#uueueueu i’m gonna sob
jujumin-translates · 3 years
Act 12 | Chapter 19 - A Journey for Myself・1
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I’m being fueled by my Sakuya feels so I decided I’d TL these chapters too. So, here’s the first one done! Also, if you can, you should listen to the voices for this! They really do help you feel to tone of it more.
Sakuya: ...Wah, this is nostalgic.
Sakuya: ...Haah.
*Doorbell ringing*
Sakuya: (It’s been a while, so I’m a bit nervous. She should be here this time…)
Yoshinaga: “Yes?”
Sakuya: U-Um, It’s Sakuya.
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Yoshinaga: “...What can I do for you? I sent over all your personal belongings from this house already.”
Sakuya: Not that… When you can, there’s some I really need to talk to you about in person…
Yoshinaga: “Wait just a moment.”
*Door opening*
Yoshinaga: What do you want to talk about?
Sakuya: Thank you for taking me in and letting me attend Hana High.
Yoshinaga: It’s nothing, just an arrangement between relatives.
Sakuya: Still, I was allowed to go to Hana High…
Sakuya: (I know it was just an arrangement between relatives, and that they only decided to take care of me out of necessity.)
Sakuya: (But, I can’t express how grateful I am to have gone to Hana High, where the tuition wasn’t cheap.)
Sakuya: (When I was in middle school, I was really happy when I found out I could live in Tokyo and so close to Veludo Way during high school…)
Sakuya: (I was told that if I wanted to be taken in, I would have to get into a good school, so I suddenly had to study hard for the entrance exams, which was difficult.)
Sakuya: (I remember hoping that at my next home, I would be loved and treated like I was real family.)
Sakuya: (That’s why I worked so hard to get into Hana High, and why I was so happy when it was decided I could go to Tokyo.)
Sakuya: I’m Sakuya Sakuma! Thank you so much again! I’m glad to have come to this house!
Sakuya: I’ll do my best to be recognized as part of the family!
Yoshinaga Family Kid: ...I’m off.
Yoshinaga: Take care.
Sakuya: U-Um…
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Yoshinaga: You have school today, don’t you? You have to leave now or you’ll be late. I’m responsible for you now, so don’t miss school.
Yoshinaga: We’ll help you with school and living expenses, but we think of you as more of a house guest than a family member.
Yoshinaga: It’s the minimum we can afford, so if you want to get anything, you’ll have to get a part-time job and pay for it yourself.
Sakuya: ...I understand.
*End of flashback*
Sakuya: (There was no place for me in that house that I came home to every day.)
Sakuya: (It’s true that I was lonely, but I still want to thank them for what they did.)
Yoshinaga: ...Sigh. So bothersome.
Sakuya: Huh?
Yoshinaga: That money that you send every month. Is it really money you’ve earned yourself?
Sakuya: Y-Yes!
Yoshinaga: Even though I sent you to a good high school, you didn’t go to college?
Sakuya: Sorry…
Director: Are you really sure?
Director: If you want to go to college, I’ll do my best to support you, and there’s all kinds of scholarships available, you know.
Director: Even if you just want to go to college for a little while, Sakuya-kun…
Sakuya: What kind of place did you attend college, Director?
Director: Um, well…
Director: For me, the good thing about college was being able to meet lots of different people and take various classes. I was able to learn about more things too.
Director: I was able to broaden the scope of my future and outlook on life by talking to lots of different people.
Director: I was inspired by the people I met in college to keep doing theater after graduation.
Sakuya: For me, the place where I met people who inspired me was Mankai.
Sakuya: I feel that this place is the only place for me now and in the future, I know the future I want to pursue, so I don’t need to go to college.
Director: I understand.
Sakuya: Besides, I have reasons for wanting to make money now, so it’d be best if I can just do theater freely.
Director: A reason for wanting to make money?
Sakuya: I’m really grateful to the Yoshinaga family for paying my school tuition…
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Sakuya: Because I went to Hana High, I was able to enjoy my high school life with Masumi-kun and Banri-kun.
Sakuya: Most importantly, I was able to come to Veludo Way and join Mankai.
Sakuya: As thanks for the opportunity to change my life like that, I want to earn money myself and repay my tuition fees as soon as possible.
*Flashback end*
Sakuya: I don’t think it’s enough yet, but I’ll continue to send it.
Yoshinaga: It’s already enough. ...Wait a moment.
Yoshinaga: This is the amount that you paid over. I couldn’t accept it, so I thought I’d return it someday.
Sakuya: Eh, but I thought it wasn’t enough…
Yoshinaga: We didn’t pay the full amount because we also had school financial aid.
Sakuya: Th-Then, has everything already been paid for…?
Yoshinaga: That’s what I told you. It’s already a hassle to return it, so don’t send it anymore.
Sakuya: --Again, thank you so much for those three years of high school!!
Yoshinaga: We only fulfilled our minimum obligations. We don’t need to be thanked that much.
Yoshinaga: ...Though, why didn’t you just take the money you earned and go to college?
Sakuya: I’ve already decided how I want to live my life.
Yoshinaga: I see. Well then, I wish you the best.
Sakuya: Ah, hold on…
Yoshinaga: ?
Sakuya: This is a flyer for my next play.
Sakuya: Right now, my theater troupe is in a difficult situation, and I don’t know when we’ll be able to perform, but… I’m the lead role.
Sakuya: Can I send you a ticket?
Yoshinaga: ...I’m not interested in plays. But, if you want to send it, go ahead.
Sakuya: Yes!
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Sakuya: ...And, there’s one last thing I want you to tell me.
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