#v excited for more librarian!reader!!! :)
moonlight-prose · 11 months
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a/n: this is part of the haunted hoedown event that i've decided to take part in. i saw it on @inklore's blog and immediately fell in love. when i saw that dark academia was on the list i knew it had to go to steven. i'm a dark academia fiend and sticking him in that trope has always been a dream of mine. so here's a slightly darker take on a love story with him. enjoy!
summary: you were the poison in his veins, the pomegranate seeds on his tongue. yet he wanted more. he needed it...just as he needed you.
word count: 4.8k+
pairing: steven grant x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, angst, dark romance (kind of but honestly not really), desperation, addiction to a person, dark academia setting, spitplay if you squint, body worship, p in v sex, cumplay, cumeating.
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Lamps casted a soft glow throughout the library, giving you enough light to work by yet not enough to actually see anything else clearly around you. It filled you with a sense of comfort, your body sinking further into the chair as you flipped page after page in your book. In the distance, you could hear rain pouring outside, thunder rumbling in the sky every once in a while. If you weren’t mistaken, you could hear the shuffle of the librarian walking the rows, placing the books in their rightful place.
His name was Steven, a man who had stuttered over his words slightly when you spoke. Not out of nerves, but sheer excitement—unable to get the words out fast enough as you two quickly got lost in conversation. However, that was the first and final time you spoke to one another. He seemed to evade you every time you came close enough to start up a conversation—his back, the only thing you saw most days as he walked the other direction.
Even now as you got lost in the words before you, Steven’s presence still remained. Looming in the depths of the library. You could never lose him entirely. Not when he still kept so close yet so far away—his need to be near you only grew the more time you spent in the darkened building.
Eventually a crack of lightning struck the sky, lighting up one side of the library for a brief moment, before the lamps that stood on various tables were extinguished. Leaving you in complete darkness—your phone screen, the only bright thing you could find. You cursed under your breath, setting the book on the table with a soft thump, before getting up. Going in search of someone.
But the longer you walked down the rows of bookcases, the more you came to realize…you were the only person left. Everyone either avoided the place today due to the weather, or chose to go home early. Even several of the other staff members had vanished, heading out for the night and leaving you alone with none other than Steven.
You found him wandering the rows with a flashlight, checking to see if anything was wrong. Simply the sight of him in a button down and soft jacket was enough to send your heart racing. Although you were certain he wouldn’t say the same. In all honesty you were convinced that Steven didn’t like you. That he avoided you because he didn’t want you to be a part of his life—which you accepted, giving him the space he so desired.
However, you couldn’t have been farther from the truth.
Steven stilled at the sight of you illuminated by your phone’s soft glow, the knit sweater you wore doing absolutely nothing to hide what you looked like beneath it. He felt his cheeks flush at the thought of you bare—an image he refused to let himself conjure up in his head. He knew it was wrong to think about you that way, given that he’d been avoiding you. Yet he couldn’t stop himself.
Not when you looked at him that way. Your eyes soft and welcoming, as if asking him to speak, to finally give you what you both wanted.
“I think everyone went home,” you said, causing his heart to stutter in his chest.
He searched desperately for something to say, words—anything. “I’m nearly done here,” he replied, shifting awkwardly on his feet. “You can go if you want.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach. “Oh…”
So much for actually talking to him. It seemed that Steven was more interested in getting you out of the library than keeping you in.
He caught the disappointment on your face, in your voice, and felt guilt begin to claw its way up his throat. The last thing he wanted was for you to leave. Fuck if he had his way you’d be here with him constantly. But Steven—ever the man who excelled at words—could no longer find them when he was around you. Which was simply ironic for a librarian. So, he stepped closer, drawing your eyes back up to this face, and watched as your entire body seemed to react to his presence alone.
For as much time as he spent avoiding you, he spent an equal amount of time studying you—your expression as you read, the way you lit up when something good happened in the story. He wanted you to do the same for him. To burn for him. Just as he did for you.
“Or you can stay,” he finally said, watching your sullen expression begin to lift, a light returning to your eyes.
“I can?” you murmured.
He nodded, his lips pulling up into a soft grin, and for a moment Steven swore he could see you melt. “I might need some help. Checking to see if people are still here.”
You had never heard a more brilliant idea. “Okay,” you said, a smile tugging on your mouth. Heat seared through your chest when Steven’s eyes flickered down to your glossy lips, his gaze darkening for a brief moment. Nearly causing you to combust on the spot.
“Where do we start?” you asked, breaking through the silence and dragging his attention back to your eyes. His cheeks were stained red, tips of his ears burning as he looked away quickly, realizing he’d in fact been staring.
You found it cute.
“Left side?” He pointed his flashlight down a dark and empty row. “I’ll find you after yeah?”
You set the flashlight on your phone to shine brighter. “You’re not coming with me?”
There was no reason Steven had to go with you. In fact, you knew the setup of the library like the back of your hand, so getting lost wasn’t a possibility. But this was the most you had ever talked with him, the conversation flowing with ease just as it did before. Only this time you were adamant to keep it going—refusing to return to the silence that seemed to plague the both of you.
Steven glanced at you once more and caught the sight of determination in your eyes. There was no avoiding you anymore. No more running to hide from his true feelings. And if Steven was being honest with himself…he didn’t want to. He’d never felt this infatuated with someone—the crush so strong at times it nearly felt painful. Yet in spite of all that, he knew the feelings were merely one sided; a love that would never be reciprocated.
But you were standing before him, telling him you wanted to spend time together, and Steven felt the cloud shrouding his heart lift—allowing sunlight to break through once more.
“No of course,” he said softly, latching onto the feeling of hope that filled his chest. “I’ll come with you love.”
The nickname sent a small thrill through your body, something warm trickling down into your stomach. Without another word you turned away, starting right where he said, hearing the echo of his footsteps behind you as he followed along. Thunder continued to rumble outside, proving that this storm wouldn’t be over for a while. So, you walked slowly—meandering through the different rows and picking up books that were left behind on tables and random shelves.
It felt nice. Simply being there in silence with him. As much as you yearned for more—a conversation that told you more about him, about why he’d avoided you—this was good enough. The scent of books filled your senses as it always did, but above that you could smell him.
Steven’s scent was warm, soft, like a slow tune you wanted to listen to on repeat, a book you never wanted to finish reading because once you did, you’d grieve it like an old friend. It clung to the air, filtering into your senses until all you could smell was him.
You longed to know what he tasted like. Would his kiss be flavored with the taste of his tea? Or would it be minty like the gum he sometimes chewed? You felt the breath catch in your throat at the mere idea of kissing him—finally divulging in that one dream you kept like a well guarded secret. But that’s all it would be.
A dream.
“People rushed out of here in a hurry,” you said, noting the open books scattered on several tables. They must have wanted to make it home before the storm got worse.
“I closed up the library. Told em’ to go home before the streets got bad.”
You turned to look at him, seeing how he gently organized the books on a cart he’d found in one of the rows. “You closed the library?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He froze, eyes focused intently on the book in front of him. Steven figured if he didn’t respond, you’d drop the topic altogether. Yet he didn’t know the level of stubbornness you actually possessed in your body—the need to know stronger than anything else. You waited patiently, watching as he stepped into an aisle to place the book in its proper spot. All the while the rain pattering against the window continued to fill the void of silence that hung between you.
He let out a breath, his brown eyes meeting yours—a timid look reflected in them. “You looked busy.”
A blatant lie, but you wouldn’t press him on it right away. “Busy?” You quirked an eyebrow, feeling the ghost of a smile on your lips.
“Reading,” he clarified. “I didn’t want to interrupt you.”
That soft and familiar warmth was back, melting into you. “You let me stay to read?” He nodded with a relieved smile. “But that’s not the only reason is it?”
Steven looked like a deer caught in the headlights and he felt like it too. For a brief second he swore his heart stopped—his nerves jumping beneath his skin. He couldn’t back away from the truth now. Not when you were so close to uncovering it yourself. Except the more you pressed him, the more he could see that this is what you wanted. To be here with him surrounded by books, in the midst of a storm.
“I wanted you to stay.” His words were a soft utter, barely a breath of air, but you heard them as if he’d pressed them against your ear.
“But you always avoid me.” It was the truth. He did what he could to make sure your paths rarely crossed. While at first you believed it was due to the fact that he couldn’t stand you. Now you could see it was something entirely different.
He looked distraught, eyes shifting between you and the shelves behind you. “I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t…mean to?”
Letting out a long sigh he ran a hand through his already unruly curls, a few falling into his face. “I want to talk to you—believe me—you’re just…you’re—”
“I hope there’s a good ending to that sentence,” you joked, a nervous smile flitting across your lips in the hopes of dissolving some of the tension that remained.
“You’re everything,” he murmured, his eyes drinking you in freely, thoughts running through his mind that would have made him feel bad before. Yet now he could see the want in your eyes.
The same craving running through your veins.
“I didn’t avoid you because I didn’t like you. I avoided you because…” he trailed off softly, uttering the truth for the first time and feeling the weight leave his shoulders. Steven was known as a shy reserved man, but beneath the surface he wanted so much. He just never felt strong enough to grasp for it.
“I’m everything?” you asked with a breath of awe, stepping closer and watching as his whole body stiffened. But he refused to move, not when you were finally giving into what you wanted.
He nodded quickly, his breath coming in and out as if he couldn’t get enough. Your soft perfume wafted through the air, filling his senses until he felt drunk off you and yet you were still a foot away. Still too far for him to touch, to reach out and give in to his desires. Steven had finally come to a conclusion of what you were to him, what your presence did to him. You were the poison in his veins, the pomegranate seeds on his tongue. Yet he wanted more.
He needed it…just as he needed you.
“Yes,” he breathed, his cheeks stained red and eyes wide. But you weren’t focused on that. No, your eyes were solely stuck on the sight of his lips, how they were parted slightly to take more air in lest he pass out from lack of oxygen.
“Steven…” you murmured, taking the final step, and his walls came crumbling down.
Gathering you gently, his lips met yours in a feverish kiss that made your whole body melt. A kiss that turned you drunk on his scent, the warmth of his mouth against yours. The kind of kiss they described in ancient literature. You dug your hands into his curls, a soft moan pressing into his mouth as his tongue slid along your bottom lip. It wasn’t perfectly put together, pristine in all its nature, because that wasn’t Steven.
He kissed you with a sloppy passion, teeth clacking together and tongue delving into the heat of your mouth. Tasting the coffee you drank, the desire on your tastebuds. He groaned when you cupped his cheeks, licking into him deeply, your body pressing against his with a debauched fervor. In all your time of being here, of being apart from him, you always indulged in the fantasies of knowing what he tasted like—what he kissed like. Now you knew.
Now you took and took until neither of you could breathe. He worked his lips down your jaw, his spit spreading along your chin when he pulled away. You moaned, head falling back and hands grasping onto the breadth of his shoulders. Steven was adamant on finding the places that would make you sing, the sounds he craved to hear. And you keened when he bit down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, hips rolling against his in a need for friction of any kind.
“Oh—” You stumbled back, hand slapping against the table behind you. He still remained wrapped around you, reaching down and pulling your leg up around his hip.
“I want—” he gasped, burying his head into your shoulder, hips canting down to grind perfectly against yours, ripping a sharp gasp from your chest. “I need to—please love—”
You shifted, ripping at the buttons of his shirt, his jacket somehow on the floor already. It flickered in the back of your mind that you had torn it off him the second he started kissing your neck. Everything was a haze in your mind, until you couldn’t discern anything but his touch, his taste.
You nodded, lips finding his again in a wet kiss, your moan swallowed by him as he fell into it. His hands stripped you of your sweater, warm palms finally touching the bare skin of your waist. It was euphoria in the best way possible. As if you were finally indulging in the one desire you always wanted. His eyes were stuck on your chest, watching as it rose and fell—the lace of your bra perfectly shaped around your breasts. You opened your mouth to ask him to touch you, but he was already ahead of you.
Leaning down, he spread his tongue along the top of your left breast, hand coming up to cup and knead the other one softly. His thumb brushing along your peaked nipple. He wanted to consume you, devour every part of you, and the knowledge that you’d let him is what did him in.
“Fuck,” you cried, your head falling back and back arched to press your chest further into his face. “Oh god!”
Groaning, he pulled down the cups of your bra—revealing you entirely—before taking your nipple into his mouth. Your hips shot up, pressing against the prominent bulge in his pants and watching as he squeezed his eyes shut, his teeth scraping against you. Something intense pulled at your stomach, heat flooding you until you could do nothing but fall back against the table. Steven followed you, unable to part his mouth from your body—worshiping any part of you he could reach.
He wanted to taste you until you were a mess beneath him. Only able to utter one word—his name. He’d never wanted something so bad, never gave into something as desperate as this.
A loud crack of lightning shot across the sky, sending light through the stained glass windows for a brief moment and you caught a clear glimpse of Steven’s eyes. His pupils were blown wide, swallowing the soft brown of his irises, lust overtaking his features. He looked like a man starved. Someone who would do anything—say anything—to have one simple taste of what they wanted most.
You just so happened to be that for him.
The mere thought that he was willing to do whatever he could to have you sent heat streaking down your spine, your body bending to his soft gentle caresses. He looked at you like the most important thing he’d ever seen. As if you were a priceless carving created out of the finest stone.
You were art and he longed to admire you for as long as humanly possible.
“Need you,” you murmured, dragging his lips back to yours and swallowing his soft needy whine. “Want you to fuck me.”
His broken moan was pressed into you, his hand scrambling for the button on your pants. He mumbled something nearly incoherent underneath his breath. Whispering how beautiful you were, how lucky he was to be with you like this, how he’d let you consume him entirely. It was enough to have your toes curling and body calling out to him.
“Perfect,” he mumbled, sliding his hands down your torso. “Bloody perfectly.”
Your lips curling into a grin, eyes dazed with a fucked out look nearly sent him to his knees. Steven’s mind reeled the further he pulled your pants down, until they were in a pile on the floor and you lay before him bare from the waist up. The lace of your panties were wet. He eyed the prominent dark spot, licking along his bottom lip he practically watched you drip. Because of him.
“I want to taste you love.” His thumb ran along the edge of the lace on your hip, sending a chill through your body—your eyes fluttering shut briefly.
“Later,” you gasped, hips pushing up to chase his touch. “I need you Steven.”
He sighed softly, falling over your body, kissing up your stomach with soft delicate touches that sent a flurry of butterflies through your body. For so long he’d kept himself away from you for fear of this never happening. Yet now here you lay. Begging him for his cock so sweetly it nearly made his heart give out. His hand slid underneath the waistband, fingers dipping into your slick and his eyes shot up to yours—shock quickly spreading across his face.
“This all for me?” he asked in disbelief, his fingers dipping even further until he circled your entrance lightly.
You moaned, teeth catching your bottom lip as you nodded. “All for you. Always for you.”
Steven hurriedly reached for the button on his pants, making quick work of getting them off. Leaving him to stand bare before you, his cock pressed up against his stomach. Your eyes trailed down the length of him, admiring how red and swollen he was, how he leaked for you, practically begging for your mouth. If you were coherent enough, you’d have gotten on your knees for him, but Steven was adamant on simply tasting you. As if he’d dreamed of it since you first met.
“All for me?” you whispered, licking your lips at the sight of his hand wrapping around his cock.
He nodded, a moan falling from his lips. “Always for you love.”
Sitting up, you wrapped your arms around his neck, dragging him closer until you felt him press against your stomach, smearing the precum along your skin. It drove you wild.
“I want you in me,” you begged, wrapping your legs around his hips and dragging him closer. “Please Steven. Want to feel your cock in me.”
A pained groan escaped him, his hand pushing your panties to the side and thumb pressing against your clit until your legs trembled slightly. He made a promise to himself that before tonight was over, he’d be between your legs, tongue delving inside of you. But for now he was just as wanton as you. Needing to feel your cunt wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock.
Notching the head at your entrance, he forced himself to pay attention as your face went slack, eyes rolling back slightly at the feeling of him stretching you open. Inch by inch he pressed into you, until your back was arched and a garbled moan of his name was pressed against his lips. He grunted, staving off that brilliant sensation of bliss to push the rest of the way in with one swift thrust. Until he was buried so deep he felt sanity begin to slip from his mind.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “So fucking tight love. S-So perfect for me.”
Your mind went blank, a fire roaring through your veins as he simply held himself there. His cock stretched you so well it nearly burned, but you were past the point of need. If he didn’t move you were sure you would lose your mind entirely.
With a soft whine he pulled out leaving an empty sensation in you, the need to have him close nearly overwhelming you. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your chest, teeth nipping softly as he pushed back in, and you lost the remainder of your soul to him. Crying out you dug your nails into his back as he repeated the motion, nearly tearing you in two with his thrusts.
“Feels so good,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. “I knew you’d feel good.”
Your walls clamped down around his cock at his words. “Ah—Steven—”
“I’m here.” He reached for your hand, dragging it up and pressing it into the table. “‘M not going anywhere love. You’ll never get rid of me.”
A high keening whine tore from your throat, eyes meeting his as the sting of tears began to rise to the surface. “I don’t want to get rid of you. Never.”
“Yeah?” He sped up slightly, watching your mouth fall open, a tear slipping down into your hair. “You want me to stay forever?”
You nodded, legs tightening around his hips. “Uh-huh.” Your words came out so high pitched you should have been embarrassed, but you couldn’t. Not when Steven was fucking you so well that you could barely grasp onto a single thought in your head.
The rain pounded against the window, drowning out the sound of your skin slapping together, but above all the noise you heard it. The audible sound of his cock sliding through your slick. An echo so fucking depraved it nearly flung you off the cliff then and there. But you needed more. You needed Steven to fall with you and by the looks of him—his curls damp with sweat, face red and eyes focused on the way your breasts bounced—he wasn’t far behind.
“Oh fuck!” you cried, feeling the very crest of pleasure begin to build. “Steven—fuck please please—”
He grinned, his hand falling to your clit and driving you even higher. It happened quicker than you expected. You screamed his name and heard it echo in the empty library, the storm doing nothing to overshadow how lost you were. He watched in rapture as you fell, your cunt clamping down so tight he was sure he’d fall with you. Except he was too focused on trailing his eyes down every piece of your body, how it called to him.
Slamming his hips into yours, his thrusts became sloppy—needy as he chased his own release. And without realizing it, words began to spill free. The truth he’d kept to himself for so long. Yet now that he was buried in you so deep he’d never leave, about to spill into you, he found he could no longer hide it.
“Tell me—” He gasped, falling over your body and digging his fingers into your hip to keep you in place. “Tell me this is more.”
You nodded, unable to even speak as yet another orgasm began to build in your body.
“You’re like a sickness, a disease…” He grunted, his hazy eyes watching your face contort in pleasure. “And the only way for me to be cured of you…” Another broken sound tore from his throat, his balls drawing up painfully. “Is to let you completely consume me—”
“Steven!” you wailed, his words causing the pleasure to break within you, flooding your body with a mind numbing sensation.
He fell forward, his lips smothering yours in a spit filled kiss. “Until my body has no fight left,” he gasped, finally spurting into you. White flashed behind his eyes and for a moment he couldn’t discern whether it was his body or the lightning outside. Yet he found he loved it either way.
With a soft pained moan, he shallowly thrusted a few more times until the combined mixture of your cum began to spill out. Coating the tops of his thighs. The feeling of it only made the painful overstimulation worth it. But eventually he had to stop, your nails digging into his shoulder letting him know you were past the point of pleasure.
His hand slipped down, gathering the sticky substance on his fingers and drawing it up to your breast. Watching with a parted mouth as it shined in the night. He leaned down without thinking and gathered your nipple in his mouth, hearing your soft moan echo off the bookshelves. Steven couldn’t get enough of you, couldn’t find it in himself to ever let go, because you were an addiction in his veins. He’d had a taste and needed more.
Something told him you felt the same way.
“Love?” he asked softly, stirring you from your dazed state.
Your eyes fluttered open, the sight of him slightly hazy, but it was beyond perfect. He looked fucked out and happy—the soft grin on his face caused your heart to flutter. You wanted to curl around him, to keep him inside of you until the sun came up. But you could feel the hard wood of the table dig into your hips, your body sore from being put in this position.
“I’m here,” you smiled, cupping his face and bringing his lips to yours. “Mm. The table is uncomfortable.”
His eyes went wide for a brief moment. “Right, sorry. One sec. I’ve got you.”
Pulling out and shushing you softly with a kiss when you whined at the loss, he helped you off the table. Until you were both lying on top of your clothes on the floor in a heap. His warmth felt comforting in the cold air of the library and you caught sight of a candle flickering in the distance. He must have lit it when the power went out.
Steven sighed, running his fingers down your back lightly, tracing shapes you couldn’t make out and symbols you didn’t know. When you came to you’d have to ask him what they were. But the exhaustion was slowly pulling you under. He shifted, pressing a kiss to your temple and wrapping his leg around your hip.
“Darling?” You mumbled, tapping him lightly on the chest to let him know you were listening. “Do you actually want me to stay forever?”
He no longer sounded like the Steven that was determined to fuck you within an inch of your life. No, this was the man who avoided you to hide his crush for as long as possible. This was the man who wanted to know if you meant what you said. If forever had the same meaning to you as it did to him.
You grinned, pressing a soft kiss to his chest and snuggling in further. “Until all the stars die in the night sky,” you mumbled, knowing he was smiling as he kissed your head.
“Yeah. That sounds good to me.”
“Me too,” you breathed, feeling his arms wrap around you tighter, the rain now a soft echo in the background as your ears adjusted to a different sound altogether.
His heartbeat.
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floydsmuse · 8 months
The Risky library visit
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warnings: 18+ only, mdni!, spanking, smut, p in v, explicit language
pairing: Rhett Abbott x f! librarian reader (no y/n)
description: you let Rhett full-fill a sexual fantasy with you at the library. (wc 2k+)
a/n: hi ! so this is my first fic i’ve written for this account. i really hope you enjoy it :) i definitely plan on writing more fics & possibly posting some of my edits on here too, so hopefully you’ll stick around for that. likes & comments are great! reblogs are appreciated too 🥰💕 tysm!
working at the only local library in a town like rural Wabang was nothing short of boring. not many people came in on most days. the only times it became super busy were on the hottest days of the year during the summer months. patrons would come in to take a load off & enjoy the ac. you couldn’t say you blamed them there.
you grew up in this small town & started working as a part-time librarian earlier this year. you didn’t completely dislike it. you enjoyed the small camaraderie between your coworkers & the shared interactions you had with patrons that would come in from time to time during your shifts.
what you loved most about your job though was when your boyfriend would come in to visit you. Rhett Abbott. your tall, handsome, rough & toughened cowboy who you just adored. you two had met a few months back, when you first started working as a librarian. he’d occasionally come in with his niece Amy to find books. shared glances & light convos with flirty remarks on both ends was how it started, to Rhett then finally deciding to make a move & ask you out. you of course said yes & you two officially became an item.
when Rhett wasn’t at his family’s ranch helping out Royal or attending to the animals, he would come in to keep you company and make the work days go by faster. whether that be through light conversations on random subjects or having heated make out sessions in the back office. once you two were in each others company, a lot of the time, you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. You absolutely loved your shared intimate moments with Rhett. He always puts your needs first & that’s something you really loved about him. he was up for anything & really put your pleasure at the forefront. you always made sure to return the favor and made Rhett’s pleasure a priority too. you two were a match made in heaven.
On this particular day, however, Rhett had a plan. he dreamed of full-filling a role playing type fantasy with you at the library. you the librarian of course & him a patron who comes in to bang the living daylights out of you in the back office. He had talked to you about it prior, to make sure you were on board. your past self before meeting Rhett would’ve been hesitant and refusing of the idea of being intimate especially at work, in such a public setting. yeah not many people came by, but there was still the potential of possibly getting caught. but Rhett had brought out a whole new side of you during the course of your relationship. you had become more bold & willing to take risks, so you willingly agreed to his plan.
you waited until you knew your other fellow librarian & coworker would be off to lunch. you texted Rhett the okay to come by, only knowing you had about an hour to fulfill this sexual fantasy. Rhett texted back almost instantly saying that he was just finishing up on something & that he’d be there in 10. you were starting to feel a bit on edge, bubbling up inside but excited to say the least. you couldn’t believe you really were going to be doing this with your lover.
10 minutes felt like 10 hours. you were so eagerly awaiting his arrival. Only a single person came in to pick up a book & stopped to make quick conversation with you. you barely listened to what they had to say, too distracted by the heat creepily forming in between your legs at the thought of Rhett & what he had planned.
finally, you hear the sound of the main door open & shut abruptly. you knew it was him, just by his heavy footsteps approaching in your direction. before Rhett could acknowledge you though, he went over to the bookshelves & perused the isles. you weren’t quite sure what he was doing or what he was looking for, but you assumed it had to do with this “fantasy” of his. Rhett must have a surprise up his sleeve you thought to yourself.
before you could even try to get his attention, he was approaching you now. he had a book locked under his arm. his eyes weren’t those bright blue ones you’d grown so fond & familiar of. they were instead dark like the skies of a stormy night & so full of lust. you could feel your heartbeat start to quicken, the heat between your legs had grown into a burning sensation now, feeling like a fire had started down there. a slick wetness started forming there too, just at the very sight of him. he looked hungry for you & ready to pounce, but he wanted to take it slow. he wanted to savor this moment with you.
he approached you at your desk, not breaking a single once of eye contact. your cheeks were starting to heat up now. he looked rugged, with his long sleeved flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows & the veins on his toned arms were protruding out. he was wearing his infamous wranglers & you couldn’t help but take a peak at his growing erection. his hair was tousled & he had foregone to wear his hat today, which surprised you. he must have been so busy, he didn’t think to put it on. clearing his throat & pulling you from your thoughts. he began to speak,
“i uh wanted to see if you had another copy of this book ere.’ the front cover is starting to wear off. “
he started to hand the book over to you. you’d now fallen into character & took it from him, examining it. the book cover did have some wear & tear, but nothing too crazy.
“Oh, well we might have another copy in the back. if you just wait right here sir, i’ll go look for you.” you were shocked at yourself for being able to get the words out coherently, being flustered as ever in this moment. you were sure that you most definitely heard Rhett let out a slight grunt at your usage of sir. either way he nodded & you headed over to the back office.
you stepped into the room, looking around for another “copy” of the book that he had wanted. you were turned away from the door, not hearing anything but silence for a few seconds. then suddenly you started to hear those heavy footsteps yet again & next thing you knew, you can feel Rhett’s hot breath against your neck while his whole frame pushed against your back. you could feel his hard demon clad length pressed against your ass, his big hands envelop your waist and lovingly squeeze there. his nimble fingers start to slowly travel up your sides.
you almost start to lose your role in this. too distracted by Rhett snarling in your ear and feeling his hard cock just waiting to break free from the clutches of his wranglers. he gently brushes your hair back from where it lies on your shoulders & begins placing open mouthed kisses along your neck.
“sir.. aghhh what on you doing?!.. stop.” you manage to weakly squeak out. pretending to resist his touches & acting like you don’t want what he’s doing to you to continue. Rhett’s hands of course don’t let up. they start to travel up past your belly and stop to squeeze your tits through your blouse. you can feel his smirk against your skin & you can’t help but let your head fall back onto his shoulder out of habit.
you try to “break” away from his grasp, but you can’t as he continues to palm your breasts & pulls you even closer to his chest if that was even possible. he suddenly stops the assault on both your tits & neck, quickly turning you around to face him. he draws you in by your waist & lifts your chin up with his finger making you look at him. his eyes are completely blown out & black now. he looks like he’s ready to unravel you.
he then grumbles out a, “don’t try to resist it darlin’. i’m gonna make ya feel so damn good.”
next thing you know, in the blink of an eye you are bent over a desk. the side of your face is squished against the cold surface. the bottom of your skirt is folded over & your panties are down to your ankles. you now understand why Rhett held onto that book & what he planned on doing with it. before you could even think another second, you felt a hard smack against your ass. the immediate sting and painful pleasured sensation you were feeling caused you to let out a yelp. you could hear a slight chuckle leave Rhett’s lips, as he gives you a second to process the blow he just gave you.
“if it gets too much for ya sweetheart, just say the word.”
you let out a muffled okay and scooted your ass back further into him, implying that you wanted him to keep going. without hesitation Rhett grabbed the book again &…
another blow and then another. you were shaking with pleasure and you just knew Rhett was absolutely losing his mind over the little noises you were making. his cock was aching. so desperately needing to be submersed in you & he decided to give your spanking a rest.
he tossed the now battered up book off to the side, the cover completely coming off now and in the point of no return. no one would wanna read that book after knowing what it’s endured. you felt his hands start to rub soothingly over your bright red bottom. he leaned into you & pressed a gentle kiss right behind your ear.
“you did so good for me sweetheart. you took that like a real champ.”
you couldn’t help but let out a breathy giggle at that. your ass was still stinging a bit. a stream of slick was running down your legs and you knew that Rhett was going to combust, if he wasn’t inside of you soon. your words came out strained and quiet, but Rhett perked up at the three words that fell from your lips. “please fuck me.”
Rhett didn’t waste a single second. he gently flipped you over onto your back, with your upper half lying still on the desk and your legs were brought up to wrap around his waist. you could hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans, finally letting his cock free from its restraints.
without hesitation, Rhett pushed his plush tip through your soaked folds with ease. you couldn’t say that you’ve truly gotten used to his size. it’s not too much to handle by any means, but it elicits a really nice stretch and hits every spot just right.
you both let out a sigh at the sudden connection. Rhett being fully inside you now & feeling that familiar stretch of your walls has you letting out a soft moan.
“please Rhett move.” your voice was still a bit strained, but you were getting awfully impatient with him. you needed this now more than ever.
“jeez babe & to think i was the impatient one ere’. ” he smirked, accentuating the last word with that his strong southern drawl that drove you insane.
you lightly smacked his chest and he finally began to move. slowly at first just to let you get used to him, to that feeling you loved so much. your hands wrap around his neck as you tell him to move faster.
Rhett complies and starts rutting into you now, like a wild animal. sex with him was never dull, Rhett always had the energy and stamina to go as rough and go as many rounds with you as you desired.
your eyes roll into the back of your head, stars start lining your vision. you can hear Rhett letting out grunts and swears above you. his eyes squeezing shut, as he lets the ecstasy completely take over his body. you let out little whimpers, as your nails dig into his back never wanting to let go of him.
“you like that i’m taking you over this desk right now where anyone could just walk in on us?” he grunted. you couldn’t even let out a coherent sentence, instead letting out a mewl at his words.
“bet you feel so dirty don’t ya? letting me fuck the towns little librarian at her workplace.” you let out a light fuck at the choice of his words. it did feel dirty, but you didn’t care.
you thought about if someone were to walk in on you two in this intimate moment. it would surely be a sight for them to see you folded in half over a creeky old desk with your lover pumping deep inside of your cunt, both of you letting out the most obscure noises. the thought made you throw your head back and let out the most pathetic and desperate sound you’d ever made.
“aghh Rhett, baby i’m close.” your orgasm was approaching, as Rhett didn’t let up on his rhythm and you could hear the slight screeching of the wooden desk under you. this desk was surely old and you were shocked that it didn’t break under both of your weights.
“me too darlin’ just let go when you need to. i’m right behind ya.” he let out some more grunts and latched his mouth onto your chest, giving your tits the proper attention and coaxing you more towards your release. it worked as you dug your heels further into his back, dropping your head onto his shoulder & completely letting go. Rhett being right behind you.
both now coming down from your highs panting, Rhett lays against your chest to catch his breathe as you do the same still holding onto him for dear life with his cock now softening, still inside of you.
after a few seconds, Rhett slowly slipped out of you. he leaned forward and lightly placed a kiss onto your lips.
you both regained composure, Rhett helped lift you off of the desk, you legs feeling like jelly as you stood up right. you weren’t sure how you’d walk normal after this. you hoped your coworker wouldn’t notice. you stared over at the clock & starting rushing Rhett to get himself cleaned up as you did the same.
making sure everything in that office was spotless & showed no signs of your previous endeavors, Rhett bent down and grabbed the battered up book.
“i’m gonna keep this for next time. soon this book’ll be nothing but loose shreds of paper after i’m finished using it on you.”
with that, your cheeks burned a bright red & he placed a kiss on one of them as a goodbye and headed back out into the open library. you couldn’t wait to do this with Rhett again.
118 notes · View notes
Genre Bingo
Planning – In planning for this contest, the librarian will spend several class periods with the 4th and 5th grade homerooms to discuss and review genres, highlighting attributes of each one.  Students will do a scavenger hunt in the library during the lesson to locate each genre listed on the BINGO card, and browse that section of the library for book ideas.  The librarian will have copies of the reading log “Genre BINGO” available for teacher’s classrooms and in the library.  The contest will last 6 weeks.
Promotion – The librarian will promote this program through a lesson in the library to spark interest in the contest.  The librarian will promote the contest on the “Library Media Center” website and through social media avenues.  The librarian will also promote the contest through the morning announcements over the P.A. system, highlighting a genre a day and giving examples of books that would fit in this genre. 
The librarian will also send out an email through the school automated system to all 4th and 5th grade parents including a link to an article about why it is important for their child to be reading multiple genres.  An example of the email may read:
Dear 4th and 5th Grade Parents,
I am so excited to tell you about our new library contest for this 6 weeks period!  Your child will be encouraged to take part in our “Genre BINGO” reading contest program.  Your child has been learning about multiple genres in our library lessons and the benefits of exposure as a reader.  This program will encourage your child to explore multiple genres in the library.  “Genre BINGO” cards will be sent home this week.  Your child will read one chapter book of a genre.  When they get “three in a row” they will turn their BINGO card into the library for a FREE BOOK!  Their name will also enter a drawing for a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card!  Your child is welcomed to complete as many BINGO cards as they can in the 6 weeks period.  Their name will enter the drawing for each card they turn in. 
A parent or teacher may sign off on each genre a student completes to show they read the book.
For more information about the benefits of your child exposed to multiple genres, read this article:  https://www.bustle.com/p/11-reasons-you-should-try-reading-a-new-genre-43092
I can’t wait to see how our students will fall in love with books they never knew about!  Happy reading!
Mrs. Davis
Library Media Specialist
Preparations – The librarian will prepare lessons to prepare students to be excited about reading multiple genres.  The librarian will also prepare the BINGO cards on brightly colored paper for classrooms and the library.  Prizes will be free books that was rewarded to the library after the book fair.  The gift card will come from funds from the library budget. 
Procedures – After a student turns in a “Genre BINGO” card with “three in a row” signed off by a parent or teacher, the student will receive a free book from the library.  The student’s name will also enter a drawing.  Students may turn in as many completed BINGO cards as they can within the 6 weeks period and their name will enter the drawing for each completed card.  At the end of the 6 weeks, the librarian will draw a name to win a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card.
Payoff – This program will benefit students by exposing them to multiple genres.  Students will just have learned about multiple genres and will now be encouraged to explore them.  This meets the 21st century objective of V. Explore- Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.  The program will still allow student choice, in that they may pick the path for the BINGO card, and will be rewarded with materials to promote reading. 
                                        Name:__________________________________  Homeroom:_______________
  Genre BINGO
  Graphic Novel
  Historical Fiction
  Verse Novels
  Contemporary Fiction
  Directions:  Read one chapter book in the genre on your choice.  You must have a BINGO (three in a row) to be eligible for a prize!  You must have a parent or teacher sign the box to prove you read a book in that genre.  Turn this card in to your homeroom teacher or library when you have a BINGO!  All cards must be turned in by _________________.
Happy reading!
(n.d.). 11 Reasons You Should Try Reading A New Genre. Retrieved from https://www.bustle.com/p/11- reasons-you-should-try-reading-a-new-genre-43092
  (n.d.). Standards Framework. Retrieved from https://standards.aasl.org/framework/
0 notes
mushroomlupin · 2 years
Pairing: cedric diggory x f!reader
Summary: reader asks draco to help her with potions and accidentally forgets about a date she had with cedric. when she finally gets to cedric, he has to remind her who she belongs to
Requested: yes or no: if ur reading this tabitha, ily ;)
Warnings: possessive!cedric, choking (but blink and you’ll miss it), fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!!), and anal fingering. just kinky af honestly
Word Count: 1,229
Masterlist & Ao3
You pressed your palm against your forehead with a sigh. You were never going to understand this goddamn class.
"You alright?"
You looked up to see the blond cocking an eyebrow at you. The way he stood by your seated frame made you feel so small. Blushing, you shook your head.
“I’m trying to study for the Potions exam, but it’s hard to study when I don’t even understand what’s on here,” you complained, gesturing to the textbook in front of you.
Draco pulled the chair out next to you and sat himself down. “Perhaps, I could help?”
You looked at him with pleading eyes. “Please.”
He laughed and moved his chair closer to yours. “Let’s get started.” He flipped a few pages and began explaining each potion, how each ingredient interacted with each other, and which materials did what.
About two hours later, the librarian signaled that the library was closing. Confused, you looked at the black leather watch that wrapped around Draco’s slender wrist. With wide eyes, you noticed the time.
You were late for your date with Cedric.
Cursing under your breath, you quickly shut the Potions textbook and stood from your chair.
“What’s wrong?” Draco frowned.
“I’m late for something,” you hastily explained, clutching the textbook to your chest. “But, thank you for helping me, Draco. I mean it.”
His lips twitched upwards. “Anytime.”
You practically ran out of the library and down to the Hufflepuff Common Room, where Cedric was sat on a sofa.
His silence told you everything you needed to know; he was pissed.
You walked towards him slowly, the fireplace casting a warm glow against his bronzey hair, making his locks look golden.
His words were blunt. “Where were you?”
You swallowed. “I was studying.”
He turned his head slightly, his side profile looking as though he were sculpted by a god. He was immaculate.
“With who?”
You could hear your heartbeat thrumming in your chest.
“Draco Malfoy.”
You watched his jaw clench.
“In my dorm,” he ordered. “Now.”
You quickly walked to his dorm room, listening to his quiet steps behind you. The jealousy and anger in his voice should have angered you, but instead, it made you excited. Your heartbeat quickened and you felt your pussy aching, dampening the fabric of your underwear.
Once you opened the door, you felt a hand wrap around your throat and your back pushed against the wall. Cedric kicked the door closed before attacking your lips. The kiss was sloppy, a mess of tongues and teeth as he ravished your mouth. His hand left your throat and moved to your thigh, slipping up your skirt whilst his lips went to your neck. He nipped at the skin, sucking it between his teeth before licking the bruise and moving across your neck.
“Just wait ‘til he sees you in class tomorrow,” he chuckled, his warm breath fanning against your skin. “Covered in my marks.”
Before you could say anything, his index finger pressed against your clothed core, forcing a moan out of your mouth. As his lips moved down your neck, his fingers began carefully rubbing your clit through your panties.
You wanted more, needed more.
“Please, Ced,” you begged.
He removed his lips from your skin. “You want more?”
You nodded vigorously.
“Tell me that this pussy is mine,” he demanded, his fingers pressing against you for emphasis. “Tell me that I’m the only one who can wreck you like this.”
You gripped his shirt. “My pussy is all yours, Ced. You’re the only one who can wreck me like this; the only one who can fuck me.”
“Damn right.”
He got to his knees, forcing your skirt and panties down your legs and off of your ankles. He grabbed a calf and put it over his shoulder before attaching his lips to you.
You screamed, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bud and running through your folds. He moaned, the vibrations going right to your pussy as he ate you out. Your fingers went to his hair, gripping at the bronze locks. He began sucking your clit between his lips, his index finger circling your entrance.
“Cedric, please,” you begged.
His finger plunged into you, curling inside of you whilst he sucked and flicked his tongue against the sensitive bud. Your thighs began clenching around his head. You were close and he could tell.
Another finger joined his index, curling inside of you, reaching that spot. Your breath hitched, your climax about to wash over you and…
He pulled away from you.
About to scold him, he stood up and grabbed your hips, spinning you around.
“On the bed. Bend over.”
Aching for an orgasm, you did as he said, planting your elbows and knees onto his bed and pushing your bum into the air. You wiggled your ass as a way to tell him you were ready, and a palm landed against the skin of your asscheek. Hard. You yelped, the stinging sensation telling you that he’d left a handprint. You heard him spit, along with a squelching noise.
You felt the bed dip behind you and suddenly, he pushed inside of you. He sheathed his entire length inside of you, feeling your pussy stretch around him to accommodate his size. Your mouth gaped open, his tip already brushing against your g-spot. You could feel every vein and ridge on his cock, your pussy already fluttering around him. His hands moved to your hips, gripping the skin before he began pounding into you. The sound of skin against skin filled the room as he relentlessly thrusted.
“Mine, mine, mine,” he chanted, his balls hitting your clit with every thrust.
He pressed the pad of his finger against your asshole, making you clench around him.
“My girl likes that, hm?” He asked innocently, his thumb circling the hole.
“Yes!” you pleaded.
Slowly, his thumb entered you. This new feeling combined with his rigorous thrusts made your pussy grip his cock tightly. You felt full of Cedric, and it was pure bliss.
“Gonna cum,” you whimpered, legs spasming.
“Cum for me, love.”
You saw stars. Complete euphoria washed over you as you came, body spasming and your climax being ridden out as he continued to thrust into you. Once you came down, you felt both his thumb and his dick exit your holes and his thick ropes of cum spurt onto your ass. You leaned against your elbows for support, feeling as though your body would collapse.
You felt him leave the bed, his footsteps sounding as he walked somewhere.
He came back shortly with a warm washcloth. He cleaned both you and the mess he’d made, before tossing the cloth into his dirty laundry and climbing back onto the bed.
He motioned for you to rest your head on his chest as he lay down, allowing you to lay with him. You could hear his steady heartbeat and it made you smile. This beautiful person who loved you so, so much was so alive. Sometimes, it stunned you.
His fingers began to run against the length of your back. “What are you thinking about?”
You didn’t want to admit that you were marveling over him; his ego was already big enough for that. Instead, you joked, “I’m just thinking about how jealous my boyfriend is.”
“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
1K notes · View notes
awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
Slit Reflection
This is my entry for @jtargaryen18​​’s Haunted House 2020 Challenge. Mine was Sam Wilson. Credit for dividers goes to @firefly-graphics​. Check them out!
Summary: You’ve always loved Halloween, especially the haunted house at the edge of the woods. So happens when the ‘Star Spangled Trio’ enters the mix?
Pairing: Demon King!Sam Wilson x  Black!Reader (Fem)
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 3,054
Warning: Kidnapping, Forced Marriage, Dark Fairy Tale Elements, Stalking, Breeding Kink, Mentions of Torture, and Non-Con/Dub-Con Smut. You have been warned.
Back to Masterlist
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You’ve always loved Halloween. It was your birthday and the haunted house at the edge of the woods gave the best spooks and thrills. It was your first Halloween after undergrad and this year was different.
The Star Spangled Trio were celebrity guests and they were bringing two of the old rooms back!
It took you six days to get a ticket. You tried getting one online, every shop in town, but got nothing.
Finally, a new face at the library took pity on you and gave you the last ticket along with a book on demon folklore. You thanked the new librarian and rushed out of the building. Had you looked back you would’ve noticed a smirk on their face and their sclera and pupils turning black and gold respectively.
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Halloween—the day of your birth—was here, and it was shit. Your toothbrush broke, your car refused to start, the job that you desperately wanted was dashed by yet another rejection email, and both your student loan and rent checks bounced. You just need to get through today.
You missed the cutoff, but got in because the person working the line was a family friend. Anxiously, you wait in line wondering how the haunted house in your small ass town managed to nab the Star Spangled Trio when you noticed the excited expressions of the people leaving. Now you’re super anxious.
By the time you entered the haunted house, you’re doing the breathing exercises to calm yourself. This was it! You were finally going to meet your all time heroes (and possible spank bank entries)!
The first few rooms were your typical haunted house fare which you loved, but were secondary to your excitement in seeing your heroes. Maybe you could get an autograph and hug from them!
You were about to follow the person in front of you into the haunted house’s hospital room when you noticed a light flickering to your left. It revealed a door done in the Neo-classical design with some Latin text engraved in the middle (had you studied Latin , you would’ve known that the text read “Reveal yourself, my beloved”).
Opening the door, you saw that it lead to the Hall of Mirrors. This part of the haunted house was always a favorite of yours, but both the itinerary and the ticket worker said that it was closed this year. The hall itself was chillingly quite and pristine as if no one else had stepped foot inside this season.
All of the mirrors looked standard for the haunted house; some of them made you laugh or briefly catch your breath. The one at the end of the hall caught you off-guard. It was at least 12ft (about 3.66m) high with intricate carvings of characters out of dark folklore and a single diagonal slit.
You were about to turn away when you saw nothing thinking it was a small haunted house joke at your expense when the mirror flashed.
In your place was the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, but it still looked like you..sort of. Your hair was long, luxurious and gently flowing. Your eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails were immaculate. Your nose was adorably broad and your lips were sensually full (the type of full women would shell hundred’s if not thousands of dollars for). You wore a diadem with thick gold chains ladened with diamonds, onyx, and rubies and around your neck was a ruby and onyx amulet. You were dressed in a loose, yet sleeveless form-fitting Vivaldi red gown with hints of fiery red and a thin rosewood colored shoulder veil connected to the dress by a ruby broach in the middle of your cleavage.
You looked about four or five inches taller and the mirror version of you made you feel nervous about your curves being out on display.
Curious, you reached out to touch the mirror. Your hand was less than a centimeter away when your mirrored self opened it eyes. Suddenly, it grew curved horns and its eyes glowed pale gold.
The mirrored version of you grabbed your outstretched arm and dragged you through the mirror all while you screamed hoping someone would come to your rescue, but to no avail.
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Samael, or ‘Sam’ was notified of your departure and the trio had to excuse themselves from the festivities to congratulate Sam on finding his bride.
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You woke up with a start and shout clawing the air but stopped once you realized that you weren’t falling anymore. Instead, you were in a huge, opulent room filled with treasures that not even Windsor Castle had. Curiosity seemed to have taken hold of you because you walked out onto the connecting balcony to find that you were on a different planet/dimension/realm, whatever!
There were floating landmasses (the smallest of which was the size of your small town) and five planets ranging from Moonbow Gold to Venetian Red in color.
You thought about where the fuck you were and how you could get back home when a voice interrupted your thoughts.
The source of the voice was a demon with Antique Ruby skin with reddish gray undertones and Cinnabar and Rosewood colored hair. She had two short outward curved horns with a gold chain and aquamarine teardrop connecting them. Her eyes were an inviting aqua blue eyes with a dark red sclera.
“Hello! My name is Scheherazade, but you can call me Sherry. I’m your Lady in Waiting. I’ve brought some food.” Sherry offered as she set the tray of food on a small table next to a dresser.
You smiled cautiously at your new elevated handmaiden,”Do you know why I’m-”
“Oh, I almost forgot! We need to get you ready for your presentation!”
The Fuck?!
“What do you mean ‘presentation’?,” you asked as nicely as possible, but reality came out more like a demand.  
Sherry stopped her ministrations and faced you,”Well, when the monarch, crown prince, or princess declares their mate, they are presented to the royal court,” she then returned to her task of finding a suitable dress for you not catching the mortified expression on your face.
This day can’t get any worse. Wait?
“What time is it?”
“Oh, yes, It’s pretty much always night here. The sun only comes out for three hours. Would you look at the time! Everyone’s waiting!”
“One last question,” you started as Sherry began dressing you,”Who am I marrying?”
“Why my second cousin, King Samael, one of the Three Demon Kings,  of course!”
You fought the impulse to faint.
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It took thirty minutes for Sherry to make you look unrecognizable. Thankful for her assistance, you followed the floating torches to the throne room. The throne room was an enormous room with high wide vaulted arches, delicately carved pillars and columns, and a small bridge connecting the ground at the door to the center. The court comprised of beautiful yet fearsome demons of all shapes and sizes.
The king himself was seated on a grand, ornate throne atop a huge dais with at least 25 steps. He seemed familiar.
As soon as you were passed the threshold, the king raised his head and everyone stopped talking and cleared a path for you. Several courtiers whispered as you striddled towards the dais. When you finally reached the dais, the king got off his throne and walked down the steps to greet you.
You almost face-palmed. The king was Sam Wilson! Or at least, looked like him.  
Sam for his part was devastatingly handsome. He had a tall, powerful build, broad shoulders, bulging biceps, muscular thighs, short well-kept hair and beard with surprisingly kind eyes.  
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” Sam uttered as he pulled you in for a hug. You could’ve sworn he sniffed your hair, but you didn’t want to go into that right now.
“Everyone!” The court turned to the throne,” Thank you for coming. I have finally found my bride. We will be married tomorrow night!” Sam exclaimed to thunderous cheers and applause. He slipped on a magnificent ruby and diamond engagement ring with a black gold band.
You could not believe this, “I can’t-,” you started, but Sam discreetly grabbed your wrist, “Pre-wedding jitters,” and led you to a side room.
You expected him to hit or yell at you like so many other royals in a similar setting, but instead he gave a sad smile and asked if you were truly happy in your old life. You thought about your crushing debt, little to no job prospects, both parents dead, no friends and you had to admit your life did suck, but he didn’t get to decide.
Disappointed, Sam casted a small compliance spell and pulled you in for a kiss. Your pupils blew out in lust and you lost yourself. When he finally decided to break for air, Sam stated that you will be his bride and he will not be denied any longer. You smiled and gave him a short but passionate kiss. He moaned but had to end it before he went too far.
Tomorrow night he promised himself.
He quickly called for Sherry to return you  to your quarters.
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Sherry woke you up the next ‘morning’ with a small army of beauty experts and maids.
“Rise and shine, Your Grace! We’ve got a bride to present!” Sherry proclaimed.
Damn it! It wasn’t a nightmare.
They managed to stuff you into a marvel of a wedding dress. It was a Torch Red long-sleeved mermaid wedding dress with soft yet detailed lace work made to look like an enchanted forest, diamond, dark ruby and pearl beads, and a floor length train. On your head was a black gold spiked sunburst goddess with deep ruby roses and a simple ruby teardrop chain that rested on your forehead, the ends of which were wrapped around your horns.
“Not even Lilith could compare, Your Grace!” Sherry gushed at her handiwork.
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The wedding procession and ceremony was done in a swift fashion as Sam didn’t want to wait much longer. The vows were short as well. You wanted to object, call for help, anything but a voice in the back of your mind beat you to it.  
A couple hours into the wedding festivities, Sam announced that it was time for he and his new queen to retire and led you to his quarters. It’s the fanciest suite you’ve ever seen dripping with luxurious reds, violets, and obsidian.
In all your awing of Sam’s quarters, you failed to notice him approaching you in only a simple loose shirt and trousers. He gently put his hands on your exposed shoulders,”Alone at last, my love.”
You recoiled, “Can’t we wait for a few days? It’s just…” you trailed off as soon as his jovial expression vanished replaced with something darker and hungrier.
“I’ve waited for so long to have you here with me, love,”  Sam confessed while you moved towards the exit,”and I will not be denied any longer!”
In an instant, Sam pulled you in for a demanding kiss. He pushed his tongue past your lips moaning when your tongue tepidly danced with his own and from the sweet taste of your mouth. He pushed you onto a bed that had to three times the size of a California King and his lips moved jaw and neck, egged on by needy whimpers and moans.
He took his time ripping off your gown, enjoying the view like a child on Christmas, ”Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Utter perfection,” Sam murmured as he watched your breasts bounced free. He alternated between sucking and pinching your nipples with his hands and mouth,”I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he whispered in your left ear and he continued to play with your breasts like a concert-level musician. All the while moaned and cried out feeling pleasure you never thought possible.
Once satisfied with his handiwork with your chest, Sam’s hands roamed over your stomach and hips followed by strategically placed butterfly kisses that made you squirm. He tore off the last of your wedding gown causing you to hiss at the sudden sensation of cold air touching your pussy.
You used your last bit of willpower to plead, “Please stop! I’ve never-,” Sam stopped and raised his head to look at you.
“I know, love. I’ll be your first and only,” and with that, he gives your folds one long, slow lick and growled at your sweet and tangy taste, “I’ve wondered how you’d taste. You’re even better than the best Kharian wine. I could get used to this.”
He dove back in and played your pussy for all it was worth. His tongue worked its magic stroking and circling your clit sending you higher and higher into euphoria. Sam kept you right on the edge of an orgasm, just enough to beg for release.
“Say you’re mine!,” you mewled in response, to blissed out to use words. “Say it or I’ll leave!”
“Please let me cum, My King!” you cried out when he thrusted two fingers into your pussy.
“That’s a good girl. Now,”Sam started as he vigorously rubbed your pussy,”cum for me, love.”
Your orgasm came like a tsunami and Sam made sure finish his feast.
You got out of your post-oral haze to see Sam looming over in all his naked glory. His body must’ve been made by the gods because it was divine. His frame was an ode to sexiness wrapped in sinful warm sepia skin.
Sam caught you biting your lower lip and cocked his head, “Like what you see?”
Damn that cocky bastard, but damn if he wasn’t right. Part of you wanted to fuck his brains out…and that was before you saw his cock. Standing proud and erect with angry veins, his cock had to be the biggest you’ve ever seen (not like you had much exposure, just a few pornos).
Sam crawled up to you, lifted your chin and gave a soft kiss on the lips sensing your unease, “Relax, love,” He then lined his cock to your entrance and slid in as gently as he could.
You hissed from the pain, he was just so damn big. Sam praised you on how well you fit around him like ‘you were made for him’. Once the pain subsided, you bucked your hips into his causing him to moan at the sensation. He smiled at your eagerness and picked up the pace, making his thrusts come out to just the tip was in you and slamming back into you. You cried out his name each time he filled you to the hilt, pleading with him to go faster. Soon he reached your G-Spot causing to orgasm again, this time with you crossing your eyes and coming with a squirt.
Not too long after your second orgasm, Sam came with an otherworldly roar and glowing bright gold eyes shooting rope after rope of thick cum into your womb. He then flipped you onto your stomach and forced you onto your hands and knees so that he could take you from behind.
He got ten orgasms from you, each one more mind-blowing than the last. Once he was satisfied, he let you sleep.
“Soon you will be round with my seed, and we will have many children. I can’t wait.”
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Ah hour after you closed your eyes, Sam left his, now yours, quarters. “Make sure she doesn’t leave,” he orders the guards although, he’s confident that she’s not going anywhere with the way he hammered her.
He strode down the corridors until he reached the dungeon. There, he found a rather nice looking apartment-style cell with only one prisoner, your mother.
“I’ve taken your daughter. Do you want to see her before you go?”
You see, Samael, Mikael (Bucky), and Stelios (Steve) were demon warlords who began conquering kingdoms left and right 1200yrs ago. They fought their way to the last free kingdom, Kharan. By the time your grandparents were brought before them, they had killed your uncle, the heir to the throne. The king and queen begged for their lives and the kingdom to be spared.
The trio agreed on one condition: if the next child the queen bears is a girl, then she would be Sam’s mate (Mikael and Stelios already had mates).
The king reluctantly agreed. The queen gave birth four months later to a girl, but she was in demon form. The queen had two of her most trusted attendants spirit the child away to another realm and raised her as their own.
Sam had your grandparents slaughtered and razed Kharan to the ground for their trickery. No matter, he was immortal. He would bide his time.
Eventually, your mother was told about her true parentage and form. She learned to control her powers, found love and she too was with child.
Sam found her a week before she went into labor and said that it was time to collect. She promised you in her stead immediately in hopes that it would buy her some time.
It did. She was able to pass you, a cambion, off to a friend of hers who wanted a child but couldn’t conceive and gave Sam a fake baby. He had your mother thrown into the dungeons.
Sam searched for you, but discovered that your mother put a cloaking spell on you. So, he approached your mother with a deal: her freedom for you becoming his mate.
It took your mother three years of torture for her to say yes.
Once the spell was lifted, Sam went to work. He made sure your adopted parents had a little ‘accident’ when you were old enough to take care of yourself, made sure that no one would want to hire you, and saddled you with debt. He even got Mikael and Stelios to pose as ‘The Star Spangled Trio’ with him to finally get you to the Hall of Mirrors.
Your mother bowed her head in shame, “No. It’s best for her to believe that I don’t exist.”
Sam unlocked the cell door with a simple spell, “You’re free to go. Have a nice life,” and returned to his quarters to be with his mate and queen.
Your mother took one last look at the palace,”I’m sorry, my little moon and stars,” and disappeared into the night.
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Taglist: @jtargaryen18​ @threeminutesoflife​​ @giorno-plays-piano​ @lookiamtrying​ @sherrybaby14​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @life-of-yn​ @mcudarklibrary​ @marvelfansworld​ @imdarkinme​ @sapphirescrolls​ @samingtonwilson​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @pseudonymphet​ @dahkness​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @golden-ariess​ @chixkencxrry​ @anyatheladyclown​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @saint-bvcky​ @cherienymphe​ @iguessweallcrazyithinktho​ @cockslut-padalecki​
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
happy fic writer appreciation day!
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there are so many talented and amazing writers on here! I'm going to try to get as many of favs on this list as possible along w my fav works by them, and I encourage everyone to tag their fav authors under this! love all y'all <3
THESE ARE IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER!!! literally just going down my likes and following list lmao
ALSO! I tag everything I've read with “fics” so feel free to search that on my blog for some recs too!
ANOTHER ALSO! I only read bucky fics! so that's what these are lol w a mix of oc’s and unnamed readers
@moteldwelling​ - ok honestly??? some of the BEST smut I've ever read. I think the first work of theirs I read was “let me show you” and y'all... just do yourself a favor and read thru their master list bc it is SMUT PERFECTION
@ballyhoobarnes​ - LIBRARIAN BUCKY YALL THATS ALL I GOTTA SAY! I'm such a sucker for these pairings that show so many moments between librarian boy Bucky and reader like there's cute stuff and insecure stuff and smut stuff and UGH I love it sm
@trillian-anders​ - ok the ENTIRE master list is PHENOMENAL but my fav has got to be “amor de mi vida”. like being cuban American it was so awesome to read ME not to mention 40s!Bucky ??? say less. 
@all1e23​ - if y'all have not read “astrophile”... u r MISSING OUT! you've got firefighter bucky AND dad bucky? PLUS the cutest daughter and the more heartwarming and slow burn story? amazing I love it
@nacho-bucky​ - NGL IM STILL WORKING THRU THIS MASTERLIST but I recently finished “the cupcake guy” and AH literally the most descriptive writing and I actually FEEL what buckys feeling... plus he bakes and there's cupcakes cmon
@goddamndameron​ - ok miss hannie doesn't write much bucky anymore BUT IF U LIKE STAR WARS STUFF CHECK HER OUT bc she's literally so talented and I love her sm
@wonderlandmind4​ - I think “delicate stages” was one of the first stories I read when I got into bucky like a year and half two years ago whatever and dude. TO THIS DAY I reread it every once in a while bc its SO AMAZING. gonna warn u it will TEAR YOUR HEART APART. ESPECIALLY THE SEQUEL. but still well worth it bc its AMAZING.
@wkemeup​ - ok THE SMUT is *chef’s kiss* and I'm honestly torn between all of their series’ bc they all literally PULL YOUR ASS IN and like YOURE THERE and ugh. def another one I go back and reread often nuff said
@asadmarveltrashbag​ - another one whose smut is UN FUCKING REAL like p much all of the head cannons... fucked me ALL THE WAY up
@heli0s-writes​ - ok I can't NOT talk about the “cdr” series. literally the funniest thing you'll read ever. it got humor, its got personality, its got soft moments, its got smut, its THE BEST THING EVER. I miss them but the puns live in my mind rent free for the rest of time
@ugh-supersoldiers​ - “under oath” has gotta be one of the BEST fics I've read. like it one of those stories where you assume it'll be an interesting and good plot and it literally BLOWS YOU AWAY. like the writing is so good, so descriptive, and makes you feel ALL the things ok
@wiensrsoldier​ - another smut GOD like ALL the kinks and their “tiny and beefy series” THE BEST THING I COULDVE HOPED TO EVER READ ON THIS APP (I'm a slut for size kinks - clearly.)
@shreddedparchment​ - one of the very first blogs I followed and some of the very first fics I read. the ashes to ashes universe? actually INCREDIBLE like “you're my mission” is yet another fic I reread constantly bc its SO GOOD like the story is AMAZING and so well written w all the feelings and emotions and action and ugh. actual perfection
@sgtjbuccky​ - the most AMAZING SERIES’ like “death do us part” was one of the coolest fics I've ever read the plot is so GOOD and unique and just ugh. the whole master list is fire
@redgillan​ - the ENTIRE masterlist is worth reading but “under pastel skies” owns a part of my heart bc being an artist myself I love the idea of living vicariously thru the reader and living out my dreams of living w Bucky ok I love it
@cametobuyplums​ - makes me wish I was French and also buckys sugar baby bc “artistic license” is the BEST smut story ever like it will make u horn-nee not to mention the actual PLOT lol. also most beautifully organized master list ever ?? ily fizz
@writingcroissant​ - my fav has gotta be “paper walls” bc I am the BIGGEST SUCKER for tropes like these where like he doesn't *know* his neighbor but they're able to bond and form a relationship regardless and UGH I love this story sm they are AMAZING
@tropicalcap​ - ok torn between “midnight hour” and “black lines” (also - forming this list has made me painfully aware how much smut I read LMAO) but actually I LOVE the way they write and, cmon who doesn't love bucky smut especially when it involves tacos or tattoos
@indyluckycharlie​ - still v new but I'm currently reading “tinman” and UGH it so unique I've never read a plot like this and the FEELS are amazing this story is so COOL and I have a feeling it'll be another one of my multiple reread stories lol
@samingtonwilson​ - if you like friends to lovers wait until you read “apartment 8c” bc its literally friends to lovers to exes and back to friends and roommates to possible lovers again LMAO but actually this story is so fun and I LOVE stories like this that play w common tropes and make them cool and super amazing I love
@suz-123​ - “crazy, beautiful” has both smut and veterinary!bucky like what more could someone want. I literally CAN NOT WAIT to see where this story goes its so cool and interesting and I'm OBSESSED with the readers personality and her and Bucky’s lil bonding moments ugh
@justreadingfics​ - “its a deal” has the biggest stamp of chef’s kiss literally ever its got the juiciest smut and super suave bucky and a crazy ex and the just the overall PLOT is fantastic I'm obsessed
@tinyglamdramaqueen (omg idk why I can't tag) - ok so they recently finished “alls fair in love and war” and DUDE. my jaw dropped p much every chapter like I'm begging you this is unlike any sugar baby fic ever its so AMAZING and I'm so excited to see what happens for the future of the reader and just. so so so good
holey moley. I love fics. and bucky. appreciate ur fav writers y'all.
also going to shamelessly include myself on this list bc I'm proud of the works I've written even if I'm not the most into it as some other talented writers on here
@wienerbarnes​ ME ok idk if other writers do this but do y'all ever re read your own works bc they're so good bc that's me w “cheek to cheek” like my ACTUAL favs I've never loved writing for a pair more and they be living in my head rent free ok I always be thinking of those rainbow underwear sets and mis matched socks 
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shut up, this is a library
na jaemin x reader
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summary: You work at the school library, which comes with the unfortunate repercussions of having to deal with Na Jaemin, the captain of the soccer team and incredibly gorgeous school flirt who finds fun in teasing you. 
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
A/N: this is my last one part story coming out because I have a new series starting soon that I’m v excited for!
The SMU library was located just west of the quad, hard to miss. The building had a domed top, complete with a sun-roof, and every inch of the walls were lined with books. Any kid at the campus had been there more than once to cram for a test, or finish an assignment, or in the cases of some people you knew, get some sleep in order to avoid an annoying roommate. 
You were a psychology major, and while that led to a pretty packed schedule, your professor, being absolutely great, never held class on Fridays. So every Friday afternoon, you put on your name tag and went to work at the library, checking out books, helping worried students in a rush to finish a research paper, and finishing up shelving books. 
You pushed the thin metal frame of your glasses higher up your nose as you finished loading the cart with newly returned books that had to be shelved. The librarian was taking a sick leave, leaving you with one other worker who was late again. With a good push, the old cart finally moved, just in time as the bell at the front desk rang. Why they had a bell was a real mystery. “Coming,” you called, wheeling the cart out of the back room. “How can I- oh, it’s you again.” 
There’s another aspect of this job that’s as predictable as the anxiety-riddled kids and your coworker being late, and that was Na Jaemin, who decided to drop in every week, well, to be more exact, every Friday just to talk you up. He flashes you the smile that you’ve basically memorized based on how many times you’ve seen it, his soccer bag thrown over one shoulder as he leans over the desk. “Hey cutie,”  he winks and you have to physically restrain yourself from throttling him. “Come around here often?” His unapologetically loud tone catches the attention of more than a few people, whose eyes are now trained on the school flirt trying to sweet talk the library worker.
“I work here, dumbass, you’ve seen me here for the past 12 weeks.” 
“And I think I speak for both of us when I say it’s been the highlight of our week.” Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head as you walk past him with the cart. “SO I saw you at my game last week. Checking me out on the field?” 
“Don’t over-inflate your ego, balloon boy.” He’s incessant, walking along as you shelve books. “I was there with Mina, she has a crush on Jeno, he likes her too, I’m trying to get them together, keep up. Besides, you’re not much to watch on the field.” 
“I made 6 goals, gorgeous,” he defends, grabbing the book you’re reaching for and sliding it into it’s place. 
“You know, you’d be more help if you actually checked books out. If your cult following saw you at the library, maybe they’d come too. Actually study for once.” 
“Ooh, is this you trying to spend more time with me?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you wack him with a book. 
“What the fuck, no, why would I want to see more of-” you trail off as you stand on your tippy toes to slide an economics book into it’s place, but it’s just out of reach. Jaemin, chuckling, takes it from you and puts it away with ease. “Beanpole,” you grumble. 
“Isn’t this the part of your visit where I reject you and you assure me you’ll win me over before you leave?” 
“Usually, but I’m shifting things up a bit, routine is boring. Looks like you need some help shelving all these books and from what it looks like, you’re the only person working here. And you’re- somewhat vertically challenged, unlike me.” 
“So what you’re saying,” you sighed, sidestepping him and stepping on your tip toes to slip another book into place. “Is that you serve the same purpose as a step stool?” 
“Ha ha, very funny.” He deadpans, grabbing some books from your cart. “Like you said before, sweetheart, my cult following means more business for the library,” 
“Okay, so how do I know you won’t just flirt with them as I do all the work?” 
“Sugar, you’re the only girl I’m flirting with,” he winks and you roll your eyes, shoving him away. “Come on, I need some sort of reaction from you,” he whines and you clap a hand over his mouth. 
“Shut up, this is a library.” 
“And I’m flirting with you,” 
“Really? I didn’t notice. You’re losing your touch, Na.” But he stays on your heels as you work your way around your library. “Look, you wanna work here? Talk to the librarian when she comes in tomorrow, she goes through potential applicants.” 
“And what if I want a date with you?” 
“Well I can’t make it too easy for you, now can I? Then it’s just boring.” 
“Oh, so you’re admitting you like me?” And suddenly he’s too close, leaning over the other side of the cart with his face centimeters away from yours and the bookshelf pressed against your back. You scoff, looking away as you slip out of the small space. “Deny it all you want, princess, you know you love me.” 
“I’d love to kick you in the-” 
“Jaemin!” Haechan calls him from the entrance of the library, looking very stressed. “Come on, practice is starting soon!” 
“Buzzkill,” Jaemin sighs, but still flashes you the same flirty grin. “You know where to find me, babe.” 
“Great, so will the hit man I send after you.” With a roll of his eyes, another wink and a blown kiss, he mimes putting a phone up to his ear and mouthing “call me” before Haechan drags him out of the library, looking very exasperated. You finally allow your face to flush, leaning your forehead against the cold wood of the bookshelf. Na Jaemin, you’re going to be the death of me. 
The next week, you make your way to the library again, being greeted by the librarian before heading to the back room again. “Hana, how much did you- you’re not Hana.” And suddenly it’s like a bad dream come to life because Na Jaemin’s shoveling book’s onto a cart with a smug smirk you’d like to slap off of his face. “What the fuck are you doing here?” You groan, dropping your bag onto a corner and pinching your arm to make sure this is real. 
“Shut up, princess, this is a library,” he mocks, tossing a book at you. “Some girl came in asking for this, she should be still waiting at the desk.” 
Sure enough, there’s a girl waiting for her copy of A Tale of Two Cities outside. She smiles slyly at you, leaning over the table as you scan her student ID. “Does Na Jaemin really work here now?” 
“Yeah but-” 
“Hey babe,” Jaemin pokes his head out. “Give me a hand with these?” The girl’s face drops, automatically pulling an assumption about the two of you as Jaemin grins and your face blushes bright red. You don’t look at her as you hand her the book, whacking Jaemin on the back of the head. “Ow, what did I do?” 
“You idiot, she thinks we’re dating!” 
“What’s so wrong with that?” He smirks, getting a little too close for comfort as he leans forward over the other side of the cart. 
“So many things, just so many things.” 
“Come on, I started working here, I can’t be that bad.” 
“Is that a question or a statement? Don’t you have soccer practice today?” 
“Aww, you pay that much attention to my schedule?” 
“What?!” You shove him and he laughs. “No, stop-” 
“It’s alright, beautiful, I get it. And no, I moved practice to Thursdays.” 
“Just so you could work at the library?” He nods, not giving it much thought. You on the other hand, are starting to turn pink and bury your face into a copy of Milk and Honey as if you’re checking out the bar code. 
*** So Na Jaemin is finally starting to not get on your nerves. He gets in earlier than you, and while his flirting hasn’t completely stopped, he has stopped throwing around pet names and asking you out on dates. He does also get a lot of work done, so he’s nice to have around in that aspect, and- okay, maybe you’re starting to like the guy. 
“Hey gorgeous,”. He stopped throwing the nicknames around, doesn’t mean he’s stopped using them in entirety. It’s well into February and Jaemin walks in late for the first time, pulling a snow-sprinkled beanie off his head and placing a starbucks cup on the desk in front of you. “For you, keeper of books.” 
You roll your eyes, but take a sip. “White chocolate mocha, how’d you-” 
“I have my sources,” he winks and takes a sip of his own coffee, which looks like if someone turned the souls of the innocent into liquid. He doesn’t even flinch as he takes a long gulp, and you’re slightly worried for the man. “SO what are we doing today?” 
“Well no one’s here so there’s nothing really to do but stamp some of these cards.” 
“Some?” He gestures to the large pile of books next to you that still need to be stamped, and you just shrug. “Okay, two people can take this down faster, hand me a book.” 
“NO! That did not go in!” Jaemin protested. A few hours later and you both had finished stamping the rest of the books. With nothing left to do, you both had turned to a regular game of table football, but you were on the ground, so was it floor football? Ground football? Your mind was racing, probably because after finishing your own drink, you and Jaemin had shared the rest of his, and all that espresso was really making you both giddy. 
“It so did!” You roll your eyes and pick up the little paper football, ignoring Jaemin’s outcries. “Which means I’m 2 points ahead of you!” 
“Oh yeah, well one last round, winner takes everything,” Jaemin offers, leaning over and daintily plucking the piece of paper from your fingers. 
“What are we betting?” You pout, slumping back to the ground and forming a goal as Jaemin lines the football up. 
“Okay, we each go twice, and the winner decides what the loser has to do.” 
“Fine.” Jaemin positions the football and takes his shot. It clearly passes through your goal, and you wrinkle your nose at him. “Show-off.” 
“Just go for it.” Your first one  flies through Jaemin’s goal easily, and his next one does the same. “It’s all on you, L/N,” he teases, passing the football over to you between his thumb and index finger. 
Oh god, what was he gonna make you do it you lost? You positioned the football, ready to win and make Na Jaemin do whatever you wanted when-
ding, ding, the bell rung just as you pulled your finger back to flick the ball. You flinched and the football passed to the right, missing the goal by a few inches. Jaemin snorted, pumping his fist up in victory. “no, no no no, the bell rang, that doesn’t count” 
“Uh uh, one last round, L/N, we didn’t say any more! I win!” He disappears to answer the bell and you sigh, laying in worry as to what he’s gonna make you do. 
When he comes back, you’re getting up. “Hey, hey, where do you think you’re going, we have a bet to handle.” 
“Ugh, fine, what do I have to do?” You groan. Cheer for him at all his games, set him up with a friend? Cover your shift all by yourself? 
“Go on a date with me.” 
“Wait, what?” He smiles, not a smirk or a grin, just a small smile and bends down to your eye level, repeating the words again.
“Go. on. a. date. with. me. tomorrow.” 
“You want to go out with me?” 
“Thanks for finally noticing,” he laughs. “Come on, I think your opinion of me has raised enough for one date. And if it does bad, I’ll let the whole thing go, forever. I promise.” 
What’s stopping you? It’s just one date, anyway, but what scares you is if it becomes more than just one date. “Okay,” you nod, still in shock. “Tomorrow, 6:00, pick me up from my dorm.” 
Jaemin laughs again and grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you in for a hug. You smile, and then he catches you off guard by kissing your cheek. “Finally, it took me 6 months to get a date with you! Uh, okay, 6:00, I’ll pick you up, dress casual- yeah, okay. Our shift is over, I gotta go!” Scooping up his bag, he waves one last time before disappearing from the back room. 
Still in a haze from everything that just happened, you sink against the wall, smiling as you bury your head in your hands, the small paper football still closed in one. What were you getting yourself into? 
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rosewould · 5 years
good for you || Vernon
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t o  s k i p  s t r 8  t o  t h e  s m u t  l o c a t e  t h i s  d i v i d e r:
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★ 𝔹𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕪 ★:
female reader again (sorry)
sub!Hansol being too much to handle
slight BDSM
mistress kink
kinda corny tbfh
((disclaimer: I took this from my Wattpad book which was from my previous Tumblr lol, although the story is cringy af this is one of my best smuts TO DATE))
"Hansol texted me yesterday, he's definitely into me." Kwon Eunbi twirled a strand of her hair and spoke obnoxiously loud. She had to ensure that you heard her. You could feel her and her two minion's eyes boring into you.
You were in college, but you felt as if you were stuck in some old school high school movie. A clique of three girls with the same name with crippling envy for you, the main protagonist.
The only thing left to do was to ignore them. You had already tried reasoning with them. Telling them and sometimes yourself that you did not like Hansol. Hell, you guys weren't even friends.
Your ears perked up at the sound. You quirk a brow. Was that aimed towards you?
"What was that?" Hwang, Jung, and Kwon Eunbi straightened up in their seats, searching for the source. You heard Kwon gasp and you instantly knew. You tried to ignore the fluttering feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your hopes were up, but you didn't want to acknowledge it.
You have no time for boys
You have no time for boys
You have no time for boys
Maybe you just had to repeat it for it to stick. You were about to graduate and you have exams coming up.
"Hey Vernon. Still coming over tonight?" Her voice was annoyingly high pitched. You tried to stop that burning sensation. Envy, ironically. You clenched your fists.
You. Have. No. Time. For-
"Hey! I'm talking to you ___."
That stupid voice. You sighed, the Eunbi's scoffed, Vernon chuckled.
"She's fucking annoying." Hwang spoke,
"Look, she's acting stuck up." then Jung.
Finally, you were getting worried that Kwon forebode them from talking. You never knew with Kwon Eunbi, she likes control.
"Not now, I'm studying." You were hoping a librarian or someone would come and tell all of them to shut up, but of course not. You had to go to the one college with a library that wasn't quiet. He walked towards you and came to kneel beside you.
"Just for a second, please?"
You cleared your throat, regaining your composure. You could feel his breath on your arm. You ignored the goosebumps that showed up. You smoothed your hand over your arm before finally looking at him.
"Can you just... C-come to my house later okay?" You nod as if you were trying to persuade him to agree. He didn't respond, instead continuing to pout and whine. You grab his face and force him to look you in the eye.
"You can wait until later." You're stern as you nod once more. You wait for him to nod before you remove your hands. Sucking in a deep breath, you hold it for a while as you returned to your textbook.
"What a show off." The Eunbi's brush you off and finally start minding their business.
Your limbs loosen up again. That was close.
The teachers always said to never stop studying until the day of the test, but this was overkill. You needed to find something to do before he showed up a your apartment. The words blurred together when you did anything reading related. Nothing seemed interesting on social media, and there were too many ads on cable TV.
It was obvious, nothing was going to keep your attention with him on your mind. You found yourself on the couch, refreshing your social media multiple times. You were just about to doze off when a knock sounded. You jolted up, heading straight for the door.
That would be embarrassing if you open it right then and there.
You took a breath, retracting your hand from the door knob.
You have no time for boys. Release some stress and kick him out. You have no feelings for him.
In one swift movement, you twist the door knob and swing open the door.
Fuck, you had feelings for him.
His hair wasn't parted like it usually was, it covering his eyebrows. His eyes were wide and softer than usual. He had on a loose fitting t-shirt that had a worn collar. Worn enough to show off his collar bones. You swallowed thickly, unable to look away.
"I know I look bad, but I'll be taking my clothes off anyways-" You gasp before pulling him in by his shirt and shutting the door.
"Stop shitting around Vernon."
"You almost went into dom-space today, didn't you?" Vernon inched closer to you slowly. You stay put, wanting to stand your ground. He was absolutely right.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Standing your ground was a bit hard when you were so obviously avoiding eye contact. He sighs as he reaches for your hand and brings it up to his right cheek.
Your mind goes slightly fuzzy as your cold hand melted against his warm face. He leaned into your touch and you felt your cheeks heat up.
"You're annoyingly clingy."
Vernon can feel your aura becoming more cold and rigid. He grinned as he took a step forward. He rests his forehead on yours, impish smile still on his face.
"Am I being a bad boy?"
A sharp inhale was drawn from you. He was such a tease. This is partly your fault. You shouldn't entertain him, it'll fuel the fire. You don't answer, instead you close your eyes.
"Punish me, please."
Your lips parted as you gasped silently. He hit a nerve and he knew it.
"I've been so needy all day mistress." His head moved to the crook of your neck. His soft kisses and breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine.
"Mistress please say something, I'm dying here-"
You brush past him and strode up the stairs. Hansol hesitated for a moment. He bit his lip, watching you as you disappeared onto the second floor. His heartbeat picked up in speed, it was finally happening. Hansol felt like he was going to explode from pent up frustration.
Watching how you slowly get irritated as the Eunbi's picked on you, how you almost constantly look completely focused and determined no matter what you're doing. It made him desperately want to make you squirm.
At least, before he found out your kink. Hansol had no sexual feelings towards you before he found out. One day he annoyed you one too many times and you pinned him against the wall of the library. No one saw the fire inside your eyes in the remote corners of that library. Everyone only knew you as the reticent girl who distanced herself from anything that didn't have to do with her studies.
Not the girl got off on watching someone squirm under her damning dominance.
Hansol slowly pushed open the door to your bedroom. Your usually toys were scattered all over the bed. He placed his hand on the cock ring. That was new. Hansol could feel heat in his pelvic area. He clenched his thighs instinctively. It occurred to him only then that he didn't see you in the room.
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Just as he was about to turn around, he heard the door shut. He grinned. Hansol's skin erupted in goosebumps when he felt your hands travel down his bare arms. You reach in front of him, gripping the hem of his t-shirt. You were about to peel it from his body, but you paused.
Hansol knew your were in dom-space when you were silent. He was always dying to know what was on your mind.
It made Hansol focus more on how you were making him feel. Like when you let go of his shirt and moved past it. You slid your cold fingers underneath his jeans. Hansol shuddered as your fingertips made contact with his lower abdomen only briefly before they moved under his pants.
You sighed, the first sound you'd made since you both got up here, when your fingers came in contact with his member. Hansol huffed and clenched his thighs. You pinch his thigh and Vernon gasped in surprise. He knew what it meant and he immediately reopened his legs.
You close your hand over his hard cock, relishing as he whimpered. Hansol opened his mouth to beg but you pinched him again. This was the hardest part, but Hansol knew he'd be rewarded for being good.
A few languid strokes through his boxers nearly made him forget about being rewarded. You look over his shoulder to watch your movements and how it made him squirm. Hansol knew he was doomed when you reached down further to cup his balls. His toes curled into the carpet and he took his lip in between his teeth. If he writhed or made anymore sound than what he was already doing, he could forget about cumming.
Deep breaths.
It was hard for you to hold in your smile. This is exactly what you wanted. You reveled in his sexual frustration. Words couldn't describe how tempting it was to give up and let him take you then and there.
However, that wouldn't be nearly as gratifying.
Hansol was holding up aggravatingly well. It was time to up the ante.
"Get on the bed."
Hansol shuddered and nodded. You step away from him and watch as he crawls up on the bed. He cleared a path through the toys and lied on his back in the middle.
The way he raised his arms over his head brought a small smile to your face. It was a good decision to leave his shirt on. This whole scene was beautifully submissive.
Kneeling on the bed, you grab the rope and secure Hansol's arms to the headboard. Your hands trail down his arms, to his torso, and landed at the hem of his pants again. This time you got rid of them. The speed at which you did so got Hansol excited. He was definitely about to be rewarded.
Hansol's thighs tense up as your rake your nails down them. His cock twitched whenever you got close enough. You enjoyed that reaction, triggering it many times until he began whimpering in protest.
"Are you ready to be rewarded?"
Hansol nodded eagerly. You sighed as if you weren't estatic to share this news you were about to share with him.
"That's too bad. I hope you're prepared for a new punishment."
"What? Why?"
Hansol knew when he heard you chuckle that he shouldn't have said anything.
"You and your big mouth." You tsk as you reach for the lube and squeeze some out on your hand. Hansol hissed when the gel made contact with his shaft.
It was the way you barely communicated with him and barely made contact that drove him crazy. He had to admit that it was an efficient punishment. Was it naughty for him to grind against your hand? He didn't know, but he didn't care. He tugged against his restraints, bottom lip raw from him nipping at it so much.
You noticed his breathing picking up and his eyes shutting suddenly, so you stopped. You quirked your eyebrow at him when you heard him groan.
"Are you agitated?" Hansol ignored you. Bad choice.
"Good thing you're being naughty. I've wanted to try these out for so long." You grab more rope and the cock ring. You smirk slyly to yourself. You pull both his legs straight and bound them to the bottom bed posts.
"You look so nice spread wide open to me." Your tongue swipes over your bottom lip as you examine him. His hair stuck to his forehead and his bottom lip swollen. Not to mention how fucking cute he was in that t-shirt.
With more lube on your hand, you moisten the cock ring and slide it over his shaft. His shaft began to throb when you secured the ring. The pent up frustration was driving him up the wall with no way to release it.
"Fuck you're driving me crazy."
"What was that?"
He was frustrated, you could see and feel it. You smiled to yourself. Now he felt the way he made you feel all the time. Time to enjoy every second of his torture.
"I bet you want to be stimulated now, huh?" You look up at him with faux pity in your eyes. Hansol doesn't answer, only looks at you begrudgingly. You peel his cock from his stomach and start twisting both your hands around it. His aura shifts, something tells you he's ready to be good for you again.
Short puffs of breath hit his balls as your face hovered over them. He flinched each time it happened. It felt like it was a bit early for you to be getting so aroused, but you couldn't help it. The way he clenched his eyes shut and moaned uncontrollably. He sounded so sinful yet sweet. You had to stop yourself giving in once again.
The higher pitched moans omitting from him meant he was close.
"Please- I don't want to cum like this. Please mistress, I wanna be inside of you." Hansol's voice cracked as he begged. He was hiding his face but you could still see how pink his cheeks were and how his face contorted.
Tsk tsk tsk. He knew he wasn't supposed to beg or speak for that matter until you asked. You slowed down your movements considerably and loosened your grip a bit. He whined, back arching off the bed.
"Jesus fuck-" He nearly sobbed at the loss of sweet friction.
"Be a good boy."
"Fuck that-"
It was an understatement to say he was caught by surprise when you suddenly stuffed his cock down your throat. He gruntly loudly, bucking into your mouth the best that he could. This isn't what he meant by being inside of you, but it was good for now.
The skin was raw on his wrists but that didn't stop him from pulling against them again. He clenched his fists tightly causing numerous thick veins to pop out on his forearm. You lingered there, enjoying the sounds spilling from his lips. The lack of eye contact on your end frustrated him beyond belief, but he knew better than to voice it. He bit his tongue and focused on how warm and wet the inside of your mouth felt. His cock throbbed, threatening to spill into your mouth.
You finally remove his cock from your mouth. You make direct eye contact as you wipe the saliva from your mouth. He swallows hard.
"You like that? You can speak now."
You smirk. "Beg for it if you want it again." Hansol jumped at the opportunity.
"Please? I want to feel your mouth again so bad."
"That's not good enough."
"Please, please mistress! I want you to do it again, please!"
"Do what again?"
"Put my cock in your mouth please? Please suck my cock." You nearly moaned hearing him whine for you like that. He was close to his breaking point.
That was only one thing he wanted, but he didn't want to push it. You knew what the other thing was, though. You pick up his cock again, swirling your tongue around the tip. His moans sounded like they came from the depths of his body. You were barely touching him.
You started to suck on his tip. Only then did you look up at him. He whimpered, bucking again. You hold his hips down and sink your head 'til your nose hit his stomach. All while still staring into his eyes. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. His mouth gaping open with no sound coming out.
He felt a pulsing heat in his pelvic area as you bobbed your head. He was close. The pleasure was immeasurable but he wanted your cunt desperately. He clenched his fists again, trying to fight away his urge to cum. Taking deep breaths, biting his lip harshly and clenching his eyes shut were the measures he took. Sadly, to no avail.
"F-fuck I'm-" he doesn't even finish before you're pulling away completely. His cock bobbed as cum erupted from the tip. He whines and whimpers loudly as he finishes his ruined orgasm. His cock throbbed a few more times before it fell limp.
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He threw his head back, letting it thud against the headboard.
"Fucking hell." He groaned
You shake your head at him as you untied him.
"That was fucked."
"You did it to yourself." You throw him a towel.
"Clean up and get out. I have shit to do."
"What, like study for the 80th time for one test?" He laughs teasingly.
"Shut the hell up." Your voice is threatening, but he doesn't flinch.
"Looks like you're still in dom-space. Hopefully it goes away before class tomorrow." He raised his eyebrows at the thought of your secret getting out.
"You know what? Hopefully it doesn't, so I can make you cum in your pants between classes and have to explain to the Eunbi's that you cum prematurely.~"
"Hey-" You wink at him and run out the room and slam the door before he could say anything.
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readingjunky · 3 years
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Melody is back! Fans of Sharon M. Draper's OUT OF MY MIND demanded to learn more about Melody, and the author heard the cries. OUT OF MY HEART returns to Melody and her speaking machine Elvira. They are ready to conquer new adventures.
It is summer vacation so Melody and her little sister Penny are spending a lot of their time with next door neighbor Mrs. V. She is keeping them entertained, but Melody wishes she could do more. On a trip to the library, Melody gets some research help from the librarian. She discovers there is a summer camp for kids like her with special needs. It is only a few hours away, and Melody is determined to find out if there are any openings left for this summer.
Her parents do their research, too, and decide it would be a wonderful opportunity for Melody. Before she knows it, she is off to a camp in the woods. It promises adventures like swimming, zip-lining, and even horseback riding.
Melody is thrilled to meet the three other girls who will share a cabin for the week. Each girl has her own individual camp counselor ready to take care of each girl's individual needs. Melody discovers that she loves swimming especially when she doesn't sink. She enjoys the boat ride and the nightly campfires under the stars. Most exciting is the horseback ride that turns out to be quite an adventure.
Most of all Melody loves the new friends she makes with her cabin mates and the other kids at the camp. She feels just like the kids she knows back at school who talk about their summer camp adventures. Author Sharon M. Draper reconnecting her readers with the amazing Melody is sure to inspire the courage and determination to conquer any of life's obstacles.
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November Picture Book Month
November Picture Book Month
Planning – The last two weeks of October, the librarian will use library class time to discuss picture books with students.  In grades K-2, the librarian will use class time to define a picture book, and show some awards that picture books may win.  In grades 3-5, the librarian will use class time to define a picture book, show awards books may receive, and discuss the criteria for these awards.  The librarian will create a “Picture Book Reading Log” and pass it out to students.  The librarian will use the library media center budget to gather prizes such as book marks, posters, and pencils for students who turn in a reading log, and one $50 gift card to Barnes and Noble for the raffle drawing.
Promotion – The librarian will use class time the last two weeks of October to promote this contest that will take place in November.  The librarian will also use social media to promote November Picture Book Month and encourage families to get involved with their child and this contest.  A display outside the library will showcase this month’s contest, and the librarian will send out a parent email through the school wide email system.
An example of the email may read:
Dear Parents,
I am excited to announce this month’s reading contest!  Did you know that the month of November is “Picture Book Month”?  Your child will have a “November Picture Book Month Reading Log”.  Every 5 picture books your child reads, they may bring down their reading log to enter their name in a drawing for the prize of a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card!  Your child will receive a small prize for every reading log they turn in AND every time they turn one in, their name is entered into the drawing! 
For more information about November Picture Book Month, follow the link below:
I look forward to hearing about all the amazing things your child is reading!
Happy reading everyone!
  Mrs. Davis
Library Media Specialist
Preparations – The librarian will prepare lessons to discuss picture books, rewards, and criteria for those rewards.  The librarian will pull several picture books on display to encourage readers.  The librarian will create the “November Picture Book Month Reading Log” and will use the budget for prizes.  Several copies of the reading logs will be available in the library and in individual classrooms. 
Procedures – After a student reads five picture books and has a signature from a parent or teacher, they will turn in their reading log to the librarian.  The student will receive a small prize such as a book mark or poster, and their name will immediately be placed in the drawing for the $50 gift card.  Every time a student turns in a bookmark, they will receive a prize and will have their name entered into the drawing.  The drawing will take place December 1st. 
Payoff – This program will benefit students by encouraging them to read, and aligns to the 21st Century Learning Standards Explore V. Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of topics, cultures, authors, etc. 
                                            Name:__________________________________  Homeroom:_______________
  November Picture Book Month
Reading Log
      Directions:  Read FIVE picture books and turn your card in for a prize!  Every card turned in will put your name in a drawing for a $50 gift card to Barns and Noble!  Parent or teacher signatures are required.  All cards must be turned in by _________________.
Happy reading!
Picture Book Month. (0AD). Retrieved from http://picturebookmonth.com/
  (n.d.). Standards Framework. Retrieved from https://standards.aasl.org/framework/
0 notes
thevalkyriesonline · 6 years
Nine Worlds; One Valkyries Trip To London’s Inclusive Fan Convention
Conventions appeal to different fans for different reasons, whether it be comic con, a game expo, YouTube/Blogger convention or whatever the medium but one common factor in all of these conventions is the possibility to meet other like-minded fans! As well as hopefully getting the chance to meet your idols! 
There is a Con though that really thrives on fans, it is called Nine Worlds (London’s Inclusive Fan Culture Convention). A Con with a difference – the difference being it is made by fans for fans to meet other fans and just enjoy and celebrate their fandom in all it’s crazy geekiness.
It has been going since 2013 when it was first set up but I only heard about it last summer (2017) when I discovered that one talk held there was titled “It’s research! Or Why it is ok to play over 100 hours of Dragon Age when you really should be writing.” This, as a huge Dragon Age fan since discovering Inquisition, spoke to me on a level that none of my immediate friends understood or appreciated. Unfortunately I was unable to attend Nine Worlds in 2017, but the fact that there was a time and place to have such a discussion on such a unique fan-based topic inspired me to endeavor to attend in 2018. So as soon as the Early Bird Tickets became available I put my money where my heart wanted me to and I began to plan and save for a big solo adventure to London for Nine Worlds 2018.
I also made another bold and brave and foolish decision to sign up as a Content Provider for Nine Worlds 2018!
Why? – because why not? I have been a mega reader, hoarder and fan of all fiction featuring, adapting or retelling Norse Mythology for years and Nine Worlds provided me with the ideal and probably only platform where I could take the chance to share my enthusiasm and passion for the genre of Norse Fantasy. The Nine Worlds Team accepted my proposal, so, on top of saving for the hotel room on-site and booking train travel I also had to plan a lecture/talk – I was both really nervous and really excited! The months, weeks and days soon dwindled down to departure day and then I was off down to London for what I hoped would be a fun and busy weekend.
Now on to the fun bit – the various sessions and events and panel discussions! These were the ones I attended but over 50 were held each day of the convention so this is just a small sample of what fandom and genres were covered.
Session One – LARP (Live Action Role Play). Speakers; Penny Jackson, Adam Dinwoodie, Mx RA Madgwick and Haplocke Spence
As I am attending my first ever LARP event, set in the world of Dragon Age in November this was a must for me! The panel was made up of experienced and new-ish LARP players and they gave a great insight into how LARP’ing works, the various types and systems involved, clothing and equipment, rules for both play and player protection and more.
Session Two – The Only Toilet in Thedas. Speakers; Sarah Gordon, Phil Dyson, Angela Cleland
Now who couldn’t resist that title? Especially when you are a Dragon age fan. This panel discussion was the most interesting because it covered not just the world of games but also of books, TV and Film. It made me realize how much in Fantasy the practical matters of hygiene from toilets to sewers to bathing are just not address yet in Sci-Fi it’s more visible. The panel discussed whether it was a taboo or simply a matter of too much detail on a very personal and private matter – for instance do you want to know how long the hero, heroine, villain or indeed any character takes on the toilet? If they wash their hands or not? – but then again social, religious and cultural practices exist even within the bathroom and so perhaps it should be represented more?
Session Three – Know Thy Enemy. Speakers; Adrian Tchaikovsky, Jeanette Ng, Ms Anna Stephens
This was a panel debate all about the nature and representation of Villains. I found it fascinating to discuss Villains and their nature, one panel member made the very good point on how it is wrong to see the Villain as the champion of Chaos and the Hero of Order for it is in fact the other way around. In many scenarios across all mediums it is the Villain that has established some type of order whether through politics, society, culturally or religious or just geographically or financially but it is the Hero who emerges to disrupt that form of order and thus bring about chaos. This made me instantly think of Katniss in the Hunger Games, she is rebelling against the ruling society and its cultural practice of the Games and thus brings war to the capital city and thus chaos. Another issue discussed was whether the viewer/reader must be sympathetic towards Villains. The panel debated hard on this topic and in the end agreed that sympathy isn’t necessary for a Villain to be a true villain or a good villain but what is necessary is that the viewer/reader gets a sense of the Villain’s journey to their villainy – they must see where, how and why the character has become the Villain, whether for good or bad, and so enjoy the Villain’s redemption or come-uppance by the hero.
Session Four – D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) for Young People. Speaker; Elizabeth Prais
In my day job as a college Librarian I had recently learned of a lunch-time Dungeons and Dragons group being set up by a teacher after some students expressed an interest. So, I was eager to learn more tips and tricks to either host such a group in the Library or pass on to my colleague. The lady who hosted this session hailed from America and was very open about how she ran her local residential D&D group for her daughter and some local children. She gave some great recommendations and advice on timing, kit, planning, preparation and how to adjust and adapt the large and complex set of rules for a younger more impatient audience.
Session Five – Philosophy and Mass Effect. Speaker; Michael Duxbury, Emily Marlow
Now this was the first session I wasn’t entirely clued up on as I myself am still stuck half way through playing Mass Effect 2 by Bioware so a lot of the moral/ethical dilemmas they talked about I hadn’t actually experienced yet, or I couldn’t remember what I chose in the ones I was familiar with. Yet it was interesting and food for thought on how the scenarios were portrayed, and the fixed set of options provided resulted in the moral and ethics becoming such a personal dilemma for players. It wasn’t always a case of choosing the lesser of two evils but how the player and indeed the character depending on their Renegade to Hero balance would pick. Some panel members and indeed people in the audience felt that more choices would improve and increase the dilemma levels instead of just A or B. The panel also discussed how often, at least amongst themselves, they would pick based on the benefit or not long term, not the short term and play with a view of working towards achieving success or a goal.
Session Six – Beyond Marvel and DC – What comics you should be reading. Speakers; Angie Wenham, Stephen Lacey, Kate Barton, Ram V
The panel mentioned a great many titles, artists, apps and webcomics that they recommended as alternatives to Marvel/DC and then invited the audience to contribute. I recommended Nimona* by Noelle Stevenson  and I Hate Fairy Land by Skottie Young.
* Interested in Nimona? Check out our review! 
I Hate FairyLand
Session Seven – Disney Sing-A-Long
This was the true highlight for me as an eternal child thanks to the magic of Disney. I wasn’t the only adult in the room, it was a very popular event and there were children of all ages and their parents and even a few Disney cosplayers too. We were all able to sing-a-long via screen projecting the words, or handouts or follow a link online. A whole range of songs was sung and Frozen ‘Let It Go’ proved to be a major popular one with a member of Con Staff leading a friendly stage invasion and then everyone proudly showed off all the right moves to the lyrics. I honestly was in tears with joy as some of the most powerful songs were sung by young and old alike.
The final event I will review was the FABULOUS MMORPG SHOW. Speaker; Misha Anker, Paul Flannery
Which was a blend of audience power and D&D – we basically had the Game Master who set up a story, invited some members of the audience to join him on stage and fill in character sheets but they had to be as unconventional as possible and then he would invite the audience to provide character names, objects, powers etc. to the story narrative and the players would roll a giant D20 (20-sided dice) to determine the outcome. This was a whole lot of fun and silliness and the story involved a Bee with a Human Leg, a Swarm of Wasps and a Wizard whose greatest spell was making Jam, they had to find the Cheese Board for the Duck of Doom! You had to be there to believe the story and it was amazingly resolved within the 1 hour and a half session.
Norse Fantasy, My own presentation! 
Was scheduled bright and early on a Saturday morning the night after the first big disco (alas Becky did not go dancing due to a very painful wisdom tooth spoiling things) and yet the room quickly filled up much to my delight. Despite not having the colorful presentation I spent hours on, due to not having my own laptop to plug into the screen, I was still able to explain, explore and introduce so many of my favourite authors and titles to a new audience. Some of the audience also proved to be fellow fans of many of them and a good number took photographs of my favourite title list to go away with to look at later and thanked me for the session, which was an awesome feeling. I was even complimented on my choice of t-shirt for the session – my own Valkyrie t-shirt from Redbubble. It says, “Valkyrie of Odin – Midgard Original – Since 793”. If you are interested in my presentation, I am planning on doing a written version of it for the Valkyries Blog so stay tuned!
Last but not least was the fab mini Geek Market that was on all weekend and as it was also my birthday, I indulged myself in another t-shirt from Genki Gear, some D&D themed tea, tea strainer and mug, two new bookmarks, some funky acrylic necklaces featuring a book and a fox in a bin, some super cute little clay keyrings of Flynn Rider, Thor and Pizza and of course BOOKS! Each attendee got a surprise free book in their bag, but I got two based on libraries and books, The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman and Bookworm by Christopher Nuttall – expect a review on here once I have got around to enjoying them.
Now the managing team have recently stepped down to consult with attendees and invite new members, as they are reviewing their constitution to try and make it more inclusive and representative of those who attend. Although from what I witnessed their inclusive and equality practices were out of this world compared to other cons I’ve been too. I do hope the new organizers can continue what has already been established and continue to make improvements where they feel it is needed. I for one enjoyed it all – despite my wisdom tooth being a very literal pain throughout – for I definitely would attend again.
Did you attend Nine Worlds? What did you think? What was your favourite presentation?
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A Valkyrie at Nineworlds! @london_geekfest #nineworlds Nine Worlds; One Valkyries Trip To London's Inclusive Fan Convention Conventions appeal to different fans for different reasons, whether it be comic con, a game expo, YouTube/Blogger convention or whatever the medium but one common factor in all of these conventions is the possibility to meet other like-minded fans!
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brvdges · 7 years
focus | peter parker
Title: Focus
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: loosely based on Focus by H.E.R; in which peter gets so distracted by the stark internship that he almost forgets about his girl
Warnings: explosions, spoilers for Homecoming if you still haven't seen it, arguing (?)
Word Count: 1196
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
"I have to go I've got the--"
"Stark internship." You mumble to yourself, as your boyfriend collects his things at the sound of the last bell. All you wanted was to spend time with him. Between the fact that you no longer shared classes together and Peter's surprise internship, it was practically impossible.
Anytime you two spent together was ended at the end of the school day -- promptly 3:25 everyday. You both had a free period last period that you liked to use to study. However less than twenty minutes ago, your boyfriend had been nowhere to be found. Even Ned didn't know of his whereabouts and if he did, he didn't tell you.
Then Peter suddenly popped up in front of you as he had never disappeared, talking excitedly about his latest adventures with the internship -- how he got to meet War Machine, Vision, and even Spider-Man the day before. Just as quickly as he had come however, he was leaving.
"I'll see you later for our date, okay?" He flashes a dopey smile as he slings his bag over his shoulder and plants a kiss on your cheek. You nod as he hurriedly leaves, you sit at the library table left alone with your biology textbook.
You sigh in defeat, resting your chin on your hand. You had barely spoken two words the entire time due to his  excitement.  You figured it'd be okay though.
Even if you didn't get to study together, you'd still see him tonight at least. The thought made your heart swell with joy, it had been awhile since you two had gone on a date. A few months ago, Pete had started acting weird and secretive -- not to mention he was completely destroyed after Uncle Ben's death.
It had taken him awhile to return to the normal swing of things, but when he did you were grateful. Especially when he asked you on a date tonight and while as excited as you were, part of you worried for him. Tony Stark seemed to be wearing him thin, so much so his grades began slipping.
Taking Peter's cue, you figure its time to leave anyway and start packing your things. You slide on your jacket and wave goodbye to the librarian before hurrying to catch the train home to get ready.
Tears welled in your eyes as you walked down the chilly Queens streets. It had been over two hours since Peter had promised to meet you. The waiter had passed your table three times, offering water or wondering if you wanted to order. Each time you had shaken your head no, hoping he'd show any minute.
After the fourth time, you'd given in and order yourself some chocolate cake to take home. What you needed now was a hot shower, the cake and some Charmed reruns.
You wiped a few tears from your eyes, wishing he'd stop whatever the hell he was doing long enough to call. Two hours! You waited two whole hours! And he didn't even have the nerve to text or call.
Down the block was Delmar's where you were sure he was prepping to close up for the night. You figured you'd stop in and say goodnight -- that was until a piercing blue beam from the bank across the street completely destroyed the small sandwich shop.
"Help!" The distressing scream left your mouth at the sight as more tears welled in your eyes. Your takeout bag fell to the ground forgotten as you ran towards the shop, hoping to find Mr. Delmar and Murphy still alive. It seemed however that Spider Man had beaten you to it and within seconds they were all outside.
"Are you alright?" he asked Mr. Delmar who was coughing heavily as his lungs adjusted to the fresh air. Familiarity hit you, you knew that voice and it seemed he had finally noticed your presence when you realized who it belonged to.
You scowled as more tears fell, he handed Murphy to Mr. Delmar, "H-here." You hurried past them and towards home. You could hear the sounds of him running behind you,  "Y/N! Wait!"
He caught up with you and pulled the two of you in a nearby alleyway. He snatched off the mask, his brown curls matted down from the suit and confirming your suspicions. He went to hold you, but you wouldn't let him, "Don't touch me!"  You spat.
His shoulders slumped at the hurt on your face, "How could you leave me sitting there looking ridiculous for almost two hours? And not even text? Call?"
Peter frowned as more tears freed themselves from your E/C eyes, "And how?" you started hitting him on the arm, you weren't weak but he didn't seem even the slightest bit fazed. "Could?" Another frustrated hit, you were now a mess of emotions, "You? Be? So? Stupid?!"
The yelling and the hitting didn't bother him, but seeing you so hurt did.
"What the hell, Peter?" You yelled, "Is this what you do all night? Run around, serving justice to criminals with no regard to your own safety?" You sniffled. "And you didn't ever think to tell me?" Your emotions overcame you as your shoulders began to shake uncontrollably.
Peter gasped, his own brown eyes that were beginning to water widened in realization. In his eagerness to prove himself to Stark, he had been abandoning his girl. He had been distant for months, never really spending time with you, he stopped taking you out on dates and when finally he did, he stood you up.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry! I've been treating you like crap these last few months. I don't know why you haven't -- Why did you stick around?" He asked, why did you stick around?  You shook your head in disbelief, "Don't you get it, Peter? You'd think after almost a year of dating you'd realize--" you shout, sniffling once more.
"I love you." You sigh, wiping away tears. His face softened at your words, the two of you had been dating for almost ten months, but had yet to say it. "And honestly this shit scares me!" you continue, gesturing to his suit. But he's still stuck on those three words, "Y-You love me?"
You chuckle dryly, "Of course I do, Peter. I care about you a lot and I don't wanna see you hurt." His heart hurts when he hears you say that and slowly leans in for a hug which you allow, "I'm so sorry that I've been treating you this way." He's crying too now and you know that he's sincere.
"I've been such a douche lately and I hope you can forgive me. I don't know what I'd do without you, I've hurt you so badly," he mumbles sadly. "I love you so much, Y/N."
"I love you too, Peter." You reassure him, looking down you noticed a burn on his hip, "You're bleeding!" You pull away from the hug to examine his wound, "Its nothing, I'm fine." He grunts as you touch it lightly, "Nice try. Let's get home and get you cleaned up, Spidey." You laugh, kissing his cheek.
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willreadforbooze · 5 years
Hello fellow boozie readers!
If you haven’t heard about #Booziebookathon, it’s our week long readathon we host every year! It starts on July 27th and runs to Aug 3rd. Check out all the details here!
Sam’s Update:
What a whirlwind of a week. It felt like I didn’t get much reading done, but apparently I did. It’s also Medieval-a-thon!!! Check my TBR here.
What Sam finished this week:
Medieval-a-thon Cape: Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix by Julie C. Dao: This is the follow up to Forest of a Thousand Lanterns. I thought I’d like this more than the first one but i just didn’t. This felt very collect-the-objects to me, and I just could NOT get into it.
Medieval-a-thon Crown: The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang: This was so good. So so good. So many content warnings, but so good. I don’t want to say too much here cause Drunk Sam wants a shot at it first.
What Sam’s reading now:
  Medieval-a-thon Breastplate: The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi: Listening on audio, and I’d forgotten that Will Wheaton narrates it. I am not very far, but I already love it.
Medieval-a-thon Daggers: Eclipse the Skies by Maura Milan: I’ve been dying for this since Ignite the Stars and I am v v excited. We were selected to be a part of the blog tour for this by Caffeine Tours so I gotta gets my reading innnn.
Ginny’s Update:
For once this is a pretty short list of things (Sam you’re welcome? There aren’t too many things to find). I might have fallen back into playing an ungodly amount of Skyrim so the reading has been cut a little bit short. That being said, I still managed to knock out a few things. And of course bought some new books because I have a problem and that problem is the book tree in my room is looking lopsided from my pulling random books out of it to read and I need to rebuild it. If you’re going to rebuild something you might as well make it bigger!
Currently Reading:
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi: I’m like two pages in so I don’t really know whats going on yet but Sam loves this.
Beyond the Empire by K.B. Wagers: My review for the first book just came out (see it here!). This is the third book in the series and very short synopsis, Hail has to continue being her badass self. 
Midas Flesh by Ryan North: This was billed as a comedy and while parts of it are funny this book was dark as fuck! I was not expecting it. Still the book is interesting, the fallout of King Midas turning everything to gold was really interesting to think about far far into the future. The artwork was great. I thought some of the characterization felt rushed and for whatever reason I wasn’t super drawn into the story.3/5
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score by Cat Sebastian:This book was cute, all about people trying to figure out how they can live their lives in a society where they don’t really fit without giving up themselves. I really enjoyed the end and I liked the dynamics between so many of the characters. Hartley’s friends/house people were delightful, and I loved Sam’s brother and bestie. 4/5 
Minda’s Update:
You may have heard the news—I’m pregnant! So all the booze is staying on the shelf for the foreseeable future 
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 and you’ll only get Reviews for Two 
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What Minda finished: 
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Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon – Once I got started I could not put this book down! It was so so good. My girl Kammani made some mistakes, but she really came to a reckoning before it was too late. Stay tuned for the official review and thanks again to Net Galley for the ARC! 
What Minda is reading now:
Tiger Queen by Annie Sullivan – Wasn’t enjoying as much as I thought I would, so was jumped by Gravemaidens. Still liking it though!
All the Water in the World by Karen Raney – An ARC I picked up at ALA dropping 8/6 about mother-daughter duo overcoming some major challenges.
Linz’s Update:
Oh just all the things happened this week, and I drank more than I meant to but at least some reviews got done? Just one more week til vacay…
What Linz read
The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal: Debut historical thriller and also a love story. I got an advanced copy at ALA and I LOVE this book. I’ve already lent it to a girlfriend. Review def to come.
The Heartwood Crown by Matt Mikalatos: Got an ARC from BookCon for this sequel to The Crescent Stone. For me, this was definitely a different book from Crescent Stone, but I really enjoyed it and I love the direction the series is taking.
Bunny by Mona Awad: Kinda like Mean Girls, but Lindsay Lohan is a grad student in an exclusive writing program, and the Plastics are far more into developing their Work and the Process than wearing pink on Wednesday. Oh also it’s real dark and weird. Review to come as well.
What Linz is reading now
I finished Bunny yesterday and I’ve spend this morning repeatedly staring at my bookshelf trying to figure out what to read now and what to hold on until Booziebookathon. I need a librarian. And a nap.
Until next time, we remain forever drunkenly yours,
Sam, Melinda, Linz, and Ginny
Weekly Wrap-Up: July 9-14, 2019 #willreadforbooze Hello fellow boozie readers! If you haven't heard about #Booziebookathon, it's our week long readathon we host every year!
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ecass33-blog · 5 years
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Evaluation of book:
The Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting by Joe Ballarini
Book Review by Erin Cassani
The Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting plays into the long-told story of monsters living under your bed. Kelly Ferguson is forced to babysit on Halloween night and she is not thrilled about it. When her boring babysitting night takes a turn, it is up to Kelly to save the kid and not embarrass herself in front of everyone. Kelly uses and ancient handbook to assist her in battling the Boogeyman!
Aspect 1: The illustrations in this book were all black and white. By making all the illustrations in the text black and white the readers get a sense of the mood the text. The cover of the book alone sets the mood of the book and lets readers know what kind of book they will be reading.    
Aspect 2: The overstatements in this text make it fun and exciting to read. Kelly, the babysitter is often yelling and fighting. The readers can almost hear the main character yelling at the Boogeyman. Typically, when overstatements are in writing it makes the writing too obvious and does not require the reader to think much, but this book is different.
Aspect 3: On thing that made this text so entertaining was because of the believability factor. Everyone knows that the Boogeyman is not real and that monsters do not actually live under your bed but the author is able to convince the readers that this is really happening by the dramatics he adds within his writing.
                 What does this book have to do with you personally?
                 For me, I spent most of my teenage years babysitting. I cannot imagine reading this book as a young girl who is going to go babysit. I think it is fun to read a text that pertains to you and where you can find a way to relate to the main character in the story. If I had read this as a teenager, I would have put myself in that situation.
What is your overall reaction to this text?
                 When I picked up this book, I was not too excited to read it. I am normally not a fan of horror books or sci-fi books and this one is a little bit of both. After reading. I have changed my mind. I enjoyed reading this entire book. I thought it was very entertaining.
How well does it address things that you, personally, care about and consider important to the world?
                 This text addresses the importance of having an imagination. When children are able to dig deep into their imagination in order to read or write, the result is beautiful. I am so glad that authors are writing book that continue to spark the imagination of young readers.  
 I really enjoyed reading this book. I wish that the book had more illustrations, but overall a good read. I would rate this book 4 starts out of 5 and recommend it to the librarian to put on the shelfs.  
Ballarini, J., & To, V. (2017). A babysitters guide to monster hunting. New York: Katherine Tegen Books.
Ballarini, J.  (2017) A babysitters guide to monster hunting cover [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Babysitters-Guide-Monster-Hunting-Monsters/dp/0062437836
0 notes
evelynzumaya · 5 years
The following is my response to a post made by Simon Constable on his blog “His Fame Still Lives” . 
In 1923, Rudolph Valentino hired George Ullman as a business manager. One of Ullman's first orders of business was to fire Valentino's attorney, Arthur Butler Grahm. According to Ullman, Grahm was extorting Valentino by holding a secret, confidential file on Valentino as security he would receive a $27,000.00 payment for his services rendered. Grahm threatened to release the file to the public if he was not paid in full. 
When Ullman took over, he hired Max Steuer to represent Valentino and together they demanded Grahm surrender Valentino's confidential file. For a payment of $10,000.00, a deal was struck and the file was at last in Ullman's hands. The file contained what I believe are the documents presented by Constable in his post, as clippings, police reports and other documents referring to the arrest of Valentino on September 5th, 1916.
This arrest took place in a house of allegedly ill-repute owned by a Georgia Thym. Throughout the years the story of the arrest has been clouded in mystery and primarily because Valentino wanted it that way.  With the existing material available, biographers have reported a version of events which does not really vary much in detail. Valentino was there, arrested and taken in as a material witness. His bail was soon reduced and he was released with no charges filed. 
Coincidentally, just days prior to his arrest, Valentino delivered testimony in the high-profile divorce hearing of New York socialite, Blanca DeSaulles; a woman he was allegedly having an affair with and a woman he would later admit to having been the great love of his life. Blanca DeSaulles' husband, John Longer DeSaulles was a powerful businessman and it has been and still is believed that he orchestrated Valentino's arrest as an act of revenge. 
The file of documents Ullman took possession of about this entire incident was never revealed publicly and mention of that arrest was not a part of Valentino's official story. It would have surely killed his career and reputation and he could also have been deported back to Italy. 
I have reported how Ullman, later in his life, gave papers and artifacts from his years as Valentino's manager to Valentino memorabilia collector Bill Self. Now I wonder; was this confidential file among those papers?  When Bill Self passed on some years ago did this file fall into the hands of some behind-the-scenes collector? And how did Simon Constable come to have it now? And why does he feel it believable for him to lay out a poorly-constructed, convoluted narrative in which he portrays himself as some intrepid sleuth, discovering all of these documents one by one and all without mentioning the location of a single one? I do not believe Constable discovered these documents. I believe he somehow gained access to the confidential file which Ullman negotiated to gain possession of in 1923. 
The problem with this revelation by Constable is that he does not reveal the documents in their entirety and appears to instead post small excerpts and clips from but a few pages. Why did he not post the entire file so the questions remaining could be answered?
I formed my opinion that Constable did not discover these documents while reading the first few opening lines of his post as he claimed “someone” at the New York Public Library sent him to a “room in a building on the 7th floor” where he found all of this waiting for him. What building? Where? I have conducted years of searches in archives both in the US and in Italy and when I find a document I am excited to tell people where it is housed. It also is the only way to establish the authenticity of the discovery. Constable does no such thing. 
In failing to do so, he creates more questions than he attempts to answer and establishes no authentication for the discovery at all. Because of this, I question the provenance of the file which Constable alleges to have found himself. How plausible is it that this case file which was reportedly destroyed, or in the least well-hidden and by Valentino himself would be so easily found by Constable and in a room just somewhere in New York City.
I pose the following questions about Constable's alleged discovery:
Where is the location for the alleged archive of these documents? Are we, readers to believe  an archival discovery of such importance is housed in a “room in a building on the 7th floor” somewhere in New York?
Are these documents, alleged to be at this location, available to the public or were they only shown to Constable?
Are all of the documents Constable alleges to have discovered, including Valentino's case v. the publishing company which Constable reports to be some 30 pages long, the transcript of Valentino's testimony at a later hearing, the partial document he posted with a heading of “Appearances”, are these all housed in this same mysterious room on the 7th floor somewhere in New York?
How did Constable know to ask the librarian about the lawsuit Valentino filed v. the publishing company if he discovered this in the 7th floor mystery room after he spoke with the librarian?
Constable says he “hurried to the place” where he could access the Supreme Court Clerk's minutes. Where is this located?
How could someone at the New York Public Library know about the whereabouts of an attorney's files from 1916?
How did Constable come to the conclusion that because Valentino claimed he lived at the address where he was arrested, that there were no prostitutes there and he did not come there for sex? This is something he just interjects without a source cited.
Where are the articles 1-9, or “I – IX” which  he references from the alleged Valentino testimony document but does not include in its entirety?
What is the document citation for the testimony of Valentino?
What is the document citation for the excerpt posted as “Appearances”.
Why did he not scan and share all the documents?
Why did Constable not share any of the testimony about the corset and the “laying of a trap”?
What is the citation of the first document posted?
Constable opens his post by saying that this incident in Valentino's life was, 'an occurrence so awful and unforgettable” and then fairly salivates throughout his sensational and self-serving article. This lack of sensitivity to the content of this file immediately establishes his reason for sharing the small bits of this story that he does. I found his tone cheapened the entire presentation. This was an event in Valentino's life he worked desperately to hide and I imagine Constable's post would not be a welcome read for Valentino.  Of course when documents are discovered, the history will change, but I allege this post by Constable was contrived to grant maximum importance to himself and not the material. It is my assessment that this was not a discovery but a revelation of a file of documents which Constable saw as his opportunity to grandstand; a file which was kept secret all these years out of respect for Valentino. 
I, of all people, appreciate the historical discovery but also realize the seriousness of bringing forth those skeletons in a subject's life. There have been other discoveries revealing the difficulties in Valentino's early years. It is now known he contracted a venereal disease from prostitutes as a teenager in Italy, as he himself admitted in a letter to a friend, and I presented evidence of a heavy contention between Valentino and his brother. With every discovery I shared the documents in their entirety as well as the location of the archive. Why would anyone do otherwise? But the disturbing dynamic evident in Constable's post, is his lack of citing the archival location, his failure to share the documents in their entirety nor what I feel is the story of their truthful provenance. 
Despite this, I found it curious that Constable, perhaps unwittingly, provides substantial evidence about two important points in the current history of Rudolph Valentino.
In the alleged document cited as the Publishing Company lawsuit, Valentino was accused of having illegal sexual intercourse with a married woman in the apartment where he was arrested.  Despite this accusation and his arrest, no charges were filed, his bail reduced and he walked away. As someone who has researched and studied Valentino for some two decades, I do not believe he engaged in extortion and I feel he was innocent as the testimony from Valentino, which Constable does share, confirms.
It is not out of his character to have enjoyed the company of prostitutes and even in the most recent publication by my husband Renato Floris, The True Rudolph Valentino by Baltasar Cue, Valentino's predilection for casual sex with many women is revealed.  But in no stretch of any imagination can it be believed that he was an evil blackmailer, setting the women he made love to up in vicious sting operations. I contend this arrest was a set up by John DeSaulles as the scorned husband still furious over Valentino's damning testimony. Constable believes that if DeSaulles was involved, his name would have appeared. Considering the power of DeSaulles in New York at the time, this is certainly not the case. Not at all. Valentino then filed a lawsuit to clear his name which I believe Ullman could logically have stopped at some point in 1923, no doubt seeing it could do more harm that good. I also wonder if the litigation filed by Valentino was a strategy to prevent being deported. 
In the small selections Constable shares from these documents, he does reveal the detailed reports of Valentino having sexual intercourse with women and his being accused of taking women to this apartment to have sex with them.  In revealing the allegations and details of Valentino's sexual intercourse with women at the location of the arrest, I believe Simon Constable has finally lowered the curtain on the Valentino was gay question. 
Secondly Constable has thoroughly debunked a statement made by Tracy Terhune about Valentino's financial situation in that time frame. Terhune claims that at that time Valentino did not have “two nickels to rub together”.  As Constable now reveals, Valentino reported in his lawsuit v. the publishing company, that his annual income from dancing was $12,500.00 a year, (x today's currency exchange rate of x 13 this would have been over $160,000.00.) Even if the lawyer was exaggerating this figure, this is far more than two nickels. Constable has proven Tracy Terhune wrong.
What is there to take away from Constable's post? I believe the only new information he shares is that Valentino sued the Star Company, Inc., Sun  Print & Publishers Assoc.  I think everyone familiar with the saga knows Valentino was there at this apartment and that something untoward took place. In his careful parsing of those documents he alleges to have in his possession, Constable has not contributed sufficient new details  to create much of a new scenario.
Constable pads his narrative with many articles found in his Google searching other cases which are similar. In this ploy he feigns authority on the subject but as it does not contribute to the actual documentation presented about Valentino's case, it only renders his article excruciatingly difficult to read. Constable says that sources are available on request? I am requesting that all of this file, every document he has access to, be available online with the location where they can be accessed publicly.
Has Constable now accomplished what Rudolph Valentino's crooked attorney Arthur Grahm threatened to do in releasing this file to the public? Grahm demanded a pay off to surrender the file in 1923 and this week it appears to have found its way into the hands of Simon Constable. In not sharing the entire file, Constable in my opinion is complicit with Grahm in that he is attempting to exploit Valentino's tragic arrest. This important file should have been presented in its entirety and with great respect and not utilized as some opportunity to write a cheesy and sensational narrative where Constable takes all the credit for the discovery. This is not the first time he has taken credit for other's discoveries. He has on at least two occasions attempted to take credit for my research. 
I call on him to post all of the documentation with its location as he claims he found this all in public archives. His failure to do so is his admittance that this blog post is by and large a piece of poorly written fiction. 
In closing I want to inform Simon Constable that Valentino was not a fake Italian nobleman.
As Valentino ancestry scholar Professor Aurelio Miccoli explained in our podcast episode on this; Valentino was entitled to use the title “dei marchesi”.  
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classicfilmfreak · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.classicfilmfreak.com/2017/11/09/adventure-1945-with-clark-gable-and-greer-garson/
Adventure (1945) with Clark Gable and Greer Garson
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Gable’s Back ! And Garson’s Got Him ! What A Battling Sizzling Love Team !
Everybody figured when Clark Gable returned from serving in World War Two that he’d pick up his movie career right where he left off. His first foray back onto the screen was 1945’s Adventure, featuring a mini-male reunion of 1939’s Gone with the Wind with Victor Fleming, Harry Davenport and Thomas Mitchell all coming together in addition to Gable himself. Adventure is definitely a Victor Fleming picture and his direction makes it surely a bit better than it otherwise might deserve. Fleming’s only misstep is perhaps an overuse of rear projection, much of which hasn’t aged well, but that’s a minor detail.
Unfortunately Adventure fails to excite, though technically it’s a well produced picture. Perhaps the weakest part is the plot. It features the underdeveloped story of a merchant marine captain (Gable) who has a woman in every port finally meeting his true love (Greer Garson) in the library while trying to find a way for one of his crew members (Thomas Mitchell) to regain his soul. But before linking up with Garson, Gable briefly also dates her roommate (Joan Blondell).
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Gable and Garson galavant around a farm, stealing a few chickens for dinner and other tepid fare before running off to Reno for a quick wedding. On realizing that Gable’s unrequited love of the sea and his other girls means that Garson will only see her new husband once or twice a year, she requests a divorce. Only after returning to the sea and getting Mudgin (Thomas Mitchell) his soul back does Gable realized that Garson is something special and returns to her for a revealing reunion in the finale.
It takes a little over two hours to cover this ground and Adventure would have been better served with a tighter run time. In spite of Fleming’s excellent direction and composition (including one shot of Garson and Gable’s first kiss which is lit and framed almost identically to a similar shot in GWTW), the cast simply can’t carry this light load that long with much integrity. For a movie titled Adventure there is surprisingly little…. er, well…..adventure.
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Greer Garson is a curious choice as Gable’s love interest here. This is their only onscreen pairing and they simply don’t click. Not even appearing for the first twenty minutes or so, her character seems a poor fit for Gable: a bookish and quiet librarian paired with a carousing sea captain. Perhaps there’s a hidden message there, but if so it’s never really developed. The character also flip flops quite a bit with the more extroverted moments feeling forced and artificial. She’s a dour librarian one minute and in the next she’s bashing a plate over Gable’s head in a brawl. Her flip from blissful newlywed to eager divorcee to jilted lover running down the wharf is also confusing. A better option might have been to give Blondell the Garson role and eliminate Blondell’s original role altogether.
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Joan Blondell’s no longer quite as bubbly as she is in her numerous early 1930’s roles with Warners but she’s got more than enough for what’s required in this, a clearly MGM production. There’s an energy and life to her performance and once can see her being easily a much better fit for Gable- now she’s someone you can see him falling for and giving up his life on the sea for. Sadly her efforts are mostly wasted in a throwaway role which is completely unneeded in the story line.
Gable looks like he didn’t miss a beat and it’s another strong performance for him, especially in the scene where he and Mudgin (Thomas Mitchell) head into the library. Here Gable mocks most of the philosophical platitudes etched into the library, continuing as they peruse a book in the library as well, perilously shouting down the other readers. He seems to realize as well that he isn’t clicking with Garson, though he gives it his all.
Gable picks up without losing a beat from his prewar films, carousing, having some good brawls, and also laughing along catching chickens with Garson. Though Adventure is usually cited as confirmation of Gable’s end as the King of Hollywood, it’s hard to fault him here given what (and who) he had to work with.
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Thomas Mitchell as Mudgin also presents us with some challenges. For once, Mitchell is given a bit more to do than in most of his roles as here he can be a ‘philosophical’ drunk as opposed to just a normal one. He’s one of the characters we might want to hear a bit more of, especially his backstory. He is likely the voice of reason in the picture- and Gable’s conscience- though this too isn’t really well developed or even addressed.
Though Adventure was profitable on release it was considered a bit of a flop. The performances are all outstanding, notwithstanding the lack of chemistry between Gable and Garson. If there is a critical weakness to the picture, it’s definitely the poorly developed plot, which tends to have a bit more fluff perhaps than needed and muddies the water unconscionably with Greer Garson’s seemingly constant changes of heart (and direction).
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