#v: beta worldline
@ushinawaretahana liked for a starter!
Kurisu had been looking everywhere for the manila envelop with her research. After deciding to remain in Japan with the Future Gadgets Lab Kurisu had made a deal with her institute in America that once a month she would send all of her research to them in exchange for them to fund her arrangements. However if she loses this envelop she will lose all of the funding she receives and would have no choice but to return to America. She spent an hour frantically searching the lab and tried to retrace her steps.
Eventually she heard the sound of the door slamming shut, finally someone who could help her. Kurisu quickly spun around to face who was at the door.
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“Oh good Urushibara, help me search the lab for my research.” she didn’t even give a greeting to the other.
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@shvahrtscyiallox liked for a starter!
Kurisu had to run a lot of errands today. Okabe tasked her with collecting essential parts for a new “invention” in actuality it wasn’t anything spectacular, Okabe just needed a few parts to fix his homemade air conditioner. Too bad everything she needed were at completely different shops.
The days were hot in Akihabara. The redhead couldn’t stand out in the heat too long, so she would sprint from shop to shop. The only sense of relief was when she entered a shop and the air conditioner would cool her exhausted body. She would wipe the sweat from her brow, and get the parts she needed before leaving for the next store.
Only one more shop now. She had run the gauntlet of four shops so far. This fifth one should be her last. The neuroscientist took a deep breath before catapulting herself out of the store she was currently in. 
The instant she exited through the door she ran into someone who was turning the corner. The moment she crashed into the other she fell back onto the ground dropping several shopping bags during her fall. the redhead looked over to see the contents of the bag spilled out all over the street. Realizing she lost control of everything Kurisu looked up at the stranger her face showed a great amount of irritation.
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“Hey, watch where you are going!” In honesty it was her fault for running into him, but she couldn’t help her irrational annoyance. “Help me pick this up!”
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“Mayuri, would you help me with something,” It didn’t look like Okabe would be back at the lab for a while, so she wanted to get this done before he returned. The redhead had a basket filled with Okabe and Daru’s clothes that they refused to clean. Kurisu was going to take it to the wash for them. “If I have to be in the lab one more minute with these dirty clothes, I’m just going to burn them, so would you mind walking to the wash with me to avoid that outcome?”
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