#v watches the empress
error404vnotfound · 2 years
me as soon as a wet kicked dog man appears on screen: is this a new miserable fave?
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liroyalty · 3 months
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"... Just come over here if you wanna get away from your 'Father', babe."
It's a different star system after all.
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plutotheplum · 27 days
Keep My Hand in Yours
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emperor!zayne x concubine!reader - read part 1!
summary: the emperor is intent on convincing you that you are worthy enough to be his empress.
cw: nsfw (18+) - mdni!!, smut, fluff, oral sex, vaginal fingering, p in v, praise kink, throne sex, spanking
wc: 6.9k
a/n: part 2 is finally here! thank you for all the sweet comments, i cherish them all!! <3 umm... i do plan on adding some more parts to this series... so yeah, i hope you enjoy! :)
also on ao3!
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“She is not with child.”
Zayne’s stern voice cuts through the chatter of his advisors, his fingers tapping against the arm of his throne irritatedly. The drone of voices silences, his advisors lowering their heads in respect.
You stand off to the side, playing with the sleeves of your robes nervously. Perhaps you’d been a little naive to think the advisors would have been accepting of your blossoming relationship with the Emperor. 
Word had spread throughout the palace, and most likely throughout the entire Empire about the new developments that had taken place overnight. The guards had heard you of course, their eyes averted and cheeks flushed pink when Zayne had held your hand and led you out of his chambers.
An unforeseen turn in events, and you had somehow excelled past the advisors’ expectations, garnering the Emperor’s affection for you. Whilst a small number of the Emperor’s advisors were pleased, the majority were not. Standing before them, you can see the disdain on their faces, the hatred that belies their thin smiles. Jealousy is above all however, for their own daughters were once placed forth as noble matches for the Emperor. 
You jolt out of your thoughts when an Imperial guard takes your arm, moving you to stand before the Emperor. Zayne looks down at you, and you can spy the slight softening of his eyes as he watches you bow to him.
“As I have said,” Zayne repeats, “she is not with child.”
“Forgive me, your majesty,” a voice speaks out from behind you, “how can she not be with child? We- we have heard of what occurred.”
Zayne motions for you to spin around, and you do as he wants. You now face his entire court, advisors gathered in hours of the early morning. It was the grand chancellor who spoke, a tall man, his face gaunt. You remember he had served Zayne’s father before he had passed.
“We are both not ready for children,” Zayne explains, “I had the palace physician brew a tea under my command.”
It was true. You had both spoken about the matter, and you simply could not handle carrying a child so soon. Zayne had agreed, snuck you out through the passages in the middle of the night, and had taken you to the palace physician. The brewing of such teas was not unheard of, but certainly not an accepted occurrence, although perhaps more commonly used among the nobility.
“I see…” the grand chancellor says slowly, his gaze fixating on you.
You want to shrink away, somehow hide behind the safety of the Emperor, but you cannot. Instead, you shift on the spot, averting your gaze to the floor as though you were not the very object of interest of this gathering.
“And you intend to continue this foolish endeavor?” 
Your head snaps up at the harsh words, gaze settling on the new voice that had spoken out. A lower ranking official judging by the coloring of his robes, his eyes narrowing as he stares at you.
“It appears you forget yourself,” the Emperor replies coolly. 
“Or perhaps you forget yourself, your majesty,” the official spits, stepping forward, “you would ruin the image of your rule to marry some… some lowly concubine?”
The murmurs of the other members of court are hard to ignore, hushed whispers breaking out at the official’s blatant show of disrespect towards the Emperor.
“And was it not this very court that decided to gather concubines without my knowledge?”
“For child bearing!” the official hisses, pointing his finger towards you accusingly, “not for marriage!”
You swallow harshly at the viciousness of his words, biting back the insults that threaten to spill out. Retaliation in such a meeting would only support the official’s cause. 
“She will be your Empress,” Zayne says calmly, “if you seek to insult my future wife yet again, I will have you removed immediately.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks when he affirms that you’ll be his wife. It may not be the best time, but the light flush covers your cheeks and you try to stop the pull of your lips, a smile threatening to spread across your face.
“If you think I- we will stand for such insolence, you are sorely mistaken, your majesty” the official snarls.
A bitter laugh echoes through the throne room. 
“Be grateful that I am not my father,” Zayne murmurs, “for he would have had your head. Remove your seal.”
The official sputters, looking around at the rest of the court members wildly. Most avoid his eyes, others unconsciously touching their own seals through the fabric of their robes.
You flinch when the official removes his Imperial seal angrily, tossing the little silver square at your feet.
“You have poisoned his mind,” he accuses heatedly, face reddened from his outburst, “and you should do well to remember your station.”
Irritation pricks at your skin, your teeth gritting together. You were well aware of your station, of your status and how you’re perceived. The incessant reminders aren’t doing well to calm your frayed nerves, brows pulling together as you glare at the official. 
“Bow to her.”
The rules of nobility have been set in place for longer than you could possibly know, and yet Zayne seems insistent on breaking them. It’s bold, even for him, to demand such a thing. You turn, shooting him a look, subtly shaking your head. There’s a hint of a smile on the Emperor’s face, as though enjoying this confrontation.
“I- I will do no such thing!” the official protests.
“You have already lost your seal and your position and you still will not do as I say?” Zayne murmurs, leaning forward in his throne.
You watch with wide eyes when the official does bow to you, the upper half of his body lowering. Another round of hushed whispers passes through the room, and you can feel the grand chancellor’s eyes boring into you. His authority was only second to the Emperor, the only man who held a real chance of changing Zayne’s mind.
“Good,” Zayne says, leaning back on his throne, “now leave us.”
The throne room clears out immediately, until you’re the only one remaining. You smile at him, stepping between his legs until you’re standing in front of him.
“I did not take you for a tyrant,” you tease, brushing his hair out of his face.
“And I did not know that protecting my future wife made me a tyrant,” Zayne muses, his arms wrapping around your waist.
He tugs you closer, his head falling forward to rest against your stomach, face burying itself in your robes. A soft sigh leaves you, fingers running through his loose hair, scratching at his scalp lightly.
“Tired?” you ask, arm wrapping around his neck.
The Emperor nods against your stomach, trying to press his face deeper. A laugh escapes you at his needy behavior, your hand managing to cup his jaw to bring him out of his hiding place. 
“The affairs of state have become bothersome,” Zayne says, peering up at you.
“Oh? You did not seem to mind before.”
“Playing coy?” Zayne smiles faintly, tugging you forward until you stumble and land on his lap.
“Hardly,” you whisper, pressing yourself closer as your hands curl into his robes.
The Emperor leans back on his throne, his hands kneading at your hips. You chase after him, eyes fluttering shut as you press your lips against his. Zayne lets out a low noise, drawing you closer, his hand sliding up your back as you kiss. The memory from last night is still fresh, the feeling of his hands on your body ingrained in your mind. 
“I cannot have enough of you,” he whispers, lips brushing over yours.
“You- you ought to rest,” you gasp, tilting your head to let him kiss down the length of your neck.
Zayne kisses your sternum, and back up your neck before he sighs and tucks his face into the crook of your neck. You hold him close, hand smoothing over his hair gently.
“I have made things difficult for you,” you say quietly.
He shakes his head, squeezing your waist reassuringly. 
“I have become complacent,” he murmurs, “simply letting others do as they please.”
You kiss his forehead when he lifts his head, brushing your thumbs over his cheeks. Exhaustion mars the Emperor’s face, his eyes looking sunken and dull. The sudden gathering of his court appears to have drained his energy.
“I shall have to gather them again,” Zayne says, “the trade agreements need attention.”
A smile settles on your face when he kisses your cheeks gently, his hands petting your sides. You move off of his lap, standing up with him reluctantly. Reaching out, you fix his hair and his robes that you had held onto earlier. 
“Finish, then retire to your chambers to rest,” you instruct, patting his chest.
Zayne laughs, his head dipping down to kiss you. You return the kiss eagerly, pulling apart with a few sweet, little pecks to his lips.
“You are already acting like a doting wife,” he whispers.
You flush when he says that, looking away. It’s still hard to get over the fact that Zayne, the Emperor, wants to marry you of all people. The thought of it all makes your palms sweaty, cheeks hot and heart race. There’s a whirlwind upon you, Zayne, tearing apart your preconceived notions of the Empire. 
“I want to dote on you.”
The words tumble from your lips, soft and vulnerable. You’ve never felt this way about a man, never had a man pay attention to you, never been touched by a man before him. It’s as though the Emperor’s expressions are always tender in the way he gazes at you. You’ve never known what it’s like to be in love, but if it’s like this, so startlingly soft and sickeningly sweet, you fear you may be lost in him forever. 
“I- I just meant-” you begin to correct yourself, fidgeting with your robes.
“I know what you meant,” Zayne says softly, his hands finding yours.
Your breath catches in your throat when he lifts your hands to his mouth, his thumbs running over your skin soothingly. Zayne keeps his eyes on you as he kisses across your knuckles, squeezing your hands gently after. 
“I said I take care of what’s mine,” he continues, drawing you close, “and you are mine now.”
You nod jerkily, shoving your face into his chest. The Emperor hums, stroking your hair slowly. Unfortunately, you don’t get to bask in his embrace for any longer, a guard announcing the arrival of a messenger.
“Rest,” you remind him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
Zayne nods, squeezing your waist before allowing you to draw away. 
The other girls crowd around you immediately when you enter your chambers, their expressions sly and knowing as they tug you towards the middle of the room, soft giggles filling the air.
“Well?” one of them asks, eyes wide with curiosity. 
“Well what?” you ask, feigning innocence.
A chorus of complaints breaks out.
“Stop being shy!”
“We tell you our stories!”
“You must tell us!”
One of the girls reaches for you, her arm hooking with yours. She leans down, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispers conspiratorially.
“Was the Emperor well-endowed?”
“Oh, stop it!”
The grand chancellor has been lurking in the hallways.
You’d noticed the tall man when you had left to make some tea, but after a considerable amount of time, he was still there. The cold breeze outside should’ve been enough to deter him, but you’ve figured he must be intent on speaking to you.
To be frank, you aren’t in the mood for another confrontation just days later from the disastrous court meeting that had occurred. It’s why you hold your breath as you sneak out from your chambers, feet padding against the floor lightly as you try to slip past the grand chancellor’s turned back.
“Will you avoid me for much longer?” he calls out. 
You wince, halting in place. The grand chancellor cannot be avoided forever, you suppose.
“Come along,” he says, his fingers motioning for you to follow him.
You do as he says begrudgingly, following after the grand chancellor. To your surprise, he leads you into the gardens rather than a private room. Snow is yet to fall today, autumn soon drawing to a close in a few weeks. You wipe the fallen leaves that have landed on a nearby bench, sitting down after the grand chancellor does.
It’s suffocatingly awkward, your fingers playing with each other agitatedly as he simply sits next to you, looking out at the plants and trees that make up the gardens. You realize it would be a foolish idea to let your guard down around him. The grand chancellor hadn’t reprimanded Zayne during that meeting and yet you remember the way he had been staring at you. His intentions are hard to discern, his loyalties to the Emperor and the Emperor alone. 
“Much like his father, his majesty is stubborn,” the grand chancellor says, “I have had the pleasure of knowing both men since they were children.”
“I see,” you murmur, peeking a glance at him.
You don’t know why he’s telling you this, half-expecting the man to begin berating you for becoming so close to Zayne. 
“I shall be frank,” he sighs, turning to face you, “I did not expect the Emperor to become so… enamored by you.”
“I did not expect it either,” you grumble defensively.
“His majesty is an intelligent man. He knows of the consequences and yet seems intent on taking you to wed.”
“Consequences?” you echo.
“Political alliances are frail,” he explains, picking up a fallen leaf and examining it, “marriage is the easiest way to prevent a war between regions.”
“We have not been at war for years!” you protest, shaking your head.
“And we will not be for many more,” the grand chancellor assures you, “I am simply warning you of what may come when you are Empress.”
You don’t understand the politics of the Empire, have never been privy to such things. The grand chancellor only adds to the confusion and uncertainty that has been brewing inside your mind. 
“I thought you would dissuade him,” you say quietly.
“The boy deserves happiness,” the grand chancellor murmurs, standing up, “if he wishes to be with you, then I will allow it.” He peers down at you, his lips thinning. “Take caution, child. Envy drives men to madness. The nobility may hide behind their bloodlines, but a cesspool festers within.”
The grand chancellor hands you the withered leaf.
“Loyalties change as the seasons do.”
A week later, the Emperor finds you in the gardens, sitting under a tree.
“You have not come to see me,” Zayne says, sitting down beside you.
“I did not want to trouble you,” you reply.
You reach for his hand, lacing your fingers with his. The Emperor’s fingers are stained with ink, streaks of black covering his pale skin. Zayne’s arm wraps around your waist, pulling you flush against his side.
“The grand chancellor is worried.”
“I surmised as much,” the Emperor sighs, his fingers playing with your robes.
You peer up at him, and Zayne leans down, dropping a kiss to your forehead. There’s a part of you that can’t help but feel you’re putting him in a position that he normally wouldn’t be in if he had simply chosen to marry someone of higher status.
“Do you truly wish to marry me?” you ask quietly, averting your gaze.
“Have I told you otherwise?” Zayne asks in return, his fingers gripping your chin to turn your head so that your eyes meet his again.
The tenderness in his eyes is overwhelming. You feel as though you’re drowning, swallowed up by his irises and his honest gaze. Things would’ve been far simpler if he were someone less important, but you can’t imagine Zayne being anything other than the Emperor, for it would be a disservice to the Empire.
You shift, standing up before settling your hands on his broad shoulders, straddling him as you climb up onto his lap. It’s improper to act so brazenly, but you’ve done far more improper things with him, acted far more brazenly in his presence. The Emperor grunts as you settle yourself on his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer.
“I am not fit to be your Empress,” you whisper.
Zayne doesn’t say anything for a moment, his hand simply rubbing up and down your back soothingly. Your throat is tight and you can feel your lips trembling. You don’t want to cry, but you can’t help it when a sniffle escapes you.
“And you think I am fit to be Emperor?” he whispers, “I am only here because of my father and his father before him and so on.”
“But you are the Emperor,” you insist, voice quavering, “I could not possibly-”
“Forget about nonsensical titles,” Zayne murmurs, his hands cupping your cheeks as his thumbs wipe away the hot tears that have begun to roll down your cheeks, “I meant every word I said that night.”
“B- but-” 
“But nothing,” the Emperor soothes, staring into your eyes intently, “I would sooner have no one than not have you.”
“You are the worst,” you say tearily, pushing at his chest weakly. 
“Ah, I am sure,” he says, a small smile spreading across his face.
The Emperor cradles your head, tilting it to his will as he kisses away the fresh tears that wet your cheeks. He doesn’t stop there, his lips dragging over your skin gently. The Emperor kisses your brows, your closed eyelids, the tip of your nose, every inch of your face that is bared to him.
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
You kiss him gently and Zayne smooths his thumbs over your cheeks, deepening the kiss as he presses his lips against yours firmly. A soft whine leaves you, letting his tongue lick over the seam of your lips before he licks into your mouth, tongue delving deep. The Emperor kisses you as though trying to convince you of his words, as though to make you stay. 
“I want to show you something,” Zayne says, his forehead pressing against yours. You nod, moving to stand up. Zayne doesn’t let you, instead hauling you up into his arms and standing up. A surprised squeak bubbles out of you when you realize the Emperor is carrying you.
“Zayne!” you protest, “Zayne, people will see!”
Zayne only tightens his grip when you begin to squirm, brushing a kiss to your forehead to calm your ministrations.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, people do see. You try to shrink in his grasp, pressing yourself into his chest as the palace staff pause their duties to watch with wide eyes as the Emperor carries you out of the gardens. Some are unable to stop their jaws from slackening, others beginning to point and whisper amongst themselves.
The Emperor hardly bats an eye, his stride strong and purposeful as he carries you through the hallways and courtyards. It’s a statement in and of itself. 
You spy the smirk on an Imperial guard’s face when he opens up the doors to the throne room, your eyes narrowing when the man sends you a wink. The doors slam shut with a resounding thud, leaving only you and Zayne inside.
“Zayne- Zayne, no!” you hiss, hands scrabbling at his shoulders when you realize what he’s doing. 
Your legs kick out, trying to somehow climb up the Emperor’s tall frame. It’s futile against his strength, his hands manhandling you until he sets you down on his throne. If he doesn’t punish you for it, you fear the Heavens will. 
“Stay,” the Emperor says, pushing at your shoulders when you try to shoot up from where you’re sitting, “I command it.”
You sit in place rigidly, back straight. There are centuries of history that make up this throne, and you can’t help but feel that you are somehow dishonoring it all by sitting here. 
“What are you-” your brows furrowing when he suddenly begins to bend.
Fingers digging into the arms of the throne, you feel as though you might faint as you watch the Emperor bow to you before sinking to his knees. Zayne stares up at you expectantly, his eyes twinkling with mirth.
“G- get up!” you whisper heatedly.
There’s no one here, but you can only imagine the severity of the consequences if someone were to stumble in here and find the Emperor on his knees for you.
“Command it,” he says, looking perfectly content in his current position.
“No one can command the Emperor!”
“I will not move unless you exert your authority,” Zayne says simply.
Your eye twitches at his insistence, at his own brazenness. 
“Say it,” he coaxes gently, “say it and I will stand.”
“I-” your breath catches in your throat awkwardly. You flush when Zayne nods his head encouragingly, your voice breathy when you begin to speak again. “I c-command you to stand.”
“Very good,” he murmurs, standing up and moving towards you.
Zayne smiles at you, his head dipping to crash his lips onto yours, his hands braced on the arms of his throne. You gasp, arms wrapping around his neck as he kisses you fiercely. The Emperor continues his onslaught of kisses, dragging his lips down your neck as his fingers pull free the knot holding your robes together.
“You think your station determines your worth,” Zayne whispers, his teeth scraping your shoulder, “but this- you are worth more to me than the finest jade.”
“Stop,” you whisper, eyes slipping shut, “you must stop speaking like that. It does awful things to my heart.”
He laughs softly, kissing between your breasts. You bite your lip as his mouth envelops your breast, his tongue swirling around your nipple. His teeth catch on it, tugging playfully before letting it pop free as he switches breasts. You run your fingers through his long hair, head tipping back against the throne as your body convulses.
The Emperor holds you in place, letting his tongue lave over your areola, his half-lidded eyes peering up at you to catch your reactions. You give him a weak smile and Zayne moans around your breast, his hand squeezing at the fat of your other breast.
Your dazed eyes watch as he kisses down your body, kissing your hip then your navel. He sinks to his knees once again, and you can’t find it in yourself to reprimand him, lost in the haze of lust and love. Zayne kisses the curls of hair on your mound, his hands gripping your calves to help guide your legs over his shoulders.
“I have missed this,” he whispers, his thumbs pulling apart your folds.
“As have I,” you sigh.
You moan when Zayne licks up a stripe over your cunt, collecting your arousal on his tongue. He rests his cheek against your thigh, watching intently as your aching hole clenches around nothing, watching as more slick drips from you.
“Stop staring,” you mumble, pushing at his head gently.
“I enjoy the sight,” he says in return.
Your thighs twitch when he pushes the hood of your clit up a little more, exposing the swollen bud. Zayne groans, kissing the inside of your thigh firmly before licking over your cunt again. A strangled gasp rips out of your throat, hands tightening in his hair as he sucks your clit into his mouth.
“Z- Zayne- ah- hah!” 
A soft whimper escapes when he kisses your clit, his fingers dimpling into the flesh of your thighs harshly. Zayne pulls you to the edge of the throne, his face burying deeper as he groans again, drinking down your slick. 
You squeal when he fucks his tongue into you, body shaking uncontrollably as you fist his hair tighter. He hisses against your cunt, renewing his efforts. You can feel his mouth opening wider, trying to consume you whole, licking and sucking desperately at every inch of velvety, sensitive flesh he can reach.
His nose rubs against your clit, and you’re seeing stars. The Emperor makes an obscene noise and you can feel his tongue moving inside of you, the feeling making your thighs clamp around his head. 
“Have- have you ever put your fingers inside of yourself?” he asks, raising his head.
You shake your head, watching as his fingers stroke over your clit lovingly, his mouth pressing open-mouthed kisses to your knee.
“May I?” the Emperor whispers, his finger prodding at your hole.
You give him a jerky nod, legs falling apart a little more for him. He smiles up at you, his finger sinking into you slowly. You whimper at the sensation, clenching around his finger. Zayne adds another soon after, and you’re panting desperately, hips bucking as he curls them inside of you. 
“The scroll said to do something like this,” he mutters under his breath.
“You- oh- you read a scroll?” you grit out.
“It was quite informative,” Zayne murmurs, beginning to move his fingers.
“Why must you be so- ah!” 
You don’t get to finish your sentence, your knuckles turning white as you grip the throne for stability as he latches his mouth back onto your clit, his fingers thrusting in and out of you. The heat inside your stomach grows more intense with each flick of his tongue, his teeth scraping against your sensitive flesh for good measure.
Moans have begun to fill the air, and you can’t find it in yourself to care anymore, letting go completely. You guide his head to where you want him, toes curling against his back, crumpling his silk robes. Zayne’s mouth works with his fingers diligently, his fingers crooking up a little more to graze the spot where you need it most.
You peek down to see the pink flush on his cheeks and your back arches, his name leaving your mouth in a cry as you come on his fingers and his tongue. The Emperor moans as you writhe, his fingers moving in and out of you a couple more times before freeing them from your clenching walls.
Chest heaving, you pant, slumping back in the throne as he kisses across your puffy folds and sensitive cunt. Your thighs twitch a little when he peppers soft, little kisses against your clit and you can’t help but think the man has an obsession with its ability to bring you such pleasure.
The Emperor kisses up your body and you cup his jaw, kissing him sweetly.
“I fear this throne may be ruined,” you whisper against his lips.
He laughs, his nose nudging yours gently, “I recall promising to take you on it.”
“Before that,” you stand up on shaky legs, pushing at his chest until he sits back on his throne.
Adoration glimmers in his eyes, watching as your loose robes slip from your shoulders, pooling at your feet. You stand bare before the Emperor, and you catch the slight spreading of his thighs to relieve the ache of his cock.
This time it’s you that’s sinking to your knees, pulling his robes free. The muscles of his abdomen clench when you run your fingers down his chest, his hand coming up to cover his flushed face.
“Why are you shy now?” you accuse, pouting up at him.
His thighs twitch when you curl your hand around his cock and you can feel the throb of his fat, hot length. 
“You do not have to-” he whispers when he sees your head dip.
“I want to,” you say stubbornly.
Zayne nods in acquiescence, moaning when you begin to drag your hand up and down his cock. It’s a little intimidating when you stare at it up close, but you swallow down your worries, leaning forward to kiss the tip experimentally.
His cock twitches in response, pre-cum beading at the tip. Your tongue darts out, licking up the little glob, feeling the taste of him spread across your tongue.
“Zayne,” you whisper, breath fanning over his cock, “Zayne, you must watch me.”
The Emperor groans at your lilting voice, his eyes opening the moment your mouth envelops him. His hips buck and you nearly seize up at the feeling of the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You mewl around him, breathing through your nose, tongue swirling before your head begins to bob up and down.
“Fuck,” Zayne hisses, his fingers spreading across your scalp, “my love, you are devious.”
You hum in response, pulling off of his cock in favor of giving more attention to the tip of it. You swirl your tongue, tongue flicking at the flared head and it’s enough to make Zayne whine, his thighs spreading wider for you. 
“Can you take it deeper?” he asks, his fingers trailing down the curve of your cheek.
“I shall try,” you murmur, mouth opening for him.
He hooks his thumb into the corner of his mouth, cupping your chin before his thumb spreads over the flat of your tongue. You smile, eyes flashing with mischievousness as you suck his thumb into your mouth, tongue flicking against the pad of it. 
Zayne shoots you a searing look and you watch as he grips the base of his cock. He drags the tip of his cock against your closed lips, entranced as he watches his pre-cum smears across your lips. His other hand presses at the back of your head and your mouth opens again, letting him guide his cock into your mouth.
“Just like that,” he whispers, “good girl.”
You can feel arousal shooting through you at the praise, slick pooling between your thighs yet again. The ache is so unbearable that you shove your hand between your thighs, rubbing at your clit.
The Emperor pushes your head gently and you go willingly, slurping and sucking around his thick cock. Saliva drips from your mouth, coating his cock and his balls, strings of it landing on the edge of his throne. You rub at your clit faster, eyes fluttering as he brushes your loose hair away from your face.
“A- ah,” Zayne rasps, “hah- my love.”
The term of endearment is enough to have you taking it upon yourself to sink down his cock even more. The tufts of his black hair hit your nose for a moment, but you’re inexperienced and you’ve overestimated your own abilities. The feeling of his cock filling your throat is too much, and you choke, throat seizing, causing you to pull off with a hoarse cough as your eyes water.
Concern flits across Zayne’s face, his thumb swiping over your swollen lips. You give him a watery smile, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He sighs in relief when he sees you’re okay, leaning forward to place a tender kiss to your lips.
“So willful,” the Emperor murmurs.
He slides his hands under your armpits, picking you up and setting you down on his lap.
“I can do it again,” you mumble, gaze lowering to see his cock pressed between your bodies.
Zayne smiles, petting at your sides, “as much as I enjoyed the feeling, I cannot have my darling choking on my cock.”
“I was not choking,” you whine, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
“If you insist,” Zayne soothes, “but when we are married, I will have many more opportunities to watch you swallow my cock.”
The Emperor’s constant promise of marriage has your heart lurching and you lean forward, crushing your lips against his. He grunts in surprise at your sudden action but returns the kiss just as eagerly, squeezing at your hips.
You whine into his mouth, his hair tickling your skin as he presses forward, his hips rolling up into yours. You can feel his hard cock between your thighs, the length dragging between your folds. 
Zayne groans at the sensation, his head falling back and you take the opportunity to kiss down his neck, rolling your hips wantonly, your nails digging into his broad shoulders.
“Who are you?” he whispers, groping the fat of your ass.
“W- what?” you pull back, confusion spreading across your face.
The Emperor guides your hips to continue moving, your folds hugging his cock as you grind against it.
“Who are you?” Zayne asks again, “your title, what is it?”
Pleasure has made your mind hazy, and you can’t discern whether he’s playing a game of some sort with his questions, or whether he’s suffering from some sort of untimely amnesia.
“Your concubine,” you reply, “I thought-”
You jolt in his arms when he suddenly lands a heavy spank to your ass, his eyes narrowing when he hears your answer.
“Incorrect,” Zayne murmurs, his hand squeezing your ass in warning.
“I am your concubine- ah!”
Zayne shakes his hand, spanking you twice. You can feel the prickly heat spread across your skin, the pain searing. You glare up at him, and he smiles back, his hand smoothing over your reddened backside. 
“Who are you, my love?” he whispers, his nose nudging yours.
Oh. Oh. 
The Emperor’s insistence is a remarkable thing, you think. He may be even more stubborn than you are. Zayne’s fingers tapping against your cheek brings you out of your thoughts, your eyes meeting his. 
“I- I am your Empress,” you say quietly.
Zayne slots his lips over yours and you mewl, your hips beginning to rock again, inner thighs wet with your slick and his pre-cum smeared over his abdomen. He kisses you over and over until you’re short of breath and your lips are swollen and slick with his spit.
“Will you take my cock, my love?” 
“Y- yes,” you say airily, lifting your hips as he grips the base of his cock, “please.”
Zayne squeezes your hip, watching as you bite your lip and sink down on his cock. His cock is just as girthy as you remember, filling up your needy hole perfectly. Your body falls forward at the feeling and Zayne kisses your cheek, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“Always take my cock so well,” he praises.
Your hands plant themselves against his chest as your head tips back, taking what you want from him. Hips rising and falling, airy moans filling the air, you ride the Emperor. Zayne moans with you, his hands kneading at the flesh of your sides before drifting to take handfuls of your ass too.
“So good,” you slur, the force of your movements increasing, “feels so good, Zayne.”
“I know,” Zayne whispers, watching the bounce and sway of your breasts as you move atop him, “use me, my love.”
You do as he says, using him to drive yourself further to the edge of pleasure. The sounds filling the throne room are lewd, the clap of skin echoing throughout coupled with your shared noises.
Your thighs burn as you roll your hips, taking his cock deeper into the heat of your cunt, feeling it punch into the most sensitive spot inside of you. It’s too much, the mind-numbing sensations and your own body tiring with every movement.
You slump against him, hips slowing to a pitiful stop, his fat cock still stuffed inside of you. It twitches and you whimper, peering up at Zayne desperately.
“Husbands should take care of their wives,” you mumble, lips pressing against his.
“But we are not yet married,” he whispers teasingly. 
Zayne kisses you slowly, his hand sliding up your neck and stopping to cup your cheek. He molds you to his will, maneuvering your body as he sees fit, grabbing at every inch of flesh he can reach.
“But I am yours,” you say earnestly, “and I will be yours till the day I die.”
“You will, won’t you?” Zayne smiles, drawing you closer, “nothing makes me happier, my dear.”
You wail when he suddenly ruts up into you, balls slapping against your ass as he tightens his grip to bounce you up and down on his lap. Your hands lose their holds on his shoulders, scrabbling for stability until you find purchase on the top of his throne. 
The Emperor is fucking you on his throne. 
You try to feel some sense of mortification, but you can’t, the feeling of his cock erasing all sensible thoughts from your mind. Zayne slaps your ass and you squeak, body falling forward even more. Your breasts press into his face and you whine when he mouths at them, sucking a hardened nipple into his mouth.
The Emperor’s name leaves your mouth in a pleading chant and he answers your needs, pulling you down until your cunt is flush with the base of his cock, pussy swallowing up his length completely. Zayne slows to a grind, keeping his cock stuffed inside of you. 
You curl an arm around his neck, hugging him closer to your breasts and Zayne groans, his mouth opening wider to try and take in your entire breast. He stares up at you, the flush on his cheeks deepened and eyes so, so soft. 
Your lips slot over his as soon as his mouth detaches from your breast, your lips working against his slowly and sweetly, hips swaying back to meet the slow thrusts of his hips.
“You have ruined me,” you confess, cheek resting on his shoulder.
“Better it be me than some other man,” he whispers.
You agree with him on that. Zayne has given you far more than you could’ve possibly dreamed, the twist of fate bringing you something, or rather, someone to cherish.
“You are everything, Zayne.”
He groans at your bold words, his head falling back against his throne. You come undone in slow waves, body trembling as he comes with you, his cock kicking inside of you as hot cum spurts from the tip, filling you up. You can feel the thickness of it, cum spilling into you for a few moments longer as your hips slow to a stop.
You both breathe heavily, his chest moving under yours. A thin sheen of sweat covers your bodies, robes forgotten as they lie at the foot of the throne. 
A soft smile graces your lips as you move his hair out of his eyes, tilting his head to kiss his forehead.
“You spoil me,” Zayne mutters, nuzzling into your palm.
“I think it is the other way around,” you laugh breathlessly.
He sighs, slumping in his throne, his cock still inside of you. You can feel it softening, no longer plugging you full as cum begins to leak out from your pussy.
“I may need more tea,” you whisper.
Zayne huffs in amusement, his fingers collecting his viscous cum. He smears it across your pussy, his fingers catching onto your clit as he rubs his cum onto the little bud. He lifts his hand to your mouth and you accept eagerly, staring into his eyes as you suck his fingers clean of cum.
“Minx,” he mutters.
You giggle, kissing the pads of his fingers affectionately, shifting to sit on his thigh. Zayne smiles in return, his hands massaging your sore thighs. He kisses your cheek a few times, peppers a few kisses here and there over your shoulder.
“Feeling better?” Zayne asks, nuzzling your cheek.
“Much,” you whisper, smiling up at him, “but I fear I may not be able to walk.”
“Shall I carry you again?” the Emperor whispers.
You roll your eyes, prodding your fingers into his chest, “I did not enjoy that.”
“Lying is punishable by death.”
“You are insufferable,” you whisper.
Zayne leans forward for another kiss, but you deny him, slipping off of his lap. He laughs when your thighs tremble, reaching out to catch you by the waist before your knees buckle.
He tugs you onto his lap, thwarting your escape as he kisses you again. You think you won’t be leaving this place anytime soon.
Zayne doesn’t think there’s anything more beautiful in this world than when you’re sleeping. 
The slow rise and fall of your chest, the sweet innocence of your face, your hair splayed against the pillows, the gods must favor him for they’ve sent him a vision.
He smiles as he watches you stir in your sleep, brushing away the hair that’s fallen onto your face. Zayne can’t resist leaning closer, his fingers tracing the curve of your cheek, feeling your soft skin under his.
Zayne likes it when you smile, when you glare, the way you protest against his subtle teases. He’s never met someone as endearing as you, never bothered to take interest in another until you came along with that tray of tea clutched in your hands. He hasn’t told you about how his own heart flutters at the mere thought of you, and doesn’t think he will. He’d be better off showing you instead.
Above all, he remembers when you’d stumbled into his chambers, your flustered disposition as you’d apologized. He’d been lonely before you, trapped in a dull existence with others meandering through his life without purpose.
But you’ve changed things now. He feels free when he hears your laugh, the light in your eyes warming him from within. The world around him seems brighter, sparks of color appearing in places he had never seen before. 
You had painted the world for him.
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strawbbzombwie · 2 months
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Warnings: This is definitely not historically accurate but I’ll try my best😭 18+ so MDNI!! Emperor geta x fem!reader, Geta is possessive asf, P in v smut, loss of virginity, fingering, breeding kink, creampie, Geta and reader are newly married.
Word count: 1.4k
Notes: This is my first proper time writing a fanfic so I hope it’s alright and you enjoy it!!🫶🫶
“You seem nervous.” Geta spoke, snapping you out of your thoughts. You set eyes on your new husband, his back facing you as he set down the chalice of wine he held in his hand.
Your eyes scanned the chambers now belonging to you and him, dimly lit with candles casting a shadow over Geta. The nervous pit in your stomach grew more and more unbearable as time went on. Finally, his eyes met yours.
“Should I be nervous?” You muttered. He smirked at you, his dark eyes gazing into yours and scanning the rest of your body, practically undressing you with his eyes. You wore a white tunic adorned with a golden belt tied around your waist, your wrist covered with a golden bracelet and now a golden ring on your finger.
To Geta, you were an angel sent from the heavens themselves. He felt proud to call you his wife, proud he got to call you his before any other man could. To him, you were his treasure, his most prized possession and his empress.
“Of course not. I won’t hurt you.” He smiled at you, running his hand across your soft skin. You felt his calloused fingers run down your face, his cold rings making you shiver. You looked up at him, smiling back at him. His thumb grazed across your bottom lip. You could feel your face growing warm, the nervous feeling in your stomach disappearing and being replaced with arousal.
He cupped your face in his hand and interlocked his lips with yours, sharing a passionate kiss. His lips felt soft against your own, the sweet but bitter taste of wine now invading your mouth. It felt intoxicating, sharing an intimate moment with your new husband felt comforting to you but the slight ache between your legs grew more agonising the more time he spent kissing you.
His hand left your face, moving to your shoulder and slipping the fabric down and then down to your belt, untying the knot and letting it fall down onto the floor, your tunic pooling around you shortly afterwards.
You felt vulnerable. There you were, completely exposed and at his mercy. You felt his soft lips leave yours and watched as he took a step back to look at you. He looked you up and down, the smile on his face clear as day.
“You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re all mine.” He said, lust dripping from his voice. Those last two words made your knees weak.
“All mine.”
He was right, you were all his. You were his empress, his wife, the mother to his future children. You were his and belonged to no one else. You were his to fuck. To claim. To breed. If anyone else were so much as to look in your direction, he would kill them with his own hands.
“I’m all yours..” you mutter, arousal pooling between your thighs. He grinned, leading you to the bed now belonging to you and him.
“Lay down.” He commanded, beginning to take off his own garments. You obeyed, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch him undress. You began to feel nervous again. There was no denying that Geta has had sex before. You on the other hand, were still a virgin. Geta could see the panic on your face and speaks up.
“Don’t worry. We’ll start slow so it wont hurt. I wouldn’t dream of hurting a pretty girl like you.” He reassured you, the praise causing you to hold back a moan. He finally finished untying his belt, also letting his robes fall to the floor. Your eyes immediately went down to his cock. Now you understood why he carried himself with confidence.
He was thick, not too big but big enough to make you feel nervous and he was fully hard, the tip red and angry resting against his stomach leaking precum.
Your eyes widened, brows furrowing in worry as you now realised that this was truly happening, you were about to lose your virginity. Geta walked up to you and sat down next to you, pressing soft kisses on your jawline and down your neck, causing a moan to slip out of your mouth.
“Relax and let me make you feel good” he groaned, his hand caressing your body, resting on your stomach, his rings making you jump.
“Soon enough you will be carrying our heir. The future emperor of Rome.” He whispers in your ear, his warm breath causing you to shiver. He leans down, pressing a kiss onto your stomach and kissing up your body, your tits and eventually back to your neck.
His hand wandered further down until it was between your legs, lightly grazing his fingers across your cunt, causing you to moan out. It was music to his ears. He wanted to make you a moaning mess only for his ears to hear, only for him. It made him proud, knowing he would be the one making you moan and whine in pleasure, knowing he would be the one making you cum around his cock as he continued to fuck you through your orgasms.
His index finger pressed against your clit, beginning to rub it in slow circular motions. Your head fell back and moans of pleasure began to fall out of your mouth. You felt your body grow weak.
“You’re doing to well for me.” He said, a smirk growing on his face as he took his finger off your clit and pressed it against your entrance, feeling your slick coat his fingers. He slowly pushed his finger inside of you, causing you to yelp out. It hurt but the pain was quickly replaced by pleasure as he began moving his finger in and out of you, quickly finding that spot within you that made you grip onto his arm.
You could feel the knot in your stomach grow tighter as he inserted another finger, his palm bumping against your clit. His eyes were dark with lust as his gaze met yours, lips interlocking with one another’s as you came undone with his fingers.
He moved away from you, removing his fingers from you and bringing them up to his mouth, tasting the slick coating them. You whined at the empty feeling but could not take your eyes off the sight in front of you.
“You taste divine.” He says, removing his fingers from his mouth and moving so he’s situated between your thighs, gazing down at his lovely wife. He gathered your arousal on his fingers and coated it on his cock, adjusting himself so he is pressed against your entrance.
“You’ll feel great I promise.” He whispers, slowly pushing himself inside of you, causing you to whimper in pain while he bottomed out. He took his time, letting you adjust to him inside of you before slowly thrusting in and out.
Moans began falling out of your mouth as your hands gripped the bedsheets, your tits bouncing with every thrust. Your legs wrapped around his hips, wanting him to be closer to you.
Geta was watching you unravel right in front of him, watching how your tits bounced every time he thrusted into you, watching how your eyes rolled back in pleasure. It made him proud, knowing he was finally claiming you as his own. He could feel his own orgasm building up as he moved his hand to rub fast circles on your clit as he quickened his pace.
The knot in your stomach became unbearable as your sounds of ecstasy grew louder, your hands gripping to Geta’s arms.
“Go on. Cum for me.” He moans out, causing the knot to snap and for you to come undone around his cock, twitching in pleasure. Geta’s thrusts began to grow sloppy as he unravels in front of you, spilling his seed inside your pussy.
A few moments pass and you are both a sweaty, panting mess. He pulls out of you and watches the cum leak out from you, scooping it up and pushing it back inside you with his fingers. You quietly moaned at the sensation.
“Can’t have any go to waste can we?” He smiled. You slowly shook your head, eyes growing tired as your body begins to feel heavy. Geta lies down next to you, wrapping his arms around you as he kisses your cheek.
“You did so well for me.” He mumbled into your ear, his hot breath feeling comforting as you both begin feeling tired. His hand finds its way to your stomach again, rubbing small and slow circles around it. You feel your eyes begin to close as you hear your husband say something before you drift off to sleep.
“My perfect treasure.”
I really hope you enjoyed reading this I loved making it and hopefully I will write more soon!!This is my first fic so it may not be as good as ones I write in the future but I’m super proud of it!!💖💖
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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Here’s part 1
WARNINGS : (MDNI)! masterbation (male), p in v, some other things I probably forgot
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When you woke up, Shao Kahn was not in bed with you. You looked around, confused. Then you realized that he was Kahn of Outworld so he probably had some business to attend to.
You were suppose to feel regret for what you did. You slept with the villain. The main antagonist in your life. But you didn’t. You didn’t even feel slightly bad for it. And that was a big problem.
The truth was you liked the power Shao Kahn had. You admired it. And you wanted some to yourself but you would never tell him that.
That would just go to his head.
You put on your black and red tightly fitted clothing that Shao had picked out for you. You were starting to see the returning pattern. He must’ve of really liked red.
As you put your earrings in, you noticed a note on the dresser. You picked it up.
I have unfinished business to attend to. I don’t care what you do but you are not to leave the palace.
- Your Emperor
You rolled your eyes a little and set the note down. “You can’t tell me what to do.” You grumbled under your breath. You finished putting the earrings in and decided that you hadn’t really taken a look around since you got there.
Opening your door, you walked out to the hallway and down the stairs. The palace was huge. Every room was double the size it should’ve been.
You went into the kitchen and grabbed yourself a water. When you turned around, you gasped. There was a woman dressed in all red, hair dyed red.
“Jesus Christ.” You mumbled.
The woman examines you up and down. “So, you will be the new Empress of Outworld?” You didn’t respond. She continued to stare at you as if she was uninterested. “I don’t see much.”
“Okay…creepy lady.”
You try to walk past her but she got in your way again. “I’m Skarlet.”
You wanted to be rude and say ‘I didn’t ask’ but you were gonna tell yourself to have a good day today. “(Y/N).”
“Shao Kahn took me in. Made me one of his own. He taught me the ways of blood magic.”
She holds out her hand and you watch as blood started to form out of thin air. You rose a brow at this. She then closed her hand up.
“Cool. All I got is a flying kick.” You say to her.
“You have no power?”
“I mean…technically I have telekinesis but I don’t exactly know how to control it yet.” You admitted.
Skarlet looked even more puzzled at you. “Weak. Why would the Emperor want a weak woman?” She was starting to irritate you but it seems like she was only getting started. “I would’ve made a great Empress by Shao Kahn’s side.”
To this, you looked at her confused. “Didn’t you say he took you in?”
“So, he’s like a father figure to you then?” You questioned and she did not respond. “And you want to be at his side and…yeah it’s time for me to walk off from this conversation.” You said, leaving her.
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Through out the day you were incredibly bored. As annoying as Shao Kahn was, he at least entertained you when he was around. How did he have a big palace with nothing to do?
Luckily for you, Shao Kahn was back. You were laying on the bed, reading a book. Shao Kahn walked into the room and closed the door behind him. You sighed in relief. “Thank god.”
Shao Kahn smirked at you. “Did my Empress miss me?”
“Miss is a strong word. You’re just mildly entertaining. Don’t let that go to your head.” You told him. Shao Kahn started to take his armor off. “I met your…whoever she is to you. Skarlet. Seems like a real peach.”
Shao Kahn chuckled. “She is clingy to me. I know.”
“Yeah maybe too clingy.” You closed the book in your hand and sat up on the bed. “She wants to take my place. Why don’t you just give her the throne instead of me?”
“Do not ask me such stupid questions.” When he said that, you threw the book directly at his head but he caught it with ease. Without looking. Your jaw dropped slightly and he placed it down on the dresser. “I do not view her in that light. And I chose you for a reason.”
You scoffed a little. “That girl can make blood come out of her hands meanwhile, I can barely fling a pencil across the room with my mind.”
Shao Kahn finished taking his armor off. He walked over to you some. “Are you jealous?”
“Me? Hell no.” You lied a little. Shao Kahn gave you a look as if he did not believe you and you sighed. “Not jealous just…confused.”
Your head was down. Shao Kahn leaned over and made you look at him dead in the eyes by placing his hand under your chin. “She is not you. That’s all you need to know.” Shao Kahn removed his hand and went into the bathroom. “You will learn your telekinetic gift eventually.”
Somehow you weren’t very confident in that. “Whatever you say. Hey, where were you today anyway?”
“I slaughtered all my concubines.” Shao Kahn said like it was the most casual thing in the world.
Your eyes went wide when he said this. You took up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom. There, he was looking at himself in the mirror with his helmet/crown on. “Um…slaughtered?!”
Shao Kahn shrugged. “I have no use for them anymore.”
“Tuh. I hope you kept one because let me just tell you, what happened last night was a freak accident. It’s not going to happen again. No matter how good it was.” Shao Kahn turned to smirk at what you had just said and you face palmed yourself for the last thing you said. “I hate it here.”
Shao took some steps towards you. He held onto your hips and brought you close to him. “Why must you fight the feeling you have? You know you crave for me. For my power.”
In a sense, you did. Very much. Again, you would not admit it. You would keep telling yourself that you are not a bad person. You are not the villain.
He was taller than you so you had to look up at him. You placed your hands on his chest. Your intention was to push him off but you felt all over his chest and it was glorious to you.
You felt yourself get sucked up in some kind of trance for him. Shao Kahn noticed and decided to not break the tension you two were having.
Shao Kahn bent down to your level and kissed on your neck softly. He began to suck on all the good places. You moan softly, immediately clutching onto him.
“Do not fight it. Give into it.” He licked on your neck and sucked on it one last time before pulling away. “I have changed my mind. We will marry soon.”
You had to catch your breath but when he said you two would marry soon, the wind felt like it got knocked out of you again. “Soon?”
“Yes. Too many mishaps could happen. I will not take any chances.” Shao Kahn turned so he could turn the water on to set his bath. “You should join me.”
You snickered at him for even having the audacity to say it. “Give you the privilege to see me naked? Absolutely not.”
Shao Kahn turned about around. He examined your curvy body and licked his lips at how tight the outfit was on you. “It is a privilege indeed.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” You told him and walked out of the bathroom so he could soak in the water.
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Shao Kahn thought about you as he took his well deserved bath. He knew you being with him would be an adjustment but he would show you the way.
He knew you wanted to be there with him. Otherwise, you would had tried to at least attempt escape. You didn’t. You also allowed him to kiss all over you and rub his big hands over you.
Shao Kahn would never force you. Not in that way at least so that’s how he knew. You were just scared to embrace the dark side of yourself.
He will help you though.
Shao Kahn pictured you naked. He imagined the stretch marks on your ass looking like tiger stripes. He imagined him putting you in the position so your ass was firmly placed in the air and he stuck his long dick inside of you.
He thought of how nasty you would be. If you were a loud moaner. If you were a dirty talker. If you spoke during sex or none at all. He knew how you really were during intimacy but he knew you were holding back your first time with him.
Your moans were beautiful. Something that would sound like music to his ears. He’d bet that your ass would perfectly jiggle on himself making it impossible for him to hold his nut.
The Emperor was obsessed with the feeling of your hands on his chest as he now imagined a new position, you were riding him. You would throw your head back and your perfect breasts would bounce beautifully on your chest. He would reach up to grab them and you would smack his hand away due to how sensitive they were.
His hands would go to your hips and he would help you ride him like the good girl you were. He imagined how good it would feel for you to moan his name.
The position switched in his mind and he imagined him on top of you. Shao imagined him burying himself deep within you and your pretty fingernails would claw his back.
Usually he didn’t care about letting women cum but you looked so pretty when you came on him before that he’d love to get you to do it all over again.
Imaging you cumming made him finally cum.
Shao Kahn rode out his high, finally the tight feeling in his chest being gone.
He cleaned himself up. Most men feel shame after doing what he just did. He didn’t. No shame was on his mind.
Shao quickly got dressed and left the bathroom. He placed his crown over his head and walked further out to see you were not in the room.
He left his room and went downstairs to see you were speaking to Shang Tsung. He stood a little ways, listening to the conversation.
“You seem weary of the Emperor.” Shang Tsung said to you.
You looked at him with a ‘duh’ look. “He’s a malicious tyrant. Of course I am. And now I’m marrying the douchebag.”
“He is…a man of many things but he chose you. You should be honored.”
“Honored? Honored that I’m going to be by his side while he slaughters innocent people?”
“You could’ve escaped. No one was watching you. But you didn’t. Because deep down, you don’t want to go to the pathetic life you lived. Being second best. No-third best.” Shang Tsung walked in circles around you. “Because it goes Liu Kang then Kung Lao and then…you. Isn’t it strange that no one has bothered to save you from the ‘tyrant’ that is Shao Kahn?”
You went silent as he spoke. You didn’t seem to have one of your comebacks lined up. “They care about me. They’ll-“
“Then where are they?” When you went silent again, Shang Tsung spoke. “Trust that Shao Kahn, and only Shao Kahn, has your best interest at heart.”
Shao Kahn smirked to himself. He should congratulate the idiot sorcerer for talking you down from your Earthrealm friends.
He made his appearance known. He walked over to the two of you. “Have you made arrangements?” He asked Shang Tsung.
“They have been made.”
You looked between the two of them confused. “Arrangements for what?”
“Never you mind.” Shao told you.
He turned to walk away from you but you gripped his arm tightly. “How do you expect me to be your wife if you don’t tell me anything?”
Shao Kahn noticed how willingly you accepted the term wife but decided not to bring it up. “They are a surprise for you. Do not worry.”
You placed your hands on your hips, looking at him annoyed. “What surprise? I don’t want a surprise.”
Shao ignored you. He took your hand and made you walk with him.
He takes you into a big, spacious room. It reminded you of a ball room but you obviously knew it wasn’t one. You looked around confused. “Why are we here?”
Shao Kahn doesn’t respond. He brings his hammer into thin air and then throws it at you.
You dodge the hammer. You looked at the hammer and then looked at Shao as if he was crazy. “What the hell are you doing?”
“You cannot learn your telekinetic gift if you do not learn properly.” He simply said. With his hand, he made the hammer appear in his right hand.
Then he threw the hammer at you again and you once again dodged it. You ducked. “Throwing your stupid hammer is going to teach me!”
“Your instincts will come in.” Shao made the hammer once again appear in his hand. “Come on. Don’t tell me you were right. Maybe you shouldn’t have the throne.”
Something about what he said bothered you. You didn’t understand why. Why did you care? You didn’t even want the throne in the first place.
Shao Kahn threw his hammer at you again and you ducked to your left. This time you were a little mad. “Shut up.”
“Oh, I am merely speaking the truth, (Y/N).” Shao Kahn makes the hammer appear in his hand again. “Maybe my mistake was picking an Earthrealmer that couldn’t even beat me.”
Shao threw the hammer and this time you ducked to your right. You we’re beginning to get increasingly angry. “Stop.”
The Kahn makes the hammer appear in his hand and he steps closer to you. “Pathetic. Even Skarlet has better magic than you. I should call her in so she can show you the ropes.”
He throws his hammer at you and you jumped over it this time. You landed on your feet and this time your eyes looked deadly. “Stop talking.”
“Maybe you were right. I should’ve picked her for the throne. Far better than you. I believe she won’t fail me.”
When Shao Kahn threw the hammer at you, this time you held your hand out at him. You stopped the hammer in mid air.
He looked impressed with you but you weren’t done showing off. “I told you to stop talking.” You then waved your hand in the air, making the hammer cock back. Then you flung your hand forward making the hammer get thrown across the room.
Shao Kahn was knocked down by his hammer and thrown up again the wall. He groaned in pain as he slid down.
You smirked at him and fixed yourself. “You know, you look so much better when you’re in pain.”
Shao Kahn let out a deep chuckle and he stood up from the ground. “I knew you could do it.”
You gave him a look, not buying it. “Why did you say all that stuff then?”
“Because I knew it would make you angry.” He motioned for you to walk with him. “Come with me.”
His hand was held out for you. You stared at his hand, contemplating. For the first time, without a fuss, you let Shao guide you.
You took his hand.
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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(Stéphane Bernard) Observe with what elegance most of the guests are wearing the republican cocarde! Among all the French symbols, the Emperor has chosen to honor Liberty, so dear to our Nation. What a magnificent way to celebrate our shared heritage. (Other journalist) Indeed, the empire has preserved many remnants, if I may say, of the French Revolution. (Stéphane Bernard) Emperor Napoleon III once said that the empire is "the reign of liberty, preserving the moral influence of the Revolution, and diminishing the fears it inspired." I believe that sums up Simpartism quite well.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Look, the Emperor and Empress of Pierreland, also wearing la cocarde. (Other journalist) Always so radiant. It is said that today the roles have reversed, with Emperor David, once protected by Napoleon IV, now striving to watch over Napoleon V. (Stéphane Bernard) Absolutely, Their Imperial Majesties share a very strong relationship. In fact, when he was still the imperial prince, Napoleon V spent many hours coordinating the maritime alliance between our two countries.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Queen Diana of Simdonia and her consort, who welcomed Emperor Napoleon V on his first ever state visit. They are followed by King Arthur of the United Kingdom of Prydain and Voltadermar.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°3 | Francesim, Versailles, 27 Thermidor An 230
The guests arrive at the gala for the coronation of Emperor Napoleon V at Versailles. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Guests at the coronation
TIM, Emperor David I and Empress Katalina of Pierreland (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
HRH, Prince Oliver, Duke of Rothsey (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
HIM, Queen Viviana II of the Ionian Union (@funkyllama)
TM, King Arnaut and Queen Lorraine of Uspana (@nexility-sims)
HM, Queen Anastasia of Carrington and HRH, Prince Hisirdoux, the Duke of Clois (@royalhouseofcarrington)
TRH, Crown Prince George, Duke of Everton and Crown Princess Anne, Duchess of Everton (@crownsofesha)
HRH, Margaret, the Princess Royal of Corrilea (@theroyalsofcorrilea)
HM, Queen Diana and HRH, Prince Gerhard of SimDonia (@bridgeportbritt)
HRH, Madame Royale Eleanor de Thornolie (@theroyalthornoliachronicles)
TM, King Giovanni and Queen Consort Cassandre (@royalhouseofcardsleyts4)
TIM, The High King and High Queen of the Presean Empire (@stthomaspalace)
TM, King George I and Queen Elizabeth of Illyria (@the-lancasters)
TRH, the Duke and Duchess of Marseille and Saint-Lyon (@sosa-royals)
HM, Rosalind II, Queen of the Armoricans (@armoricaroyalty)
HM, King Arthur of the United Kingdom of Prydain and Voltadelmar (@prydainroyals)
TRH, The Prince and Princess of Belen (@housekonig)
HIH,  The Princess Imperial Eliana of Alexandria (@thealexandrianroyals)
TM, Queen Najwa and King Abeni of Oasis Springs (@hrh-the-royals)
TRH, Crown Princess Emeline and Crown Prince Cedric of Whitmore (@whitmoreroyals)
TM, King Oliver and Queen Charlotte of Cedoria and the Isle (@thebaillieroyals)
TM, King James II and Queen Alibhe of United Kingdoms of Great Briton and Ériu (@trhor)
Her Majesty Queen Irene and HRH Prince James (@albanyroyals)
⚜ Traduction française
(Stéphane Bernard) Observez avec quelle élégance la plupart des invités arborent la cocarde républicaine ! Parmi tous les symboles français, l'Empereur a souhaité mettre à l'honneur la Liberté, si chère à notre Nation. Quelle magnifique manière d'honorer notre héritage commun ! (Autre journaliste) Effectivement, l'empire a conservé de nombreux vestiges si j'ose dire de la Révolution française. (Stéphane Bernard) L'empereur Napoléon III disait que l'empire est "le règne de la liberté, sauvant l'influence morale de la Révolution, et en diminuant les craintes qu'elle inspirait". Je crois que ça résume bien le Simpartisme.
(Stéphane Bernard) L'empereur et l'impératrice de Pierreland, portant eux aussi la cocarde. (Autre journaliste) Toujours aussi rayonnants. On raconte aujourd'hui que les rôles s'inversent, que l'empereur David, autrefois protégé par Napoléon IV, s'efforce aujourd'hui de veiller sur Napoléon V. (Stéphane Bernard) Tout à fait, Leurs Majestés Impériales ont de très bonnes relations. D'ailleurs, lorsqu'il était encore prince impérial, Napoléon V a passé de nombreuses heures à coordonner l'alliance maritime entre nos deux pays.
(Stéphane Bernard) La reine Diana de Simdonia et son consort, qui ont accueilli l'empereur Napoléon V pour sa toute première visite d'Etat. Ils sont suivis du roi Arthur du Royaume-Uni de Prydain et Voltadermar.
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1800naveen · 1 month
SJM fans gotta be quiet
Saw some chick on tik tok say some bullshit. "HBO should adapt Throne of Glass instead of giving us more got spinoffs and it could be better than game of thrones."
Delete the app now. Get rid of it. Pack your bags, you're getting sent off to delulu land.
That would be plagiarism if it got adapted. COPYRIGHT, HOE.
I would rather watch George RR Martin take a fat fucking shit in front of my eyes and destroy the damn toilet.
"Don't you like throne of glass?" Yes, I do and I don't care.
Are SJM fans not aware of the world of a song of ice and fire? It's not only game of thrones?? GOT comes from A song of ice and fire (the main series) and House of the Dragon comes from Fire and Blood (basically a history book).
George has written one of the best worldbuilding I've seen in books, Sarah wish she could come up with that. It's so damn beautiful, I could shed a tear. Sarah's worldbuilding got some plot holes, confusing magic systems, and other stuff that don't make sense if you think into it.
Both got weird things in their stories, I can't lie. But George somehow finds a way to mostly have a reason for it (Not all of it though, not all of it. Targs gonna Targ with the inbreeding.) In A Court of Wings and Ruin, there are twins named Dagdan and Brannagh which are incestuous for no reason at all. It says they're sexual partners on the wiki page. Knock off Jaime and Cersei? Wait, that goes to Mor and Cassian. She had no reason for them to be partners like what the hell??
The amount of stories that could be turned into shows (small edit because I fucked up and put stories again)from George's work? That's much more than SJM's. Like we got another show coming out about King Aegon V and Duncan the tall (A knight of the seven kingdoms), one about Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys and the conquest for Westeros, Corlys and his nine voyages (The sea snake). The entirety of Fire and Blood could get adapted on screen.
We could still get shows adapted to the big screen even after George leaves this earth (peepaw is old, I'm worried and hoping he's staying healthy.)
Examples are:
Robert's rebellion
Nymeria's war
Old Valyria and how it came to an end
The Blackfyre rebellions
The Golden Empire of Yi Ti (not much is known on the place so I really want this)
Snow (This was shelved because they didn't have anything to work with, not a shocker)
The Amethyst Empress and the Bloodstone Emperor (she was usurped by her younger brother and when she died, the long night came to the world. Sound familiar?)
The Long Night and Azor Ahai
Great Empire of the Dawn
Maegor's entire reign. It's so wild.
Jaehaerys, Alysanne, and their children. Would love to see that.
They need to stop acting like fools when they say this shit. YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THRONE OF GLASS IF A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE DIDN'T EXIST. REMEMBER WHAT CAME FIRST.
Here's a post I made about throne of glass and asoiaf.
Anyways, that's enough of my yapping. Till then when another Sarah J mASS fan makes me mad✌🏾✌🏾
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eyesofshan-if · 8 days
i just finished eyes of shan for the first time & went through a rollercoaster of despair & joy ystd [when i saw the last update was 2023.. then shortly after u came back to life]. i really love your writing (the lyricism of it?!)! that said welcome back to life, burnout rly sucks. atb for school & life.
ps. you somehow also got me rehooked on saegeuk music (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DLf-9MW1i8) because of all the ahn ye eun i went to listen to again... (night flower insane loops was my thesis writing hell, but i still decided redflag emperor/empress is my drug, lol).
thanks for what you put out so far! <3 take care.
sageuk music was my drug for writing eos, although i've become partial to the dune ost and amvs!! redflag yongsun is one of my favourite characters that I've ever written, hope you're excited to explore more of them as the story goes on 😉
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the-grey-hunt · 2 months
i have covid and must sit in my room all day. it's ghost trick posting hours and i am thinking about a gt major arcana set
These are purely based on my vibes from experience and the little pamphlet that came with my Rider-Waite-Smith deck, so feel free to argue with me, i could really use a conversation to get invested in rn
0 - THE FOOL. Obviously this one is going to be Sissel. The Fool represents setting out on a journey that's gonna take you through the rest of the cards, and it's the zero point, the beginning of the deck (sometimes the end, which is how my pamphlet organizes it). I'd draw him in the junkyard, maybe as the ghost flame.
I - THE MAGICIAN. This one gave me the most trouble. I eventually settled on Pigeon Man, partly because I couldn't figure out a 'scene' i liked for this more than a person. He fits the bill of a man hiding some secrets, but one who's a sort of 'magus' (pamphlet's word) or knowledgeable figure. No idea how i'd draw it.
II - THE HIGH PRIESTESS. I picked the park guardian/Dabira. HEAR ME OUT. The description I have says "tenacity", or if reversed, "passion" and "surface knowledge" (hate to say it but Dabira does not know the lore). Normally this would be a woman, but I ran out of female characters before assigning this one. This drawing would highlight the stars in his eyes.
III - THE EMPRESS & IV - THE EMPEROR. Alma and Jowd, respectively. The Empress is "the unknown, doubt" or reversed, "truth, the unraveling...of matters". More her role in the story than her actual personality, but the game devs didn't give her one, so. The emperor represents "conviction" (lol) and "protection", but also reversed can mean "confusion", "obstruction".
I'd draw Alma in a fake foil-card, where it looks like it's being tilted so some of her is visible through the "foil" but the "reflective" parts are her blacked-out flashback silhouette. Jowd would be at the foot of a ruined throne.
V - THE HIEROPHANT. This one's Kamila. "Captivity" is one of the potential meanings, but reversed it can also be "weakness", which I don't mean as an insult, but she's a little girl who gets physically overpowered. It would be Kamila on a thronelike seat in the red trunk, the hierophant's tools (maybe pieces from the contraption) on the floor before her.
VI - THE LOVERS. Yomiel and FianSissel. "Love" and "trials overcome", but reversed "failure" or "foolish designs". I think they as a pair represent the potential meanings pretty well; there's definitely love, but their love leads them to foolish plans down doomed paths. Drawn as each other's reverse, like a face card in a deck of playing cards.
VII - THE CHARIOT. "Triumph", but reversed, "defeat". I'd draw this as squished Jeego rolling away with the wrecking ball—both a triumph and a defeat!
VIII - STRENGTH. Lynne! "energy" and "action" both describe her. The reversed meanings don't really fit, so I'm ignoring them lol. I'd draw her in her determined pose, maybe from in the Yonoa with the pocket watch.
IX - THE HERMIT. Ray! "Prudence" (the other meanings I'm given don't fit as well), but reversed, "concealment", "disguise". I'm drawing that boy wigglin'.
X - WHEEL OF FORTUNE. "Destiny", "luck". No character fits this as well as the clock from the 'rewind time' cutscene.
XI -JUSTICE. Literally just gonna be the Justice Minister, in one of his slumped-on-the-desk poses. "Executive", but reversed, "law in all departments", "excessive severity".
XII - THE HANGED MAN. This one is Cabanela, and you know he's going in the hanged man pose. "Trials", "intuition" "discernment"— reversed, "selfishness", so the regular and reversed readings are the truth v. how he's percieved.
XIII - DEATH: I think this should be a drawing of a detective's pistol. There's the possibility of getting more metaphorical with this card, but here, I don't think you need to.
XIV - TEMPERANCE. I put Rindge for this one because i wanted to include all the people who get their lives saved by Sissel, and I do think it fits. "accomodation" (of lynne); reversed, "competing interests" (his assignment v. helping lynne). I'd draw him seated at the table in the restaurant.
XV - THE DEVIL. This isn't as much a person (I mean, it's Sith), but I want this card to show as its centerpiece the little grabby thing that takes Yomiel's Temsik fragment out. Both Yomiel and Sith would be visible, to either side, but the meaning of "violence" or, reversed, "fatality", "pettiness", seems best suited by this specific scene.
XVI - THE TOWER. It's already been done perfectly and is tbh the reason I'm making this post
XVII - THE STAR. What else? The Temsik meteorite. Carries a meaning of "loss", but alternately (not reversed, but alternately) "hope", "bright prospects for the future". Two very different scenes in that park...I'd draw it in the crater, where it could be showing either future.
XVIII - THE MOON. Beauty and Dandy for this one, idk how i'd draw them. "Hidden enemies", "danger", "deception", "error".
XIX - THE SUN. Missile! Means "material happiness", "contentment", even when reversed. It's what he is and what he brings to people around him! I'm giving that boy a halo effect.
XX - THE LAST JUDGEMENT. A scene of "the last desperate struggle" (to borrow the soundtrack title) in Temsik Park, the last moment of gameplay in the game. Could be either the fountain with the meteor coming down, or missile in the bullet right before it's swapped. could be a lot of moments!
XXI - THE WORLD. I would do a cool thing with the phone lines and traveling through them for this one. luckily no one can make me draw it, so you're just gonna have to picture the coolness yourself
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romanscoming · 2 years
Hi. Will u do evan peters x reader. Where Evan's friends are celebrating 🍾 his birthday at a strip club but he feels nervous since it's his first time being in a strip club since he's awkward and shy, but the reader works at a strip club gives him relief and makes him come out of his shell.
I was think about a face claim of the reader either to look like kali uchis or sza. But I chose sza bc she's wifey.
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Love u girly pop.
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NEW TAGLIST | REQUEST | WATTPAD | visual porn link for this fic here!
p in v, oral (m&f receiving), soft sex, gentle sex, praise kink, celebrating sex, birthday sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap), stripper/strip club, hair pulling kink, body worship, size kink, belly bulge kink, Evan wanting it slow so it can last long, spit kink, cum control, cockwarming, biting, marking kink, inexperienced/kinda experience, goddess kink, pleasing kink, pussyeating, Evan/Reader in control for the most part, whiny/sensitive Evan and Reader, begging, pleasuring and pleading, making out, tit sucking, edging, grinding, dirty talk, tongue fucking, reader playing in Evan's hair, overstimulation, mention of public fucking and owning Evan.
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EVAN WAS NEVER THE TYPE OF GUY WHO WOULD GO TO CLUBS.., maybe bars, and small little clubs but never a strip club.
That's what he thought until now, all of his friends wanted to celebrate his win of best act, and his bday; January 20th, at a strip club, but nobody told Evan they surprised him with it, and boy oh boy was he embarrass.. and so nervous when he seen the girls dancing, and the smirks on his friends faces.
"Why are we here..?" they just smirk at his question before pulling him into a boot which was quickly followed by a waiter asking them what would they like to drink, before Evan could answer with 'water' his friends shouted "About 10 shots of Whiskey, and 5 shots of Crown"
Evan was in shock still nervous as ever but only the drink arrive he was forced by his friends to take at least about 7 of them, back to back.
That's he'd realize it was a busy night at the club, they were about 5 girls on the stage but nun caught his eye,, not yet.
Just as you arrived on stage, with a silky see-though rope as you had gotten closer to the rope and let your hand slip off of your shoulders pushing the rope off your your body exposing your glamour body roped ties around your body, showing off always your curves, the thickness around your thighs as the lining of the tongs laid out, all of your body fat showing making him crave you.
Just as his eyes rises from your legs to your breast as the straps of the sequin tank top hugged against your big boobs causing them to spill out around any open area it can find,, eyes falling back onto your stomach as he watch the rhinestones coming from your belly button all the way between your boobs.
It was like he was in heaven he didn't know what to do or what to think and was all just you,, a goddess.
He could tell this wasn't your first time dancing, by the way your outfit stood out of the rest, your shiny, like a Emperor,, a Feminine empress, like gold.. like the stars on a starry night.
Just as you stopped your little warm up, they called out your starring name, "Lady 'Gorgeous-Gensis' and her last and special dance for the night!"
Your head raised at the state of your name, and your let out a cheeky smile before swaying your hips against the pole, your hands stroking it, sliding up and down as your eyes travel throughout the audience smirking at all of the men with their heart eyes staring back at your while throwing cash.
Do to being a starring stripper, you hardly had to do shit to get the men attention, it was just the need of revealing clothes which intended to always get the attention the more.
Double DD cups, and a slim waist and with big juicy ass, and you'd have everyone in the whole world attention, no eyes off of you.
But you think that was way your became a stripper?
You friend and you loved to dance as you grew up, elementary School dance team, middle school dance team, and aa track-star in high school and dance team again, you just loved to sway your hips around and dance around,
Whenever you were on the stage, next to the pole with the lights shining on you, it was as if nobody was there you were just dancing to be happy, to feel like how it was to be young dancing on tv or something,
All of the motion in you, just rolling on your body, sassing your hips, jiggling all of the shininess of your outfit around the whole room and your eyes fell onto Evans sparkled eyes as he wanted you out of all of the women in the room, he was watching you
Watching your every move, every step, every bounce, every shake, everything, and once your eyes locked in, and you smirk and blew him a kiss he was calling from heaven,
he could have died in your arms right then and there.
A loyalist man, who is just craving you attention, your body and wants to make you feel like .
Evan would make your pleasure his top priority, did do anything to have you moaning, crying and moaning his name in pleasure from what he was doing to you.
Locking in eyes with him was like a predator and a prey right in action.
You didn't think but was your swing on the pole legs half wide and your back arched as your head fell back looking into his eyes one again before standing up and bouncing on the floor in a slip,,
You wanted to get him in action, hard as a rock.. you just wanted him as much as he wanted you, but who was going to tease the other the most.
You stood up a little like a pornstar, as your felt back to your knee throwing your head back
Before telling your hands fall to the floor and hold on to it as your whipped your head back and front letting your energy max out as your started to crawl to the edge of the stage where Evan was standing before facing your back toward him and bouncing your ass up and down acting as if it was him.. you know his cock.
You hungry little slut, you take it anymore and you knew you were getting closer to the end of your dance before you walked back to the pole all sexy and sassy just as your stripped from up to down on that pole before posing with your body upside down.
Legs crossed holding you on the pole as your hands landed on the floor keeping your head from dropping dead on the floor, you wink as the eyes on you screamed and cheered as the room went all dark, and you were off the stage and into the back dressing rooms.
You were fixing your hair, makeup and wiping all of the sweat from your body off as your sprayed your perfume and felt all pretty and beautiful again, like a beauty model.
Just as your disappeared in the darkness Evan frowned.. he wanted to see more of you, he'd stood up from his stop and sat at the bar dressing the alcohol he was given, "Your eyes were on Y/N huh boy?"
"that's her name?" Evan grin to himself before looking from his drink, hands and then finally at the man,
All he could think of is your pretty, full of beauty skin, and a gorgeous name for your gorgeous-self,, so beautiful.
"She's not quite new maybe joined in about a couple of days ago or a week, but her moves are always something new, yk."
Evan just smiled at the man before smirking as he started to move away, noticing you in a rope walking around towards a closet.
"Hi..uh-Hey Y/N,, I can-" Evan had tired to say before you continued to walk farther away from him.
He frowned to himself but it was turned upside down when he heard your soft voice..
"Hold on,, just a second baby." He had heard you say,, it was like you were sent from heaven for him, you have him floating following you like one of the cartoon characters madly inlove.
Evan let out a small whimper, "uh.. Okay!"
You walked back out with shoes and your heels in your hand as you backpack was on your back hair clipped up, but in a pretty way to make Evan fall for her more.
He watched as you got closer to him letting out a small chuckle, "What is it honey?"
She started to walk off, waving at others stripper and the bartenders and other worked before walking out the door.
Evan was following her close behind, forgetting about his birthday and about what he friends sent him here to do, to celebrate right?
He followed behind you ramble as he stayed behind you all the way to your car, just are you let out a hum and grabbed a hold of the door handle of the car.
You body turned very fast and you locked eyes with the taller men, as you heart skipped a beat, and word were caught in his throat.
You smiled and grab ahold of his hand before kissing it, "The infamous Evan Peters caught a eye fa' me?"
You could see the redness of his cheeks as he was flushed with blush across his face.
You smile before kissing his hand and up his arms before licking his name, looking at him while doing it before his grip on your hand had gotten tighter.
Just as you were getting on your tippy-toes to kiss him, as your breath was on his bottom lip..
His body shocked, which making you press your forehead against his, before..
Whispering in his ear, "Relax birthday-boy.., Would you a present from me?" Just as you kissed him before he could even answer your question.
That's how it leaded to the position you were in now, you were in the back seat of your car just as your legs were spread wide open.
You had teased him enough he shoved you in the back seat and ripped off the rope you had on before and the lingerie your had one before fingering you for a while.
But now it was something different,
Evan hands with a mad grip on your thighs as his head was buried in between your thighs deep inside of them, he'd made you cum at least twice already,
You were just begging him to let you please him; whining moaning, whimpering and crying balling in tears.
"Baby-Baby, Bb~AagHh~Evannn!"
Moans leaving out your mouth left and right and his tongue worked hard on your clit like he had double the speed and double the tongue going rapidly between your pussy lips.
over and over and over, you were happy but sad, it was his birthday and he was suppose to be getting the pleasure, just as you felt about orgasm coming up your looked in his eyes just as he thrusted his tongue into your cunts hole, again and again and again.
He hummed against your pussy, "Cum all over my face cmon, precious." he said as he bit on your pussy making you let out a loud cry.
Just as your body started to shake at your approaching pit in your stomach, Evan hands fell on your body, the feel of your curves against him was like heaven
He would be lying to you if he'd say no he wasn't palming himself thought his pants, he'd been at it sense the second time you came,
The way he was licking you like he was a man who hadn't even in seconds, days, weeks, months, years..
So ferocious..
You were loving it just as much as you were losing it, your hand quickly fell to his hair as you pushed him closer inside of you pussy before thrusting your hips upwards letting his nose slip up and down your slit over and over..
You let out a loud ass moan, "Please!!, Evan-Babyyyy-ahhh~ nngh-pleas'Honeyy!" you whined as your eyes fell into his eye just as his watch you twitch on his tongue and seen how your eyes were trying to focus on him, you needed to be praised.
"Y/N, you doing so good baby, just cum on vanny's tongue, cum all over his face for him okay, just keep your eyes on me when you have your orgasm?"
You nodded quickly as he mumbled a small, "good baby girl" in your pussy before licking it up better then he was doing before.
His finger shoved into your hole, thrusting them back and forwards,, and starting to curl them up inside of you as your eyes were on him and as they rolled back for a bit.
"Cumming!!.. Im cumming evvy!! Aaaah~ I can't hold it its so strong aagh~ pleaseeee.. nngh! You whimpered just as your body shaken bad, all of your body moving as your pussy squirted all over Evans face just as his fingers in your cunt were covered in thick white substances..
Pussy fully juiced as most of it was still coming out falling into Evans mouth as his opened it whine wanting more, you moaned at the sight before, his fingers circled your clit just as you came once again, as the liquid spilled out of your hole.
His pants were off now, boxed still of as he sticked his hand out and palmed himself as you watched whining wanting to touch him as you reach for him but he didn't save you.
Evan kissed your stomach up to your neck, peppermint kissing your face cooling you down as he kissed your lips..
"I was supposed you please you vanny-bear!"
He shushed you just as you got settled on his lap, just as he exposed he coded cock with his pre-cum mixture of gulps of his white thicken cum.
Finally as you were pushed down on his cock, you started ridding him, as his sucked on your neck, letting marks all around.
Slowly, bucking your hips back and forth as his cock filled you up.
His hands quickly gripped on your waist squeezing roughly as he became all nervous and clingy to you, wanting you to be closer.
You whimpered as his nails were starting to go into your stink, just as another loud whimper fell out of your mouth.
Evan hand darted up to over your mouth shushing you a little.
"Shh, doll, you can't be too loud." He spoke softly to you,
You nodded quickly looking deeply into his eyes as you started to ride faster.
Evan didn't wanna to rick him wanting to hear you so he didn't hand from your mouth, instead he stuff two fingers; middle and index into your mouth chargering you to suck them.
Evan had never been ridden like this, it was like a dream, he was still a little clingy but wanted to control himself because he was scared he was going to lose it and was going to bone you into the seats on the car,,
But it seem like he was going that anyways like his hands were rolling around you body all over as he started to play with your tits for a while as he squeezed them and pinch the nipples making you whine again..
"Holy fuckkk-you're riding me sooo'g good babyyy doll." He groaned under you as your head fell in his neck as you started to bounce more, but slowly gave out.
Evan began lifting your hips, meeting you half way, but in the same pace, just thrusting much faster then you.
Your moans were going to be the death of him as they became louder even though they were muffled.
He knew for a fact you hadn't been touch like how he's been touching you know.
"Please.. Bear.. I don't think I can't last any longer.."
Just as you choked on his fingers he flipped you guys over just as the white liquid circle was reveal around his cock as he thrusted in and out.
Your hands grabbed his shoulders and the right hand fell to his back as you whined loud and moan, as you breathe was caught up as you felt him slipping in you as you had a dent in your stomach.. which was his fat mushroom tip and thick member.
You whimper and all, as you nails duged into Evans skins as his head fell back as he groaned for the pain and started to ram into your cunt.
Fast and faster by the second your eyes were rolling back just as he was watching you slowly kissing your forehead and rubbing his thumb around your lips as he pushed it into your mouth making you suck on it, as you were full on babbling while sucking.
"Such a pretty cockdrunk dollface."
He kissed your lips deeply, both of you huffing mouths together,
as the kiss was very angrily or passionately which to choose, pulling on the bikini top, which were now not even covering your breast, they were exposed to the fresh lustful air.
You were pulling Evan closer to you just as you were humping upwards while his dick was hitting your celivix over and over
You eyes rolled back, just as your head fell back and you kissed your teeth as you held Evan more closer wanting more just as you guys both started to thrust against each other..
"Evannnn! bear,, vanny.. mm.. ah! please god.. Soooo good s'good!" You cried and babbled just as you guys locked eyes again as you clench to him once you started to cream his cock, full of your juices and wetness.
You kissed Evan heatedly as he started to ram into you over and over, quickly as his dick twitched in your warm thigh cunt..
"Y/NNNN!" He groaned as he felt you tighten around him, "I don't think I can pull out.. you sucking me in Y/N.. fffff'fuck!"
Just then and now, you were nodding at him as you cupped his cheek wanting him to stay focused on you, a sex kiss, wet and sloppy as you guys tongues slapped and played against each other just as you clench around him more.
Wrapping your legs around his hip pushing him deep was you sensitive pussy was feeding him in more and more, you cried as you felt him rack into your womb, you nodded your head more
His cock twitches even more finally as his cupped face in your hand focused on you and your tight cunt just as his thrusts were getting sloppier and quicken slowly,
He moaned and groaned as you clenched on him more wanting him to stay and not more, before you knew it the wall of your cunt were painted white, you smiled at him giving him a lazy kiss as you let him ride out his orgasm and kissed you deeply but breathlessly feeling him still in your stomach
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error404vnotfound · 2 years
besties :D
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liroyalty · 7 days
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Suddenly there's a murderous urge
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gizkasparadise · 7 months
girl i am coming to you with hope in my eyes and yearning in my heart do you have anything that is v kunning palace adjacent like eyecandy main leads who are like, so in love you can feel the kinks the writers had despite hayes code pls i am screaming and in need thank you for your service (pls let it be cdrama and xianxia/xuanhuan and like, happy ending pls my heart is made of cotton candy and a single tear will be my death ilysm tyvm <33333)
my friend, if you havent checked out lost you forever you need to get on that!! xiang liu in particular is just a walking dictionary of weird lil kinks and freaky deaky date nights.
if you want more morally bad to bad-lite people who kind of just project "evil but horny about it," check out the legends (which also has bai lu as FL!) and till the end of the moon (bai lu again!) ((happy ending not guaranteed))
if you want "into biting perhaps a little too much" check out sound of the desert.
if you want trash but fun trash with a very murdery male lead, watch familiar stranger
if you're into "step on me ma'am" as a kink, there is also pretty clear evidence of it with the male leads of a journey to love ((happy ending not guaranteed)) and love and redemption ((happy ending guaranteed!))
if you're willing to branch out into kdrama, empress ki could potentially be up your ally because the bait-and-switch male lead is a whole mess of issues and a wreck over a take no shit FL and it's delightful in the best way ((happy ending not guaranteed))
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gifmourningu · 8 months
Hirogaru Sky! Precure Watch Guide
A list of episodes that let you know which episodes are less interesting and skippable.
Note that this season had very uneven pacing and tone. Most episodes are largely slice of life, but occasionally it would dip into extreme drama territory, most notably episodes 14-15 and 22-23. The villain situation is not explained for 90% of the show.
Plot is bolded. Recommended filler (character development or background -oriented) is italicized. Skippable episodes grouped in block quote.
1 — Cure Sky
2 — Settling into Human Realm
3 — Some Lore Stuff
4 — Cure Prism
5 — New Finisher
6 — Gearing up to get Sora to school (watch if you like Sora/Mashiro) 7 — Sora goes to school 
8 — Cure Wing leadup
9 — Cure Wing
10  — Cure Wing welcome party (Tsubasa & Mashiro focus)
11 — Ageha meets Tsubasa (Ageha & Tsubasa focus)
12 — Sky v. Kabaton 
13 — Potentially Parting Ways
14 — Back at Skyland
15 — Skyland part 2
16 — New Mirror Pad Function
17 — Sora & Mashiro relay (Mashiro focus)
18 — Cure Butterfly
19 — Wing & Butterfly finisher
20 — Finding a dream (Mashiro focus)
21 — No knowledge is wasted (Tsubasa focus)
22 — Captain Shalala update
23 — Hero Crisis
24 — Princess Elle background 
25 — New Villain (not that notable, you can see him in a future ep) 26 — More propaganda for our airline sponsors  27 — More propaganda for our mirror pad toy
28 — Ageha’s fashion show 
29 — An abandoned cat stuffie 30 — Beach episode 
31 — Cure Majesty Part 1 
32 — Cure Majesty Part 2
33 — New Finisher
34 — Mashiro deals with rejection (Mashiro & Battamonda focus)
35 — Sora does baseball
36 — Why Ageha wants to be a teacher (Ageha & Tsubasa focus)
37 — Ageha & Mashiro backstory 
38 — Tsubasa to the rescue
39 — Halloween 40 — Elle and Tsubasa Play Wedding
41 — Mashiro counsels Battamonda
42 — Sora decides on the type of hero she wants to be
43 — Mashiro purifies Battamonda
44~45 — Empress backstory 
46 — Christmas  Only relevant part is that Tsubasa sets up the barrier. There’s also a nice Sora/Mashiro segment but the rest is skippable.
47~50 — Finale 
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vibratingskull · 10 months
also hellurr hope you’re alright 👀
So I’m a bit of a history nerd and the Empire in the Ahsoka series is giving me strong Roman Empire vibes. Bear with me image Thrawn as the Emperor and you’re his Empress, you’re aware of him having some private time in the evening watching some girls making out and doing more sometimes. A bit like Jabba on Tatooine, however Thrawn is always loyal to you and would never engage in serious activities with the girls.
However he isn’t the only one who enjoys these activities, you enjoy them as well and tend to join him during these nights like some Emperors did in ancient Rome. He wouldn’t even necessarily tell the other girls to leave he’d simply have you in his “fun” room not caring about anything else as he’d have his way with you. Istg Thrawn is doing things to me. 🫠
Emperor Thrawn you say... 🤔 🤭
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Tags: Smut, p in v, creampie, bulge, dacryphilia, pet names (good girl, Empress,...), light breeding kink
You lazily yawn.
You’re so sleepy right now… Ulertepi’s hands are doing wonders on your body.
“Do I please you, Mistress?” She asks.
You moan, nodding. She’s the best at giving massages, you could fall asleep right now. The young Twi’leks caresses your body with oil and perfume, applying pressure and grazing your sweet spots on your back.
“You have the hands of a fairy…” You let out in a daze.
You sigh, today again Thrawn is away on campaigns, leaving you alone to rule the Empire. You had enough of your solitude and got down to the Bath House of the Palace to enjoy some company. On another chaise lounge a Togruta and a Twi’lek are embracing each other in an intimate dance of caress and touches, on the couch a human girl and a Mirialan are beyond the caress stage and are engaging in a passionate coitus, two or three other groups of slaves are around the Bath House, in pools or chairs, enjoying each other for the pleasure of their Empress. 
With the snap of a finger your glass is refilled with an expensive wine. You savor it, listening to the couple's moans like music.
“When do you think he will come back?” You lament.
“I don’t know, Mistress.” Ulertepi responds.
“He’s always away on campaigns, he’s never at the Palace for more than one week. It’s like I married a ghost.” you complain.
“I am sorry, Mistress.” 
“I am the saddest woman in the universe…”
“Your cross is the heaviest of them all.” She has the presence of mind to agree with you. 
She knows better than to upset and contradict you.
“My Empress?” a voice call to you.
“Heads of the Council want to see you.” Rivihk informs you.
You snarl, can’t you be alone for five minutes?
“What do they want?” You grouch.
“They want to discuss with you about an heir and succession.”
Thrawn’s not good at politics. So it falls on you to rule the court and the State while he’s out conquering new worlds. He sometimes chimes in when something goes against his morals, but you’re pretty free to rule as it pleases you. You still had to circle yourself with a Council to manage everything, but they are also real pains in the ass.
“They will understand I cannot do much about it without my husband around.” You growl.
“They ask you to discuss it with him when he comes back.”
“What do they think I’m doing exactly? I know what the state needs, of course I’m asking him for an heir. But he hasn’t complied until now.“
“The Council may have a solution for this… problem.” He announces, by his tone you can say he isn’t on board with the solution in question.
You turn your head towards him, annoyed. Who they think they are to tell you what to do and order you around. Next to Rivihk stands a young male slave Pantoran of the exact same shade of blue as Thrawn but with your eyes and hair color. You look at them black, waiting to see if he will have the balls to expose their very clear plan.
“This is Acyyr Ju, they…” He gulps, weighing his words “They think he would be a good progenitor.”
The scream you hit them with will be recorded in the archives.
“Out! Out! I should have you all beheaded! Disappear from my sight!”
They both flee without further ado as you throw anything you can grab at them. If you had decent attire under that thin towel you would have pursued them with a blade for the insult. You scream at the top of your lungs. Rats! Vermin! You conducting orgies doesn’t mean you’re ready to cheat on your husband!
Across the room all the couples have stopped their caresses, to stun to do otherwise.
“Resume!” You order them, enraged “Ulertepi, I never told you to stop massaging me, girl!”
Bunch of idiots! If you knew you would have to compose with them you wouldn’t have asked Thrawn for the crown that much. The assumption of power was really a you thing, he did it for you. When Emperor Palpatine finally died he came back from nowhere, slayed the young New Republic in its infancy and brought the crown to you. Like he promised you long ago, well before his exile.
He’s a man true to his words.
Unless when it comes to spending time with you, he’s always on the move with his fleets.
That is one of the downsides of power.
You feel deliciously large warm hands on your body.
Those are delectable but they are not Ulertepi’s hands. You look over your shoulder ready to shout again only to meet a burning red gaze.
“Thrawn!” You exclaim full of joy.
“How is my Empress doing?” He asks with a light smile.
He’s in full emperor gears, uniform and fur cape in this steamy atmosphere. You wonder how he can even stand in the room without passing out. But he wears it so, so well… You can’t help but lick your lips.
One day you will have him fuck you in this gear.
“Annoyed, she is surrounded by idiots.”
“As I saw.” 
“You’ve been here a long time?” You ask, surprised.
“Enough to witness the scene, I was observing you from the other doorway.”
His hand travels to your tummy, caressing it tenderly.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that.”
“It is okay.” He nuzzles your noses, “But Rivihk was not at fault here. A messenger cannot be punished for the message it delivers.”
You can’t believe he just witnessed someone proposing you to cheat on him and he worries about the servant. 
“I missed you!” You coo, feeling yourself melt under his touch. “You’re always away for so long!”
He finally leans forwards to kiss you. You moan against his lips just like you know he loves.
“I see you have found a use for my personnel while I was away.” He parts with you gesturing to the orgy of slaves in the room.
“Yes… I am so alone when you’re away, I wanted some warmth.”
“Did you…” He lowers his tone darkly, hypnotizing eyes in yours “See one of them in my absence?”
You remain mute in surprise, but you relax seeing his amused smile. He’s playing with you.
“No.” You chuckle “Of course I didn’t.”
“You can, you know.” He puts his forehead to yours “As long as you invite me to watch.”
“I know you love to watch.” You peck his cheek.
He does love to watch people having sex, especially girls. He never joins any of them, remaining on his armchair with a glass of alcohol slouching like a lazy king.
But he’s more than a king.
He’s an Emperor.
Your Emperor.
“I think I would like that. Seeing you getting railed by others, that must be a sight to watch.”
You never considered joining the orgy either. You prefer to sit on his laps, sharing the glass and peppering him with kisses and little attentions.
“I will think about it. Maybe for your starday…” You promise with a sultry voice.
He starts purring as you kiss the corner of his lips. He captures your lips again, his hand traveling your back to the strap of your bikini that he unclips with practiced ease. 
“Thrawn! How dare!” You gasp with surprise and false modesty.
“Is it not you who complain about being married to a ghost?” He bites back.
Oops, he was already here?
“I’m sorry.” You pout.
“Do not be. I am here finally, let us make the most of it.” 
He lets his cape fall to the ground with a sweeping shoulders move before pushing you back on the chair with his hot body, pulling on your bikini top to get rid of it. He kisses you with a deep purring, your tongues meeting to dance and hug. You undulate your body under him, entangling your legs, digging your nails in the fabric of his uniform, growling. He chuckles in the kiss.
“So… About the heir.” He starts, “I figure it is time we get up to it?”
“You don’t have to listen to those jackasses if you’re not ready.” You reassure him.
“No, it has been some time since I thought about putting a baby in this womb. This is as good a time as any.” He leans in to sneak in your ear, “I cannot take the risk of you getting behind my back, now can I?”
“Thrawn!” You exclaim, indignant.
Why is everyone alluding to you being a cheater today?
But he just smiles, he’s just having his fun picking on you, getting you flustered. 
That man, you swear…
“I cannot have the council of my wife think I am impotent. What kind of an Emperor would I be?” He continues, lowering himself between your legs.
“Thrawn, they are just idiots. Don’t listen to them. I will have them punished first hour of the day tomorrow for what they insinuated about you, I-Ah!” You’re cut off by the flat of his tongue against your clothed cunt.
He hooked your pantie to the side and kisses your inner thighs with love.
“You are always protecting my honor, my love. My Cha’cah. I could not have dreamed of a better Empress.” He blows on your exposed pussy, sending shiver to your spine “Now, what do you say we give them a little spectacle? Show them how it is properly done?”
“Is it not their whole job to fuck for us?” You ask, trembling under his touch as he parts your pussylips with two fingers.
“Yes but I must show them how to fuck you good. I want a good show for my starday.” He grins carnivorously and dive between your legs.
He takes a big sloppy lap at your cunny, sucking and licking across your clit like a lollipop, prompting you to throw your head back in pure ecstasy. You yelp, helpless under his assault. Like everything about him, he is meticulous and precise, leaving no area of your pussy untouched, probing your entrance with the tip of his tongue, massaging your thighs with his large hands, keeping them wide apart to lick you better. You wave your body against his mouth. He always makes you see stars when he eats you out like that.
“Oh Maker, Thrawn…” You mewl.
He growls approvingly in responses, he loves hearing your pleasure out loud so you give him a performance. You hold his head between your legs, running your fingers in his hair as you feel your pussy and abdominals contract under the pleasurable assaults. He always loved to eat you out, that’s his selfish pleasure to have you come undone for him with only his tongue.
It makes him feel powerful.
Your pussy is leaking and he drinks it up like wine, making all the most obscenes noises to turn you on and it works.
A bit too well.
You feel yourself trembling, shaking and your sex convulsing until you suddenly squirt in his mouth. You let you fall down on the pillows with a “oof.”
“I love it so much when you squirt in my mouth like that.” He lets you know, licking his lips clean, your essence dripping off his chin.
He wastes no drops.
“I know.” You giggle, a bit tired by your orgasm “I just wished I had more control over it to give it to you each time.”
“Now, now, you would be spoiling me too much, cha’cah.”
He stands on his knees to get rid of his uniform, opening his jacket. You raise up to free his erection of its painful prison. He throws his shirt somewhere in the room before taking your hands off his cock.
“Will you let me taste it one day?” You ask a bit annoyed to get deprived of it each time.
“Of course, my love.” He purrs deeply, peppering kisses on your face. “But not today, we cannot waste any drops while trying for a little one.” 
You pout, unresponsive to his advances.
“You promise?” You want to see him come undone with your mouth alone too, it’s not fair he only gets to do it.
“I promise, cha’cah.” He smiles mischievously.
He’s on you immediately, pressing your hots and bothered bodies together. You feel his dick poking your side and you slide your hand to pump it a bit. He lets a satisfied gasp at your cooler hand on his very warm shaft.
“Open your legs for me.” He lowly growls.
You open them wide for your lovely husband. He aligns his well endowed cock with your entrance. He’s gonna stretch you out so much, he always does…
He enters you gently, talking you through it.
“There, take all of me.” He coos
You open your mouth round as he does stretch you out as predicted.
“You are so good for me, always taking what I offer.” He nibbles your ear.
Once he is buried to the hilt he remains unmoving, letting you time to adjust to his size. You feel each muscle working to welcome his huge dimension inside your poor little pussy.
“That is it, relax my cha’cah. You always manage to take me whole, it is gonna be okay.”
You just nod with a gasped sob.
He’s so massive…
You train your pussy with toys but none feels like him. Only he can make you feel like that.
You look up at the bulge in your tummy. It turns you on so much.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes.” You moan.
He starts rocking his hips, very gently at first but soon installs a rapid, merciless pace of deep thrust reaching the most profound parts of your being. You feel his tip hitting your cervix with such ease and the only thing you can do is take it. He could break you in half without so much as thinking about it!
He uses your poor pussy like a fleshlight, a toy for his amusement, but damn if it isn’t pleasurable to you. You shout mute cries and choked gasp letting him abuse your body, his massive stature shielding you completely.
You always liked your men bigs, but Thrawn immediately hitted differently. You became obsessed with only one night. He’s just made like that…
“Good girl. My Empress. My cha’cah…” He punctuates each pet name with a devastating thrust, sending you overboard.
“Ah! Thrawn!” You whine for him, enticing him, turning him insane.
“I know, cha’cah, I know. Do not fight it. Come for me.”
You spasm and shake violently before coming in a spectacle of fireworks and white lights, your toes curling deliciously.
“Oh my, you came really hard this time.” He sounds so pleased with himself.
You weakly nod, taking back your breath.
“Roll on your tummy for me, my love.” He purrs in your ear.
You tiredly oblige with a satisfied sigh.
“Hips in the air.” He orders.
You frown. He wants another round? But you’re so sore already…
”Thrawn, I don’t think I can…”
“Of course you can. You are a big girl, I know you can take everything.”
You groan, your face buried in the pillows and you raise your butt as he asked. He kneads it before giving it a slap.
You gasp, indignant. He just chuckles.
He enters you again, it’s easier with your former release and he quickly picks up the pace. He holds your arms in your back with only one hand, holding your hip with the other. You moan at each rock of his hips, letting you do anything it pleases him to your tired body.
“I must make sure you are satisfied.” He explains, “What if a younger man catches your eyes during your little show and you left me for him? I must prove to you I am still worth it.”
What’s this nonsense? 
“Would you, my love? Leave me for a younger lover and leave your old man behind?”
“No!” You broke down crying, “No, I would never!”
Why does everyone assume things about you? What did you do to make them think that at all?
He fucks you through your tears, giving you so much pleasure you cry as much because you’re upset and because he gives you too much.
“I know you would never, my cha’cah. I know it.” He leans to lick one tear off your cheek, “You are mine alone.”
“Yes I am!” You almost shout, as much at him as to reassure yourself.
You are a lot of things, but not an unfaithful wife.
“You are the only one for me too. No other woman could compare to my Empress.” He purrs the title. “You deserve to be taken care off, to be loved and fucked properly. Only I can give you all of that.”
You shake by your sobs and the waves of pleasures.
“And I will give you a little one, like you always wanted.” He continues, barely breathless “Not because of those fools, but because you want a family. I cannot deny you any longer, my love. You will have the family you always desired.”
“Really?” You sob.
“Yes, my love. I will give you a little girl like we talked so much about, and I will give her so many siblings to play with.”
It’s a real mess on your face, so much tears and drool, your makeup ruined, as your spasming pussy. You exhale painfully, air knocked out of your lungs with the rutting his mighty hips, wondering how long you can still hold on without breaking even more.
“Thrawn, please come quick! I-I cant’...”
“Yes, cha’cah. Your desires are my commands.”
He violently pounds into you like a jackhammer bringing you over the edge, pushing you in the sea of pleasure, drowning you in sensations, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh, the moans of the other couples and his groans, the scent of sex, so strong, making you dizzy and his mighty hips slamming yours making your leaking pussy clench on his hard cock, trying to keep him inside desperately. 
“Give it to me, good girl.” He simply orders in your ear like a secret.
You come hard again, feeling all your blood flowing down your puffy cunny spasmming painfully around him. You let out a cry, a shout of his name that resonates in the whole Bath House.
“Your tight pussy is strangling my cock.” He groans.
His hips action finally slows down to become erratic until he freezes down completely and cum inside you. Your pussy milk him for all his worth, til the very last drop and he remains inside you, kissing your back tenderly as he hunches over your form, folded in half.
You let out deep breaths, trying to calm down with a pounding heart. He purrs loudly behind you, inviting you to raise your bust and cuddle with him. You let him manipule your body with a weak yelp. He embraces your body and hugs you tight, peppering your face with kisses like a young lover entranced by his fiance. He holds your shoulders, caressing your side with his warm, large hand.
“Was that enough of a show?” You ask, exhausted.
“It was grandiose, my Empress.” He kisses your cheek fondly 
He doesn’t slip out of you, keeping himself deep inside you as you straddle his laps, panting. You feel him hard still, does nothing tire him? You caress your bulged tummy dreamily.
“Do you think we did it?” you ask, full of wonders.
“If we did not, we will just keep trying. I can play that game all day long.”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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SUMMARY : You are an Earthrealm warrior. Shao Kahn challenges you. He will stop his attack on Earthrealm if you win the fight against him. If you do not, you will marry him and become his bride. (Spoiler alert, ya dumbass loses) also plot change, you save Kung Lao at the tournament so bro doesn’t die. Hurray for you! (This is also one of my favorite things I wrote and idk why)
A/N : Also Shao Kahn >>> General Shao. But also side note HOW DID KUNG LAO DIE IN MK 9 LIKE DID THEY NOT SEE SHAO KAHN WALKING UP BEHIND BRO????
A/N : Also on the note, I feel like in my personal opinion, y’all characterize Shao Kahn wrong. I feel like if Shao Kahn were to have a lover, he’d actually be more gentle with them and treat them like a goddess. Just because he’s a bad guy doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a soft spot. Like he has one for Sindel, Mileena and Skarlet so I would just assume he would have one for his lover
A/N : Also ALSO this is written more so like for the reader to be curvy/chubby but you can imagine her not being that way if you please
WARNINGS : (MDNI)! f receiving, breeding kink, slight dirty talk, some praise, unsafe p in v, insecurities
Here’s part 2
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You couldn’t stand him. He was so smug about the whole ordeal. The truth was you didn’t know if you guys would win. Johnny was already down so now that was one less warrior.
Liu Kang went to try and free Kitana. You just stood there and impatiently watched the scene.
Shao Kahn however couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He had met you previously and became rather obsessed with you. He claimed you would be his soon enough. He would stand by that claim too.
Kung Lao had defeated both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. It had been surprising. Sure, Kung Lao was an excellent fighter but those two were excellent sorcerers.
That’s when you saw it. Shao Kahn walking up behind him. “No!” You were the closest one to him. You immediately grabbed Kung Lao and switched him over to behind you. You then kicked Shao Kahn with your flying kick so hard that it knocked him down.
Gasps were heard. At this point, Liu Kang had freed Kitana. You went over and helped Kung Lao up. “He was going to kill you.” You informed him.
Liu Kang helped Kung Lao up a little and brought him closer to him and Kitana. You looked at Shao Kahn, awaiting for his reaction.
He does not react the way you expect him to. A low dark chuckle erupts from his throat. He is amused.
Shao Kahn stands up from the ground. You can see the intimidating look he gave behind his mask. “I like women that have fire.”
You rolled your eyes slightly. Shao Kahn had been trying to use his advances on you since he had met you and of course, none of it worked. “You’re done, Shao Kahn. You’re just mad that Kung Lao best you. Don’t be a poor sport about it.”
“Poor sport? Care to make this interesting?”
“What are you going on about?”
Shao Kahn started to circle you and by instinct, you circled with him. He stared you down from your head to your toes. “Fight me. If you can best me, I will attack Earthrealm no longer.”
You were surprised. He would stop attacking Earthrealm just like that? What you didn’t understand was why he was willing to take that kind of risk. You may be no Liu Kang but you were one of Earthrealm’s top defenders. The best female fighter.
“Just like that?” You questioned not believing the tyrant.
“Just like that.” He confirmed with you.
You looked him up and down, trying to figure him out. “That doesn’t make any sense. You’re already trying to conquer Earthrealm. So what more do you want? What do you want if I were to lose?”
Shao Kahn had a deep chuckle at that question. He was waiting for you to ask him that. “It’s very simple. You will marry me and become my Empress. I need a strong, well put together woman and you are exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
You actually couldn’t believe it. You would have to marry Shao Kahn if you lost? You stopped circling around him and Shao Kahn stopped as well. You were too shocked to speak.
You found your voice though and shook your head. “Fuck you.” You were about to walk away but the sound of his voice made you stop dead in your tracks.
“Afraid you’ll lose? That’s hilarious. You’re one of Earthrealm’s strongest fighters and even you believe you cannot best me? Pathetic.”
You absolutely hated him because he knew how to push your buttons. You turned back around to face him. It was like you were almost accepting his challenge.
Liu Kang looked between the two of you before walking over to you. He rested a hand on your shoulder. “(Y/N). Do not. He is not to be trusted. Even if you do win, he most likely will not keep his end of the deal.”
“I am a man of my word, Earthrealmer.” Shao Kahn stated as if he was almost offended Liu Kang would even suggest that. “Come on, (Y/N). I say it’s a win win. Saving Earthrealm or marrying me? What could be better than that.”
You scoffed at his cockiness. You turned your attention to Raiden, seeing if he approved with what you were about to do. Raiden seemed unsure but he nodded for you to do whatever you had to do.
Turning your attention back on Shao Kahn, you took some steps forward. “You gonna buy me a pony if I win?” You couldn’t help but sarcastically say.
Shao Kahn chuckled. Oh, did he love your nature. You had a lot of bark for someone that was an Earthrealmer. That’s what intrigued him so much. “Oh, I will give you more than you can imagine.”
You rolled your eyes slightly but did not say anything. You took your fighting stance and Shao took his.
Instantly, you started with offense. You punched, kicked, and continued this pattern and Shao blocked every hit you tried to connect.
You were very confused because Shao did not try to be offensive with you. He was on defense. This pattern continued for some time until you gave him a great big push.
When you did so, he did not react to it. You tilted your head at him. “Why are you going easy on me?”
“I prefer my Empress to not be so bruised up.”
That’s when Shao started to turn into offensive mode and you were on your defense. He swung his hammer at you about a thousand times and you ducked every hit.
Shao Kahn punched you in the gut and then kicked you in the stomach. You fell down on your back.
You felt the wind get knocked from you. You had to regain your composure quickly. You moved to the right when he tried to stomp you while you were on the ground. Then you swept his feet and he had fallen on the ground.
Shao Kahn groaned in pain. You smirked to him. Shao did not give up easily in the slightest. The Emperor got up and charged at you.
You ducked every hit that tried to come in contact with you. Every blow he tried to throw it did not connect. Until one of the eventually did.
His right fist connected with your face. You fell to the ground instantly.
Shao Kahn felt slightly bad. Your lip was bleeding and it looked pretty bad but he could not show it. You felt your lip as blood leaked onto your white shirt.
You got up and stood your ground. He was impressed to be completely honest. Most female Earthrealm warriors would’ve cried or backed out by now. Not you. That’s why he liked you so much.
You went to kick at his stomach but Shao moved out the way. He went to hit you in your chest but you blocked his movement. Finally, you landed an uppercut and it made Shao Kahn stumble back a bit. This time Shao was bleeding a little.
Shao felt his nose and nothing but a smirk came on his lips when he saw the blood trickle down his finger. It was your turn to be surprised. You knew he was sadistic but you did not know he would enjoy you hurting him.
With you being distracted, Shao hit you in the chest with his left fist and then kicked you in your stomach, making you fall to your knees.
Shao backhanded you and you fell to the ground. You groaned in pain. Usually Shao would kick his enemies while they were down but he would not do that with you.
He picked you up by the shirt and saw your weakened condition. “Say it.”
You didn’t want to but he was stronger than you. You felt as though you failed everyone. You could not believe that he had actually beat you.
You were too weak to go on and everyone knew that after seeing the fight. You signed some and made sure not to look at him in his eyes. “I concede.”
Shao Kahn smirked. He helped you to your feet and helped you stand properly. Shao wiped the blood that was leaking from your mouth.
The blood was on his fingers. Shao Kahn placed the fingers in his mouth and sucked the blood off. You looked at him a bit disgusted by his action.
“The tournament will be paused.” Shao Kahn told the Earthrealmers. “I have a bride that needs to get ready.”
You tried to hold back your eye roll. Shao Kahn made Quan Chi open up a portal and Shao Kahn made you come through it with him.
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Shao Kahn had some business to attend to before handling you so you were sent to his room. You actually could not believe how big his room was.
You walked further into the room. The bed was the biggest thing about the room. He had a full wardrobe, a big shower and bath and big windows.
The room was dark. Not in the lighting sense but the color. It was red and black. You were not surprised by this in the slightest.
A knock was on the door. You didn’t know if you should even say ‘come in’ because well this was just now your room. “Come in?” You questioned more so then said.
A woman that had looked just like Kitana but had tarkatan features entered your room with clothes. “Father, said to give you these.”
You had realized that this was Mileena. You carefully took the clothes out of her hands. “Thanks.”
“I’m so excited! I will have a mother finally! Father, says you are a strong woman. I don’t quite see it but I believe in his intuition.”
You didn’t know if you should’ve been offended or not. You also felt a little bad. Usually, you had a pretty good tell if people were evil but Mileena didn’t really seem like she was evil to you. “Your father is an annoying tyrant and I cannot stand him.”
Mileena laughed a little. You had to admit, it was a bit unsettling. “Father said you would say something like that. We’ll be a family shortly, dear. Do not worry.”
That bad feeling came back to you. Mileena seemed to be desperate to have a family and you could understand that. From what you were told, she was Shang Tsung’s experiment so she most likely did not have a sense of identity. “Hopefully I don’t claw my eyes out in the process.”
“I’ll let you get changed.” Mileena left the room, leaving you there.
You changed into the outfit. It was a long fitted red gown with lace attached to the back. The problem was that it showed off your stomach and you were a little bit on the chubbier and curvier side.
You sighed a little then looked down to realize that your thighs also did the same thing. The clothing wasn’t too revealing. (Surprisingly for Shao Kahn’s taste) but it was revealing in all the places you did not want it revealed.
The door opened and closed. You turned to look to see Shao Kahn had stepped in. He was about to say something but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you.
You were the most gorgeous woman in all of Outworld to him. Hell, even in all the universe. He mentally thanked himself that he put you in that outfit because god, to him, it was doing you a lot of good.
“You look breath taking, My Empress.”
You rolled your eyes and turned back to the mirror. “Cut the shit.” You told him and he laughed. “What is so funny?”
“Your Earthrealm language is amusing.”
“I’ll show you amusing.” You more so mumbled under your breath. Shao Kahn heard you but he chose not to say anything.
Shao Kahn had placed his things on the table next to you. When he did, he saw you staring at yourself in the mirror. He noticed the looks you were giving yourself. “Stop looking at yourself like that.”
You didn’t bother to look at Shao Kahn. You kept your eyes glued to the mirror. “Like what?”
“Like you don’t appreciate what you are seeing.”
You didn’t respond to him. You continued to stare at yourself in the mirror, trying to convince yourself that the outfit looked good on you. You couldn’t get with it. “It doesn’t flatter me.” You told him truthfully.
Shao Kahn did not understand what you meant. “What do you mean?”
You gave him a look like he should know. You pointed to your stomach that was sticking out. “Do you not see this? I look like I’m pregnant.”
Don’t play into that because the thought of getting you pregnant drove Shao Kahn crazy. Shao Kahn stood behind you. He grabbed onto your stomach and gave it soft rubs despite his hands being so large and rough. “This is a body of a woman.”
Shao was in love with your curvy body. With all parts about you. Your stomach, your thighs, and definitely your ass. He was obsessed with every part of you.
You were surprised at how good his hands felt on your body. You wanted to fight it but you had given into his rough touches.
Shao Kahn started to rub all over your body and massage you. Your back, your neck, your stomach, your arms. He was rubbing everywhere he could rub. “This is a body of my Empress. I would not have you any other way.”
You were severely confused. Severely. Shao Kahn was a tyrant that only cared for his goals and his pleasure but here he was, rubbing you down, talking to you sweetly and making you feel good about yourself.
You slightly moaned at his touches. His hands felt like the Elder Gods themselves. You didn’t want the feeling of his hands all over you to stop.
But you had to snap yourself out of it. You hated this man. He ruined you. He was taking over Earthrealm as he was doing all this for you.
Shao Kahn was not a good man.
You broke out of his hold and pushed him back. “For the record, I did not enjoy that. I am just touched starved.”
He chuckled a little at your statement. He knew you liked it but he would play along into your bit for now. “Touch starved? When was the last time a man touched you like that?”
It felt like never to be honest. “None of your business. Now give me my space.” You were again, surprised that Shao Kahn had listened.
You touched the veil that went over your hair and it was long, down to your back and to the back of your legs.
“That Earthrealmer seems fond of you.” Shao said, breaking the silence.
You were confused as you fixed your earrings. “Who? No one is fond of me.”
“Liu Kang. I see the way he looks at you.”
You rolled your eyes a little at that but still didn’t look at him. “He’s just my friend. He just cares about me. Not that you would know about the caring for someone department.”
Shao Kahn watched as you put your earrings on. He honestly wanted to push your buttons. He found it extremely amusing. “Soon, I will have my victory. And I’ll kill him. He will be burned by his own fire.”
The statement pissed you off to no end. You couldn’t control your temper. You turned around to face him and you slapped him across the face, hard. You almost knocked his mask off.
Shao Kahn did not show you a reaction. You were waiting to be slapped back. Waiting for him to try and maybe beat on you mercilessly.
What you didn’t know is slapping him across the face turned him on. In fact, he started to feel himself become erect.
You looked at him puzzled. “Aren’t you going to hit me back?”
“Now, why would I do that?” You didn’t respond to him. Shao Kahn’s hands went behind the back of your head and he fixed the veil on top of your head.
The two of you didn’t speak a word as he fixed it. You just watched him. You couldn’t believe it.
When he was done, he pulled away. “Meet me down in the dining hall for dinner.”
Shao Kahn walked out the room and closed the door. You just stood there in complete shock.
This was going to be interesting.
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You decided that keeping Shao Kahn waiting wasn’t a good idea and you walked out of the room. You went downstairs all the way to where dinner was to be served.
There sat Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Reiko, Mileena, and Reptile. You weren’t really intimidated by the sorcerers, Mileena, or Reptile but you were by Reiko because you had never met him.
They all stood from their seat and bowed to you. You gave them a look, weirded out. “What the hell are you people doing?”
“Showing respect to new Empress. Well almost Empress.” Shang Tsung stated simply.
“Ugh. Don’t remind me.” You grumbled under your breath. You were about to grab a chair and sit down but Shao Kahn’s voice stopped you.
“You do not sit there.” He motioned for you to sit on the throne that was across from him. “You sit there.”
You looked to the throne and then back to him. “You people take these Outworld politics way too far.” You said before sitting on the throne. “For the record, I still hate all of you…besides Mileena.”
Mileena giggled at this. “You will learn to enjoy our company eventually, Empress.” Quan Chi told you.
“Yeah right. I’d rather have Sub-Zero freeze me to death then-“ Your statement was cut off when a servant set food on the table. When she did, you realized the meal was consistent of all your favorite foods.
You rose your eyebrows confused that he had knew this information and you looked back at Shao Kahn. “How did you know I like this?”
“I know everything.”
You looked back at the food and then back at him. “This does not earn you brownie points.” You lied to him, pointing your finger at him.
Shao Kahn smirked, knowing you were lying to him. He watched as you began to eat. When he did so, he noticed Reiko was staring at you.
You started to notice Reiko’s stare and it was making you a little bit uncomfortable. Especially because you didn’t know him very well.
Shao Kahn looked at you then turned his attention to Reiko. “Reiko. Do you like breathing?”
Reiko looked at the Kahn a bit confused at the question since the answer was obvious. He couldn’t have an attitude though when addressing him. “Yes, Shao Kahn.”
“Then I suggest you stop staring at her before I have to put an end to that.”
It was so bizarre to you seeing Shao Kahn stick up for you but you chose to block the feeling in the pit of your stomach out and continue eating.
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When you were done, you were getting ready for bed. You wore a red nightgown and fixed your head up for bed. One thing you were not looking forward to is sleeping in the same bed as Shao Kahn.
You took your earrings off and were placing them on the dresser. You heard the bathroom door open and you saw Shao Kahn walk out with a towel wrapped around himself.
You were taken aback. First of all, you had never seen Shao Kahn without his armor. You never seen his face.
His face was very masculine. All the right areas were sharp. His nose was big and pointed down. His eyes were a dark red. As red as the color of blood. His head was round but chin was pointed down. Again, he had strong masculine features.
I mean, he was a big man but you did not expect for him to be that big. His chest stood strong and some scars were around his rib cage. Probably from fighting in kombat.
He looked so…good. So, good that you felt a pool of wetness come between your legs.
‘God. I really am touch starved. There’s no way I find a psychopath dictator hot.’ You thought to yourself.
Shao Kahn walked over to the mirror to examine himself. “You’re staring.”
Of course he knew you were. You scoffed and turned away from him. “Am not.” You tried taking the necklace off your neck. “I just never seen you without your helmet.”
Shao Kahn turned to you and smirked. “Is it something you like?”
“Hardly.” You lied.
Shao noticed you struggling to get your necklace off. He walked up behind you and his hands went to your neck. You released your hold on the necklace and allowed him to do it.
You felt himself press up against you. You gasped a little. Oh, he was big. Extremely big. You probably should’ve guessed since he was a big man but you still did not expect for him to be that big.
“Don’t act like you don’t feel it.”
Ugh, you hated his cocky self. “I’ve met men who had bigger.”
Shao Kahn chuckled knowing you were lying. “Sure you have.” He took off the necklace and placed it on the desk. He grabbed a pair of boxers and placed them on him.
Reality was starting to hit you. You were actually forced to marry this tyrant. You were going to be his wife. You were going to be Empress of Outworld. You were going to be on the same side as people you once found to be your enemies.
Shao Kahn started to lay in the bed. You turned to him with your hands on your hips. “So, when do you plan to marry me? I’d like to get this over with.”
“After I win the tournament.”
“Tuh. Who says you’ll win?”
“I am Shao Kahn. Kahn of Outworld. They will taste no victory.”
Everything within you hated him. You couldn’t understand why he was doing this. Why couldn’t he just leave Earthrealm alone? “You’re such a dick, you know that? You literally invaded Edenia and claimed it to be your own. You rule Outworld with an iron fist. Is that not enough? You need to take my home too?”
Shao Kahn didn’t speak. It was like he was contemplating on what he was going to say. The tiniest part of him felt bad but at the end of the day, he was a sadistic ruler. He did not care for anything else. “This is your home now.”
You shook your head. “If this is your way of winning me over, you’re pretty shitty at it.” You told him point blank.
After you turned off all the lights, you got into bed and faced the left side which was the opposite way so you weren’t facing him.
Shao Kahn knew you were mad but you would get over it eventually. He was Kahn of Outworld. You would want him. He also knew you. He knew you craved power just like he did. You just were better at hiding it. That’s why through out your entire stay, you did not throw a fuss at him taking care of you.
He knew you liked he was taking care of you. You just didn’t want to admit it because you didn’t want to be the bad guy.
Shao Kahn grabbed the blanket and laid it on top of you. His hand instinctively went to the inner part of your thigh so he could pull you closer to him but when he did, he felt how wet you were.
You mentally cursed yourself for being so turned on earlier. Shao was at your ear. His breath made the back of your hairs stand up. “Why don’t you let me take care of that.”
Before you could say anything, Shao’s hands were already on it. He pulled your panties down slightly and placed his fingers over your clit. Then he started to rub in circles.
You let out a deep moan that you felt like you had been holding in for the longest. Shao made sure to be more gentle because he knew he was heavy handed. He didn’t need to apply that much pressure to your clit because his hands were so big.
Shao Kahn kissed your neck as you let out a string of profanities. It was far more sensitive when he was rubbing it.
He had already been hard but you felt him grow even more and you didn’t believe it was possible for him to be that big. You felt his member grow on your ass.
This was a mistake. You would regret it. Absolutely would but at the moment you didn’t care. The way he was taking care of you now gave you more than enough reason to let him keep going.
You were surprised that he wasn’t eager to fuck you. He was taking his time making sure that you got all the foreplay that you needed.
Shao stuck his fingers in your pussy and started to pump in and out of you. His fingers were big so they worked well inside you.
You moaned even louder and started to move on his fingers to feel more of him. “I will show you how an Emperor takes care of his Empress.” Shao told you.
He removed his fingers from your pussy and licked all over them. You tasted so pleasant to him that he had let out a groan at the taste.
Shao Kahn took off his boxers. Then he got up and hovered over you. He took off your underwear completely and threw it on the floor. His dick slapped against your stomach. Just looking at him above you turned you on.
He picked up your legs and dragged you down to him so your pussy was right on his dick. Then Shao entered you. He made sure to enter you very slowly, knowing how big he was.
You let out the biggest moan and threw your head back. Shao moved very slowly in you, grunting at how good your pussy clenched onto him.
He filled you completely and you didn’t know whether you loved it or hated it. You moaned each time he thrusted in you. “Faster, please.”
You didn’t need to tell him twice. Shao Kahn went faster inside of you. Usually, he would go very rough and hard but he would do something different for your guy’s first time. (Yes, he was that sure in himself that this would happen again.)
“Oh my god. Yes. Oh my god. Shao.”
“That’s right. Scream my name. Let everyone know how good I’m making you feel.”
Shao Kahn watched as your stomach jiggled with each thrust. He licked his lips and felt all over your stomach. “Mine. All mine.”
You could barely form words. It felt like everything was becoming blurry. He buried himself inside you like you were the only woman he was interested in. Like you were the only woman in the world.
“No other man can have you.” Shao told you as he fucked you. You started to pant heavily. He wrapped your legs around his waist and started to pound even harder. “You will give me children. I will bury my seed in you.”
He was fucking you so good that him cumming inside of you seemed like the best idea in the world. “Oh shit. Oh shit. Yes. Yes.”
“That’s it. Take all of me. You’re so good.” The overwhelming amount of pleasure Shao was giving you was far too much. You started to cry. Shao noticed this and he brought his hand to your eyes and wiped the tears. “I know, my Empress. You can cum soon. Wait for me.”
You didn’t think that was possible. He was hitting in all the right spots. “Please don’t stop.”
Shao loved you being so needy for him. “Oh, I don’t plan to.” The sound of skin to skin contact and your moans filled the room. When he saw you were trying to cover you mouth to conceal your moans, Shao slapped your thigh. “Move your hand.”
You whimpered some but removed it. “I-oh-don’t wanna be-oh my god-too loud.”
“I do. In fact, I need you to be louder.” The way you clenched on him made him throw his head back. He started to become close.
Your nails dug into his arms and clawed at him until he was dripping blood. That only turned him on more.
Pants started to turn into high pitch shrieks. You were too close. You didn’t think you could keep it up much longer. “I can’t.”
“Aw, you’re doing so good though.” Shao Kahn pounded into you a bit rougher. “I thought you didn’t like me but look at you. You’re about to fall apart.”
You dug your nails in more harshly and he grunted at it. The pain felt too good for him. “Please, please, please. I’m so close.”
Talking to him was doing the job. “Oh yes.” He gripped your thighs tighter to keep you in place. He planned to cum inside you and he was going to accomplish that. “Make a mess on me. Cum on your Emperor.”
The two of you released. You squirted all over his chest. He came inside you hard. So hard you could actually feel it. You moaned loudly, screaming his name.
Shao kept going until he knew you were fully done. He slowly pulled out of you and then rubbed your stomach. “You were always mine but now you are indefinitely mine.”
You could not believe you just did that.
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