster Theo (Holiday Special) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Santa Theo in a Snowglobe
🎨 Neko Isaac - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theo - Halloween Gacha Card
🎨 Arthur - Ikémen Vampire - Raffle Prize
🎨 Zen x MC - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Vlad - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Zen, Hachiro, Kenshin, Ranmaru, Harr, Masamune, Yuma - OA’s 3rd Bday
🎨 Hachiro in an egg - Hakuouki
🎨 Satsuki and Yuzuki Kitaoji, Ryoichi (Halloween) - Seduced in the Sleepless City
🎨 Vampire Kyohei Rikudoh - Scandal in the Spotlight
🎨 Ichthys - Star Crossed Myth
🎨 Toma Kiriya - Irresistible Mistakes
12 Days of IkeVamp
🎨 Day 1 - Theodorus Van Gogh
🎨 Day 2 - Comte De Saint Germain
🎨 Day 3 - William Shakespeare
🎨 Day 4 - Arthur
🎨 Day 5 - Jean
🎨 Day 6 - Dazai
🎨 Day 7 - Sebastian
🎨 Day 8 - Isaac Newton
🎨 Day 9 - Vincent
🎨 Day 10 - Mozart
🎨 Day 11 - Leonardo
🎨 Day 12 - Napoleon
🎨 Bonus - Vlad
🎨 Tattoo Shop AU Theo Van Gogh - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Are You Lost, Hondje? (Theo) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Solomon - Obey Me!
🎨 Lucifer (Bday) - Obey Me!
🎨 Vlad (Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Shibari Theo - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Saito Hajime - Hakuoki
🎨 Theo x MC kiss (1st Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Theo’s Bday Countdown (Day 1-10) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Leonardo x MC (Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Kenshin as Ares (Greek Myth AU Fanzine Preview) - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Zen (Bday) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Thirsty Vincent - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Taira no Shigehira -  Ikemen Genjiden
🎨 Thirsty Vlad - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Faust (Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 AU Theo with a Manbun
🎨 Satan - Obey Me!
🎨 Thirsty Theo - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Vincent Van Gogh - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Victor - Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
🎨 Sid (Art Giveaway Prize) - Midnight Cinderella
🎨 Faust (Tumblr Secret Santa) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Comte de Saint Germain (Tumblr Secret Santa) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh (Red String Of Fate) - Ikémen Vampire
AllOverKinktober 2019 🔞 Masterlist Oct 1 - Oct 8 (NSFW)
🎨 Comte de Saint Germain (Route Release) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Sleepy Vlad - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Comte de Saint Germain (Bday) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh (19th Century Rider) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Ieyasu Tokugawa - SLBP - Commission
🎨 Yakuza Ranmaru - Utapri
🎨 Mardin - Sealed With a Kiss
🎨 Masamune Date (Bday) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Kenshin Uesugi (Hanabi) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Mitsuhide Akechi - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Sirius Oswald with chibi Black Army brats - Ikémen Revolution
🎨 Sasuke Sarutobi - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Impey Barbicane - Code: Realize
🎨 Hachiro Iba - Hakuouki
🎨 Souji Okita - Hakuouki (Bday gift for Eru)
🎨 Subaru Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
🎨 Setsugetsuka Ranmaru - Utapri
🎨 Waking up with Zen (Bday) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Hachiro Iba x Sora(OC) Hanami - Hakuouki
🎨 Zen (A year on OA) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Eisuke Ichinomiya - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
🎨 Chiaki Kira - Several Shades of Sadism
🎨 Kenshin in Onsen (Bday) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Jin Aoi (Valentines’ Day) - Chocolate Temptation
🎨 Hachiro Iba - Hakuouki
2018: (Look at your own risk lol 😂)
🎨 Ranmaru Kurosaki (Bday) - Utapri
🎨 V (Bday) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Masamune Date (Bday event) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Zen After Shower - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Souji Okita - Hakuouki (Xmas Gift for Eru)
🎨 Harr Silver - Ikémen Revolution
🎨 Saint Germain - Code: Realize
🎨 Ren Jinguji - Utapri
🎨 Mitsunari Ishida - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Zen - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Tauxolouve - SCM
🎨 MeXHusbando - Kenshin x OC
🎨 Arthur x OC on a picnic - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mitsuhide x OC under a sakura tree - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 The Van Gogh Bros Goodbye (Vincent’s Route)
Ko-fi Snowglobe Commissions
🎨 Sebastian x OC - IkeVam
🎨 The Van Gogh Brothers
🎨 Ranmaru Mori x OC - IkeSen
🎨 Leonardo and Comte - IkeVam
🎨 Masamune Date x OC - IkeSen
🎨 Jonah Clemence x OC - IkeRev
🎨 Mitsuhide x OC - IkeSen
🎨 Ikevamp 3rd Anniversary Theo
🎨 Lucifer in shower - Obey Me!
🎨 Tattoo Shop AU Theo
🎨 Theo x MC Wedding - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mitsuhide Akechi (6 fanarts) - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Theo (6 fanarts) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Theo as Poseidon (Greek Myth AU) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mitsuhide Akechi (Special Illustration) - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Easter Bunny Theo
🎨 Theo Thermae Kiss Event
🎨 Theo Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
🎨 Lucifer - Obey Me!
🎨 Theo (White Day)
🎨 Theo x MC (Valentines’ Day
🎨 Anguished Theo
🎨 Theo (Comic Sneak peek)
🎨 Theo x MC
🎨 Nobunaga x Mai
🎨 Napoleon x MC
🎨 Faust x MC
🎨 Mitsuhide x Mai
🎨 Sirius x Alice
🎨 Leonardo x MC
Hakuoki Group
🎨 My Hakuouki OC - Sora
🎨 Eruri no Sora E - Comic 1 (Collab with Eru)
🎨 Hachiro x Sora (Kabedon)
🎨 Hachiro in a hotdog Onesie
🎨 Souji on a banana boat
🎨 Hakuouki Doujin Trailer - Hachiro Iba x OC
Amino Art Group/ Collabs
🎨 Toa Kushinada - 7’scarlet (Collab with Gloomtoast)
🎨 Zen (Sexy Santa) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Toa, Zen and Lupin, Subaru - Collabs with Gloom, Bun, Winterwolf
🎨 Hair Tutorial (Old Version)
25 notes · View notes
fang-and-feather · 2 years
Ikemen Vampire Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Suitor x MC/Reader/OC
I'm yours Tonight - Arthur x OC (Amy) - Smut
New Spring Tradition - Arthur x Reader - Smut
Sharing a Taste - Arthur x Reader - Fluff
New Companion - Arthur x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
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More Time with You - Charles x Reader - Fluff
We Belong Together - Charles x Reader - Smut
A Little Escape - Charles x Pureblood Reader - Smut
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Love like a Fairytale - Comte x OC (Hikari), Soulmates AU - Fluff - Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Yours Forever - Comte x Reader - Smuty Fluff
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The gift of your Touch - Isaac x OC (Amy) - Smut
Hope - Isaac x Reader, Coffee Shop AU - Fluff
Isaac x Reader, Reincarnation AU - Angst with a Happy ending - Lost Stars, Found Treasure
Change of Plans - Isaac x Reader - Smut
A Taste of Domesticity - Isaac x Reader - Fluff
Weird Feelings - Isaac x Reader - Fluff
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Bonds of Fate, Bonds of Love - Jean x OC (Amy), Soulmates AU - Fluff
Walking into our Future - Jean x OC (Amy), Soulmates AU - Fluff
The Beginning with You - Jean x Reader - Fluff
How Far We've Come - Jean x Reader, Family fic - Fluff
First Birthday - Jean x Reader - Fluff
Chasing Hope - Jean x OC (Amy) - Bittersweet Fluff
Perfect for You - Jean x OC (Amy) - Smut
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Shower of Love - Leonardo x MC, Family fic - Bittersweet
Fake Promises, True Dreams - Leonardo x MC, Magic and Arranged Marriage AUs - Fluff
Under the Spell of your Passion - Leonardo x Reader - Smut
A Break to Warm Up - Leonardo x Reader - Smut
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Tune of Love - Mozart x OC (Amy) - Fluff
Calm in the Storm - Mozart x OC (Amy) - A Song in the Storm, Harmonious Lullaby - Comfort/Fluff
Safer with You - Mozart x OC (Amy) - Fluff
Back to You - Mozart x OC (Amy), Mermaid AU - Fluff
Schätze - Mozart x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
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Love and Care - Napoleon x Reader - Comfort/Fluff
Bloom - Napoleon x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
Sunshine - Napoleon x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
Love Worth Protecting Series: Worth Protecting, The Me in You - Napoleon x OC (Amy), Bodyguard AU - Warning for blood and injury
Napoleon Pre-Birthday Musings Collection: Adaptation, No Longer Alone - Napoleon x Reader - Fluff
Summer Storm - Napoleon x Reader - AU - Smut
Power Trade - Napoleon x Reader - Smut
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Shadow of the Past, Light of the Future - Sebastian x OC (Amy) - Chapter 1, chapter 2
Irresistible Urges - Sebastian x Reader - Smut
Adjusting to a New Life - Sebastian x Reader, Family fic - Fluff
Masks Off - Sebastian x Pureblood! Reader - Fluff
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Deciphering Secrets - Theo x Reader - Fluff (Request)
Always in my Mind - Theo x Reader - Fluff (Request)
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Family Outing - Vincent x Reader, Family fic - Fluff
Intoxicating Heat - Vincent x Reader - Smut
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Sweet Meetings - Vlad x Reader, Coffee/Flower shops AUs - Fluff
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A Promise of Tomorrow - MC x Unspecified Suitor - Angst with a Happy Ending
A Third Chance to Live - Robert Hooke - (Background Isaac x MC) - Slight Magic AU
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Nostra Unica Famiglia - Leonardo & Reader - Fluff
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The case of the Fox - Arthur x Vincent x OC (Reina) - Fluff
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Surprise Valentines' - Arthur x Isaac x OC (Reina) - Fluff
Flowers for You - Arthur x Isaac x OC (Reina) - Fluff
First Celebration Plans - Arthur x Isaac x OC (Reina) - Fluff
Revelations - Arthur x Isaac x Reader - Fluff
Written with Love - Arthur x Isaac x Reader - Fluff
Connected Stars - Arthur x Isaac x Reader, Family Fic, Triadverse AU - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Dawn of a New Destiny - Jean x OC (Amy) x Isaac, V Relationship, Soulmates AU
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Changing Hearts - Jean x Mozart x OC (Amy), Polyamorous World AU - Fluff - Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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The Call of Light - Jean x Vincent x Reader - Angst and Fluff - Chapter 1
True Happiness - Jean x Vincent x Reader
Eternally Yours - Jean x Vincent x Reader - Fluff
Dream Come True - Jean x Vincent x Reader - Fluff
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Dual Temptation - Comte x Reader x Leonardo - Smut
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Inspiration - Leonardo x MC x Theo - Fluff
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Joy - Jean x Napoleon x MC, Family fic - Fluff
Exploring new Desires - Jean x Napoleon x Reader - Smut
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Celebrity Boyfriend - Napoleon x Sebastian x MC - Fluff
Break Day - Napoleon x Sebastian x OC (Amy) - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Love Returned - Shakespeare x Vincent x Reader, Magic AU - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Finding my Way with You - Theo x Fem! Arthur x OC (Amy) - Comfort
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Cultural Differences - Arthur x Female OC (Gale), more ships to be added - Polyamorous World AU - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Suitor x Suitor
Time with You - Shakespeare x Vincent, Angels and Forbidden Love AUs - Fluff
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