#v: don't fear the reaper ( main )
maidencfdeath · 4 months
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BFU MEME // accepting
@spectergeuse: ‘ hello? you can’t be doing occult stuff like this. it’s a weeknight. ’
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“It’s not occult, it’s…” Cassie trailed off as she struggled to find another word. She shook her head, frustrated, tired, and not in the mood to put up with snarky ghosts. “I’m working! Death doesn’t stop just because it’s a weeknight. You know that!”
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maidencfdeath-a · 2 years
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          “Who wants to go mess with some ghost hunters with me?”
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officiallyjewls · 1 year
Let me introduce you guys to my V's!
I currently have four!
Of course, you guys have already met Wiktoria, my main V! She's Polish-Canadian, born in Quebec, and with a non-identical twin named Oliwia! Her twin, though, was luckier, since Wik was born with cystic fibrosis, a chronic illness that affects the lungs, stomach and liver. She has to take medication daily, but that didn't stop her from reaching for her dream of becoming a singer.
Thanks to her grandfather, she managed to get noticed by a local record company, Worldwide Label. So, she was accepted under the artist name of Wiktory (said Victory) and made pop and rock music! Well, that was until...
Anyway! She goes through a bunch of different looks, but the one you see under this is what she looks at the end of the game after the Don't Fear the Reaper ending.
Finally, below that is how she looked when she did a photo shoot with the brand-new Kusanagi CT-3X! (Don't worry, I have more than just one ;) )
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From this point on, it may be way less detailed than my main girl, I'm sry...
Second, my Street Kid V, Vince, though his name is most definitely going to change sometime soon, along with his looks.
Night City, the place he was born, is full of death. He's known this ever since he took his first kill, the life of his mother, leaving it to just be him and his dad. Not only that, but he also has type 1 Diabetes. The condition got so bad that he lost his limbs and almost lost his sight. His dad, just a simple man running a department store, couldn't afford to buy his son the things he needed, so he asked a shark for some help, which brought him into debt.
Vince's eyes were saved thanks to the optics, but it was quickly found out that after a couple of months, they'd become glitchy, becoming worse when he'd look at direct sunlight and develop photophobia. Because of it, he wears sunglasses wherever he goes. Not only for the lights but also because he also doesn't like when people look at his eyes.
As he got older, he started to understand that his family was short on money, so he got into street fighting to help. Eventually, he gained enough respect on the streets to catch the attention of the shark, and, in return for his father's debt to be clean, worked for him as a mercenary, which Vince accepted.
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Next is my Nomad lifepath gal, Vaasifa!
The Bakker clan was a clan that refused for their people to become reliant on technology and cybernetics, so the people there didn't have any unless they absolutely had to. However, some people in the camp seemed to become more reliant on changing this the more she grew up.
Vaasifa was born in Detroit, Michigan, as the youngest of two older brothers, so she'd be overlooked most of the time, leaving little V to be curious and wander about the camp. After a little accident involving a cactus when she was 5 years old, it was found out that she was in need of glasses, which were provided to her, however, this just started another uproar.
As she grew, she became more and more fascinated with the little technology that was in the camp. She wanted to know the how's, what's and the who's and soon got into car mechanics because of it, but watching someone pull out a tablet for a diagnostics check fascinated her even more. Her older brothers started picking up on this, and whenever they were allowed into the city, always brought her something back. For a birthday gift, they even got her her own little cyberdeck and a computer.
For years, she kept it hidden and did what she could, learning what she could with what she was able to. The yelling at night wouldn't stop though, and, one day, when she was 25, a huge fight happened in the camp. Fists, knives and guns of all sorts were heard from her corner of the camp until it eventually stopped early in the morning.
She came out to find her mother, father and oldest brother dead, along with many other members of her clan.
Vaasifa knew that she couldn't stay after that. She buried her family, said goodbye to her older brother, and left for a better life in the city.
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Finally, last but not least...
Yes, that's literally their name at the moment.
V was born into a very high-class family in Japan. Their parents, both high-ranking members of Arasaka, gave them the best education money could buy, and held a very tight leash on their kids. They developed a brilliant mind and body, but personality, well, they were the ultimate douchebag. They knew they were richer than rich and made sure everyone knew about it.
When it came to picking a career path, V didn't have much of a choice but to pick the big moneymakers, so, doctor it was. They quickly found out that all the ethics and moral codes bored them, but the surgeries and operations fascinated them greatly. Soon enough, becoming a ripperdoc was on the table.
At 22, they were invited to attend Night City University, and for the next two years would start practicing their craft, illegally, of course, but for cheap. No one died on their chair, but some of their patients would definitely not come back again. In between patients, they would even practice on themselves, adding more and more upgrades to whatever part they could reach (and not die from).
At 24, the school found out about their illegal operations and kicked them out of school. When V tried to ask their parents for a ticket back home, they refused and left them to rot in Night City.
Homeless and without any eddies, they took residency in Watson, continuing to perform their non-licensed operations for a lower price. What they didn't know is that another ripperdoc was already in the area, Viktor Vector. Well, V found out about him rather quickly when Vik graced their presence in their dingy and dirty little clinic.
Upon seeing the pissed scared kid, Viktor took pity and offered to bring them under his tutelage, along with a roof and food. In return, all they had to do was work by Viktor's side as his assistant and get clean.
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Well, that's all!
If you're someone that made it to the end, thank you! Please, ask a question about any of them if you'd like!
Most of these backstories need more detail and cleaning up, but this is mostly the basics that I wanted to write down cuz why not?
Again, thank you so much for reading!
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deathfound-a · 4 years
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          “I’m dead, dear. Not stupid.”
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corpo-rat · 4 years
right?? Don't Fear The Reaper was such a fucking letdown! 😭 i'd hoped to at least get a slightly better final choice, but no... still ended up with hungry hungry Alt wanting to gobble up V's construct so bad it makes her look stupid 😔
im both absolutely LOSING it over how you phrased that and seething with rage thinking about this LMFAO
honestly my main problem with the endings and the game as a whole is this: theres no payoff for your work. nothing you do will give you a "good” ending, theyre all just different shades of the same outcome. none of them even accomplish v’s goal through the entire game, which is to save their life. v (and possibly johnny) will die no matter what you did, chose, played. and to me that feels like such a fucking ripoff after pouring so much time into the game and its world
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maidencfdeath · 4 months
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SPN MEME // accepting
@rasafcrged: ❛ What a peculiar thing you are. ❜
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The reaper tilted her head a little and wondered if she was being insulted or not. Not that she was offended or anything. No, she had been called much worse before. And the woman herself was also … peculiar.
If Cassie had to describe how she saw souls the closest she could come to would be ‘light’, though that fell short of the reality. When she first saw the woman in front of her she had thought her without a soul - which was possible but rare enough to catch her attention. But the more she looked at her Cassie saw something … a glimmer or a glimpse of something that she couldn’t quite keep track of. “I could say the same about you.” she replied, not unkindly.
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maidencfdeath · 4 months
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The reaper trap painted on the floor was intricate in detail. Whoever had done it had clearly been careful to get it right. Cassie scraped the toe of her shoe across one of the marks to no avail. With a sigh, she looked up at her supposed captor. “So…what do you want? I'm assuming you must want something or you wouldn't have gone through all of this.”
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maidencfdeath · 8 months
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A body lay still on the ground, there's a splatter of blood, her eyes are open and unseeing. A moment passes, the span of a single heartbeat. Then another. Then -
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Cassie gasped as awareness rushed back to her, her heart lurching as it began to beat once more. Coming back from the dead was like waking up from a nightmare, there was always a second of panic and confusion before she remembered.
“Fucking...ow! Did I get shot? Who shot me?”
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maidencfdeath · 5 months
@withdamage [ sc! ]
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“Is that a wooden stake in your hand or are you just happy to see me?” The reaper almost rolled her eyes at her own lame joke. A poor attempt at deflection, even for her. “Seriously though, I think you've got the wrong idea.”
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maidencfdeath · 6 months
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@animafcrged: ❛ All right, you can stop pretending now. ❜
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Her body lay prone on the hard ground, as still as a corpse. No breath passed through her lungs. To the observer, she was as good as dead. But clearly he knew better and wasn't playing along.
Cassie let out a dramatic sigh and turned her head to look up at him, giving him a look, as if disappointed that he was ruining her act. “Fine.” She drawled out the word before pushing herself to her feet.
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maidencfdeath · 4 months
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@spectergeuse: “ you talk in your sleep, ya know. ”
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Cassie propped herself up on her elbow, uncaring how the movement caused the thin blanket to fall from her shoulders. She looked at the specter with brows raised, sure he was simply messing with her. “No, I don’t.” Honestly, she didn’t know if she did or not. It had been a while since anyone was in a position to tell her. Her expression crinkled into something close to embarrassment. “What did I say?”
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maidencfdeath · 10 months
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@hexsreality : 🎁 [ vigilante shit by taylor swift ]
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"Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie."
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maidencfdeath · 11 months
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"I wouldn't say that I enjoy what I do, but I do ... appreciate it. The necessity of it. I know that I'm helping .. .for the most part. But there are times when I really fucking hate it."
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maidencfdeath · 1 year
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“You want me to bring them back? That’s…”   Selfish. Not going to happen. Not part of her job description.   “…a bold ask.”   Bold, if unoriginal.   “Have you considered that they might not want to come back?  Maybe they’d rather stay dead?”
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maidencfdeath · 2 years
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The sigils on the floor looked to have been hastily painted on; they were messy but unfortunately accurate. A reaper trap. “Seriously?” she mumbled with an annoyed groan. Looking up, she glared at the person standing just outside of the trap. “What the hell?? Let me out!.”
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maidencfdeath · 1 year
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@ofbloodandbullets: ❛ Can’t a woman wreak a little havoc without there being a man involved? ❜
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“I’m in full support of whatever havoc you want to wreak - for whatever reason.” Cassie grinned into her almost empty glass before downing the rest of the drink. “In fact, mark me down for a front-row seat.” she continued as she set the glass down on the table in front of her with a loud clunk. Leaning back in her seat she turned her head to look over at the immortal, her curiosity obvious in her eyes. “But is there any particular reason?”
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