#uuuuhhhhh what was my main tag again
phase0exe · 1 year
rotates tails doll in my brain like a potato in the microwave
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eurazba · 5 years
Shipping Game
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
Tagged by: @somethingscarlet13 thanks!!!
1. Hammerhunter (Joby)
2. Jlaireby
3. Ruscan
4. Vegamarch
5. Rintori
6. FinnPoe
7. Adrialyanetteno
8. Alyanette
9. Romanada
10. Spiritassassin
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? Finnpoe
jkfjlhsfjklgdk, Literally the first scene when Finn takes off his mask and faces Poe I literally went “haha, I ship them” in the theater not really aware of how their stories would progress or that they were main characters (I went into the new Star Wars completely blind). And then it was all downhill from there, the jacket scene was a definite no going back moment.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? Vegamarch I’ll admit, I haven’t really read any Dream Daddy fanfic (despite having 2 fic ideas (both Vegamarch) that I want to write. Of those two though, my fav is the Prince and Royal Adviser AU. Damien is a royal prince who likes to sneak out and was heavily involved in a gang (??? I don’t have all my notes), until he had a son with the leader and hand to give him up in order to something soemthign. Hugo is his royal adviser and sneaks out to join underground fights for extra money to support his son who he is not allowed to actually have as a royal adviser. He’s also desperately trying to stop his son from joining the gang that Damien was involved in and that Lucien is now the heir to.
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2? Jlaireby Uhhh there isn’t much art for this ship (rip) but I do love this collection of pics by Winterwithers, especially the 3rd one where Jim is carrying Claire and Toby.
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1? Hammerhunter Uhhhh that’s a hard one since I have so many and never actually write down my headcanons, but uhh, one that I have is even though Toby can’t really cook human food, troll food and troll recipes are a lot easier to make so he’s learned to make that. Jim prefers to make Human food ‘cause the recipes are more complex and troll recipes are often “too boring” for him, so Jim and Toby cook for each other. 
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? Adrialyanetteno They’re 2 pairs of best friends coming together in a cacophony of ripping on each other and supporting the fuck out of each other. 
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? Romanada  Uhhhh, I haven’t really thought much about that, but at the beginning of their relationship it’s rather serious but as they get to know each other better and relax it becomes more giggly, particularly on Canada’s part who has a more relaxed view on sex.
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?
Uuuuhhhhh, that’s a hard one (obviously) but probably Spiritassassin, they have this great trust in each other and the way they interact (like an old married couple) really shows that.
Which ship has the strongest bond? 
Probably Spiritassassin again ‘cause they’ve known each other the longest (in proportion to their lives, ignore the hetalian immortality) and just understand each other and watch other each other as well as having literal bond in The Force.
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? 
This is a difficult one ‘cause all of these ships come in waves for me as I go from fandom to fandom over time, (they also vary on size and that makes for an unfair tilt). I honestly cannot say.
Which one was your first ship? 
Ruscan definitely, it was the ship that got me into fanfiction and eventually fandom to begin with (the first fic I EVER read was a 300k+ Ruscan fic that sealed them in my heart forever).
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? FinnPoe Not to be dramatic, but I can’t actually think of a way of them to break up unless one were to die.
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? Ruscan & Alyanette
Alya and Marinette have the miraculous, but they’re both still kinda limited in their abilities and would be rather self sacrificing for each other and their loved ones. Russia and Canada are semi-immortal beings whose strength is tied to their countries, so long as their entier country isn’t wiped out (and both of them have isolated populations that would be difficult for a zombie apocalypse to reach) they’d probably last the longest.
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? Adrialyanettno A bit at first, Adrien is really famous and once word gets out that he’s no longer available, all of his partners are potential to be targeted and harassed. They try really hard to hid their relationship as their superhero selves for obvious reasons, but Alya, Nino, and Adrien are all too gushy.
What is 9′s favorite date to go on? Romanada Anytime they go out, something goes wrong, their favorite “dates” are when they stay in together.
What’s your favorite canon moment between 10? Spiritassassin All of them (except when they die akhljkldsfak) No uh
“Good luck.”
“I don’t need luck, I have you.”
*begrudgingly follows after Chirrut*
What do 5 argue most about? Rintori Hhhhhhhh, capability probably, Ai has this mix of thinking he’s capable in certain situations and under capable in others, Rin usually is the one who has to keeps him level.
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? PICK FOR WHAT??? TOP PAIRING??? TRUE ONE TRUE PAIRING???
Oh, Also, no. I’m a mulitishipper, there is no such thing as a true otp for me.
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? Hammerhunter kjhgafsjsdflahknms Teeth/biting
Do 8 want children? Alyanette Definitely, at first they both were in agreement that they wanted a bunch of kids but after getting their first they panicked, and decided that maybe two would be just enough for them. 
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon? Vegamarch & Spiritassassin
gjgkdjsdlhfk BOTH OF THESE ARE CANON, fhlaj Vegamarch has a canon ending and you cannot convince me that Spiritassassin is not canon.
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? Jlaireby They each vary, Toby has no qualms about PDA, Jim is more cautious about it,and Claire is either or. Their friends don’t have much issue with it, and the trolls don’t notice it since trolls show affection in different ways from humans.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? 
Vegamarch and Alyanette would probably be the most romantic with each other. Vegamarch with their little interactions and going out as much as they can, they listen to each other and do things that reflect their partners’ interests. Alyanette would be the couple constantly surprising each other with romantic gifts.
How would the proposal between 5 go? Rintori Quiet and between each other, Rin tries to plan it all out but Ai springs it on him suddenly. No one really knows or even has a suspicion on a proposal until they announce their engagement, which Aii does the moment it’s done.
Who cooks more often in 3? Ruscan Canada, he has a more loving relationship with food and likes cooking for those he loves.
I tag: uhh @elizabethemerald @shipping-monstah @seagullandcroissant @autumnalfallingleaves @emmy-puff @im-the-king-of-the-ocean and anyone else who wants to do this idk man
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