#v: eruthros
mmhm-vids · 1 year
Fandom: Vampires vs. the Bronx
Vidder: eruthros
Music: Working Poor by Fantastic Negrito (edited)
Summary: “Gentrification is the consumption of the working class”
Warnings: canon typical violence, gun violence, depiction of police
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sophygurl · 6 years
I was tagged by @fatherjerusalem​ ages ago and my excuses for being so slow at this are first that I was getting ready for and then was at and then was recovering from WisCon, and secondly that I have trouble with music asks because I’m just not as music-focused as I am other forms of media. 
So. The ask is:  10 Songs I Am Currently Obsessed With. I wanted to wait to do this until I watched the vids from WisCon’s vid party, knowing I’d be newly obsessed with some songs and I was not wrong, so here.
1. Stand By You by Rachel Platten - as used in this vid https://youtu.be/jF9p7sba1QQ by thingswithwings. Seriously watch this vid all about men supporting and lifting up women (sometimes literally). 
2. Battle Scars by Paradise Fears - as used in this vid https://youtu.be/v-l4_b1Tv10 by @pixiedane. Watch these amazing clips from ER about surviving and recovering from trauma. 
3. Raspberry Swirl by Tori Amos has long been a favorite of mine, but especially as used in this vid https://youtu.be/q8ieK524eHU by @frasersridge - an Outlander vid.
4. Starships by Nicki Minaj as always as used in everyone’s favorite muti-fandom vid Starships by @bironicwastaken here https://youtu.be/bTGdGKEEiYE
5. The Greatest by Sia featuring Kendrick Lamar - as used in another of bironic’s vids - also multi-fandom but this time featuring characters of color in SFF/Horror. https://youtu.be/yIHZd0-sj_Q - this one is amazing and likely to become everyone’s new favorite multi-fandom vid or at least a close second. 
6. Straightening Up the House by  Romanovsky and Phillips, which is a delightful little song about coming to the decision not to keep hiding one’s sexuality from bigoted family members. As used in this vid by eruthros https://youtu.be/LIzlX1VkDI8 about the erasure of queer characters in the MCU.
7. Hey Ho by The Lumineers as used in this vid by can’t fight the fanvid https://youtu.be/bSOGJ3gZ1io - I don’t even ship Quentin and Eliot in The Magicians, but this vid delights me anyway.
8. Tightrope by Janelle Monae as used in the vid by @anoel here - https://youtu.be/eBFAPlddPuI that focuses on the women of Black Panther
9. Woman by Kesha as used in this vid by runawaynun https://youtu.be/cLCi9faBDWk - about the badass women of Legends of Tomorrow.
10. E.T. by Katy Perry as used in this vid by fighting arrival https://youtu.be/m-LeUPWKyow - a Thor fan vid!
(I have no idea if I’m doing the link thing right so there might be edits once this is posted haaa I am so tech-challenged). 
Now excuse me while I go watch Stand By You a hundred more times and sob about the existence of decent men in the world. 
I tag anyone who wants to do this one! I suspect I’m supposed to tag 10 people but since fatherjerusalem didn’t, I don’t feel compelled to ha! 
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mmhm-vids · 1 year
Title: Tightrope
Vidder: Eruthros
Fandom: Real Person - Sports - 1995 - 1996 Women's USA Basketball Team
Music: Tightrope by Janelle Monáe
Warnings: Physical triggers (flashing lights/quick cuts); implied sexism, homophobia and racism
Additonal Info: Made for Festivids 22/23 for runawaynun
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